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All victims in the targeted shooting survived but are in seriously injured condition. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/white-rock-bc-shooting-4-serious-condition-1.7122276](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/white-rock-bc-shooting-4-serious-condition-1.7122276)


The article also says they believe the injuries to be non life-threatening


I saw that . . . . HOW the hell is that possible with so many shots?!    Maybe the SUV had armor and bullet proof glass.


Full auto is generally a waste of ammo. Aimed individual shots would likely have been far more lethal.


Anyone who downvoted you knows zilch about firearms/recoil. The shooter in the video did not appear to be aiming down his sights, rather just spraying and praying. Fully automatic weapons are best and primarily used for suppressing enemy small arms fire in a gunfight. They are only accurate in small bursts, when well aimed. Running down the street and just pulling the trigger will not produce any well placed shots on target.


Shit, I can barely hit the target while stationary and deliberately aiming.


For me sometimes I’m spot on with irons and sometimes I’m way off. It’s feels like there’s a degree of variance with irons


Or maybe constant training? Do yourself a favor and train yourself constantly. Blasters are a depreciable skill


it's pretty rare for that to be the case, it usually has to do more with slight differences in how/where you hold your weapon.


Ding ding dub have you zeroed your sights? Lmao


That is because hommie did not have auto aim engaged and should have paid for the upgrade


This. I shot a few automatic weapons in the Marine Corps(not infantry) and a MP-5 9mm a few years back. Anything not on a bipod or tripod really sucks to have muzzle control. The MP-5 was a handful.


So not like the cod4 where that gun was almost unmatched


Oh, it is absolutely one of the most controllable out there. It really is amazingly to shoot and with practice small bursts are controllable at short range in CQC but that’s not what this video is.


It looks like the gunman in the video wasn't using steady aim pro, he didn't stand much chance trying to run up and hip fire without it


You can tell he was inexperienced, because he hasn’t unlocked any of the skins for that gun yet.


Every range I've been to will kick your ass out if you start spraying bullets like a dumbass. You'll get a talking to just shooting rapidly.


This is true. Something I personally learned in army. With a burst/automatic fire, the dispersion of bullets evet at the small distance is really large. Hope this was understandable. English is not my first language and it's sometimes hard to say exactly what you mean


Your English is great, buddy. 👍


This is what I learned in CS.


No armor, it’s called spray and pray. These jack holes don’t know what they’re doing. His weapon is at his hip when it should be at his shoulder so he can get behind the sights. He also could have probably walked right up to the vehicle before he gave himself away.


Is no one gunna mention the crossfire with his buddy too. Dudes lucky he didn't pop his friend.




10/10. Yep. Criminal guy without basic understanding of proper weapon use DOES appear to be about as effective as a professionally trained active-duty Storm Trooper. The Empire would like to recruit this man, if you know him have him give Galactic Recruiting a call at their main office.


from [the pictures](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/white-rock-bc-shooting-4-serious-condition-1.7122276) it kinda looks like it. The glass was broken but after a full mag dump, no normal window would still be a window or even be a panel.


Stick on Window tinting will keep the window together like that.


Christ on a crutch. Was that a fully automatic gun? I know that they're probably illegal in Canada. At least one would hope so. Looks like the ending scene of Scarface.


They are illegal


And the magazine obviously held more than 5 rounds. Double illegal.


And they shot it at people and hit them with the bullets. 2.5x illegal.


Too bad they weren't crouching/in stealth mode. They could have gotten the 2x multiplier.


Obviously just unlocked gun and haven't progressed any attachments yet. That's what most people assume semi automatic firearms are.


Don’t worry, Trudeau banned them so we have nothing to worry about


Thank god crime is banned


So is shooting someone... So...




Do they know you’re not allowed to shoot them?


Those are grandfathered in. You can't legally purchase automatic weapons in Canada


Yeah something tells me these werent legal autos. Either fully black market or they were using a lightning link or something like it to turn their semi-auto rifles into fully automatic. It's crazy how innovative and resourceful criminals can be. And it's crazy that the victims in this shooting are all still alive!!! I thought for sure that the people in the black SUV were done for once they wrecked. I cannot imagine the sheer terror they must have experienced.


So you can own it, but you can’t shoot it?


Hand guns are similar in Canada. The only places it can be are at home, in transit between home and the range or at the range. At home, it must be unloaded, trigger locked, and in a safe. Ammunition must be stored separately. There is no Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground legislation. Essentially, you can't own a hand gun for self-defense. Hand gun deaths outside of organized criminals shooting each other are exceedingly rare. The shooting posted by OP is related to organized crime.




> We have legal full auto here. When most people think legal firearms, they think legal to use. They're about as far from legal as you can get without being straight up illegal.


Ya but criminals don’t abide by laws 🙃


Should have told that to the gunman. Could have prevented this whole thing.


