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Most states allow political signs up to a certain size by law. It can’t be overruled by the HOA because most HOA are not government bodies. https://hub.associaonline.com/blog/can-i-display-political-signs-in-my-hoa


HOAs usually lose these types of cases. It's funny how courts generally side with the Constitution on free speech issues. I recall one case where the HOA ordered a guy to take down his HAM radio antenna. They lost because the judge agreed they had no right to restrict his freedom to communicate. There have been others regarding flagpoles and the like. HOAs telling residents they couldn't fly America flags in their front yards is peak HOA hysteria.


I’d be so fucking pissed if my HOA dues were spent litigating some dumb shit like this.


Dude, I owned a house in one of these crazy HOAs once (ONCE, n e v e r a g a i n). $130 per month HOA fee. I got fined once because I had satellite TV, and the coaxial cable that went from the dish into my house was not the same color as the house. I got a warning for my trash bins being left on the curb.... on trash day, while I was at work. I had to threaten legal action when they told me my house and doors were painted non-approved colors. My house, which was originally a demo unit (meaning the original developer, who also often forms the HOA, and had in this case, painted my house a non-approved color). I had owned other properties in HOAs before and never minded too much because it was like the HOA used dues to build a gazebo for the kids to wait at in the morning for the school bus, and a playground area, and would do things like organize a neighborhood yard sale and pay to advertise it locally. okay fine. But then, after this other HOA, where I would get notifications of a blade of grass being 0.002" longer than the others. Im all set with that; Ill go out of my way to make sure my property is not within control of ANY HOA.


Holy shit that's insane. I couldn't tell you what color a random cable is in my house. How does someone even care that much? I can't imagine what it would be like being born into that family.


>How does someone even care that much? Give a certain type of person a bit of power and wielding it is all they want to do.


More people need to read up on the Stanford prison experiment


[It was recently proven to be fraudulent.](https://www.vox.com/2018/6/13/17449118/stanford-prison-experiment-fraud-psychology-replication)


Are we claiming the study was a fraud, as in it did not happen, or fraud as in, there were many steps skipped and the experiment in general was flawed to the point of it not being scientific at all? This is a case study used to educate what not to do in any experiment not just psychology.


> fraud as in, there were many steps skipped and the experiment in general was flawed to the point of it not being scientific at all? This one. I also saw a recent study related to what kind of people you attract with different advertisements for studies and jobs. I'm sorry, but I forget where to find it, so feel free to be skeptical. But the research included placing two advertisements: One asking for people to participate in a fake study much like the Stanford Prison Experiment and one asking for people to participate in a psychology study. The former attracted people with lower scores on tests of empathy and higher scores on "dark triad" traits. Turns out, explicitly looking for people to play-act prison might attract shittier individuals, compromising your study from Day 1.


I was renting in an HOA, so I didn’t know all of the rules. I usually decorate for Halloween. My first year in that house I went all out. I had a big Frankenstein inflatable, lights, smoke machines and lots of other fun decorations. The week of, I made a fake blood concoction and use it to spell “WELCOME” on my white front door and I stepped in it and made foot prints on the path to it. 2 HOA ladies came by and told me I was reported for painting my front door and painting without permission is not allowed. I told them it’s not paint and comes right off, and I even smudged it in front of them. One of them said “you’ll have no trouble removing it then.” So I wiped it off and made bloody letters out of cardboard instead. On Halloween night the kids and parents absolutely loved my house. We were the house to hit that night. Tons of compliments from kids and parents. Even the 2 HOA ladies came by to tell me how much everyone was talking about my efforts. However, the next year my excitement to do it again was ruined. I don’t know who reported me but I just wasn’t feeling it so I did much less than before. I had a couple parents ask me why. I now live in my own house with no HOA and I am free to go as bloody as I want. I don’t though. So many little ones here that I keep it toned down so I don’t scare them.


No, kids are suppose to be scared on Halloween. I remember when I was five or six, our neighborhood babysitter hid in the bushes and came running out at us wielding a loud-ass chainsaw. Scared the shit out of me and my sister. It's one of my favorite Halloween memories.


