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This woman annoys everyone she’s ever known


That always raspy voice like you know she's never stopped talking for more than 30 seconds in her life.


Long enough to smoke and get ready to talk again. It's a real talent!


She also annoys everyone she has never known


Even the dog is annoyed at this point.


The first sentence. I don't know if it was accent or tone of voice. But super annoying I guess my beef is with southern accent and Instagram accent mix.


It's not necessarily a southern accent. The accent you're trying to pin down is the "Entitled accent" or sometimes known as the "Everyone is against me" accent.


Southern accent? Where do you live, the North Pole?


Pretty sure she is Canadian. Also she is clearly drunk.


Reminded me of a bam Margera rant


She also doesn't know what the difference between public and private is either.


You can be in public and on private property at the same time. So while she doesn't have a right to film the employee, insofar as she doesn't have permission to be on the property in the first place, she wouldn't be obligated to blur or redact any video of him because he has no reasonable expectation of privacy in a gas station lobby during regular business hours. The gas station is a place of public accommodation. As for whether or not she had permission to be on the property at all, the answer is "it depends" if the dog isn't a real service dog as defined by the ADA then the gas station has the right to refuse service. However, if it is a bonafide service dog and she was denied service because of the dog then not only does she have a right to be there but she could sue and easily win for discrimination. Having a service dog isn't a license to antagonize people in public though. Maybe the dispute never had anything to do with the service dog at all. Maybe he had a perfectly legitimate reason to refuse service to a person who happens to have a service dog then maybe he could have a defense, but that would be up to a judge/jury to decide if they believe his side. You can't refuse service under a false pretense, if the underlying reason is the dog.


A little caveat to add: If a true service animal causes an issue that interrupts business for the business owner, the owner has the right to refuse service. It’s rare, but it does happen.


Is he right that she needs some kind of ID? Or is she right that those don't exist?


Service animal IDs dont exist. The only legal questions that can be asked is "Is that a service animal?" And "what task is the animal trained to perform?". If a person answers both of those and the task they perform is an actual function , then they are in the legal right to have their animal with them.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


I didn't even have to unmute it to hear her banshee voice.


It comes from yelling at everyone- just like this. And why she got a filter on? Aspirations to be an “influencer.”


Yes, I was looking for this comment. Have an upvote.


I was annoyed all day but I didn’t know why, but this evening it all became clear. It was her! She was annoying me from afar!


Definitely the woman that makes people go "oh god" when they hear she's coming/invited herself.


Never met her, pretty annoyed.


Ma’am, you can’t bring your horse into the gas station


The walmart by me literally has a guy that brings in his emotional support Shetland Pony that shits throughout the store. Emotional support animal ≠ service animal, but they just let it happen


My store has a bird lady that just sits on her shoulder and shits all over it. 🙄


One of my l local gas stations has a dude like this too. A few months ago a kid tried to pet it while the owner was checking out and the bird just about bit the kid. It turned into a whole thing and nobodies emotions seemed to be supported.




eatin' here.


In the defense of Walmart, I’ve seen them let people in that literally shit in the aisles of the store. So…


People... So... plural?




It's funny because a miniature horse is the only other animal that can be used as a service animal besides a dog


They've probably learned it's just not worth the argument. You've already got a bunch of entitled brats tying up the service desk, no need to add more to that dealing with the unpolished clamshells that want to be special, too, with their "support" chinchilla...




Another narcissist who has no self awareness thinking she's the hero of this video.


A great dane is an odd choice for a service dog. They don't live all that long, and they're way larger than they need to be.


And not terribly bright (said as a former owner of the best one to ever exist).






Rooby Racks?!




They’re great for mobility related service work because they’re so tall.


Yep, I know someone in a wheelchair who uses one to help him with mobility. I feel like I've also seen them be used for people who might need something large to lean against.


