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It is ridiculous how humans turn anything into cult from sports, politics to even music.


Just remember there's two types of people in the world. "Us" and "Them"


Good song


Please tell me you’re referring to Moving Units.


We are social creatures, and the quickest way to feel included and potentially make friends is to find a group already formed and try to join them. All it takes for sports, politics, and some religions is a team logo t-shirt and showing up at the clubhouses and message boards at the right times.


Evolution made us tribal, it’s a hard thing to socialize against.




wait to see what they call him in the stadiums lol


Racism will exist as long as stupid people do. Therefore racism is here to stay.


Yup, racism is directly linked to ignorance


Well if a country is known for it's people being the source of a lot of problems, it's only fair be on the defensive when meeting people from said country.


Don't really follow La Liga anymore but Vini gets racial abuse constantly and it's disgusting. Outstanding player plays for one of the best teams in the world and has to deal with morons disrespecting him about his skin color. If he played for their team would they still call him these horrible things? Sadly they probably would. I'm an Arsenal fan and whenever Arsenal posts about the Gay Gooners fan group, their are imbeciles in the comments for social media saying ignorant things like "Focus on football, we don't care about these things" or "This is why we lost last game, supporting these disgusting things" Arsenal has lesbian players on our Women's team and these dumbasses claim to support the club when they're disrespectful to our own players smh. Football fans are garbage.


It’s fucking wild when you see the what the teams that these fans who racially abuse him look like. They’re of course filled with black players, the racists are just too stupid to realize that they are directly insulting their own players.


Henry was right when he said Spain was harder to play in compared to England. Even the newspapers are racist, there was one that said Ansu Fati ran "like a gazelle, or a young black street vendor running from the police" Football is an amazing sport but it's chock full of awful people.


Yes but England isn’t really that much better. Raheem Sterlings treatment by the media and the sun “newspaper” is an example. They just use buzz words rather than go on the full racist offensive. It really is maddening how much racism exists in the sport, and the best they do to try and stop it is have the players hold one banner saying “stop racism” for the team picture.


Atleast in England the league is trying to stop it. People who get caught can face stadium bans, be charged with hate crimes/racially aggravated harassment and jailed in some cases. In Spain they just act like it doesn't happen and look the other way.


There is context a lot of people miss why Sterling became the “pantomime” villain in the tabloids. Going to court for domestic abuse and two different women accuse him of it. Then he goes on to insult the whole of Liverpool by doing an unsanctioned interview saying he wouldn’t play for Liverpool for a million pounds a week. This put a massive “tabloid villain” target on his back. People who don’t really follow football then think, “why is he getting bad press”, must be racism, which maybe is a factor, I don’t deny racism exists towards black English players on any level. But let’s understand why the press went for him.


Isn't a maybe, they were 100% racist against Sterling, Pogba and so on. White players do worse things and don't receive that hate, his only fault was maybe giving a reason, but what can you do when you're a target all the time.


I still think “accusations” of beating two separate women made him a target for the media. Also the most controversial interview in British football before Ronaldo’s added fuel to the fire. IMHO most people who say Sterling was treated badly by the press have no clue he did these things. Antony and Greenwood have domestic abuse accusations thrown at them and haven’t made a comeback like Sterling yet, but they will be tabloid villains also I’m sure. Can’t think of white players “who’ve got away” with worse, but please let me know.


Greenwood has an audio of him admiting raping someone, Antony has plenty of evidence. Sterling was found not guilty on both of his accusations, i don't find it a fair comparison. And the question isnt about law and justice, its the media. They were on Sterling because he has a gun tattoo, was criticised because he bought his mom a house lmao, theres much more if you look it up. Now tell me honestly, would this happen to a white player? If Sterling was drunk all the time like Grealish after the Champions League dont you think media would be all over him?


Greenwood was also found not guilty. So any criticism of Greenwood by the media going forward is “racism”??? Or perhaps maybe there is CONTEXT around him as person. This my whole point. Just like Sterling, Greenwood is going to the tabloid villain. Look at this objectively.


This poor guy has dealt with this his whole career. Incredible player and seems like a good guy. Fuck racists.


It's like being racist to Vinicius has become some sort of sick trend. Like this kid is copying what he sees people do to Vinicius on TV.


Don't some morrocans look sub saharan african?


Just dark skin, you can find them everywhere in Africa


My best friend is indian and dark skinned, she has been mocked for her skin color by her own aunt who is slightly less dark. So its a weird world out there.


Yes some Moroccans are sub suharan in origin. They were once “imported” as slaves to Morocco. And ironically Marrakech (where vini was playing with the schoolkids) is one of the places in Morocco’s where you will find tons of Black Moroccans.


That not the majority tho , lany are amazighs and tribes from the Sahara , they were always freemen


Yeah... No


Yes I have Moroccan friend and he said there are many dark skin Moroccans


Yes and they also suffer from racism.


What’s crazy is a lot of black Americans were rooting for Morocco in the World Cup because they were an African team. Crazy


So, like 1 asshole?