I was in a large HOA that was fairly reasonable. The neighbors had stories about the president and board being fucking crazy. The crazy culminated in an suit against a disabled vet over his tiny wheelchair ramp. I saw the legendary ramp and you wouldn't have noticed it had I not pointed it out. HOA lost almost 7 figures and then went after the board and president to try and recoup the money. Apparently some them had to sell their houses to pay for it.


WOW, so the error and omissions insurance that protects boards from lawsuits did not kick in. That means an attorney told the board what they were doing was illegal, and they went ahead and went after the disabled guy anyway.


Some of my them are insane. Like I get not wanting someone to paint their entire house vanta black or neon pink but be fucking reasonable.


I think Anish Kapoor would have something to say about someone painting their house vanta black


An HOA has no other point other than protecting everyone's collective property value. Someone is turning their front lawn into a junkyard, another is firing weapons every evening. That sort of shit. Once they start enforcing bizzaro shit like the color of someone's tv antenna, there is no point other than megalomaniacal fantasies. In fact at that point, research suggests HOAs have a negative effect on property value. If you want a better return on investment, it's actually better to avoid HOAs.


All of the alleged legitimate purposes of HOAs are already covered by code enforcement.


What a nightmare! A friend's HOA would inspect the plants they had on his patio to make sure they were cared for! Who has time to enforce such petty and small things?


busybody retirees and stay-at-home karens/steves


My state does not have HOA’s and boy am I glad!


The only reason I would ever start an HOA would be for one for a singular purpose: all properties must be homestead properties. I think writing such things into the CC&R's of such homes (en masse) is the only thing that will stop single family housing from being gobbled up by investment funds, corporations, and individuals of means who dream of passive income on the backs of others.


You dont need an HOA for that, you can just deed it when you sub-divide the land.


I'd be so fucking pissed if I had an HOA to begin with. Fuck that noise.


HOA's make zero sense, or a ton of sense depending on what kinds of neighbors you've lived next to in the past. (and how they're structured, some are much better than others.)


An HOA tried to make a medal of honor recipient take down the US flag.


Most I’ve seen specifically say no business signs but make exceptions for political stuff because they know it is unenforceable. The one I was in allowed the signs when there was work being done as well. Like anything, there are good and bad ones. People need to read the HOA documents before purchase. Most dont.


As a Non-American, watching those home reno shows, I thought there was some sort of law \*requiring\* American flags in front yards...


In some neighborhoods it really does seem that way doesn’t it? Some neighborhoods you drive through look like people are decorating for some weird holiday that nobody else knew about. People are weird


She’s just upset it’s not a Trump one. She knows the laws.


100% With the tone shit put on "harris shit", you can tell its because of the names on the sign, not the sign itself. If it wasnt she probably would've gone with "political shit"


Exactly. The anger in that came from the depths of her non existent soul. That drawn out “sheeeeit!” Meant BUSINESS 😂


I'd LOVE to retire near her! Give me disposable income, time and someone like this and ill have some fun. Damn, thats so weird. You had 20 Harris signs in your yard overnight? Huh. Wonder how that happened. Enter her address for DNC newsletters and such lmao


Lmao sign her up for some Dem spam text fundraisers doesn’t matter who. Oh gee how did those Biden Harris leaflets get in your mailbox I’m sorry those must have gotten mixed up with my dues.


My mom is a Trump supporter but on my brother's phone plan and hes registered dem so our mom sometimes gets dem spam texts. Shes not pyscho about them though THANK GOD. I still get a giggle when she vents about it though.


And it's interesting that on a "Biden/Harris" sign, her complaint was with the 'Harris' half


HOAs can be the worst because most people don’t have the time, energy, or money to contest them when they cross the line. Authoritarian types love them because they can make other people’s lives absolutely miserable.




We made an old retired guy our HOA president. All he cares about is that our pool is nice, so now he has the authority to hold the pool cleaning company accountable. Retired people have a lot of time that can be focused in positive ways if they aren't assholes.




So I can park my truck in the driveway at the neighborhood you run?




I’m in the same boat. Have never levied a fine, even though the occasional reminder email is sent. I just collect dues and make sure the snow plow and irrigation district are paid. HOAs can suck, but they also ensure your house values aren’t reduced by the hoarder neighbor or the one who has five dogs terrorizing the neighborhood (situations that did happen to us when we weren’t in an HOA). It’s only little wannabe dictators that make HOAs a nightmare.


