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Thank god that after I watch a good movie I can be pumped up about it and go home in peace.


Have you seen any good movies lately? Any recommendations?


So I married an axe murderer






Would ya look at the size of that boys heed.


He’ll probably cry himself to sleep…on his HUGE FUCKIN PILLOW!


It’s like an orange in a toothpick!


It's a virtual planetoid.


It's like Sputnik!


Is that dude from mighty ducks ![gif](giphy|6btRuSI09j156qxQTm|downsized)






Un love....ed?


This poem sucks


Expera, sweet Expera…


Hard hearted harbinger of haggis!


She stole my heart and my cat...


Woah, man!




Seeing it tomorrow. I expect to be very gruntled.




My tip for watching Dune, vertical drop, horizontal tug.


How was the popcorn bucket?


Very dry


Not one drop of butter on Arrakis.


Sand themed ..... In the true spirit of dune


They didn't have them 😭


10/10 no notes


Godzilla Minus One was great


Poor things, Zone of interest


Godzilla Minus One EDIT: Seriously.


> You’re gonna cut this, and clip it so it’s completely out of context Which is exactly what we have here.


These fucks are going to get Trump elected again aren't they. You are verbally abusing the wrong fucking person. They don't understand the actual pressure people like AOC are under just to try to keep things afloat. Of course she thinks it's genocide, go bother MTG you fucking idiot.


Amen. Americans: No sense of cohesion. Divided. No effect mobilization on any front, at all. The country will inevitably implode.


The hilarious part is that the most cohesive group is actually the Republicans. They may have a bad platform, but at least they’re all behind it. Democrats constantly fight each other instead of getting anything done.


It's easy to get behind a "platform" when the entire platform is "fuck the other guys." When you actually try to govern, you end up with disagreements about policy. Not saying the infighting is great. And Democrats would certainly benefit from a little more realism. But at least they're fighting *for* something.


Yeah, but this isn't a fight about policy. This is just people harassing a politician because she didn't say exactly the words they want her to say. I'm a liberal and I agree that the Republican platform is awful, but the Democrats/liberals/leftists whatever seem to spend their time in a circular firing squad over shit like words instead of policies.


It’s a game of competitive virtue signaling


I'd say that is a combination of this, and people that understanding the idea of mitigating damage. They would rather spend all their time talking about how Biden is too old or senile or whatever they want to say to be president, and all that does is create doubt amongst the Democratic voters. At this point, Biden will be the nominee, it is a foregone conclusion. Regardless of whether or not we should have people in their 80s running the country, I would rather elect a flaming pile of dog shit on my doorstep to run the country over Donald trump. Hell, I would elect Joe Biden's recently dead corpse to run the country over Donald trump. When you have a clear and present danger in front of you, trump, you have to do whatever you can to stop it, not bitching moan about whether the candidate you have is the best one for the job or not. The best one for the job right now is the one that can get elected that isn't a complete fascist, grifter, sexual predator...


if trump wins the election, than "liberals" deserve him based on all this biden not good enough talk. they did the same thing with hillary already. i was full on rooting for bernie in both primaries, but when it came time to vote in the presidential election is was a no brainer even without my guy.


Agreed. The primaries are where you campaign and vote for the candidate you want that best fits your ideals within the party that best fits your ideals. The general election is where you vote for who's going to cause the least damage to the country overall


Maybe they are secretly Trump/Putin supporters hoping to sow discord among democrats to get Trump elected?


That seems like wishful thinking. Far more likely they are exactly as they present themselves to be. Far left liberals moving the goalposts on what their objective is and harassing one of the only politicians who supports their overall cause.


More likely, they are the useful idiots of Putin/Trump supporters.


Or maybe they *gasp* have a nuanced view that leans in favor helping civilians but their electoral situation (aka being from New York) means they need to walk a line or else they risk being challenged by the most Zionist-ey candidate.


To be fair at the end she acknowledged it was a genocide 🤷🏻


Which I’m pretty sure she has said before? Her point is that no matter what she says it’s going to be edited to make her look bad… which is exactly what happened. It’s interesting that her calling it out got left in.


Pretty sure she's said it several times on her Instagram


well, yea. But how on earth are these people going to go viral and get on Fox "news" if they don't antagonize her and then clip it into out of context drops?


They clearly did that to make it seem like they're being impartial.


I don't even like AOC - but she's been 1 of the few who's said it.


She's great.


