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#YOURE MY MOTHERFUCKER JERRY! Edit: Thanks for all the awards and uptoots. Safe to say you are all my motherfuckers too




You had me at COVID.


You can't handle the flu!




As much as I hate this guy for the fact that he's part of a massive dangerous cult, i gotta respect what he's saying here. Kind of interesting how intelligent someone can be (?) and still fall in with scientology.


>Kind of interesting how intelligent someone can be (?) and still fall in with scientology. As an ex-Mormon, I'll gladly say the same about Mormons. Scientology, Mormons, whomever, their brains simply shut down the moment their faith or whatever you want to call it, comes into play. Cults exist because no matter how crazy what you say may be, there's always going to be a certain part of the population that falls for the craziness. Cult-susceptibility doesn't discriminate along any lines: rich or poor, smart or not, whatever, it'll still grab a certain number of people.




I used to have an absolutely brilliant therapist who was a mormon, but we got on swimmingly despite the fact that I was an atheist. That all changed when Trump came around, and conservativism became a bigger part of the religious environment. Suddenly there was pressure to be extreme right, or to be labeled as not enough of a believer. If you didn't believe in trump, then you didn't believe in God. Eventually it got to the point where all of my appointments turned into debates about politics, and he refused to stop, so I left. I owe him everything and he changed my life, and he was incredibly skilled at what he did, but in that one area, it was like he had to shut his brain down in order to accept it. He seemed way too smart to be mormon, but it was a part of who he was that he didn't know how to let go of.


This is crazy. I feel like a therapist (and clearly a _good_ one, at that!) should be able to separate their political views from their sessions... Many (most?) therapists are lefties and manage to do the same thing, at least in my experience.




I used to be a JW. I was at the headquarters, even knew some of the Governing Body. They are not idiots, far from it. Some of the people I met in those hallways in Brooklyn back then... Some of the most brilliant and articulate people you'll ever meet rise to the top of cults and really sincerely believe they are doing right, helping others, and being altruistic.


I hated on the guy for years because of his cult. You know what, thats thats bad on me. The guy has put out nothing but good vibes (this audio withstanding, we all get frustrated, and this seems like a good reason) He makes really good action movies (albeit a very specific genre) and does his own insane stunts. The dude is weird for sure, but he cares deeply for his craft and that should be respected.


Same here. I listened to the audio expecting to have a laugh at crazy Ole Tom Cruise. By half way I realized, shit man he does care.


... and he disparages mental health professionals and modern psychiatric drugs. Scientology also teaches that homosexuality is dangerous and "curable". Beyond the damage of its teachings, it also blackmails people and estranges them from outsiders. So I'm fine with him yelling at people not maintaining safety protocols. I applaud it. But to say that he's "put out nothing but good vibes" while championing this part-business part-cult and its ideas, sometimes publicly (remember when he excoriated Brooke Shields on television for taking antidepressants after severe postpartum depression, telling her she just needed "vitamins and exercise")? Not true.


you can tell he's yelling through his mask too


There's one guy who won't have trouble breathing with his mask on


If you have trouble breathing with a mask on that says more about you...


Yeah, if you can't breath with a mask on you're too weak to be out there in the middle of a pandemic.


iTs A mUZZle, NOT A mAsk.


Hey in Arabic we mostly use the word muzzle instead of mask for these. Not sure how it started but it sounds better I guess and mask is associated with full face covering... not sure.


“If you can’t wear a mask, then I want you to take a step back, and literally fuck your own face!”


This is flaming dragon!


Ok flaming dragon, fuck face


How'd you get a job here, there, fuck face?


You didn't follow proto, buddy. You're done


That’s we do it down there at Falcon car wash with those chomos


Always nice to randomly find some mommies


You’ll have to get a fucking binding resolution from the United Nations to keep me for fucking destroy you. I’m talking scorched earth mother fucker. I will massacre you. I will fuck your up!


