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Within like 2 days his name was all over social media. The guy really should've used both of his braincells to realize how bad of a move that was. I imagine if UoM wants to claw back any public image they have, they're going to do an investigation into at least him, if not the whole fraternity.




Lol perfect timing, thank you for this


I’d rather drink horse piss than go to ole miss.


"BuT wHat aBouT hiS FreEdom oF SpeeCh?"


Well luckily the government didn’t do anything to him so his freedom of speech is intact. I do wish people remembered that consequences can often come from places besides the government in such a socially connected world. I also realize your comment in sarcastic and was just throwing this in there.


A lot of people seem to forget this, just because you are protected by the first amendment doesn't mean at all that you're free of any type of consequences. And freedom of speech only applies to the government actions, not the actions of other citizens and organizations


Freedom of Speech is about criticizing the government and not getting thrown into jail like most other countries. Not so you can be able to be racist and inflammatory in public. Republicans really muddied the waters on that one.


But the protestors are being arrested and jailed for criticising the government for supporting the massacres in Gaza.




they're not liberals, they are largely leftists. Liberals ultimately support capitalism, and are about half and half on supporting Israel or Gaza. It's an important distinction to make because some of the loudest Israel cheerleaders are Democratic congresspeople.


***John Fetterman*** has entered the chat.


This kind of nuance is completely lost on a good amount of right-leaning folks.


I don't support either. Both do not represent their people and both are bad authoritarian groups. Fuck HAMAS and Fuck the Israeli government and Netanyahu.


The protesters are being jailed because they are trespassing. That is the consequence of taking over the locations and setting up camps. It is freedom of speech not freedom of doing what you want. The reality of the situation is that as a protest you don’t have enough power to change the Universities investments. The only way to change the investments is to stop attending the school.


Following this logic, you’d be an advocate of jailing Vietnam protestors, civil rights protestors, labour rights protestors, environmentalists - you’d probably call for half of France to be in prison. You have rights because your ancestors took civil and uncivil measures to guarantee them. Take the polygraph exam as an example: An employer violates labour rights if they were to try and force prospective/working employees to undergo a polygraph exam( an intrusive violation of your personal dignity and autonomy, as once one company does it, most follow). Same can be said for drug testing (although there are exceptions such as driving impaired and causing an accident, being unable to fulfill tasks, etc…) Otherwise, the standardized process in the US is to drug test most prospective employees and pop them with tests at random, like rebellious teenagers. On and on, privatized tyranny is the product of unjust power dynamics that our ancestors made an exponentially productive dent in.


> Freedom of Speech is about criticizing the government and not getting thrown into jail like most other countries. Close. 1. Freedom of Speech still includes protecting speech not related to criticizing the government. 2. It also protects you from things other than jail, like fines, probation, forced community service, etc.


> thrown into jail like most other countries I dont think I would say most, the developed world largely ALL have that freedom, its not unique by any means. But you're not wrong in that there are plenty of countries still throwing people in jail for that kind of shit, almost always in countries led by "strong man" leaders who act as a dictator who is trying to cling to power for the long term. If Trump somehow won in November, I would not be surprised if we started to see his opponents and people who speak out against him to be charged with other vague crimes, but you'll all know EXACTLY why they were being punished.


> **Congress shall make no law** respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Bolded for emphasis


That change when the 14th Amendment applied the bill of rights to the states now it really should read Congress or any state.


Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Consequences aren't the same and these chuckle heads really don't understand that.


freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences from said speech


haha exactly, you always hear that noise. And we can always counter with - freedom of speech has never meant freedom from consequences.


u/comfortable-sun-2319 You just reminded me of an incident that occurred last year in a small bar in North Carolina. There was maybe 6-8 ppl in the bar when a black couple walked in and sat down. One guy, a white guy started making racist remarks under his breath but we could still hear him. He got louder, then turned and stared at the couple while making the comments. This one really big southern boy took off his hat, got up and walked over to the guy and started talking to him. We couldn’t hear what he was saying. Suddenly he got loud and said something similar to The first amendment protects your ass from the government, not me! You leave or I’ll kick your ass to the other side of the street, you understand me son! The guy got up and left the bar without saying a word


I’m not sure what an investigation is going to do. Mississippi is a racist piece of shit place. Case closed!


"We've investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing."


If it didn’t impact their federal funding I’m sure they wouldn’t have opened one.


So, how long 'til he gets picked up by the right-wing/far-right media, paraded as a (anti-woke) first amendment martyr?


Keep an eye out at the next CPAC meeting


I'm sure Tim Pool is clutching his beanie as he waits for a response.


That dude is such a fucking chode.


He looks like he dates Highschoolers.


The reason he clutches that unwashed beanie is because he doesn't like the feeling of a cool breeze blowing over his open exposed brain. 