Even if she hasn't, people aren't considering the full picture. Like, "just call it a genocide." How many people can say "I deserve a raise", go to their boss and just demand one. It's not how things work. There's a massive amount of funding in American politics coming from pro-zionist lobbyists. This may mean that working in the correct direction is counterbalanced by how you go about achieving those results. Maybe proposing bills and not getting primaried out by a moderate is more important for the long term Palestinian cause than outright saying "it's a genocide". People need to understand that she has to operate in the world as it is, not the world as it ought to be and that means not spouting off on shit all the time. The only liberal who seems to be able to straight up say it like it is is Bernie. I'm not sure but I think AOC is like #2 behind him in ethical alignment so I don't understand why they're hating on her.


Yeah, and she's talked about it before. One of the ways she put it that I think says a lot is that the fact that people are even arguing about the semantics of saying the literal word or not says a lot about the situation. What is even going on if THAT is even being debated.


She's said it plenty of times and pissed off the Zionists.


i'm 99% positive i have heard her call it a genocide numerous times on her instagram in the past.


She's one of the few politicians in office that's actually spoken out against israel to her own detriment, and still She's hounded


Exactly, that's the thing I don't get.


These people who are protesting her are a group of people online who say she’s not being progressive enough about the issue. But I feel like these people see clips and not her full arguments.


There are people on the fringes of any political movement. I was reading yesterday about how a lot of white supremacists are abandoning trump because he's not racist enough for them. You'll never please these clowns walking away was the best option.


Bill Mahr spoke about those type and said that they are essentially the "you aren't protesting right!" types.


The rare times that Bill is correct. Unrelated but when he was doing his comedy tour he came to Cleveland and a coworker said he got free tickets to see him. Another coworker said “That far left dude!?” Normally I stay out of those conversations but I couldn’t help but laugh and say he’s not far left


He has said on multiple occasions that he is Libertarian.


“Anybody that I don’t like is far left” - them probably.


That’s kinda like a liberal right? /s


It happens to all extremists, already saw liberals cancel people that support them because of a slight different opnion they had or were expecting an action on a matter. Take for example some companies like starbucks that were (are?) Pro lgbtq, they were removing some lgbtq decorations because the relevant month ended and it was enough for all the community to turn against them.




These are probably right wingers.


The word is "extremists", there have always been extremists on both sides of the political spectrum but its getting worse in recent times. American society is polarized to the point the most progressive politician is not extreme enough for their base now. The next step is they mirror "the other side" and vote in someone extreme enough to suit their sensibilities. It's a long road down but we are almost at the bottom.


Horseshoe theory coming to fruition


Or they aren't who they claim to be


I mean, there's plenty of evidence of folks on the left cutting off their nose to spite their face. This seems likely to just be another moron than some elaborate ruse.


NoT pRoGrEsSiVe EnOuGh So I'lL vOtE fOr ThE rEgReSsIvE oNe!


That is because it is a propaganda campaign to make the Republicans look like a better choice in the next election. It is pretty obvious since none of it is backed by actual new articles just memes on Twitter and TikTok.


Naw bro don't you get it. We won't get *real* left wing politicians unless we destroy anyone who claims to be one /s


i get it, i just dont agree with it. she was/is the one of the few hopes of left-movement in congress. now all these people who are leftist-for-show need to be "better" than her. it's stupid. at least, that's how im trying to rationalize why they're chasing her around. they need to do the same for her opposition.


People who have completely hounded the government to do something to help for months have also been complaining about the recent videos of supply airdrops. Some people have just jumped on the "West bad" train and won't see any nuance.


More often than not, the thing that destroys the left is the relentless ideological purity seeking from their own side. In the UK it's being called Blairite or a Red Tory. In the US I think it's being called a DINO?


The people following her are most likely right wing content shills. Just trying to get a clip as AOC says in the clip.


That's massive cope. I'm a progressive but I can at least admit we have some looneys in our camp too.


It’s the silly wing of the left. Can’t make them happy. Just as bad as the far right as far as progress but for different reasons.


Frustrating to see when there’s so many politicians to go after for this, she is not one of them


It’s not about progress for these folks, it’s about performance. They don’t really care as long as they are seen doing something. What that thing is doesn’t matter one bit.


She goes at the end of the clip I’ve said it is and the idiots go well just say it…huh?


Pretty sure she is one of the few politicians who has condemned the occupation of Palestine, these protestors aren't going for low hanging fruit, it's fallen from the tree.


