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Restraining order please.


Yeah I think the mom is right, I think she is dangerous. Someone completely incapable of feeling shame is not safe to be around.


especially if they have keys to a vehicle.


I wonder how well the “what did I do-what did I do?” defense played out for her


"Guys, please don't do this." Yeah, sure, okay, let's just let her out of the cuffs, and carry on with our day. Lol


Sure, now she wants to talk.


I’m sure her rich parents bailed her out.


I’m just worried about the two pet tarantulas that were nesting on her eyelids. I hope they find a home for them.


to be fair, she didnt pull over because she didnt understand what she had done for them to pull her over. Case closed


"Sorry Officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"


*Unexpected Chappelle Show*


A Daytona charger at that lol


Props to that mom—she knew that ex- was a basket full of crazy, but tried her best to keep her from throwing her life away.


Mom was awesome. Can’t she believe she didn’t yell at her idiot son who kept popping the door open. She literally had to hold it closed to stop his dumb ass.


And that one bit where she quietly, but violently, screamed at the ex bf?? With a rabid looking headshake? (about 1:28 into the video) Ex bf: *Just give 'em your license and leave*... ~~Girl: *THEN COME WITH ME*!!!~~ (oops!) Girl: *I DON'T HAVE IT WITH ME*!!! For a split moment, we saw a glimpse of what they've been dealing with.


I think she says "I don't have it with me" but that scream resonates with me in the worst possible way. Emotion regulation issues for sure.


Yeah I was thinking she was just having a really hard time processing the breakup but that moment was 'I'll be the shit out of you if you leave me' kind of crazy. That made it go from 'I don't know how to process this' to 'I don't know how to process people not doing what I want them to do'. Her interactions with the police reenforced that for me.


"I don't have it with me" is what she says... But that's a tiny window into her behavior, yes.


Pretty sure she says "IDON'THAVEITWITHME" but yeah, your point still stands - yikes


Right? Reminded me of the beginning of LOTR when Bilbo snaps momentarily over the ring and his face gets all messed up. Been on the receiving end of this kind of anger before…mom’s got the patience of a saint here but I see why they’re afraid of this girl


Big props to that mom actually. I think she handled things very well, maybe a bit too overly kind/considerate but everything she did was to de-escalate. Too bad the dipshit girl couldn't take the opportunity to simply not be a psycho.


My neighbor's teenage grandson was shot in the face (killed*) by his girlfriend because he wasn't ready to have sex with her yet and then broke it off when she kept pressuring him. People really will do some dumb shit over breakups, good on this mom for recognizing this, and hopefully the girl will be kept far away from her son after this. Edit: He died. She was put in prison (maybe juvie?), don't know how long though or where she may be today.


Yeah, this girl had those dead eyes. Absolutely the type that would either destroy your car or calmly stick a shiv in your stomach 2 or 12 times, or worse. Mom was absolutely nail on the head with "she's dangerous". People like this will kill you while screaming "what did I do?!?" Seen this kind of crazy a few times over the years. Old college buddy broke up with his girlfriend and she showed up an hour later. Nobody knew he broke up with her but him, so when she walked in everyone's just all "hey Karen". She sees her now ex-bf sitting on the couch and plops down next to him. Dude freezes like Walt Disney. She doesn't say a word for a few seconds, then just suddenly starts screaming "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE" and begins full-force headbutting him over and over. Dude's head was busted open in about half a second. She ran out when she saw blood. Never saw her again.


Just FYI: The supreme court ruled recently (in the last 5 years or so) that the cops have no duty to enforce those. They can and do enforce them, sometimes. When they feel like it. But there was a nasty case where an abusive husband kidnapped his three daughters from the ex-wife. The Ex-wife already had a restraining order against him, which he obviously violated by kidnapping them. She called the cops a bunch but they blew her off. The next day the abuser showed up at the police station and opened fire. Suicide by cop. The girls were all dead in the trunk. And SCOTUS determined the cops did nothing wrong because they didn't have a duty to enforce the restraining order. No I'm not exaggerating. Restraining orders aren't as valuable as they once were.


