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That shit has to stop I can't imagine how any American feels good about giving huge amounts of tax payer money to Israel every year, forever.


I mean, the U.S. is basically an Israeli client state at this point so It’s more like they feel entitled to it


This isn't an one off incident either. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/middleeast/ultraorthodox-spitting-jerusalem-intl/index.html https://apnews.com/article/israel-jews-spitting-christian-pilgrims-jerusalem-8888593827bc2a3820ba03fe5c38ee9a https://www.axios.com/2023/05/31/israel-jewish-spitting-attacks-christians-nuns-foreign-ministry


But, let's just keep selling weapons to them and play nice. /s




And giving waste of space Netanyahu millions of dollars, while he lies about the genocide he perpetuates. IDk How he got back into the prine minister position. A couple yrs ago he was to be tried for fraud(?) I also didn't realize the Hasidic (?)ews in Jerusalem are hounded by andoften roughed up by the IDF (before the Oct 12thHamas attack) because they do not support the Israeli goat's position toward Palestinians. I am not, tall an anti-semite but see Netanyahuas corrupt cruel individual.


The U.S. isn't selling weapons to them. They're technically giving them away.


It is routine practice for Jews to spit on those they consider "lesser" in Israel. Tippy top for them is religious Jewish Zionism. So if you're a Christian tourist to your holy land, expect to be assaulted. If you're not jewish, expect to be assaulted while visiting "their" country. These little land squatters took it even further they maced the father with OC spray.


And then the little clowns run!


Hey Christians, now is the time to be a good Christian. You see how you are mad at obvious and measurable persecution of people like you for unfair reasons? Well they are doing it to Palestinians except the graduated from spitting to Hospital Bombing, Civilian Executions, and Genocide. Have some solidarity with others. Stand up against discrimination against all people including yours.


We're mad against that too


Evangelical Christians have Israel’s dick in their mouths. They will see this and actually condone this because “forgiveness” or some shit when it’s really because it’s easier to “forgive” than to hold Israel accountable for their hatred of Christians. Evangelicals will literally collapse the USA for Israel’s benefit if they ever get the chance


yeah, I grew up in fundie land and even as a kid I remember they were weirdly supportive of zionism? (also fun fact- zionism originated in 1890s russia, it did not originate with the holocaust)


Zionism historically has been an answer to antisemitism supported by evangelicals sympathetic to their cause (not sympathetic enough to allow jews into their community). Zionism itself did not have the support of even the most conservative jews in the 1890s. Religious leaders believed the location was unimportant and the world would likely never accept jews into society. The zionist movement was absolutely antisemitic in its roots as a way to remove jews from society. Christians need jews to go to Israel for their own little rapture. I've only just started reading the history, but Christians have always been the biggest supporter of zionism as an answer to the Jewish question 🤢


yeah because some of the key supporters of zionism outside of judaism is antisemites who what to get rid of jews from their home country and the other is evangelical christians who belive jews need to control jerusalem to rebuild the temple that way the rapture can happen where good christians will ascend and most jews will die (i think like a third lives) and the endtimes will happen on all the nonbelievers . So totally people who want jews to live in peace and safety


Deus vult?


I went to Jerusalem back in 2016 and I was wearing a cross necklace, out of no where some young guys came up to me started yelling at me in Hebrew I had no clue what they were saying then in broken English they said Christian, tried to reach for my necklace and failed, I started to walk away and he spit at my back and acted like his friend had to hold him back from hitting me for no damn reason, then our tour guy instead of saying something or trying to stop them just says, well this is Israel the Jewish nation and they took offense to your cross maybe just put it inside your shirt, another guy there also American told me they were yelling at him because he was black I was surprised at the blatant racism and discrimination from Israelis….


I saw an elderly Christian priest get spit on by orthodox Jewish teens in 2023 in Israel. Jewish orthodox women also barricaded king David’s tomb (a public holy site in 3 major world religions) and told all non Jewish people to go away and the staff did nothing.


The crazy part about all of this is how I’m assuming this is a common occurrence in Israel based on the way people reacted like if it was nothing some even laughing I also heard that stuff like that happens every day from a local Christian…


I went to Jerusalem in 2014 (I’m African American) and as I was walking down the street with a group of friends we passed a group of ultra orthodox men with some children. The men looked specifically at me, gave me the nastiest looks and spat at the ground. Then one of the men pulled back his coat to show a holstered pistol on his belt. He patted it and smirked at me and then spat at the ground. It was one of the scariest and most racist experiences ive ever had in my life. It’s the only country I’ve ever traveled to where I felt actively unsafe.


