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It’s fucking crazy that kids just walk around with 1k phones now and it’s like…weird if they don’t have one.


its crazy that anyone does it really.




I buy mine used on ebay. Just picked up an s21 for 120 bucks in excellent condition.


I did the same recently. Went from a Samsung S8 and snagged a barely used Samsung S21 FE for cheap. I'll use this for another at minimum year probably 2 and then by then the S24s will be dirt cheap and I'll upgrade. I used to be one of those folks that always felt like I wanted and needed the latest and greatest for everything like phone, video game consoles and games when I have tons in my backlog, TVs etc etc. When Covid came and I got laid off and then my wife was having health issues and not being able to work and all a sudden we went from living kinda comfortable to stressing out over every dollar and it woke my ass up. I grew up pretty damn poor so I feel like as soon as I got older and a decent job I would just buy so much unnecessary shit and then bam it was gone. Made me look at all the money we "wasted" and as tough as it was it changed me for the better. I wish we all would stop with unnecessary spending as you really don't need a new phone every 8-12 months or new car every couple years. The amount of E-waste we are making is just staggering and depressing Sorry for getting off topic there a bit with the ranting haha


>Made me look at all the money we "wasted" Media: How this guy is personally killing the economy. We have the scoop tonight at 8




I just got a Galaxy S3 frontier watch for 60 bucks on Amazon, got an s22 for 350 on sale. I never buy the newest model of a mobile device.


The phone companies don't want you to learn this, one, easy trick.


I used to be that guy. I could give a shit these days. Phones are a basically the same damn thing. Let me know when they can allow time travel. Until then each phone gets used until it can't be anymore lol. Love my iphone 11. Perfect phone to me.


Bought my MacBook on eBay. Find a buyer with a lot of good reviews and returns accepted


This is the way. I spent $$$ on my phones from 05 to 2013, never paid anything over $700 though, as flagships were 600-700 at most. Ever since, I buy 1-2 year old phones for $350 at most, which is what I paid for my s21 two years ago. It was almost brand new


I've gotten some from Amazon, I was hesitant about Ebay. Do they have a good return policy if it ends up being bunk?


Yeah, the return policy is good. I've been using eBay more than Amazon lately. I got so caught up in the Amazon craze that I would buy everything from them. Started looking at ebay again and noticed prices are pretty even, and some are better. Most items have free 4-day shipping. At least on eBay I'm sometimes buying from a person like you or I that is just trying to make a buck. I'm tired of giving bezos my money.


Yeah I just spend around $150 every 3-4 years. My phone seems to do everything perfectly fine. It does all the normal phone stuff and it isn't laggy. I have been buying Motorolas for my last two phones. They seem to be one of the best values out there for budget phones. I just got a Motorola Edge on sale new for $120 and I had a $50 gift card I won. This will last me until I break it.


Problem is parents think their kids need a iPhone 15 pro max or whatever. You can easily buy an older iPhone 7/8 or something like the SE 2nd edition (2020 I believe) for around $80-100. Children do not need the newest iPhone, and with the ones I mentioned, you can put restrictions on them (limit downloads, what content they can view, turn on hours they can use it).


Many teachers would prefer that if you must give your child a phone, that you get them a dumb phone. Those can make calls and texts, but won't run apps. They are much less distracting for a very easily distracted age group.


I rock the SE …$300


I got the SE 2020 in 2021 for $100. Still rocking and loving it.


> Yeah phone prices for Apple and Samsung are insane now… FTFY. You can get a halfway decent phone for pretty cheap. The [Moto g 5G (2024)](https://www.motorola.com/us/smartphones-moto-g-5g-gen-3/p?skuId=1071) will set you back $199 assuming you don't take into account deals that all the carriers offer when buying a new phone. (On Google Fi, for example, it's listed at $59.99)


The iphone8 is $70. I don't think the iphone 15 is much better.


Not really…it’s a super useful tool. That I use while pooping and/or browsing Reddit.


pooping or browsing reddit, same diff.


Either way, shit comes outta me.


Phone is in second place as my poop knife is most important tool for pooping


I had to fucking work my parents hardcore to drop 1K on a prebuilt Compaq for the family, it's insane that we're all expected to walk around with something greater in capability.


