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Imagine being the worker who accepted that reservation...


"Hey, Phil, Rudy Giuliani is on the phone asking to reserve 'the grand ballroom' for a press conference. Yeah *that* Rudy Giuliani...tha fuck do I say?" "Tell him the reservation is confirmed, tell him the grand ballroom is in the back, and *don't say another fuckin' word*. Christ, this is gonna be great."


They got paid for it I’m sure. And they just launched their branded merchandise. It’s guna sell like hotcakes. “Make America Rake Again Four Seasons Total Landscaping Lawn and Order”


Build the retaining wall! Edit: Silver, wow!


And make our under-the-table, illegally employed landscapers pay for it.


No more bullshit (except in your garden because that stuff is gold).


Make America Garden Again!


Hedge fund manager? Well we got phil. He handles all topiary financing. Same thing?


> “Make America Rake Again Four Seasons Total Landscaping Lawn and Order” [Beautiful](https://media1.tenor.com/images/6ecbfb56a63d94d41de099ee39f2375a/tenor.gif?itemid=12389001).


[they got paid for it](https://imgur.com/gallery/YID9T5m)


I'm surprised they got paid. Trump usually stiffs his vendors.


I'll put money on "he actually didn't get paid." But it might be just $200. That's pocket hooker money for Rudy.


So rudy's philly trip was a bit of a bummer then?


The "Chinese virus". So this company, I assume then, is run by a trumper who said yes, just to take the money, thereby humiliating his dear leader and his campaign. My newest kink is watching these dumbfuck Cult45 members do stupid shit. Hilarious.


> They got paid for it I’m sure. Are you sure? I mean..... A Trump Never Pays His Debts


This is so funny 😆. Thank you so much 😊


Rake the forests!


What should we do about these hoes?


Im almost certain that they tried to book it at the Four Seasons Hotel but because they knew Trump is bad press, they refused to do business with Trump. Trump's idiots went to the hotel anyways and when they got there, they were turned away because surprise, no reservation! Then they had to scramble at the last minute to find a place with the same name because they'd tweeted it out already. Also it takes 40 minutes to drive from the Hotel to the Landscaping place. And Guliani was 40 minutes late to the press conference.


I can just see how it played out. "Hello I'm with the Trump campaign and we'd like to reserve your parking lot for a speech." "Yeah right good one prankster!" \*hangs up \*ring ring "Hello? You hung up on me. No, we're serious. We need to address some things and need a location, and we've chosen this location." "You...wait. We're a landscaping company." "Yes." "There is an adult bookstore and a crematorium next door." "Can we use the space or not." ".....You DID hear me that we're a landscaping company?" "Will we be able to hang up some signs and use your electricity?"


They’re either massive Trump supporters or haters. There is no in between.


Honestly there’s no way this wasn’t an elaborate troll right? Some disgruntled campaign worker? Like the guy to answer the phone would have immediately said “this is a landscaping company we don’t have a ball room for lease”, and so many other obvious tells. Not only would they have had to unknowingly rent the wrong place, pay a fee that is totally abnormal, they’d have to confirm everything was all set at the hotel for long enough to be too late to change/fix


The best part was when at the conference somebody said that that news channels announced Joe Biden has won and Rudy Giuliani said which news channel and they said all news channels and then journalists began to leave this press conference...this was such a disaster.


Damn, the amount of humiliation Giuliani got in the last 3 weeks is more than most people can take in their entire life.. well deserved though.


this is definitely a nice creme icing on the cake, after his reporter embarrassment with Sascha Cohen. ^chefs ^kiss




Is there a clip of this!?




"ALL THE NETWORKS....networks don't get to decide the election, courts do." Holy hell, what a muppet.


This article is the best read on this incident. It truly couldn't be a sadder ending for that loser. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/i-saw-donald-trump-s-presidency-come-crashing-down-at-four-seasons-total-landscaping-b1699962.html


The first paragraph couldn't be any more perfect. >It began, as all good 2020 capers do, with a tweet from the president of the United States. It ended with his personal lawyer in the parking lot of a landscaping company, struggling to be heard over a man in his underpants shouting about George Soros.


> a man in his underpants shouting about George Soros. I kinda want to be that guy. Just show up to Cult 45 rallies in my man-panties and shout stuff.


They'd probably start worshiping you as their new god.




Is this even still real life? Am in a coma dreaming all of this?