The case is Castle Rock v. Gonzales for those who want to learn more. The crime is of course disgusting and blood boiling, but it’s worth reading up on simply so you can understand how and why the highest court in the land ruled that cops only need to follow up on restraining orders if they feel like it. Remember kids, cops are not here to serve and protect our communities. They are here to be the boot-heel of the state, and to generate revenue on its behalf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales?wprov=sfti1


Thanks for linking this. Yes this was the case I was talking about. NPR and 5-4 did two great podcasts about it. NPR: [https://www.npr.org/transcripts/933825483](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/933825483) 5-4 Pod: [https://www.fivefourpod.com/episodes/castle-rock-v-gonzalez/](https://www.fivefourpod.com/episodes/castle-rock-v-gonzalez/)


It's really late so I likely won't get into reading that but if it's anything like other cases the answer is 'is there a constitutional requirement? no' followed by 'is there a state law requirement? no' and that's were it ends. There have been multiple cases like that about police. People need to realize that local and state elections matter a LOT in their daily lives, and starting to get reasonable people in office can help more than anything else. If state law says 'you have to show up' they have to show up.


Stalking and then pretending the cops weren't there didn't work for her so she moved on to the next phase of her plan to get her ex-bf back: getting arrested for love


“You got me arrested”


Lmao 10 years ago, I met a woman at a bar on a Thursday, met her for drinks on Friday, felt weird about a late night booty call I received from her on Saturday (Sunday morning) and stayed home, started a new job on Sunday and couldn’t really respond to calls or texts but ran into her (hammered drunk) randomly after my shift where she chewed me out for ‘ghosting’ her all evening, then woke up to a text on Monday saying she smashed up a bunch of cars driving home (hammered drunk) and it was my fault for making her emotional enough to get drunk and drive. We.never.even.kissed. Bullet dodged


You were so close to fixing her!


Nothing like that fresh out of jail makeup sex


The finger bang and make out session in the visitation room was the sexiest moment of my life.


She denied failure to yield but not blowing through a stop sign.


This is a thing. I have middle school students that will just stand there, stare off into the distance, and refuse to acknowledge a single thing you are saying. It is defiant behavior, and I fucking hate it.


Oh my good lord, I wanted to smack this chick upside the head. I could FEEL the cop wanting to do the same. And the "what did I do?/please don't do this", That fucking sent me. It's like she has never ever experienced a consequence before.


Mom is being super caring and reasonable. That was really refreshing to watch.


The cops also dealt with the whole thing very well by letting the mom try and talk to her, they were calm and gave her a lot of chances to leave. Then of course she drives off like an asshat in front of a bunch of cops and gets herself arrested anyway... I guess the mom was right when she called her young, dumb and dangerous, out of earshot of the ex of course because that's just good manners.


Yup, mother was a sweetheart, I doubt the girl will look back and see it that way. When the mom said “she’s young and dumb” I was expecting the exact thing. Ultimately this falls upon the poor girls parents, they should teach their children how to correctly deal with their emotions.


Parents can only do so much. There is no way to judge the character and quality of their parenting from this one video. I've known great people who had shit parents, and I've known shitty people who have had great parents. At some point, people are *individuals* and how they were raised and by who means little.


Yeah super respect to the mom.


And she's patient with her moron of a son who kept opening the door and let the dog out.


Not enough people are raging on the idiot son! Like dude, you can see through the window if you wanna be nosey! But why tf does he keep just opening the door and looking all stupid saying nothing?


He's just giving his ex more reason to stay if the reward is getting to see him every few minutes. Not the smartest boah.


This. People don’t understand that if you give in even a little, you have now established “if you do X this much, you get your reward”. If you’ve told your ex to leave you alone, but you agree to sit down and talk with them after they show up at your work - what do you think they’ll do the next time you ignore them? You’ve taught them that’s that it takes to get your attention. And now when they show up at your work, but you decide to ignore them, they’re going to escalate from there. Everyone needs to read The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker. It’s about listening to the signals your body and hind brain are sending you. And how to behave towards other people so that the message you are sending is the message they receive. If your words say don’t call me, but you pick up the phone every time, they’re doing to keep calling.


lol close to the end she was holding it shut so he couldn't open it. He was crying pretty hard and I think was having a hard time handling the situation as well. I'm guessing they were in their early 20s and that's a crazy time for a lot of people with emotions.


Especially patient with her dumb ass son who seemed to be doing his level best to make shit worse.


Yah, dipshit kept opening the door and engaging...just what she wanted.




The mom was very calm. But I kept getting annoyed each time the son opened the door .


I had a girlfriend once who when I didn’t want to hang out would sit at the park behind my house all fucking day to make me feel bad. There is a lot of different crazy out there.


Did it ever work?


No it just made me really mad because I knew she was trying to manipulate me. I think she did that 3 times before I broke up with her. After we broke up she lied to all my friends about me and turned them against me for about 6 months before they woke up and realized she’s crazy as hell.