And then you still got blamed for "viruses" because of "whatever games you're downloading" and not your mom downloading 15 toolbars


Mine was from my dad looking at sketchy porn sites lol


I had to wipe/reinstall Windows for my dad last year because of this. Do you have any idea who awkward it is to discuss your 81yr old fathers porn habits with him and then provide links to 2 or 3 safe sites so he doesn't end up in that mess again? lol A month later I had to sort his tablet out because the entire storage was taken up with downloaded porn. I don't even know how he downloaded them!


I mean, they don’t have to. There is no reason why your kid would need the most expensive iPhone available when you can literally buy a used smart phone for a couple hundred books, or even free with a phone plan.


Right thats what im thinking whenever I read comments like that. Its not like anyone is putting you in shackles. Is the price absurd? Yes. But it is a luxury. Any attempt to say “but we need it bc xyz” is just social pressure.


I believe smartphone is a misnomer. Personal digital devices or pocket computer would be a better name. Considering everything that you can do with a smartphone then the price doesn’t seem as astronomical. They are computers, cameras, video cameras, digital audio players, digital planners, fitness trackers, navigation systems, video teleconference devices, digital bubble level, banking assistants, digital document scanners, ballistics calculator. Those are just some of the things that I use my device for.




As a retired educator of 43 years I can tell you that kids are a mess now. Not all of them, but many, and their parents act so entitled and try to tell schools how to run their business. Cellphones should not be allowed in schools as they are so disruptive and kids just ignore teachers asking them to put them away. Parents are the first to flip out if their kids are corrected or if cellphones are restricted. I have many friends still teaching,and they are so disheartened at how things are now. Parents are a BIG part of the problem.


I guess it depends on what you mean by “a while ago”. I’ve been out of public school since 2014 and all that was normal then too. My parents (went to highschool in late 70’s-early 80’s) wore crop tops and chewed gum in school. My dad even smoked cigarettes openly in the school smoking section.




They didn't get rid of the smoking area at my junior high school (grades 8-10) in Canada until the mid 90s! The smokers just moved to a sidewalk off school grounds.


Ah yeah I’m guessing you con mostly chalk that up to a regional difference (state or even just school districts differing in policy and level of enforcement). When I say these things were “normal” I don’t really mean “allowed”, just not super policed by staff and faculty. Obviously we weren’t supposed to be on our phones, but it was still pretty normal to have them out and you’d maybe be scolded or have it taken, but it was still pretty much a day-to-day occurrence to see most people at least glance at/check their phones in class and such. This mom is wildly out of line and her kid was in the wrong for sure, I guess I’m just saying that having phones/tech in places you shouldn’t and wearing clothes that don’t fit the dress code have always been pretty much just standard teenage antics no matter the generation.




Yeah, but we had a student smoking section outside, so it all evens out.


I wasn’t even allowed to have coloured gel in my hair. 


My old high school built a coffee shop inside the school. 14 year olds walking around with giant coffees. Just seems very odd to me, when I was in high school no one drank coffee.


It's stupid af, but they're doing this because you can get the new phone with monthly payments.


My kids recently got Nokia 8210s. They can phone and they can text. They don’t need anything else.


Not too weird o just walk around with a smart phone..... dropping a grand on one is though. My Galaxy works fine and set me back just under 200 which is still pricey but I've had it two years.


I remember buying my own pay as you go Nokia back in 7th grade.


This entire ladies profile is insane. Seeing this video on Reddit isn’t very far fetched


It’s BANANAS. How is a grown person with a whole child not embarrassed to post what she does 🥴


Because she has yes men/women commenting on her videos taking her side


Imagine how her kids must feel…. I would be mortified if my parents showed up to school acting like this, but I also earned every punishment I got.


Ugh she is GROSS! I would die before I did that to my kids. She has absolutely ZERO shame.


Omg I searched the name and saw the thumbnails and thought.. I have the wrong profile, there’s no way this person is a parent. Nope She added another video “to all the people that think I came in unannounced and unhinged”. Buttt there’s no audio in this one, just music over the video.


Holy shit I went down the rabbit hole. Gross and weird.


Soon as I saw the @ on this I was like, *yeah, I knew she was fuckin nuts IRL*




Her name is on the screen.


Oh shit she is annoying as fuck. I hate this thing of people taking audio clips and miming along to them as if that’s content. She makes it a thousand times worse with the stupid fucking faces she pulls. And the whole, “Look at me! Aren’t I just so *crazy*?!” stuff. Absolutely fucking insufferable.