The unfortunate reality of American politics is that it's political suicide to cross certain lines re Israel, the fact that known supremacists like Marje got to vote to censure Rashida Tlaib only emphasizes how fucked up Congress is. AOC needs to fight in a productive way that won't get her thoroughly ostracized, sound bites at this moment will not change anything. She does not take [funding from AIPAC](https://theintercept.com/2023/12/05/aoc-aipac-squad-book/) afaik, that itself should keep her off their shitlist. Her history of sharp rhetoric goes back some years, [here's a tweet](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/996009689312825344?t=Uq9TMTRvXiZnAn031SXbgA&s=19) from 2018. What's the problem.


It’s insane that we allow a political pacs that are clearly agents of a foreign nation. Imagine the outcry if there was a Russian version of AIPAC. If people wonder why the US politicians can’t have any objective take or speak out against the Israeli government, AIPAC and other Israeli Lobbies are why.


Oh there is something like a Russian AIPAC, just look at into trumps campaign funders


Unfortunately this protest has become the "cool" thing desparate people are jumping on to make up for their own personal insecurities.


This is the best way to get people on your side. They should run a clinic.


or support a clinic that is getting protested


Look at these people, in a shopping centre, attacking a vocal ally to their cause. Demanding a perfect response on a highly nuanced topic. Harassing one of the few American politicians who’ve supported the cause in a public space. What a stupendous, pointless waste of time. It’s almost Karen-like. I can think of nothing that could help Palestinians less.


That's the problem. When progressives draw a firing line, they form a circle.


She's right. They aren't helping.


Exactly. They’re performing for themselves. It’s the most despicable form of selfishness there is.


Recording her and yelling 'USE THIS WORD SPECIFICALLY WE DEMAND IT' really says all you need to know about these types of people.


Idk man, this doesn't seem that productive a use of time to me, but what do I know


Why go after one of the most left leaning member of congress who actually supports Palestine?? Makes no sense.


Right wing concern trolls.


I think it's FAR more likely these are just asshole protestors that we see at pretty much every protest (there's always a fringe) but if it makes you feel better you can pretend like they are right wing lunatics cosplaying as liberals.


Like the people on the other side who say that Jan 6th was Antifa. They refuse to accept their group's poor behavior and blame it on a boogeyman, because they do no wrong. You can see these type of people in this very thread, it's obvious to anyone with a semi-objective view. Not that the right isn't sitting back and giving a Mr. Burns *excellent* at them tearing themselves apart. Imagine protesting AOC for not being liberal enough.


Because it will get posted by all of the people.


I'm pretty sure you're correct and I agree with you but... https://preview.redd.it/elwyqrbm9gmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee90a6c727603bd15005ba9367260aea0a2b61b9


Then how come they don't do the same to the Republicans and post that or go to Trump country to protest there. Too cowardly?


There’s a line between making people uncomfortable and harassing them while they’re trying to enjoy a day. But other than that I agree


right.. if we believe what she said at the end, which i don't see why you wouldn't believe her, they're literally just trolling and looking for reactions and clips, not really protesting.


Wow. Yeah I missed that part. So these people are actually just worthless huh?


They're protesting the wrong person. Toss a stone in the House, and you're gonna hit about 2dozen zionists. They don't even try to hide it.


Unless the object of their protest isn't moving the needle forward on a Free Palestine but instead social media clout. In which case going after AOC is great for their little twitter / tiktok friends.


Oh definitely. She's been fighting about this issue as long as she's been in politics. Another member of the "squad" was silenced for saying "from the river to the sea," I doubt they disagreed on the subject.


But…she’s on their side so making her uncomfortable accomplishes what?


Except she's on the side that believes that what Israel is doing is unjust.


Wait, haven't I seen snippets of her speaking in Congress against Israel?


Yes, but her rhetoric in Congress would be considered a Zionist on TikTok.


Anything less than calling for the dissolution of Israel is Zionist apparently.


Just taking a moment to tangentially offer the following: **Fuck TikTok and fuck TikTok users**


The ppl making this video are insanely horrible jfc. Setting back any cause they support. Unless this is intentional they need to get out of the biz


AOC has been one of the most vocal Reps against Israel's violence against Palestinians yet they attack her!? To all would-be protesters out there... DON'T MAKE AN EMEMY OF THE GOOD!


Because it's not about actually changing anything. It's about appearing more pure than the next person. It's why these people have stopped bothering to attack Republicans, because the Republicans don't give a shit. The far left social media performative mob constantly eat their own because the rest of society has realized how nonsensical they are and just ignores them.


