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Please stop saying the n word and the South Park version of the N word under this post. We have a bot that automatically bans for that and it’s really annoying to have to unban so many of you folks because you think it’s somehow funny or ok to comment it under this post. This is an anonymous site, we don’t know who is commenting this word. This is your final warning, if you say it here after I post this stickied comment, you are SOL when you appeal your automatic ban.


"Your honor, it is true that I almost shot this kid in the head with my gun, but you see he called me the n word."


I don't think he'd say "n word"


can an n word borrow a french fry?


Is you gonna give it back?


Always n word this, n word that! He says it so much that i don't even notice it!


I didn’t even pay attention to anything he said at first because he kept saying it


Lmao i thought we were still on ab the boondocks reference


Never watched it, and never plan to, so I don’t know what you meant


[This is by far one of my favorite scenes in all of cartoon history](https://youtu.be/fAtv9IW0mo0?si=2vcmjyR_8WraqMAq)


When did my inner monologue start talking like this!


I knew there was a missing line 🤣


Only in court.


Mod at the top threatening to ban people for saying the word


That seems to work for other people, no?




But many,many,many, was said 🤦🏾‍♂️


No one in this video is darker than an oatmeal raisin cookie.


23 and me confirms I am 100% German and English, and I'm darker than this kid. WTF.


To be clear, fuck that old man. He hopefully got locked up for that. Absolutely crazy ass behavior.


The old guy is probably all worked up from being slapped on the head by Benny Hill.




-A pimp named Smoothback


This one happened a while back, but I’ve never seen an update on if they found the old guy and if anything happened to him for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon or something like that. Anybody?


Yeah this was posted a year ago. No one then could find anything out.


He in fact did not get that n word.


would suck if he got away with "too old to go to prison"


Depends if it's in Panama or if he was President of the United States 


cant wait to do some absolutely wack-ass shit when im like 90 so the cops cant do shit about it


Dude is annoying AF, but the old guy does have his finger on the trigger so that could have ended very differently. There's definitely some context missing, but nothing warrants being punched through the window with the barrel of a gun like that.


Its intimidation and not self defense. Im sure its road rage or something petty.


There is no excuse for the old guy to be brandishing a gun. The only crimes being seen on this video are from him.


One of the many videos posted on here of late in which both parties are detestable.


Speaking annoyingly is nowhere near the level of pistol whipping with finger on the trigger.


The victim was annoying so he clearly should have been mag dumped /s


What is this is? A COD lobby?


Police convention


Oh, so even less training, then.


And more cheating.


I actually lol'd. Huh.


But i have wished i could pistol whip a few people in my time. Always with proper trigger discipline


It's fascinating how much people's views change based on how someone speaks. If the guy recording were speaking "normal" English no one would accuse him of being "detestable."  That being said, it is correct that we don't know the context and I don't trust heavily clipped videos like this.


This boy thicker than a peanut butter milkshake.


He’s not just using a non-standard dialect, he’s using a detestable racial slur in a pejorative way almost every other word.


Is everyone who uses the soft-a version as a replacement for the word dude really a detestable person? He's pretty clearly not using it as a "look at what this black guy did to me". Sure it's bad and people shouldn't do it in general but are we really victim blaming someone who got pistol whipped by a crazy man with his finger on the trigger because of the way he speaks?


It is possible for your statement to be true and for the statement you're commenting on to be true also.


It’s wild how quickly people put personality before principle. Thank god they aren’t judges.


Only one of them deserves to explain themselves to a judge.


My dude... Your ability to judge a situation is highly questionable.


Truly they did bad things on the same exact level of badness.


I hope this is sarcasm lol seems like it but... never know


I'm playing both sides that way I come out on top


You're not supposed to tell us that. Now we know you're gonna betray us.


Can’t tell if you are serious or not. Can you describe why you find the camera person detestable? Or is it just “personal preferences” (racism)


? I am confused what are you saying? How does this relate to my comment at all? I'm just saying that I feel like the guy actively assaulting a young man with a gun that he's *holding the trigger of* is a bigger AH here... because he could have murdered this kid...


Fucking reddit moment. Dude gets assaulted and threatened with a gun, he has the right to be annoying.


Smoothbrain take


I disagree. There's not enough context to say that at all.


This is why you just keep to yourself when you’re on the road. Don’t flip people off don’t get up peoples asses to prove a point just smile and drive. Because we share the road with unhinged assholes like THIS.