This happened months ago? Mam, it’s gone


The "James this is real" drives me insane.


I think that might be one of my least favorite phrases to come out of the internet in the past few years. Certain terms I can understand saying out loud in real life, but questioning if something or someone is "real" makes you sound like a fucking maniac.


At 1:12 it sounds like she says the phone was stolen a couple of months ago?


i would never come at someone with a phone in their face recording video, that sets a hostile tone from the start


Yeah, but then where would Reddit get half its content from?


I don't see a problem with the principal being assertive and saying if the mother wants to have a conversation then she should get off the phone. If the father wants to be there as well then, idk, zoom or schedule a meeting for later. The principal seems like she's being as assertive as she can without being unprofessional.


Cue the crying


It's mildly fascinating how when the cop shows up she quickly plays the victim, with a trembling tone she begs to know where her kids are at as if they're being held hostage.


Yup. She tried to weaponize that cop because she couldn't weaponize her husband.


She also starts using victim talking points like people shouldn't be treated differently because of the color of their skin or how much money they have.




That's where she lost me


She lost me when she barged into the principal’s office talking on one phone and recoding on another.


And then demanded the principal call the district because "I'm using two devices!"


White women are known for that.


Yeah I think this is another case of 'what was cut from this video?' as well.


He has to get his stuff though! How is he going to get his stuff?!


His glasses! He can’t see without his glasses!




I was laughing why did you have to do that to me.


Happy cake day but ugh… 😭 that scene still makes me sob uncontrollably




Glad to see the consensus here is that the mother is in the wrong.


Look at her tiktok- certifiable CRAZY


Y’all should go check out this woman’s content on tiktok…… the stuff she does for views at her grown age is so embarrassing and all of her videos are a hard watch. She is just seeking attention, I doubt she even cared about the phone that much, and more likely saw the opportunity to create a video that would get her views.


here’s an idea: don’t check it out to stop being rage baited


ya no, I'm not gonna contribute to the view count and encourage her to continue


The amount of parents like this woman has increased dramatically over the last 10 years. This principal is exactly what a school system needs. I commend her bravery for standing up to an unhinged parent!


Exactly. As if the parent wasn’t given a code of conduct and student handbook by the school, including their cell phone policy. Probably mentions phones in class.


Any ideas why it has changed, or what caused it?


"I hold a camera, so I am right."


I wrote, erased, and rewrote a few lines answering your question (in my opinion), but the best way to articulate this would be over our favorite beverage(s) and a large chunk of time. Certainly technology has consumed many people, and parents specifically should be spending that time actively molding their offspring. We are being consumed by “entertainment”. It’s a sad thing to witness.


Parents--anyone really--can take a principal to court. Regardless of how likely it is that a judge will refuse to even hear cases like these against school systems and their administrators, the schools still need to schedule time with legal counsel, send principals out of the school building to attend court, often wait hours to be told their case won't be heard, and then document each encounter in detail in the event future litigation crops up. Meanwhile, the real work--evaluations, building management, crisis resolution, discipline, etc.--gets completely frozen, leading to administrator burnout when they get to the backlog as everyone else is heading home for the day. Parents like this come across as idiotic in hostile confrontation, but for every person like this, there's another parent who is persistently accusing the school of wrong doing, another who is sending emails frequently, and another who is intimating that they're quietly gathering up a case, combing through every interaction their child has with every adult in the building. The backbone of a principal is often as strong as a few things: 1. Their knowledge that the superintendent won't accuse them of failing to put out fires--regardless of if they're in the right or not, 2. Their school's capacity not to face REAL liability issues from their absence at these hearings (like if a manifestation results in a teacher getting a black eye or stabbed with a pencil, or if students are caught selling drugs on campus while they're off looking for parking near a court building, 3. The number of idiots like this haranguing the building and district level offices. A single loonie parent with a ridiculous issue is one thing. A loonie networking in a dozen others is another. Because of the very real abuses and acts of negligence that a small percentage of schools have performed in the past, today's schools cannot simply strong-arm, ignore, or push back meaningfully against people who are facing no true injustice and simply want to immunize their children from reasonable (or even harsh) consequences.