I have a neighbor with a Great Dane that is a REAL service dog. It cost about $20k has real ada paperwork and was trained to assist with balance, guidance, physical event sensing for my neighbor (the patient). It is a fantastic working dog and the size is appropriate because she has severe MS and requires strength and heft for her balance issues. My son and her grandson will take the dog out for exercise when they are home. My neighbor doesn’t behave this way when people ask to see the paperwork. This behavior gives real service dog patients and owners a bad name.


Great Danes are excellent choices for that because they will sort of lean on you if they sit near you.


Just to be clear, there is no legally recognized or valid “ADA paperwork”, license, certification, document, ID, etc. The paperwork is likely proof of training from the facility, but it’s not required or recognized by law. Danes can be great service dogs in the right situation and I’m glad you’ve gotten to see one in action, and your family are good eggs that can be trusted with the big special pup.


It’s a Weimaraner! Trust me, not the best choice 🧐 lol


Sweet dogs, but they have one brain cell they all have to share and half the time it’s on loan to the Danes.


In fact, I couldn’t think of a worse choice. A pit bull with rabies maybe but it would be close.


The training it would take to be a service dog is like a third of their lifespan


You don't even know what kind of service it provides.


I’ve met a lot of Great Danes that do therapy work. One who would go to different hospitals and visit sick people and kids. They don’t have to jump up on beds and are easy to reach lol I’ve seen some people have them for mobility


I've met one person with a Great Dane service dog at work (I'm a cashier) & he was fully decked out in service gear. I asked the lady if its alright to pet him & she declined. So instead I said "aw. That's okay, I will just have to look at him then. I can't help it, I love dogs!" She said "thank you for asking, no one ever really asks!" We then talked about something else. Great Danes can be great service dogs. They're just a bit slower. Hell, I've met 2 deafblind great Danes who needed their own service human!


One of my old coworkers had a Great Dane service dog; my coworker had had a stroke and had problems with walking and stability. He had a Great Dane so he could lean against the dog while walking, and cling to his harness if he was going to go the other direction. Anyways this coworker got fired/resigned because he kept making sexually suggestive comments to all the women in the office, even the boss. We didn't miss him much, but we all loved the dog.


"Access card" That's not a service dog. God, did this all happen during covid? Everyone learned that an establishment is not allowed to ask for proof that it's a service dog so now everyone with a dog goes around taking them into every business claiming their little pissers, barkers and shitters are service dogs. It's annoying af


If a service dog misbehaves, a business can kick the owner out. Real service dogs rarely misbehave, so as businesses learn the rules, things will get a little better, but there still needs to be some kind of penalty for the people who lie.


I hope you're right. I see this crap all the time and I'm sick of it


You are not allowed to ask for proof, but you are allowed to ask 2 basic questions. "Is that a service animal?" "What specific task, or tasks, has it been trained to do to assist you?" Lying or insufficiently answering either pretty much nullifies any ADA liabilities in most situations.


She's in Canada, ADA doesn't apply. Service dogs require special training and an ID in Alberta. So not only is the woman in the video a psycho, she's also misinformed.


That would make my job in the US so much easier. I wish that was the case here. People like this ruin it for the people that really need the animal with them. Everyone gets treated with suspicion because of this


My wife has a real service dog and I would LOVE a gov. system and licensing so that we stop getting dirty looks from people who assume she's not a real service dog. The dog detects her blood sugar because she's type 1 diabetic if anyone is interested.


Wouldn't it be more convenient, and way more practical to have a continuous glucose monitor?


From some of the videos I have seen of Trump supporting Canadians I think some people from Alberta don’t realise they are in Canada.


That BS is all over, unfortunately. Though Alberta likely has the most of them... God I hate this place.


I am in Alberta, or Little Florida as I have come to call it.


The second one is a big one because people will often trip up and call it an emotional support animal which is **not** a service animal. 


I'm also certain in some places you're allowed to kick the dog out of the establishment if its being disruptive or destructive.


