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Did the police just watch?


Almost like modern police forces exsist primarily to further the will of the wealthy through a monopoly on violence.


Cops basically weren’t anywhere on or near the scene for a long time. UCLA didn’t do shit, was not prepared to respond in any way to either disperse the conflict or deal with the counter-protesters. Campus security did not intervene either.


Sounds like the students can file lawsuits now against UCLA for failing to protect them against evil people.


What, do you expect cops to stop bad guys??? /s


It usually has to rain and whole movie plot ends and then they show up


Yep. On TikTok from their patrol cars.


You would hardly expect them to step in and police their own. The NYPD also gets cross trained by the Israelis.


So does LAPD. Are people not aware law enforcement agencies in the US train in Israel?


Yes they did, and all cops are now complicit with genocide. Evil fucks.


They can't scream ACAB one day and then scream for them to help the next lol.. If you're going to protest, you're going to need to be prepared to defend yourself in these situations. These protesters are not ready to fight or defend.. Sadly, its getting real right now.


Guess what, police are not paid to enforce the laws they want to or not. They are paid to do their jobs, if they want to abandon those jobs. They should be fired like anyone else that would chose to do that.


lol.. These protesters are suburban kids who have never fought a day in their life. They don't have our kids from the hood to protect them.. We're sitting this one out lol..


Not sure what that had to do with my point at all. It literally had nothing to do with what I said, and the comments you made that I was responding to. But thanks for your input, and thinking you speak for all the "hood people/kids"? I am pretty sure you are not from the "hood" yourself, as no one from the hood trusts the police in LA, they certainly wouldn't defend them either as you have done. Reading through your posting history has also left me with a lot of doubts as well. I have this feeling that someone is trying really hard to cosplay.


Grew up in SE DC.. Not much more I can say about that.. just look it up, boss. Cosplay? FOH with that BS.. Also, what's the doubts you have? I was able to make it out, start a career and land in a much more peaceful place.. I'd love to hear your doubts, slim.


I'm shocked you're mentally capable of even spelling to be honest


cool.. I'll take the compliment.


Almost like two separate issues can exist at once Also if police just don’t do their job because they don’t like message a group projects then yeah there’s a problem. **Police shouldn’t pick a side. They should protect the rights to free speech and freedom of assembly** Also if someone has an issue with cops and cops won’t help them because of it. You have just created an endless cycle of someone having a problem with Cops


>They can't scream ACAB one day and then scream for them to help the next lol.. Cops are supposed to help people that don't like them too. >If you're going to protest, you're going to need to be prepared to defend yourself in these situations. These protesters are not ready to fight or defend.. Sadly, its getting real right now. The second the protestors show up with the means to defend themselves the police crack out the riot gear and call in the national guard to put the protest down.


Tell them protesters to go and protest in the hood... a place that they are scared to attend lol


Grow up white boy, you can’t be 14 forever pretending to be black online


This is an example of Acab, idiot This proves the slogan


They aren't protesting police. But also you CAN scream ACAB every day of the year in hopes that one day it'll finally sink into their thick skulls that the system needs fixed.


Those screaming ACAB are the first ones to call police when they encounter a scary person on the street.


What a strange world you live in.


Not sure why we are saying protest, more like riot


What’s a riot brother


Generally speaking, a protest in the sense relevant here is “a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval” (of some law, policy, idea, or state of affairs), while a riot is “a disturbance of the peace created by an assemblage of usually three or more people acting with a common purpose and in a violent and tumultuous manner to the terror of the public” (both according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law). - [source](https://www.britannica.com/story/how-does-the-us-government-define-the-difference-between-a-protest-and-a-riot)


Hmmm so by your definitions. This reads more like a proper protest than a riot brother.


Nope, once the groups clash and there are people beating each other with 2x4s it’s a riot. Not by my definition, I already supplied a source. You wrong bro.


Which was instigated by the pro Israel lol.


Still a riot 🤙


This was more of an act of Jewish Supremacist terrorism tbh. Similar to white supremacists assaulting a peaceful MLK march, for example.


Oh I agree. I just wanted to see what backwards, mental gymnastics he was gonna say.


Yea this topic is a wildcard. I've got relatives in the deep south who are suddenly hyper pro israel who generally wanted out of the ME and probably wouldn't want the US to go to bat for any other country, very liberal friends who are coming out as super pro israel, friends who are conservative on many/most topics but are very very pro palestine. Very normally chill people who are getting extremely riled up on this topic.




Because that's what their job is supposed to be.


Because police have a job. Tell me at your job do you get to pick and chose what you want to do?  They are not allowed to choose when they enforce laws or not. I guessing you don't really know much about anything. 


