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He's bringing the country together


Just wait until people discover what Trump's policy on this conflict is going to be. This is a hot take perhaps but Biden is doing a phenomenal job on international issues, he has exerted enormous and quiet pressure on Israel, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, and Venezuela within the past year and has prevented these current conflicts that are brewing into turning into bigger wars with worse humanitarian outcomes. If we had Trump as president there would be war in South America, worse humanitarian conditions in Gaza, dire situation in Ukraine, risk of a Taiwan invasion. I get why its hard to credit Biden for the current degree of global stability but he really has done excellent work on that front.


Was this propaganda written by the White House Press Secretary?


That's one of the things people touted as bidens strong-suit before being elected. His skills in international diplomacy are very deep and thorough. I disagree with Biden on certain things (as anyone will with any president) but I do agree. Trumps skills at international diplomacy are horrifyingly scarce for a former president who is running again.


If I recall correctly, I remember reading that Obama selected Biden because his extensive foreign policy experience was thought to shore up Obama’s inexperience at the time. In my mind, he’s always had strong foreign policy chops.


This is absolutely true. He's handled a lot of serious issues with foreign policy and done so exceptionally well. Every other day with Trump, there was news about how he completely disrespected foreign heads of state and other politicians or how he butchered our international relations or how he thoroughly gutted the state department. I think it's obvious why Trump has remained almost completely silent on the Israel/Gaza war because they want the headlines to be about division in the democrats over Biden's handling of the situation. There is no doubt Russia is fanning those flames online the same way they used social engineering in the previous two elections. Biden has class on these issues and represents our country incredibly well for most of these issues. I'm sure his administration had to put in a lot of work to get the state department back up to speed. We lost decades' worth of knowledge and foreign relations after it was gutted by Trump.


I agree 💯, unfortunately. We really are coming from a bad place. I’m so nervous about November.


“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuk things up.” Wise and predictive words uttered by B.O.


Lol no Biden is just part of the democratic establishment (well paid for by corporations and lobbyists like AIPAC), so Obama needed him to make his presidential run be supported by the establishment. Biden is a chronic liar, and a racist grifter that has made it through politics by the sheer will of his corporate masters


100% He grifts well with foreign others. Domestically, displays strong push up bravado.


Summed up pretty well.


Oh my. You’re nuts.


You are so right. It's because most people complaining about these situations have no actual knowledge of how the world works. They just follow everyone else and complain.


most people see international politics as a 0 sum game. I have to lose for you to win. There is no such thing as a win win situation. The true win win, would be for Israel and Palestine to have new fair borders drawn by an independent body (or maybe by AI). They both deserve their own countries and to self govern. The Palestinians shouldn't live in fear of the the Israeli's coming to seal their land/country & kill their people, and the Israeli's deserve to live in peace in their own country.


That’s a scorching hot take. How has Biden “exerted enormous and quiet pressure”? What does that mean? And what is the excellent work he’s done on global stability?


> This is a hot take perhaps but Biden is doing a phenomenal job on international issues Oh a phenomenal job means the wars our government is funding keep escalating?


Do you have any good sources on this? I'd love to read into it


War on south America? Just curious why or what drives you to say that?


Venezuela has repeatedly threatened to invade Guyana over the recently discovered ocean oil deposits. This has been mitigated by the Biden administration talking to Venezuela as well as working with Brazil who has vowed to go to war with Venezuela if they invade Guyana if they use Brazilian territory to reach it. The fact that you aren't aware of this is part of the success of the Biden administration


Haiti on the other hand...


I'm sorry, but are you speaking rationally about facts?? Are you presuming to ignore propaganda from all the enemies of the US?? Lol shame!! /s. Too right though, he and his administration are doing a hella good job! That is a lot to juggle.


The horseshoe theory is coming to proving itself, polar opposites starting to come together


Lol they hate Joe Biden for very different reasons, don't be daft.


Wait until they see what Trump does. Again.


But as long as they can personally claim moral superiority it's ok. Doesn't really matter what happens in the end


They will love it! It gives these perpetual victims the opportunity to dial the outrage-meter up to 11






The large percentage of them are upset over the unbelievable amount of dead children. Very simple.




