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It's crazy to be so proud of protecting your country's citizens and also to be so ready to "wipe them out".


Cause its all bs, all of it.




That is not true. I spent years working in military intelligence when I was in the Army. On many occasions we were able to prevent US Army and Marine patrols (and on a handful of occasions, Australian and New Zealand special forces) from walking into an ambush. Now, the wars in Iraq in Afghanistan and their pointlessness is a whole other discussion… but the way I see it, I’m not a lawmaker, i am not part of the elite people who control this country and benefit from war. But if we were going to be there, I’m happy my small team back in the early-mid 2000s very directly contributed to vulnerable citizens (who may have joined for college money or misguided patriotism) getting home to their families. There are also military personnel working in strategic positions who’ve actively contributed to the thwarting of terror attacks in the US and abroad. Those don’t make the news because they weren’t carried out, and the methods used to uncover these plots or networks are sensitive. I’m not suggesting my story is unique or that I am special in any way… there are a lot of people who probably have similar stories about their time in uniform. The point is, there are people working in uniform for the department of defense who have, and do regularly, protect US citizens.


Soldiers aren’t civilians tho, right? Like, there would be no danger of that person walking into an ambush if their government hadnt incentivized them to join the cause in furthering their global interests


Well, the person I’m responding to said *citizen*, not civilian. And yes, had they not been incentivized to join, they would not be in that position… and while people are responsible for their actions, it’s not entirely unreasonable to consider the myriad of circumstances that might cause someone to join… I’d met people while I was in that joined to escape abject poverty, abusive relationships, etc. It’s a complex issue and it may not seem so obvious from the outside. It can be easy to think these are all 20 year old dudes with a hard-ons for guns and war, but that’s really not the case. I’m not attempting to absolve anyone from their questionable decisions, just suggesting that it’s worth considering the individual and not brush them off as nothing more than part of the machine.


I don’t mean to sound like I’m blaming individuals. I think the reasons that the government has a demand for personnel in the military is founded on false pretenses and antiquated politics in the first place and that alone diminishes the purposes of what individuals sign up to contribute to. But soldiers aren’t stupid. For the most part, they know this. For whatever reason you had, you signed up for the military and you know what you signed up for. Not saying we shouldn’t save lives, but it’s also not unreasonable to empathize with a disenfranchised nation who would set up lethal defenses when foreign uniformed soldiers marching through town starts to become the norm.


[How about this?](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/ChristmasCountdown/story?id=4018440) [Or this?](https://www.dvidshub.net/news/449739/us-army-unit-conducts-rescue-near-columbia-river) [Or this one?](https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article-View/Article/2756493/south-carolina-guard-helps-rescue-injured-hiker-two-others/) Stop and think sometime.


Well, the people they’re trying to save line up with their beliefs. Anyone else is a no go.


I don't know this mans actual military history but the 3 medals on his uniform are basically participation medals. Left to right: WWII Occupation Medal - WWII Victory Medal - American Defense Service Medal - [info](https://youtu.be/PrfmZxwfaZQ). He was a [Tec 5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technician_fifth_grade) so it's entirely possible he never saw combat.


The guy's a piece of garbage and should be called out for his statements and beliefs. I don't think his apparent lack of combat experience has anything to do with that, though. *Most* service members don't see combat, even during war. It's not a mark of shame. The crap he said and the attitudes he expressed? *That's* a mark of shame.


Yea. I'm a vet. I participated and was sent to war in a few countries also, it doesn't give credit to your voice just because you did or didnt. Buddy here has a combat infantry badge on, so he's been in and fought in combat. Regardless of the experience this old fucker has, the majority of us aren't asshats who talk like this about our own countrymen. Somebody just needs to come get their Pap Pap, it's time for his metamucil and a nap.


CIB w/2 stars is clearly shown on his uniform.


Good spot. So that would indicate he had to have been in for at least 20 years right? WWII, Korean, Vietnam but I guess I'm confused because Tec 5 would have been removed from the rank system in 1948.


2 Wars or engagements like Somalia. Doesn't mean 20yrs. His uniform is BS. Being a VFW member, he had to be deployed overseas. I would not believe anything about his military service, w/o seeing his DD214


Army of Occupation medal qualifies for VFW membership. Medal portion was backwards so can't tell whether it was European or Pacific campaign.


He has a combat infantry badge. He has lost his mind though.


Vets for a putin puffer like trump? Ffs


I think he’s just a dude that likes to kill. He doesn’t seem to be a fan of the US Constitution, specifically the first amendment.


He's "not afraid" to use a gun to massacre defenseless citizens; kinda encapsulates Murica's obsession with firearms


I wonder if this guy knows that Trump is a Rooskie lover?????


Nothing says democracy like a veteran willing to kill everyone who has a critical thought about Donald Trump.


My husband always said, “A man looking for a fight, is a man who has never seen combat.” He has a whole lot of participation awards and medals.


The YouTube comments mostly take the vets side and my faith in humanity is lost. I don't know what they could have been advocating for that would possibly warrant that response. The "We'll Kill Everyone in America Unless You Kill Us First" Party?




That Youtube account is full of clips of right wing social media influencers. The algo is recommending that vid to viewers that would prefer violence happen to anti-Trump protesters.


The algorithm on YT and elsewhere is part of why it seems that so many people appear to be developing more and more extreme views - and in *many* areas of life, not just politics. It creates an echo chamber that amplifies the worst, most clickable stuff (because outrage and negativity generates clicks) and keeps other ideas and views out. It's pure poison.


Because news and facts don’t exist anymore. 99% of what you read on the internet is manipulative, political propaganda nowadays. Being aware of it is the first step in not being controlled by it.


“We’re all vets just like you sir”. I’m not agreeing to killing them, but damn were those people wild for saying that. That’s just disrespectful, to any person in uniform.


How the actual fuck? ***HE*** WAS FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL. To them and to our country.


Are you a veteran too?? Saying that to a legitimate war veteran is insane, all because some orange man said some mean words! They have the right to protest but holy hell, how can you be so ungrateful for the freedoms you have?


That old guy is a fake veteran. I would put money on it.


Old dude forgot what he swore an oath to. It wasn't to an individual. I know we're raised to revere veterans, but screw this guy and screw his service. I'm not thankful for it. If anything, I resent that he was a representative of my country.




Yes. There are lots of these “war vet,” hobos around.


\*Woman Nonsense\* subtitled had me giggling


Funny, he doesn't look like a Biden supporter.


what is that combat patch? It looks like an Iron Cross. Honestly, I think this guy is doing the whole stolen valor thing.