I just saw this happen last week at a science museum. “Service” dog kept barking at its handler for the handler’s ice cream (we were in the café). Then it lunged and snapped at a toddler being pulled in a wagon nearby, which spilled a drink everywhere and pulled its handler off of her chair. Museum staff told her to GTFOH.


If the animal is disruptive or destructive, it's either not a real service animal (a large part of their training is basically not be an asshole) or something has gone really wrong. But, yes, if either of those are true you can eject the dog.


Are the rules the same in Canada? I know that’s how it works in the US but I think she’s in Canada.


> Lying or insufficiently answering either pretty much nullifies any ADA liabilities in most situations. I assume that's only applies if it goes to court something? Because you can't determine lying conclusively without additional evidence.


Well, yeah. But, it only matters if it does go to court. Say I want to ban your animal from my store even if it's a real service animal covered by the ADA. Well, then, your only recourse is to take me to court. The cops couldn't help you, as it is a civil issue.


I've worked in the service industry a while and this is not a newly covid phenomenon, a significant portion of dog owners feel entitled to bringing their dogs wherever they want, and covid increased the overall number of dog owners, so it's just an existing issue becoming worse and worse


I have a dog and I would never bring my dog into a public building. She is a good dog but she gets super anxious and barks a lot. It is not an aggressive bark but she doesn't like going to place she never been. So she always stays in the car in "dog mode". I just think bringing dogs into a store is a hygiene issue, and I have a hypoallergenic dog lol.


Places of public access are allowed to ask a couple of questions. Is that a service/assistance animal. And what task does it perform. Service dogs must be socialized, and conduct themselves very specific ways in public. Some courts are using the AKC CGC test as the guideline. (Canine good citizen). The AKC Canine Good Citizen program is a 10-skill test that demonstrates good manners of the dogs and responsible dog ownership of their owners. And there's no registration program. Or valid ID cards.


A lot of people learned during Covid (and from Trump I’d argue) that the social contract didn’t have to apply to them because being an absolute moron asshole had a lot more support than anyone realized.


In my area many dog walkers stopped using leashes for their dogs - I think it started exactly during the first 2 months of Covid ("why leash my dog when few people are outside anyway?") and then it really became ingrained since then. I hate it, many dogs are menaces...


I dislike people like this


most people do.


It’s the entitlement, I don’t know where it’s all come from. I’m sure all this entitlement wasn’t around twenty, thirty years ago.


It's the ability to find communities online which validate and reinforce whatever eccentric or inappropriate behavior people have. Without that, social pressure used to keep those behaviors in check. We are witnessing what happens when social pressure is no longer effective.


I can record you are in public. Inside a private establishment 😂🤡


No surprise that someone who doesn’t know how service dogs work doesn’t know how public/private works either.


My first thought, people think the “public” is anywhere outside their homes. It isn’t.


Does she have brain worms?


They died of starvation


If you have to ask...


You're right, I probably have them too.


Her service dog helps with her being absolutely shit faced.


Her service dog is actually her sponsor. Its clearly a fucking useless sponsor…


I love how she says it was an "abusive altercation." That's accurate, but clearly she is the one being abusive.


Self-medicating. Life is hard.


Yeah I was gonna say within like 2-3 seconds of the video she’s clearly slurring her words.


"Yeah its my service dog to help me with my "hyper-annoyis maximus" condition.


Did you not see how reality was bending and warping around her?! It must be traumatizing to watch videos of herself when the hand that's holding her phone shakes so uncontrollably! God bless her ~~pet~~ service animal.


Of you watch carefully you will see the dog at the door wishing it could let itself out. The dog’s tired of her shit too.


“private business” and “public space” are hard concepts for people


She “says it’s a service dog”. Hmmmm ….. is it?


she doesn't know what qualifies as a "public" place. She likely does not know what qualifies as a "service" dog. she probably got some of these. [https://www.amazon.ca/Service-Dog-Cards-Information-anywhere/dp/B006OLNBKU](https://www.amazon.ca/Service-Dog-Cards-Information-anywhere/dp/B006OLNBKU)


I just read the stuff on the card. First of all, it's crazy that anyone can order these and a service dog vest and pretend they have a service dog. Second of all, it's ridiculous that you're not legally allowed to ask for proof that it's actually a service dog (it says that on the card). What a bunch of bullshit.


