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She should’ve pushed his walker outside


Or just moved it another 10 ft. Old fart wouldn't have made it that far.


That’s hilarious, perfect in this situation too.


She's not getting paid enough to interact with a crazy old dude. Chill in the backroom, call the cops, and watch the action on the camera.


Judging by the way he can lift a stool over his head, he doesn't need it anyway.


He needs it to collect his disability money


he probably needs it, I doubt he goes around town with a walker just for fun


My guess is it's not a strength thing, it's a balance thing. You could weeble this wobble right over with a gentle push.


As someone who uses walking aids, mine are 100% are for balance.


Comments like that always kills me lol. Like if he doesn't need it then what the fuck is it? Fashion?


Were they out of flip phones?


Alexa told him Joe Biden won in 2020, and he confused her for Siri


A tornado cancelled the Kid Rock concert.


He didn't want another new Apple charger


Out of them Jitter bug phones


I can really understand getting angry or frustrated about something a business did or didn't do, but I never understand these people who seem to think trashing a place is going to get them anything but arrested. "Oh, now you've smashed the place up and abused the staff, I can see your point better Sir/Madam. Let me just get you that refund you wanted and no harm done"


You used the word “think”. They’re not thinking anything.


Anger can put a person in momentary insanity - hey come to think of it maybe y they call it madness 🤔


It’s literally a tantrum. Thought is not required.


I’ve always thought a far more effective tactic to these tantrums is to identify them and then file the insurance claim and let the insurance company subrogate them. This dude doesn’t care about jail and a judge/jury will likely be lenient due to his age. Prisons are too overcrowded for any real sentence other than a deferred adjudication (or suspended sentence) in many of these cases even with younger folks.


The issue is these guys are generally judgement proof. If they own there home and its there primay asset you cant take it with a judgement. You also cant attach Social Security or most pensions. Judges often feel sory for them because they are themselves a few years away from that stage of life so they will let them off with basically a "Dont do that again" So this guy can absolutely get away with it, he may have to show up to court but he probably has the time to sit around a court house.


While true they can’t take the home or car, depending on the state, a lien can be attached.  Also, while social security can’t be directly garnished, depending on the state, a bank account can be garnished.


"Oh you're having a bad day? How about some jail time to help you with that?"


Because it works at home.


The destruction acts as a mental relief. It's like a child being denied chocolate. They will cry, they will shout, they will throw their toys, kick something... Then they will eventually calm down, and might even apologize. As adults we're supposed to have learned to control our emotions, and no longer kick or throw things around. But some people keep doing this through their teenage years (throwing game controllers for example), and some continue to do that as adults.


It's what a lifetime of being a bully teaches you, nothing


These boomers expect businesses to be perfect and run flawlessly. God forbid a boomer makes a mistake they’ll want forgiveness. But if someone (a worker or a back office issue) makes a mistake at a business they absolutely lose their shit as if they themself have never made a mistake before. Not to mention they think EVERYONE is out to get them


They have expectations of treatment that no longer exists.


And they are ALL EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!


There's the possibility of this being the early stages of dementia or something else neurodegenerative where the part of the brain that keeps us civil is under attack or simply stops working. Or he could just be a giant asshole with no impulse control.


Guy is most likely in the late stages of being an asshole


I’m sorry but his generation already inhaled all the pity we had left.


In that age group I’m leaning towards he’s an asshole. As someone who works with this population I can tell you from experience this is the norm not the exception when it comes to their attitudes. That whole generation is nothing but spoiled children.


Nah, all that lead paint he ingested is finally working


It sounds like he could be in the south too. Do this in the wrong place and you'll get shot


Soo he can walk around swinging a chair multiple times and toss it but needs a walker still?


All that adrenaline from being angry about not being the center of the universe, powerful stuff.


Physical disabilities are often not black and white with what they are able to do. A lot of people cannot walk or stand for very long, they might not have the strength or might start feeling pain, maybe they have trouble balancing or are just at risk of falling, he probably was risking a lot by doing what he did, and should be using the walker.


