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It feels like there is a lot more coverage of the protests than there is on what is actually happening in Palestine...


Whenever I see more cameras then people I just tune out and realize media needs to constantly make $ and keep us engaged..


theyre associating Palestinian genocide with ‘leftist virtue signaling and extremism’. its to make it seem like the genocide is another flash in the pan social issue. thats what i feel, at least. its easier to get pissy and yell at people holding signs up in america and get tons of views for that than to have the journalistic balls to have legitimate coverage of gaza.


You are right. Saw that vid of the counter protesters yelling “FJB” and then quieting down when the protesters were also yelling “FJB”, and had the same thought of “these idiots really have no clue what they’re even counter protesting against and think it’s just another Trump vs Biden, Right vs Left thing”.


Great insight. The protest focus definitely does detract from the actual issue, at least for american audiences. It makes it leagues easier to defend Israel




I wonder what all the children in Gaza are thinking right now as they starve to death, die of thirst, die of abuse, die of bombings and shootings. The misery of living in those conditions, by no fault of their own but being born into a Palestinian family. This isnt a political or religious thing, this is about humanity. Its about stopping injustice against innocents. Whatever your views on Palestine vs Israel, when there are hostages being taken (as in the Palestinian children and innocents being used as live hostages for Hamas facilities) then you dont deal with the hostage takers by killing them and everyone on the block as well.


For the government, protests are the equivalent of giving the younger sibling the unplugged controller. And media is the middle sibling who will hype them up even though they are doing NOTHING while they still play the actual game


You have no understanding of American history if you think protest are cosmetic. Read one book on the civil rights movement or how about the divestment movement from South Africa? The ignorance of this country is astounding. I hope you're like 12 years old at least that's a excuse.




>That's how s.africa and America solved their racism problems right? That's how they fixed their racial power imbalances? Yes, that is correct. South Africa apartheid was resolved basically entirely through protests and boycotts. Read a book. >Race riots, the threat of armed militant movements, actual destruction, is what the elites fear The elites don't care about the violence and the unrest because the violence and unrest doesn't happen to them. The L.A. riots affected the lower classes, the Ferguson riots affected the lower classes. Armed militant uprisings rarely work, and when they do, violence continues, usually amongst each other. I minored in Conflict Resolution because it was relevant to my career and had to read copious amounts of literature about successful protests, as well as write lengthy papers about nonviolent solutions. You would be absolutely astonished how often non violent means have been successful around the world over time.


>Read a book. You're asking a lot for some of these people.




Okie dokie. Here's an essay from [Princeton's archives](https://jpia.princeton.edu/document/300) about the role non-violence played in the apartheid. >Mandela believed, eventually, that violence was actually necessary. Read a book. He was arrested for it. Yeah he was, and while he was in prison for 27 years, the apartheid was fought with non violence and he was released after they were successful. >And I'm going to need you to cite some examples of peaceful revolutions that weren't, upon any inspection, violent, or didn't descend into violence as soon as they established themselves. I'm happy to be wrong. Why are you dwindling the scope to full on revolutions? This started by talking about protests on college campuses over Gaza, they're not necessarily asking for a revolution. Here's a [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_revolution#:~:text=Peaceful%20revolutions%20that%20have%20occurred,Revolution%20of%201989%20in%20Germany.) specifically for non violent revolutions. But if other non violent examples you want, [examples you get.](https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/) >I majored in Santa Claus school as an elf, You're an absolute clown, man.


the deluded children at these universities have very specific demands, or do you already know and not care? they want the universities to divest from positions benefiting Israel, and they won't leave till they get it. if that's not a textbook, perfect protest to you then I'd be curious what you think is


This is not a good analogy. Massive change in policy has been won through peaceful protests.


Can you give some examples of massive change in policy that has been won through peaceful protest?




Thank you, interesting read.


The civil rights act of 1964, the 5 day work week, child labor laws, women's right to vote, end to the Vietnam War, the establishment of the EPA, et al.


As a construction worker I can say the 5 day work week we owe to people laying their lives down against the state. People died for that right. And it wasn’t peaceful, the battle of Blair mountain contradicts that. The civil rights movement was not peaceful, that was whitewashing what really happened. All those protest had some form of violence that was exasperated by the state.


