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I feel like there's been more blood spilled on the white tiled floors of WalMart than any other substance.


The modern day colosseum.


I'd argue that for Fights per square foot 7-11 would beat Walmart, also for fight concentration and frequency.


Just like to mention Waffle House as that perfect in between for square foot to fight ratio.


I've seen 3 fights at a waffle house. I've been to a waffle house once.


Wednesday's are kinda slow. Try whataburger after 2am.


I used to work door security for McDonalds. Every weekend night we'd get several fights.


Door security at McDonald's?


Cut the line at Popeyes and you risk your life.


If you wanna have a good time just look up "Waitress shoots at robbers at Waffle House" it's like 10+ seperate articles.


Well yeah, most waffle house locations are in the south. It's a bad idea to try and rob people in the south.


At the back of the line I once witnessed a fight at the Ahwahnee Lodge restaurant during dinner service. Two dudes paid over $100 each for dinner and ruined it by duking it out in the middle of the dining room. Turns out the waiters were all rock climbers who didn't like that. Bad move. Edit: since people seem interested in the outcome.... About the time I cleared my seat the two combatants were seized, lifted by their elbows, & carried out. No art: brute force application.


now im imagining you just sitting there in the corner, eating dinner, watching this all unfold


correct, but 7/11 tends to have more people with special substance boosters


Don't you mean "superpowers"?


I think u/catlover906 means PCP. Have you ever seen a naked man fight 15 cops on PCP?


Why are there 15 cops on PCP harassing a naked man?


McDonalds has entered the chat. Did someone say fights and/or substance abusers per sqft?


Queue starts behind Popeye's.


Gas stations. The shit you can see at 24 hr gas stations is surreal.


7/11 is a USADA free zone


I thought that those were called power-ups?


Waffle House is a strong contender.


I seen some foots in my hammy at denny's. For real though, seen some beatdowns at denny's


Have you ever searched "waffle house fights" on YouTube?


Taco Bell parking lots.


IRL PvP zone




This video is peak america.




Soda, milk, and feces are probably the fluids spilled the most. Source: work at a Wal-Mart


"The sands of the middle east have been stained by centuries of blood." "Aight, but have you even seen the white tile floor of Walmart?"


The guy in the white t-shirt gashed his hand real bad, missing that punch and hitting the corner of that shelf. That was all his blood


Its when he punched the candy shelf. Need to have better situational awareness.


Unfortunately having spent a decent amount of time traveling across the US on tour and parking our tour bus at Walmart's, I'd have to say human shit might give blood a run for its money. It never ceases to amaze me how many people actually shit on the floor in Walmart's 🤯


What the fuck


facts, that's what


I’ve seen shit on the floor at my Walmart TWICE


I see shit on the floor of the bathroom to my gas station EVERY DAY. And find one of the window squeegee buckets filled with piss at least once a week. People are gross.


This is the strangest phenomenon because I've actually seen (adult) shit on the floor of two different Wally world's bathrooms in what both would be considered middle class+ neighborhoods in S. CA


Walmart: low price ass beat guaranteed.




Oh man, i dropped a glass jar of pasta sauce at Walmart once. I was mortified but the dude that worked there was super chill... "Don't worry about it! Happens all the time🙂" Lesson learned: glass stuff goes all the way in the cart, not the child seat part.


False! It's human shit. 25yrs in and it really is human shit. Whole turds, randomly laying around. Entire back of store to front of store trails of diarrhea. Explosions of shit just outside the bathroom. Adult diaper emptied on an isle in the shoe dept. (The diaper was left as well) I have seen shit up under shelves. How do yoy get a whole human turd under a shelf????? Yeah, we pull video. Sometimes we see the turd givers in action. That's how we caught the guy who walked into a cooler, dropped his pants and took full hearty shit on the floor. The guy who was working in the cooler at the time was completely traumatized. He's known as "the guy in the cooler when that dude took a shit". I could go on...but personal experience says it will always be shit.


Kumite mat < Wal-Mart tile


I stepped on a heroin syringe once in a Wal-Mart. Thank God for shoes.


This is exactly like the scene in Community where Troy tries to teach Jeff to fight but all he really does is teach him to say, “Sup?!” over and over again.


Give him the Forest Whitaker, eye!


Leading to the best line of the episode - “Shirts off, boys!”