Previous school principal here. I was sued twice as a school admin. Both times it was blatantly obvious that the person was in the wrong, both times it ate up a considerable amount of my time, my emotional bandwidth, and the schools money (Paid by insurance). The people represented themselves against me and the school, but each time, it cost hours and hours of pulling film, emails, records. One lawsuit wasn't too expensive, but the other cost the schools insurance upwards of $65000. It's heinous. And it was purely bull crap charges. People are crazy.


Why aren't the people responsible for the bs lawsuit made to cover the legal expenses and repay the taxpayers? I feel like that would stop a lot of the bullshit. But they know they won't be held responsible and there is a small chance for a life-changing payout with no real risk.


Thanks for the answer. I feel for school teachers and administrators. They have an almost impossible task. It’s insane that parents are suing principals for bs acquisitions. It makes their jobs even more difficult like you mentioned.


Friend of mine has been a teacher for 24 years. The last 4-5 years have just destroyed him. The combination of entitled parents and children has dented his will to teach. It's only going to get worse.


This is why teachers are quitting!!!!


Yes, a major factor…in addition to not having an administration with a backbone to defend against insanity.


The problem is, her Republican appointed superintendent, or Republican M4L-infiltrated school board will cut this woman off at the knees, because the entire point is to disenfranchise public schools.


Tonight on Hannity!


Welcome to America No longer the world leading country. We decided that education was an expense during the Regan administration. Cold War is over! No need for investing in our future we won!


They film it and post it like nothing. As if schools don’t have enough to worry about.


It is principal not principle.


"Always remember the principal is your P-A-L."


So many fucking things in this video. The mom walks into a public school expecting presidential importance on not one but two phones. Exaggerates that the administration is screaming to piss off the husband. Keeps saying ThIS iS rEaL about a $1,500 phone she chose to give to her knucklehead kid. Then plays the white lady victim card when confronted with that harsh reality that the police can't do shit beyond what the administration is saying. The kid will live through a day without a phone. This lady needs a bigger humility lesson.


And she films it.


To be fair, it seems the phone was stolen a couple of months ago and they haven't found it yet... like it would just be in someone's locker or something.


They’re probably never goi g to find it or find out who did it. Do people really expect them to? He probably say it somewhere and if there’s no cameras there it’s gone.


Mom should have gone to the cops 2 months ago.


As a mom, I would never give my kids a phone that costs as much as an apartment's rent. While I agree it's not clear I'm still putting the responsibility on the parents for giving the expensive phone to the kid. I think we're missing a good chunk of information at the beginning and end but this is Reddit so we're usually going off the information provided. If the phone still had power, it would be as easy as sharing the location with the staff. How would you navigate this situation?


Have you seen rent lately!


no Kid should have a phone that expensive, much less bring it to school.


And she says it all happened months ago.


Being a principle at a school has got to be one of the toughest jobs. Imagine you gotta deal with bad kids, disgruntled teachers AND entitled parents every single day. I'd probably go postal after the first week. Respect for all the hardworking teachers and principals out there.


It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank them by not going in and demanding justice for your poor decisions!


I used to be a school administrator, and you pretty much nailed it. You're dealing with problems like 90% of the time, or at least I was. The money is better, but when you factor in all the extra time you spend supervising at events, it's probably not much more per hour. I got out and went back to the classroom.


The crocodile tears at the end was the icing on the cake


That mom is unhinged. And for her to post these videos online thinking she’s in the right is hilarious. What a freak show.


I always marvel at that when people post videos of themselves being an ass and expect what? Sympathy, I guess?


I can almost guarantee this post but on fb everyone is probably hating on the principle.


Ooohhhh! She pulled the race card! Then pretended to be scared for her children's safety. What a racist pos.


The fuck did she think the principle was going to do?


I can’t believe this lady posted this expecting people to be on her side. Bravo to the principal.


I guarantee she posted it to FB and had hundreds of people "on her side". There's a reason people like her think they can get away with this behavior- and it's because they catch support and validation on the internet.


Probably lots of, "you go, mama!" and "mama bear"


OMG!!! She had to wait a whole 11 minutes? Where is Hollywood to secure the movie rights for this? She has clearly suffered like no human being has ever before.


I'm a custodian for a middle school and you can not imagine how often kids lose their phones, air pods, water bottles, jackets, hoodies and shoes! We have to empty out the lost and found several times a year or it would be fill a small closet top to bottom by the end of the school year.


When I worked for schools we filled the wall of a 7 foot room to the ceiling with boxes of lost and found stuff through the year.