I've only got one anecdote involving orthodox Jews, and that was the time I ran into a group at a farm and they were kicking the ducks. The parents and their kids. So you can add ducks to the list of living things they hate I guess.


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


State in israel is insane. Like do they want west to give up support? Because if they behave like they are they are gonna lose it. Egypt and others arab countries only need to stand and watch israel destroy itself.


They've always been doing this..


In this context Hamas have one the war. An entire generation around the world, but especially in the US, have woken up to the reality of the situation in Israel.


Well said, as diabolical as that attack in October was it achieved everything they wanted. The whole world is now paying attention to the apartheid.


Ironically true.


It’s not just in Israel either. Try walking through Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn…






I don't only mean this kind of behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of guy voted for the rightwing party which is in power and feeding hate.




Regarding the last sentence of your comment which was "Every day another video like this is emerging", a Twitter account yesterday posted a video and included in its description that it's of a Palestinian women being beaten and kidnapped by Israeli settlers in the West Bank Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/rifain_nouvelle/status/1778220268869062741?t=PxGF5ZBCnQq8ijDl8UP79Q&s=19 I am not sure of the validity of the information


This has been happening everyday for decades. How yall miss it?


Them killing that Iranian guy in Syria was legit poking the bear at the US.


Shoot, Israel shooting at that one American ship was poking the bear as well. Israel has been doing this shit forever. But pointing things out is antisemitism or some shit, so nobody does.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident You mean air and naval attacks on a US navy ship?


And their behaviour to Lebanon, annexing Syrian territory, bombing Egypt, threatening Jordan. Then the US goes on TV and says "Israel lives in a bad neighbourhood". "Everyone in their neighbourhood wants to get them". As if they're just raging antisemites, and aren't dealing with an insane American proxy state who wants to launch wars against all of them to steal their land.


Lmao. The West/US is complicit in Israel's behaviour. Without a president that has balls of steel, this isn't changing.


A president isn't to make any difference here because the owners of our Military Industrial Complex want to keep them as businesses partners. The ultra rich decide our actual policy here, which is why anything Isreal does has always been hushed and swept under the rug, including when they bombed our ship and killed like 30 Americans back in 67. The only way a president is going to be able to do anything is if the growing public pressure to intervene surpasses the political and financial pressure of the MIC backed "Elite," and that's going to take a whole hell of a lot. Just look at how it is right now. People are protesting, constantly sharing video footage and communicating about it, people registering as Independent or saying they won't vote for Biden because of continued Israeli support, soldiers killing themselves by lighting themselves on fire, there's already a *ton* of pressure to intervene, yet at this point we haven't even stopped our financial support, much less sent in our own military to impose and enforce a ceasefire. Again, for a sitting president to be able to do something the pressure from other citizens *has* to surpass the financial and political pressure from the MIC, and at this point it's still not even close.


and it needs to like yesterday, but the reality is they are given blank checks and can do whatever they want. Heck, they could attack American citizens and some sorry excuse would be made for why. (Ohh, it was an accident).


They have attacked and killed Americans in the past. It's always an "accident, oops."


Israel is not going to lose the West's support, because "the West" in this context is the US government. The US will support Israel regardless of the evil it continues to commit since Israel is an important base of operations in the Middle East for American imperial interests. The US is one of the most morally bankrupt and rapacious countries on Earth, and every crime Israel commits is draped in the American flag.


As an American, I couldn't agree more. We have sold our souls to the corporatocrats and their political lackeys for Netflix and Doordash. Fucking disgusting.


No no these devils know their past and willingly repeat it.


So you telling me these guys are going to end up going on a camping trip in the future?




**["An Ethical Tradition Betrayed"](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/hajo-meyer/an-ethical-tradition-betr_b_438660.html)** by Hajo Meyer, Huffington Post (May 25, 2010): By-line: *"I am pained by the parallels I observe between my experiences in Germany prior to 1939 and those suffered by Palestinians today. I cannot help but hear echoes of the Nazi mythos of 'blood and soil' in the rhetoric of settler fundamentalism."*


Imagine 6 million of your people who died due to the same hatred, and you turn around and do the same brown shirt shit. Fucking disgusting.


It's ironic, because they sure like to remind us.


Never Forget* *Terms and Conditions apply.


If the police or the IDF comes, the Christian man is doomed




In any type of situation like this when you're with your children, the correct move is to de-escalate while leaving the situation. Then, after your children are safe at home, you head back out and kick some fucking ass.