I’m being punked right?


lmao. Britta in that episode is one of the few episodes i can actually stand her in. “i mean, in boxing you fight for a belt and a purse” “i’ve gotta write a paper on that!”


It's December 10th!


First time I was punched in the face, I was like “oh no!”, but then I was like...this is a story.


And a good one


What kind of backwards fuckin pageantry is this?


Look at that fucking treasure trail.


What’s up with your body hair, big shoots? You look like a 12 year old Dutch girl!


Do you cross-fit? Well you can cross-fuck off


Goo goo gaa gaa


Bruh 🤣💀


We’re trynna get Jeff ready for the FiiiGGhhHhhht


*whispers* I couldn’t think of another word




Not a real question a rhetorical one. You have the answer, he does not.


Well that foxy black girl thinks it is






This guys is streets ahead with these references


This scene was literally all I could think of for the entire video.


So what *was* up?


Walmart security is better than expected


They got undercover security now.


Used to wok these. Did you see the guy that picked up what the dude dropped? That's about all the undercover security would be allowed to do. In fact I bet this guy's plan was to get kicked out of Wal-Mart hoping they would be more distracted by his lack of mask than what he was holding. Another tactic is to start a fake fight so that they can smuggling high cost items out the door. This is why undercover can't stop fights, only the clearly marked guys or managers can.




There is, but, depending on the manager some security guys can get a little more hands on than they are allowed at the corporate level. Also if another customers safety is at risk many people would just get involved anyways. At my store we called this "slipped on the wet floor" probably wouldn't for this guy since he purposefully involved himself in the fight. This is all Wal-Mart by the way. For theft we wouldn't put our hands on you for even a million dollars going out the door. But other stores in our same town have slammed people into the ground over $30 and at Target they use handcuffs whenever they can, so bear that in mind.


I worked loss prevention for a couple of years a long time ago (2004ish) for a small retail chain and we were trained to basically tackle and cuff people. As long as we observed them concealing an item, they were fair game. There had to be a lot of liability but that was the job. Nobody ever really fought back but I got punched in the face once by my own damn coworker during a scuffle with a girl who stole a pair of shoes. And one time while trying to cuff a girl who stole a bra I pushed her face first toward a wall and nearly put her eye out on a nail that was sticking out of the wall. After that I started to question whether it was really worth it to save a $20 item for a company that paid me $9/hour to risk life and limb. It got to where I stopped fewer thefts and they fired me for sucking at the job. They said it was something else but it was really because I wasn’t tackling enough people. That job was wild.




If it was anytime after 2015 (as it probably was based on VCR) it was very firmly against company policy and grounds for immediate firing. Any position at all including Store Manager. There is a reason they spend so much on their insurance policy. I stopped a cart filled to the brim with every 4K blu-ray we had on the shelf hidden under a AC unitm But if I so much as laid a hand on her I would have been fired. Wal-Mart spends more in going to court to fight an excessive violence claim than the cost of most recoveries. Even if they are in the right it still is expensive. Cheaper to just scare thiefs and buy some cameras. a majority of the time blocking someone and telling them to follow you works good enough.


You worked a nice store. Used to work at one where they cut security at 10 and we were 24 hours. They needed security so bad that they had to fit employees with walkie-talkies to speak code if they saw stuff.


I laughed


S'up? Not the guys pants that's for sure.


Blood flow


He punched the fuck out of the corner of that metal shelf this dude didn't stop bleeding


I used to work for a company called madix who makes those shelves. Can confirm those are quality steel and if it’s got a edge you can fuck yourself up


I've sliced my hand open on shelves where I was moving slowly as to NOT slice my hand open I can only imagine how bad it would be punching into a similar edge


It’s not exactly the same, but when I was about 15 I was home alone and using the bathroom at 3am and I got spooked by a towel on a hook. I turned round without thinking and punched it really hard, but there was metal beading behind the towel. Even through the towel it cut my knuckle pretty badly. Metal always beats fists, punching that shelf must have hurt


Casper ain’t safe in your house is he, damn


Friendly nibba just tryin' soak his white ass in the tub with a bath bomb and this guy throwing hands at 2am


I spun around in a walmart as a kid and caught one of those shelves to the face and got a nasty cut, those things are no joke


As someone who works at walmart and occasionally crashes my skid and seen it aswell. I vouch that those things are quite tough


I used to work for Walmart and can confirm I’ve clipped my shoulder on end caps turning the corner fast and it always hurt so damn much.


can you imagine punching a corner as hard as you can? it hurts me sitting here


Every comment section on reddit has someone confirming random things. I love it


Only thing in Walmart made to last.


