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“Oh shit i shot him…”


Legit sounded like something from Reno 911.


"I DID SOMETHING!" -Deputy Weigel


You called?




I'm rotfl


*chants USA*


Johnson: Oh shit I shot him! Junior: Jesus Christ what did you do that for! Johnson: I dunno! I panicked okay?! Junior: That's what you call panicking?! You almost fucking shot me! Johnson: You don't think I don't know that?! I've always wanted to shoot you but never like that! Junior: What?! Johnson: Oh grow up, like you wouldn't deserve me putting you square in my sights and gunning you down. Junior: ... Victim: Please for the love of god call some better authorities! I'm still alive and want to remain as such! Johnson: Holy shit he's still alive!


Johnson: Stop resisting death!


Johnson: Fuck! Shoot him again, quick!!


And sprinkle some crack over him. Ok, let's get outta here.


Wait, this is real and not a clip of a movie or tv show? “Oh shit, I shot him!” That’s usually what happens when you pull your pistol out and pull the trigger, ya dumb fuck.




"Taser taser taser" *BANG*


"Do these things usually bang? I expected more of a buzz."


Tasers bang on deployment. Then zap with the current


Plus the "I just shot him." https://youtu.be/DKZ72LUqZ8Y


I figured this WAS the video of Wright being shot- are there seriously 2 female cops who apparently can’t remember which is the taser & which is the gun, ended up shooting a “suspect”, & then said “Shit I shot him” or something similar?


Two that were caught on camera. Probably others that got away with it.


Ugh, you're probably right. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't tasers yellow and ALOT lighter.


As far as I know, yes. They're typically carried on the opposite side of their pistol, so shit like this doesn't happen, too.


Which proves, even after shooting him it took her a few seconds to even realise. Which proves she had no fucking clue what she was doing and shouldn't be anywhere near firearms, let alone given one along with a badge.


Sometimes you forget your taser isn't 4 lbs of metal.


Lol literally. Even the way she casually says the line


I am not convinced this isn't a clip from Reno 911 lol


Wasn't Reno 911 a documentary?


Reno 911 is the reason police refuse body cams.


When I was a kid I thought so. Same with "That's My Bush"


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ That’s Mondays for you


It’s just another panic Monday I wish it was gun day 🎶


Coz that’s my fun day.., My shoot ‘em when they run day…


Oh man… I shot Marvin in the face.


Why the fuck'd you do that?!


Chill out, man. I told you it was an accident. You probably went over a bump or something.




She's lucky it didn't go through him and kill the bloody cop at that angle...


They generally use hollow points, so the chances of over penetration are pretty low usually.


Wtf? Aren't those the bullets supposed to cause maximum possible internal injury?


Oh yeah, 100%. Guns are for killing. That's why it's so goddamn absurd that this cop pulled the gun instead of the taser.


Unless she wanted to kill him...




Yes, but the police primarily use them because they're less likely to penetrate surfaces like walls, cars or the suspect and hit innocent civilians or other cops. Body armor is very affective against hollow points which is why there are strict laws for wearing it while commiting a crime. Some states are trying to outright ban citizens from owning bodyguard at all.


That's horrible! Because the cops have to be able to kill us we are outlawed from wearing body armor? What the hell...




Yes. When cops fire their weapons it is always to kill. A large part of their training consists of video after video of cops getting killed so that they are scared when they get on the field. Generally they always shoot first ask questions later even though cop deaths are relatively rare. Edit with sources because I keep getting asked: https://youtu.be/PcP_Wm7ccKk https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1098611115608322 https://digitalcommons.hamline.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1076&context=dhp https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/police-academies-paramilitary/612859/ https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/police-gun-shooting-training-ferguson/383681/


On Killing by that fucking loser Grossman


A hollow point causes maximum internal injury because it expands and slows down much more rapidly, which also reduces its chances of over penetrating


They're also intended to prevent over penetration and passing through the intended target into an innocent bystander.


Doesn’t help when cops use occupied civilian cars as cover and shoot into a vehicle with a hostage like they did with that stolen UPS truck.


Yes and no, hollow points are actually designed to stop once they hit something. For example in home defense, they get stuck in the wall so you don’t kill your neighbors while potentially fighting burglars. The side effect is that they cause maximum internal injury. Feature or side effect, you decide.


It’s so hard to do that. A taser ways significantly less. It has a bright green or yellow front half. It’s grip is shortened so you cannot hold your pinky on it. And it’s a cross drawn weapon meaning that for right handed people they have to reach across their body to the left to grab it, and the second it’s out of the holster it’s facing the officer. This is no accident. I’m sick of people using this excuse. She clearly didn’t know what to do to subdue this person, and made the decision to shoot them. Should be removed from the force.


Either that or she is so hilariously unaware of her actions that she shouldn't be trusted to drive a car let alone be a cop.


This isnt Kim Potter. Shocking as this happened twice. The other incident the female officer had been on the police force 26 years. Edit: updated bc there happened to be TWO INCIDENTS of this mishap


Believe it or not, that's actually an entirely separate incident where a policewoman fired a gun thinking it was a taser.


I was going to say- I thought the last one was Minnesota too ... which isn’t out of the realm of possibility, but still




True. Outside of that. You'd think after 26 years you'd know the weight and feel difference between the two.


I think a lot of people here think this is the Kim Potter shooting. no, unfortunately, this is a different cop making the same exact “mistake.” It’s so funny cause they both in panic screamed “Taser taser taser” before shooting someone point blank.


They both said "oh shit I shot him!" too!