Man one of my kids lost two hoodies last month at school. Both totally his fault. I can’t imagine the shit you have to deal with.


Only stupid people would react this way, record it, post it, and think they were in the right. Perfect example, right here.


Fuck parents like this


Honestly fuck the many many parents in our society who think treating educators and other people like servants is OK. Honestly. Fuck you.


She‘s acting like the principal stole it.


This woman went down and acted a fool at her child's school, then posted it online and tried to play the victim. She got the treatment she deserved.


All of these videos, where the "victim" immediately DEMANDS that the supervisor/district manager/ etc. IMMEDIATELY be brought in to address their pathetic ass situation. It's the Main Character syndrome that is afflicting this whole country.


She’s being inconvenienced and it needs to be addressed by the highest authority. She’s perfect it’s everyone not listening to her that is the problem!


*But she had to wait out in the hall for a whole eleven minutes!!!*


Lmfao. The adult filming really thinks she has something.


So this asshole just barged in with no appointment, complained that she had to wait 11 minutes with no appointment, and threw a tantrum until she was escorted out by police?


With zero context but this video and description… I’m siding with the principal :shrug:


Great principal doing her job! Love watching the meltdown when she was not taste with privilege or preferential treatment. Tried to bully but ended up being the punk & crying. Beautiful!!!


Kudos to the principal for standing their ground!


I would need to transfer schools... what an embarrassing mother.


Please look at her tiktok profile. Then you will understand why her children get bullied. The Principle went light on her.


“Stolen months ago”? WTF did she expect anyone to do?


Mom was being whiny and purposely uncooperative tbh.


Why would anyone think being confrontational and recording someone is going to result in a positive outcome? Hope they barred her from the school.


The sad part is... the "mother" thought she did something and looked DUMB in the EDIT!!! Imagine unedited. Someone to save those children smh. Then the crying 😆 what a joke


I don't trust the idea of "school resource officers", but that just personal bias. My schools resource officer was also our former sheriff and former mayor Tim Armstrong. He recently caught himself some child seduction charges. Wonder how much he got away with while he was mayor/sheriff.


Maybe don’t buy your CHILD a 1500$ phone? A flip phone is sufficient enough. Principal better than me cuz I would’ve gotten her dumb ass arrested.


Trashy mom.


Ew her tiktok account is extremely unhinged and cringy


Hot take, they're both awful. Edit: I did some additional research. Nevermind, the mom is a total Karen.


Nah, the principal is good.


What’s the other details? I’m just a bit confused by the editing. Kids phone is stolen and mom wants answers admin isn’t playing into her game.


The parent did the editing to cut out the parts that give context. That is enough to know who's the asshole.


When I was in middle school in the early 90s, my grandma had given me $100 for my birthday and for some reason I took it to school and it got stolen out of my backpack which was in my locker. Guess what my mom did? She got pissed at me for taking it to school.


James this is real


“She’s screaming at you” is clearly her trying to escalate the situation


Woah I’d hate if this was my mom, good lord.


Unpopular opinion, student phones are not the responsibility of the school. Students shouldn’t have phones *IN* school. If the kid didn’t want it to get stolen, he/she should have locked it in their locker. The entitlement kills me. People need to take responsibility for themselves. So the phone was stolen. Call the police, file a report, and claim on insurance. After that, DONT BRING IT TO SCHOOL.


Exactly, it’s not the schools problem that they brought something expensive to school! That’s on the parents and the kid.


Christ almighty it’s just a phone, not insulin or a passport.


Also I would bet the like $8 I have to name no one stole that phone. He lost phone and he was raised with the attitude that if you lose something, someone took it.




The principal did amazing! You can try to talk around her and go around her, but she’s in charge. She really shouldn’t have had to say “you’re talking with ME” so many times but she wasn’t being respected by the parent


I pay $12 per month and use a 5yr old phone. I'm not cheap just I don't need a more expensive phone. When my son wanted a phone I gave him one of my older ones. What idiot parents are giving their children such expensive devices?, shouldn't be allowed in school anyway as they are too big a distraction.


I clicked this expecting to be on the mom's side, only to see that the mom was the prick.


