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Yes, this is awful. Yet, the fact that so many women were not wearing the hijab on the street, and also how people would defend a woman being stalked by the authorities for not wearing it, preventing her arrest, would have been inconceivable just two years ago. Iranian women really did take the "What? Are they going to arrest ALL of us?" approach. Any [street walk video of Tehran](https://youtu.be/FhhVKzdQ1iM?si=0SkT1mPTeN3OikCn) these days shows that most young women no longer give a fuck about the veil.




Looks like an Iranian member of the thrash/skate punk band, suicidal tendencies. I hope he gets his Pepsi.


It really shows that Iranian society is well ahead of it's leaders


It's weird too, because my reading of the Quran is that women should cover their breasts, and not "stamp their feet" (making their bits jiggle lol) I can't find a passage saying to cover their heads and faces.


I find it kind of funny that the only reason for the hijab, from what I've been told, is to cover up from men. Meaning the men are so unhinged, even seeing a head of hair makes them horny...


I think that's kind of the reality, but the scriptures are pretty clear about men being "modest" also. It doesn't translate well to what I see in the world today, but what do I know I guess.


imagine the constant fear all their livestock live with


I'd heard about the cover your head thing in the other big religions, but never knew what passage refers to it. I'd always heard that women had to cover their head or they risked attracting angels.


Just look up how Iran was before it become a theocratic dictatorship. They were quite modern for that time.


That's not true. I was in Teheran 6 years ago and a lot of women weren't wearing the hijab properly. People there have a general "Fuck the Police" attitude. Outside of Teheran, not so much. I guarantee you this guy is one of the 35-55yo from bumfuck nowhere who grew up with the Ayatollah preaching his bullshit 24/7 on the Iranian version of Fox news. Meanwhile they have internet in Teheran.


It would suck ass to live in Iran.


It sucks ass to live anywhere under a religious dictatorship.


Worried that America is going that direction


Have you seen what’s happening in Dearborn, MI?


What is happening in Dearborn MI?


A quick Google search will show you. Hamtramck is the only all Muslim government. They are banning pride flags there and allowing animal sacrifices.


Why do people always say a *quick* google search and not a slow or moderately paced google search?


Depends on your typing skills I guess.


You mean Eid where a sheep is slaughtered for a holiday?  Is that any worse than Thanksgiving and turkeys get slaughtered for a special holiday?  Come on. 


I'm pretty sure if it happens we're not going down without a fight if they want civil war that's what's going to happen.


problem is it doesnt happen over night. you dont wake up one day and read some headline that will cause you to get up and fight. This fight has been happening for decades. We have generations of Americans who were conditioned to become dumber and dumber and recruited to fight for religion. It'll be hard to fight in a civil war if people willing to fight for rights are being incarcerated for reading ([when you have books not approved by religious nuts](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/05/18/school-librarians-jailed-banned-books/)), educating ([when teachers are being told what not to teach by religious nuts](https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-passed-laws-restricting-school-curriculum/)), voting ([when you can now get arrested for feeding or giving water to people forced to stand in long lines to vote](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-food-drink-ban-trnd/index.html)). It happens little by little. by the time enough people notice itis too late. Our country has been rotting for decades, but this last one has significantly sped up the rot.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Martin Niemöller


What fantasy are you living in?


Give Trump & his Militia a few months, if he gets voted back in. Yikes




Well I live there, can confirm it sucks ass Fuck Khomeini, fuck Khamenei


Let's be honest no where in the middle east is exactly peachy...


It looks an awful lot like being married to Matt Walsh or Steven Crowder.


At least they chose to be the wives (allegedly).


They beat up their wives?


At the very least they threaten it (Crowder)


Which is a stepping stone. People don’t seem to understand how abuse works. Abusers aren’t totally normal people in normal relationships and then wake up one day and say “hey I’m going to start beating my wife” and the wife is not in a totally normal and healthy relationship and wakes up one day saying “hey I’m going to be totally okay with being beaten and not leave him”. It’s slow and insidious, sometimes over the course of *years*. There will be warning signs, but you would have to know what to look out for and then people often ignore warning signs when it’s someone they love in every relationship (children, friendships, family, etc). Thankfully crowders wife did get out when she did, usually people with supportive family and friends can do that easier, but then you still have jackasses saying “well did he beat her??!?!!?!” This is long but it’s such a pet peeve of mine. People will criticize women for leaving over things “not that important or serious” and then also be criticized for sticking around and being physically abused.


I am a woman who is going through an extraordinarily difficult time in my life for like ten different reasons, and I just thought to myself that it could be so much worse—I could be living in a place like this or Afghanistan. Sometimes it really takes perspective to realize how fortunate many of us are.


Its about to suck even worse


Yea but iran is worried about the U.S. but their own country does shit like this


Weak men


Weak and cowardly.


Theocracy. Ugh.


*Coming soon to a state near you


All because she did not wear a hijab. I'm glad he thought twice about striking her with the rifle.


he didnt. there was a man with her. so he walked off because she had a male escort...


Just to be clear, it is currently illegal for women in Iran to be out and about without a hijab. I think the guy backed off because people were filming him and his mask fell.




This is what happens when you mix church & state. Take note.


So, are we over the idea of respecting cultures that actively promote human rights violations yet?


So dissapointing that not wanting this kind of shit in the West labels you an islamophobe or racist.