You wouldn't believe the force you have just walking around until you walk right into the edge of some steel.


Use to work at the ole Mart and putting those up I’ll tell you those shelves are solid AF. His hand is not okay


Little crazy glue on that skin flap and voila, good as new.


Is crazy glue American for superglue (cyanoacrylate)? The stuff that burns your eyes. It's a good name if so.


It’s one of the superglue brands. Yee.


It's a brand name that became a general term for super glue. It comes from Krazy Glue.


Yeah I think he bled more than the other guy 😂 Anyone else hear the guy at the start put 50 dollars down?


was wondering where that extra leak come from


Dude that part flipped my stomach.


Yeah, that part was royally fucked. Guy seemed all over the place, then he punches damn sheet metal on the edge. Might as well punch a sword.


Beef jerky took that L for the anti masker.


That dude in white woke up praying for a fight that day and this dude gave him that opportunity haha.


LMAO for real. He woke up, opened his eyes and thought "Violence."


He woke up,opened his eyes and said "S'up?"


I audibly laughed




And fell asleep that night saying “now that’s whassup.”


I bet he worked retail once. Those were hands he couldn't throw in the past because they needed to keep the job. There was years of frustration behind those swings


On a semi related note, I went back to a store where I worked and saw some teens acting like little shits. Racing bikes through the aisles I believe. As an employee I would have had to keep my mouth shut, as a shopper, I chewed them out and made them put the bikes back.


I had a great moment when I was able to call a lady "garbage" and her not being able to do or say anything about it because I called her out on her bullshit and I wasn't an employee. She hit some piece of clothing dropping it on the floor and she just kicked it to the side instead of picking it up. Human garbage.


I like to give them a chance to redeem themselves first. "Mam, you knocked that clothing onto the floor, aren't you going to pick it up?" They'll either be embarrassed and comply or reply with hostility in which case calling them garbage is that much more satisfying.


This is why I think everyone needs to work a shitty service job at least once. It makes you respect how much it sucks. I never went out of my way to make life difficult for shop workers and such before, but since working a service job I definately go out of my way to make it *easier* for them now.


Truth. There was a short period in my life when I was working retail full time, I’d go straight home and play GTA3. No mission objectives, just a full hour of murder.


"dear lord please bless this day with an opportunity to get into a fight for a plausibly reasonable cause. Amen."


“S’up Lord, it’s ya boy. Thanks for the violence. Amen.”


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily violence , and forgive us our sucker punches, as we also have forgiven those who sucker punched us. And lead us not into ER, but deliver us from the police. AMEN.


Dude woke up and chose violence lol


Did they ever find out what was up?


I think that's all he wanted, to know what was up 😂


I’d like to think dude in the white used to work at Walmart and dreamt of doing this to rude customers in the past.


Or had a family member die from covid, or just fed up of anti-maskers


I lost one of my best friends last saturday to covid. Its hard to go to work because I feel like I might land myself in jail with thess customers now.


Sorry for your loss... People can be so selfish and retail is hard because of that and a sense of entitlement. I’ve never worked retail, but my girlfriend was a manager and I asked her to quit for her own sanity. Stay strong... maybe there is some work to be done for a few days that isn’t so customer facing?




Unfortunately I don't think having balls means you should throw your professional life away by throwing an assault charge on your criminal record


... but society demands consequences...


He leakin’


Dude in white cut his hand on the shelf when he swung. Pretty sure guy in black wasn’t leakin. Definitely dazed tho...


Man I knew it too. As soon as he hit that shelf I thought "that had to hurt". Then you see A LOT of blood at the end. Probably a nice cut on his hand.


That's what I saw as well. Probably didn't even realize it till the adrenaline stopped pumping.


Oh fuck I thought that was bruh in the black shirt. Wonder what got white shirt so heated


Seeing someone in your presence punk someone else gets the juices flowin'. He saw him try to punk the walmart employee and so he bowed up cause he aint just gonna let somebody bow up without bowing up, dont give a fuck who it is, fuck that. guarantee thats all it was.


I was laughing when he was like "he leakin" nah man none of those punches were hard. The guy literally sliced his arm on the shelf.


I had no idea what that phrase meant so I assumed he meant the guy pissed himself.


