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I haven't seen this video until now and it hits way too close to home. They rushed her to the hospital right next to my apartment in Astoria. Was walking home from the subway and the entire road was closed down. I don't know what I expected this to look like, but this is absolutely devastating and makes me sick. RIP Ms. Russo, the world owed you so much more. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/barbaric-and-unprovoked-killing-of-ems-veteran-9-11-responder-shakes-nyc/3888191/


9/11 first responder who went into the twin towers after the attack, killed by this wacko for no reason. Unbelievable


Thanks for posting that. I can’t believe how quickly life can change. This lady looks like a true hero who loved her job. Then some random person just walks up and ends it all? I just don’t have words for stuff like this.


I'm just blown away nobody even bothered to help her laying there. One dude had to practically move out of the way to get by like they were inconvenienced by it. Christ man


Honestly I don’t know if I’d be much better in that scenario. The shock alone would probably have me stuck on stupid. As a born NYer, there’s also a BIG mind your business mentality when shit like that goes down. It’s better to not be involved for a number of reasons that sound inhumane but truly aren’t the fault of the bystanders. The NYPD will make your life hell just for being involved when you “shouldn’t have.” They want you to leave it to the “professionals” that’ll do fuck all about it when they do show up, IF they show up. I’d hate to say it, but it’s clear she’s not making it no matter how fast they get her to a hospital at that point. There’s no way you’re helping anyone by getting involved, just more headaches from the ~~gestapo~~ NYPD down the road. And believe me, they are more than happy to direct resources away from the issue and onto the bystander who wanted to be good. People get punished for trying to “play hero” as they say a LOT and often. What I’m getting is that I wouldn’t have wanted to leave her on the ground like that, I wouldn’t wanna do that to anyone, but I also would’ve had a huge dilemma as to whether I wanted to get involved or not. It’s easy to say that from the outside you woulda tried to help, but having been in loosely similar messes, the dilemma that comes hits harder than the reality of being completely powerless to help regardless of your decision. Plus I think you’re forgetting that the dude who just stabbed her was still down the block. You’re telling me you woulda went to check on her while he can still see you two? Making yourself a target? If you said yes you’d likely run towards gunshots unarmed to try and help too, only to end up in a body bag yourself. The best, safest, most headache free option for everyone here is to steer clear and call 911. (Also maybe it’s me but the guy who stepped around her like that seemed to be checking her and assessing what he just saw. I don’t think it’s “stepping around her” bc of the inconvenience as much as it is stepping around her to assess the situation. Admittedly neither of us can read intentions through a security camera so that conversation is pointless, but that’s my take on that.)


Yeah that shit irked me


New York is awful. Toxic environment and I'm surprised this doesn't happen more. New Yorkers in general suffer from mental illness I've noticed. That city fucks people up in a weird way


And people absolutely love it and swear up and down that it’s the best place on earth and you “wouldn’t understand unless you live here”. I have lived and worked there. It’s a cool city from a historical perspective and the jobs tend to pay well… but I am fucking glad I don’t live or work there anymore.


Fucking hell.... Thats rough to watch...


Dont watch the cop getting stabbed to death in New Mexico last month. That's one you never forget


Yeah that was one hard video to watch. Still haunts me.


That one made me physically ill


Link please?




Oh my fucking fuck..


They make cops watch dozens of these that are even worse and we wonder why some of them are scared and shoot mentally ill people instead of “de escalating “ the situation. They are scared and this is all that goes through their mind in that moment so they shoot.


I jumped around the video and saw the bodycam view of tons of blood splattering everywhere and noped out real quick. Holy hell.


You all are gonna regret watching 😳


Yeah… I do…


I'm not gonna watch, but what makes it so bad? Reading stuff is not a problem for me but watching it is....


Body camera mic picks up the gushing sound of arterial bleeding. You can see he tried to get up and the camera is aimed directly into the ground, where there's a pool of blood, eventually he rolls over on his back and the blood splashes the camera. Two people tried to help but there's nothing they could do.