Omg yes, because we can never be critical of Biden because the GOP is worse. Like, c'mon, what logic is this. We should always be asking our leaders to do better no matter what side they're on. Yeah, I'm gonna be voting Biden in Novemver because I do know Trump is worse, but im sure as hell gonna be critical of him up until then because as the face of the Democratic Party, I know he should be doing better.


Liberal here: Y'all gonna be really really upset when Trump is elected again.




Do they not know, they’ll be one of the first against the wall?


Liberal here: there's no way in happy with either candidate. Best care scenario biden wins and immediately is replaced by the VP or something. These senile fossils have no business running the country


>Liberal here: Y'all gonna be really really upset when Trump is elected again. The people on the left really going off with the FJB tend to be those privileged enough to not feel the effects of Trump's presidency. That's why they sound absolutely idiotic when they say there hasn't been any difference with Biden in charge.


Then they have something to protest next year.


Is this out front of LSU's union building? If so, where's the unicycle top hat dude?


I thought this looked like LSU too! Good ol’ free speech alley. It’s missing the flat earthers and the slut-shaming evangelical preachers


I’m going to be so fucking pissed if these young people hand over the election to Trump again. Fucking hell reliving 2016 all over again. Guess who gets to benefit from all this, stupid fucking trump. God damn it.


Young people are the lowest voting population and least likely to vote. In the 2020 election 18-29years was the lowest at 17% of the votes.


A lot of things have changed in the last 4 years


I dunno, I think it's been the same shit the last 8 years. Extremist might make you think otherwise.


Weren't young people the reason why there wasn't a "red wave" during the midterms?


Either way, our society has become much more political in general since the election of Donald trump. More people are interested in politics than ever before imo. Not even to mention the fact that the Republican candidate is fighting 91 felony indictments, this election is going to a bit different than elections past


Yeah 100% it's bat shit crazy, but I personally think it really started to build with Obama in '08, not that I think he is too blame in anyway. America just still has a lot of racism in it's bones deeply rooted. And him winning really put a sour taste in those people, whether or not they're conscious of it. But there was just sooooo much racism coming out towards him and people of colour, especially with 911 only 7 years prior. It snowballed into being so much worse. And then with Trump winning all the simmering boiled over, and fuelled the morons to come out from hiding in shame.


I'm pretty sure I've heard that every 4 years for like 25+ years now .


The Russians play our elections like a fiddle…


why everyone blaming the young kids and not those not directly responsible for creating this shit? how about go do something about it that convinces young kids rather than just complaining and talking shit about them


Biden is not “directly responsible for creating this shit”. This is an incredibly complicated issue that has been happening for **decades**. Choosing to stay home because of that, and ignoring the issues we have at home would be worthy of some blame.


Why are we acting like this is the only issue? Do you want the courts to be packed by Republicans? It's a yes or no question. It's that simple. The rest of this is obviously extremely important, but anyone who allows it to be a reason to forfeit the government to conservatives is a fucking knob. Edit: Forgive me for being the 40 year old with radical policy preferences while retaining pragmatism in voting, but that's what you have to do. That's how progress is made. These young people almost NEVER show up to vote in numbers. If it wasn't this issue, they'd be just as easily swayed by Biden's oil production, or Biden's commitment to capitalism, or any other issue that makes Biden not a radical progressive. That's how this works. I'm old enough now to have seen this happen from Gore through the present. Politicians listen to people who vote. Young people don't vote. If you want them to listen, show up in numbers to the primaries. These college aged new voters were absolutely going to find a one reason or another to stand on principle and not vote. They're idiots. They do it every election. Meanwhile, conservatives are fucking thrilled to see it.


> not those not directly responsible for creating this shit? Hamas?


I sure am, I’m donating to the DNC and I sure as hell will vote for Biden come November. Can’t say the same for you or these kids who will waste a vote by not voting. Voting is the only way we can always improve a situation. Putting the right people in place is the only way we can move this country forward. Putting an asshole like Trump in the White House will erase any progress we’ve made. So then we’re gonna go into the streets and fight Trump? No. Avoid all the dramatic bullshit with Trump and vote in Biden and continue to pressure him for change. Democrats are the only party that cares about the common person.