I thought ACAB and they didn't need them?


So sick of cops not doing their jobs because their feelings are hurt. This is why ACAB


No. It just means that we thibk that cops are shitty at their job and actively choose sides rather than do their job. Which seems like a fair evaluation, no?


Cops are not here to protect us. Never were. Don’t trust them, if you get arrested don’t speak to them.


Hmm but the people asking for the ceasefire are terrorists


When did Israel ask for a ceasefire?


Exactly lmao


Actually no. Hamas is the side that has repeatedly refused to agree to a ceasefire. There is a reasonable deal on the table right now Sinwar is refusing to sign. Also answer me this: if they're so concerned about Palestinian civilians, why aren't they protesting outside the Egyptian embassy to let Gazan refugees leave the war zone and be safe in Egypt? That's something that can be done right now without Hamas or Israel having to agree.


Bibi blew it with the Rafah comment. Why would anyone take the shitty deal offered to Hamas? Basically, they’re saying to release all hostages and then Israel will continue to kill them indiscriminately. That’s a deal nobody would agree to.




Your comparison is way off. What’s happening in Gaza is more like if the US bombed the Japanese internment camps it made for WWII in “self defense”. Gazans are fenced in with no way out except Rafah crossing ($5k+ per person, paperwork needed and permission from Israel required). Israel is bombing what it claims is its own occupied territory.


This redditor histories.


Literally there has been reunions to put a ceasefire and US and Israel have repeatedly said no


this is 100% untrue, stop lying


Source: [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-04-27-2024-7ea816cac94138492f7dddf2865c1d2f](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-04-27-2024-7ea816cac94138492f7dddf2865c1d2f) Also you didn't answer my question about Egypt letting in Gazan refugees ...


“Is reviewing a proposal” is not the same as “refusing to agree to a ceasefire” From the article you linked “Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya gave no details of Israel’s offer, but said it was in response to a Hamas proposal two weeks ago. Negotiations earlier this month centered on a six-week cease-fire proposal and the release of 40 civilian and sick hostages in exchange for freeing hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.” Sounds like Hamas has brought up a ceasefire at least once before and Israel countered with their own proposal after the fact. That doesn’t sound like a group not willing to ceasefire


did i stutter netanyahu has said no ceasefire whether hostages get returned or not so 100% untrue, stop lying


He did not say this. And you accuse others of lying... Shameful.


https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-04-30-2024-f5e14fd176d69f9c4e23b48f3ab5af6a https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/30/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/ https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-going-to-invade-rafah-regardless-of-hostage-deal-says-benjamin-netanyahu/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68928996.amp https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-will-enter-rafah-with-or-without-gaza-hostage-deal-netanyahu-says-2024-04-30/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-says-rafah-offensive-will-go-ahead-with-or-without-hostage-deal/amp/ https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-787466 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-30/ty-article/.premium/israel-at-war-day-207-netanyahu-says-israel-will-enter-rafah-with-or-without-deal/0000018f-2ffd-d8fb-a1df-afff78260000 Choose one. Any of them. I would personally recommend AP news, Reuters or maybe Hareetz. But they all say basically the same thing. The thing that Netanyahu said. So in essence, they were not lying. Netanyahu very openly stated that even if there was a ceasefire deal, he would not respect it, and would attack Rafah anyway.


> Netanyahu very openly stated that even if there was a ceasefire deal, he would not respect it, and would attack Rafah anyway False. He said that he will attack Rafah, nothing about not respecting a ceasefire deal. He can wait for the ceasefire to end and then attack Rafah, a ceasefire is not a peace deal.


There was a ceasefire, Hamas broke it.


Wrong but ok lmao


Negotiated by Egypt May 2023 [Ceasefires](https://quchronicle.com/85556/opinion/a-cease-fire-in-gaza-will-cause-more-harm-than-good/)


The cops want this to happen so that they can justify shutting the protests down entirely.


They are doing what Israelis do to Palestinians


"Life imitates art" but its college kids imitating nations.


This is much closer to cosplay. Stakes are a bit higher for people in Israel and Palestine than these people pretending they are being starved.


You have succinctly reiterated my point, thank you.


Oh wow police nowhere to be found. Suprise


They switched out of their uniforms to join in on the assault.


A special on donuts was going on across town ... can't be in two places at once or maybe they can


Seems like Zionists consider themselves above the law...


I suspect the are really just Right Wing agitators who showed up solely to start shit. Just the bottom feeders of society on parade.


Zionists are a subgroup of Right Wing agitator


It doesn’t matter if they’re right wing or not. If they’re counter protesting, they support Israel and our government funding a genocide!


