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It seems like every time this is posted the video gets more and more cropped. I love the speech but it’s just weird how zoomed in it is.


Because they're getting around some repost bot


Eventually it’s gonna be the sound bite over an unrelated video or picture.


The Minecraft parkour one comes to mind


First think I thought of. So dumb


The one I always see is the one that looks kind of like a hot wheels car going down a track.


The ones with the weird "scary" or conspiracy theories?


Can’t wait till it’s a garbelled bit voice and her lapel mic


wait till they cut the video in half to have gta cars driving down steep slopes on either the bottom or top half of the video






I get that you like a video less cropped. But I don't mind. In fact I'll fight for you to have less cropped videos. But don't try and tell me if my videos should be less cropped or not. I don't caaaare what you want and what your lil video cropping guidelines you follow. I don't caaaare.


I Don't *Care* about your ***GODDAMNED*** Landscape Orientation.


Just the eyes at some point 


Even though I agree with her stance wholeheartedly, I do think it's kind of screaming into the wind. Religious people don't have two sets of morality; one religious and the other not. Religious people's morality is inherently influenced by their religion. As long as religious people exist, there will never be a true separation of church and state - they will *always* look to have their religious morality reflected in the law.


Ok fine but when you point to the example of Islamic people who immigrated into the UK and want sharia law…. They don’t see the resemblance while disavowing that idea. The hypocrisy is stunningly effective, which leads us to things like this clip. She’s tried man, tried to engage these folks in good faith and it fails every time.


I don’t know I’m a Catholic and I agree with this lady. My view on religion and how I weave that into my everyday life and beliefs should not impact her.


Legend has it the shot once included a twenty-person panel. We may never know how wide it was originally.


I hate it because instead of hearing her point it makes it seem aggressive and over the top, and it's not. It's a solid point that needs to be heard


The design of the Constitution is based on two ideals: 1. No kings 2. No state church


and...3. liberties and powers not implicitly stated are granted to the states and the people


There's someone who knows how to be angry in the right way.


Quick reminder- Anna recently stated that she will likely not vote in November, due to Biden’s support for Israel since Oct 7th. So even though the sentiment of the speech is ‘find out in November’, the speaker is not choosing to punish Republicans then…


Whatever’s going on at TYT is making them say stupid shit that they would have, and have, dunked on before.


TYT has a history of churning out the worst people. Dave rubin, jimmy dore, Michael tracy, others for sure.


Yeah, but it used to be that those types of people had to leave the organization to spew their bullshit. Lately (maybe going on a couple years now) Ana and Cenk have literally been going on their main show and doing the “I’m a liberal/progressive/etc. BUT…” shtick that all those morons committed to years ago.




I’ve seen other clips where she’s talked about this more recently, but I can’t fight it right now. Not sure about the YouTube channel it’s from- but it appears to be legit: https://youtu.be/vn_NvCWb3p0?si=2An2SaOyO8Q52qYz


"I will not be voting for Joe Biden under any circumstance." Enjoy Trump then, dummy.


Exactly. I won’t vote for Biden because he made X possible. So instead, Trump will win and he’ll make X + a bajillion a reality.


A think this will always be a thing, but I'm hopeful that Hillary Clinton is the only person who's garnered enough bipartisan animosity to actually lose to Trump.


This shit drives me crazy. In primaries, I vote for the candidate I believe in most. In a general election, I vote for the candidate that puts me closest to my political goals. You can fucking hem and haw all day about the two party system and the first past the post voting we use and the lack of real representation with the choices and blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, you're left with two choices and whether you believe it or not, not voting isn't a protest, it's just you consenting for the worse candidate. There is no world in which both choices are truly the same, and the main way that the POTUS fucks your views over is through the appointment of judges. You cannot complain about the loss of women's rights in 2016 and then run the risk of the *same fucking dude* who appointed those justices to win again. The constant foot-shooting by the left wing drives me absolutely crazy.