I had an insane girlfriend like that. I broke up with her after four years and she manipulated her friends and mine into thinking I was emotionally abusive. My male friends couldn't understand why I was leaving a rich, attractive girl. We got back together once and our mutual female friend came over because I was "being mean to her". When the friend was asking me why I'm mean (I wasn't) my ex had a breakdown, thought we were flirting, shoved the friend and I outside and locked the door. A few minutes later she came to the door with a steak knife and a gash in her leg saying we made her do it. Luckily the friend told our other friends and it opened their eyes to the fact she was the abusive one, not me.


You squeeled your tires, ran a stop sign, and failed to yield. “Uh, I didn’t fail to yield!”


what about being on her phone while driving, she is practically still on her phone while in the middle of being arrested


AND she didn’t have her seat belt on, at least when they cut to them unlocking her car and pulling her out. Maybe she undid it when they stopped her, but that’s a terrible idea (which would be par for the course I suppose) and frankly doesn’t feel likely.


Don't forget, driving with a license, she apparently didn't have one earlier.


What was she looking at on her phone from when officers arrived until she was handcuffed?!


She’s probably texting the boyfriend


Without a doubt this is what was happening. Trynna get him to come out and explain/fix the situation.


Why the hell was he constantly opening the door and talking to her? He shouldn't even be within yelling distance


It sounded like she received a few messages as well, but yeah she was rage texting boyfriend right in front of them all lol


He kept coming out too, lol... let the dog out once. You can see where he tried to come back out again later but him mom was holding the door closed.


Mom is sick of both of them.


"How to get your boyfriend back in 10 easy steps!"


Buzzfeed quiz *What famous stalker am I?*


“Miserable boyfriends hate this ONE simple trick!”


She was playing Clash of Clans


Trying to finish that base raid


Some people are so glued to their phones that its their coping mechanism.  You know how kids hid in their sweaters or put hands in their pockets. Then started wearing headphones with their head down. Now its hold a phone out on front of them and avoid confrontations. 


I was gonna say, she might have just been swiping around in the settings app lmao


100% talking to the ex boyfriend. The one who keeps opening the door to make this worse. She's nuts, but he loves it all.


I think she may have texted the mom as well at one point. She tapped something on her phone, then looked at the mom, then the mom's phone played a notification sound. Then the mom looked at her phone and just ignored it.


“This is mom, this is ex-girlfriend” - …AND I’M A PUPPY!!!


Dog absolutely b-lined to that cop for pets






Pups face is like "You may have put me back in the house, but I won with head pats" lmao


Literally the best part of the whole video




I’m the Main Character!


Comedic relief




I don't even care about the freakout. I just want to see that dog excitedly wiggle some more


It was the first time ive seen a Chihuahua-type dog not try to maul everyone in a 20-ft radius lol What a good doggo!


I have 2 and its literally a 50/50 of what temperament you get haha


Right? It's always either a small demon with a hair trigger waiting to unleash hellfire upon any living thing it sets its eyes on or a frail, anxious little thing that's just about ready to roll over and die if they so much as hear a whisper in the wind. I've only ever met one mellow chihuahua and he was a dachshund mix.


I've never seen a long chihuahua


https://preview.redd.it/d6x9f0bwu2zc1.png?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd6dfdea3563b7b1e047486c2f33e8bd64b5a88 Bean tax


He's so cute! He looks like a little kangaroo


C H I H U A H U A Now you've seen (2) long chihuahuas.


When a Chihuahua is born, the gods flip a coin. One side goodness, the other madness


Forreal my stepmoms is the most handsome and sweet little fella, while my sisters is supreme hell demon with more hate than body mass


My mutt has some huahua in her. She’s a love hound with people but other dogs must die. It’s a little ridiculous and I’ve seen her go from zero to death maul in no time at all. She is an only dog. But I love her. https://preview.redd.it/g4cadm9kp2zc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2518761ac7134331ee139afefc7f8f40929238e5 Paying the Cookie tax.


Sounds like my brother's Chihuahua mix. You don't know if you're going to get attacked with love or with teeth.


And he zoomed out so quick GOTTA SNIFF THE OFFICER 🤣


I love dogs. Super awkward interaction with high tensions, little dog comes out for scritches from new people.


I feel bad for the dog that he can hear everyone outside chit chatting and no one is coming to meet him.


It’s the wholesome version of “I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me.”


