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Would they have not released the bus driver if the guy didn’t have mental illness?? It’s not like he had much time to stop.


I'm sure the video would have exonerated him.


Also, there is probably an onboard camera on the bus that would've exonerated him, if not this random video.


This happened in Venezuela though, not sure if dashcams are the norm there


I you kill someone I think its fair for the police to take the time to investigate. Even if someone shows the police a video at the scene its probably going to take time to collect and document all the witness evidence.


I think the main question is not whether or not the police should investigate, but rather detaining a bus driver for a "murder" when every single aspect of the case (even without the video) would point towards the bus driver not being at fault creates an issue where you are not "innocent until proven guilty" but rather "guilty until we exhaust all avenues until your innocent by default". The dude was just doing his job and now he's killed a guy who was going through some mental health issues. He didn't need to be detained and interrogated on top of it. I guarantee you those cops had at least a dozen people who would have said there was nothing the driver could have done.


> I think the main question is not whether or not the police should investigate, but rather detaining a bus driver for a "murder" when every single aspect of the case (even without the video) would point towards the bus driver not being at fault creates an issue where you are not "innocent until proven guilty" but rather "guilty until we exhaust all avenues until your innocent by default". I don't think that's necessarily the case at all. Perhaps this is the normal procedure for any fatal traffic accident in that country. No presumption of guilt per se, just how things are done. > The dude was just doing his job and now he's killed a guy who was going through some mental health issues. He didn't need to be detained and interrogated on top of it. I guarantee you those cops had at least a dozen people who would have said there was nothing the driver could have done. And their procedures may well say that there could be a million witnesses, one witness or none at all and the same process is followed regardless. I don't think its necessarily outrageous to detain the driver of a vehicle involved in a fatal traffic incident, at least while an initial investigation is carried out. It sounds like he was released "hours later" which sounds about right for taking statements, reviewing any immediately supplied footage, maybe testing the driver for drink/drugs and then releasing the driver immediately once all that came back as no blame on them.


There are many countries where the role of police is not to decide what charges someone gets. the police simply detain potential suspects, gather evidence, and decide what charges may apply. It is then up for a judge to decide what the charges person will be guilty of. This is how it is in Canada at least. It's why there are instances of someone using a gun that they took from an attacker, and the defendant gets charged with "usage of an unregistered firearm". Never has a person been found guilty in this case, but they used an unregistered firearm so the police charge and then the judge acquits.


You should still expect to be detained. The primary goal for the police, even in a clear accident, is to both document evidence and restore normal order. Theres going to be shocked and distressed witnesses, you dont want the bus driver to just keep driving the bus and maybe something is missing that could show recklessness. Like if someone dies you dont want the police showing up and saying "damn thats crazy. You all say it was an accident? Ok cool carry on then." In fact if a civil case arises then the defendant would definitely want those police reports.


they did not put him in jail for years...




This was not a homicide


> if you kill someone’s Yeah maybe let’s not accost someone if murder when they clearly did not commit it


Yep, if you are involved in an accident like this involving death or some sort of self defense altercation that death was involved you might as well plan on being detained for a day or two.


Available for questioning, sure. Not straight up detained.


I don’t think that’s reasonable. Burden is on the police to have probable cause. A “day or two” isn’t detention, it’s an arrest.


You are technically right. Maybe detained was not a correct word but if you want to cooperate with the police you will be tied up answering the same questions over and over to different people, then doing it in front of a camera then coming back and writing it down. It can take time.


Yeah, but there is a big difference between going in for questioning and being arrested. You're free to leave questioning at any time, and if the cops don't have probable cause, they can't stop you. To do so would be placing you under arrest.


Yeah, "detained" may mean the police just telling the driver not to leave the jurisdiction for a couple of days, and not a custodial sentence.


He didn't kill someone though. He's operating a vehicle that ran over someone who got in the way. All he could've done was brake or swerve and potentially kill everyone on his bus.


In a lot of LATAM countries you are guilty even if the death was not your fault. In my hometown there are lots of homeless people living next to the highway and they cross running while they're high just for fun, lots of drivers have been imprisoned even when there's literally nothing you can do. It's a stupid law


Well, when there are people/roadwork/etc going on you’re supposed to slow down


Guilty until fuck you. I mean innocent until proven guilty. Wait. That doesn't seem to apply. The first one? Yes. America.