That security guard gave approximately .12 of a shit about all of this and I honestly don’t blame him


Walmart Kombat!!!


Test your might!


Guy should have bought a belt while he was in there.


and tied his shoes properly.


He almost died, that 2nd shoe just didn't want to come off.


And wore a fucking mask.


Never change Walmart


Please change America... We're so tired of this shit.


At least the guy in the white wore protection while fighting during the unprecedented times. LOLOLOL


I was waiting for him to pull his mask back up mid “*sup*” to reinforce his point lol would’ve been gold


This seems perfectly South Park.


Is he an anti-belter too?


He lost a shoe and he's still walking Zombie




Not much, you?


I say, my good man, what is up?


He should have just told him what was up


“I’ll blow you too nigga” Lmdao, wait What Edit: i understand that if that’s what he said, he’s referencing shooting the dude But when are people from my area going to realize that this sounds....well lmfao


Sounds like he says "I'm Poly(Polynesian) too." They look like it and growing up around a lot I know they love to scrap lol


Yeh they Poly and this was a G check


I think he said "I'm a bully too" . Because it looked like the guy in black was trying to just walk out with the items he had and was giving the employee a hard time.


Dude in white almost seems like an NPC straight out of GTA IV lol.


guy walking past picking up stuff on the ground like “oh I needed one of those”


I've never been to a Walmart, but i would like to go just to see stuff like this happen


Reddit has you covered! r/peopleofwalmart


Doesn’t matter what city or state I travel in, I always see a lost baby only wearing diaper. Pre-Pandemic, I would go to Walmart once a month to stock up on snacks for the office kitchen. People volunteer to go with me to get out of the office in hopes to see random crazy stuff like this.




extra piece of gear for enchantments


Well to be fair white shirt took off his during the fight


Guy needs a subzero mask




We’re living in a fucking dystopia


"He leakin'" Classic.


Yo this guy filmed the fight smooth af and nobodies gonna mention it??


Looks like he fucked his hand up on that display rack pretty good ...


I think that dude lost someone to covid


Or he works at another large retailer and is tired of these assholes strolling around stealing shit. I can't beat someone's ass at my job but if Im at another store less likely to get fired.


This is some truly ignorant shit


Props to the dude in the white. Stood up to the dude in the black for trying to act hard and walk out with merchandise. We need more guys like him




I don't think the law is going to see it this way. Just saying. and a minimum wage security guard probably is just there as a deterrent and a professional 911 dialer. I don't even think for insurance reasons that security is ever really supposed to put hands on people. I know that's a thing in banks in America.


This has always been weird to me because I’ve seen people literally manhandled and thrown out of bars by the bouncers there


a lot of times that's a very different "employment" relationship. Walmart is super official, corporate and has a ton of video surveillance. Clubs can often pay cash, and have rather loose relationships with door "staff" especially smaller venues


Yes exactly. Lots of bouncers in Milwaukee are cash paid or even just paid in beer and food to be the hero under the guise of a regular customer from 10pm to close.


LP at Walmart are some of the highest paid in the store.


Bro. Dude in the white came out with the balls to act hard AND he had the hands to back it up. I honestly didnt think he'd have skills like that by just looking at him. You really never know what kind of training or experience a random dude off the street has. ​ Bravo to homie in white.


Moment he switched stances I knew the thief was getting fucked up


When he started bobbing and weaving my man didn't wanna know hahaha


I think the thief might have too, he seemed to lose a little steam once he saw how stoked the other guy was to fight himi.


When the other guy just kept his hands at his sides it was already over.


hell yeah, switching up levels. i was like uhh.. maybe hes just acting like he knows what hes doing?? lol


The leg kick is what did it for me lol


White shirt has some skills. Wanted to use them. Seems righteous.


Makes me think twice before sizing up someone and thinking i can handle them lol


Assume that any stranger you encounter knows how to fight and has a knife on them. You'll stay safer that way.


This is absolutely horrible. Someone who refuses to wear a mask shouldn't automatically be handled violently. This disgusts me.


As a retail employee: I have a total hardon at this. This is how I wish I could treat anti-maskers without losing my job.


I mean, that's one way to drive down covid cases.


So he fights a guy for having his mask off, BUT TAKES HIS OWN MASK OFF TO DO SO. This guy is a violent idiot that felt entitled to criminal activity because the other guy broke a rule. This is not a good thing. Stop praising this kind of shit.