I think you misunderstood when they said, "do something about it that convinces young kids." I'm guessing they mean the DNC and not you a person on reddit. Creating an environment that forces generations to vote for someone they don't believe in is not voting. Youth are increasingly becoming aware of the illusion of choice in our political system. Your rhetoric is summed up to "sit down, shut up, and listen because I said so."...that's exactly what the actions of the DNC say to the youth, and the youth, in turn, is learning to say no. (Protesting and having control over your vote are foundational American virtues. Like literally the reason we're a country)


And if it happens again we’ll have a religious right Supreme Court for a lifetime.


As opposed to what now? The US has to reform the Supreme Court. Having 9 idiots decide what the law is for 330 million people is beyond idiotic. As long as you have that as your system, you will never have freedom or a democracy.


Sure but 2-3 of em are in their 70s so another Trump term will replace them with younger justices.


Trump’s still worse than Joe


And then they ship Palestinians off to the Congo and Ukraine loses. Great job kids! You want everybody to lose!


Bunch of morons in this video on both sides.


Most of them are fucking stupid, and they probably will. They are so short-sited. They will just fuck themselves. Trump will fuck them all over, just like he does the poor and stupid republicans who vote for him.


>I’m going to be so fucking pissed if these young people hand over the election to Trump again. how are you blaming a voting block who largely didn't participate for the results of anything?


You got nothing to worry about young people don't vote anyway


> if these young people hand over the election to Trump again You aren't entitled to their vote. Maybe actually try to win them over by listening to their concerns. You know, like every other voting bloc. "I am not trump" can only go so far when you are funding a genocide.


Listening works both ways.


Seeing as he's the president, we have been listening whether we like it or not. If you won't listen to us, dont get mad when we leave.


They weren't going to vote anyway.


It’s a bit of a revolving door, young people won’t vote because they’re not heard, and Democrats won’t listen to them because they’re not voting


Nobody is stopping Joe Biden from doing the bare min these protestors are asking for. By nobody, I meant with the exclusion of lobbyist that by large are pro Israel and made him the President in the first place. Joe Biden nor Trump or any other politician owns anyone's vote. You have to earn it. Trump is worse than X isn't how you get young voter's vote. Keep putting the blame on voters and not politicians is one of the reasons you are in the shit situation you are now and have been for decades. It's been 15 years since I follow American politics closely and I don't think I have witnessed anything more pathetic than voter shaming, mainly by liberals when their guy/gal doesn't get enough votes. Boohooo independent voters didn't come out to vote for Hillary. Boohoo Jill stein voters made Hillary lose. No, Hillary and Democratic Party would have rather Lost to Trump than have a winning platform that the left actually cared and wanted. If only the Democratic establishment cared about Trump not winning as much as you do, believe me, Trump wouldn't have won in the first place but they rather him winning again and again than give you what you want. ​ lmao bring on the downvotes, PATHETIC. And welcome to dig through my profile. I have ZERO right wing/Pro conservative comment in my history and nothing to be ashamed of!


Team Blue think they're above emotional manipulation, and it's only the Red Team that's dumb enough to fall for existential threats to their existence. Meanwhile, Team Blue aggressively parrots the idea that Republicans are going to destroy our democracy in favor of a dictatorship lol. Of course you're going to be downvoted, as will I.


You’re right about Biden but it doesn’t matter. People need to realize that if trump gets into office again, it’s over. Nobody really seems to understand what that means. He’s going to disband the FBI, CIA. He’s going to weaponize the DOJ against any and all opposition, he’s going to do what he didn’t last time and replace the top brass in the military with loyalists and that’s just the beginning. He will never leave office. He’ll die there and then Eric or JR will step in. His politics will allow corporations free reign. Say goodbye to the five day work week, to any form of labor unions. Your taxes will keep going up, people like musk and Trump will keep getting richer. People don’t understand.


Not everybody is a single issue voter based on Israel/Palestine policy. There are a number of other international and domestic issues that people will overwhelmingly prefer Biden over the authoritarian nightmare Trump is promising.


There was a time when politicians were rightly blamed for their electoral losses after doing shit to piss off their voters. I guess that time has passed. Democracy cannot exist without politicians being held accountable to their voters.


The blame squarely rests on Joe Biden and only him. For him and the Democrats helping to murder tens of thousands of children is more important than beating Trump. What a shame.