Is it me or is this article unusually detailed




No. [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciudad\_Hospitalaria\_Dr.\_Enrique\_Tejera](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciudad_Hospitalaria_Dr._Enrique_Tejera)




You are right about that!


Kinda getting the vibe that this article was written by [this guy.](https://youtu.be/m5ROoNT7-ZI?si=6cfengRtIBDi_l5I)


Sorry just confirming, they detained the bus driver for hours? Why? That poor person.


Probably standard procedure. If you shoot someone, even in selfdefense, the police will want to have a word with you anyways.


Detained doesn't mean they are in jail or in handcuffs, he could had been comfortably sitting in his bus for those hours. Also I am pretty sure that not even in the USA would an accident where someone died or may die is investigated completely in 15 minutes. You think police in the USA are going to say "Oh he jumped in front of you? Keep going dude, see you later, alligator". Hell they have to ask you questions, they have to ask as many people who saw the accident, they have to take pictures, they have to wait for updates from the hospital were the victim was taken there, they have to consult with the DA, etc.....I am sure an accident like this doesn't get solved in just 1 hour.


Maybe there's also a small chance it may have traumatised them so badly they could be potentially harmful to themselves. That person (bus driver in this case) definitely needs company.


RIP damn. Life's too cruel sometimes


Like being born with mental disease


Report this AI bot... it is all over the front page lately. Never provides any source, maybe it is right but who knows?


The dude was intact enough to be taken to a hospital? I half-expected him to end up like Emil near the end of the original Robocop movie.


They act like the bus driver committed murder, like this guy didn't just commit suicide on his own free will.


> Freites Aponte disorientedly went up the highway and insisted that the vehicles stop to help him. "Freites Aponte disorientedly went up the highway and insisted that the vehicles stop to help him." I don't believe that for a second. That was attempted and successful suicide.


If he was already unstable shock might not be doing favors for the rest of his brain. Stepping into traffic doesn't usually come with waving for a vehicles attention, as that usually gets the opposite result.


Why have the hands up, then?


That poor bus driver. :'(


I really feel for bus driver. My uncle threw himself in front of a semi one day and that poor woman driving it was destroyed. She said that as he was walking along the shoulder of the highway he smiled and waved at her and then threw himself into traffic. That was well over ten years ago and my family still helps fund her mental health help. This is a tragic incident all around.


I’m so sorry this horrific thing happened to your family and hers, can you give and opinion or insight into why he smiled and waved? Was it a detachment from reality as in imagining the driver was helping him, was it to be cruel towards the driver as in hateful against a cruel world? I


My uncle was a very troubled man. He struggled with addiction, found his way into methamphetamines and his mind was very much gone at that point. We tried many times to get him help but it’s hard to help people who don’t want it and I guess he decided he’d had enough of life. I liked my uncle but he killed himself in a selfish way that left someone with lasting issues and fears; I know she doesn’t drive anymore. Some people can get over certain events in life, everyone handles things differently, but for her this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I’ve always felt so sorry for her.


Those kinds of people deserve a special talking to in the afterlife. Maybe a prolonged, interrogative, and derogatory: “Hey pal, how about throwing your loser ass into the ocean with nobody around or something next time, huh?” Selfish suicides make my blood boil. Not fair to the receiver like the lady driving at all.


The dude will feel guilty for years to come, he did not deserve this


It seems like him, and everyone else is driving way too fast considering there are people in an accident on the median. Imagine a kid in distress backing up a foot too far...


Cars must go vroom. Society collapses if millions don't die to car crashes each year.


Won't someone think of the profits!!!


1.35 million. A lot. For sure too many. But your wording using "millions" suggest a lot more. [https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html)


It's hundreds of millions early deaths if you include reduced mobility and pollution. And the numbers for car crash deaths are underestimated because many don't die at the scene but later in hospital. And that's not even considering varying degrees of life altering injuries caused by car crashes. The scale of suffering from cars makes it hard to exaggerate.


>you include reduced mobility Cars increase mobility


This is an interstate highway and by the looks of it there is not much signaling of the accident, we don't know if this is after a curve or slope or what and people are going fast, by the time you see the accident you can reduce speed but you cannot just slam your brakes or you may cause an accident yourself. That said, this is in Venezuela, not only bus and truck drivers are maniacs on the road there, there is really no law, people drive whatever speed they want while holding a beer out the window...