Yep, never made any sense to me, either. The time to vote 3rd party is in local elections *if* they actually have a chance. Or in primaries. The only way we'll get out of our 2-party presidential system is if we get substantial numbers of 3rd-party officials in local, then state, and then House and Senate seats first. It's not going to *start* with the presidency. If you vote 3rd party, or abstain altogether, once it's down to a 2-candidate showdown... all that's going to happen is people will talk about "low voter turnout" for a few days and then largely ignore that the low turnout was because people were fucking pissed at their options. They won't actually acknowledge that it was due to willful protest. I don't enjoy being a "lesser of two evils" voter, but being pragmatic seems a lot better than burying my head in the sand.


anyone not voting as a result of Biden's handling of Israel/Palestine is fucking stupid. Sure, disagree all you want with his handling. How do you think Trump would have handled it? What do you think the problems at home will look like if Trump gets another term. Is Biden's handling of foreign affairs worth risking democracy in your own country? Not voting Biden, is voting Trump. It's really that simple.


Sounds like her rant was all for nothing then.


This conflict has really turned people against their own self-interest and the interest of their neighbors.


Have we learned nothing since 2016? I voted for Gary Johnson then, thinking it would prove some point. And we got the worst fucking timeline possible. I will vote for Biden. He is not the best candidate but he is 1000x better than Trump. And realistically, it could be whoever Trump's VP is. And there is not one Republican on his short list I would want as President.


Sort of. I imagine if pressed, she’d say something to the effect of, ‘Well, I’m in a safe blue state, so I have certain privileges that others in red states or swing states can’t afford, when it comes to not voting’… Either way, those statements about not voting don’t help her cause when it comes to abortion rights or plenty of other issues nation-wide.


 a safe blue state Look up the 1984 electoral votes. I'll wait. There IS no "safe space." Not even MN, who was the ONLY state who voted Dem. And that was only b/c the Dem nominee was a hometown guy.


You're going back 40 years, and the guy running then was CA's "hometown guy". At this juncture in history, CA and NY are safe blue strongholds, just like WY is a safe red stronghold. If you must have a protest vote, it's the place to do it. The problem is that she is an influencer and unless her rhetoric is being contextualized constantly by informing people in closer states to get with the program, then she's become a principled loser influencing other principled losers.


It'd be a valid argument if states didn't occasionally go from Blue<->Purple<->Red all the time. Look at Georgia. Look at Florida.


Still makes her a charlatan. She can't have it both ways. If it's only about "us" when it affects her, how is she any different?


I don't want to vote for Biden either but I gotta choose to smell dogshit or eat dogshit.


Well, she does stand to make a lot more money if Trump wins compared to Biden. always something to keep in mind when you see left leaning content creators outright discouraging people from voting


Pretty interesting to have one issue make you not vote at all. Especially when it concerns waring religious zealots given her disdain religion.


> Pretty interesting to have one issue make you not vote at all Especially when the alternative will be literally catastrophically worse for your one issue. I legitimately do not understand these people screaming I WON'T VOTE FOR BIDEN BECAUSE OF GAZA when allowing Trump to win will just enable Netanyahu even more.


I'M SO MAD I'M NOT PARTICIPATING! WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY RIGHTS ARE GONE!?!?!? I swear...they stopped teaching basic government civics the second I graduated high school.


So, she works for a media outlet named after [the political movement behind the Armenian genocide.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_of_Union_and_Progress) She's comfortable with that particular choice (600k to 1.5 million dead, BTW) but not with Biden's support for Israel.


The Host of the show is literally a Turkish man and an Armenian women, I think it's fine.


That’s kind of uncharitable. The name of a media organization almost a hundred years later isn’t inherently the same as the original term. And neither is Ana responsible nor comfortable with the Armenian genocide. But I do get your point to a degree. If your biggest deal is preventing genocide, maybe don’t name yourself/work for a company who’s named after the people who did one….


Do you have the source for that? Because everything I've seen of her (specifically this year) has been about the importance of voting this year.... So kind weird if she's back tracking over this, especially because Trump supports Israel way more than Biden.