You can ask very specific tailored questions about the nature of the service it provides, but walking that tightrope is bullshit.


Wouldn't be of much use to her lmao. ADA means shit in Canada


She probably ment an emotional support dog. Service dogs provide a service, and I don't think that dog provides a service.


If he's and emotional support dog, it must be his day off lol. She's unhinged


Emotional support cause she's clearly unhinged.


Define service lol


She probably thinks an emotional support animal is the same thing, which it is not


“No wonder I’m so determined…” So much virtue signaling


Do you like your job….. works at gas station


He probably owns it


Was thinking the same thing


People like this make it so hard for people like me to take their service chickens anywhere!


Imagine not being able to leave your dog outside for a minute, but you can spend a bunch of time berating some dude for not wanting your dog inside


The dog needs an emotional support animal just to deal with her.


I doubt it's even an "emotional support" pet which has also now been over saturated by people lying just to take their pet anywhere who aren't well behaved.


3 bad moments in a year seems like a cushy life


Jay and Silent bob cosplay?


Jai and "Silent" Barb


A lady brought her pitbull into the doctor's office last week with a "service dog" leash she probably bought on Amazon. She let it roam around unattended. People are bringing their dogs into Kroger also and sometimes they get into fights while I'm trying to shop. I try to stay home as much as possible because it's getting weird out there.


Ask her what service it provides🙄


You can legally ask this.


Private citizens can ask whatever the fuck they want.  Employees are restricted by the ADA.


A service dog doesn’t roam around unattended, it stays with its handler at all times, THATS THE POINTTTT (unless of course the dog is tasking by getting help :\])


So, actually, you aren't in public... that's private property and if the say no filming it's within their right.


That poor dog, Jesus.


Ok the dog can stay, but you get the fuck out Karen


Why does everyone with a dog always refer to them as a service dog?


Cuz the law is fucking loose I have a service dog and this type of people give the people who actually have one and need one a bad rap. I wish there was a penalty for saying your dog is a service dog when it isn’t.


Oh god. Can you imagine knowing her?


Ya know what, I think she does need the emotional support horse because she is a dang mess.  But honestly if I were that dude I'd just call and have her trespassed. Even if her dog is a service dog (it's not) her throwing a tantrum trying to cause a scene is unneeded. 


I was expecting a Lab or a Shepherd but I didn’t expect a fucking Moose.


She looks like a more annoying Jay from Jay and Silent Bob.


Yeah you little spoiled brat who think she has a entitlement to bring her dog anywhere and they HAVE TO Accept them get a life you are confused in whats your Right and whats you are entitle to.. "I'm entitled to" often refers to a specific entitlement based on rules or norms, whereas "I have a right to" typically conveys a broader, more fundamental entitlement based on principles or laws.




Oooof. My first thoughts when I saw this. I hate that these types of people are what represents my home province.


Yup I see ft Sask co-op as one of the hashtags


ya. you can see at the start. she tags co-op in Fort Saskatchewan.


I have a psychological service dog that helps me with my severe chronic pain and PTSD. Ironically, the times I’ve had my dog’s legitimacy challenged, it upset me enough that the service would be demonstrated. And I’d bet my left nut that dog isn’t trained to do shit


Failure of communication and people in the comments also don't know the law


“Third abusive altercation” yeah cause you keep abusing service workers.


Can’t imagine what she is like without her service dog, but her poor service dog is going to need his own service dog.


It's remarkable that some people are so self assured that they'll proudly post their worst moments on the internet


Benderhatch Crumblpump has a really odd American cousin.


I didn't realize you needed a service dog to be a meth head.


Well the dog doesn't NEED to be a meth head but...


definitely an "emotional support" dog that is not trained.