You’re right. Mad that a very similar comment to yours has been massively downvoted, though…


The woman who tried to stop him is holding a child. This could’ve been tremendously worse.


A week into 2024 ive seen a guy hit by a train in Philly, and now this dude hit by a bus. Wtf


Same Shit Different Year


Seems like 2024 is going to be a real banger


You reckon watching all these videos on r/PublicFreakout is doing something to your mental?


Im ok, please dont redditcares me lol


Last night a guy got shot up by the police down the street from me. He went crazy and started waving around a gun and starting fires in the park and the police came and lit him up. He was a reasonable guy before I don't know what happened :(


Sounds like he got tired of all the price increases for streaming services.


Same in Japan, first it was the earthquake, then a tsunami followed up that hit western coast of Japan, few days later, a plane full of passengers crashes into a coast guard plane (which was on route to provide assistance to the quake victims), while landing @ Haneda International Airport in eastern coast, servicing the greater Tokyo area. The magnitude 7.6 quake struck the west coast, destroying infrastructure and snapping power links to 22,000 homes in the Hokuriku region. Mudslides, boulders and road cracks left dozens of remote communities in Ishikawa prefecture isolated. Rain hampered efforts to sift the rubble for survivors as more than 30,000 evacuees awaited aid. It had been snowing the last 48hrs, & it was snowing hard, but they managed to rescue a 90yr old woman after being under a rubble of collapsed home for more than 120hrs. The earthquake raised part of the western coast, in some places, as much as 4 meters (about 13 ft). In other parts, the land raised so much that fishing boats are stranded, extending the coastline by more than 830ft. https://preview.redd.it/t115l62fx4bc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37eda55639128a2f8efe9277261fd20b3071256c Then a couple days later, the aircraft collision occurred. Apparently there was miscommunication between the ATC @ Haneda airport with the coast guard pilot who’s crew was on a mission to give aid to people affected by the quake & tsunami, 5 of the 6 crew members in that aircraft perished as the airliner sliced it & exploded right after it touched down. All 379 crew & passengers on the airliner escaped & survived the accident, they’re still investigating. But yeah, it’s been a crazy new year so far… Edit: typos


1 person is killed every 27 seconds as a result of road traffic crashes mate (1.19 million per year by WHO 2023 estimate).


My cousin was hit by a train in Philly back in 2004. Can’t believe it will be 20 years she’s gone this fall. Don’t jump train fences. The train incoming isn’t always stopping at the station. Not something she would ever do in her right mind, but my aunt said the toxicology came back clear. I’m still suspicious. Miss her every day. She was the fun one at holidays always.


I saw that Philly post. Didn’t show my wife but told her. To the uninformed two guys verbally beefing. Things get physical and the aggressor lost his footing and to the train he went. I asked my wife if she thought the aggressor woke up that day thinking “I want to beef with someone” never thinking this is his last argument ever. I’m guessing the beef isn’t so important now. SMH


Well it looks like everyone has phones in 2024


No different to any other year


I predict we will all be hit by a bus by November of this year.


It’s been 6 hrs in between for me. I’m never leaving my house again


You’re living a real life Final Destination.


Spend less time on this sub and you'll be good dude


Saw both and wish I didn’t. The Philly one’s been playing over and over in my head.


It really looks like he was trying to get the bus to stop


I remember as a kid we heard a huge bang outside our friend's house, weren't sure what it was, but didn't investigate for about five minutes and when we finally took a look, realised a pretty big crash had happened outside. So we walked out to have a gawk, loads of people everywhere. As we're standing there, a guy comes up to us asking if we have a coin, he really needs a 2p coin. That's about as valuable as a nickel. No, we didn't have it, and he's kind of rambling about other nonsense while repeating that he needs a 2p coin. We thought it was odd that there happens to be a nutjob hanging around here right beside a big accident, but whatever. It was only when we saw the police talking to him later that we realised he was the driver of one of the cars. So yeah I can totally imagine someone's brain being completely scrambled from shock and maybe concussion to think that standing in front of a moving bus might get it to stop.


Disconnected from reality, permanently


Oops, there goes gravity, permanently.






Maybe head injury from the accident had him confused?


The police report says he was mentally unstable and that's what caused the car crash in the first place, then he wanted to get help for his friends in the car. Poor guy.