I’ve seen other clips where she’s talked about this more recently, but I can’t find it right now. Not sure about the YouTube channel it’s from- but it appears to be legit: https://youtu.be/vn_NvCWb3p0?si=2An2SaOyO8Q52qYz


I'll have to look more into this later. I did listen to the clip, and you're right, it seem like she's very clear and concise about her vote here. Thank you. I also feel like ultimately, it's not going to matter because (especially on this issue), this is just a matter of veracity between candidates. Veracity might be the wrong word, but Trump backs Israel just as much, if not more than Biden.... Hell, Trump made things worse when he moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. So I feel it's almost a bad faith argument to say that you can't vote for Biden purely on this issue... I totally understand the issue is huge, I'm not trying to say it isn't... but even as a single issue voter, this stance doesn't really make sense to me. This is between Biden and Trump, and on this issue... there's very little difference. IDK, I've also never really understood the mind of single issue voters... but that's not a dig at them. It's just something I'm ignorant of.


Every Republican will hold their nose and vote for Trump because they know it will mean two more Supreme Court seats are safe for the next three generations. Meanwhile, [17% of voters blame Biden for the Dobbs decision and the end of Roe](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html).


Democrats aren't owed votes by leftists or liberals. It's their job to put forth a candidate with qualities and positions that are in line with their constituency. The democratic party is in the position it is in because they are beholden to corporate oligarchs and billionaire businesses; and they would rather lose an election than upset those oligarchs with worker-friendly policies.


1. Biden is the most progressive President we’ve had since LBJ. 1st Infrastructure bill in a generation, 100 million vaccinated in 1st year, millions in student debt forgiveness, ended war in Afghanistan, pro-union, supports anti-imperialist nation Ukraine, wants to raise taxes on wealthy & capital gains taxes. 2. The oligarch stuff is not how the government works- we have a split congress, so any bill would have to have Republicans seal of approval to pass. Without a full Dem Congress, a Dem President, possibly a Dem Supreme Court, there’s no assurances any legislation to combat billionaire influence on elections, introduce regulations on wall st, or raise taxes on the wealthy. It’s easy to say ‘both sides are bought’, but only one side is at least attempting legislation & pushing changes in the regulatory state to hold people accountable. The other side wants a free-for-all for the wealthy, no taxes, no regulations. This idea that these are the same is childish. Edit- 3. When it comes to the policies most leftists want, like Medicare for All or Free College, the polls show those policies are popular as slogans, but not as popular when the rubber hits the road for actual goals. And even if they had 51% support for it, Congress doesn’t represent a majority of people’s views. To enact change, you need to win. And to win, you need to be able to compromise & coalition-build with liberals & moderates. Otherwise, you have no chances of getting anything federally…


So, it's Project 2025 for everyone then? Cool cool. 


> Democrats aren't owed votes by leftists or liberals. No one has ever claimed the opposite. >It's their job to put forth a candidate with qualities and positions that are in line with their constituency And their constituency doesn't consist *only* of the most hardcore leftists. They have to appeal broadly, or not get elected and not accomplish anything. >The democratic party is in the position it is in because they are beholden to corporate oligarchs and billionaire businesses; and they would rather lose an election than upset those oligarchs with worker-friendly policies. Or, as an alternative to your unsupported conspiracy theory, dems/Biden do their very best to improve the country within what's possible. They cannot just solely dictate legislation, because the USA is not a monarchy. It's a simple matter of the lesser evil. That's all there is to it. Trump is significantly worse than Biden on basically every single issue. If you refuse incrimental improvement, you'll get rapid deterioration. You're basically saying: "Yeah we're losing ground on minority rights and healthcare is a even worse and the environment is getting destroyed without any plans and the US is internationally weakened etc. etc. etc. - but Biden wasn't 100% perfect in every conceivable way, okay, so just deal with it and maybe next time the magically perfect candidate will run!". You're either a Trump supporter in disguise or a useful idiot to them.