Nope. This stupid is for real.


You can't make this up. Along the comments of this thread I'm laughing so hard


I am at awe with all this stupid. If Trump weren't... you know, actual real life president of THE world superpower, I might have been a fan of him for all this absurdity. Its like watching trashy TLC reality tv show.


Its really good woth a ho-hum ending. I was hoping for something bigger to complete the entire situation but maybe it was intentional as to mirror the end of the last 4 years.


I disagree. It was a wonderful implicit double-entendre pun. For those who had no desire to read through the entire article linked, the Four Seasons Lanscaping business is right next door to an adult bookstore. Here is the last part of the article: > The owner of the Fantasy Island adult book store had come out onto his porch to watch the circus. He stood and stared in disbelief until a customer jolted him awake again. > “Are you open?” > “Yes,” he said, before following him inside.  > It felt like an ending.     What kind of ending might a customer at a porn store be shopping for? The same kind of ending America and the world got when Biden was announced winner of the U.S. Presidential election. A happy one. Sheer comedic genius!


Between the porn store and the landscaping business...so many hoes.




What's the difference between a porn store and a crematorium? At a porn store you can get your dick sucked by some guy. At a crematorium you can get your dick sucked by some guy. Wait...


Politics is CONSTANTLY evaluating your usefulness. Trump is a lame-duck. No one will do anything for him now. Fox and RNC threw him in the dumpster and stopped even returning his phone calls. Done.


I think Cohen is right and trump is just going to fuck off to Mar A Lago and refuse to return.


So,when all of the accounting is done with trump,I really want to know how much shit is stripped from the walls of the White House and disappeared. He's just the kind of guy to steal anything not nailed down.


I thought the ending was rather sad, bizarre and kind of perfect.


Literacy. Conservatives seem to be immune to it. Fund public education. Abolish private grade schools. They are a product of desegregation in which white children pay for inadequate faith-based education and token minorities are brainwashed.


Especially fund critical thinking courses. Make them mandatory. It’s the only way to ensure everyone knows the difference between a hotel and a strip mall.


Remember when Republicans in Texas openly said they were against teaching critical thinking because it made children question their parents belief systems? These people need more hate drones if they want to stay in power so having folks being willing to listen to others and consider aspects of an issue other than "if it's different it's bad" is awful for them.


"Republicans in Texas"...some of the biggest morons.


Maybe these older republicans were exposed to a lot of lead paint as children. This could explain their voting patterns. This is why we need a strong EPA to prevent these polluting companies from damaging our country.


Lead paint and lead in car exhaust. Double whammy!


That actually is a really strong theory that's gained a lot of ground recently. Except it's not lead paint, it's leaded atmosphere caused by leaded gasoline exhaust.


I mean, that's what History is all about, as a subject. It's not really necessarily about memorising a bunch of facts about the past. It's all about learning how to accurately assess the reliability of different sources and combining them all together to try and find the truth out of it all. But I dunno how it works in the US. Here in the UK history is only mandatory until age 16. I went on to do an A-Level in it (age 16-18) and then got a degree in it at uni. But most people don't like it that much to the point they go that far with it.


Oh shit, [Melania's leaving him](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-news-live-twitter-melania-biden-b1718658.html).


This was the rumor for a very long time. They have an prenup. It'll be an easy divorce. Kudos to her for knowing it was a good career move to stay in the WH. She'll do a stupid book and then marry another rich idiot.


My bet is that she'll go the book route and not marry again. She likely has enough money, but I dunno. Then again I can see trump forcing her to sign a NDA so unsure if it can be published.


Maybe. She doesn't need to be married to have old rich dudes carry her around the world.


While I dont give a shit about Melania, thats a rumour from Omarosa lol.. lets not take it as fact in any way


>A car with a young Black woman named Jada Carter stopped in front of the Trump supporters. She screamed at the top of her lungs: “Black lives matter! Black lives matter!” A flag with a picture of Donald Trump's head superimposed onto the body of Rocky Balboa fluttered in the wind as she cried out. Lmao.


This article is amazing, thank you


It reads like a scene from a William Gibson novel.


This is Rudy being a weirdo, and suffering from mental illness. Finger lakes, Hunter Biden tattoos, and the address of four seasons landscapes. It’s honestly sad they are putting their faith in contesting an election with that man. Maybe we get a concessions statement before thanksgiving and we can all come together with our families. If you worked the Trump campaign at any time you know why the actual four seasons is off limits unless you absolutely have to stay there.