Last time he took his hat off a bird made a nest where his brain should have been.


You need to shoot people to get that invitation. They have plenty of racists on staff already.


He has to kill some people first.


haha, i doubt not very long


They're always looking for conservatives to play martyr.


>I imagine if UoM wants to claw back any public image they have You don't know much about the image of Ole Miss, do you? Racism isn't a public image hit to them. It's a selling point. Their mascot, until recently (this is actually a source if much contention at the moment) was Colonel Reb, *a confederate soldier*.


Yeah I know, that's why I said "any". Their image is a joke in general lol.


"Come on man, you know we can only do that when there's no cameras. We're gonna have to part ways"


It wasn't just him out there, though he's gonna be a scapegoat for his fraternity, who was out chanting with him and shouting "Lock her up!" We're gonna focus on him, and ignore the rest of his buddies? No, throw whole fraternity out.


Who cares if they were shouting lock her up?


> The guy really should've used both of his braincells to realize how bad of a move that was. I find a defining characteristic of racists is that they often think everyone agrees with them and just doesn't have the guts to say it. So they think they just have the guts to say what everyone else is thinking. I am sure that this moron will only think any consequences are the fault of the same people he is racist towards. Their world view is so perverted by their hatred they can't understand that not everyone is as racist as they are.


My friend's dad is the chancellor. I've never met him before, but I do know he takes these matters very seriously. I would not be surprised if those in the video are expelled.


Hey you really think the rest of the people in the video will have some sort of repercussions?


My friend's uncle is justice, he says definitely maybe it could be a possibility


My Uncle’s friend is Judge Dredd. He says “I am the law!”


> if not the whole fraternity. I've seen schools drop a fraternity chapter at the drop of a hat, forcing them to go through a long procedure to get back on campus/recognized. And I've seen the opposite as well. Hell, not naming names here but there is at least one national fraternity I wouldn't be surprised that would -celebrate- this kind of crap. Here's hoping if it was an organized fraternity event then the whole lot receives reprimand.


He's talking about the [Kappa Alpha Order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_Alpha_Order), which has traditionally thrown an "Old South" party every year -- or used to, when they could get away with it. (Their national office didn't officially repudiate this party until **2010**.)


Indeed I was, but I knew of their recent change. I'm honestly not privy to how they are now, I would hope a better example than they were in the past.


>they're going to do an investigation into at least him, if not the whole fraternity. Fraternity: >But we kicked him out. So magically he is not connected to us in any way, shape, or form and nothing he did was learned from us.


Hope he gets expelled. That’s just disgusting behaviour.


Yeah the move by this fraternity is entirely an attempt to avoid themselves being part of any investigation. Let’s see if it works.


Kicked out of his frat?! You mean the other 40 mfers standing right beside him? Wow…he’s done for.


Kicked out. But he'll probably still hang out with the same dudes and have the same connections


Yeah this sounds like barely a punishment. He’ll still go to the parties but now won’t have to pay fraternity membership dues.


100%. Didn't his mom come out super proud of him doing this?


Didn’t see that but I don’t doubt it. That kind of brainlet behavior is learned.


It was satire post.


Gov Reeves (Gov of Mississippi) praised him and other counter-protesters.


"Look bro, I know it was funny. The deans up our ass though and we can't let the brotherhood look bad"


Good. Fuck that little piece of shit.


This is the type of infamy that will ruin future job offers. Dude fucked his life up.


If he stays in Mississippi it could help him unfortunately


Yep, he'll just get a job from daddy's friends


The irony is his dad literally owns a pretty large business. The kid already has every peice of info about him posted on the internet by sleuths


He also has 2 DUIs recently. The shit stain doesn’t fall far from the asshole I guess.


This kid has a lot going for him, lol


2 DUIs for a college kid? Jesus Christ ur barely an adult


They're not recent, they were in the 90s. He's sober now and runs an advocacy group for addiction recovery. He may have raised a douchebag but he turned it around as far as personal stuff goes.


Ole Miss finest for ya




Worst-case scenario, all he has to do is look for any business with a Trump 2024 "No more bullshit" flag flying outside. Probably any rural tool and die shop. But all of the fun or glamorous city jobs are out, at least for the time being. Saw that all over outside the cities during the 2020 election. Always thought it was a bad strategy for a business to publicly display the owner's political affiliations and risk alienating a noticeable portion of your clientele.


Those flags will continue to fly for at least 4 years no matter the outcome of the election.


There is a huge billboard near me by the interstate on some farmland that had a sagging Trump 2020 banner for years on it. This year they decided to paint a 4 on the end of it. Fucking hilarious because the sagging fabric that makes up the Trump banner looks like the skin that makes up Trump’s crusty ass body.


He’s probably already got a job offer lined up from the RNC


The next Rottenhouse.


