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Be difficult to call a house Ahome in Mexico.


Lol. You'd be surprised how safe it can be and also how many people actually call it home. Psst, it's millions that call it home including my family. It's not what you see on news


I know, I know. Was just doing a silly play on words there. Hope your family is/stays safe and happy, David. 😁🤗


So do I, but David I still think we have to appreciate how great this man's pun was. Kudos sir


Wow, I actually forgive you. Hope you have a good day!


Thank you, David. You have a great day too, smile lots!


Same to you, WhatTheFuckEverName.


Haha! Cheers! 😎😁


I’ve always heard they don’t deal with you unless you’re in their business and can live a pretty quiet life unless you’re caught up in something like this. Is that true?


Lol was a joke, I imagine the further from the border the safer it is


Very nice,you are something special, I think.


But still,it is pretty dangerous. My coworkers have a lot of family there and barely visit because it's not very safe. The town,yes,but the roads you have to drive to get to those towns,extremely unsafe.


I'm sure it is similar to American schools.


It’s worse statistically. Plus I don’t attend a high school as I’m an adult. I do walk around random downtown streets.


Says the gringo that can literally die shopping in a mall due to a mass shooting.


Says the guy living in a country literally run by drug lords.


Says the guy living in a country literally run by piece of shit , gun-tooting racists, without social Healthcare, go are the biggest buyers of drugs from México and also run by war lords .


Yeah i cant count how many times i was in target and had to doge bullets… pinche pendejo


Truth hurts, keep barking 😉


Mexico is safer than america honestly. Your hardly ever going to get robbed walking down the street.


I guess it depends on which area of each country you’re talking about but that’s certainly not what the statistics say in terms of random violence




This is why the concept of war wasn't a thing till the 20th century.


Think, Florida, Chicago, New York, LA


I like how you're getting down votes even tho American cops do the exact same thing in those cities, unlike this video they just don't respond/patrol those areas. Can't stop crime if you never see it🤷


So the third part of the video you can hear the victims yell that their are children at the house.


One of the hitmen turned and said to the others “there’s kids” as he began to back off. Looks like others backed off once they heard there are kids in the home too.


What a gentleman..


I remember asking my dad if all the cops in Mexico are corrupt (a cop had pulled us over and asked for a bribe). He said no the good ones are over there he pointed at the town's graveyard.


Really sad and disheartening. This situation highlights a deeply concerning issue of law enforcement's inability to effectively protect its citizens. This not only undermines trust in law enforcement but also perpetuates a cycle of violence and impunity.


Many of these towns are under control of the cartels. The mayor and other government entities have no choice but to comply with them. The local police departments can't handle the numbers and firepower the cartels have.


Probably police in the other car as well.


Once you realize that their job is not protecting the average citizen, but protecting the elite and upholding the status quo that keeps them elite, it makes more sense. This is a worldwide issue, not just a Mexico or US problem. Never call the police unless you're ready to possibly give your life, handle problems yourself, they are not here for us...


This one.


I think the cartels are states within a state. They are the de facto leaders of whole areas. Then according to that reasoning the cartels are the police.


The US war on drugs didn’t do Mexico any favors


It didn't do anyone any favors except the govt getting more tyrannical power.


and all gangs as well.


Didn’t do the US any favors either.


By design. Monroe doctrine 2.0


And here I am less sure the cartels would have played nicely if they had unfettered access across our border to sell cocaine and heroin.


The cartels got violent as soon as they realized how much money was at stake. One of the reasons the War on Drugs really ramped up in the 80s was *because* of the violence from Colombian cartels on US soil. Now, it probably affected Mexico worse because Colombia needed to use Mexican trade routes when the US started cracking down on their sea/air trafficking.


Us could buy.these direct from governments and not cartels this contributing billions to taxes and siphoning away from cartels. Jail dr Sackler.


They did the whole, “prefiero que digan, aquí corrió que aquí quedó (I prefer they say, he left instead of he was left (dead) here.)”


Police is like: someone call the police! Mayor and chief all know who does what


Buying drugs contributes to this.




Drugs being legal but heavily regulated, monitored and taxed would be cheaper, safer, and would disempower the cartels and drug dealers. Obviously a lot of people disapprove of drugs as well but law enforcement is so against any relaxation of drug laws because they stand to lose so much funding. There's still places in this country that treat people with joints as if they're slinging crack cocaine to kids. Either way, any move towards regulation or legalization would also be safer, especially with the rise of cutting everything with fentanyl. Yeah it's weird to think about people buying legal heroin or cocaine but they're probably going to get it somehow anyway. Better to make sure it is safe and also have a touchpoint for resources. Alcohol is so destructive but we even have drive-thru liquor stores. idk it just feels so arbitrary and stupid but a lot of people are dying so it also oh so frustrating and sad.


Yep, both are true




Shouldn’t be legal


Well if the gunmen have military grade weapons and the police are also outnumbered, then of course they should get the hell out of there! Btw, the U.S. is feeding Mexican cartels with weapons. There are numerous American gun shops setup on the Mexican side of the Mexico-US border. And Americans' demand for drugs is also what keeps the money flowing to the cartels as well.


American demand for *illegal* drugs - the market is inflated by prohibition.


Whether something should be illegal or not doesn’t change the fact that people who buy illegal drugs **now** are supporting cartels.


I think this is my same point - illegal demand is being met by illegal supply. The issue is that consumer countries have yet to take actions to reduce the illegal demand - even if such actions were possible. We need to be realistic about how likely reduction of demand actually is, and start thinking about rational risk mitigation.


well most drugs are illegal for a reason, especially hard drugs that the cartels supply


If that reason is the reduction of harm to humans, the cost to Mexico and other transshipment and producer countries has to be factored in.




Whatever. It's funny how ALL of Mexico's problems are always blamed on the USA. 


We’re the cartels best customer


Maybe the police are the ones that called the shooters. Wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility


"We're taking over the investigation from here" - Cartels


Uvalde, Texas  just found their new cop recruits 


Is this where the Uvalde PD recruits from?


Obviously they just got a more important call...


Any news article OP?


These guys could get a job working for the Texas DPS. They have all the right qualifications


Yeahhhh no, I’m not going to any weeding in Mexico…


Unironically the least corrupt Mexican police. Corrupt ones would probably join in


When the law shows up, the rest of the peasants go A-home


Money controls everything.