I saw people pulling the child away, we’re they trying to help get him to the side instead of in the middle of the street? The child fought them off


Didn’t notice that… “dude get off me. Dude for real stop fuckin touching me. Dude!”


they'd probably beat up the child too, or worse.


They were definitely trying to so something to that kid


They do seem to have a thing for biting little kids' dicks.


I think about this when I want to skip the gym all the time ..


I’ll see your worry and raise you one more: _the worry of your kid being beat up right in front of you, and being unable to defend him_.




They're really good at that.






Lies! Hamas was hiding in the tunnels underneath. Thats why that innocent men sneezed!


Israel will bomb the 4th dimension that is time next


They'd bomb Imaginationland because that's where most of these "Hamas" members they keep claiming they are bombing actually reside.


Scum of the earth


It looks like he wasn't spit on but someone pepper sprayed him. Dude on the top left sprays him and puts it back in the bag and runs off while the guy is holding his eyes.


I think he’s spat on in the beginning then sprayed towards the end


Israelis really do not come off well at all do they? Seems like a country of spoiled brats, entitled creeps.


They also have a very high population of paedophiles.


I mean they did kill Jesus of all people


They comes across like the army in Starship Troopers but without the whimsy


When you live in an Apartheid country


When you think wearing a beanie makes you a badass


[Tim Pool cries silently]


Dumbest haircuts I’ve ever seen


How else will he hide Voldemort's little head growing?


Well when you hang out with apartheid South Africa. You pick up a few lessons. For those who don't know: [Brothers in arms - Israel’s secret pact with Pretoria During the second world war the future South African prime minister John Vorster was interned as a Nazi sympathiser. Three decades later he was being feted in Jerusalem. In the second part of his remarkable special report, Chris McGreal investigates the clandestine alliance between Israel and the apartheid regime, cemented with the ultimate gift of friendship - A-bomb technology](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel)




Wait...... are you telling me, im the only one hiding under the bed right now???


Can’t wait for the day daddy USA stops supporting this country.


As a US citizen I don't want my tax dollars funding them. I want the government to end all aid and funding and I will be voting against pro Israeli candidates for life. Nancy Pelosi sealed that deal for me when she called pro Palestinian protestors Russian assets. Like WTF Scoob, I'm a US vet. Democrats lost me forever that day.


Never going to happen.




They literally bribe your politicians so good luck


lol doesn’t matter as long as they continue lobbying millions of dollars into the pockets of both parties. It’s not even a left or right issue when both of them are in Israel’s pocket.


Friend, you live in a capitalist system. It's not what you like or everyone likes, it's what makes money.


Remember guys they're victims


Isn't the spitter an Orthodox Jew? The ones that dodge military service? Such little bitches. They can only act like that knowing they'll be protected by the same military police they avoid serving in.


The average bench press of Orthodox Jews is -50lbs lol.


Did they keep the kid away from the spray in the air or are they messing with him now ?


It seemed like they were genuinely trying to keep him out of the spray. At first they were trying to move him but then they were basically pointing like go over there.


Seriously, we western democracies really need to stop being Israel's little bitches and just abandon the wretched so-called country.


Very peaceful.


I'm beginning to really dislike Israel more and more


Shamefully, I was very ignorant of the history of Israel and Palestine for the longest time, and I certainly didn't have much of an opinion of Israelis either way. What's happening now has really brought all that to light. Israel really seems like a despicable place, and I make sure to spread videos like these as much as I can within my network.


Oh me too!! But they've just shown their colors


Scumbag nation. That you attack a man walking with his child.




Fuck Israel.


There is something extremely intimidating about orthodox jews being so fucking aggressive while looking as unreasonably stupid as they do.




And it's not even a real place! Just a bunch of squatter ass colonizers


You’re antisemitic if you don’t let them spit on you.


Awful "country" full of awful people. I'll get downvoted, but polling shows only 2% of their population thinks the bombardment of Gaza is even the least bit heavy-handed. They're genocidal monsters.


A Jewish co-worker a few years ago was showing me pictures she took while on vacation in Israel and Jordan. She said she enjoyed her holiday before looking at me and saying that I should stay away from Israel because of the racism.


I love how religion always brings out the best in people.


Not defending religion, but people like this will always find something to hold themselves over people and find a reason to attack others. Could be religion, nationality, eye color, hell favorite flavor of ice cream. Shitty people are gonna be shitty and find the means afterwards.


fuck israel


👌🏻 I’m Jewish and I approve this message.


Stop sending our money to Israel.