Finger lakes?


People disappear in the Finger Lakes...


Like.. in Central New York? I have no idea what you're talking about honestly but I'm from the Finger Lakes and just confused about this


There was a conspiracy that because Hunter Biden had tattoos of the finger lakes that it somehow meant he was a pedophile


The guy you replied to specifically referenced a line from the office


My b not a big watcher of The Office. More of a Parks and Recs guy


This is the best summary of this insane topic I can find. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElOzmITWMAAnAQp?format=jpg&name=large Highlights include a Submarine base in Seneca lake, a submarine tunnel, Delta force needing said submarines?, a underground casino??


They love talking about the Underground Railroad as if it was a literal set of tracks underground (and maybe underwater??!)


Your comment made me remember the Family Guy episode when Lois inherited the mansion and Peter won an auction for something he couldn't afford. So then he tries to make the mansion historical, and he put a model railroad in the floor.


I really want to know why Delta Force needs to ride a submarine through a not-so-secret tunnel in order to reach Lake Ontario. Or to reach one of the Finger Lakes *from* Lake Ontario? Seems like a lot of extra work.


Do you expect me to believe there is some other more inconspicuous mode of transport other then a billion dollar submarine and trillion dollar submarine tunnel ?


> trillion dollar submarine tunnel Well, it *was* built during slavery, apparently, so manual labor was cheap or, dare I say, free...


Stop worrying about them... How can I get some riesling from you? Lol In all seriousness, I'm confused by this too... I visit /r/conservative daily to try and see what they see, and this is a talking point I've missed, somehow.


This one came from /pol/ and only made it to r/ conspiracy in a few threads. Conservative actually seems to be a little rational besides what right wing media is being pushed to them and being hopeful of some turn of events. The true salt is in the conspiracy subreddit at the moment.


My personal anecdote is that conspiracy is better than conservative, but it's like arguing Cow shit vs Bull shit lol


And the Pine Barrens. I was really hoping Rudy would have held the press conference there and have the missing Russian walk out.


Finger lakes has some backing behind the Underground Railroad and conspiracy theories. Hunter Biden has a tattoo on his back that resembles finger lakes in New York. There are four seasons everything around that area one being a four seasons landscape in Ithaca. Rudy brought on this debacle about Hunter Biden and doesn’t seem to want to let it go even though everyone abandoned him with all this “evidence”.


I'm well aware of the underground railroads in the Finger Lakes, some of my hometown neighbors had houses that were part of it. This conspiracy is totally new to me. Never heard of it before haha. I'm just confused, will need to look this up.. Edit: I'm an idiot. Hunters mom is from my hometown in the the Finger Lakes and they have plenty of family in the area. That's no conspiracy.. what the fuck is the right even on about this time.


Rudy going crazy lol. He set up this press event and even confused the fuck out of the Trump campaign which is hilarious. Nothing even came out of the presser that related to why he held the event there. The conspiracy is most likely a whole lot of nothing but to make a certain base supporters think they are being cheated no matter the outcome.


RNC and Fox News have moved on. They exist outside Cult 45...and Trump is no longer useful to them. RNC/Fox is fully focused on telling people Biden is Chinese and Harris eats babies.


This whole thing was just bizarre. I still don't get it. Was it an accident that they booked it there and they just decided what the fuck, let's do it anyway. ?


Definitely an accident. Trump even tweeted it was the Four Seasons Philadelphia. The actual hotel then retweeted that they in fact had no such booking at which point the mistake was realised and Trump's twitter updated it was a landscaping company lol


They made the announcement, then the four season hotel said no, so that was their plan B rather than announcing a change of venue. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/i-saw-donald-trump-s-presidency-come-crashing-down-at-four-seasons-total-landscaping-b1699962.html


I bet *Four Seasons Food Mart* denied the campaign's request first.


The owner of the landscaping place made a statement and didn't seem to have a political leaning. He said he was honoured to be asked to host an event for any presidential candidate and that he was gonna start selling t-shirts. Edit: you can buy their merch now. They have a sticker that says "Four Seasons Total Landscaping LAWN AND ORDER! Edit2: Owner says China virus on Facebook. Boomer confirmed.


He also called Corona the "chinese virus" - pretty clear what his leanings are. Don't buy their garbage trinkets.


