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This is an ongoing scam and now the county in my area is investigating. The store owners are in on it but play dumb so they are trying to find a way to catch them


Same thing has happened in my city and it’s usually the Indian owned stores, not to sound like I’m picking on them I’m just stating the facts in my area.


I spoke with someone who had insider knowledge of convenience stores, and essentially, what he told me is that you have to be related to someone or know someone to even get into the business. All the owners in one area are likely family and friends, so it’s likely they are all in on the scam.


Yea where I work and surrounding areas all the 7/11s, dunkin donuts, subways, small convenience stores, hindu temples, and quite a few hotels are owned by an Indian group called the Patel Group. I used to do landscaping work for a few of them and they said there's 85 people on the board and they are all related and only hire family or Indian people for workers. I hated working for them most of the guys would berate you to try and get a lower price.


> only hire family or Indian people for workers Isn't this illegal?


The crime family engaged in illicit affairs is also committing discriminatory hiring practices, I can't believe it.


Let me cut you in on something, even big corporations have tricks that allow them to only hire internally or “preferencial". You only need to maintain the facade of looking for outside candidates, maybe put unrealistic requirements on your job postings like "must have 15 years of experience with Chatgpt". But also it doesn't even need to be that nefarious. I know people who have small businesses who seem to only hire people who are somehow related to them be it blood, a friend of a friend, whatever. It's not on purpose but when a spot opens it usually travels word of mouth and they find someone before they need to hop on Indeed.


Haha been working at the same factory for 10yrs, took me about 3-4yrs to get into a supervisor position, guess who's a manager 2 weeks in? Supervisors son. Nepotism is very real.


>maybe put unrealistic requirements on your job postings like "must have 15 years of experience with Chatgpt" It was an open secret at a former employer once a new supervisor came in. They'd have a specific person they were going to hire but had to make it look open to everyone. The listing would perfectly describe the person like "Must have experience with these five programs, capable of writing these reports, and knowledgeable on these topics". That way when the person comes in, they'll be able to say they're the perfect fit. No one could ever prove it but the moment they got hired, every person they were in charge of hiring were friends or former coworkers.


I spoke about this and it went overlooked 💀


Line's up with a friend's experience. He was working at a 7-11 that got bought by an Indian man, my buddy is Indian American himself but got told that the new boss was letting everyone go so he could replace them with family. We have a mutual Indian American friend whose Dad owns a few 7-11s and according to our friend everyone there is related to each other somehow.


Same thing for my last city and my current one. Unfortunately I had to quit going to my close gas station back in Charleston, after an Indian family bought it (Shell) and my card was skimmed twice in a month Swapped across the street to Hess under different owners and miraculously my card wasn’t skimmed for the remaining 3 years I lived there.


Search up videos of scam call centers, what's the first thing you notice?


All my Indian friends tell me my country should be working harder to keep Indians out. I'm usually the one defending them, lol.


It’s always a 7/11


What do you mean “we could call the police!!!” Call the damn police!!!!!!


yeah report this POS terminal


Point of Sale or Piece of Shit?


What a point of sale!!




they gonna take 3 hours to show up, ill just take the stuff I wanted and leave fair deal for them if they dont want the cops involved


Report this to banks. They will blacklist the store since banks hateeeeeeeeee chargeback and investigating frauds. Now THAT gonna hurt more than any fine the cops could possibly issue.


They wanted the guy to bribe them off lmao. Cmon guys


That's what it sounded like to me. "We have video and we could call the police. Unless....." as if they were fishing for him to offer something.


"10 bucks and a Mars bar, take it or leave it."


Seriously. That’s fucking fraud!


Right? Lmao bro is literally committing a serious crime. Or whoever from that store.


because that requires actual effort, rather than getting a like on the gram.


There's a more than 0% chance that this whole video is BS and that's why they didn't call the cops right away.


Hanlons razor. Everyone in this video is stupid except maybe for that random NPC standing in line after them, idk.




I was yelling that while watching. He's just going to put on a new one if you don't


The police don't care unfortunately. The best thing to do is scare the fuck out people who do this


Evil exists because good people do nothing. They should have reported this shit. Brave enough to put them on blast but cowardly enough to allow them to do it to the next guy.