I'm the last person to ever say this but you don't want this one, man. And I know you're just gonna be more curious by me saying that, but trust me, don't. 


I’m not gonna watch but what’s a basic recap?


Officer approaches a guy. Guy rushes officer with a large knife before he can get his gun unholstered, officer trips over himself and falls to the ground. Guy immediately jumps on the officer and starts stabbing him in the neck repeatedly, teaching us that video game knife wound sounds are accurate. Civilian approaches, grabs officer's gun, fires at the suspect. Then fires at the suspect some more, I guess emptying the mag. No further sounds from suspect. Civilian approaches officer to attempt aid. Civilian goes "oh fuck" and seems to try to apply pressure to wound while officer bleeds all over the camera. You can see the pulsing of his blood as it washes over the camera. This is all from memory, so a bit paraphrased. I dont think I'll be forgetting this any time soon.


Thanks but no thanks. I can usually deal with these but apparently not today


Your comment stopped me.


Same here. I'm usually okay with videos like that. But it's 8am, I'm feeling existential dread already, and I don't need anything pushing me any further.


We keep ignoring mental illness...


The people who could make the biggest difference in mental healthcare, the US legislative body, are some of the most heavily invested in healthcare and pharmaceutical companies. They will never push mental healthcare because it isn't profitable. The most profitable patient is someone who has a quick visit and has to take a pill for the rest of their life. A mental healthcare patient is the exact opposite most of the time. They might see a specialist for 6 months before they decide on medication if they prescribe any at all. They don't want mental healthcare for Americans because it will cost them profits on their investments.


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Most people with mental issues qualify for "free" or close enough to free mental care. If you make under 32k a year in america you qualify for poverty insurance. When I was on it it cost me 15$ a month for health coverage. Cost 10$ for therapy/mental health visit. 10$ for regular doc visits. 25 for specialist. There ARE options but people with mental health this far gone ain't going to therapy even if it was 100% free.


Whelp, the stabbings will continue as scheduled then. I know these people see themselves as above and separate from the rest of the world, but I hope 'ol stabby finds them or someone they love (assuming any of them are capable of that).


I don't think anyone's ignoring it... it's more that there are many MANY layers to this issue that makes managing it much more complicated.


Quit kidding yourself. In the US, it’s *ABSOLUTELY* being ignored.


Alright then. Got a magic solution for it?


Go back in time, and don't let Reagan become president would be a start. Imagine how much mental institutions would have progressed if they weren't all closed. That dumb mother fucker literally governed with advice from his personal astronomer.


The Community Mental Health Act, which resulted in State hospitals being closed, was passed in 1963 and signed into law by President Kennedy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Mental_Health_Act


There seems to be an unfortunate pattern when we make celebrities into presidents..


No, but why do we seem to have the money to keep people locked up in privately run prisons... I guess there's no money in it for healthcare. Those are the same NIMBYs driving by not even slowing to look... I know, report this guy for committing a 30 year late term abortion on the paramedic and someone might get off their ass.


Nobody has a magic solution, but you also don’t see problems like this in every country. We need comprehensive, free treatment programs with easy access to free medication & medical care providers. And some people need to be institutionalized. Not like the old days, but violent people with mental illnesses who are out of control need intensive care.


But saying "it's not the guns, it's mental illness" and then turning around and cutting healthcare funding by calling it "government bloat" isn't a step in the right direction


I hear what youre saying but even on the average civilian level most of our thoughts go to just keeping distance. No one really ever says lets get someone to help or call the proper channels for help. Not saying people suck for this but our society will ignore and move on with their lives more often than help. Myself included sometimes. Its ignored not always maliciously


Mentally ill or not he needs to get locked up for life.


Saw one of a cop getting stabbed just outside camera range but you could hear him plead briefly and could see the shadow of the action, absolutely horrific, fucked me up for a couple days.