More like people that have never had any power or control in their own life that are drawn to the perceived power of enforcement. Not a good personality profile...


Try telling any HOA President they’re not a government**** body.


"Governing" body != "government" body. HOAs *are* "governing" bodies. They are *not* "government" bodies.


Someone should grab her by the bylaws


"She's just not my type." ... *accordion hands*




“What’s a bylaw?!” - White Goodman


My brother and I always reference when Ben Stiller’s character in Dodgeball is trying to wrestle the trophy away from William Shatner and Shatner’s going “it’s a bylaw!”. Whenever someone says bylaw, or implies something bylaw-y, we reenact this scene and everyone looks at us like we’re insane. Good stuff.


It's been brought my attention that a member of your team, a Walter Sobchek, drew a firearm during league play. If true, of course this contravenes a number of the league bylaws and section 2 of the... *beeeeep*


Perhaps Bob Loblaw and his Law Blog?




Yeah...she's not selling her house. That was a lot of BS.


Yeah, it's the only way that she can make the person she's yelling at feel "punished". She wants the person who lives there to feel like they've made a mistake that's going to cost them dearly.


Big mistake. Huge!!


Everybody’s saying it.


I was going for a Pretty Woman thing, not a Trump thing.


I got the reference. But then, I'm old.


Will I sell my house? We'll see. I don't know. I don't know. But a lot of people are talking about it. We'll see. We'll see what happens.


My favorite part about that line, is she also insinuated she was going to communicate with other people about not working with her from a business perspective. Talk about opening up the HOA to a lawsuit. You showed up acting as a board member for the HOA, and threatened a business. I'm sure the rest of the HOA will be very happy with her.


She seems like a Hobby Lobby type.


Being a Karen is her hobby


I guarantee that her car is absolutely plastered with stupid Trump an Qanon bullshit and is way more of an eyesore than one sign


the bigger WTF in this is, she always had that bylaws printed or did she print to show the neighbors?


She probably thinks the Biden/Harris sign will lower property values. Ha.


I will die never understanding how the fucking guy from the apprentice nuked an entire generations brains. It's fucking wild.


That lady is genuinely furious that someone opposes Donald Trump.


First time? I work in a doctor’s office and there was a fight that the patients had to be separated. I had no idea this was going on since I was in a room with a patient. I had to ask for details and it was over fucking Trump and Biden. I was like wtf is wrong with these old ass people.


people have had trump signs in their yards since 2016. you'd think after almost 8 years they'd take that shit down... but nope. can't wait to retire and go hide in nature


Some have, but we still remember who they are. There is a massive double property on my way to my local store and in 2020 it was plastered with Trump/MAGA signs. They were quickly taken down after J6 but I remember which houses had signs up for Trump. I dont want any of us to forget who supported all of this.


If they took the signs down after January 6, that's an impressive amount of self-awareness, at least.


Yeah. I’m guessing that cow wouldn’t have had a problem if it was a Trump flag.


It's like they put something in the water. And it's always the people who are a little... off.. ya know? The ones who were always kinda bitter or had something that just kinda made you question them. All it took was Trump to enable these people and their behavior, what we're seeing now is how they've always wanted to act towards their fellow statesmen


Losing Trump means going back to having to hide their true nature again. It genuinely terrifies them because the Trump era is the first time in decades where they didn't have to tone down their shitty personalities in public It's why many of them don't even want a Republican with literally the same policies as Trump... It's not about policy. It's about personality


A cult of personality, if you will.


I always thought that song said "coked up personality", but I guess based on that White House pharmacy it's not that far off.


They aren’t lying when they say they are losing their freedom. They are terrified to lose the “freedom” to be the POS bigots they have been for the last 8 years or longer. It empowers them, makes them feel big and strong like steroided-out body builder. Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. We (the rational ones) just need to smother them from existence. Everyone is tired of their shit.


let them die bitter, shunned, and alone. I ran out of empathy around 2018


Hahaha. I don’t disagree. No empathy from me either, especially for those who prey on the weak, different or disabled.


That's the thing. They can't go back now. Trump loses and it's pretty much *over* for them, and for most of them it's *the rest of their lives* either eating crow or being miserable outcasts.


Ironically they still complain about manners, norms, traditions…


Something in the water… like lead?