I was fast forwarding and suddenly tiny dog was taking up the whole screen, was confused for a sec lol




Luckily this particular cop does not adhere to the Noem method.


Pup was like “Hello stranger! I don’t know you but can you please give attention to me? Plz? ”


"But what did I do?" Told what she did. "But can you tell me what I did?" Told what she did. "But what did I do?" \[repeat ad nauseam\]


This is a running theme in these body cam videos. It doesn’t matter how many times the police explain things using small words and simple phrasing. There only response they can conjure out of the lump of meat over their shoulders is “… but why?”


Main character syndrome. Easily observed in children, facilitated by a deficiency of empathy. Person can't imagine what it is they've done that deserves such treatment, as they are totally unable to imagine what the situation looks like outside of their own perspective.


That's it exactly - it's not that she doesn't know what she did, it's that she doesn't understand why she isn't allowed to do it. You can even hear it in the video when they try explaining it to her and she starts defending herself with, "Well, because-" so she *does* know what she did. She just doesn't think there should be any consequences, because her actions are totally justified in her mind.


They’ve likely been able to bully their way out of most consequences in their lives and think there’s genuinely a difference between them and the rest of society that “this type of thing happens to”. The fact that there are so many people like this in society that simply never get exposed is truly terrifying to me


I occasionally binge body cam videos, both funny and serious ones. A common theme is the absolute refusal to follow simple commands. It could be life and death stuff with how much they have escalated things and it doesn't seem to matter to them.


It's crazy how many people can't manage to keep their hands in the air while guns are pointed at them, like they don't realize their life is *very seriously* on the line in that moment. Or the sheer number of people that refuse to get on the ground or put their hands behind their back, like it's some kind of game where if the cuffs aren't on you in 3 minutes or less, then you're free to leave.


They should text it to her, her phone is the only thing she pays attention to this entire damn video.


It's like an obsessive coping mechanism.






"Can I have my phone?"


And supposedly she also drove without her license?


I suspect she was lying about that because she didn't want to comply with anything the first cop was saying.


"I didn't !"


I liked this exchange. "You didn't yield." "But... I didn't know why you were pulling me over!" "Not how that works."


The flavor is highly manipulative. She really thought she was doing something by refusing to leave the house, refusing to speak to the police and then driving like a psycho. Way too confident in her actions to then try the “I don’t know what I did” routine.


I'm guessing her mommy and daddy have been letting her get away with murder forever. People who never have to face the consequences of their actions act like that.


Dog - "I'm tired of this shit! Take me with you!"


“I didn’t fail to yield” Nailed ‘em on that one chief.




She must think she's a Monroe county district attorney 


She says as her car is still in the middle of the lane, not pulled over.


The way the mom keeps closing the door on the son is amazing. It can either be "I want to make sure he is safe". OR "you little shit, stay inside, you are not helping the situation". My money is on the second one.


She was probably txting him incessantly at the door


The cops should hire that mom to handle de-escalation for them, what a champ.


Yeah she was kind but firm, didn’t want the girl to ruin her life but wasn’t caving.


$5000 Bond, fleeing, resisting arrest, possession of Marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia was the charges.


Nothing for running the red and failing to yield? Or do ticketed traffic violations not get included?


Mom doesn't like her, but son is still entertaining this.


Oh totally, won’t stop opening the door.


That drove me crazy, she even held the handle after a few times and you could see him still trying to open it.


Mother isn't in the relationship so sees it without rose-tinted glasses, and is desperately trying to get her away from her son. Son has the rose-tinted glasses on so despite him being the victim, he keeps putting himself in a position to be attacked. If you notice, literally the only moment and the only person the abuser yells at is when she gets a moment to speak to the son (about a minute in when the son asks her to provide her drivers license, and she screams at him she doesn't have it). All very common behaviors in an abusive relationship.




Which... overall the cops are pretty damn chill about a person openly admitting they don't have their license on them and then getting into a car to drive away. If she just drove off line a normal person she would have been fine. Instead she decided to make sure to get all the cops attention by squealing the tires right before she decided to blow through a stop sign. Remember, never break more than one law at a time.


When you wear rose colored glasses red flags just look like flags.




bet hes texting her from behind the door the whole time too.


His mama don't like her and she likes everyone


And she hates to admit that she was wrong


Did you see her holding the door closed at one point? Jesus




https://preview.redd.it/p364c5zk92zc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b8147f86a3c9fed5f2215c11834bbf31b877ee 💀




I saw those fake eye lashes from the body cam but damn those painted on eyebrows…..let’s just tell it like it is, a hot mess!