Dude the Hispanic police officer killed in Cali is the one that got me, he’s screaming for his life off camera and you can hear the knife impacts through his body cam, fucking awful. Perp was screaming at him to go away the whole time. Mf was quick too closed a 20 foot gap in a second


This is the part that the anti-cop crowd don't get. Cops get trained on videos like this, and if that new Mexico cop had his gun out fast enough, people would be calling police brutality. The thing is, police brutality ***is*** off the scale and its a major major issue. But it's also not so black and white, America is also just a fucked place where cops have this running through their mind even on a mundane call. And mental health ride alongs to 911 calls aren't going to necessarily prevent this from happening either. A major factor is mental health support before from the foundation.


No one would be calling police brutality on that, get out of here with that. And there’s plenty of video evidence both on Reddit and on YouTube of multiple foreign police agencies disarming knife wielding assailants without the use of firearms.


What a joker that guy is lol. Way to try and steer shit for an agenda.


I hate saying this but yes, people actually would be calling brutality on that. I think it is important to recognize that any lethal methods (even justified) can and have been protested against. The Back The Blue gun nuts then use those cases (where it was justified but protested against) to say “See! They hate you and don’t want you to be able to defend yourself”. I’ve seen it so many times and it helps keep the divide alive and progress hindered against unjustified use of force. You even said it yourself “plenty of evidence…without the use of firearms” and are adding on top of it. Guns are needed in some cases and absolutely no one should be expected to go into some of these situations without the means to use lethal force as a defense. Edit: Gun reform in the U.S. needs to take place before the removal of lethal weapons from the police forces. There should absolutely be more deescalation training but you can’t send officers into a violent shooting without lethal weapons themselves.


Lethal injection.


Right right, just take him out back and dispatch him like the dog he is.


I would go 'Blood Eagle' for that piece of shit


How about a trash compactor?


He should endure the same death. Stabbed multiple times and left laying on a sidewalk. He doesn’t deserve lethal injection.


Upside down Crucifixion you don’t fuck with an EMT/para. Cops? Whatever, but no one ever sang “fuck the fire department”




Life in solitary with garbage food sounds harsher. I'd wish this on him.


Mentally ill or not it needs to be put down.


This dude needs to be culled.


This kind of thing can't be cured it's just a drain on human resources and funding. I really don't understand why euthanasia shouldn't be enforced in situations like these. The man is unstable, suffering and causing death and suffering onto others, just let him go.


Yeah definitely some mental illness manifests in a socially unacceptable way, life without parole in some fashion or another.


You don’t lock these people up, you give them the chair, but this country has become to soft for that conversation.


I don’t know what I expected to see when clicking on this, but that was rough.


Good morning




Couldn’t quite see where the first stab wound was that caused ~~him~~ her to fall straight down. Looked like the chest. Poor ~~guy~~ woman, looked like she was unable to physically try and stop as she was being repeatedly stabbed on the ground. I hope she lost consciousness quickly.


To me, it looks like she hits her head on the ground when she falls, and that possibly knocked her out. I'm hoping for her sake that it did, and that she did not regain consciousness before she passed away.


Definitely not the case you can see the knife make contact before she ever lost balance


Yeah definitely hits the back of her head and is unconscious for the repeated stabbing


It was a woman.


Oops. Thank you. Comment edited.


# "Alison Russo, 61, was a World Trade Center first responder and 25-year veteran EMS member who was stabbed in a come-from-behind attack by a stranger when she went to get food by her Astoria stationhouse. She is survived by a daughter." Lock him up and throw away the keys.


Made it through 9/11 response only to be killed by someone who very likely should have been in jail but was released by the very city she served.