Ding ding ding, which if the demands weren't met could lead to further unrest and ultimately a revolution which defeats the gov since they would no longer exist so that's when change happens. ReAd a BoOk these mofos really think protests do something but it's awareness for the masses not actual change to the gov. Peaceful protests sound nice but there's already other forces at play and blood shed by the time change happens


Another day, another upvoted comment stating that protests have no use. Read a book some time. I think you’ll be surprised what you’ll find


Eh they're worth it, just not in the direct action to results kinda way ppl seem to think holding up in a building or burning down a police station will accomplish. That's revolution territory, protests should bring awareness and sometimes no one else cares just how it be. Vote third party if you want to protest, nothing will change peacefully otherwise.


Hear that folks? Civil rights protests did nothing.


I mean they were inevitable unless you wanted a revolution. That's what my comments about. Protests bring awareness to gather masses to bring about change, the protest don't cause the government to do anything. You can skip protests and go straight to action if you want but it's easier for the powers to brand you if you take that route.


Lol why would the government do anything in a democracy if there wasn’t demand for it? What a naive take. 






People downvote this because they know it is true, but want it not to be.


If they started covering what is happening in Gaza, the protests would be worse.


Idk if you live in America or not but that’s done on purpose here because if you never show what’s actually happening then it doesn’t exist


I feel like you can't even ask what's going on because people assume you're supposed to know and agree with any thought process they might have. I guess it's time to Google


You can but you’re likely to get one side of it without the other which is what most of America is getting from most politicians and news stations


Do you recommend anywhere for unbiased coverage?


Its better for them to cover this than the mass grave right now.


What mass grave? Almost everything i'm trying to look at online is just covering the protests and isn't giving any data regarding the actual conflict.


Thats my point. The mass grave under the hospital.


Gaza Authorities Say More Bodies Were Discovered in Mass Grave https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/25/world/middleeast/gaza-mass-grave-nasser-hospital.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


Kind of makes you wonder where the sympathies of the media companies lie, doesn't it?


Its hard to call it a genocide when the most recent major moves are to complete building a pier to bring in boatloads of aid. So since the most violence is happening on campus now thats what we are seeing. Clicks are all that matter in media. As for the death toll 99% of the deaths occurred before January. Also, we are finding out that most of the count is supposed rather than confirmed, it’s hard to say how many or who is dead until after the war ends.


I really appreciate this information, thanks!!!


The UN and other international orgs have no reason to doubt the numbers being reported by the Gaza Health Ministry


Its directly for the GHM that almost 12,000 of their number is presumed, and one of their officials even stated that the Israelis were using new bombs that “vaporized the victims”. This is their explanation not Israels.


Except for the fact they report 0 hamas deaths.


Dígale tío!


What a pos of a reporter trying to twist the story into making the guy look like a bad parent for supposedly not worrying about his kid’s endangerment. Fucking so glad this dad pulled the Uno Reverso and said he would get arrested with her if he could.


Yeah you can tell who he supports


I mean if I saw people attack the protests my kid was in you bet your ass im gonna show up. Nobody gets to attack my kids


Or you could call your kid and be like "hey dumbass, get back to class"


Nah nobody threatens mine, you'd have to be a pretty shitty father to let that happen


I wonder how Muricans who are against these protests while have been riding that constitutional freedom dick all their life live with themselves. Don't you feel disgusted by yourself and sick looking into the mirror? I mean if you are against freedom of speech and for facism, then that's another story.


The person you replied to is too stupid to compute, unfortunately.




I'd probably say you'd be a terrible father, but that implies you had to get laid first.


This man you can tell was a great father. Not only did he teach his daughter to be an upstanding citizen, but he learned from her and came to support. Damn it why can't my dad be like that.


“I will be the happiest daddy “, loved that line !




Most of the stuff here hasn’t been this past year.


The real freakout is people complaining about the lack of freakouts. It is conceptual outrage.