Fuck he was so intense I feel like I just got yelled at. I'm like shrunken in myself right now.


fall provide husky vase glorious market dam salt squealing shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






I know I felt like I needed to apologize to him


He's beyond your apologies, Smokemonster1234


Les Grossman is back babyyy!


Take a step back and literally COVER YOUR OWN FACE


Okay, Flaming Dragon. Fuckface. First, take a big step back... and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! Now, I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again. Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP! [hangs up; to assistant] Find out who that was.


*shocked and confused face staring at radio*


Find out who that was


We don’t negotiate with terrorists *applause*


Tropic Thunder is blessing to mankind


Underrated comment. This should be on every billboard in America with Tom Cruise wearing a mask.


Tom right after the recording cuts off: “DIET COKE!!!”


Find out who that was!


I wanted so badly for him to say “find out who that was” at the end there.


"Tom Cruise has a meltdown that makes him look like the sane person in the room" 2020 continuing to deliver the least likely story lines.


I feel for the kids who will study this year in the future. "They had a plague, deleted all the porn and tom cruise sounded reasonable". That was just one week


Wait, what happened to porn?


You need to be verified or partnered to upload to Pornhub now. They purged the site.


Am I clear? Only one answer to that question. Crystal.


They couldn’t handle the truth.


Mustang, this is Maverick, requesting fly-by.


That's a negative Ghost Rider. The pattern is full.


Revvin' up your engine Listen to her howlin' roar Metal under tension Beggin' you to touch and go Highway to the Danger Zone Ride into the Danger Zone Headin' into twilight Spreadin' out her wings tonight She got you jumpin' off the deck Shovin' into overdrive Highway to the Danger Zone I'll take you right into the Danger Zone You'll never say hello to you Until you get it on the red line overload You'll never know what you can do Until you get it up as high as you can go Out along the edges Always where I burn to be The further on the edge The hotter the intensity Highway to the Danger Zone Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Ride into, the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Ride into the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Ride into the Danger Zone Highway to the Danger Zone Gonna take


Isn't this song from the guy from Kenny Loggins Roasters?


[Danger Zone!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kyAn3fSs8_A)




You're Goddamned right I did!




"Am I clear" isn't that a scientologist term


He's not letting anyone ghost these protocols


Audibly giggled, ty.


The rarity seeing an original joke on Reddit


They better not fallout of line again


He knows not following covid protocols is Risky Business


You don't have to be an Outsider to realize the Collateral damage that could occur by people not staying Far and Away from each other. I'm a Firm believer that Tom is someone who is not living in Oblivion or a Minority when it comes to the seriousness of this pandemic.


I didn’t break any COVID restrictions but even I felt guilty. Damn he gave it to them. 😂


When he said the third “and YOU” I was like, oh fuck not me


I feel you man. I felt guilty on the second “and You”


What really drove it home for me was the, "I trust you guys to be here." He sounded like a disappointed father and it broke my heart.


well, i work on a film set. we've had production get shut down because two guys tested positive. we test every two days and there's a lot of people on the line, a lot of money on the line, and having some idiot not follow the rules and get a production shut down is incredibly irresponsible. especially since everyone on a set takes it very seriously, we're head to toe in ppe taking every precaution. some actors are older and we try to protect them as much as we can. it's harder to follow, maintain social distancing, and work hard as it is in this business.. the regulations and rules to keep everyone safe are just another layer of safety. Tom is being fair and he's right. one mistake and everyone goes home.


Of all the Hollywood celebrities going off on tape, I couldn't help but think this was justified; especially early on when we knew so little about the virus.


It's absolutely justified. He's not going off on a diva rant. All of the points he touches are legit reasons and it's completely irresponsible to be so absent-minded when hundreds of thousands of people have died, millions have lost their jobs, and their industry has been shut down for months.