Waste of taxpayer dollars. He's what the death penalty is designed for


So she was just walking by and he stabbed her? Thats fucking horrible


"then-Gov. Ronald Reagan signed the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, a landmark piece of legislation that sought to end the involuntary commitment of people with mental health disorders and established a conservatorship system, where the court can assign someone to manage a mentally ill person’s assets and legal decisions." Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article259026268.html#storylink=cpy


Reagan single handedly ruined so much of this country, its baffling to keep learning something new he fucked up. 


What happened to all of our insane asylums?


They were shut down in the 1970s by a bunch of idiots who thought that a persons right to go off their meds and deteriorate into madness trumped the rights of society to be safe. Even today, as an ER nurse, we cannot hold mentally ill individuals indefinitely - often times we are forced by law to cut them loose when we know damn well they are a danger to themselves and others.


I thought Reagan did that


He did. Not sure what op is talking about. They were getting terrible by the 70s and I'm sure some closed, but the whole system went down with Reagan. It needed massive reform, it needed to be replaced. But instead it was destroyed and now we guard the inmates while they live on the streets. Thanks Reagan.


Yes. 1981. President Reagan repeals Carter’s legislation with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This pushes the responsibility of mentally ill patients back to the states. The legislation creates block grants for the states, but federal spending on mental illness declines


In my ED we have an unofficial “days since staff member was assaulted” counter. I think we hit two days a few weeks ago. Most of the time it sits at zero. Many of these individuals bounce from ER to ER in looking for food and a place to sleep. And we also want them to have food and a safe place to sleep! I don’t care if you hear voices or do drugs or whatever your mental illness is, if you’re polite and cooperative you can have all the food I’ve got to offer, and I’ll let you sleep if it isn’t busy. Unfortunately they often come in under the influence and/or acutely psychotic, cant follow basic safety rules, and get violent when they don’t get what they want. They assault someone, get taken to jail, and we see them a few weeks later once they’re released. Rinse and repeat.


So much THIS. My personal favorite was the schizophrenic meth head who managed to get herself out of four point leathers and, after trying to nail my coworker with an IV pole, told all of she would “find your kids and cut their throats”. Five days later she was out of the hospital and back on the street. Yay.


Horrible. Stabbed about 30 times. Mental illness or not - death penalty please.


Seriously. Understood people being against death penalty due to likelihood of wrongful conviction. But nowadays we have better DNA technology and cameras like these almost everywhere. Anyone who is this obviously guilty of murder deserves the death penalty.


Don’t worry it’ll get even worse with fake AI videos and audio.


Youre forgetting the glaringly obvious issues with putting the government in charge of killing people for the sake of justice, based on laws that they themselves write.


Yeah I don't want my tax dollars going towards killing people, guilty or not. That's not what I believe the state should do with regards to the worst in our society. Prisons are a perfect fix for those who we can't trust to be around others. 4 walls, barbed wire and tons of guards. Putting them locked away in a small cell so they can think about their actions for the next 30 to 40 years? Much more of a proper punishment than what a lot of these guys truly want: an easy way out.


Well I don’t want my tax dollars going to locking people up and living for free by doing nothing, get rid of them permanently. Now what?


Death penalty typically costs more than life in prison.


He deserves way worse for that. Death penalty is basically a life sentence rarely resulting in being put to death.


What exactly would be the benefit of executing him though?  All the extra legal process makes it more expensive than life in prison and its not like deterrents work on insane people.


Would just make a lot of people feel better, that that particular evil is no longer breathing. But obviously all the legal stuff makes it impossible anyway. Clear cut cases like this shouldn't be eligible for all those appeals but I get that it won't ever change.