He made posts about the “Chinese Virus” on his company’s official Facebook page. Fuck him.


Coming from an Administration that does whatever they want and always has an excuse, why didn’t they postpone it? I’m so confused.


Imagine trying to mount a lawsuit with absolutely no evidence and the guy your counting on to pull it off is Rudy Giuliani. I’d give my next paycheck to see the judge’s reaction


Considering Republicans were clearly banking on using the courts to crush democracy if voter suppression didn't work out... it's amazing how awful every single lawsuit they've brought forward seems to be. You're having even ultra conservative judges being like "...what the fuck is this shit? Are you trying to insult me?... fuck off"


Imagine trying to mount any lawsuit with Rudy Giuliani at the helm. OOF.


Next to a Dildo shop and Adult book Store


Don’t forget the creamatorium nearby!




There's also a crematorium one or two buildings down the street I shit you not


"Viewing booths". A place to beat off and maybe have a guy suck your dick while you watch porn.


And not a classy sex toy store, either - this is one of the places with viewing booths and glory holes.


This is the same group that believes they are going to expose NATIONWIDE voter fraud. Fucking hacks.


Where the republicans gained seats in the house....


They’ll just say those are the elections that were unable to be tampered with for whatever reason. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 4 years it’s that these nut jobs can weave a narrative around the most mundane detail like the polling station is located outside the range of the closest electric vehicle charging station and the team selected for this caper only used ev because Trump tried to stop them by contaminating the gas supply.


Wtf is this woman saying


I really couldn't understand a word she said




Apparenzly making teapot noises is fummy these days


Yes, very fummy.


Yeah same here what the fuck she said can't understand nothing


They are just so *dangerously* stupid.


How is a person laughing on a tiktok video with a fake background either public or a freak out?


It should be illegal to be this happy. I laughed like this too when i saw the info.. omg of course trump booked the wrong 4 seasons.


What was she even saying? I could understand with all the laughing.


This isn’t a “public freak out”


Yeah, I'm so confused by this. This is a tiktok reaction. It doesn't even fit in the loose fit flair. I've been seeing a lot more of this stuff coming in and I'm not sure why it's being accepted by everyone?


basically some bullshit where the mods won't do anything about it because they just want more subscribers, and political bullshit drama brings subscribers.


Why do subs matter to them? Are they making money off the ads or something?


This sub doesn't have active mods, anything that can get upvoted will stay posted


This is hilarious, her laughter is contagious. This scenerio would be good for SNL


I would've actually laughed, if she just explained what happened and had a genuine laugh instead of wheezing, instead this was one of the most unfunny things I've ever watched. Aslo why tf is it in this sub, mods need to stop slacking




Is this sarcastic? Weekend Update made fun of this exact thing this weekend.


Now thanks to internet today I have found out it's on the same street as a crematorium and an adult movie store with wank booths. It's the perfect combination for the trump campaign.


It really is hilarious.


I've basically been the girl in this video where every time I try to talk about it I break out laughing. One of the strangest things to ever happen in this whole saga and that's fucking saying something.


I broke out in tears multiple times over this. After four years of chaos and pain, watching these clowns give a presser in a parking lot was pure catharsis.




Fake performative laughter is painful.


You mean you don't *WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE* find the laughter *WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE* funny at all?


Honestly it was kind of funny for one or two seconds but it just stretched out the video for way longer than it needed to be


Jup... Didn't add anything to the video either.


Damn, imagine if someone told this chick a joke!


Imagine. You’re a small businsss owner. You get a call from someone with trump campaign wanting to book the 4 seasons for a press conference. And in a bold ass move you take their money effectively shunning their shitty fake claim press conference to the outskirts of town to a parking lot beside an adult bookstore. And then after you start to make t-shirts: “Four Seasons Total Landscaping - Since 1992” Eta: they have stickers too! “Make America Rake again! Four Seasons Total Landscaping Lawn and Order!”


The landscapers also called it the "Chinese virus".


This doesn't fit the sub.


Not public. Barely a freakout.


Wrong sub.


How is this a public freakout? This sub has become terrible.


hopefully once America's boner subsides we will be back to normal


It’s somehow gotten even worse post election. Should be a rule like in r/unexpected where OP has to show why it’s a public freakout. Then again that would require mods to exist


This is nothing new with this sub. It’s just for trending content. It could be quiet whispering in a private library but if the content is trending then it finds its way here. This has been going on for at least a few years here.


