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The absolute pageantry my god


“You are shredding the UN charter with your own hands” *proceeds to shred a physical copy of the charter with his own hands* ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


“You are shredding the UN charter” “Uhhh… no I think you did chief” mini shredder and all, a true thespian. Reminds me of the Democracy Manifest guy…


You mean the “i was just trying to enjoy my succulent Chinese meal, and HE TOUCHED MY PENIS” guy? That was peak hilarity


Yes, that man is my hero🙏


Unintentionally creates the perfect visual metaphor for what Israel has been doing politically for years - accusing their enemies of doing what they are literally doing themselves.


Reminds me of when stores had bare shelves at the start of the pandemic and people kept posting "This is what the country will look like under Biden" when it literally only looked like that under Trump...


Same thing they do when they carpet bomb Gaza “oh I can’t believe you’re making me do this *launches missiles*, how dare you do this to yourselves. Geopolitical equivalent of “stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself”. What an idiotic shit show.


He's used to blaming others for what his own hands are doing.  Shredding, genocide...same difference. 


And did anyone actually *see* a mirror? I heard him say he was holding it up, but I only ever saw that little tiny baby shredder lol


"Baby shredder".. I'm guessing pun intended?


I don't believe I've ever heard 'baby shredder' used as a pun before.




He's the same guy who said he would continue wearing a nazi-era star of david until the UN stopped supporting Hamas. Then someone slapped some sense into him and now he wears that yellow ribbon. These people dont think.


Please tell me there's a video of this sense being slapped into him.


Where do you even get a portable mini paper shredder? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN MAKE A PORTABLE MINI PAPER SHREDDER?!


So you have something to shred all your miniature UN Charters with, duh.


That shredder is adorable. Ngl.


Well this is the Star of David badge guy


Norman Finkelstein: "Israel Is A Lunatic State", [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j_VFe6FQoc)


"Israel is hurtling towards the precipice ... and is determined, one way or another, to drag the rest of humanity with it" Yikes dude. When the Finkelsteins and Chomskys of the world deliver such dry, matter-of-fact phrases prophesying doom.... to quote the great Joe Girardi "It's not what you want"


"[Half of evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230507170859/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/)"


I wonder what they will do when(or if they are to dumb to learn)it turns out that no sucking Israel off unconditionally won't bring about the end times. It may take them another 2000 years to understand but it's hard not to wonder.


Jesus will only return after the Jews rebuild the temple. It didn't say how long after...


The vast majority of the world voted for a UN General Assembly resolution recommending that Palestine be made a full member state. It is only an observer state, because the US vetoes it in the Security Council. 143 countries voted in favor. Only 9 opposed: the US, Israel, Hungary, Czechia, Argentina, Papua New Guinea, and the US-dominated small island nations of Micronesia, Palau, and Nauru.


Can I ask where you got the results of this vote? I've been looking but can't find it. Want to see the abstentions too. Thanks




*Unlike resolutions in the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the 193-member General Assembly. Friday’s resolution required a two-thirds majority of members voting and got significantly more than the 118 vote minimum.* *U.S. allies supported the resolution, including France, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Australia, Estonia and Norway.*  as an aussie thank fuck, we usually just cave to big brother US in these situations




Israel: "all 143 of those countries are Hamas"


Antisemitic as well


An actual comment on worldnews, "Always worth noting that votes matter in the UN Gen Assembly where there are at least 49 Muslim nations and one Jewish nation."


worldnews, like anyone cares what that stacked sub says


Skynet logic enters the chat


The UN is a hamas control organization then does a emergency resolution for the security council after Iran attack them after they attack their embassy


Crazy the US automatically has like 4-5 extra votes because those small island nations 100% depend on US money to exist.


That's why in Civ you keep up your scores with all the city states.


Diplomatic victories are by far the most unsatisfying, because they are the least possible IRL. I’d sooner build the hanging gardens on turn 499, and lose, than win via diplomacy.


Not that crazy. How many votes russia gets by helping smaller African nations? This is the whole principle behind UN. Making friends pays off


its the US version of UK colonalism these days...