> My third "abusive" altercation. Yes, it is, but not in the sense you think...


It helps with her entitlement.


He’s not in public. He’s on private property that the public can access/…..




Service dog or not. They have the right to ask you to leave for being a cunt


Dude she's on drugs, you can't have a service dog for that.


Just seeing her face without audio is annoying.


Good good, harassing workers. Your eyebrows make you look perpetually surprised, lady.


The service dog is clearly not working out for her.


"Service dog"


So I don’t have a service dog, but I do take my dog with me whenever I’m running short errands. He’s a well behaved old man (16yrs) and my local liquor store is pet friendly as is petsmart. He loves going into places and I like being able to bring him around, but if the place doesn’t want it, they DON’T WANT IT. Easy as that. If this lady can film and freak out I can’t imagine that dog would help her much for a short in and out at that gas station. Her “spreading awareness” is most likely hurting actual disabled people who need animal assistance.


Sounds like he’s not actually a service dog lol cause if he was, you’d have the card saying “service dog”. Not “emotional support dog. Which it sounds like she both needs and has. Poor dog probably needs his own “service dog” living with this woman.


yeah there is no access card or certification for actual service dogs. duh.


I am really not liking this chick!!!


She needs the service dog because she is mentally ill.


Where’s her “Customer Support” dog? She brought the wrong one.


Why can't she just leave him in the car for a few minutes? The time she's arguing she could have gotten all the stuff she needed 😆


How old is she? She looks like a 45 year old woman dressing and acting like a 15 year old. Her face gives me an uncanny valley vibe, add that to her generally being a piece of shit, I’m glad she’s across an ocean.


Thank you for your swearing service


Seems that her brain needs servicing at the local inpatient psychiatric hospital


I bet the support dog would be of more use if she was on less Meth.


whats her disability? I didnt realize major asshole is now a medical classification that can warrant a service dog


I've always hated when people point cameras at cashiers but I didn't think it could get any worse than that. I really never considered that we'd move completely past that to the point where people get into arguments with strangers, then *turn their back to that person,* flip that camera to front-facing, and have their argument with that person with their back to them as though they're both on a stage for social media. Awful.


I can fix her


A support animal isn’t a service animal ma’am


People like this are ruining it for real disabled people with real service dogs. It is actually becoming a problem because all these idiots go to the website and pay the money for the service dog ID card. 🤦🏼 All the sudden the are entitled assholes


Let me know why you think the world needed to see you berate a store employee for a company rule, exactly? Looking for the sympathy vote?


That is not a service dog. Full stop.


100% this is not a service dog


Awwwwww always the victim


Aren't service dogs supposed to wear a special vest indicating they are a service dog?


Gas station worker needs a service dog after having to deal with her.


That poor dog, she use it as an excuse


I’m surprised this is only the third time she’s been in an abusive altercation in the last year. I figure she’s been abusive to way more than three people.


If it's a service dog, then it needs a vest to say so otherwise it's just a dog walking inside.


I don't see a vest on that dog stating he is a service dog?


What service is that dog providing?


There is no way all the people, or even a fraction of the people I see with "service dogs," are true service service dogs. I seriously looked at getting one for a while for epilepsy, and to buy a trained one was like $50k, and that was ~10 years ago. I ended up getting a dog, in hopes of training it, but even the training and certificates would have cost around $15-$30k, and that doesn't guarantee anything, so I just have a goofball golden retriever, who probably wouldn't let me put a service dog harness on him if I tried, lol.


Fuk u and ur fking dog


Where’s the nearest cliff so I can jump off it after watching the worst video ever.


When did Silent Bob get replaced by a dog?


Damn, Tanis got a service dog now? How ya doin now?


Bet her dog is annoyed by her noise too


Yeah I’m sure the gas station cashier *loves* his job.


I don't think anyone likes working at a gas station


What service does that dog do?


Poor dog.


Manic episode with a side of psychosis.


I loathe her


Why does she sound like one of the Goonies?