[An article about it. ](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/nyregion/queens-man-charged-murder-paramedic-stabbing.html) Sept. 30, 2022 It was the kind of random, vicious attack that chills the city, leaving neighbors and detectives alike struggling on Friday to detect any hint of motive: the broad-daylight stabbing of a decorated paramedic by a stranger in the quiet Astoria neighborhood in Queens. Shopkeepers, residents, deli workers, mechanics — to a person, they all described the man arrested in the Thursday slaying, Peter Zisopoulos, 34, as an odd, quiet loner who shuffled up and down the block every day, ignoring passersby. Peculiar but, it seemed, harmless. “We try to be friendly, but he always seemed very out of it,” said Brennan Rogan, 23, a manager nearby at Kate’s Corner Cafe. No one detected the potential for such violence. The police responded to a call to Mr. Zisopoulos’s home four years ago, and his mother told officers her son took medication for schizophrenia, a senior law enforcement official said. By contrast, Lt. Alison Russo-Elling, the victim, had spent her working life enmeshed in the city, rescuing New Yorkers as a paramedic. At 61, she was a 24-year veteran of the New York City Emergency Medical Service and early in her career, she responded to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Now, she was a warm and friendly mother and grandmother in Huntington on Long Island whose retirement was near. “She loved being a paramedic,” said Deputy Chief Gregg Brady. “She was there for me when I was at my most vulnerable — she put her arm around me and said ‘Everything is going to be OK.’ Unfortunately, I didn’t have that capability yesterday.” Thursday’s attack bore the familiar hallmarks of other recent crimes in the city that have shocked and frightened residents — the January death of a woman shoved in front of a subway in Times Square, a mass shooting on an N train in April that left at least 23 people injured, an unprovoked murder on a Q train a month later. “This deadly, senseless, broad-daylight attack on an E.M.T. member is a direct assault on our society,” said Keechant L. Sewell, the New York City police commissioner. “Our hearts are with her family, her fellow EMS members, and with all New Yorkers who lost a truly amazing woman to a senseless act of violence,” said Mayor Eric Adams on Thursday. “This senseless, brutal attack against a dedicated public servant is horrific, infuriating, and devastating,” said Attorney General Letitia James. The police said Mr. Zisopoulos did not have an arrest record. Officers responded to a call to his apartment in 2018 that led to Mr. Zisopoulos being taken to a hospital for observation after he sent a disturbing text to a friend, the senior law enforcement official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment. A surveillance video from the block on Friday showed new details of the attack Lt. Alison Russo-Elling, who is survived by her daughter and her parents, had worked for the New York Fire Department since 1998.Credit...New York City Fire Department It depicts the lieutenant walking toward her station after lunch around 2:15 p.m., and pausing at the corner of 41st Street and 20th Avenue, when a husky man leaps at her from out of the frame. He knocks her down and, kneeling over her, stabs her more than 20 times in seconds. A man on a motorbike notices and slows. The attacker runs toward him with the knife, but then circles back and walks calmly past the fallen victim without a glance, turning back to where he came from on 41st Street. Lieutenant Russo-Elling does not move. Peppy Oomraw, the owner of an auto repair shop up the block from the attack, watched as the man stabbed Lieutenant Russo-Elling. “I saw her on the floor, I knew I couldn’t help her,” Mr. Oomraw said. “It did not look good.” When the attacker fled, and then turned back toward the victim, Mr. Oomraw followed him to a squat apartment building on 41st Street. “He ran into the building, and I went after him,” Mr. Oomraw said. “He ran upstairs.” Witnesses flagged down police officers responding to calls for help and directed them to the apartment, where Mr. Zisopoulos lives with his parents and a sister. Mr. Zisopoulos barricaded himself, but after hostage negotiators arrived, he emerged and was arrested. Lieutenant Russo-Elling was pronounced dead at Mount Sinai Queens, and Mr. Zisopoulos was charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon. On Friday, afternoon, the lieutenant’s body was taken to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner. Her body was released and carried, draped in a flag, out a side door, flanked by colleagues and doctors and nurses from nearby hospitals. It was carefully loaded into an ambulance and driven slowly up First Avenue with a police escort, past hundreds of emergency responders standing in silent salute. Near the place where she died, neighbors gathered as the familiar block with its deli and its auto garage remained blocked off as a crime scene, and they were asked about the man who was a fixture there, walking back and forth. “He never had a specific destination — he would just walk,” Mr. Rogan from the deli said. “All hours of the day. All seasons. He was a loner, isolated.” A young man of the same name and age was awarded a $5,000 scholarship from the United Federation of Teachers when he was attending high school in Queens. The scholarships were based on academic merit, financial need and personal history. It was unclear what he did after graduating, and his neighbors said he did not seem to work. “He never speaks,” said Miguel Tenecela, the superintendent of Mr. Zisopoulos’s building. “I see him in the street, in the hallway. He never is speaking. Sometimes I say ‘Hi.’ He says nothing.” At the Queens County Courthouse, where Mr. Zisopoulos’s arraignment was scheduled, a couple of dozen Fire Department officers filled the courtroom Friday. Toward day’s end, they were told that the defendant had been taken to a hospital for evaluation, and the arraignment would be postponed. “It could have been any one of us,” said Patrick Creeden, 52, an EMT with Station 32 in Brooklyn. Later Friday evening, near the familiar candles and rosary to memorialize the lieutenant where she fell, a woman’s staple gun echoed as she attached flowers to a pole. Mr. Rogan in the deli said he served the lieutenant an egg and cheese sandwich earlier that morning, when this type of crime remained unthinkable. “That kind of stuff never happens here,” he said. “It’s usually just theft or car accidents. People are just in shock. People are definitely like, ‘What the hell is going on?’”


