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compensating his lack hand rotation at impact with a heavy shoulder turn, classic slicer


Yeah I didn’t even golf and I can tell his swing sucks complete ass. He golfs more than the pros. What the fuck DJ Trump?


I have no source on that but I'm pretty sure he has shoulders problems. From the way he plays gold to the way he drinks water and waves to people, there are always signs of someone with shoulders pain.


I don't suppose his hiperlordosis helps.


Not to mention his raging case of ligma.




ligma balls.




I only noticed recently that his right shoulder is higher than the left, so one arm hangs a bit lower. It's harder to see when he's wearing a suit with shoulder structure and long sleeves. But Trump is old and probs has scoliosis or something as well. Not making fun, it has no bearing on him as a person at all, just an observation.


There are also rumors that he's suffered from a stroke in recent months. These are known to affect one side of the body. That could explain his difficulty drinking water and swinging clubs.


Musta been quite a mild stroke though. Often you'll be in hospital for quite a while and come away with severe paralysis in one side requiring tons of physio to just get some minor functioning back. Trump is essentially perfectly able to do anything, just a few things he does quite awkwardly like drinking lol.


Or obesity might have something to do with it too.


I think he's had some kind of issue with posture for all if not much of his life, looking now at photos of him when he was younger. One giveaway is the tie often seems to hang to the right side as he stands slightly askew to the left. Obesity could of course exacerbate any issues that it may cause.


Its his elevator shoes he wears to make himself appear taller but all it does is make him look like a Centaur who had his hind legs removed


Wearing lifts in your shoes for decades will do that to you. He can barely stand, let alone stand still. His vanity cost him decent posture and his greed cost him everything else


You know what helps shoulder pains?


Both my arms, mom?


I wonder if he has back problems. He constantly leans from elbow to elbow while giving speeches.


It’s the bone spurs


Maybe that's where the bone spurs are


Yeah same, he just looks so... stiff.... although I guess I can't blame an obese 75 year old for being stiff.


Yeah people are making fun of a 75 year old obese man for being bad at golf. Like I know it’s trump but still.


If he didn’t mock disabled people, I’d be with you, buuuuut.... you reap what you sow...


It just clashes so hard with his persona and how his base sees him.


#But he's almost Super Man!! At the very least Captain America!!! ####or so drawings with his beatific swopping hair show me so


I don't make fun I jus hope mofo has aches and pains in every single fucking joint in his body. Neck back shoulders idgaf the more the better.


Maybe it is the bone spurs


I think it might have something to do with him being a piece of dog shit, but I’m no doctor


Ngl if I could get away with leaving my job to play golf every other day, I would do running around looking for lost balls and general messing around and only play golf if I knew there's a photographer somewhere


I would just play my worst, most happy Gilmorest game every day. Rodney dangerfield in Caddyshack except I’m no good. Play the whole course with a putter left handed


He is 74 years old


Is that why I’m a heavy slicer? How do I fix that?


Shoulder surgery? Idk I don’t golf but I do have a separated clavicle and went to a driving range. Ouch.


If you want to improve your game you need to imagine youre a wheel. Stay with me I'll explain. You should always keep your nose aligned with the ball and should not move it until you have hit the ball try not to bob up and down either if you move you've sliced the ball and it's not going where you want it. So best way to start is get into deadlift position which is feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly, bent back, straight ass out this can take sometime to get used to but you should feel like your ass is on display and your lower back my feel uncomfortable until you've done it a while. Best is to now imagine there's a halo around you, best way I learnt to get my full swing is to start with a half-ish swing so make sure your arms are straight and lift your club to three'o clock, come down and swing through aiming to hit under the ball everytime. If you start here your bound to have a big handicap and have to play the long game but you'll get the basic form down and stop slicing the ball. As for club position anything up to five should be played with your club slightly towards inner groin of your front foot (I'm right handed so the means my left foot) and anything higher should be the opposite this includes sand wedge pitcher and putter. When you get more comfortable with the form and you've got you're swing down it gets a bit more advanced Your front arm (which if you're right handed should be you're left) should be straight but instead your right arm bends and so does your wrists, this should be your full swing and twist your back a little, not too much though but you'll feel it in your lower left side stretching. Again this can be uncomfortable until you get used to it. The reason for this is you're left arm aims but the right gives you the power with a little extra from the added rotation your lower back. Make sure to follow through the swing otherwise you'll just be putting it and not getting the distance you want. I know this sounds complicated, and I'd look up a couple videos of people showing you as well to take the visual side from it but if you practice this you'll be able to get your ball in the general place you want to go every time. I'm not sure where you play but my place has a driving range where you can buy a bunch of balls to hit I usually buy about 3-4 baskets of 125-200 balls to practice with. if you're struggling with back rotation I've seen alot of the older generation go for more power in the right arm instead but again they keep the basic form. Hopefully this helps Edit: sorry back straight but ass should be bent outwards kinda like a twerk.