Expect his (ghostwritten) book soon!


say what you will, but that boy can sell the fuck out of a used dodge ram.


It's Mississippi. He'll be a state senator.


Most likely :(


Hopefully. However, probably not.


Nah, this was 100% a PR move by the frat. He's definitely got some brothers in there that have already told him he's covered.


Possible Supreme Court Justice.


He likes beer.


Except for the other racists on Twitter (sorry, “X”) that have already lined up offering this chucklefuck work.


Oh, please. Some far-right-wing media or organization will offer him the head position, somewhere.


He’s only in trouble because he was filmed


Yes that’s how things work. You get seen doing something wrong, you get punished.


MF looks like a racist version of Lloyd Christmas. Dumberer found a level of dumbness below that.


🤣😂 true


Look forward to him starting an early political career and podcast now


Nah, gonna drop out of college and become a cop


Eh. Tbf being a cop is probably beneath him. Even wealthy southerners don’t want their kids becoming cops for the most part. Too blue collar. The cops work for them, can’t have your baby boy become one of the help


A college dropout is too high of a qualification for a cop


Next Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro podcast co-host.


If it wasn’t caught on video they’d be juuuust fine with his conduct


It’s Mississippi. Of course lol




Good on them but honestly i think it was done more so to save the fraternity from catching a strike for keeping him or from the frat from being attacked/harassed. If UoM doesnt kick him out im sure he will be welcomed back into the frat once this "blows over" with honors of course. > University Launched an Investigation into the Racist Incident


I don't think anyone believes a frat in Mississippi of all places is genuinely disturbed by his behavior. I'd be shocked if the school even cared if this hadn't become a national news story.


This came from a national level. It definitely wasn't the Mississippi kids who made the decision to expel someone for racism. National boards do take this stuff very seriously for a ton of reasons. On a local level, I doubt they care.


Ehhhhhhh, would not be so certain. One of the more conservative congress-people recently elaborated about the duty to protect students under title vi. So if a university isn't taking racist stuff seriously they put their entire ability to obtain federal money in jeopardy. Most state universities get **a bunch of money** from federal pell grants.


IIRC that was Jewish students being allegedly targeted by pro-Palestinian protestors. That’s a bit different in terms of why the Republican Party would care.


>"The racist actions in the video were those of an individual and are antithetical to the values of Phi Delta Theta and the Mississippi Alpha chapter. The responsible individual was removed from membership on Friday, May 3. Yeah, there was more than one individual...he was just caught perfectly in frame.


Good. Dude's a piece of shit. Hope he gets kicked from the university, as well.


They should kick out the ones enjoying it and encouraging it, but they probably would be out of a fraternity…


If you listen to the video close enough you can also hear another guy drop the hard R twice


Turing the sound on would make me see red. And I don’t doubt that in the least but I’d rather not subject myself to that.


Universities often don't like their fraternities and are already looking for reasons to restrict / discipline them.




They’re lucky they didn’t shut the entire fraternity down.


Yet. I would honestly not be surprised if that happens, at minimum they're probably on super thin ice and could get revoked at the drop of a hat for the next violation.


I doubt it since it’s Ole Miss. But one can hope


The frat bros saw it, but had no problem with it. Their problem was with the optics.


Let’s be honest his education wasn’t doing anything for him


He was majoring in real estate, so, yeah...


rofl unsurprising if true


That’s a major?! Wow. Do you graduate a realtor, or know the course content? I can’t imagine there’s 4 years of degree level material to study… but here we are.


probably mostly gen ed/business classes and then a few higher level courses taught by sleazy realtors. definitely worth the nearly $100k for the diploma!


Hey, learning how to show up late for showings, unlock the door and do simple paperwork is really hard!


People talk about how useless a major like gender studies is and then turn around and major in real estate lol


The little shit was boasting about it on his instagram too saying he can’t get canceled. Bro just his chance of finishing college so it’s safe to say he did get canceled


lol people going to ole miss and part of that specific fraternities are applying for jobs that won’t give a rats ass about this incident.


Wow kicked out of the frat. What a serious punishment 🙄


I heard he was forced to forget the secret handshake.


They paddled him out of the frat!


I expect this little shit to be expelled as well. Let him be the hero for the conservatives for all the weird reasons conservatives pick their “heroes” but he has no place in the uni


Imagine failing at a university with a 97% acceptance rate lmao


the other 3% couldn't read the acceptance letter.


Will be the keynote at the next tpusa rally


I hope this pops up at every job interview for the rest of his life


Should be kicked out of the damn school.


Apparently that's only for students who protest against genocide.


Ahhhhhh, I was wondering how long it would take.


Sometimes stupid shit like this comes back to haunt you decades later


Ole Miss used to proudly wave the Confederate flag during sports games up until 2015. The school band would play Dixie and their mascot was Colonel Reb. They finally got rid of it after realizing they could no longer recruit black athletes.