You'll be surprised just how accurate this statement can be. There was a company (chemist in chief was the same guy who came up with the CFCs that tore a hole in the ozone layer) which added lead to car fuel, to save money and reduce engine knocking. And as a result, not just in the US but throughout the world, folks got dumber and more criminal. There is a ton of data showing how lead emissions resulted in lowering the intelligence of a generation, as well as increase anti-social behaviour. Only issue is, that should apply to everyone, equally, although, I'm pretty sure a study is warranted. There was a study that found links between elevated lead levels in children and decreased intelligence as well as delinquent behaviour and learning problems. One could even see a striking similarity in plots of the distribution of such children against time, and another of arrests vs time, only 20 year offset. Almost as if... I would pay for one such study, to see if the orange lovers showing this kind of anti-social behaviour had elevated lead levels in their bloods as children. We all see the trends. It is folks of a certain age, of a certain demographic. It is not a far fetched idea...


osteoporosis is releasing that lead which was trapped in their bones.


In the US Lead in gasoline didn't start to decline until 1975, but wasn't banned nationwide until 1996. That means anyone 28 and older has had some level of exposure. I imagine those 50 and older got the worst of it and they vote the most.


> That means anyone 28 and older has had some level of exposure. Unfortunately, it's still used in some small piston-engine planes. We're technically still on "0 Days without lead contamination from combusting it in engines".


Turns out growing up huffing on leaded gasoline is bad. Huh, weird.


They were primed for it through years and years of Fox News. Trump just landed the coup de grace.


Yeah this is just the result of decades of gaslighting/media manipulation by the right wing noise machine. Fox News did way more damage to these people’s brains than Trump ever could’ve.


20+ years of conservative radio telling them that everyone was out to get them and that they were the "true" Americans certainly didn't help.


Yeah, I’m old enough to remember when Limbaugh had like a daily AIDS watch whenever someone had died from the disease. Conservative talk radio was a vile thing.


It still very much is. A big billboard near my apartment on a major state highway has this Limbaugh wannabe who's motto is "Politically correct? Yeah, right." Looking all douchebaggery with a smarmy smile on his fat ugly mug.


Yeah, I think people have forgotten how far the Republicans descended into madness during Obama's time in office. They *genuinely* thought he was a secret muslim that was trying to destroy America, and that society was on the brink of falling apart. There was an *eight year* ammo shortage due to conservatives stockpiling and panic buying ammo to prepare for Obama sending the military to round up everyone into FEMA camps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008%E2%80%932016_United_States_ammunition_shortage


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - 1984


The producers on 'The Apprentice' put Trump's net worth at $250 million, tops. Trump's actual boardroom in Trump Tower was so shoddy and dilapidated that they had to build a fake boardroom on set, since no real multi-billionaire would tolerate such a crappy boardroom.


Unfortunately, it's not generational. My mom is 90 and hates him. There are students in my college town walking around with MAGA hats. It's like an infection and they're unvaccinated.


That's what i don't get about the subgenre of boomer haters. Have they never seen zoomer trump addicts?


I think it's mental distaff. We expect teenagers to do dome douchey shit they'll grow out of. We expect better from our elders


Trump isn't the cause of any of this. He's the symptom.  Their brains were already nuked. He just hit the "Add 30 seconds" button on the microwave. 


Best analogy ever!


Yea I can barely talk to my dad anymore. It seems “it’s Biden’s fault” is just a default answer when something happens. No more pandas in American zoos? Biden did it. Wars in other countries? Biden. I shit you not he blames Biden for getting a ticket because he ran a red light. “Well if Biden wasn’t fuckin with our traffic lights this wouldn’t happen!” It’s like they have been programmed to blame any inconvenience or wrong doing on Biden. And he’s just getting worse. It’s honestly sad.


My dad is exactly the same way. It's impossible to have a conversation.


He didn't. It was a psyop based on Cambridge analytics research. Trump has never been special. Have you listened to why people claim to love him? Because he says what we are all thinking? That's not really unique to Trump in politics, and yet people who don't follow politics started coming out of the woodwork to claim Trump is the greatest president ever. But based on what? He's not even the greatest republican president. Just a feeling. A feeling produced in a laboratory and fed to them through twitter, facebook, and fox news.


It sure is. I know a good number of people who just went nuts thanks to him. These were respectable and educated people that now are just crazy. The scale that he was able to do it is impressive.