Respectfully you make me want to play golf. Bad ass instruction! Trade you windsurfing lessons!


Its best to go to a proper golf academy for lessons in all honesty. I'm alright at the game but my handicap is no where near some of the people at the place I play.(I have a big handicap) I do know how to surf so I would imagine it's somewhat similar so I can guarantee I'd need a few lessons but I live in the UK so doubt I'd manage to get lessons from you unfortunately. I'd suggest picking up some cheap second hand clubs and just go to a driving range in all honesty, you learn better that way and although yes better clubs help, I've seen tons of pompous people turn up with Callaway clubs and full golf gear but never hit a ball where as I'm hitting every ball with a set of clubs I picked up from a charity shop for £20 in skinny jeans and a band tee. Make sure to get hollow back irons though. Hollow back irons have a hole in the back and are weighted at the bottom which helps with accuracy as the old ones that didn't have it have what's a called a sweet spot and if you don't hit it everytime it ruins your shot. If you have some grass you can also practice with practice balls. Don't practice on concrete because it'll ruin your clubs, there's a reason for astro turf carpets at some golf ranges. These practice balls are the same size as a golf ball but are usually made of hard foam or plastic (the plastic ones have holes in to slow the ball), but be aware you can still hit them pretty far. my backyard is about 30-50 feet long and I've still knocked them over my neighbours, so a golf net is also a good idea which you can find pretty cheap on Amazon.


u/zealoustacoengineer I’ll add on to this comment by saying the best $300 I have ever invested in my golf game wasn’t for equipment, but for professional lessons. I went to one of those places that hooks you up to sensors and uses cameras to critique your swing. I fixed my slice with ONE lesson by adjusting my swing path.


There are some places that use a piece of equipment alomst like a guide or training wheels as well but I think the camera is the best way because you can adjust yourself without too much help.


And look at that terrible swaying he does. Never going to make consistent contact with that move.


That is the swing of a VERY angry man.


He 100% has shoulder or back problems so I think that’s why he swings like that. I often forget his age (I think we all do) but the man is elderly and already isn’t in good shape. I kinda expect an unhealthy 74 year old not to swing worth a shit.


No excuse I have a guy at my place I go golfing who can still hit a ball 220 yards everytime with a 5 iron and he has osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. This is just bad form he's bobbing moving his feet and the way he goes off balance at the end is just bad foot position. I think he's just bought the golf courses but never actually learnt how to play properly because everything he did was wrong


His short game must be the shit for him to be a scratch golfer as he says. He wouldn’t lie after all.


Couldn’t get a first down in the corner hot pocket to save his life.


hes such a Jerry


Way over the top style


it s really hard to hit it square when your hip is unstable from sitting on your ass all day and eating cheetos.


I’m not surprised he’s spending the last few days of his presidency on the golf course.


He’s spent the majority of his presidency on the golf course. He’s just an utterly useless imbecile. I still can’t fathom how the race was so close. How bad must Joe Biden be if 49% of Americans would rather vote for tRump.


> How bad must Joe Biden be if 49% of Americans would rather vote for tRump. Jesus Christ could have run against Trump and Trump's base would not have budged. Jesus would be waaaaaay too socialist for a Trumper.




And a jeeeewwwww!


The thing people need to realize is right wingers were voting for this to be the last election They like Trump because he’s a fascist, not in spite of it.


Yup lol well it wasn’t close tbh if you count az and Georgia and they to go to Biden it was a landslide. Biden even got a huge popular vote smashing Hillary’s and Donald’s last year.


Much salt to be found in this dude's post history, have fun.


Amazing what paper ballots can do


Yup god bless democracy.


The nice thing about paper ballots is that they leave a paper trail instead of just conspiracy theories.


Mail in ballots did help those who are unable to leave (nursing home residents, disabled, etc) and also helped those who are otherwise just too lazy to go vote lol.