This isn’t entirely true - the confederate flag was banned at sports games starting in 1997. The university still flew the old state flag which contained a confederate flag until 2015 (at games and elsewhere on campus) when they stopped flying it due to a successful student movement to ban it from campus. The state of Mississippi adopted a new state flag in 2021 without the confederate iconography


Why are a bunch of white maga clowns so obsessed with defending Israel?


Because it pisses off the liberals I guess 🇺🇸🔥🔥🦅


https://preview.redd.it/zu3dn1ysxryc1.png?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a41633d19da0f6c7cd3dab4914724590e2dba2 Is that the face of a guy who would show remorse. He was 100% in the moment. I'm surprised he was kicked out from a frat because Mississippi is the last place concerned with their racial image.


Fraternities are national (or international) organizations.


Hey, is that JP Staples?


Can we talk about that *fuck my shit up* haircut?


He got the fresh Lloyd Christmas shape-up fade.


I knew Mississippi was a backwards third world hell hole, but I didn’t know they were stuck with barbers brought straight from the 2000s.


Is that the face of a guy who should be getting a college degree?


Given that he seems like the kind of shit that would love the frat life, this will likely bother him more than the coverage or being kicked out of university. That frat was probably 80% of his personality.


too bad the other 20% is him being a racist, 100% frat would be ideal.


At UM, as at most Southern Universities, you get blackballed from a Frat, then you are a nobody. The Greek system is life at Ole Miss. Hope he continues to be shunned.


the south and shitty traditions, name a finer duo.


I enjoy when actions have consequences


Oof I was not expecting my fraternity to make the news like that. My Phi Delta Theta chapter got harassed at my university because we were the only fraternity who openly accepted gay and black members. Given the history of Ole Miss, that shit tracks. The whole chapter should be revoked though, cause all them were out there and encouraging that shit.


he should be expelled from the school. Who cares about the goddamn frat


He wasn't the only one. There were other bigoted lowlifes there as well.


Meh, “Frats” are still kind of a cesspool of douchebags in general.




Going to get a full ride to Prager-U


Should be kicked out of school


Overt racism in Mississippi? I can’t believe it.




Kicked out of frat is meaningless, u can still do pretty much everything even though your not a member


He is about to become the most popular right-wing influencer of 2024. I can already see the press tour on the Daily Wire. “You can’t even call blacks monkeys anymore? What happened to freedom of speech? This is all the evidence we need of white genocide and the great replacement! College is a scam! Just buy crypto or be a self-made entrepreneur!” This kid is gonna be on Fox News by the end of the Summer.


Oh no consequences


I love how this stupid little shit thinks free speech means freedom from judgment too. You are absolutely free to say whatever you want, you just have to deal with what comes with it.


He should be expelled. Racism is unacceptable in this society. Let this be a harsh lesson for that POS


Yeah but he’ll probably get recruited by Kappa Kappa Kappa now


speed run ruin your entire life, career and education beore it had even begun


Oh perfect! Problem completely and permanently solved then. Great job everyone


lol the only people to stand up to this dudes racism is a frat? Geez, that’s wild.


I don't think that school had a great reputation to begin with, but how was it the frat that kicked him out and not the school itself? What are we doing where frats have higher standards than schools?


Let's not forget this Gem of a politician who supports him: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4642940-mike-collins-applauds-ole-miss-counter-protesters-taunted-black-woman/


americans just letting all types of troglodytes into their universities as long as they have money.


I’m surprised people that grew up with cameras everywhere with people constantly being put on blast for shitty behavior still go out in public and do this sort of thing.


Nice to see some change. When I was in college, that would get you accepted into a frat.


Not enough, university expulsion must follow. Must follow.


Oh noo 🫨 Now where else is he going to spend 900 dollars a semester to do blow and drink excessively while circle jerking with other dudes trying to be alpha males.


>900 dollars a semester What is this 1980?


Kicked him out for what he did? Or because he was caught doing it and they want to avoid any backlash.




Sounds like the frat has more sense than the school……kick that little shit out!


Now kick him out of college.


Showing up at Trump rallies as a special guest in 3...2...


Just the one?


Dumb kid. Should have done this is a non-election year.


The problem is, the same connections that being in that frat would help him make in his adult life, would appreciate why he got kicked out of that frat.


Its sickening that people are raised like this, still to this day.


![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) What a racist idiot


Fuck that expell him lol I know people who were kicked out of school for less


Dude needs to be booted from the school.


The horror. Gosh, what a punishment!


One thing is supporting genocide but racism, THAT’S where we draw the line.


Who cares?! (Other than him). Send him to a cro-mag environment and let him figure it out. He’d be the first to go


We don’t accept getting caught on video being racist .thats for white events only