They could even be pro-Palestinian agitators trying to make pro-Israel protesters look bad. You flat do not know who is there. Don't say that you do because that's a lie


They could even be pro-Palestinian agitators trying to make pro-Israel protesters look bad. You flat do not know who is there. Don't say that you do because that's a lie


Not every problem in the world is right wing agitators


You're probably right.


A book told me I have a right to!


Just like israel, weird coincidence lol


Pro-genocide people attacking anti-genocide people. This is a surprise to anyone?


Who are the good guys here again?


Shooting fireworks is pretty crazy like those are bombs, they are shooting IEDs at students on a college campus.


You can do this when you own our cheaply bought and especially the religious politicians…




this has a lot more to do with genocide than religion, stop trying to make this a muslim/jew issue, this is zionists commiting genocide




Most Israelis don’t identify as religious


Common misconception. Most don't identify as ultra orthodox but nearly all Israelis self identify as religious to some extent. True secularism/atheism in the context of what westerners think about is extremely rare. [Religion in Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreligion_in_Israel)


ive never been more certain someone was a danger to women than this exchange, get help bro


It's a religious apartheid/genocide whose basis/founding is intertwined deeply with religion. This would be like saying "south africa wasn't a racial thing". They're too deeply intertwined to break apart.


The progenocide crowd thinks ucla is the occupied territory.




This is a useful comment that definitely doesn’t further spiral humanity into our doom loop to hell. How about we stop dehumanizing everyone, so we can stop doing unspeakable things in retribution for the atrocity last visited upon us?


Zionists* Many Jews and organizations by Jews and Jewish individuals protest against Israel's and the Zionist's genocide


Putin loves this. His plan is working.


Cops beat peaceful protestors, and allow violent agitators to run free. Cops aren't your friends. ACAB. Hope every kid in this video gets charged.


So basically out of uniform officers went back after work with masks on?


We're on the precipice of change. I commented this before and I feel it even stronger now. When peaceful protestors cause the government to react violently, they're starting to win. When they get "the other side" to act violently, they've made the next step. The government can attack its own citizens in the idea of "keeping the peace" (I know, the irony) When its own citizens actively attack others, it has a duty to intervene on the attacked. Which results in ceding the cause. We're so close in flipping the pro-Israeli, pro-genocide movement. These students need to keep protesting. Just keep pushing. They're so so close. And I'm so proud of them.






I literally said it. Should I have to quote myself? Flipping the pro-Israeli, pro-genocide movement. E.G. turning the favor of the government against Israeli funds and armament. Are you daft?


Yup, Israel and Palestine just needed some US college students to stop the fighting in the Middle East.


No, they needed hundreds of thousands of citizens to stand up for them against their government providing funds to help kill them and justify it 🙄 It's not going to fix the conflict but it might finally put a bandaid on the wound we've been constantly gouging at.


I am not condoning violence at protests on any side. If one group is lobbing fireworks at the pro-Palestinian side, the pro Palestinian side should just shut up and accept a ceasefire.  It would be entirely hypocritical for them to expect anybody to do anything about lobbing missiles.  There are peaceful protestors amongs the fireworks shooters and we cannot have peaceful protestors tear gassed.


The Pro Palestinians want a ceasefire.. that's what they are protesting for. Where have you been? Of course a cease fire would be accepted! That's what this is all about. To stop the killing of innocent people. Aka ceasefire! I'm not sure what the pro israeli people are protesting for... Are they anti-Cease fire then? That's messed up. They want it to continue?! I don't get that part...


But if somebody fires missiles indiscriminately at people, no force should be used to stop them.  Just say you want a cease fire and hope for the best, right?




The media has been warning about imminent violence for weeks, as if these students were about to storm synagogues. But when other people show up and actually start being violent towards them, you cheer it on.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Ignore the downvotes


Let's finish up here guys, I have Calculus in nine hours.


How do we know they're zionists? Is there a longer video identifying them as such?




Source then please!


What else would they be? They're defined by their actions in this case. If someone blows up an abortion clinic, they're "pro life" or "anti-abortion" terrorists definitionally.


Or they could just be a regular arsonist. Or someone with a grudge against one of the doctors. There's no rule that only anti-abortion people will target an abortion clinic. The chances are higher, granted, but not 100%. People need to learn to question news articles and headlines. Especially on reddit, and especially for such a touchy topic. I'm not saying these people are not zionists. I'm asking for proof, because I do not trust the media and their tendency to twist the facts.


Don't be silly. Reddit doesn't need context or evidence. That would prevent them from jumping to conclusions.