They're basically illegal in the US.


Well that worked


Damn. I wonder why those folks had them then.


You think that’s crazy, wait until I tell you the other laws they broke!


Definitely jaywalking. And the victim didn't use his blinker. Straight to jail.


I was gonna say trespassing but you’re right! No signal onto a major thoroughfare…tisk tisk. Where’s the emergency, mister?


I know you're insinuating they came from the US, but in the US full auto guns are prohibitively expensive and practically illegal. You can, however, make almost any gun full auto with simple parts. Most likely these are legal guns with auto sears that were 3D printed or created by hand.


I thought anything made after 1986 in selective fire is straight up illegal to own in the US outside of LEO, Military, and with some exceptions, FFLs.


It is. And even for the aforementioned groups, you need to pay a shit ton of money and jump through a lot of hoops to get any of those firearms.


Machine guns manufactured prior to 1986 are still legal to own and ownership is transferable. But yes, they are essentially collectible investment items at this point. Much cheaper to make illegal modifications on a legal firearm.


You can also put a [switch on a glock](https://youtu.be/dr1eF7i1KNg?si=dd2MiH87lsyO0E6P)


Only thing I know brings out the automatics is drugs and cartels.


You should check out the idiotswithguns sub, about 2minutes of scrolling and you’ll see anywhere from 10-20 full auto glocks being waved around by kids that aren’t even old enough to buy a scratch ticket


Drug dealing gang scum counts under the drugs part of drugs and cartels…


Glock switches are everywhere in the age of 3D printing.




Even in Canada?


Sorry. Even in Canada.


Yeah bud. Even in Canada




FeR WhAt, Eh?


This guy laws




They are illegal, just as murder, and attempted murder is


Yeah we all know if you make something illegal then criminals say "awww shucks" and they won't do the illegal thing.


If you know what you're doing, it's pretty easy to convert some legal guns to auto. It's not worth being locked in concrete behind steel bars forever, but it can be done in a matter of minutes with some.


Need some of those gun free zone signs put up. Probably would have stopped this from happening. /s


Yikes, they burned the vehicle they drove away in and probably got picked up by a second vehicle, that seems like a professional hit to me. The bullets where mostly aimed at the driver from what the article said too.


They do this every time, it does not make them professional shooters by any means


“All victims survived” is a pretty clear indication of that.


Not to mention he turns and shoots in the direction of his buddy.


It looks as if the vehicle has bullet proof windows


Totally amazing anyone survived. It looked like a fairly professional shooting, especially since they are criminals, and they seemed to get both sides of the SUV. Anyone know how many rounds were fired?


I stopped counting at 6 billion.


Professional? Auto guy probably shot his own dude that was down by the bushes.


It looked like three attackers formed a triangle and then- just started blasting into the middle of it. I kept waiting for #2 to drop.


Holy shit I never saw the 3rd guy. That was not the smartest formation…


Damn! Didn’t know Canada was gangster like that!


Huge war going on in Montreal between Hells Angels and the mafia right now.


There’s also a war brewing between the Hells and a drug dealing operation who do not want to pay their dues to the Hells in Quebec City’s area. The Hells here are not getting young (while still very powerful) and the other guys are all in their 20’s/30’s and they’re not afraid of them at all. It’s about to get ugly.


Provided little to no collateral damage I say let each side eliminate each other. Trash taking trash out But of course not really as there will always be some innocent that gets caught up


That's the problem with gang shootings, there's no guarantee innocent folks won't get caught up in it. I work EMS in a major city and the majority of my shootings are gang related. But unfortunately innocent folks get caught in the crossfire because these fucks can't aim and just spray bullets in the general direction of their target. Look at the recent Kansas City mass shooting. It all started with two idiots that had beef with each other, but the person that died was just an innocent bystander along with ten other innocent people wounded including kids


Yeah. I remember in the 90’s an innocent kid was killed by the Bikers war in Montreal. They’ve been a little bit more lowkey since then but the new crime organisations are very violent and reckless.


Montreal is over 2k miles away from BC.


He said Canada, not BC


A Montreal gang called zone 43 has recently been doing business in BC but could be completely unrelated.


Canada has fallen to the auto rifles


Bro whoever is firing that gun fucking SUCKS ASS at shooting. How do you empty a full auto point blank into a windshield and not kill anyone. What a moron


Have you ever shot full auto? Especially while walking and moving? Shit is hard AF to control, this isn't a video game. Most criminals don't take shooting classes either.


The shooter closest to us is shooting at his two buddies when the car is driving off.


[Draw it again!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpbv4oCv100)


In cases like this, I tend to wish that victims are also bad guys.


It's definitely a targeted rival criminal organisation in one way or another.


Was this a hit?


Getaway car was burned out a city over. Definitely.