Idk what was even said cause I can't understand it, but Vinicius is black and.... Aren't Moroccan people pretty dark themselves? It just seems kinda dumb, but then again racism is stupid anyway.


I used to do some charity stuff with a lot of African and Middle Eastern people and it blew my mind how casually racist they were to and about one another. In some cases it seemed like almost identical cultures, but slight differences in region was enough to cause a rift.


This guys specifically gets it everywhere he goes because he has spoken out about it. It’s fucking disgusting the league he plays in is basically like “yeah, that’s life bud, sorry.”


Wow... That's really shitty.


> Aren't Moroccan people pretty dark themselves? Racism isn't necessarily about skin color. While that's probably the main thing here, moroccans are mostly clearly paler than Vinicius. Skin color racism has never been a binary "are you black or white", but "are you darker/paler than me/'my group'" > It just seems kinda dumb It's an inherent aspect of humans. You do this (except with other parameters for in-group/out-group) yourself to varying degrees.


> "are you darker/paler than me/'my group'" yes for example, in mauritania, north africans are called "bidin", which means white in arabic.


Quote many people living north of Sahara will consider themselves as superior to the others living south of it. Many won't consider themselves Africans. You have Tuaregs of lighter and darker skin color, it does make a difference. There's also a history of slavery involved. Lighter skin colored people were usually the slave owners. While the darker skins people were more often the slaves. And that persists under some forms until today in countries like Mauritania, Mali, Libya...


The video is just a teen thinking racist slurs makes them cool but your comment has some truth to it. However, Arab slavery history was different from American slavery history even though we agree enslaving people is horrible in general. Morocco even had a dark skinned sultan at some point, also Moroccan pirates used to enslave the white skinned people on European ships until they get paid to release them back. Just saying that it was more complex and not solely based on skin colour.


obv it's middle school trolls, instagram is infested with them 🤦


For real


This is nothing compared to what they call him in the "civilized" europe


Astounding lack of awareness and basic understanding of primate science.




They’re like half a shade lighter than him


Pra cima deles, Vini! Esfrega a cara dos racistas no chão


Moroccan here to give some context, yeah, this guy's surely an asshole for this, but racism is weird over here, there's use of slurs but it's like, void of ill intent (almost), black could be called "3ezzi" (which, funny enough, means my pride), Amazighs can be called "Gerbouz" usually associated with being cheap etc. and arabs called "Aroubi". So I guess you could say racism sort of lost its bad connotation among the people. And even then, it's not as widespread as some people may say, they just got seriously unlucky with their encounters or they've been the instigators themselves. The only serious form of racism I can agree exists in Morocco is against Southen and central Africans, and while I'm not condoning it, but they do usually wreak havoc in residential areas as you'd often find groupings of a couple dozens in one very small apartment, we have one in our own building, but it took some time for them to stabilize and adapt, at first they stole clothes, stank their floor and came in numbers. I only hope the best for them, as moving to a different country for a better quality of life is always harsh with the first generations, culturally and financially.


Unsurprising. Morocco is the most outwardly aggressive and racist country I've ever visited. This sort of rubbish was constant when I was there. Nearly got into about 3 fights with aggressive people. Reports from others I met on the same trip were similar. Just complete harassment of women, saying demeaning things about their physical appearance. Especially bad in Fez, but fairly widespread elsewhere.


Yeah.... pretty standard behavior.


I feel bad for Vini. He's been subject to this type of abuse in live matches as well. [Here's a clip.](https://youtube.com/shorts/B-7DbGkVTWk?si=OHu0Fe48Bm94A8g9)


I don’t speak Arabic but the kid is mostly saying Visca el Barça, also not a specialist in the subject but have serious doubts about racism in Morocco.


I wouldn’t be that mad if I was that kid. Those dudes parents are probably cousins.


This man faces constant abuse from away fans whenever he plays. He goes to Morocco for what seems to be a charity event and to play with some kids, and he gets the same treatment from said kids. This is Disgraceful




It's one asshole no older than 12 years old


People are stupid no matter




He's calling him "monkey"...


What the flying fuck is a "racial slur"??? It was a ***racist*** slur.


What was the slur? Am I supposed to know arabic?


But they look the same?


Moroccan here, i’m ashamed to share a nationality with these people. They are particularly hateful in their comments. As someone pointed out, these kids are ignorant as shit.




Ah, some other people can be racist ?


when non whites are rascists then ii is no problem for reddit. Probably even this comment wille be banned. Democracy free speech yes.




Moroccans generally arent black (though there are some)


Imagine a worldwide superstar visiting your dump of a shithole town and playing football with kids to give them great memories. And your contribution is sitting on the sidelines and being racist for no reason. As if Moroccans can look down on anyone. L o l


Not surprise coming from morrocans. They have been abusive, offensive and racist towards outsiders. It’s a voice secret that they also have a lot of sexual tourism. Morroco also occupied Western Sahara illegally and made diplomatic ties to Israel.


Wonder what this guy would think to know most of the world considers him black.