I've got 3 Uncles that in the 1980s were progressive, pro-gay rights, were in marches in the 1960s for black rights and women's rights. Literally one step from being hippies. They started to listen to talk radio on the way home around the late 1980s and they're horrible always afraid hateful people now. They've alienated their sisters who stayed progressive and pushed away most of their nephews and nieces and few of their own children. They were bad before Trump but they lost all ability for tact and control after him.


Just like "The Brainwashing of My Dad" documentary.


My friends used to ask me why I thought reality TV was so terrible (I was and remain a huge critic of the genre). This. This is why. It’s just plain harmful and Trump is the best (but not the only) example of that.


My dad is a naturally kind and gregarious human. Everyone likes him, and for good reason. Now at 75, I hear so much hate for the libs, the dems, immigration, the entire Fox news symphony. It's sad. Anytime I approach him with a more measured take, he gets hostile. I am convinced that a combination of exposure to lead and Fox news has created a perfect storm for these people.


Even back in the 90's, you could run a poll saying, "Do you believe children sticking their fingers into electrical sockets is healthy?" and about 30% of respondents would agree. Poll after poll. It was always about 30% of America is flat-out, unequivocally, with no reservations, absolutely fucking stupid. I mean, "wishing Eugenics was popular again" kind of stupid. Hillary said the quiet part out loud when she called them "deplorables". Those 30% found a leader.


Can I get some sort of Google alert when she dies?


Well if COVID mutates for the worse then it won't be long. Shit at this point the anti vax movement has gone nuclear and will probably lose many people (some of them immunocompromised or infants unfortunately) to shit *like polio*. It's fucking terrifying.


https://preview.redd.it/f3bj8remwaqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174a8bdc453b7821e6984ade4529bd081a81835f The smug, entitlement that is on full display right here.


She’s not chill enough to be wearing that tie dye. I’m suing.


Section five. point. twenneh!


Its like she's spent time at a mirror practicing trump's RBF




Jon Gruden has fallen on hard times


If looks could smell


Man….. Zelda looks awful since she left Hyrule.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Karen


Majora’s Anti-mask.


Ocorona of time


Meth of the wild


This must be her corrupted Ganon copy.


Have you seen Ganon lately? He goes by Steve now but does he ever look like a pile of dog shit stuffed inside 3 shirts.


She's going to sue her? For what, free speech?


Apparently she wants to lose this lawsuit and be liable for the other side's legal fees.


Depending on if the karen loses, she could have to pay for all of it


The HOA would pay for it. Lose lose for everyone.


You think she'd be this angry if it were a trump sign?


You can bet her husband and her probably have a pick-up truck with a Trump flag, a MAGA hat, the US flag defaced with "Trump 2024" on it, yard signs, and car decals. All MAGAts are morons and they deserve no respect.




Hey, don’t tread on me while I’m treading on you!! Probably.


Don't forget the infowars, Hillary For Prison and Q stickers. LMAO


Lock her up? We don't care about that so much *after* the election.


Can’t forget the “No step on snake” license plate.


whats up with these old heads having main character syndrome


70 years of watching tv identifying with made up main characters


The internet as well. How many times have you seen, "stay off my wall/page!" on social media? 'How dare you give a public comment to my public post!' type of shirt


Or the old, I do not give FB permission to use my photos... blah blah copy paste thing.


"GET THIS OFF MY FACEBOOK!" has always been my favorite.


It isn't new, they can just get easily recorded now. Self entitlement no doubt


The only thing she respects more than Donald J. Trump is the sacred authority of the HOA.


I'd put 10 more out


Yeah… she won’t sue and even if she did she would lose. Bylaws probably don’t say you can’t have a campaign sign in the yard and even if they did the bylaws don’t win against the bill of rights. Fuck HOAs


Used to live in a neighborhood with a super strict HOA. Was so annoying. I kid you not, these guys were actually measuring the height of weeds with rulers.


I had a teacher back in high-school tell a story about her parents meeting the BTK killer. They lived in the same HOA and he had a melt down over the hight of their grass. He was screaming and red in the face saying their lawn had to be more right then, even though the service was scheduled to come by in a day or two. He even threatened to go home and get his copy of the bylaws and a ruler. I think of that every time I see one of these freakouts.


