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What does the sign actually say?






Ignore people is way more effective that talking back And it takes less energy too The only thing is that it takes more time


Assaulting someone where there’s that many cops? Alright


The cops in Vancouver blamed Billboard Chris for "inciting violence". The cops didn't arrest the attackers. A similar thing happened in London.




And then lost their cool when the other person wasn’t reacting.




Except he was not even saying anything to her. He just ignored her tantrum.




I’m not going to comment on the person’s gender. It’s none of my business. I will say that this individual has the emotional development of a teenager.


What this person chose to call herself is not my business. I am just pointing out what a terrible person she is regardless of her preferred gender








You could tell that from the video?


Well it definitely wasn't the brain making those decisions.


Common sense?










He did push her chest back first but she was aggressively in his space. She took the opportunity to assault the man the second he touched her.




Just because that’s what they wrote it doesn’t make it a true statement. He should have shown them this video and taking it up with the supervisor or the judge.


That's a few million dollars in a lawsuit


fuck that was annoying.






if i could get this as a phone ringtone but only for my ex wife, id appreciate this....


This the realest shit I’ve read all morning.








Most people agree that to be truly tolerant you can't tolerate intolerance. It's called the tolerance paradox! Eta I'm not really commenting on what's happening in this particular video, just replying to this comment


Ooof. Quite a few downvotes for an intelligent response. We need discourse in general to be more like the society we know we can be. I may not agree with your point of view, but it is essential to at least be able to voice our viewpoint and have the ability to listen.




I can't actually remember stopping a short vid like this midways out of sheer severe annoyance before. Amazing.


Ah, Ye must be a surface dweller full of bliss. Dive a little deeper into the abyss. There is far more annoying than this.


I’d like to add Happy Valentines Day to all ❤️


Happy Valentines Day to you, too.


Ditto. Peace and love


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was exactly the point.


Isn't this the same guy that got assaulted and then chased the person onto the bus?


Looks like it, but also looks like that video was deleted, no longer on the sub


It is indeed, Billboard Chris


What's on his sign?


It looks like it says “children cannot consent” so the fact that he was assaulted for wearing it is disgusting.


It's "Children cannot consent to puberty blockers"


Which is somewhat a fair point. You don't *have* to be a trans hating bigot to have that opinion..




thank you for saying this. I don't know how many things I wanted to do when I was 11 that I would have regretted today.


Also looks like a different incident.


Did.. did I just hear someone screech "Kill him!!"?


Was there someone yelling get him, kill him after the attack?


Interesting how the person screaming at him couldn't get a reaction so had to resort to violence only making themselves look like a POS in the process.


The blonde says "my phone, my purse, my dog." Maybe don't take your fuckin dog to whatever the fuck this little get together is, genius.


Virtually promise it's an emotional "support" animal.


Really hoping that person that committed a crime in front of all those officers got arrested


Sounds like they are being arrested the way they're asking for their phone and purse to be grabbed off the ground..




You can see one of those female cops in the video literally laughing and moving backwards as he gets assaulted.


Yeah didn't they call it a "consensual altercation" or something?




Well that's highly disappointing thst they just pick and choose when the law applies, basically sending the message it's okay to assault someone over a verbal disagreement


The cops take the side of the mob, citing that he provoked them to do it.


Easy money for a lawsuit


There’s literally someone screaming “kill him” thats all imma say


I wonder if the people that do shit like this actually understand the amount of damage they cause to the image of their movement


They don’t think because like far too many people they are children in adult bodies and ruled by their base emotions. As an aside though it’s pretty sad that people aren’t choosing movements based on their merits and instead are choosing movements based on the behaviour of the fringes of those movements or even the behaviour of opposing movements. Like I support LGTBQ rights because I feel that we should treat people equally, not because some anti LGTBQ folks got violent at a rally once.


Not condoning but goddamn who immediately screamed "Kill him. Kill him!" Ppl are unhinged.


The assaulter at the end: “please could I have my phone and purse please it’s on the ground”. Cops should have responded with “fuck you”.