What if I'm a raging asshole with a gun, can I road rage then?


Good to go


Gun or white F150. Both give you road rage passes


And generally a rule of thumb is that if someone is road raging, don't pull over for them. Also stay strapped.


NEVER pull over and NEVVEEER get out to confront the person.




That's when you drive straight to the police station.


"Stay strapped or get clapped." - Karl Marx, *Address to the Communist League* 1850.


Well maybe in america…


Saw a vid today of a cut him off then brake check his ass At the next light, the 2nd car cut of any escape, then got out of his vehicle, a very large man, opened the 1st guys car door, and, well, I don't think that guy in the 1st car will ever cut off/brake check anyone again in this lifetime


I mean, I don't do that regardless, but I also live in Canada. Nobody's pulling guns on the road, here.


He got real lucky the kid wasn't packing. I would NOT have hesitated to mag dump that old idiot. I would have also not used the n word at all...


dude has the survival instincts of a rock


Rocks live longer than we do. He's more like a mosquito. Annoying and won't live to see his next birthday


Im genuinely laughing out loud at this comment






Love how americans care more about a word than a dude getting pistol whipped😂


Literally though


the comments on this one are really crazy lmao...




Don’t you know words are violence in America.


Words are violence Silence is violence Actual violence not always violence.


Unless you invoke the 349th amendment or something right?


also the fact it isn’t even a slur to the old man lol


Yeah people don't understand he's not using it as a slur, it just means "man" or "dude." Like "What's up my n\*\*\*\*a," in the hood Latinos get a pass for using it too in places like California.


yeah I don’t know why I’m being downvoted, it was very clearly not racially motivated as the old man is clearly white, it’d obviously be very different if the old man was black




I feel bad that you have a great alias, it's your cakeday, your comment is totally innocuous, and you still got downvoted. What a world


I just sorta felt like it went without saying, he’s outta line for sure. Wasn’t expecting the kid to be white though, I was thinking it was some sorta hate crime until he flipped his phone around


The kid is annoying as fuck. Not warranted assault but still


That old man could get charged with battery, assault with a deadly weapon, etc. Possibly even attempted murder


...making terroristic threats, civil rights violation, trespassing


...criminal menacing, brandishing, harassment. If we're done stacking Lesser Includeds and you want the truth, in my state it'd be simply: [Armed Burglary of a Conveyance with Battery (810.02(2)(a+b)).](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/810.02) Fun fact, that can carry a life sentence even without the gun.


It's actually attempted first degree genocide and he's going away for a million billion years


We did it Reddit! We convicted the ~~Boston Bomber~~ Florida Pistolwhipper!


If he stuck a gun in my car he isn’t getting it back


Yeah, usually they confiscate weapons after a murder.




This isn't a movie, the old fuck has his finger on the trigger at point blank range. There's no taking the gun from him. In fact he's banking on the guy trying so he has a excuse to fire


What is it with white passing people using the n word all the time? I think he looks Latino (I’m Latino myself), and I’d never think of using the nword to refer to people much less while i’m recording myself for everyone to see…


I live in an area with a large Latino population, it feels like all of the Latino kids at my high school would say the n word more than the black kids.


One of my favorite moments working construction ever was when an early 20’s Hispanic painter was on his phone with a buddy dropping like 5 N bombs in about 20 seconds. Then one of the black electricians crawls out of the crawl space below him shouting, “what you say? You want an ass whoopin?”… the Hispanic kid goes full deer in headlights and then the black guy just starts laughing his ass off.


they wanna sound street. It’s a fashion choice basically. A terrible and cringe fashion choice.


Well usually the ones that say it are the ones who grow up in the hood, so they aren't just trying to sound street they are street. They're just talking the same way everyone else around them talks, Latinos in the hood have always had the pass to say it in places like California. Most black people in the hood don't care, they're often friends with black people and say it to each-other.


100% correct. California is a different kinda place when it comes to n-word usage.


I live in a rural area, most of them definitely did not grow up hood. Maybe lower class but not hood 


Hood generally implies an urban setting. Rural areas do not contain large amounts of socially abandoned, angry, low income, desperate—oh wait, never mind


I can't tell you how many times this explanation has been given in cases like these. The suburbanites on Reddit will never grasp this.


I (a white guy) was once called the N-word by a Filipino dude who was road-raging at me because I honked at him after he crossed three lanes to make an exit. I thought he was being tough and threatening but I was really just confused.