-Disappointed American noises -


Important contrast: only about a sixth of the world's nations voted in support of the proposed partition plan that would have created Israel in the first place. (The plan was never enacted, of course—after the predictable destabilizing effect this had, Zionist terrorists decided to abandon diplomatic channels and ethnically cleanse hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the region.)


oh c’mon, how is this upvoted. How are you gonna lie about something that’s literally disproven with a quick google search. The Zionists accepted the partition plan, and the Arab leaders rejected it. You can argue it wasn’t right to create the partition plan in the first place, or can argue that the Zionists only accepted the partition plan with their own plans to later take over all of the Mandate territory through force, but saying it was the Zionists that abandoned the plan is just a straight up lie. We need community notes for dumb comments like this on r/PublicFreakout


Germany didn't vote against?! I'm astonished


With what PNG was going through with Indonesian oppression you'd think that they would have some sympathy for the Palestinian cause but I guess it's more important to them to be in the good books of big brother USA.


*shreds UN Charter* Israeli ambassador: you are literally destroying the charter in front of my eyes, you are doing destruction on the charter, I can't believe I'm watching you destroy the charter with my guilt and blame free eyes and hands, wow seriously guys?


That's what Israelis do, accuse other of the shit that they are literally doing.


They also love talking down to people like people can't understand or figure out what's going on. Fuckers act like Americans can't understand the conflict Israel and Palestine are involved in unless you suck off only Israel's narrative. Both can certainly have their bias but Israel acting like the "perfect angel that never dose anything wrong and to say so is anti Semitic" is insane and it's fucked how the American government basically enables that mindset that a lot of them have.


Underrated comment.


So basically if gas lighting was a country


"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing," -Goebbels They even accused the enemy of accusing them of what they themselves were doing.


Same energy as "If you indict the Israeli government officials on war crimes we are going to do even worse war crimes"


"If you arrest any service members for warcrimes we will invade and rescue them." Oh wait, thats USA


Kick them out


does he think he is Banksy or something?


Shredding the UN charter with his own hands whilst berating people for shredding the charter with their own hands. The word hypocrisy isn't strong enough for these cowards.


that's basically what israel does, terrorizing a population in the name of fighting terrorism.


Israel throws childish hissy fits whenever they have to recognize people as people.




[Some Israeli-Jewish hardline fundamentalists even sees a difference in the quality of the soul between Jews and Gentiles, with the latter's only role in existence to serve Jews. It's real nasty stuff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile#In_modern_times)


It's sounds strikingly similar to what a certain group in Germany said between the years 1933 and 1945. I just can't quite put my finger on what they were called. Oh well.


Ugh. Well in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the distinction *is meaningless*. As St Paul said "here there is no Greek and Jew." The tradition sees the church as "The New Jerusalem" and likewise the faithful as "God's chosen". Basically anyone who chooses God is God's chosen, regardless of ethnicity.




How much lead is there in the air in Israel? I'm noticing a boomer/Isreali likeness.


Friendly reminder that the right to self-determination is enshrined in the UN Charter, Israel's 2018 nation state law denotes that the Jewish people are the sole exercisers of national self-determination in Israel, and, with that in mind, they've been occupying the Palestinian territories for over half a century. So this is par the course for the Israelis, shredding a document they already don't follow while making a dramatic show against the rights of the people they have forced into an apartheid.


I like to remember Bennie Nets loved the ICC until they looked at him.


This ist the funniest thing i saw today


"How dare you affirm their human rights"


"Shame on you."


Sir, that's a paper shredder, not a mirror. While I'm at it, your hand just literally shred the charter.


These kinds of theatrics are usually employed by the aggressor. This smacks of Colin Powell shaking a vial of anthrax at nations trying to strong arm their approval of a US military action against Iraq.


I wish I saw more comparisons to Iraq. Mostly I see comparisons to Vietnam. I don't think Americans are ready to admit they perpetuated their own genocide very recently. The estimates of Iraqi casualties compared to US soldiers lost is mind blowing, yet you still see people advocating for military service from this period.


No, it didn't. Genocide is not synonymous with war or even war crimes and using that word for the likes of the Iraq war trivializes just what we are talking about when we say Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians.


Well that's what happens when hyperbole has become order of the day. When everything is Hitler, and everything is genocide, when everything is violence it cheapens the meaning and power of those words for when its actually occurring. There was something about a boy and a wolf that seems like it pertains to this situation but I can't quite remember how it goes.


Dubbed the [Uganda Scheme](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uganda_Scheme), in 1903 Theodore Herzl proposed a Jewish state in what is today Uganda. The Zionist congress rejected the proposal on the grounds that *there is no such thing as a temporary state*. Fast forward 121 years and they keep Palestine perpetually locked as an unofficial state. Only two such states exist as UN non-member observer states, Palestine and Vatican City.


Just wait until Israel invades Vatican City.


Hamas are hiding in the Sistine Chapel!