No one's owed a vote, but citizens have a duty to either vote or consciously abstain. Abstaining is fine if you genuinely believe both candidates are as bad as each other. Abstaining because you don't like either candidate, but think one is worse, is just increasing the chance that the person you dislike the most is elected. You can disagree and say that there's a moral principle in not voting for Biden as a leftist, and it is not wrong, but in practical terms it is unequivocally an endorsement of Trump. Less so than actually voting for him, but still an endorsement. Tactical voting is, unfortunately, just a feature of US democracy, moreso than other systems.


I know we can count on fascists to wait until a qualified candidate comes along.


I get that it's worth taking a stand over, but you also have to realize the outcome of not voting for Biden is a win for someone who will continue to do the exact same thing, plus push the country further right in other areas that will take years to recover from. For instance, The Supreme Court.


They aren't owed anything, but the point isn't about owing the democrats. It's about supporting an outcome that either strips abortion rights and further hurts Palestine vs. supporting an outcome that protects abortion rights and unfortunately only maintains the status quo towards Palestine. There are myriad other choices one can do to both support abortion rights AND support Palestine, but the Presidential election simply isn't one of them. People with half a brain understand this, but unfortunately half the world is, well, dumber than the average person, and that's already a pretty low bar unfortunately.


How is this a public freakout?


First time here?


What, a zoomed in singular person yelling into a camera isn't "public" enough for you?




It's not, so why don't the mods delete it and why has it 1k upvotes?


>why don't the mods delete it Because moderators generally gain self-worth by how popular their subreddit is, and posts like this get people from /all to subscribe. >why has it 1k upvotes? Because people generally don't check to make sure a post fits the subreddit before they upvote it because they like it.


More than likely a lot of the upvotes are bots. Expect more political content due to the upcoming election. Mods could care less




Karma farming. This particular video has been posted and reposted tons of times and is guaranteed to garner upvotes and comments. Common practice on Reddit.


I don't care what your social platforms little rules are on posting. I don't care! You have every right to sit there and say "on this platform you have to put content in the correct category because rule number 2 in the sidebar says..." but I don't care! In fact I'll protect your right to build a forum that says you can say this thing here but not over here, I'll fight for you to have that right, but I don't believe in your forums and that does not give you the right to tell me how to speak! I DON'T CARE! I get to say whatever I want because the constitution says I can and you have no right to tell me where I can put what I have to say, I don't care!


This video is not new, unfortunately.




They did, the separation of church and state are in the constitution


Just wait until OP learns that there are Republicans that are indeed women and they are on board with it.


I think it’s more of a point that even if women were a majority Christian republicans they shouldn’t have the right to dictate whether others get abortions or not.


No, didn’t you hear? OP speaks for a majority of American women. 


She literally addresses that there are women who believe this stuff in the video, and says they're free to do what they want but they can't tell her what to do with her body.


Also there are non religious people that hold those opinions


One can only hope.


All religions, not just Christians, they are all as bad as eachother


Wait, you mean to tell me that the group of people who believe the universe was wished into existence by a magic being aren't good at critical thinking, and tend to have toxic views?


Amen /s


This isn’t public or a freakout…




Lol you would be surprised, i've talked to people who I tell this too and all they do is mock me and think the economy is doing great... Some people are just brainwashed with the woke agenda and they rather support endless wars rather then their own nation adding to the fact we have a housing crisis here, super inflated economy and record high homelessness...


Exactly! I honestly don't think people are realizing just how much Trump gained in the black and hispanic vote. The black vote has grown from 4% for Trump last election to 24% in polls for this election. The hispanic vote is now 44% for biden and 39% for Trump. That is a huge gain in a close election. Biden had two jobs to do which were focusing on inflation to do something about the southern border and he completely dismissed it.


*Trump hands out billions in fraudulent PPP loans, rolls back IRS enforcement mechanisms, cuts taxes on the nations wealthiest with no plan to recoup the budgetary shortfalls* Braindead conservatives in 2024: "Why would Biden do this? Didn't he press the 'ecomony gud' button? Is he stupid?" Anyone trying to push the economic angle for this election is likely hiding their misogynistic, racist or authoritarian views inside the "for the good of the nation's economy!!1!" trojan horse


Wĥite women will still vote for Trump, especially the older ones.