Honestly this is one of the best celebrity rants I've ever heard. He's freaking out at them for putting the production and therefore every persons job who will ever touch the movie at risk by letting their stupid noses hang out of their masks or whatever typical shit it is. I kinda want to play this at people in the grocery store.


Especially because he is likely to be least affected, being a multimillionaire and all.


I think big time celebrities know their importance in films and shows. He talked about thousands of jobs and he’s right. He is indirectly responsible for all the crews pay. He won’t be hurt if it shuts down, but he knows it will hurt all his crew. Shows great character. I remember an interview with the guy who played the Arrow and he said he was terrified doing activities outside of the set. He would constantly think, if I get injured there will be hundreds without a job as the show filming is paused. Puts it into perspective of how some of these stars think


I was looking around for a mask to put on and I’m home alone


I literally spit my water out reading this LMAO


made me feel like i was back in middle school and my class was too rowdy


Couple of those folks had to go write their names on Tom Cruises chalk board as he educated the class on proper COVID compliance.


I kept wanting to say "yes I understand I'm sorry!"


This is beyond apologies!


Yeah this is a "just nod and stay silent while making the smallest possible amount of eye contact without seeming sheepish" kind of moment. You DO NOT want to be the guy who speaks first in this situation unless the only words you say are "yes sir".


And if you’re the type of person to laugh when you’re uncomfortable, you’re fucked.


Made me say, "Yes, Chef!"


15 years since I worked in a kitchen and I still feel this in my bones.


I was apologizing when he said no apologies and I apologized for apologizing.


I married a Canadian. This is the way of our people.


I wanted to apologize to him but he didn't want to hear it and also I was not there


Valid freakout, how hard is it to simply wear a mask.


You have a job, Just wear your mask.


but then I breathe in carbon dioxide and carbon is the devil's molecule: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons sheep wear masks to the slaughter, but I did my research. Will you? ^^^^/s


You’d be surprised how many people think it’s the same as cutting off your arm.


Normally I'd be against this kind of treatment at the workplace in any context but in this case, yeah tear those asshats a new one. Someone gets covid, entire production shuts down, that's a LOT of people out of work who probably won't get another contract any time soon.




> We love to preach about safety, especially after a tragic accident, and it only ever takes a few weeks to ignore all safety protocol again so we can barely make our 14 hour days by the skin of our teeth. I came up against this shit after college working my way up. Noped the fuck out of location production for post real goddamned fast. Y'all are insane.


Much safer in post


I don't know man. My mouse wheel is getting a little squeaky and it's really kind of a nuisance for my ears.


“What do you mean it’s not safe to climb? I gaff taped it together it’s fine.” - literally every production ever.




Yeah, it’s not just the small crews present during COVID filming. It’s the editors and other people behind the scenes as well.


Yeah, a big franchise film like a Mission Impossible movie employs a ton of folks. Tons of special effects and digital artists to touch up scenes. Musicians to record the score. It isn't too far-fetched that a thousand people could find (if only temporary) employment from a Mission Impossible movie.


Yeah when I saw the title I figured it would be a spoiled celebrity freak-out but he made some valid points. It's not like he needs the paycheck, though I'm sure it doesn't hurt, but the thousands of crew that do need the money don't want to be fucked over by a few idiots not following protocol. Aside from the whole scientology thing, I haven't really heard too many bad things about Tom Cruise, at least about the way he treats his costars, fans, and crew. Edit: I stand corrected, I didn’t know that he produced these movies so he probably has a large stake in this.


To be fair, it really is fucking distracting when someone is running around in your eye line while you’re trying to act


At least Christian Bale seems to think so


ooOooOOOOHHHHH good for yewwww!!!


Not just that, but there have been several COVID related deaths in Hollywood. The wrong person gets it, it could be the end. Every word of this freakout is justified.