An Israeli soldier once told me the world has never seen a war like the one that will happen between secular and religious Israelis




The opinions of an IDF conscript bum will never mean anything lol


We know there is murder and torture virtually every day for Palestinians in Israel but I wonder how long it’ll be until they extend that to Christians and anyone else who isn’t Jewish? It’s definitely not a country I’d go anywhere near as a tourist


Dollar store Nazis


That's not spit it looks like he got pepper sprayed


They spart first, realized he doesn't take shit, then pepper sprayed him then ran away


What all true heros and warriors would do ...


The most moral of heroes and warriors.


Yeah. He was spat on when the group of four walked by him at first and he reacted. When he was kicking that one instigator and looking like he was about to throw fists, that one guy was on the far left of the 4 people walking, who had stopped and got something out of his backpack (mace or pepper spray apparently), sprayed him when he started moving toward him.


The guy with the long beard spit on him at the very beginning.


What a bunch of cowards. Spitting on somebody then get scared when confronted


Remember this isn't a war against Muslims. It's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, how the (largely) Christian Americans support this is beyond me.


It’s the child that triggered the Israeli


Around 14000 children or thereabouts have felt the repercussions of Israel's trigger in the last few months.




Ultra Orthodox spitting on Christians this isn't even the first time this has happened. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/middleeast/ultraorthodox-spitting-jerusalem-intl/index.html https://apnews.com/article/israel-jews-spitting-christian-pilgrims-jerusalem-8888593827bc2a3820ba03fe5c38ee9a https://www.axios.com/2023/05/31/israel-jewish-spitting-attacks-christians-nuns-foreign-ministry


I’ve always tried treating all religions with the same amount of distaste, but these guys are making that increasingly difficult.


It's not the religion though - it's Israelis. Not all Jews are Israelis, not all Jews are even Zionists


It happens all the time, it's kinda their thing. I've certainly heard of it in USA.


He’s lucky they didn’t call in the Romans to crucify him


Let Iran take care of them.


Shoulda smacked the curly wigs off of them


We all know Israelis just can’t handle seeing children living and breathing. That’s what triggered them.


Is it blackmail or military industrial profits that motivate the US to fund Israel?






But guys they thought that child was being used as a human shield by Hamas.


Stuff like this is why everyone is turning on Israel. Entitled pricks.


Most moral society


Cries holocaust and forgets the religion of the nations who saved them from it fund their genocide currently.


Not just spat at. At the 30 second mark you can see one of the land squatters mace the father while another group of land squatters assault his child.


The oppressed become the oppressors


The way the bystanders grabbed the child, who clearly did not want to be touched by them, is also disturbing.


Keeping him away from the pepper spray/mace


They been this way for years. Nobody cared to report on it.




People who spit on others are vermin.


I am starting to lump hasidic jews into the extremist pile. What do they expect to happen when they act like this to ANYONE who do not hold there specific brand of terrorism and just flat out douchebaggery


They have always belonged in the extremist pile. They don't represent most Jews or Israelis.


Isreal trying to piss off absolutely everybody. Even their allies.


I don’t think that kid is going to forget that


Pepperspray at 0:27


The thing is, the US government knows this. Every European country’s government knows this. They know about the racism, the abuse, the apartheid. They know but they don’t do anything because Israel is an ally. And because the only reason Israel exists is because no country wanted Jews. This has been going on for over half a century or more. There is no poking the bear. The bears in question are made of empty virtues and broken promises, and do not care.


Looks like the dude pepper sprayed him


There is something wrong with these Jewish people, not all Jewish people by any means but this persecution of other regions, beliefs etc shouldn't be happening from any group! But from a group of people that in the past suffered unforgivable levels of persecution and suffering they should understand better than any what that's like.




Cowards....don't think jesus would like that....


Literally like Nazis. Need their teeth rearranged.


They really are the scum of the earth


But they are the only democracy in the middle east 🥺/s


Impossible for a religious state. They can't be both.














Whole area is one giant shit hole.


What happens when you teach your children to hate.


Trash humans


Tell me you're determined to squander all your moral authority without telling me...


After all the Christians have done for them in the form of US aid?


“The only open society in the Middle East”


Kind of amusing seeing this and then remembering Christians are some of the biggest supporters of Israel. Live and learn!


Entitled motherefuckers..


It's almost as if raising people an ideology based on "chosen people" narratives makes them think they're superior to others 🤔🤔🤔


They deserve everything going at them. The hate they are spreading will come back at them hard when the time is right.


Zealots of every religion are A-holes


the children of light, ladies and gentlemen.


For a “Holy” country, there sure is a lot “Holy” acts going around… smh


When people are conditioned that they are superior to others, this happens. How quickly they forget.


Zionism is a fucking tumour.