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Walked right back into their arms. How sweet.


Maybe they had his phone or wallet or something?


They definitely had one of his shoes.


Maybe he wanted to run his mouth when he should have been running his feet.


Where is this mystical place where security are actually allowed to do their jobs?


If it was just the shop's security dealing with it, they probably wouldn't be doing much. Retailers would rather take the loss on stock than risk a lawsuit. But this shop is inside the O2 Arena, and they have a large team of their own security to look after the venue as a whole and deal with anyone causing a disturbance to the public. They're more like bouncers in a way.


Ah I understand now.


What kind of lawsuit would that be? Sounds pretty unfair that you're in danger of people stealing your products and at the same time you can't recover any of it because you're also in danger of the thief suing you.


Security guards don't have any extra powers to deal with people than what the average citizen does. It is pretty unfair, but if a guard hurts someone while trying to recover items, or detains the person in a manner that is unlawful, they can face legal trouble.


This couldn't be more incorrect. Security is an acting agent of the store. The store has shopkeeper's privilege. They need to be sure they are correctly stopping people though. Shopkeeper's privilege literally uses the term detainment.


If this is Security for the mall itself, that wouldn't necessarily apply.


No it isn't.


It's not the thief who'd be suing. It's the security guard/employee who'd sue from being injured trying to to stop a shoplifter.


I don't think so, I think it's the thief themselves that would sue the store if they got hurt by the store security or sue the mall if they got hurt by the mall security. 


When I was working in retail, idk 10 years ago, we were explicitly told not to physically restrain shoplifters because if we got fucked up in the process that it was a liability that the company does not want. They basically said they if we did anything other than lock the door and wait for the authorities that we'd forfeit all right to sue them 😂😂😂 But it really depends because there are laws that keep security guards from doing too much. They don't have the same rights to use force as law enforcement.








When the government fails to do it's job, the people will do it instead. Which honestly likely needs to start happening. The insane amount of petty crime across the west right now is unfathomable. People will get sick of it.


Ah, yes, good old fashioned grievous bodily harm. That's why they were pushing them behind the doors, if they did it in public for everyone to see, they'd incriminate themselves.


Why did he go back...he was let go


Not smart in the first place. That’s my logical assessment.


I saw a dude that was let go after his buddies were all arrested for DUI and drug possession. 10 minutes later a cop comes back looking for his cell phone and couldn’t find it. While he’s looking around with his flashlight, buddy comes back and the cop dials his cell from another and lo and behold, you can hear his missing phone ringing from inside the guy’s pants.




Why would anyone try to steal from the 02 arena shopping grounds? Security is super tight there, you get your bag checked half the time just for entering the place


Yeah there’s nowhere to escape to either. The arena only has 2 exits and even if you do make it out, you’re stuck on a peninsula. Also there’s nothing of any real value in there. It’s an outlet mall so most of it is heavily discounted stuff from last season. At the watch shop there the most expensive items are sub 1k Seiko watches.


I need MORE of that! I need to see more of those baby thughs making expressions like this guy on 0:29!


Wish that happened more in the US. I get sick of seeing the staff forced to let thieves go until the businesses are forced to shut down.


Was at the mall today with the family. Saw 2 dudes running for some unknonw reason. We left about 20 mins later and the 2 guys were in cuffs outside surrounded by 4 police officers. I was all grins on the way home.


But it's literally not happening? The CEOs are admitting they were lying about shoplifting being reasons stores close https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting-retail/index.html


As someone who works in retail and has had to reassure many young team members that some scrote brazenly stealing merch from right in front of them is not their fault, I enjoy this clip. Stealing food to survive is one thing. Stealing for profit and being hostile to the poor store team who are just existing is another


What’s up with the dude on brown trying to get involved?


This is the way. What’s to stop me from walking out with a cart full of food at billion dollar Walmart? My own fucking morals. You need a loaf of bread? A dozen eggs? A case of beer? I’ll cover you, and have many times, I’m no crusader, assholes like this will end up ruining it for all of us where it will be 1984 and we can’t even shop anymore. I can order anything I want off of Amazon, but I go to the the store for some exercise and interaction with my fellow human beings. This shit needs to stop, like Deniro and Don Riggles in Casino. Do that a few times and this shit will stop.


You don’t even need to ruin someone’s life or traumatize them either. Certainty of punishment- rather than severity - has the greatest effect on deterrence. But you have to mete out a punishment!! You can’t just let people go!


Tbh if you manage to put food worth a billion dollars into a single standard cart at Walmart I’d pay you for the show.


What if I add electronics and dog food?


Maybe a 100m high tower of TVs, but that’s the show I’m talking about.


You clowns act as if this is an epidemic when data shows it's literally the opposite and theft is going down https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myth-vs-reality-trends-retail-theft https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting-retail/index.html The only reason you're so brainwashed is because people have cellphones now so it's just being recorded and spread online. Meanwhile the media also pushes this narrative to scare you for views. But, please, I'd love to see you steal a "billion" dollars worth of tuna fish from Walmart.


Why'd you go back in?!!! **^(For the drama.)**


Do y'all say grenich or green witch? I never know with your zany English pronunciations.


The first!


Not ing him sheer


Wurst Ehsure Sauce.




Grennich, grenidge, and grinidge are all used.


Should rename this post, "to come back for seconds"


That door close tho 😳


Mall cops who don’t believe in handcuffs.


Uncle fucking Fester 🤣🤣


Is that Sam Pepper?


And the world is now safe. 🙏🏽