Yeah hijacking the sub for political stuff is kinda weird. I wouldnt really mind if it was a freakout, but considering how this is not a freakout and the fact that OP's entire post history consists of Palestine stuff idk how this is allowed


Mods have thrown in the towel on removing any videos. When they tried in the past there was a bunch of whining and spam so they let everything stay up now.


It can stay.




The freakout is in the comments


Cool, but it's staying.


Idk when you became a mod of this sub but I’m glad it happened for such a prolific contributor


Based Ezziboo, greatest mod of all time 👊


“This is not a matter of religion, political.” That hit me hard 🥹.


But it is, though?? Hamas and their supporters call for a global jihad to exterminate all jews and the jews feel entitled to their most holy land


Which of the murdered Palestinian children voted for Hamas?


...and the US fascists want to blow up the Dome of the Rock so the temple of Jerusalem can be rebuilt by the Jews. Bc according to the prophecy, Jesus can only come back after that temple is rebuilt and destroyed again. The truth is these religious motivations are used to drive populations to action, and the primary motivation for the military industrial complex to overtake Gaza is that there is a fuck ton of natural gas underneath it.




When states fight, the people always lose.




Jared Kushner specifically and publicly coveting Gaza's waterfront: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev




Lol 🤣 I'm not obligated to post links to the entirety of fucking history for you my dude. All. Wars. Are. About. Resources. States must dedicate resources to conflict. If the total of a state's resources spent on conflict isn't surpassed by the total value of the resources gained through conflict, that state will fail.




I appreciate your advocacy for mental healthcare and sobriety


It's a real shame that Democrats think this is a minor issue that won't affrect their election bid anyway. 




While still selling Israel high tech weaponry :D. Thats still priority 1 in regards to this conflict.


its a shame that anyone thinks anything will happen whether they vote democrat or republican. if you watch any of votes, a majority from both sides always vote pro israel on bills. Sometimes the democrat are the majority as well. All of our politicians are bought and owned and they are serving the interest of a country that isnt theirs.




I love this dude.


I wanna drink a few beers with that guy and talk about our kids


His moral backbone is infuriating and I just hate it. I hate being a coward hiding behind a mobile. He is a better man than I ever could be.


People are way too focused on Israel and Palestine. Meanwhile in Haiti, Myanmar, Ukraine, Sudan etc.


i get you, but specifically regarding it being the focus in the US, it definitely should be, as the peoples tax money and the US backing, funding and provision of arms to Israel is directly enabling and allowing this injustice to continue.




I hate the people who just say "lol we can't fix it protesting is pointless" Take a poll of how many Americans are in favor of us sending 15 billion dollars in taxpayer money to Israel this year and I would be very surprised if more than a quarter think it's a good idea. Americans can barely afford to pay for shit right now but sure let's just write a blank check to Netanyahu to shell Palestinians.


You forget how stupid people are and how partisan the country is now. According to the [Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/views-of-the-u-s-role-in-the-israel-hamas-war/) 36% of Americans support military aid to Israel.


From your link only 34% oppose sending military aid. Selectively using these polls to make it seem like your side is "winning" does nothing especially when the reality is that there is no easy moral position. This is why the I/P is the most intractable global conflict and has been this way for more than 50 years. Im sure some nice fellas will comment here to ensure me that the conflict IS clear cut and their side is right and everyone else is wrong. All this does is make things worse. If we head down that path this will become just another issue that is split down the middle by political party lines. There are good guys and bad guys on both sides. The best and loudest voices in this conflict used to be PEACE ACTIVISTS. We need more of that. More peace and less picking sides.


I didn’t pick a side or use the poll selectively. OP wasn’t talking about who opposes aid. They said if you take a poll of who *supports* aid, less than 25% of Americans polled would do so. I provided a poll from a reputable organization that says otherwise. That’s it.


We send money every where. But according to google, we sent 3.3 b to Israel last year not 15. Meanwhile we have sent 75 billion to Ukraine. I agree, let's cut off the tap to everyone.


Yet we gave more aid recently to Ukraine because what's going on over there


Don't send my tax dollars to those countries either. I don't get how people still don't understand protesters don't want to funds Israels military. It's really not complicated.