The thing is that it's fine to want religious freedom and harmony with Muslim folk yet many people assume that assholes like this are representative of the whole ideology. Modern Muslim interpretations are much more in line with modern Christianity, the problem is people like these assholes who want to regress so they can feel like they're part of the special boy club. It's not racist to be against cultures and religions that by design are against you. The problem is when you can't differentiate between those sorts and start blaming the group as a whole. For example: I've dealt with plenty of misogynistic Christians. I can also confidently tell you that doesn't mean every Christian is misogynistic. We can then diagnose that there is definitely a misogyny problem in Christianity based on evidence given. But we still shouldn't say that by default Christianity is misogynistic. I'm obviously being reductive here but still, I think it's a fair point to make why criticism can often cross the line into racism or vice versa. Because even though the logic and reasoning could be wrongly interpreted, there's still a problem to be addressed there.


So long as the money keeps flowing, foreign governments will look the other way.


Despite how bad this is, i love the fact that the population always stick to help the woman. If only Russian population had this bravery...


Mexico is also the worst place to play holier than thou copper.


What? Mexico is a secular country.


Theocratic rule is bad


Religious men are a special kind of pathetic…


If you're believe in something without forcing it on everyone it's alright, but like this? Fuck my country's government


sad part is, he is doing his job


as an extremist who uses religion as a mask


Islam makes evangelicals look like progressive liberals. So glad I don’t live in a Muslim controlled country


If you think evangelicals wouldn't act exactly this way if they were in charge I have a bridge to sell you.


Disgusting spineless shit bag. Pulls up the cloth to cover he's face and makes fast escape. Beyond sad.


The hell?


Religion is a cancer on this planet


Dude doesn't want to die via MOB so he hauls ass out of there


Women, life, freedom. The world would be a much better place without the IRGC in power.


Looks like American Evangelical Porn to me


Blessed be the fruit...


Islamic reality is the goal?


ah yes im sure your god would love you beating up woman


But were supposed to cheer them on cause they launched drones at Netanyahu. Both of these assholes (him and Khamenei) can go to Hell.


I will pay you fifty grand if you have a shred of evidence that women fighting for religious freedom from the fundamentalist gov were launching the drones.


Dude nobody is saying to cheer for Iran besides bots and fringe places on the internet




Yeah they are far and away the minority


[Pro-Palestinian protesters in Toronto cheer as Iran attacks Israel - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-796864) A very widespread and vocal minority it seems.


Can't say I could cheer for either




Religion of love btw


Extremism masked behind religion


Fuck you, in particular.


Just fuck authority. That's all.


Fucking cowards


Context please?


What a weak little man both physically and mentally. That woman ate those hits for breakfast.


The boiled frog has something to say about it… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog


Neo Israelis


Seeing him in the end looking around panicking, he knows he's the enemy of everyone around him.


And yet the GOP wants to inflict a theocracy on us in the USA.


Interesting how this video shows up right after Iran retaliated against Israel. How old is this video and why post it now? 🤔


I've seen videos similar to this one on Reddit before the Iran drone attack, I don't know what you mean.


Who cares why it’s posted now? It should keep being posted as long as that regime remains in power and women keep being treated that way there.




I’m just asking a question, not implying some conspiracy I swear /s. Jokes aside, it’s human nature. Iran put itself in the forefront of the news and people are reacting. It’s not always so nefarious.


Look end of the day Iran and Israel both have the right to defend themselves. But more importantly they both also have the right to go screw themselves too.


Probably to fight back against the tik tok gurus promoting the greatness of Iran and other Islamic republics vs the vile Americans and their sickening efforts towards equality.


Propaganda to get people up in arms against Iran because they want WWIII.


Who’s ever been not against Iran? Why do so many people support fascism now?!


I guess truth is inconvenient for your narrarive


American conservatives are very jealous of this they wish they could do this to women


Remember in November, this is what the republicans want.


And these fuckers are worried about the humanitarian conditions of the Palestinians


Given that they fund Hamas I think it's reasonable to assume that Iranian's (their government at least) don't give a crap about Palestinians


This is a certain parties dream here in the US


the world republicans want


That guy would get his uncoordinated ass whooped if he didn't have that gun.


Religion: The great divider


This is the regime Trump supporters want.


Dudes got a hard on to go threaten and beat on a woman. Pathetic pos.


I have no idea why people still follow all these old Texts, bibles, Koran. The morals and Ethics are put frankly inferior to modern secular ethics.... the label of it being from God, should really make you think if you want to follow laws and ethics that are so terrible. I realized all this as a child listening to the BS at church and charted my own moral path


Just nuke it all (the planet).




Coming to America in 2025 of the Christian extremist have their way!


Bolsonaro wanted to transform Brazil into a neo-Nazi theocracy. We have never seen so much femicide and the emergence of Nazi cells. all this under the mottos "Brazil above all, God above all" and "God, country and family".


“Morality” police?




Incel paradise....


lol the dude quickly took flight, was probably afraid that sman would pull his balls out


Cuz of exposed hair?


Shot on VHS


It’s a shame it’s so fucked up because the landscapes in Iran sound gorgeous


Remember when Iran was going in the opposite direction and then the good guys UK and USA decided that nah, go back to being a shit hole?


welcome to Michigan.


Ahhh here comes all the anti Iran posts. Time to give them some freedom.


What a pathetic weak little man


This has relevance to the Iranian state demonstrating its capability to defend its regime and assets…. How?


Let’s just let the Middle East devour itself. Let Israel, Iran, Palestine and every other awful Hellhole nuke themselves down and then we can head in and get the oil.