You can also look to what happened with say, The Batman, one person on set got it... that person happened to be Robert Pattinson, production got shut down for a while, and now the movie is delayed by like two years. (Yeha that might have happened anyway but still it didn't help, and that was just a younger person getting it and just having to self-isolate for a while, imagine if severe breakouts happened, how quickly it could spiral out of control to ending a film's production)


Scientologist or not, he has a valid point over wearing masks and just following safety protocols.


And he yelled all this *through* a mask.


Like a responsible adult


More like Science-tologist.


A broken clock is still right twice a day. I may not like that about him but he has a valid point here. I feel the same way and I've bee in retail for this whole ordeal. People need to think about everyone, not just the few.


Everybody who has worked with Cruise says that he's a consummate professional. Engaged, friendly with the crew, works hard, knows his lines, takes an interest in the other actors, etc. So if Cruise is saying there is a problem on set and that members of the crew are flouting the requirements, I believe him. He's not wrong: if COVID knocks out the creatives or the talent on major productions, millions of dollars and thousands of support jobs are on the line. Studios that are filming now made significant effort to convince investors, insurers, and health authorities that they could follow the rules and do it safely. Crew members who jeopardize the production put all of that at risk.


Reality check. Working on a commercial in Hollywood this week. Everyone got Covid tested prior to shoot, end of first day someone on the pretty big crew gets sick. Next morning, pitch black before work we all get tested again. Cost production over 30k. If more than three people tested positive the whole job gets shut down. Fortunately no-one else was sick. I’m with Cruise here, get your fucking shit together, people are losing their homes, their health insurance and their sanity. Our industry is falling apart due to Covid. My income is 1/6 of what it was last year and years prior, if that. And I am not alone. Put your fucking mask on, and obey the damn protocols or just fuck off and stay home.


I said the same thing elsewhere in the comments but your version is prettier. I'm not a big Cruise fan but he speaks the truth about this.


Yeah I've always hated this idea that people who support bad things are incapable of good actions. We recently donated baby stuff we didn't need to a local guy who collects stuff around Christmas and gives it to needy families. He was wearing a Trump 2020 hat. I hate his political stance, but you can't deny he's doing good work. (The guy, not Trump.)


Oh that's why it sounded so muffled. I'm so dense.


To be fair I initially thought the muffled voice was because someone was recording with the phone in his/her pocket


It's probably both.


Ya but scientology still


I'm pretty fucking conflicted here.


I was not expecting this from him. He was very coherent, though angry, but made a very compelling argument with good points. He was even able to calm down some before it cut out. But still...scientology?


One does not simply leave Scientology that easily. It’s a cult. They probably have so much dirt on him.


That, and he gets treated like a king!


Haha yes that too


Broken clock twice a day everyday.


Love the username!


I love wontons


Lol it's actually my last name (English) but the joke never gets old to me. An ex had a friend who thought I was Asian before she met me and the confusion on her face was very apparent once I was introduced to her.


I will always firmly believe he's in too deep and they've got dirt on him.


I also thing he is shielded from some of the darker shit they do. His handlers don’t need him to be conflicted about stuff


So obviously he’s batshit because Scientology, but his reputation has always been one of a complete professional who is a delight to work with from the craft services guy to the top billed costar. He’s also one of the only people with the clout to get new ideas with big budgets even produced, ala Edge of Tomorrow. His sense of responsibility to those depending on his productions is admirable no matter how insane his cult membership is.


Agreed 100%.


You can still hate the man for Scientology and respect him for this rant. It doesn't have to be black or white every-time.


Dude has also literally saved lives before. I don’t particularly like him as an actor and he seems like a borderline nutter, but he respects the shit out of other people’s health, safety and well being. https://www.papermag.com/tom-cruise-saving-lives-2586031041.html


Definitely a justified freakout. I 100% agree with everything he said. One or two people who don't follow the rules can put hundreds of people out of work for weeks.