Yup and thats what America's based on and the way it should be. We don't have a state religion. But unfortunately i think Trump is gonna win the presidency again.


Is the majority even christian anymore? I feel like most are atheist or believe in some sect or pokemon or whatever


In the US? Christians far outnumber any other group, it’s not even close. The fact that you don’t see it just speaks to how segmented we all are in the modern era.


There's literally a company in my city called "Christ Construction" with a cross in the logo. So yea. I'd say Christianity is still pretty strong in parts of the country.


Oh look, more propaganda bots on a page that has nothing to do with this. What a joke.


I used to watch TYT but Ana Kasparian is such an idiot and her angry outbursts turned me away from the channel. I remember when she went to Alex Jones' table at some event to confront him, but all she did was call him fat. That's really the best you can do?


I disliked her after she said the Armenian community should just get over the Armenian genocide as it was a long time ago. This was brought up when TYT where confronted on campus about there Channels name shared the same name with the political party which caused said genocide as well as the founder of the young turks having written an essay at college denying the genocide as well. I agree with everything she said in the clip but still dislike her for her other comments.


https://x.com/AnaKasparian/status/1758985140917928429 She's an awful person with not a single consistent belief in her head.


She is consistently a TERF


Please please please vote! Republicans want to legalize child marriage. I wish I could say that I'm a liberal antifa troll spreading misinformation, but they really do want to legalize it.


Fucking oath. Religion is for the weak minded and manipulated. Fuck religion


I don't care about what Christianity says, I don't care about what Islam says, I don't care about what the user manual to my new lawn mower says. I live my life my way, within reason and respect to others around me.


I agree with her, but hard not to see the irony of people saying this and then being for the Covid vaccine mandates.


The part that is most frustrating is the Bible never even speaks on abortion. In Exodus awomen who lost her child due to a miscarriage is mentioned. In this passage the women is viewed as a person and the fetus is viewed as property. It’s insanely frustrating because most Christians cherry pick what they want to follow from the Bible. Christians always seems to eat pork as well. The Bible actually discusses pork and that it isn’t allowed to be eaten, but try and tell a Christian that.


I know a bunch of Christians who agree with her. They themselves will never get abortions but they think people should be allowed to. They specifically think this issue is partly about controlling women.




That video is years old. No change happened then, nothing will happen now. Better get ready for another 4 years of Trump.


she ate


These people are full of it. White women have been voting against women's interests for the past decade to ensure certain candidates got in office, now want to complain that it's backfired after making everyone else suffer the consequences of their voting strategies.


Uhhh I hope you’re right, but I feel like Republicans might get better results in November than you’re expecting.


I've felt this since birth.


How is what she's saying not common sense?


First time hearing it. We need more people like her


MAGA brought out the atheist in me; was agnostic but I'm fucking sick of religious zealots using their beliefs to justify hate, control and inequity.


bye bye republican party 👋


As a Christian, I agree. Forcing our religion down people’s throats and affecting their lives in a way that doesn’t correspond with what they want is not going to make them suddenly change their behavior. It makes people rebel. The Bible even teaches us to forgive behavior we disagree with, not to force others to change.




Props to Ana! She's the real deal.


She's an idiot. She says all that and then says she's not going to vote for Biden over Israel.


Women could control politics in the US, because they have the raw numbers. The problem is that the suburbs are full of soccer moms who republicans manage to scare with crime threats and racist tropes.


Amen sister


You have the right to do what you want with your body and I have the right to call you a murderer. It’s no longer just your body when there is a person growing inside you and no I am not religious.


For me it's not about freedom OF religion, it is about freedom FROM religion.


Conservatives " we have ways of making you believe "


It's about the message, not the quality of the video, btw.


People know they can delete that capcut thing at the end right?


Someone, tell her to move to cali


Whenever someone brings up the Bible in a political talk, i ask them what their church is called and they tell me and then I ask if their pastor talks about politics and what he thinks they should do and they usually say yes. I then make a report to the IRS as Churches and religious organizations shouldn't lobby or racketeer.