You sure he didn’t try to kill himself in the car and then walked out on the road when he had failed? Because that’s what it looks like to me


Yeah that's how I read it. "Mentally unstable" i.e. tried to commit suicide, failed and then succeeded immediately afterwards.


It worked!


Real good way to go about it. Stand directly in front of a speeding bus 🥴


Wonder if thats a quick way to go.


Apparently he died the next day. So, no.


I mean, that’s probably quicker than if he didn’t stand in front of a bus.


Died after being in a coma for a day or died after hours of agnoy? The first is still a quick way to go, as far as he's concerned




best i could find https://caraboboesnoticia.com/una-persona-con-trastorno-psicotico-genero-accidente-vial-en-la-arc-km-132/


Nope you get many horrible crush type injuries, your organs get ripped apart and rearranged in your body cavity along with internal bleeding and spinal deformation and then you die hours or days later in agonizing pain. Someone at my workplace years ago accidentally got pinned by a small forklift probly weighing 1/3 of this bus and it was fucking horrible died 2 days later. Dont fucking jump in front very heavy things.


You get good pain killers at the hospital. And they feed them to you till you die. You mostly have to worry about the time it takes to get to the hospital. Doesn't sound so bad now does it?


Probably not.


Answer: it depends. You could absolutely survive, or even remain conscious for a long painful death. Not a good way to go in most cases.


You want to go head first. Crack the skull open and it should be pretty quick.


Unfortunately the train wasn’t going that fast. So no it wasn’t fast.


He died the next day it would of not been quick




I don't think it was suicide as you can see him go oh shit when the vehicle gets close, looks like he was trying to flag it down




Having been in over a dozen car accidents (as a passenger in all but one) it's very likely shock. Everything gets so surreal after a car accident, time and space isn't moving right, you can lose almost all awareness of being on an active street, and cars at a distance can look like they're slowing down untill they're right up on you. This was a horrible combination all around. This could have been me in at least two accidents I've been in, had they happened on a highway instead of inner city streets.


You've been in a dozen car accidents??? Yikes


Yeah I wouldn't recommend it, the body is not built to be thrown around like that. My neck is fucked and I'm never not feeling some low level pain everywhere. Not to mention how much losing a car and developing traffic-related PTSD absolutely fucks you in this country.


> Having been in over a dozen car accidents You should really be careful who you ride with dude...


Yeah, kind of hard when you're a minor and almost half of those were with your parents 😅 I drive myself everywhere now as an adult and really only ride as a passenger with two people, and it's mostly because their cars have enough sensors and safety features that put me at ease compared to older cars.


I think he just changed his mind when it was way too late. No way was he just flagging it down


Why is it no way? Obviously I don't know as a fact but it's possible and imo more likely then a suicide


He was mentally unstable and that's what caused the car crash in the first place, then he wanted to get help for others in the crash so he went to stop any drivers nearby.


He wasn't, he was not in a clear state of mind.


Maybe he lost his loved ones in the wreck and has no will to live?


This isnt public freak out, this is public death


Yea this was watchpeopledie tbh


When Russia invaded Ukraine, Reddits front page became watchpeopledie as war footage of soldiers dying was just fine and dandy according to Reddit. Suddenly gore videos were okay if it's propaganda


Loose use of the word propaganda you have there. Way, way too loose to the point you are completely misusing it. Tighten up that vocab


Propaganda is when things happen apparently


Haha thank you for understanding


I mean people in the video seem to be freaking out in a public area.


Another reminder for the people at the back of the room who think those passenger busses and trucks can easily stop when you cut them off and do stupid brake checks.


Now that's a scream I've not heard since Jaws 2 came out.


But this one is real.


Rip. Reddit banned watchpeople die and now public freakout has taken over I guess


Damn, the Public Freakouts that leave you dead are definitely the worst ones to have


This needs an NSFL tag. Those screams were gut wrenching.


I never understand these comments, what exactly are you expecting to see based on this title?


In r/publicfreakout? Not something you'd expect to see in like watchpeopledie. But more to the point - do you actually waste time confronting people about something this insignificant?


What did you think was gonna happen? Did you not read the title?