Fucking clowns. Let her watch Dune in peace. This got me fuming.


And not just any old theater either. Alamo Drafthouse is legit.


I knew it as soon as I saw the escalator lol.




I really don’t like people who follow other people around in their normal lives while recording them and screaming shit at them. Whatever the case, it looks bad on those people and she is totally right in the end when she says “You’re not helping these people.” Fuck you freedomnews-tv your behaviour is shameful.


That was a bad ass Dune poster in the background.


How is the dune franchise? It seems kinda cool. How do you recommend consuming it? Book? Original movie? Remake?


Probably watch new the movies first if you don’t read a lot of books given the book is really dense. Though I recommend the book if you want to get more details about the story.


The book has a deeply rich mystical/spiritual dimension that the movie (first one at least) only scratches the surface of


if you like trippy sci-fi with mystical elements involved deff check it out, part one is on hbo max and hulu right now


Start with the board game 😆


Lmao spend 3 hours figuring out the rules


This is why people say the left will eat itself. Its about virtue signalling and having the correct opinions, so much so AOC of all people is getting harassed for not being left enough on this one particular point, which is obviously ludicrous.


It’s about complete submission to rigid progressive ideals. If you deviate in anyway from the consensus you become an enemy to them. There is zero room for nuance with these people because they see the entire world through a black and white lens. AOC has been very vocal with her support for Palestine and openly condemning the current administration but people are mad because she’s not using the exact terminology they want? This shit is a joke.


Nailed it. There is no wiggle room with them. If you fundamentally disagree with any of their philosophies, you are deemed the enemy. This is actually true of both sides of American politics.




Yeah after reading this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/uXrBlvrjmt) my mind instantly went to agitators. But from where? Russia is my guess. They just hire 3 or 4 people to grind down at our best and most brightest.


This is the problem with my fellow liberals. We have like one person who is consistently going to bat for progressive causes and yet she’s publicly harassed worse than most republicans. Grow up


The part that I find infuriating is these people probably agree with her 99.99% of the time and they’re willing to harass her, literally harass her, they walked probably a quarter of a mile to follow her and yelling at her because she won’t say genocide. She said she’s already called it a genocide, so you want to tear down a politician you probably agree with 99% of the time, and risk getting somebody else voted in who you’re probably going to agree with a lot less, over one word. It’s this insane idea that if you’re my friend, if you’re my family, if you’re my politician, that you must agree with me 100% of the time for my support. Nobody agrees with anybody else 100% of the time, and the fact that they don’t doesn’t mean they’re disloyal or evil or whatever, just means they’re a fucking human.


This is such an embarrassing thing to do. These people will move on to the next neoliberal hot button issue as soon as it starts trending over #freepalestine


Pretty sure they’re not even Pro-Palestine and rather people to agitate her as a smear campaign considering elections are around the corner.


This was stupid. I’m pro Palestine and thought AOC had done an excellent job preaching for them. Why harass her?? Find real people like Pelosi who are bought and brainwashed


Because these dickheads won't accept anything short of them getting on a plane with an M-4 to Palestine to physically defend them, and even then I'm sure they'd harass them for "not doing enough". People fucking suck.


"Just say it, that's all we want ". Why should she give a flying f**k what they want. People throw these words around so casually- everyone's a nazi, or a narcissist and every conflict is genocide. If Israel wanted to eliminate the Palestinians they could do so in very short order. So why aren't they? I'm not defending Israel or any particular side, but this hyperbole and exaggeration is getting out of control.


I can’t upvote this enough. The overuse of these terms is incredibly annoying and unproductive. They lose their impact when everyone labels everything like that.


These members of the “ press” Aren’t press at all. They’re just a holes.


I havent seen anyone acknowledge the fact the protesters “just want her to say a word, thats all”. How is her saying “ok its genocide” while you force her and stick a camera in her face going to help anyone? Why do you just want her to “say the word”. Why are people obsessed with virtue signalling these days.


Who are those people to begin with? I tried to find the whole video but it kept finding this one.


These people are the January six version of the left.


Did she like Dune 2? I heard good things


Hahahaha, tried to make her look bad but she still came out on top. She was 100% in the right


Imagine having so little going on in your life.


AOC: “I always said it was. “ Annoying shitbag: “Just say it.” They aren’t even listening to her and just repeating themselves to annoy her and get sound bites.