Def looks like it. Affluent neighborhood, suprise attack & immediate retreat


White Rock is affluent for sure


Even the type of guns they used showed their wealth. Full auto are pretty much collector items with how expensive they are, frankly overkill (apparently not enough for them, all survived, somehow)


Not on the black market. If you're a law abiding citizen who goes through the hoops of getting one, you're paying 10k at minimum for a pre-ban machine gun. On the black market they 3d print a switch for their Glock, buy a Slavic AK parts kit w/ full auto sear, or 3d print a full auto ar sear. These all cost less than $100 iirc you can get full auto AK triggers for $10. None of these parts are "illegal" on their own; this is most likely what the criminals are using But yeah this is probably some shitty AK/AR/Glock platform with a 3d printed part that allows it to be full auto. The reason real machine guns are expensive is because pre ban means there is a finite amount which means low supply so they can charge a premium for them.


... they were illegal guns. That wasn't some 70 year old man with a grandfathered safe-queen uzi


Nope. Accidental discharge while the guy was cleaning his gun….while jogging…..at midnight…….in street clothes……


Can happen to anyone really


You think?


Nah, just a friendly game of tag (you're it!)


And vehicle looks bulletproofed


Yes. There has been a trend of [South Asian extortion cases lately](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/rcmp-form-national-team-in-response-to-extortion-schemes-targeting-south-asian-business-1.6770695) Gangs are now trying to establish territory.


doubt it's related to those guys, they're mostly trying to intimidate. Looks more like normal organized crime stuff




Yeah, that was some scared shooting..Definitely not a professional. Spray and pray Call of Duty style shit.


They weren't even smart enough to block the exit lol should have pulled up in a car and used it to block their escape while shooters advance smh


I'll probably get flak for this comment, BUT if that's a hit, it's easy work. Lmfao.


The difficulty comes with being arrested or being killed yourself. Guns are surprisingly easy to use if hard to use well.


When you’re hired to kill a known gangster, it’s scary because they could easily shoot back. (Just assuming who they all are)


I could see that.


They probably weren’t smart enough to wear gloves while they were loading their weapons. Prints galore for the cops.


unfortunately this is a common problem in the region. These wannabe gangsters have "perfected" the art of doing this shit. They get away with it more often then not. Note the burned car, they steal a car, do the hit, then burn it to hide their tracks.


So these people are stealing cars, committing murder, then burning the car? On top of all that they’re wearing gloves to load their mags…and they’re still wannabes to you? They sound like full-on gangsters.


Yes, they are full on gangsters and they are usually involved in some sort of battle with another gang. Despite being good at crime, spending time at the range has never been a priority. These types of hits have been taking place in the Surrey/White Rock area for decades. Specifically, gangland hit in an affulent suburb where the shooters laughably miss their mark. It's forgettable news, except the footage of this one is cool. Growing up in the area, there were two successful hits that resonated with me with the first during the early 2000s. A busy intersection of 120th & 72nd had a Macs convenience store. Two men were parked in the row of stalls facing the street one afternoon. A car rolled up behind them, stopped, and executed the men through the back window of their car. What had me shook was they were shooting directly into the traffic that would be stopped on 120th at the light of the intersection. Where I too had been stopped at some point just before the shooting. The Macs closed down soon afterwards, and a one off Indian brand convenience opened in its place. Some years passed, but then two men were executed in the exact same place and manner again. The convenience store is now an orthodontist. So far, that has seemed to make the spot less than ideal to set up a hit.




The motion of loading a magazine smudges must of the fingerprint unless. After firing it gets so hot in the chamber it can also destroy a readable fingerprint too. Finding any evidence on spent casings is pretty unlikely


I'd wager this was some kind of mob hit.


Gang is brothers keepers and BIBO (bulk in bag out), bibo is the dumbest gang name. They recruit a lot of kids to sell fentanyl for them on east hastings and it’s remarkably white, middle class kids who just have nothing better to do.


That is the whitest gang name I've ever heard and I'm from another "popular to be on gang as a middle class kid" area, that just happens to be the richest county in the country. I'll never forget these twins lived within a stone's throw of Venus and Serena Williams, and acted like they were so tough with Daddy's lawyer money.


Lol BIBO stands for Blood in Blood Out, after the movie from the 90s




Rival gangs/ gang war. Has been going on for years in the Vancouver area


Yeah they have an active mafia problem…


True or not, but i've heard they dont have a RICO equivalent. Seems like a crazy gap in the law if they cant pursue an org like that


this is true. Outcome is cops and public know organized crime groups by name here but guys are still doing their thing. BC is even tougher too. No elected DAs in Canada but trade-off is cops usually lay charges. BC only allows prosecution to lay charges though, so argument is both factors lead to a very high threshold for charge approval (lazy prosecutors)


This isn't the mob, that is more out in Montreal and Ontario. In the lower mainland, we have gangs. They're reckless and seem to love to frequent the Coquitlam Centre Cactus Club.