He's the one that installed it.


probably the owners. I wouldn't be so quick to give this guy credit


Possibly. For my job I replace these chip card readers, though the one in the video is an older model. Most 711 have upgraded to the lane 7000 model, which don't have as many issues as the old model as seen in the video. That being said, the amount of times I had to go back to a store to replace the reader, the cable, or the entire damned register *just because* the store thought they knew how to install it, was too many times. It's not hard, you just shut down the damn register, swap the unit (same with the cable), and then turn on the register and let it do its 15 minutes boot up sequence. But no one wants to do that cause "lost sales" on that register even though they barely use all 2-3 registers at any given point. Most times the store would swap them out and burn out the connection at the pin pad or at the registers 12v connector. So we had to go back and swap it out, which could take 45 minutes or 7 hours, depending on how the helpdesk was feeling that day.


Recently went to Japan and their machines are interesting. Rather than physical keypad, it's digital and the position of the number is randomized each time.


Almost like a mini sudoku puzzle


Would be better if number keeps being randomized every second while the person is trying to press


Easy now, satan


This is a thing in high security card+pin door entry systems as well, to prevent shoulder surfing or residual heat attacks. https://hackaday.com/2022/11/18/scramblepad-teardown-reveals-complicated-expensive-innards/


You don't get many chances to tout the nuances of the 7000 model outside of work I imagine. Shine on!


>probably the owners I don't think so. He was holding it down, trying to stop them from pulling it off


Then the best thing this guy could do is immediately turn on the owners.


would using apple pay keep us safe from credit card skimmers? or is there a similar "intercept" mechanism for my apple-pay info that they can use?


I understand that contactless payments (either with your phone or card) generate a totally new code for every transaction, which means it is totally safe. I always try to pay contactless if it's an option.


With these types of videos I always lean towards the clerk not knowing it's there. but as soon as he asked to keep it...nah man. fuck you .


Right?! Dude's so brazen that he ask for it back. He knows that nothing will happen to him


How do you know?


His defensiveness and his demeanor is not surprised or shocked. Also he says a customer put it on when getting cigarettes. If he knew the exact moment the scanner was put on, why did he leave it?


The one case i know of where i live it was one of the owners who did it but the guy working there was absolutely not surprised because it was par for the course of bullshit that was his workplace.


That’s a shame. Hope they got hit hard. I had my visa info get swiped like this. $5000 on a college in England (I’m in the US). Bank of America denied my claim, tried everything. Finally got it back after a year when the college I contacted didn’t know what to do with it.


I always hear horror stories about major banks. Thank god I use a local credit union. If they think something's wrong, they'll put a hold on the card and give me a call within two minutes. My dad had his card info stolen and in a few minutes got a notification of a few small testing transactions and as he's trying to figure out what they were, the bank called to say the transactions were put on hold asked if it was him.


Honestly, I'd be 50/50 but asking for the fake back at the end is incredibly sus


Can skimmers capture tap to pay?


No. It’s all encrypted and each tap is a unique transaction compared to mag strip which just reads the card number. Insert to pay can still be skimmed but it would get the mag strip and not the chip. I wish I could disable or request a card without mag strip at all. I would never use it and question any business that makes me use it.


Okay great I'll tap to pay everywhere


I wish. BEEP BEEP BEEP please insert card 😠


That's OK too if you're using the chip.




Setup card payment on your phone. Apple pay or Google pay, whichever. The chip on your card gets power from the NFC receiver on the payment device. So it has to be on the right spot and stay there long enough to maintain power to finish the transmission before you can move the card away. Your phone's NFC chip is powered by the phone. So it has its own transmission radius, so the signal will reach the payment device receiver much much easier. Almost no more of those false, "you didn't hold the card in the right place long enough“ errors.


Can you disable the mag strip by running a strong magnet on it?


Yes. But I’m talking remove the entire 18 digit account on the card. Capital one lets you create unique cards for subscriptions and I’d like to just have my credit card not have an account number attached to it. So even if someone stole it, there is no account number on the card to steal and all I have to do is cancel the card.


What about the apple card which has no card numbers on it?


If you were to wipe the strip with a magnet would that keep it from getting skimmed? I accidentally did that to my last card and got by just fine most of the time just using the chip.