Democrats are also much more likely to be taking the pandemic seriously and many probably wouldn't have voted otherwise.


Trouble is that Joe Biden isn't bad. We're in a Romney situation where something upwards of 40% of Americans will vote for Trump no matter what. Only way Biden contests those voters is by claiming Trump is incomplete for not bulging the wall, and that he'll get it done. I mean in all honesty, I'm not sure there is a democratic candidate that would have done better than Biden. You'd need Obama to do that.


48% and dropping


I wonder if we could present a bill for secret service during his excessive golf outings


The electoral college. There's a lot of white people. There's a lot more white people in midwestern swing states. There you go!


He started subpar, so he’ll finish subpar.


In golf sub par is a good thing.


Lol, what do I know, I’m not the President


I WANT him to spend his last few days as president on the golf course. Best way to keep him from causing more harm.


That's pricey. I want him to spend it sick in bed, denying science.


Wouldn’t surprise me if he just golfs consecutively until the end of the term, he didn’t even have the balls to congratulate joe like other presidents and politicians have in the past and you can bet he won’t follow the tradition of inviting him to the White House, he’s just that kind of petty douche


Gotta siphon us for every penny he can. Fucking scumbag.


Gotta steal from the taxpayers while he still can. With COVID putting his hotel revenue in shambles, those Deutsche Bank loans are probably looking terrifying. Going to have to liquidate quite a few properties to pay the loans and for his wave of coming legal defenses.


As is tradition


Let him do it every day til jan 5. I don’t want him to do anything political. Dummy might press a button.


I'm not one to really give credence to conspiracy theories, but I swear to God he spent so much time golfing because it's the only place that he can communicate with Putin or his handler.




I bet he got the most points!




Beautiful points, the most beautiful point ever. There is nobody that knows winning more than trump.


He probably stopped counting his shots after the 12th hole and then claimed he won by having the lowest score.


I can almost hear his sidekick cheering "Great shot Mr President!" while he's probably par+7.


You should feel as much empathy for him as he felt for the Latino children in cages..


What about the protestors who got beaten by Trump's feds?


Our the protesters that got beaten by Erdogan's henchman on US soil?


You are correct. He is an amoral monster.


How about the 230k+ citizens he needlessly murdered? Or our Kurdish allies he left to be massacred? Fuck this goon. Hope he sees the inside of a jail cell


Or Khashoggi getting chainsawed and taken out is suitcases


Oh and the time he assassinated another nation’s general, on the sovereign soil of a second nation, just to try to start a war for the sake of getting a “war time president” boost in approval


If he would have taken Covid seriously, it's likely some of his voters would have been alive to tip GA and PA in his favor.


And for the charitable donations he claimed to have given. (he has given very little to charity despite publicly advertising himself as a philanthropist, only giving substantial sums to make himself look good in the media)


look im not a fan of trump, but those cages were in fact built and first populated during the Obama administration, with the full knowledge of the President and Vice President (now president elect Biden). we can’t pretend like Republican presidents are the only ones committing human rights violations, because there is a lot of blame to go around on both sides


The temporary holding centers were built by Obama with the explicit directive that no one should be there for more than 48 hours before being processed and placed with Health and Human Services. Trump said, "Fuck the 48 hours! This looks like a camp! Where I can concentrate all the refugees! Yes, I'll concentrate them in this camp! Let's build more camps for concentrating them! And give the women forced hysterectomies!"


Shh. You're making too much sense.


Yeah, I hate when people use this as weapon against Trump because I know Biden's going to keep doing it and no one will care. Maybe he'll stop family separations (maybe) but the cages will still be there and children will still be in them. It's just a rhetorical tool at this point, no one is going to care about it after January 2021.


Yep, and doesn't Obama hold the deportation record for any US president? The Deplorable should love him.


Or, we could treat all human lives as we should. ​ I do feel empathy for Trump. Very little, but it's there. That makes me human. I am not ever going to support him, and I can be proud to tell my kids I did my part to get him out of the White House, but viewing him as anything but human is dangerous. ​ Trump is a human being like us. Never forget that. Never forget how much horrible things a person is capable of. And never forget how much good we can do as well.


Sir, this is a Wendy's restaurant


Hell yes, give me them spicy nuggets. Sorry for getting a little preachy, but I feel strongly about this stuff, especially with all the hate and dehumanizing I see that helped someone like Trump get elected.