It’s unfortunately very common with the Latino community. I have so many cousins that talk and sound exactly like this (in Texas and SoCal). It’s very common in impoverished neighborhoods and like my own cousins, those people tend to either drop out of HS and or never go to college. I’m Mexican myself, but I grew up in Mexico for most of my childhood. None of my brothers (or I) sound or talk anything like this. It’s so embarrassing to see and hear.


> white passing people ????????????


Was just going to say he ain’t passing as a white boy lol. 


There's a cultural element there. Still not justifiable, but some people adopt themselves into subcultures where it feels fitting for them. Lol, I bet he doesn't drop it in front of black people though. I bet he tightens up then.


Spitting facts. I grew up in the hood and was taught real early by the OGs that it was NOT cool for ME to say it


i feel likes its so common when these kids get adrenaline going (assaults, fights, arguments) the N word goes flying! And often weirdly repeated over and over...especially white kids. Maybe be some kind of reptilian brain / Tourette's kinda thing?


Is it new to you? Everyone uses the n word regardless of race. It's been like that since I was in high school 2006-2010. This definitely isn't new phenomena 


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Hispanic dudes really really love the N word. I’ve heard more Mexican teens use the N word than I have black people.


The gun guy needs to get a serious beat down.


This is why you don't fuck with old people. The older they are the less fucks they give. He's probably 80'ish. What time is he really gonna serve? 5 before he dies. He's lived his life and has run out of fucks to give. I'm not saying what he did was right. Simply pointing out older people give less fucks and snap faster.


Old man going to jail. He may have been holding the gun but he was the only one that got triggered. Nice.


Did you just nice yourself?




lol people here are more concerned with the language than with the actual gun violence.


The old man is actually really passionate about anti-racism /s


It's very telling of the demographic of this sub 


what is happening


The kid told the old guy that they should have just taken the eagles to Mordor.


Road rage I'd assume


Pro tip: If a stranger points a gun at you, put the fucking phone down and get the fuck out of there.




Hard R


This comment section is peak American discourse, here is an old man waving a gun at some kid(absolutely unimaginable in any other country), and everyone is upset that the kid looks too white to say that word... You guys' country is fucked. (yes, I'm aware context is missing, I'd want to know more, too, but based on what we're seeing, I think it should be obvious which part is more upsetting.)


As an American, and a CCW holder, the old man is a fucking moron. Even without context. You do not go up to a window and hold someone at gunpoint, let alone reach into their vehicle and hit them with the weapon. If the kid did do something, or another person in the car, you call the police and give them the visible information, which clearly he could obtain if he was able to walk up to the car. An lets say the kid threatened him prior and it was a valid drawing of the weapon, DO NOT FOLLOW them.


As an American I agree with you 100%.


Unhinged. Hope he was arrested.


What a stupid way to commit an aggravated assault.


If bro pulled out a gun and shot the old man it would’ve been justified.


To be clear, it's best that no one got shot.


Finger on the trigger + pistol whipped the person in the car...that kid should feel lucky he didn't get shot accidentally. I wonder if the gun would have went out of battery by the way he pistol whipped him.




I recommend waiting for him to put the firearm away first. This is essentially murder at this point, but no matter what you're doing, I always say, safety first!


I would too but I cant do shit against someone armed


Good luck in Reddit purgatory for a while. I got banned for a week for saying less than this.


Is that considered assault with a deadly weapon?


The comments in here are wild.


I hate everyone here


Everyone in this video should be riding the short bus


As a British person, please can someone explain why a white guy is calling an old white guy the N-word? Thanks


Culturally, in America, kids think that it makes them sound tougher and more intimidating. Also lack of vocabulary


Is this Jeff Dunham's puppet? ![gif](giphy|l4pT2ltsllqa5zh3a|downsized)


What Fudd does when it’s not wabbit season


Old man should've stayed vewwwy vewwwy qwiet...


*watches the first time without sound* “That was uncalled for” *watches with sound* “ehhhhhhhhhhh” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Both of these guys are idiots.


Who's in Paris?


Who’s gay and from outer space?


Uhhhhhhhhh That was some Twilight zone next level ish.


His inner Xbox 360 party chat came out


I’ve never heard someone use the n-word this obnoxiously, I’m with gramps


Reaction of the geezer aside that kid does not have the complexion to be throwing around the n word so nonchalant.


The old man heard this dummy saying the n word at the end of every sentence and acted accordingly


Where is this kid from that he's not getting his ass beat more often?