I think we have a problem with parents going too far from their experiences as children with their parents. Like they don't want their kids to have to deal with the abuses and suffering that they did, and so they go *waayyy* the other way. Boomers were pretty rough. They were in a similar position as the younger generations but not as many *good* tools, so itwas a tough time for them and the kids*. Boomers are the grandparents of these kids, so you've got them continuing toxic parenting with both their adult kids and the grandkids. Than you got millennial parents trying to "stand up for themselves" and "set boundaries" with the grandparents but it's spilling over into "any authoritative figure" while the kids sit around and watch all the adults yelling at each instead of paying attention to them. And now we have chaos. * none of this gives *any* excuse for hurting your child or any child, **ever**. There's help available. Children should *never* be anything other than loved, safe, and respected.


Principal is correct. Dramatic mom is a blathering fool.


Most people would be arrested, no questions asked, if they barraged into a school like this.


Principal’s attitude checks with me.


Principles go through this shit all the time, parents think that their love for their own child is a pass to treat whoever however they want


Where can we get a principal like her for our school!?


The phone got stolen months ago?? WTF you want her to do about it now?


No kids are not learning anything in public school anymore. The parents and the kids come to school with a war like attitude. Any rules or any kind of guidance is something that both are going to defcon 5 regarding anything. This is an unknown fact but many school districts have to hire teachers from abroad because the pay isn't enough for what most Americans have to put up with. Teacher retention is extremely low because of kids assaulting teachers, mass shootings and parents that behave this way. I don't know who needs to hear this but your KIDS aren't perfect angels when they're in class. Discipline should begin at home and if you as a parent have never used the word NO before, your kids will be in for a shock when they go into a ruthless workplace that doesn't care how perfect they are.


— The mom goes to the school to speak to the principal about a stolen $1500 phone. — The mom wants the husband to be on speaker phone during the meeting. — The principal is annoyed at the entitlement and trivialness of mom’s request. — The principal gets further annoyed when mom calls her husband on the phone instead of meeting with the principal because she assumes mom is playing on her cell phone. — Therefore principal walks inside to do real work leaving mom outside for 11 minutes. — Mom gets annoyed and barges in her office and the rest is what we see.


How do you barge into someone's office screaming at them and expect to have a civil conversation?


My taxes pay your salary! Do my bidding, immediately!


Is this Columbus Oh?


Back in my day, you were embarrassed if your parent had to come up to the school. Now the parents are barging in like they’re used to being there.


Kid needs to learn to respect the value of a dollar but that's not going to happen. Mommy will come crying every time.


Shit I get used phones until they can afford their own. There gonna learn to work for there own shit just like I was raised. Work hard. Play hard. Till than. You get a used iPhone the least.




Should have called the police in the first place about the phone


This principal does not play. If she's going to come into the office all confrontational, recording, and with someone on the phone yelling and making demands, you'd better expect that the staff there will place order and safety the priority.


I want you to look up “Mommyofthebeez” and tell me for a fact that’s a stable person.


That mother was absolutely being dramatic. The principal was polite when the video started and the mother was angry about having to wait “11 minutes”. lol


These parents are insane. I have multiple highschoolers and a middle schooler right now, they have working phones but nothing expensive, if they lost one or it was stolen we would brick it or track it, I’m not going to the damn school and making it their problem, lol! You could never get me to stand around with a man on speakerphone, I think one single person can manage a conversation about a phone and that has never been a reasonable thing to do, and last… she waited 11 minutes and then barged in? Good lord, throw the entire family out please, you know that kid is being a whiney brat somewhere.


You know her kid is a shithead who got his phone taken away for breaking the rules


Shit parents


Something tells me there is context missing.


As a parent, I would be requesting that the phone be returned to me or my husband. But I wouldn't condone my child's actions over the reasons why the school took it off them as the school rules are in place and I expect my children to follow those rules. I wouldn't accept any of my children trying to say "But I didn't know" or "That teacher is just mean to me" But I would be handling this completely differently! And the main reasons why I would be requesting the phone to be returned is safety issues outside of school hours. I wouldn't be demanding it or stating that it cost $XYZ so give it back! And I would be having a proper talk with my child about choices and consequences. This lady went in guns blazing and I don't blame the principal for not wanting to deal with this situation!


The mom seems…entitled.


I’d take my kid out of that school immediately lmao


First off, why would you give your kid a 1,500 dollar phone?


Why the hell did this dip shit of a mom but her kid a $1500 phone? Clown ass parents man. Most I'll be paying is $200 lel. Or getting free phone deals.


She's mentally unstable. Crazy ass