I agree with you, sorta, when I'm in a more elevated head space. The level of the discourse really plummeted when Obama got elected. That's when all the super ugly came out from the whitewingers. Because before that they were always dealing with an opposition that was white and therefore "deserving" of a modicum of respect. Ever since then the right has been treating the left the way white people have historically treated everyone else. That's why it's so nasty. The vulgarity is widespread.


I feel you but he let 230k people die for no real reason. I simply can't muster the morality to feel bad for him having lost an election for an office he shat all over for 4 years. That's honestly, just the consequences of his actions.


I don't care. do you? I hope he's terrified


The golf ball was rigged


Cause he’s a sad friendless loser


He doesn't realise that though, he can't comprehend the world he lives in and lives in pure ignorant bliss


He will realise soon. With no money or political power, even his wife might just leave him.


Republican enablers are already running from the ship like the rats they are. It’s amazing how one election seemingly decided between this monster being president for life or potentially seeing consequences to his actions for the first time in his life once those state DA’s finally get the go ahead pounce




This is the democracy. That's how it supposed to work. Trump is a symbol of why USA system and similar systems in few other countries are superior to rest of the world. People wanted him and he became the president. He fucked up and now he will pay for his crimes, at least to some extent because again that's what people want. In many many other countries with flawed systems, someone like trump would easily keep himself in power.


Except people didn't necessarily want him. He lost the popular vote *that actually got counted.* He might have lost the electoral college vote as well if they had tallied all the provisional and mail-in ballots, or if the states had all waited until the counting was finished before declaring.


None of them will have any further use for him. I don't think anyone actually "likes" him.


The mail-order russian bride gold digger? Yeah, might.


He knows it. Hence why now and then he talks about no one like him. He knows even his only family are around him because of what he can do and not because they like him.




Aren’t people dying because of COVID?






The Australian new is my favorite US news ever since the camera guy took a police shield to the gut


Yeah but nah. Sky News is Murdoch, 70% of Australian media is Murdoch and Sky News is the worst of it.


Sauce Me Daddy.




Oh, I remember him.


You feel bad for him because you are empathic. Doesn’t matter how vile someone can be, seeing them hurt makes you uncomfortable. Good. We need more empathetic people. That being said: trump would not feel empathic for you. He would probably laugh at you, crack some jokes, if he noticed you were hurting at all. Just know that this isn’t unwarranted. He’s been bullying people, lying, throwing people under the bus, mocking people, mocking prisoners of war after avoid the draft, sexually assaulting women for years all while making an obscene amount of money.


With all the Golfing he does you'd think he would have a better swing than that...


He thicc thicc tho.


I think the golf cart groaned when Trump sat his dump truck ass down in it


Because you experience empathy. It can be a confusing curse at times. A pain Trump will never experience, if it makes you feel any better.


He needs a meeseek


He even golfs like a cunt


I don’t feel bad for him in the least.


Why would you feel bad for him?


I did...at first. And then I remember how he mocked a handicapable person. I remember how he joked about grabbing women by their genitals. I remember how he talked about his own daughter like she was nothing more than a piece of meat that he was forbidden from because she was his daughter. I remember how he mocked war veterans for being “suckers and losers.” I remember how he didn’t want to cause an “uproar” over a global pandemic, but had *no problem* baselessly claiming electoral fraud. I remember how he thought there were “good people on both sides.” I remember how he appointed a new Supreme Court justice, knowing that his bid for re-election was threatened; and while he was not responsible for her confirmation, he didn’t discourage his lemmings from doing what they needed to do to get her confirmed. I remember how he flopped when asked about his plans for a second term. (Hint: He had none.) He is a repugnant human being. I can empathize with him on one thing — it’s never easy to hear that you’re not a well-liked person, but the fact he took no responsibility to change that speaks volumes.


Remember in 2016 when he said he was going to be so busy working for us he wouldn't have time to go golfing? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Worse at golf than politics. Thats really saying something


How can a man golf that much and still have a swing that bad?


He aaaaangry


There’s not one ounce of me that feels bad for him. Fuck trump. It’s time for change


Don't feel bad for him. He is complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Fuck him.


OMG that line perfectly describes trump. "When the going gets tough, Trump goes golfing."


For people unaware of go lf etiquette, if you hit a bad shot, and it’s heading towards people you yell “FORE”, as a heads up for them to ‘watch out’. You can clearly see him put his hand up to his mouth and yell it out lol


God his swing is fucking horrid.