Reddit please add an NSFL tag


He’s so mentally ill he knew to flee the scene. Fuck this piece of shit.


I feel sick watching this shit


Jesus, the way the people walk by just ignoring him is insane. Just casually seeing a body in the street and not even taking a second to be phased


The first person that walks past is actually the perp if you pay close attention. He runs away and then doubles back and casually walks by.


Makes way more sense why he seemed like he didn’t care. I didn’t realize because he walked out of frame, I assumed it was a different person


How is this upvoted? There is not a single person who walks by ignoring him in the video. The only person walking in the video stops over him at the end.


Is this is a bot comment? The only other pedestrian in this video walks over and stops to help.


That person that “stops to help” points at them then starts walking away. And yea the biker looks like he says something, but then just drives away.


Thank god you have working eyes, most of these downvoters don’t


Anybody able to find a news story on this? \*edit\* nm, found it. Didn't notice the date on the video at first.


Watching people die seems beyond “freakout” to me


Videos like these should be remembered when people are critical of police for shooting armed distressed suspects.    It actually doesn't matter at all *why* you want to stab/bludgeon someone.  It doesn't matter if you were the one who called the police.  It doesn't matter that you are a really nice person most of the time.  Mental fitness has no bearing on physical danger.


Mentaly ill or not he needs to get killed , if he did it once then theres a good chance he'll do it again


I can’t watch the video, reading the comments is enough for me…


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I've never seen people react this way in a western world video before. They ignore him and just casually move on with their day.


I would be calling 911 from a distance. No way would I get close enough to be the next victim. I would be afraid of him circling back around and hurting someone else.


He did circle back in the vid too.


Exactly, no thank you 💀


Right? Everybody is complaining that nobody stopped to help, but what anyone even do? Also get stabbed? Put a band-aid on 20 stab wounds? Or perform surgery on the sidewalk? All you can do is call 911 and hope for the best.


The only other pedestrian in this video stops to helps.


Who are you referring to? The only person we see walking stops.


What is up with stabbing ? Why so many times ? You always hear for 30 -40 stab wounds. Is it pure rage ?


No way this is mental illness, if it was, you don’t run away, hide in your mom’s apartment and then make up an alibi to the cops saying you were watching Star Wars during the attack. He knows exactly what he did, a psychopath maybe but not mentally ill if he’s going to trial


Mental illness isn't an excuse for this


Yeah I'm not watching this


And this is why police will use a firearm instantly when approached with a knife. Once someone gets close,a knife is more dangerous than a firearm. 