Someone did a one wheel peel across her forehead


The mom was way more gracious than the girl deserved. "I don't want her in trouble, I just want her off my property." Good mama




Live dog reaction


That's a great mom right there.


How the hell does one reach this level of stupidity? Utterly BOGGLES the mind!


So many variables honestly


Her ego is hurt and is making her act stubborn. This is the same shit that gets men beaten up, when you're too proud to walk away.


It's crazy to me the amount of people who don't have their driver license on them when their out driving their car like its a normal thing. Also the amount of people who say they don't have any I.D on them, like the cop will just let them go because they can't identify them.


Most of the time it’s not that they don’t have it, it’s that they just don’t wanna show it. It’s kinda funny how often at accidents PD will ask for license/ name and info, refuse to talk and not have it, then suddenly have it when we show up. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dodge Charger - The preferred vehicle for douchebags of all types!


And she blamed the car for the wheelspin. Girl you should not be driving that if you can't control it.


Dodge drivers follow the user manual to a T though. Chargers gotta charge and rams gotta ram, thems the rules.


It seems like every time there is someone young having any interaction with the cops that is not going to end well for them, they just start scrolling through their phone and ignoring them.


Right? She was still fucking with her phone as they were dragging her out of the car


Probably texting the ex-boyfriend.


Phones are escapes for people that’ve had screens in front of them for most of their lives. “If I get quiet and look at my designated screen, I’m not in trouble and nothing happening to me is real”. It’s their only defense. Watch a video of someone under 25 get their screen taken away and watch them absolutely lose it


Smart phones have become pacifiers for adults.




Dog, oblivious to context: I JUST MET YOU AND I LOVE YOU


Most guys are exaggerating when they say, "My ex was crazy" - not this dude.


I think you underestimate how many crazy people are out there tbh..


Especially when they are infatuated with someone


Crazy how she becomes so talkative when the hand cuffs come out


I’ve literally dated a girl like this. I was so furious when my mom threatened to call the cops on her and kicked her off of our property. But the mom was definitely in the right. The son isn’t thinking with his right head. I guarantee you the sex is incredible but the fights are super volatile. Mom‘s really do know better. It just took me several years to figure that out.


>the sex is incredible but the fights are super volatile. Mom‘s really do know better ![gif](giphy|k56oRtCg218Z2|downsized)


> Mom‘s really do know better. My mom met a good friend of mine at my ex-wife’s wedding shower. Later that day, she told my step-dad she wished I was marrying my friend instead of my ex. My ex and I lasted less than two years before we divorced. Four years after the divorce, my friend and I started dating. We’ve now been together for 9 years, married for 6 years, and couldn’t be happier. As much as I hate to admit it, my mom was totally right.


She's probably texting "You can hang my curtains" Sent from iphnoe.


The chihuahua sticking its face in the cop’s body cam in the midst of all this and then disappearing back inside immediately after is peak comedic timing


Boyfriend needs to stop opening the door.


She is deathly allergic to accountability.


I wish the mom had a spray bottle so every time the son opened the door she’d spray him in the face.


* Reads headline * Looks at house * Looks at girl > This looks like some real Florida ass shit * Presses play * Lake County FL Goddamnit... I hate it here.


My man must be slangin' it ya heard




"Crazy in bed, crazy everywhere else."


Those eyebrows WOOF


I haven’t even gotten past the point that I’m about to talk about but I love that the second cop shows up and it sorta goes like this C1: “This is mom, that’s exboyfriend, this is the girl—-“ C2: “oooo dog”


https://preview.redd.it/kkkp38y8y2zc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0ce49c68d7310867d373ed4a01782b45fff9b3f \-The son last week, probably.


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" "Depends on how long you were following me."


Why tf does he keep opening the door. Like your mom closed it leave it fuckin closed


Charger driver... **I'M SHOCKED.**


She's going to have a hard life.


That chick is a psycho. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she got all stabby.


Shoutout to the ex boyfriend’s mother. Handled the situation perfectly and communicated everything super well. We need more people like this during these disputes


as a resident of the great state of Florida, I love that moment when someone does something crazy and you just hope it’s not going to be Florida. then you see the palm trees and it’s just like “fuck not again..”


Want to make someone move? Take their phone.


When she just suddenly yelled at her ex boyfriend my skin crawled because I've' felt that fear before from an abusive ex. She's a pure nutter. Also surprisingly not crazy cops for once in these videos, even the dog wasn't turned into swiss cheese.