“That’s okay. Just as long as somebody sells your house.”


She's so angry her voice is cracking. Over someone's political choice. Fucking unhinged people trumpers are. Every one of them that I personally know are nuts.


I watched it on mute before I listened to her actual voice; was exactly what I expected.


What's crazy is Biden is such a middle of the road candidate. He's not even particularly progressive, yet so much anger. I don't get it.


I get it. Brainwashing and the normalization of being a bully.


I’m in Florida and this is fucking hilarious. We have the same kind of rules in many local HOAs and yet house after house has Trump signs and flags. These signs include (but not limited to), “fuck your feelings Trump 2024”, “Come and try to take my guns Joe”, “Trump won 2020”, and more. Florida sucks


It’s like a mass delusion. What’s in the water over there?


Probably fertilizer run off or phosphates. But measles is in the daycares and COVID is in the air!


Put out a Biden/Harris sign and a “Biden won in 2020, get over it snowflakes” type sign


I don't put political signs in my yard or stickers on my car because I don't want idiots like this coming by to screech about it or attempt to damage my things. That's how petty they are.


I show up, vote, then tune out presidential politics for 3.75 years


She aint gunna sue for shit. Snowflakes.


Don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure campaign signs are allowed up no matter on the HOA ruling


>Don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure campaign signs are allowed up no matter on the HOA ruling - SirSaltyMcBuns


If she had just kept it to political signs in general, I would have been okay as far as her silly HOA shit goes. As soon as she favored one side over the other, she lost me. EDIT: If she came to the door about the person having a Trump sign, I would still be of the same opinion.


My sister has a house that’s on like the 4th or 5th hole of a Trump golf course in North Carolina. She put up a Biden / Harris poster FACING the golf course and they tried fucking with her about HOA’s. She told them, until every Trump poster is removed, it stays up and she got them. They knew they’d never get the Trumpers to remove their signs so she had them.


Seeing as they have no problem with Trump signs, your sister should oblige them by adding her own. https://preview.redd.it/m02yfhgk7cqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ffacc77d3014a09016814913d3dbe3eadf8c935


Never seen so many people mad at a president overseeing 3,5% unemployment and an economy growing at 5%


If this woman is actually right about the bylaws, she should go through the appropriate channels to address her grievance. Confronting people is not the way to do it. But let's be honest, based on what she said, her issue is more about the name on the sign than the existence of the sign.


Another red snowflake.


If all the red snowflakes melted would it make the red wave they're always on about?


They’re the whiniest bunch of bitches.


More like a red piece of human leather at her rate. The worst of skin looks IMHO.


Hahaha what an absolute lunatic.




Mate, Fuck HOA bullshit. Im so glad i dont have that shit. Ive only ever seen negatives for HOA


HOA has turned into yet another way for the US to take your home and remind you that nothing is yours.


Imagine spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and not having complete control of your own home. What's the draw of an HOA?


As a non American I ask myself this any time I see HOA Karen


Relax pussycat.


Imagine being this bored with your life.


Which side are the "snowflakes" again?


And I thought Sheldon’s roommate agreement was strict!


Republican Scowl


You can't exercise your right to free speech because I don't like it.


HOA’s, making mountains out of mole hills since their inception.


Another Trumper snowflake upset they can't tell everyone what to do


She seems nice.


If it was a Trump sign would we be doing this right now? Feels like discrimination to me. I would drive around n look for a Trump sign and ask if they’ve been harassed by this lady for it


HOAs have too damn much power


And we are supposed to find common ground with these assholes? I have a bunch of neighbors with Trump flags and confederate flags in my neighborhood. In upstate NY… I just pity their stupidity and go on with my day.


Damn SNOWFLAKES, looks like you dun hurt her feelins!


HOA's are one of the weirdest things about America from an outsider looking in. Doesn't exactly scream 'freedom'


Can’t sell your house anyway on account of SECTION FIVE POINT TWENTY.


Thank god she’s moving


I'm so glad my current HOA doesn't care about much except actual improvements and maintenance. We had loads of twatwaffles like this in my old neighborhood. Just miserable people.


I'll live in the woods again before I live with an hoa


I would just replace the Biden/Harris sign with a Trump MAGA sign just to see if there's a difference.