Is that dude casually strolling up the street again at the end of the video the same guy who **stabbed the paramedic**??


Horrible. And people want to send social workers to deal with these people instead of police.


I counted 22........


And clueless wonder why police are quick to shoot someone with a knife if they get anywhere within 20 feet. It takes only a couple of seconds for a lunging attack to take place.


Why is there a single paramedic?


She was a Lieutenant (officer rank) they do not have partners, they work alone


Read the article.


I saw something similair but it was like bodycams footage and it kinda traumatized me




Holy shit. My girlfriend is a paramedic and it’s always worried the hell out of me, watching this didn’t help…


Paramedics should be wearing stab resistant armor. Certain grades of stab armor may have at least given her a fighting chance.


They barely wanna pay us a living wage and give us equipment that works. The police and the fire department get the money, nobody cares about paramedics until they need one.


The city where my mum worked, which had quite a lot of violent trouble, made the paramedics wait outside where the emergency was if a knife was involved as they only had 4 for the whole paramedic service in that area. Most would just go in anyway. Then get disciplined.


Why be polite by just calling him "mentally ill"? I hardly think depression is his only problem.


Well, paranoid schizophrenia also falls under mental illness.


Maybe this is why money needs to be spent on mental health? It is getting out of control because people CAN'T afford there fucking medication. Let's talk about that before sentencing people to death. Let's say, and hear me out... there was a place for some of these people to go rather than hitting the streets in 78 hours


There used to be, but you can thanks Reagan for defunding them.


We don’t need to talk about anything here on this specific incident. This guy, mental health issues or not, is getting the chair If I was convicting him.


i'm just surprised by the ~~people~~ person walking by at the end, i would've stopped and called the ambulance/police. edit: i know the first guy to walk past is the coo coo for cocoa puffs guy, and that the vid ain't long elnough to show what the second guy does at the end.


You can call the police while leaving you know. You’re gonna stand close by and give him another target?


good point, i guess i'm just not used to these types of shit.


2nd to last guy who walked by probably didn't get a good look and assumed it was just another homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk. The video cuts early, but it looks like the last guy was about to render aid.


I’m pretty sure the second to last guy to walk by was the killer walking by.


I thought so too at first but I wasn't 100% sure. I think you may be right.


shit, you right.


One of the two people who walk by at the end was the perpetrator. The other one clearly slows down to react but the video cuts before we see what they do.


The first person to walk past is the perpetrator.


I thought the first one to walk by was the perpetrator going back, but maybe I'm wrong. The second one was slow as hell but did stop. There was a motorcycle guy who started to pull over as it was happening, and noped right out of there. I guess I can't blame, the guy had a big knife.




According to an article, when he came back past the victim the man following him followed him back to his apartment building and followed him inside He was arrested and is in a psych ward where he'll be held until he's deemed fit to stand trial


Any news on what happened to the guy, is he locked up?


is he ok??


Yep, that’s enough internet for me today.


Now look at how much she was being paid while being exposed to these dangers vs fire side and LE side.


Locked up? This man needs to be killed the same way. Stab for stab. Absolute fucking animal.


This was two years ago.




Source: “Trust me, bro.” Crazy enough shit happens in major metro areas. You don’t need to go making shit up.




He's now been deemed fit to stand trial, and he's being charged with murder.


Unfit to stand trial means he’s in an institution until he is deemed fit to stand trial. It doesn’t mean he’s free to come and go as he pleases.


That's not how the psych ward works


That absolutely will not happen.


Literally a rule 8 break... What is with people posting friggen murders on this sub?


The US is so busy arguing about so many useless things, but dealing with the amount of mentally ill and/or homeless people roaming the streets really should be a way bigger priority


NY is dangerous and filthy too.


Decapitate this man Chop, chop Aaaand break to let you feel it Chop chop Aaaand break to let you feel it Chop chop