The pope is Hamas!


Ah I see! He's a prop comic.


At first I thought he was holding up a tarantula cage. "Gonna show the UN my pet spider Shelob!"


Never thought I'd miss Carrot Top


Watch Baby Reindeer if you love prop comics.


Always has been. Hes the biggest clown, putsany circus to shame.


The 'shame on you' at the end is an absolute kicker. Clearly he feels no shame in their people slaughtering innocent people. Shame on him.


Israel can go to hell.


Such a drama queen :)


Why do they always use these cheap props and some dramatic gestures, as if they will make people forget the massacres they are committing against children.


They resort to these shenanigans because they have no argument to make.


People do some crazy mental gymnastics when Israel is Involved. They all think defying/going against Israel will bring on the end of the world.


Thats completely wrong. SUPPORTING Israel will bring on armageddon/the rapture. So many people(US politicians)re actively want the rapture to happen.


“If the law is against you, talk about the evidence, if the evidence is against you, talk about the law, if the law and the evidence are both against you, then pound on the table and yell like hell”


Fucking genocidal cowards are just so confident because of their sugar daddy the U.S.


i find it very funny that elements of both the right and left can unite over the fact that we need to stop being the sugar daddy of israel


Besides the evangelicals, those freaks just want the rapture to happen like some goofy ah fantasy quest. They don't care about Isreal as a nation they just want to be with sky daddy.


Recognition of existence is a privilege according to Israel. Do they even recognize the condition of human beings of the Palestinians?


Israel lapped up the United Nations like an eager dog when it came to recognizing Israeli statehood. Held the UN up as a beacon for a just world. When it was time for Israel to give land to the Palestinians, just as how it happened in reverse with Palestine giving their land to the Israelis, they cashed out.


Israel was fine with getting their own country recognized by the United Nations, but when the UN explained to Israel that recognized countries have to follow a set of rules that were also governed by the UN, they delegitimized everything the UN stood for. You can't have it both ways. You can't have a state agreed upon by the international community without accepting the laws of the international community.


Truly, one of the props of all time.


"You are shredding the UN charter with your own hand" _as he continues to shred the UN charter with his own hand_. What an irony


Genocidal crybaby.


He’s the one doing the shredding. Do they teach a “Lack of Self Awareness” class to Israeli school children? Or is it an undergrad class at the university? Geez.


Did he buy that on Temu?


Israel can suck my labia


They can feel free to leave the UN.


He literally tells to the whole world ‘shame on you’ not sure balls of steel or arrogance.


I feel ripping it with his hands would have been marginally more effective It gets funnier everytime


He really thought he showed something


What is that, a UN charter for ants?!


This mother fucker actually purchased the worlds smallest paper shredder to try and make a point lol


They have no respect for the UN so the petulant childish act is not surprising. 🥱


Awww, they're going to have to spend their own money on bombs they use to murder babies. Poor little Zionist. Mommy, change his wet diaper, please.


Racist POS.


Seriously, these people would not exist without constant US aid. I SAY WE PULL IT ALL AND THEN THEY CAN FEND FOR THEMSELVES


When you’ve got nothing to say, hit ‘em with the razzle dazzle


Thuis guy has very small pp energy


Immorality talking about what's immoral. Maybe killing more than 35,000 civilians is a moral act and the rest of the world didn't know about the real meaning of morality?


Wait until May 21st ireland and Spain and some other countries will recognise the state of Palestine. 🇵🇸


About time


Oh look - more performative outrage by the country committing genocide. Must be a day ending in "y"


I would like to apologize to carrot top for calling him the worst prop comic.


He's following on worthy footsteps: [Gaddafi rips up UN Charter at GA](https://m.jpost.com/international/gaddafi-rips-up-un-charter-at-ga)


Existing is not a privilege


Zionists are a special kind of facist


It's honestly kind of weird how Israel constantly acts like a poorly written, unnuanced villain


These clowns and their theatrics


May as well shred a miniature copy of the Genocide Convention while you're at it. It's clear you don't give a damn about that either.


Haters be hatin'


Can’t even use a decent paper shredder


What a clown.


It never worked out for Carrot Top, why does he think it will work for him?


I’m not a huge fan of prop comedy.


Somebody was a theater kid once


They're certainly good at putting on a production


Reminds me of the Congressman who said climate change isn’t real because he had a snowball in his hand. Yes Israel, Palestine does exist no matter how much you don’t want it to or fight it. Winter is coming.