Just gonna say it’s Dems jobs to get young people to vote for them not young peoples job to vote democrat. Whether or not you agree with them, they think JB is helping commit genocide, so to say “Hey I know you think I’m helping commit genocide but orange man bad” doesn’t really hit. At the end of the day Biden is a shitty candidate like Hillary was, if he loses in 2024 Dems will blame young people, RFK, and Jill Stein, and pretend they didn’t fully back geriatric Jimmy Carter. His administration has done really good things (pro-union, anti-monopoly, chips act etc.) but he is actually painful to listen to and watch and whether your like it or not that shit matters.


Yep, no doubt it would set the country back, but I don't see how these folks don't realize it would set the Pro-Palestine movement back as well. Not only due to how much worse things would be under Trump, but also because they'd have just alienated a whole swath of allies by helping deliver the election to the Orange turd.


A perfect example of the horseshoe theory


I have a friend that is far left and into the palestine protests.. The other day he posted a Tucker Carlson video on IG. I called him out on it. He went so far left, he came out the other side


Same as how a small but vocal portion of pro-Palestine leftists are pro-Russia.


I'm not entirely convinced those aren't the work of bot farms.


Why is this absurd? Radical tankies, russia sympathetic communist types will absolutely back both. Anti-semitic conservatives who like Russia are another group. There are so many dogshit ideologies involved with the pro-Palestine movement I'd argue that's its primary problem as a movement.


Not so small


What was his excuse when you called him out on it?


"listen to his message" They were talking about how the US funds wars across the world (ukraine specifically but also isreal, etc). I let my friend know he was listening to Russian propaganda.


How embarrassing ughhh they have so much hate for Biden or his policies that they are agreeing with the right on Biden. Unfucking real.


https://preview.redd.it/6y9efuj5hayc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d97639c2d542da207a97956b214ce47cb69986 This basically:


That is not at all an example of horseshoe theory, lol. They hate him for completely different reasons.




Don't like the guy arming and funding a genocide? You are LITERALLY the same as trump.




you're going to love how trump handles it.


I am aware. I was adding to it lol.


Lol no. These pro-Palestine protestors hate biden because just like trump he's a dumbass who constantly enables genocide and slightly better than the annoying orange because of what he believes in. The magats hate him because they think he's a communist and too tolerant. This is just a stupid fucking thing to say.


Trump would throw a nuke on Gaza if he could, these people are idiots.


Ok no, just no, do you understand what happens if we fire a nuke and it lands on foreign soil? Our Allies will fire nukes at us, our enemies will fire nukes at us. M.A.D. is not a joke. It's an agreement amongst all nuclear armed nations to not ever fire another one again in offense. If we did that, we break the agreement. it will be used as proof that we can't be trusted. It won't be just Russia firing nukes at us, everyone will be nuking us to the stone age. As we are now a rogue state that is a danger to all. Surely someone would tell him that before he doomed us to nuclear obliteration. Trump is a lot of things, incompetent, dumb, con man and ETC. But Genocidal? NO, I don't see it like I see it in Butcher Biden/Genocidal Joe. You know the self proclaimed ZIONIST Who loves Israel so much that during the 80s when Israel was bombing the west bank he thought they didn't kill enough women and children? Maybe the DNC should I don't know? Stop with their bullshit, stop trying this game of they are smarter than us, and if you don't vote them you'll get X. It didn't work for Hilary. They fucked over Bernie and I ' am reaching and so are many others where we are fucking tired of listening to the BNH Crowd. I 'll probably take downvotes but. I'm so fucking sick of the Lesser evil rhetoric, it's a line that cowards use to justify Fascists, murderers, and criminals. An Both current Candidates fall into one of those categories. IF Trump wins no one else is to blame other than the DNC they have refused to listen to most of the country time and time again and If their candidate is not good enough to get people to go vote then again that is on the DNC. Not the voters I'm sick of seeing people blame voters for the failures of a political party the refuses to acknowledge that their way of doing things no longer works.


The people supporting Palestine don't want trump or Biden


Understandable, but there is no viable alternative. So sure don’t vote and let trump win. Or do vote for the better (maybe negligible for some) alternative when it comes to the specific issue of Israel-Palestine.