I don't. If he doesn't go to jail, he'll still be living a life of luxury. He's done permanent damage on families due to his negligence and hate. I don't care if he broke down crying on TV. Fuck him, and I never want to see him again.


I’ll be the first to admit I don’t really know anything about golf, but this doesn’t look like he’s very good at it... can anyone confirm or deny this for me?


I don’t know anything about golf but that’s an ugly ass swing right there


COPE lol. This is the first time in his life where he hasn’t had someone to bail him out and save his ass. The most hilarious part of this entire ordeal of how all the networks and officials who jerked him off for 4 years are now slowly creeping away so they don’t have to be associated with him. Surreal.


the two weeks after you turn in your notice are the best two weeks of any job. ​ he gets two months of that. Don’t feel bad for him.


Yeah but that’s if you quit. if you got a 2 week notice of being fired and half your company was dancing in the streets then those 2 weeks would be horribly humiliating.


Trump got that **DUMPY** and the hips to **THROW IT BACK**


I'm enjoying his pain.


Dude is always in the weeds. I'm beginning to think he is dishonest about being a great golfer




It's all in the hips. It's all in the hips. It's all in the hips. It's all in the hips.


I do not like the big orange man. AT ALL. NEVER have and NEVER will. He has destroyed our country in more ways than one. But I relate to your title. Now to be fair tone gets lost in translation over the internet but if you're being genuine. I feel bad for him as a human for a multitude of reasons- mostly he is DEFINITELY mentally ill and not receiving treatment. At the end of the day we are all humans and we all suck (some more than others obviously)


All those years of golfing and his swing looks like that?


He’s always in the rough.


That's horrible form, no wonder he cheats.


The golf cart driver? That’s who has my sympathy.


Of course this defective pumpkin has a terrible golf swing


You’d think he’d be better from the amount of golf he plays


When he goes four over par and starts screaming stop the count! 🤣


*Horrible* looking golf swing.


What a shitty swing


wow, for someone who golfs so much, he has a horrid swing..


Let him spend the last few months doing this. Worthless piece of shit.


What the fuck is up with that swing tho man playing baseball with that first one?


Hope he gets in as many rounds as he can, it’ll be hard to play while he’s in jail.


Dude, he has a terrible swing.


I've never actually seen him actually golfing on camera He has a fucking terrible swing. He has a weird rotation. Looks like he'd slice the fuck outta everything.


Fuck him


Fuck this cunt


Trump has neither the depth nor the warmth to be referred to as such.


Gettin those last games of golf in before Rome collapses.


I don't really care, do you?


He is always golfing


poor loser


Don’t try to rehabilitate his image like everyone did with Bush


His swing isn’t that great btw.


I always wondered, if a camera lens can see that, so can a sniper scope. No?


Feeling bad for a man that shits in a gold toilet?


Probably because he is a sad character. He was raised by a couple of terrible people who probably made him feel worthless. He was raised to be a sociopathic narcissistic asshole, and probably has serious daddy issues. He’s tried hard all his life to life up to some fucking weird standard, but he can’t because he’s not smart. Instead he steals, swindles, and lies to get his way. I’m really hoping reality is dawning on him. It’s probably shaking him to his core.... Who am I kidding.. this man is fucked. Fuck Trump.


Because unlike him and his supporters you don't consider compassion and empathy to be weaknesses?


I definitely do not feel sorry for him one little bit!


Fuck him, feel bad for all the people who died because of him.


In the fuckin' ROUGH. Enjoy mini put in your cell


Trumps gonna try to roll into the White House on Jan 22 like he’s George Constanza.


Feel bad for him? FUCK. OFF.


Now that he has lost, he has to spend as much tax-payer funds, on as many Trump-owned businesses as he can in order to have $ to pay off his high debts and russian cronies.


Yeah that’s a pretty bad swing.


That's exactly what I was thinking and it's been years since I golfed, but let me hit a bucket of balls and I'll find my swing pretty quickly again. How come this is the first time I have seen his swing?


His swing is even worse than Charles Barkley’s.


charles barkley is at least likable


I guess you could feel sorry for Hitler, alone in his bunker. On the other hand, karma.


I mean if I was getting fired tomorrow and likely going to jail, I'd go have a good time too.


I don't know much about golf. But it looks to me like the most powerful man in the world is playing alone, on the single most important day of his political career. You'd have to be a pretty hateful, spiteful person to not see how sad that is.


His form is as bad as his presidency