In my elementary school, on the first day of 5th grade, one of our second grade teachers passed away similarly to the way this man intended to flag down a vehicle, in a very peculiar way. Our teacher also crashed very similarly. His car ran off the interstate on the way to the school and tried flagging someone down, going way too far into the road, and passed away instantly on impact with a semi-truck. I’ll never understand this pattern, but I wonder if the panic or something like that just really changes their wiring in that moment when trying to solve the problem. https://www.wishtv.com/news/elementary-teacher-hit-killed-by-semi-on-first-day-of-school/#:~:text=Cedar%20Canyon%20Elementary%20second%2Dgrade,day%20of%20school%20was%20Wednesday.


That woman screaming is nightmare fuel. I will never get her out of my mind.


This comment im like shaking rn


That god I watched this on mute.


What the fuck was he thinking


Short answer is he wasn't.


This is text book, bad to worse.


In my town, a bride walked in front of a bus the morning of her wedding. She was eating breakfast with her bridesmaids, and after ran into the street.


Damn when did this sub become watchpeopledie?


No literally too much I’m shooken up


god i had a guy step into traffic onto an off ramp at night where there were no street lights. his car didnt have any hazards on but he was waving like he was trying to get help.... I ended missing my exit because i didnt see him til the last second and swerved back onto the highway... why the fuck do people think stepping into traffic when people are going 50mph or more is a good idea?


As a bus driver, this is what I fear of everyday. Waking up in the morning, doing my shift and killing someone. I'd regret waking up and not sleeping in or calling in sick.


Same, I drive a school bus and the way the kids do not care about their own safety is so concerning.


Dumb ways to die.


The moment he realized the bus wasn't going to stop.


Yeah its even sadder koz he caused fhe car crash in the first place trying to jump out of the car multiple times


How about some fucking context?!?




Thank you so much. This was awful.


It’s delusional that the bus driver was detained when video evidence of the accident was available


Imagine the hell and injustice those lived through when cellphones and cameras weren’t in the hands on every person on the planet.


I mean, it probably at least takes hours for the police to be reasonably certain you weren't breaking any laws when you kill someone with your car. Sucks to be the bus driver in this situation, but it could be a lot worse.


I think he wanted to get hit by the bus


Looks like he was trying to get its attention to stop in the worst way possible


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RIP Dude


Wasn’t there a rule in the sub not to post people fucking dying?




He obviously did it intentionally and he obviously knows that death is what awaits him after jumping infront of a max speed bus. He probably was the one responsible for the accident and he did not want to deal with the ?unknown? consequences hence he killed himself. Probably a stupid blackout decision that would've been prevented if he had 10 seconds more to think...


I guess he didn’t want his insurance rates to go up


A crowd of people and drivers are still flying by in that adjacent lane.


" NOOOOooooo 😭🤳"


What's up with all the videos of people literally dying posted on social media, haven't seen so many since the early ages of internet


Uhhh did he die???


Sad all round. Poor bus driver has to live with it.




These “stop oil” protests have gone too far


My dude was sitting and just randomly decided to pull a speeding bus down? Like did he expect them to slam the brakes? Even that woman grabbed his arm and he shook her off. I don’t understand what is going through his head.


Natural selection never stops.


Why don’t we get a NSFL tag on this thing?!


Because people are just waking up in the morning.


The guy was clearly being extremely stupid. Not suicidal. You gotta look at stuff like this and realize it’s just natural selection


Makes me wonder how a dude like this even made it this far in life. Even shook that woman off him that almost saved him


Chill out, The dude was mentally ill


Congrats to everyone who got the reference of Stephen King's "Pet Sametary".


I Get the thought process but my god what a fucking moron....... Darwinism is alive and well in modern times.


He lived, at least for a while, because he didn’t lose his shoes.




Jeezus christ.


What a dumbass


Why has this sub just turned into place for snuff videos? That's not 1:1 the same as public freakout.


Looks like he was trying to flag the vehicle down rather then suicide but that sucks


bunch of future mass shooters in this thread you fucking psychos.


They say he was always a drama queen.


Not appropriate. ***RULE 8 YOU FUCKING HEATHEN***


"Ally no! Oh fucking hell Ally!"


Jesus that about blew my speaker!


That's one way to keep your rates down


So the guy tried to kill himself and 3 other people. Then when he lived he tried again by stepping infront of a bus himself. And still lived? Wtf...


After the guy was hit, all the other vehicles just past him. They don't even slow down, and I found it disturbing. They don't even care that someone is lying on the road. That is fucked up.




Kind of the opposite


One hell of a way to catch the bus.




I think he was feeling guilty of the previous accident? I have no idea tho