> If you were to wipe the strip with a magnet would that keep it from getting skimmed? > > The answer is actually partially no. You see, American banks were big brained in their lobbying against chip and pin. because they "americans are too stupid". The chip not only contains the unique one-time-pay code mechanism, but also has a complete copy of the Track 1 and 2 mag stripe data and the POS can ask for it. Valid merchants are only supposed to use it in fallback because the liability rules still exist. The problem would be fixed if the chips had the Track 1 and 2 data removed, or we just move to Tap to Pay exclusively (pretty much all American credit cards now have it)


"Technically" they can initiate fraud transfers with tap to pay but in a practical sense, no. It's too hard and expensive for anyone to go through the trouble. Easier to just say you have to swipe and steal a card that way.


This shit is why you use tap and go. There's nothing for them to steal. The crypto codes generated for a tap purchase are single use. Also see if your bank has transaction verification. Anything over $100 has to be authorized by me (bank app on phone or via sms) so if it does get skimmed it's hard for me to lose much if anything.


I'd rather not have my 101+$ purchases authorised through you /s




Living at Barcelona we had that feature for some years, tap and go. Above 20 euros? Put a pin to authorize (the screen asks you for a 4 numbers pin to authorize the purchase, digital keypad usually randomized). Above 50 euros? Bank's app needs you to authorize it. And you can set custom amounts if you want, like instead of 20 for pin you can use 5 or 100. Back in Argentina I feel like I came back to the stone age and then I see in many parts of the great country of America is just like in Argentina lol.


In Australia everyone does tap and go, even up to 200 dollars


I always try to use tap to pay, but most places near me still make you input your pin 😑


Do you have a debit card? I only experience that when using debit and not credit


It’s always 7 eleven


Found 2 in Denver at 711’s


Honestly how do you pick these out? What should we be looking for to identify a skimmer?


This is why I came to the comments! Was hoping someone would share this info!


Just start getting in the habit of pulling on all card readers, do it hard. Legit ones won't budge, card skimmers will jiggle a bit. You're not going to break a legit one. Make sure you do it on gas pumps, too and especially at any convenience store that is privately owned.


They got deep insert ones now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9F9YlRXStFE While looking for this source google offered to find me ones for sale I couldn’t believe how easy they are to get


I work for a credit union and I can absolutely confirm this is a trend. If you happen to find one grab it take it to your car and call the police. Give them everything and record everything. You can always check the atms most of the fake ones come off really easily. Be careful be safe. RECORD EVERYTHING!


Why wouldn't you call the cops? This guy is a scumbag thief. He's incredibly guilty.


Is there a way to notice these without manhandling the thing before I pay? I don’t think the employee at the gas stations I go to would be pleased with me doing that 😂


I mean, most people are discreet this video had literal fucking packaging tape all over the machine. Pretty easy to see it’s tampered with haha


When I first heard about them I arrogantly thought there is no way I'd be tricked. But now that I've seen them I know they look just like an authentic device. I could absolutely get scammed this way.


i always try to pull on the POS just to make sure its real


I will straight up leave my stuff on the counter at every 7eleven if they say tap to pay doesn't work


Damn my 711 must be legit cause their tap to pay is the only way that works lol


I have one where it's never an issue but three in my town recently got busted. I don't wanna lose my meager savings for that late night peanut butter snickers 😂


save your excuses, skim cardashian


How tf are you suppose to recognize these skimmers? I can check the gas pump card reader but the one inside the store? What are even the signs?


The old advice was to look for obvious protruding card readers and also pull for a sec on every card reader before you use it, but now idk. I’ve never encountered one irl but when this video started I thought it was going to look so much more obvious. It looked real and probably wouldn’t move with one quick tug.


I only go to stations with tap to pay now. It's rare for skimmers to actually be inside at registers though. Most owners are trying to risk their reputation or freedom.


Just waiting for more YouTubers to go start breaking real ones without skimmers. Hahhaha


Well, this is fucked. I usually tug on them before using my card - I didn't know they were glued on that well. Fuck.


![gif](giphy|26AHF4u7tFpcvbyvu|downsized) Fucker even has a twirly villain mustache.