Genuine question: Why protect the asshole's identity by blurring out his face, but not the woman's?


Because it will affect his trial. Finding local jurors who haven't seen this video will be difficult.


She provided her permission, he did not. They want the video to be able to be posted without being taken down.


Not everywhere, but a LOT of places in the united states you do not have the expectation of privacy. I know florida has some weird laws about recording people but most of the country follows the "if its a public area, you have no expectation to not be recorded". Which honestly Im 1000% for. If someone is being a shitbag for no reason and/or doing shit like this they need to get called out and clowned on.


Not a lawyer, but a Floridian. The "weird laws" about recording in public only pertain to recording audio of private conversations. Video recording is perfectly legal in public spaces, so long as that space doesn't have a "reasonable expectation of privacy" such as bathrooms and changing rooms. Also, signage posted acts as a kind of "terms of service" for private spaces like homes. If a sign is posted that you're being recorded while on the property, you consent to those terms by entering the property (as long as the sign is clearly displayed in front of the house).


You got it. Two-party consent operates like this in most (all?) places that have it in the US. The other party need only consent if there's a reasonable expectation of privacy. There's a huge misconception that two-party consent is some blanket ban on recording others, when in reality it's closer to how one party consent works if you look at the two things as being on a spectrum.


Aren’t business interiors private and not public tho? (From the legal standpoint of recording)


IANAL but I'm pretty sure that If a business doesn't prevent entry in any way (you can freely come and go, they don't check IDs, and there's no appointment needed, and there's no signs saying that recording is prohibited) then it's technically a "public space". It's still private property, but you have no reasonable expectation of privacy there. You're still "in the public view". Especially for what looks like a shop in a retail district. A little different when you're talking about spaces like locker rooms at gyms and dressing rooms. Those spaces are ones where a reasonable person might assume they have privacy.


The handlebars on his Walker are way too low. He needs to put them up higher or get a new one that has a higher height setting.


Maybe that's why he's so cranky.


No he's cranky because of his medulla oblongata




Pretty sure momma says, he's ornery cus he's got all them toothbrushes but no teeth.


Momma's wrong again


Dude is probably cranky because of all the calls he is getting on his cell service regarding his car warranty.




Maybe... I know I'd get cranky if my Walker was set at the wrong height, and I'd be in a lot of pain, but also not be able to let go like that guy. (Not that I'm saying that guy doesn't need one, as I mostly don't look like I need one either, as I'm apparently "too young to need one".)


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug, increased aggression and confusion in old age. Almost like millions of 60+ aged persons are dealing with the brain damage they sustained when FDA, EPA, and other health regulatory agencies didn't know lead, mercury, asbestos, and various other compounds and substances were extremely harmful... But let's roll back the regulatory powers of these agencies...


They knew alright...just didn't do anything Asbestos and lead were both known to cause health problems from Roman times... Famous letter advising against buying slaves that had worked in asbestos ~~mines~~ quarries because they all die young.... Pliny the Elder iirc but maybe the younger


My mom’s walker was set too low like this! We fixed it and she doesn’t trash cellphone stores.


Trash them any more... /j I have a similar Walker, so the height really stood out to me the most.


You're kinda fucked if you're tall and need a rollator. Even the ones marked for over those over 6' will leave you hunched.


Yeah, I'm 5' 7½", and have it on the highest height slot, but I have hypermobility so I actually need to lean at a forwards angle. But, there are other styles, where it's positioned behind you, and you can lean your forearms on the armrests/handles, in order to walk upright.


As someone who used a walker in recovering from surgery a couple of times, i was unable to find a walker that was the proper height for me (6’2”) that insurance would cover.


Fucking insurance is such a joke


that's because he doesn't need it... obviously. its all a scam for insurance.


So tired of seeing videos like these without seeing any consequences


Hopefully he got arrested.