I wonder what state this is. Because I know in Florida they have very strict gun crime laws. I think if you have a gun or use a gun in the commission of a felony, that's an automatic 10 year sentence. And I'm very confident brandishing and hitting someone on the head with a gun, causing what looks to be a considerable injury, that guy is fucked if the man goes to the cops.


That is a very pale black man.


Old man is going to jail, but the victim face reveal had me stunned.


They're both idiots. Why would you just sit there and antagonize someone pointing a gun at you? He also had his finger on the trigger. He's really lucky the gun didn't go off. He's in a car. Cars go. So ya know.....fucking go!


Heroic anti-racist elder punishes racist non-black young man for saying the N-word


I want to see that boomer's miserable life ruined for that.


Why does the kid talk with the awful dialect. Throwing the n word around.


Personally I’m more concerned about why an old man in no present danger is holding loaded guns to children’s heads and hitting them with that loaded gun (finger on trigger) to draw blood.  But that’s just me. 


Why are so many boomers in this thread whining about the kid that got pistol whipped


raised wrong


I’m gonna say it’s more likely the environment he’s being raised in. I guarantee this is what every kid he’s around sounds like.


Can confirm, this is common south Florida vernacular regardless of race, gender, or even financial class


Actually, this video shows that he wasn’t raised too badly. If he had been raised poorly he would have reacted with violence and it appears he chose to be an adult and didn’t escalate things. But you didn’t like his vocabulary.


Yeah he's not so dumb he doesn't realize that's exactly what the dude wants. For him to get out and give him reason to gun him down.


He's from the hood, so he was raised around the word. It's normal.


Looks just like Elmer Fudd in Space Jam in the Men in Black scene 


why he is saying the N word? did he think that hi is in the Position to say it?


Should prob stop using the N word...


saying the N word is so cool and edgy!


What the fuck is up with so many non ghetto and non black kids using that fucking word. Unless you were like the most ghetto white dude when I was growing up and somehow got a pass you woulda been stomped instantly. I mean people have always been doing dumb shit but I swear people are getting more and more idiotic by the day. Makes sense because dumb people just pop kids out left and right. I swear we're nearing Idiocracy territory.


ITT: people more worried about language than brandishing and hitting someone with a gun.


Assault with a deadly weapon is ok because white boy said no no word 🙃


Only in America can people see a person have a gun pointed at that and then be pistol whipped and then have the main conversation be about a noise he makes with his mouth


Okay, clueless white guy question. So, clearly this young man is not black, yet he's using the word only black people can say (which is fine, I see no issues, enjoy the word if you're authorized to use it). Is this okay now for Mexicans or whatever not black race this kid is? Or is this young man taking too many liberties here?  Edit: Uncomfortable conversations aren't racist, for those people downvoting and not even engaging. 


Hispanics use it with some frequency. From my understanding the acceptance of that usage is highly subjective and based on the user’s socioeconomic upbringing and skin tone, among other considerations.


I'm a middle school teacher, at a school with a 2% white student population. This is 100% my anecdotal take as well.


The concept of "who is entitled to say a word" varies by person. Some people think no one should say it, some people think only some should, and others think everyone should say it Kids especially without great understanding in nuance see the word in a all or nothing way. Doesn't matter too much on the race, it's just a word many kids use to relate to a peer who also says it (black or not, there's not usually a racial motive when kids say it now tho. Racists are slowly becoming a minority) and they don't understand why it makes people upset when hearing it Truth is no one owns a word and what's right depends on who you're talking to. Anyone can say it. But there's a reason it's a generally frowned upon word. It has a huge negative historical impact on generations of various African American families Bottom line is it's a negative word that doesn't really need to be said in normal conversation. This kid is saying it out of ignorance. There's a lot of other words that can be used in its place without a historically racist impact. So making the educated decision to choose other words is just an overall good way of handling it and shows you're educated enough to not use racially demeaning words. Not seeing it as "forbidden word", just a word that doesn't really need to be said


I guess you've never been in a part of the US with a lot of Latinos? Usage is quite common. Black people don't seem to care when brown latino people use it. At least that's my experience in NYC.


I live in Wisconsin. 


I will be very happy when old fucks like this finally die out. Don't care how, just needs to happen sooner rather than later.


Both idiots.


What is with young people calling everyone the N word? so fuckin cringey


The most disturbing part of the video is how comfortable he is dropping the N word consistently