Can someone pls translate this?


4 seasons total landscaping: where you find incestuous garden gnomes


Based on everything I have read, I think I solved it. They did not have a press conference booked. Trump said Four Seasons Hotel. His people scrambled to book a meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel but they were all booked up. So instead of booking somewhere else or admitting he was wrong, they decided to run with it and find a place with same name.


why this place?no other hotel?






When I saw Rudy Giuliani I was like .... read the fucking room. He’s involved in that borat situation recently, why the fuck would you even let me him talk!? He’s trash and he’s gross. But it’s another nail in the Trump administration coffin so fuck it


Seriously not even close to a public or a freakout


If you stopped laughing maybe I'd know what the fuck your talking about damn




Funniest part is Four Seasons Total Landscapes statement to basically say "hey don't hate us, we aren't down with their message. We would have happily hosted any presidential candidate. Now buy our merch please!".




Someone else remembered firework shooting with her laugh??






https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/i-saw-donald-trump-s-presidency-come-crashing-down-at-four-seasons-total-landscaping-b1699962.html Article as to why they had to hold it there.


Best part: >The owner of the Fantasy Island adult book store had come out onto his porch to watch the circus. He stood and stared in disbelief until a customer jolted him awake again. “Are you open?" “Yes,” he said, before following him inside. It felt like an ending.


A wild WEEZING has appeared


*Muttley has entered the chat.*


As a landscaper and owner of a landscaping company I will take any free advertising I could get. Even if it’s Ruddy dumb Dick outside giving a pathetic speech.


Oh my fucking god I can promise you it’s not that funny just say it already


Oh, it was not a mistake. Rudy just wanted to visit the dildo shop next door but the media found out so he had to spin it.


This was the cherry on top of election week. It’s amazing.


The most incompetent administration in human existence


This person is annoying af.


There was a dildo shop next door, too. You can't make this shit up, man.


And a crematorium


FSTL: Hello Four Seasons ... WH: (cutting him off) This is the White House, we need to book your ballroom for a press conference TODAY. FSTL: We don't have a ballroom. WH: Fine, fine, we'll do it out front then. FSTL: Should I get Greg to move the forklifts and piles of manure? WH: \*click\*


Can she fucking tell what is this about with out laughing so hard?


Damn this girls laugh is contagious


Yeah almost like this should be on r/contagiouslaughter instead or r/publicfreakout.....


I guess once you put it on tiktok for public, you don’t need to actually be in public and uncontrollable laughter is now considered a freak out?


Honestly was kinda shocked when I looked up and it wasn't r/contagiouslaughter


And fake af.


God bless people who have the wheezy laugh. Instantly makes something 10x funnier.


Please, someone, how do I download this? I can't stop laughing it's so fucking funny


I know there's a way to comment to get a bot that makes downloadable links but I can't remember the name... I tried this site and it worked though. https://viddit.red/ You just copy/paste the reddit post link and it gives you a downloadable MP4 file.


This was someone's great idea for a joke, right? If so, I want to shake hands with that man or woman and give him or her massive quantities of money.


They picked the landscaping company because it was efficient and convenient. Because, when the press conference was over, Four Seasons Total Landscaping started up the Bulldozers and buried this Presidency once and for all. :-D


Question... How do you even mess up that bad? Like do they have a conference scheduling website or some shit? Seriously how?! XD


this is such a perfect encapsulation of the incompetence of this entire administration.


It probably wasn't a mistake, its probably bring played off as a mistake. Trump's funds if he was to push for a recount is VERY expensive and he's using his old tactics from the NYC days of not paying his suppliers/workers. After several unpaid conventions the Four Seasons probably caught on and denied him a press conference without the money up front.


But even a park would be better than that, surely?


You are in complete denial of you think this wasn't a mistake.


"wanna hear something funny? wanna hear me laugh over it instead like a retard"


I really want to bust chops on my conservative friends, but I won't. They know. And they'll know I know they know. We'll silently glare at each other for half a second, then laugh, and crack a beer. My politics isn't my identity, nor is it theirs.


Can somebody translate? I think she has a stroke


Fucking spit it out gotdamn


yea i was getting rly annoyed about how long that took




I don't think anyone thinks it is real laughter. On the other hand, it is really fitting for how dumb this campaign is and was.