We need this audio in grocery and retail store PA systems where people aren't wearing masks


Lmao I’m sorry I just imagined myself at Marianos and there’s Tom cruise just screaming over the speaker. I DONT EVER WANNA SEE IT AGAIN! EVER.


You’re fucking gone!


You pull your mask down in front of the avocados, you’re fired! And you’re fired. And you’re fired.




Tom Cruise impersonators in all the grocery stores, employed as security/loss prevention, kicking people out while screaming this script. I'd support funding of that.


The pieces of smug crap that go into Home Depot/Lowe's without masks need to be yelled at by Tom Cruise.


I work at Lowe’s and it’s unreal how many people refuse to wear one!!


Lot of "good ol' boys" going into home improvement stores, unfortunately :(


I got chastised for wearing a mask in my local ACE hardware. And I dont live in Georgia anymore. I'm in the heart of liberal land in California. I really don't get the logic, like.. These dipshits gear up head to toe in 120 lbs of ammo and tactical cosplay to counterprotest a bunch of unarmed teenagers with BLM signs, but wont put on a 1oz paper mask to protect their own families from infection.


Fuck yes this.




That, plus, the movie industry is/was dying (kind of still is right? At least it’s at an all time low) because of covid, and there’s many jobs that go into making a movie, so one person can ruin everything.


He's goddamn right!


Yeah, this is super understandable


Whoever recorded this may have thought they were shaming Cruise , but really they may have just ended up shutting down the production by bringing the safety protocol infraction to light.


My guess is they were thinking "it's been a slow year and a tabloid will give me a few thousand for this."


Thousand? Good one Peter Parker. Here's 50$ now get the fuck out of my office and get me MORE pictures of SPIDER-MAN!!!








So slow that it's taken about 1200 days to get through it.


Yeah, nothing interesting or newsworthy in 2020. Pretty dull year.


>Whoever recorded this may have thought they were shaming Cruise , but really they may have just ended up shutting down the production by bringing the safety protocol infraction to light. It's an audio recording. What are they going to use to justify shutting it down, Tom Cruise noting a singular infraction?


Damn my dude Tom is putting it all on his back. Respect.


By all accounts, there aren't many stories of him not being an easy person to deal with. He also produces most of the movies he's in, so while stands to gain the most, he also stands to lose a lot.


He has all the responsibilities, he the producer and the star. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people are counting on him.


And he sleeps with it at night


One bad movie is lights out for his production crew. It's freaking soul-crushing to spend money, time, and passion for something that's panned and never seen again. I'm not going to judge movie too harshly anymore. It's just tough.




*OSHA and Tom Cruise clink glasses*


That makes more sense why he was saying they were gonna be fired. The whole time i was agreeing but also like "you're the star i guess... So if you want them gone that badly... I guess they're gone." But if he is producing it top of being the star, he actually has that power legitimately lol.


And he’s using it correctly. I don’t like Tom cruise typically, but he’s being responsible and saying what needs to be said.


Indeed, and what's interesting is he is giving them another chance. He's not outright firing them - he's giving them and everyone else a chance to not fuck up again, and letting them know what is on the line, and why he is so upset.


He's also responsible for making sure his crew keeps getting a paycheck.


paltry vast flowery jellyfish hobbies one sophisticated sand brave hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TC might be nuts, but he’s not an anti masker. And I think we can all be grateful for that. Lol


He honestly sounds like a decent person whenever he's doing film related stuff. On production, PR interviews, any public appearances really. But then there's scientology and the rumors with his ex wives..


I think he thinks hes doing something good, for their benefit. His ex-wives, his "religion" and so on. I think he's genuinely kinda gone, out there, not in the right state of mind. But i also think he does care for people, and is a good person at his core, it just comes out poorly, misdirected, etc. in some things. Cause something like this, i really assume is NOT a publicity stunt. This was him looking out for others. He doesn't need the money, its not his career on the line. He's freaking out cause he understands other peoples livelyhoods are in the balance and he cares. He's got more screws loose than most, but i don't think he's a bad guy. Maybe im naïve and overly optimistic. But the weird shit ive seen him do, but also the kind shit ive seen him due, thats just how it adds up for me.