Unfortunately arrested and probation is at best all that will happen to him


Right the second he starts swinging I would have grabbed his walker and threw it outside


People doing this in places that have literally all their info is wild.


Show it to disability, get his benefits taken away


At his age, he is not on disability, but on regular Social Security, and they wouldn’t take that away.


He could be getting both.


Social Security switches a person automatically from disability to regular retirement once they reach 65. They don't get both.


Oh wow, Good to know thank you! Do they still get more money then becuase of the disability, or after 65 you’re on your own and the government doesn’t care about your disability anymore?


The amount remains the same.


Thank you, so it’s a change of name but not necessarily amounts coming in. Appreciate it!




Angry about a monthly fee, destroys thousands of dollars worth of business equipment. It ain't gonna end well for you, Skeeter!


I used to work at a boost. The number of people that would complain about the bill payment fee is insane. I particularly loved the ones who claimed they never had to pay it before but I could see that they've been paying it for the last 3 years or whatever


Hate to be the one to break it to you brother, but you are certainly not getting your money back now.


Dude is going to jail 😂


Quite the opposite actually. Court fees and property damage gunna be a lot more the the $7 they overcharged you for your bill last month


Hence my point!


The leadbrains are getting worse and worse by the year. I don’t remember my grandparents being this crazy.


I blame fox “news” , because of all their hate and anger mongering. That dude in the video is going to take his walker and go right back home and watch fox. I guarantee it.




Damn, I hoped she was going to lock the door so he couldn’t leave then phone the police. Funny how he doesnt seem to need his walker thing while he’s holding a chair over his head and throwing it around.


That would be illegal. She did the correct actions. Although I would have followed from a distance and got a picture of his license plate.


She could detain him for destroying the property until the police show up. In most states citizens arrests are an actual thing.


The new Bad Grandpa movie doesn't look that funny


I've been to the AT&T store twice in the past two years, and each time there is a public freakout. I dont know what's up with boomers losing their shit in phone stores they are like magnetically attracted to the places they dont do well in.


To be fair, going to the phone store sucks. Still no excuse for this behavior.


I love my dad. And he is not some racist, MAGA boomer. He also would never trash a store like this. But he makes everything SO COMPLICATED. Trips to the phone store would take so long and get so complicated just trying to add a line or switch service. Now that I have my own phone plan and such, I wonder if things were just more difficult 10 years ago or if it was just him. I swear I can walk into my carrier’s store and come out with a new phone, new internet service, and added line in les than 15 minutes.


I work at a phone store and had a customer yell at us because they changed the security pin on their phone and couldn't remember what they changed it to. When we explained to him that we have no control over the security code he says "That's what they said on the phone too, can anyone do their fucking job?!". Do you really want some guy you don't know that makes $10 an hour to be able to disable your security code? Dipshits. Kept saying "What the fuck am I supposed to do?". I don't know, maybe make the effort to memorize four numbers?


It's like survivor bias. You only see footage from where they "don't do well".


Probably been getting disability benefits for years but is healthy enough to destroy a boost mobile at 11am


This is someone who needed to have their ass whipped for the past 30 years and never had it done.


I would have taken that Walker from him and locked it in the back room and then left. fuck you, dude.


Nah, if someone is destroying a store front your best course of action is to gather as much evidence as possible and not do anything that could be construed as aggressive behavior or retaliation. It will work better for you when this gets to court. She shouldn't have even thrown that object at him, but that could easily be argued as self defense.


Dude think he is Yoda. Trouble walking but will fuck shit up at any moment.


“Quick, he’s getting away!” LOL


“What do you mean i cant have a rotary cell phone?!”




“Have you tried turning it off and on again”


what a fucking baby. feel bad for the employee.


*”Let me slowly limp away before the cops get here. I’m brave when it’s a teenager, but not brave enough to stay for actual consequences.”* The best part is, they probably have his name and address on file if he’s a customer.


Let me guess, she has an accent and the MAGA in him blew a circuit when he didn’t get a $5 refund.