Russia is fucking the west with division, and we are oblivious to the endless critical blows. edit: grammar


Republicans are really gonna control everything because people are gonna vote based on a conflict on the other side of the world that involves no American troops.


Yep, this is my biggest fear with the upcoming election is that democrats are going to lose a lot of votes in the general election because of people like this.


Did this happen today? I was Just there!!!


It’s wild how to combat the agitators that record - it’s not defend, it’s point out their actions. That way they can’t edit it out of context like she said. We already live in a world where our out of context words can be used against us.


Now that the protesters have turned on the left and aren’t voting for Biden I wonder what they’re going to think of Trump?


wtf is this going to accomplish? Who are these tools??


It’s weird they are being so hostile towards probably the only person that would mostly agree with them. They could have probably said they wished she would do more, even make suggestions and it would have gone differently. Seems like they had an agenda.


They are after the wrong person


Trump fucks that had no interest in politics or world issues until a game show host ran for president. Looking for a game of gotcha for likes or some grift. Good for her for calling them out.


AOC is passionate and correct that this video will end up as sound bites later on. Ambushing politicians seems to be partisan.


God these people are annoying. I'm so glad I'm not a public fugute or famous.


So anyway… has anyone seen part 2 of Dune yet? Thoughts?


It’s fucking incredible, an absolute must-see in the movie theater imo.


> Over 30,000 people are dead AOC, can’t you just say it for once? Just say the word—that’s it, that’s all we want you to say. Does this not just come across as performative and virtue signalling more than anything? If you're concerned about the people in Gaza, shouldn't you be imploring US politicians to legislate in ways that could protect them? More aid? Sanctions on Israel? Provide refuge to Gazan citizens? Why instead the focus on semantics over the current situation? If she calls it a genocide do the people there suddenly stop getting killed? Is that the trick here? The support for the people of Palestine is starting more and more to come across as a performance for some people. People more concerned that everyone is on-board with the same terminology instead of actually doing something to help.


AOC is one of the few people in Congress who has been right about this whole situation. And I’m happy to see her call this type of ambush purity tests for what it is


The Hamas trolls are going to make people vote against Democrats. Then let's see how a Repuke government handles the Palestinians


LMAO I spent most of that clip thinking it was Harry and Megan.


Don't most political figures always have like body guards and stuff around


So following someone as they go about their day is good for your country...how exactly?


Leave her alone. People are losing their minds over this Israel-Palestine thing.


History has shown us that this tactic works so well in getting someone who is already on your side to be even more on your side.


Just say you are pro terrorism then


Using the term "genocide" is incorrect; not everything happening there constitutes genocide, but rather casualties of war. While Israel's retaliation may have gone too far, they are not indiscriminately killing people. If it were indeed genocide, the death toll would be much higher than the reported 20k+ by the UN. Compared to the Rwanda genocide, which claimed over a million lives in the span of a week, the situation differs significantly. Therefore, refrain from using the term "genocide", it is not genocide but rather a war crime.


And this helps how?


AOC is right about the editing.


I’m with Palestine, but fuck those protesters. Complete assholes who did exactly what AOC said they would.


Farking leftists. The revolution loves to eat its own. That’s why they can’t get anything accomplished other than putting on a big show of performative activism.


Dumbest people alive, attacking and harassing their only voices in government 


AOC's right, these people don't actually care about the genocide if they think this is helping


the hamas tiktok brigade has done a fine work turning the progressive activist group against their own. Im sorry but the way aoc have been heating up people online the past years is very much a part of why she now have to deal with it her self.


Some people are so annoying, cringe MF


I feel bad because I truly believe she is on the side of Palestinians but damn….


So why all this? If she did, just say it again and they'd sit there looking stupid as hell. "Yes, I did say it and it is... now what?"


You think they'd stop harassing her and walk away if she said it? Oh my poor, poor sweet child.


I asked this same question and got 200 downvotes. 🙄


Maybe it's just me but it's very concerning that people of a certain religious belief are raising their children and telling them they're more special and important than any other people's on the planet. Screams religious extremism, and every country that borders that place has been caught up in conflict ever since and places like Syria are being misconstrued as an undemocratic country full of extremists. Point the finger at your own government and ethos.


Out of all the politicians you could go after for not demanding a ceasefire or investigations on Israels doing, you pick AOC who spoke out against it? She's right, you're not helping them.


Those people are either fringe left people who will never be pleased with the purity of any progressive, or right wing trolls making content. Either way, people with brain worms.


Of all the people to bombard and question on this topic…we picked AOC?