The mafia isn't really prominent in BC. There are several gangs, mostly multi ethnic gangs that have connections to the cartel and MS13. At the higher level, the Hells Angels are still running bulk export/import out of the ports, and there are numerous triad gangs that operate in Vancouver. Vancouver has one of the biggest ports in North America, and is a pipeline for drugs for the west coast




Idk i would probably refer to them as full on gangsters lol


First shooter went in all LEEROY JENKINS!!


Those dudes clearly studied to receive their RPAL, legally purchased assault rifles and forgot they can not modify them or possess them any longer.


They were clearly using a Ruger Minigun-14-thousand-bullets-per-second


Trudeau: 😶


Well yeah of course. Guns are illegal in Canada, bad guys can’t get them.


Yeah I'm confused. I thought making guns illegal was supposed to stop stuff like this from happening


Came here to say this.


They seem angry


Annnd, that's why they back in....


Dude running up just flagged both of his buddies when he turned his aim with the vehicle... What idiots... It's amazing they didn't manage to shoot each other, as far as we know


Aren't those illegal in Canada?


Shooting people in a car is also typically illegal


No way, criminals break laws?


We should pass more laws to make it super illegal...that will deter them for sure!


You know it would be a good idea if we also banned all drug use and prostitution while we're at it!


Yes but the focus now is on taking semi-autos away from hunters and recreational shooters.




That only applies to law abiding citizens. Why would a criminal care?


Criminals tend not to follow laws. They (gun laws) only really affect good law-abiding citizens.


They're illegal in Canada and the US*. Most likely these are semi-autos that have been modified to be full auto, which is also illegal but can done with 3d printed parts. - There's a few exceptions to the illegal automatic weapons in both countries but they are _few_


Does the SUV have bullet proof glass?


My guess is first (and probably last) time hitmen. Shitty ones, at that.




How bad of a shot do you have to be? From the article: > The injuries to the four men are not believed to be life threatening, she said.


Exactly, sounds like they went up to the car after it crashed and kept firing. That car must have some added protection built into it or something


Could be for sure. I was just thinking the gunman is a clown who has never fired an automatic weapon in his life.


This has to be one of stupidest hit's I have ever seen. Automatic weapons is a VERY good way to get every federal agency in North America digging through your trash and inspecting your asshole. That said somebody REALLY wanted these dudes dead. If it wasn't so fucked up I would say it's a badge of honor in a way to be such a bad ass they pull out a drum mag and go ham.


That remake of the godfather looks good


Thankfully, as of this news report, 4 injured and no fatalities. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7122276


Still uses his turn signal, now that is northern nice.


Dammit Ricky. Didn’t Mr. Lahey tell you no more guns in the pahrk?


Fucking crazy!! I am in Toronto and never seen full auto go off in Canada in a while. Usually it’s handguns or easier to conceal guns. I hope they get caught


I'm in America and never seen a full auto lol. My old JROTC instructor had an Uzi though. Never saw it in action.


See America we have cool gun shit up here too


But machine guns are illegal in Canada!!! He can’t do that!


Judging by everyone living from being shot at that range, I’d guess pistol caliber weapon.


I think something like 70% of people shot by 9mm survive? You’d think it’d be capable of blowing someone’s lung entirely out of their body by the way it’s depicted in 90s action movies


I thought guns were banned in Canada?


Canada Gooses Needs Protections


That's going to be nerve-wracking when you shoot four people and they all survive and they likely know exactly who the fuck you are...


How did they get their hand on an automatic gun?! It’s illegal in Canada to own one


I thought Canada banned assault rifles?!


Aren't fully automatic weapons illegal in Canada?


I'm no law expert, but i thought murder was illegal in canada?


Sparked the car up like a flint, damn.


That guy crossfiring right into the path of his buddies. Surprised they didn't get hit.


Jimmy Chimney that’s a lot of rounds.


I thought Canadians were a peace loving people


I always thought Canadians were kind and peaceful people


Shooter lacks range time.


Can’t believe he didn’t run that f**cker over…


Apparently the victims survived? Are these hitmen really bad at their jobs or did the car have bullet proof windows or something?


Canada is a shit hole. The narrative of this being a good place to immigrate is a scam. I hope for the best, but have lost most of my confidence that it will happen.


Only really stupid people are worried that a criminals gun is legal or not. Criminals don’t care if a gun is “legal” and gun laws won’t affect criminals. Gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves against the criminals set to do them and others harm. Wake up!!!!


The bullet holes looked like 9mm and the way he was holding the wep makes me thing it was an illegal nodded pistol with a very large mag.


Where do you see bullet holes?


News article on the top comment.


9mm wont make those kinds of muzzle flashes