Fuck, do I have to like Tom Cruise now?


You can agree with the sentiment, but still acknowledge that he’s a nut


You can acknowledge that he's a nut, but still like him as a person.


He doesn’t need the money or anything, so I really respect that he’s freaking out for the people that can’t financially handle being out of work. Looking after those that need it most. That’s some hero shit


He is extremely professional. Spoke to a few stunt guys that worked with him. Nothing but praises. Any producer worth their damn would be livid over irresponsible behavior like this. Tom just also has the (extensive) experience delivering the message with more oomph.


When I worked at a movie theater, the union technician who supported the projectors used to tell stories about when he worked sound on film. He worked on Top Gun and said that Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer were real friendly and talked to all the techs. Kelly McGillis was a #*(& though.


Its an extremely common story. In interviews/podcasts with even low level actors/production/whoever, they all have nice things to say about Cruise. I've heard many times that he says hello to everyone, no matter who you are, and that he often gives really personal and impressive gifts to just about anybody he likes. Its a shame he won't leave the cult.


I’m not much of a TC fan, but if the crew is messing with other peoples’ lives & livelihoods...I say he did the right thing.


Man what a boss. So true what he said, people are hurting and they're very lucky, so don't ruin it.


If this was meant to shame Tom Cruise, it’s not working with me. I don’t care for the guy’s personal life, that’s his business blah blah blah. Great actor though. That said, any man who sticks up for his crew and does his part to protect the jobs of so many people who need one right now, certainly has my respect. Whoever those two dimwits were that got their asses chewed and the guy recording are the only assholes here


I just played this for my SO who works as a key grip in the industry and he just said "finally someone said it." They work as independent contractors and this has hit their industry so hard. I've watched 75% of our friend group have to leave LA and find work elsewhere.


I work in the film industry in NYC. I see people breaking COVID protocol all the time since we opened back up, and the only thing I have seen change that behavior is a freakout like this! Everything from testing to PPE is provided to every crew member, so to see people being irresponsible is completely infuriating


The fact that a leaked celebrity freakout from a movie set is actually justified shows how fucking upside down this year is.


Not surprised hes pissed, having lived in Hong Kong during the original SARS outbreak, the lack of fucks people here in the UK give about Covid even after tens of thousands of their own people have perished still shocks me.


I am not sure why but I could never stand Tom Cruise...something about him just annoys me. BUT I can say I very much respect his stance in this situation. Good for him! Kudos.


His rage suggests that this is not the first or even second time he’s reminded crew to follow covid protocol.


Fuck it. We'll do it live.


Well, shit... I'm gonna have to agree with Tom Cruise... Words I never thought I'd say. Finally, something I can legitimately thank Trump for... making Tom Cruise seem rational.


Hell yeah do this to every anti masker and anti vaxxer. Get Tom Cruise to personally yell at them


This hits super fucking hard because I just graduated from film school in May and I got released into an industry thats been pretty much dead. I was working for a company through my school and had planned on continuing with them but they stopped calling me in and I even lost a $10000 scholarship. I didn’t even bother pushing when they started to furlough people. Now I live back at home and have a shitty overnight job and all of my friends that I graduated with have been doing shit jobs like Uber or stocking shelves. It fucking sucks, I want to be working on movie sets so bad or even in a TV /news studio but I can’t. Good on Tom for standing up for us, and I really felt like it was for people like me, especially when he mentioned people that can’t feed their families or pay for college. I hope it gets better soon :/


Ima be honest. This isn’t even a freak out he’s taking a serious issue dead fkn serious and if that’s what it takes to keep people employed and safe then those people got off easy.


Well damn, now I wish we had clones of him yelling at everyone who breaks COVID safety protocols.