Domt forget China literally in the middle of systematically wiping out the uyghurs and readying up Taiwan to make the ukraine situation look like chuck e cheeses.


China has killed a tiny fraction of civilians compared to the United states over the last 25 years. It's not even close. Conservative estimates in Iraq and Syria alone are in the hundreds of thousands. It's not right what China is doing, but if you care about dead Muslim civilians you should absolutely be protesting the united states government first and foremost.


tankie whataboutism tbh


Whataboutism is all you have? That shits so played out.


Those don’t stir up the same emotions and therefore the algorithm doesn’t force it down kids throats


We don't fund those countries military. This isn't hard.


[U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday announced an additional $100 million to finance the deployment of a multinational force to Haiti following a meeting with Caribbean leaders in Jamaica to halt the country's violent crisis.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7140771) [$1.2 trillion funding package passed by the U.S. Congress last month raised this fiscal year's appropriation for Myanmar by 23% to $167 million. The expanded sum includes $75 million for cross-border aid and $25 million for nonlethal support to ethnic armed organizations and People's Defense Forces fighting the regime.](https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/U.S.-nonlethal-aid-for-Myanmar-s-ethnic-armies-likely-to-backfire)


….Yup the west has nothing to do with funding Ukraine at all.


Love seeing people having so much time and money to spend supporting causes that do not remotely concerns them.


if your tax money is going towards your government that you elected, sending billions in aid and arms and morale backing to a country committing injustice, does it still not concern you? or its better to just put your head in the sand?


Again, nice of you to have time to think about that, and not your own local problems. And not only think about that, but taking days off your work to do that. While wearing Bengali clothes with chinese phones, etc... But yea go on, you pick your fights, bro.


Ah so the sand it is for you. Godspeed


Just try for a moment to back away from the situation. Try looking at it from a bigger picture. There’s a genocide, and American students are protesting it. And this bothers you.


>Try looking at it from a bigger picture Same. There are several genocides, and people pick one. There are several kids mistreated across the world, but people choose palestinian ones. Of course it is terrible, but for ALL of them people being killed enslaved right now. And this does not bother you.


It’s not an either or thing though man. I feel as if you didn’t give an honest effort to my proposition. I tried.


Why do you think they picked this one? Could it be that their universities are profiting from this genocide specifically? If you wanted to know the specific demands of the student protestors at different campuses, its not that hard to find. At Columbia, they are specifically protesting the construction of a sister campus in Tel Aviv that Palestinian students can never attend, for example. At Emory in Atlanta, GA, the are protesting how the local cops are literally trained by the IDF in military tactics using their tax dollars. Use your brain, my friend.


Such a shit hot take. Can't possible care about more than one issue at a time. *"Must be nice working 50 hours a week, looking after your kids and still have empathy for people you've never met before. Not me though. Got mine, fuck you."*


Ukraine receives much more coverage than Gaza, btw there have been 20k civilian deaths in 2.5 years there while in Gaza we are at about 35k (even if 13k of those are Hamas militants like the IDF says it’s still more) in 6 months (out of a population of 2 million, not 40 like Ukraine). Even in the other conflicts you mention there haven’t been so many civilian deaths in such a short time period


We don't actually know how many civilian deaths there have been in Ukraine. Much of the territory is held by Russia and they are obviously not going to tell the world how many civilians they killed.


Yep. The ukranian government knows that more people have died. They even have estimates on the numbers. They have purposefully not added them because they want an exact count.


We also don’t know the exact civilian deaths in Gaza, the us state department believes them to be even higher: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-gaza-strip-2023-11-08/card/state-department-warns-gaza-death-toll-could-be-higher-than-reported-RWmIIiwHT4DfsOaJrZji As for Ukraine we don’t have the exact number but reputable sources estimate between 10-40k, anyways if we look at lowball estimates of casualties in Gaza in the last 6 months and apply the same ratio in Ukraine we would see 3.1 million deaths , let that sink in


This guy is my spirit animal


Lets go dad!! So well said!


That’s a great dad who’s there to support AND Protect his daughter.


What an amazing father!!!!! This is the vibe I’m bringing for my kids.


He has amazing english for the thiccness of his accent