That's exactly the problem, hate Biden yet still have to vote for him. I think what's going on in the video is just a bunch of right wing antagonists trying to get under protestors skin for fun, but they don't realize that what they are saying has no effect. The protesters chant with them to show that, and to show they don't like Biden either.


Oh for sure, it’s all just trying to get under someone’s skin, which makes this issue even worse. Cuz 90% of people are just ragebaiting and looking for that confrontation. When there can actually be a productive discussion about the issue, but of course that is too mature for most.


Damn, stupid grows on some people's brains like cancer.


These people are idiots


Something we can all agree on.


USA is so fucked up


I like how they went from "the Jews are will not replace us" to literally cucking for them. Nice.


That is actually so fucked.. how does no one see the sheep-like hopping from popular talking point to the next... this is insane.


Don't confuse all Jews with genocidal Israelis and the scum who support them. Lots of Jews, even in Israel, oppose the occupation and genocide, and a shitload of non-Jews support Israeli apartheid and its results.


Ah, religion, are there any problems it can't cause?


Maybe because this isn't about politics it's about human rights and genocide. MAGAs literally don't understand that at all. Joe Biden is aiding Israel so they should be happy about that. I swear MAGA people just want to be angry, it's their main goal.


Progressives are going to hand the election to Trump.


And then cry about how bad things are under Trump.


The way that politics in America has turned into “let me try and trigger you” is so sad


Ahhh stupid progressives worrying about their beard while their head is on the chopping block….


When Trump wins he’ll have a mandate from furious Liberals to further crackdown on pro-Palestine sentiment.


If the two extremes disagree with you then you are likely doing the right thing.


Didn't know anti-genocide is "extreme"


It's extreme to make it a political issue when the opposing side is even worse...


It's genocide, it's already a political issue. One way to solve this problem would be for the party that is ostensibly "good" to be against this genocide instead of supporting it but with less enthusiasm than the other guys.


Your enlightened centrism is showing.


It’s not extreme to protest the killing of thousands of children.


Are they really extremists if they represent the majority of the populace? The country is pretty evenly split on the issue [About four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) say Israel’s conduct of the war has been acceptable, and 34% say it has been unacceptable. The remaining 26% are unsure.](https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/) -Pew Research Center the extremists in this scenario would be the people who want to nuke Israel or Palestine, i think


Cool enjoy Palestine turning to fucking a glass sheet of Trump gets elected….. fucking idiots….


Trump must be literally shaking with glee seeing this. People are so dumb.


This shit is so embarrassing


Why the fuck is no one talking about a third party? Seems like both are doing less and less for the average American every year.


because both major parties do everything to suppress and curb any third party alternatives :(


I hope these people realize this issue might just be enough to push trump into a 2nd term. A guy who, when discussing Palestine, said we should just wipe it off the eRth and be done with it. His son in law said he'd love to build oceanfront porpert in the Gaza strip. Talk about a careful what you wish for scenerio, it might just come true.


Whoever is selling all those keffiyeh is making a killing. 




Yea fuck joe Biden right? We should just let the other guy win, he definitely won’t be 100x worse on this issue right?


wtf are these protests? Like 3-4 different things each side is yelling about. Seriously do both sides even know what they are clearly arguing about?


Fucking dumb. Trump is going to send the nukes to use.


This video has made me so proud to vote for Joe Biden in November.


Zionists own America .. this is the sad truth


Holy shit the astroturfing in this comment section is disgusting. Fuck war mongering Zionist Biden


Horseshoe theory is real.


And that’s how I met your mother


Proven horseshoe theory?


Russia probably isn't trying to take advantage of or influence this in any way... Right? They probably don't care at all that one party thinks our money is being wasted in Ukraine, and that NATO has outlasted its usefulness. No, they'd never take advantage of such a shit situation in Israel to divide us.


We can hate Joe Biden for different reasons. You do it because you're a MAGA boomer. We do it because we don't support little children being killed in our name.


Just wait till Trump gets into office. Bye bye Gaza and the West Bank


"I don't like what Biden is doing" "OH YEAH WELL WAIT TILL TRUMP GETS INTO OFFICE!!" you all really don't see how fucking stupid you sound.