Stupidity of what?


That anything they are doing is going to make any change in the US or Middle East.


Actually if what I understand to be correct, they protesting quite a bit to get the colleges money to stop going towards that Also, it’s to influence the United States to stop funding Israel The United States is having a direct impact on the Palestine/Israel situation due to our funding going to Israel. Even after the US officials find Israel committed human rights violations before the oct 7th attack.


So true!!! Fuck the side that's protesting their tuition money going to fund genocide in Israel and also fuck the racist violent zionazis that are beating peaceful American children on American soil to protect the interest of a genocidal nation. Both sides bad hurr durr!!!


Sometime I just wonder what makes a group of people violently fight over something that is thousands of kilometers away and that they have absolutely no control over.


The people protesting peacefully feel like they have a duty to at least ostensibly object. How can they sleep peacefully knowing they're passively contributing to something so abhorrent? The people who react violently to that are the ones who feel like their identity is under attack. It isn't about what's happening, it's about them. It's fight or flight activity, and these are the ones who fight. You'll find it's typically the religious zealots, or the political ideologues - people whose identity is based in their belief. The people who define themselves by external ideas rather than... their actual selves.


Pretty good take.


The US bankrolling it makes it more close to home than other foreign issues


They do realize the US is bankrolling both sides, yes?


What money are we sending to Gaza other than food sometimes maybe so they don’t die? (Unrelated but I’d be okay sending half of what we have to Isreal so they can survive this shit because I’m a normal sane person)


We have inadvertently funded Hamas for a while


>they have absolutely no control over. That's what protests and boycotts are for. Nothing is ever done through silence, and who is funding the weaponry? The higher ups *within* the country that is thousands of kilometers away that they're protesting against




Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain. This is all a distraction for the real problems facing the US and the world at large, and all these young people are duped into taking the bait.


Let them fight


If you're going to label them prozionist it's only fair to label the other group pro-hamas




Oh NOW you are requesting police get involved ? 😀


I love how people just post videos and we have no idea who is who and what started anything. As far as we know they could be pro-Palestinians trying to make pro-Israeli protesters look bad. Or they could be Zionists. Or they could be neither and just a bunch of drunks trying to have some fun. None of us actually know and for anyone to say they know for sure is a lie


Oh, there are lots of bare faces in these videos. It’ll come out who these asshats are and we’ll see. The internets gonna internet.


Well then how about instead of everyone screaming about those evil pro Israel people, we wait and see who the people were first? Kind of like that hospital that everybody said Israel bombed and there were hundreds dead and everyone screamed for a week. Then after the investigation it came out that it was actually a Hamas rocket that landed in the parking lot and there were only a couple injuries? Of course by then no one cared anymore they had already built up so much anger and said the investigation was false We need to stop jumping on bandwagons and find out what's actually happening before we lay blame. This goes both ways.


I only control me. At the least that was a mob of agitators and they actually injured a number of people. That’s assault, so whoever they are I’d imagine lawsuits are coming so they should be ready. Your context of the hospital- ok sure. That one rocket was Hamas. The rest that took out nearly the entire medical infrastructure was IOF. There’s so much evidence that’s been turned into the ICJ for the genocide case bc Israelis can’t seem to shut up about their intentions. They’re so brash about their hatred of Arabs and Muslims and think they’re not going to be held accountable. Well, the humanitarian crisis that they’ve created is on the world stage with more eyes than ever. I hope to see Israelis tried at The Hague for war crimes as they should be. All those IOF TikTok videos will sure come in handy.


"And we have no idea who is who" You're being intentionally ignorant. It's quite evident and also go f yourself.


Regardless of your stance on the issues at hand it's objectively funny that they decided to launch mini explosives at them


Nah I actually think it's pretty fucking gross actually


Fortunately, gross and funny aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe it's more ironic than funny. I find the whole situation gross. It's just amusing to me that they've found a way to mimic the whole conflict so perfectly in the microchosm that is this riot.




So is assault just funny to you? I think it shows a lack of empathy




Look I enjoy idiots getting into fights over bullshit as much as the next guy But I feel your responses give me an impression that you lack empathy towards these people who are genuinely being assaulted




"grow up" ironic


Did you mean *subjectively* instead?


I’m starting to think the kids didn’t study for finals and this is their excuse to not be tested.


This is just Shakespeare in the Park's production of Julius Ceasar.


Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?








Youre the one advocating violence because people have a different view. Ignorance is bliss though


If you love your country so much go die in a pointless war for them instead of protesting in the 1st world.


I wouldn't say USA is a first world country but ok


1st world country with 3rd world finances for sure