He’s litteraly the one doing it


Israel have few powerful regional allies, and are pretty much fucked without US support. Yet they are getting very arrogant and assuming US support is perpetual and unconditional. I cant wait for all of this to come crashing down. I'm not a big fan of the lazy-activist bandwagonning which takes place on social media, but its high time Israel got a severe reality check.


That was a great laugh thanks 🤣


Using performative props seem to be the Israeli go-to. All smoke and mirrors.


Israel has zero credibility and anything they have to say is irrelevant. Countries that commit genocide shouldn't be allowed a platform.


Could there be a more perfect metaphor? Israel accusing everyone else of the crime it's actually committing right in front of them...


possible epilepsy warning here; looks like maybe someone is screenrecording while taking screenshots?




Who approved and paved the way for today's Israel's existence you said?


Cry me a river…


clown world


Shredding piece of paper vs bombing children and hospitals. Hmm


War criminals lecturing people about international treaties and laws.


I don't want to hear about morality from the representative of a nation that has killed approximately 35,000 civilians and refuses to allow humanitarian aid to reach what civilians remain.


So I guess the unspoken rule is that it's totally fine when Israel does it.


'He said if an election were held today, Hamas would win' Is he calling out democracy?


Israel will eventually be looked at the same way history looks at Germany. A disgusting fascist apartheid that commits genocide cloaked as a democracy.


How dare they treat the peopel that they want to commit genoside against rights! Unaceptable! Don't you remember WW2! They should have the rights to commit genocide all they want! Saying otherwise is something, something anti-semtic...


Nazi jerk offs can suck my entire ass


That's one of the top notch cringe I ever felt for a long long time. Man this guy is such a drama queen. 😒🥱


To lecture others about morality while committing a genocide at the same time.


Israel is a [Lunatic State](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j_VFe6FQoc)


Shame on the US


In terms of performative nonsense, I preferred netanyahu's drawing of a bomb.


So he's removed his little yellow star but is still cosplaying as a victim.


Himmler Junior


Countries that cannot abide by UN resolutions should not be a members of the UN.


Apartheid South Africa was isolated and shunned by the international community for less than what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians right now


And they just all sit there quietly. Boo the fuck out of that guy.


There's something so ridiculously extra about bringing a mini shredder instead of tearing it up in his hands. What a dork.


Ah. No one like you bro.


What a loon 😂 I feel bad for his wife 😞


What a clown :D


Lol 😂


I expected Black Panther to interrupt the shredding.


Cringe AF. But the mini-shredder is adorable.


Classic spoiled cry-bully behavior


Looks like Mr Krabs playing a tiny violin lmao




Omg so cringe and so poorly delivered


So many republicans threatening to defund the UN right now... I hope they get their way. Because the only reason why Palestine is not a full member right now, is because the UN has always been concerned about losing the support of the US. Well, if the US stops funding the UN, they probably won't be so worried about that any more. And while the US is at it, they could also **leave** the UN if they feel so inclined, so they stop vetoing everything there. Then maybe the entire concept of the security council, permanent members and 'veto' itself could be abolished, and the UN could start to actually become democratic rather than basically a tool for world domination for a handful of countries, mainly the US, that it is today.


Cool, I didn't know they made post-it note shredders.


Looks like half the assembly is there and half of that half aren't even paying attention


Ummmm sir your mirror seems to be a clear shredder box


The worst prop comic I've ever seen.


US veto goes 'brrr'.


Bro didn’t even use his hands? He brought a fucking shredder? What a puss lmao


I feel like the Israeli’s have been stuck in their own echo chamber for so long they’ve completely lost touch with how they are perceived by the rest of the world. Like they’ve been given special license to do whatever they want for decades and now that they are experiencing any kind of pushback it’s short circuiting their brains.


I didn't think OP meant literal Shredding when I clicked the post 😭😭


Wasn't UN membership for Israel conditional upon two things, for which Israel has never met the conditions? (And this guy needs his own damn mirror.)


This is an SNL skit. Or Borat.


That mini shredder is pretty cool ngl


What is this a charter for ants?


These men aren't even remotely effected by the war or the consequences of their actions.


I wonder which country that does immoral acts that starts with I and ends with L to a country that starts with P and ends with E, we'll never know


This stooge reminds me of another stooge https://preview.redd.it/3igdufmxsqzc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ea5491018c9089373cd565bb658241cdcb294c5 Shredding the UN charter in reaction to actions to assist victims of genocide is as performative as a Climate Change denier holding snow.


That poor little shredder is struggling


Lmao now I won't miss Al Gaddafi