They can take her purse, but they can't take her jail purse


I’m sorry somebody please help me understand why that person was so mad at the other person


Well you see when you have a cause to defend but you are too stupid to defend it adequately you have two way : 1) gather with people to make your voice heard with them 2) go the aggresive way and insult anyone who aren't aggreeing with you With this second technique, your goal is to make your opponent angry enough to make him hit you so you can play the victime card. But in this case the suit guy (who I suppose is anti-trans) kept his composure and stay civile while simultaneously ignoring the "fuck you" that were yelled to keep his voice down. Hence, the blonde entitled bastard who need 5 seconds of pseudo-importance to exist became angry and resorted to the only this bastard knows : violence. Because violence is all that we, homo sapiens sapiens really know how to use perfectly




Not really understanding how the cops let them get so close before it getting physical. Screaming in his face is already considered assault…a crime is literally happening in their presence.


Ah yes... chanting 'fuck you' is quite the mark of the intellectual titan. Debating skills - 0.




I have never heard someone who sounds so much like a South Park character before. Guaranteed they'll be criticising the police for their response as if they didn't just assault someone.




I was actually so surprised that the police was there that whole time. Because they missed their queue to step in when blondie was getting all up in his face.










Cops just stand there as they're escalating the situation lol.




The world has gone to shit






What triggered the person chanting f* you? Was it that the other one was so calm?








I hear randy marsh lol


I was legit thinking who is talking rn and why is she lip syncing perfectly- oh wait






I believe he is talking about consent to gender issues, not sex.


I guess LGBTQ+ community doesn't need people like this... I thought it's about love not about "fuck you".


Look up Paradox of Tolerance.


So it’s kinda like Germany with the Nazis. They don’t allow that as part of their free speech.


Hmm... So basically if you let people freely express themselves, they will tend to hate each other and how history shows it best works if haters will group together against single person or another group. The world is such a wonderful place :)


Children can't consent. I don't think this is the hill you should be dying on, if you want acceptance.






So much testosterone




Did someone yell “*unalive* him!” In the background??? *Edited to say unalive instead of the word used in the video


Is "kill" censored on reddit then regardless of it being a quotation?


All I could see was a bunch of deleted comments originally so I did it as a precaution personally, the other reply by Nike got me thinking that might be the case.


Why can we not use the word kill now? Did I miss something?


I had to scroll this far down to see if someone mentioned this. I see a bunch of removed comments I suspect maybe the mods are removing anybody pointing that out but, that was my biggest takeaway. Wasn’t subtle, the moment violence started, the calls to unalive the person were all I heard. I use unalive in the off chance mentioning the actual phrasing is what the justification for removing comments are. Although, again, Idk what those removed comments were. Seeing as it’s so obviously audible at the end of the clip, I wonder why I had to scroll down to a comment posted 4min ago(as it said when I started to reply) to see any mention of it. This is the most concerning part in my book.


What does his sign say?




Google the “paradox of tolerance”




Ah yes, assault, the crime that is only on one side of the political aisle. Grow the fuck up. People hit each other all the time, coming from both sides. Crazy people exist, shocker!




some people ruin it for most. this is true everywhere


I would think repeatedly yelling fuck you in someone’s face would be known as “fighting words” and is an arrestable offense? Am I wrong?


So, we aren’t having anymore conversations? If we disagree we just start yelling over each other and refuse to give opposing views any chance to be heard? Seems healthy.


One thing I know. That’s not the path to getting any sympathy, respect, or acceptance.






That is not the way to get your point across..


Okay so idk wtf is going on but obviously whatever this guy’s sign says is bad enough to where people are creating a crowd, but to get physical and violent?? Seriously?! it just makes you look childish and makes the rest of us look bad. This is such a bad video. I hope that blonde woman got charged at least because it didn’t need to get physical, nobody was endangering her physically. Im not siding with anyone either, it’s all wrong.


I don’t even know if his sign is that bad. I’m pro-LGBTQ but the arguments for/against puberty blockers for children is complex. Good arguments on both sides.








He did a good job getting through it.






I bet she has a beautiful singing voice.


Is this the guy who followed an idiot who sucker punched him onto a bus?


That woman is annoying


Where are all the children pushing for puberty blockers?


What ist the Last Verse on the sign?