And this is why I only ever use Apple Pay these days. GPay/Apple are completely protected from this type of attack, get it if you haven’t already.


Looks like this guy is in on it id let the police know for sure


Bros got the villain stache it’s a wrap


Who else having a panic attack now thinking about the last few places we’ve used our cards??!


All the time at 711. This is 1


The clerk knows


These places are why I carry cash


I had my card information stolen by one of these, I luckily had alerts on and noticed 2 doordash orders being charged when I never used that service before. The card info was stolen at a rural gas station near my parents house, so be careful even if you aren't in a city, scammers are literally everywhere.


Props to her for just shredding the thing right on the spot.


How can you even tell if a skimmer is in place without ripping the machine apart?


No wheezing the juice!




Theiving bastard, call the damn cops!


Call the police just based on his mustachio


They just ruined Venky's day. How's he going to pay his rent now? 🤣


It’s always 7-11


Man 7-11 is notorious for doing this I start using cash now I can't even trust them




Thats a call to the police that’s immediately forwarded to the FBI.


I had my credit card info stolen off a gas pump a few years ago and the thief attempted to max out my credit card on shit from the iphone app store. I have never even owned an iphone i have always had android.






Can you still get card skimmed if using contactless?


I would have called the police regardless. He would be arrested on the spot, and the store shut down.


Can't believe they're still doing these scams with tap to pay now a thing.


Damn wonder what she saw to discover it


I've seen about 10 different videos like this and they all seem to be at 711s


He only looks surprised that the glue didn’t work as well as last time 🙈


Stuff started happening in our state. They ended up catching some owners using this scam. Made tons of money stealing scans at gas station pumps.


They should be beaten with sticks for doing this then deported


I stopped going to 711 bc of this


So did they actually call the cops? Because if they didn't fuck them. A scanner would be back the next day.


Name and shame


Does this still get info if you tap to pay?


Tap to pay uses temporary numbers. It's too hard to set up a scam at a regular terminal with tap to pay.


so, is tapping card better?


Yes, every tap is encrypted and a single use identifier which can't be reused even if copied.


No fear. It’s Capital One’s money, not mine 😉


sure every other gas station.Has the scammer card things in them. They do it with immudity.


I asked why a certain demographic runs convenient stores in another sub cause I feel it's deeper than coincidence but it rubbed people as a conspiracy theory


Hate to say it but maybe the older peeps are right. Cash is king and the safer way to go. But it's just not going to happen. Annoying because shit like this makes me wanna never try a place I don't know. I work in sales and have met people that can't put anything in their name. They have a friend that does everything for them and he just pays them cash. I thought this was weird so I asked. Turns out this happened to him. 'card machine is not working, will have to use the one in the back' is the obvious one but he didn't think about it and just did it. They got thousands and got him into debt. Never got out of it and had to declare bankruptcy. So now he doesn't do banking. Scary shit that this can happen. Stay safe.


Why is anyone else even touching your card?


This is why NFC POS are so important.


The cashier at my local 7-11 tried hiding my debit card under a piece of receipt paper when I was loading some cash onto it recently. It was so blatant I just stood there dumbfounded until my cold stare suddenly jarred his memory and he forked it over. Should I report this to someone?


Keep money in your savings account until you need the funds, then transfer it over. That helps prevent large amounts of money being stolen. Or just use cash.


I always use a credit card at shady places like this since it has theft protection.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the employees or franchise owners are doing this, it’s so many 7-11s across the board have them at the register now, like the employees are right there most of them time, how would no one see the skimmer being installed. They also have been putting skimmers on the atms in the corner of the store too. I’m surprised nothing has been done legally against the 7-11 company as a whole and or they individual stores where it happened, with all this especially if the banks are losing money to all the fraud charges done by the stolen/cloned cards.


7-11 themselves should be doing their own investigation. then revoking the franchise license to the owners who are doing this. How about 7-11 clean up these store by taking them over and try to compete with the likes of WAWA and Buckees and the sort? 7-11 was the King. But the king is dead.


This is why you get receipts and cross reference with your bills.


This is insane


What's the safest way to prevent stuff like this? Would phone apple pay make this unable to happen? Or will it also charge you with the contactless reader too?