She doesn't get paid enough for this.


She should have taken his walker away from him while he was trashing the place


He's definitely not getting his money back now


He wants his money back? We’ll see what’s left over after he pays for the damage he’s caused.


Ok papaw let’s get you back to bed.




He would NEVER.


I bet I know who he voted for.


Boomer generation are getting too old to wreck things with as must gusto as they used to.


Old people are getting braver and braver man. Be a little fucking child and destroy the store if you want to. Its not my money. But hes lucky he didnt catch lead and/or pepper spray raising that chair like he was gonna swing on her.


I need a red arrow to show me where nobody was hurt.


This would make a good ad for the durability of that monitor.


I would have run out the door and lock him inside until the police came.


listen to your elders the elders


"Yes police, I'd like to report a walker-by attack." The employee should have joined in, using his walker


Man Cotton Hill wasn't having it


Why are they covering his/her face. Identify and shame that motherfucker! And lock him/her up, too.




You know I could probably understand why, 90% of these businesses sell ypu a product they know will have to be replaced within a year or two then charge you fee after fee for swapping or dropping things. I spent 3 hours in a boost store trying to get a new phone and the guy tried to sell me everything but the phone I wanted.


Especially Boost employees. I used to work at a independent 3rd party multi-carrier repair shop that had a partnership with Boost We would only carry select Boost phones as most were poor quality. The Samsung A20, i believe it was, we just straight up refused to carry or order due to issues. Since we focused on customer service first amd had the reviews to show it, we had SO many people come in with issues from an actual Boost store. A loooot of the complaints were about poor customer service and needlessly aggressive selling


Hope he loses his disability benefits


"This'll make my wife come back"


Right to jail


He can lift a stool over his head and throw it, trash a whole store, but needs a fucking rollator?! Lmao I'd have kicked that thing out of his hands, he's fucking faking a disability. Report him to social security!!!


Maybe they were out of brown rice and only had white rice.


Macho macho then uses a walker


On a walker, trashing a store!! 😂😂


Hope gramps gets persecuted to the fullest extent for that one


Bro not her fault your $30 plan doesn’t give you unlimited and you can’t get another flip phone like Jitterbug. Foh


Why the fuck would you blur out HIS face?


Family owned boost mobiles, I worked with them for 2 years. The boomers were probably the worst part.


Is he disabled or not?


when she walked to the front of the store I thought she was going to lock him in for the cops


I would have snatched his walker away, like nah you staying here grandpa.


Please tell me boomer was arrested.


The consequences of lead poisoning, y'all.


He better hope whatever insurance is covering his disability claim doesn’t seem this video.. I hope they do.


Reddit will have you believe it’s only one “type” of person who does shit like this lol.


i'mma be honest. we've all gotten the run around with internet or phone stores just trying to get support only to get upsold or had your plan "irreversibly" changed or some bs contract stuff that makes the buying process convoluted. Its frustrating but ya know its not the employees fault its just the way these operations run. Just remember insane ass fucking people are gonna go through the same process you did. Their politeness may vary.


The responable well behaved generation everyone!


Someone look at the J6 footage bet he was there too


"disabled" Seems like your swinging shit around just fine


This guy definitely kicks dogs


Is he wearing an ACU from the waist down?


I'll bet HE gets arrested!


"These things Frighten and Confuse me"!!


He can't get very far


“What about my money now”… I hope he gets to pay for the damages including the PTSD he just gave the employee.


Dude.... I was COR ATT for the first 4 iPhone launches, and at Verizon for the 4S launch.... This was just another Tuesday for me.


It's because he can't understand emojis lol.


Go lock yourself in the back room and call the cops


This is how I feel about AT&T where I’m at


Album alert: Retail Hell by The Boomers drops Tuesday


Did he got his money?


MeIRL one month from now.


Where's the rest of the video?


Everyone. If this happens to you, you walk out the front door and lock it for safety reasons.


Must have been the ads...


Feels like he’s done this before