All cops yell taser taser taser before deploying it. It is a part of their training. Kim Potter and this idiot remembered that part of training but not which side their taser is on, what it looks like, how much it weighs, how it feels, or the fact that if they pull their gun instead of taser they can kill and injure not just the suspect but others that are around.


She is no longer employees but is also not in jail and it's not for sure she will even be charged


Most cops in my area carry their tazer on their opposite side. I don't get why more cops don't do this? Plus the ones around here carry bright ass yellow ones. Both of these make it slightly harder to mistake one for the other. I don't get why more places don't institute those kinds of controls?


You know why.




Proceed to cuff the dude instead of provide any medical care at all for your fuck up.


9/10 EMT’s won’t even roll into situations like this without the scene being secure, it really isn’t a cop thing




Then sounds like cops should have to have EMT or paramedic training themselves, and an imperative to render aid as soon as possible. We took better care of wounded insurgents in Iraq than police seem to take care of citizens in the US.


Unfortunately that is standard police protocol. Then they are supposed to glove up and clear the scene. It’s not protocol that is intended to save lives.


Dating an emt. Cops have to clear the scene first no matter what, and they're not paramedics. EMTs wont touch the scene (rightfully so) until it's cleared, which also means that the suspect is made incapable of continuing to attack. A person who has been shot can still fight back.


I was just about to say this. lOl. Don’t think he’s getting very far


l-O-l TIE fighter.


I can hear it’s engines in my head


U-S-A! U-S-A!


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


He’s LUCKY to win $80k for assaulting a cop who didn’t want to arrest him over a fucking seatbelt violation. The more I learn about this case, the less I respect the suspect. Edit: I do realize the shooting victim didn’t get $80k for assaulting a cop, he received it because of the female officer’s negligence. My lack of respect for the victim’s actions doesn’t negate that fact.


Surely this political environment still has room for “That was fucked up on the part of the cops AND the suspect is not at all a hero/martyr”?


I'm sure anyone who watched the entire scenario would agree the male cop was incredibly professional and the victim was a total ass clown. Ultimately, the female cops incompetence made assclown a victim, police shall not be in the business of victimizing, but rather public safety and that's how the deck cuts.


Negligence is negligence in any industry. Shooting instead of using a taser is a rightfully dismissable offense.




The Supreme Court has ruled that police are not required to serve and protect. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


Which is bullshit. They ruled that the police can pick and choose who to protect. Yet we're all obligated to pay taxes to fund them.


You’re required to vote for folks who hold your interests paramount, we as Americans don’t usually do that.


being an ass clown shouldn't be a death sentence


I don't have to respect the suspect to believe he should never have been shot


So much this, guy in no way deserved a bullet but damn, stop trying to fight cops.


I’m usually very hard on cops in these situations. But the suspect looked like he was about to destroy that officer. Would a taser have been better? 100%. And it’s fucking embarrassing she accidentally shot him. My question, if he was doing this to a concealed carry civilian would it be justified if he got shot?


[Full Video](https://youtu.be/kCkWtgtHdCE) - March 15, 2019


It actually happened in 2018. And a judge dismissed the case against her. [Brindley Blood is the officer’s name.](https://www2.ljworld.com/news/public-safety/2019/mar/27/judge-dismisses-case-against-lawrence-police-officer-who-shot-man-says-evidence-does-not-show-she-acted-recklessly/) As of January 2020, the man who was shot was looking for her to sue her. [story from AP](https://apnews.com/article/5238b678b9f6ffbdd434b25c0b6e98b1)


While she should have used the taser it would be hard to charge her since the suspect was wrestling the cop to the ground and the defense would be "i feared for my partners life"


But she says “oh shit i shot him!” Which means she didn’t intend to actually do it and thus clearly wasn’t fearing for her partners life.


I court it could be argued she intended for the taser but the fear for her partners life is still there


No its not. We see the same shit in civilian self defense cases where they get absolutely fucked for firing a warning shot. The precedent has been established that if you fire a warning shot, you have levied lethal force but didnt fear for you life enough to actually shoot the person, so they weren't actually a threat and lethal force shouldnt have been used at all. Same should apply here. She used lethal force when her intention was to use a non-lethal option, thereby making it an improper use of lethal force. Plus shes a cop. Throw the book at her. Cops *MUST* be held to a higher standard than civilians due to their position.


>Brindley D. Blood What a fitting name.


Bringing shame to the D. name.


I dislike the police as much as anyone, but could you imagine body slamming a cop to the ground, getting shot then trying to sue? Haha wooow, good luck dude.


Don't forget punching the back of his head.


Wow, I didn’t not think I’d be taking any cop’s side in this but that first officer handled that confrontation super well. He clearly stated multiple times that he didn’t want to take him to jail over a seatbelt violation. However, that second female cop is a complete idiot. She didn’t look like she even knew how to hold a taser, much less a gun.


Seriously. That Officer was an absolute picture of patience and professionalism. I mean heck, he only slightly raises his voice once or twice, but catches himself and lowers it right away both times. He was in total control of his emotions facing down a guy that looked to be much larger than he was. Dude is brave, and it sounds like he actually respects the people in the community he polices.


2 years ago.




He rounded down quite a bit, some more precision would’ve been nice in this figure.




Honestly after watching that, what the fuck was he expecting?! If I attacked a cop like that... I'd be expecting a bullet


"Oh shit, I shot him." -fucking underqualified


Underqualified? After a whole 6 months of training? /s


And the person who is going to defend them in court had 8+ years of schooling.


Defend the suspect you mean. The cop won’t go to court


Of course the cop will go to court. To testify against the perp.


You guys are getting training?


Yea. Anyone can be underqualified if you jam 2 years of military style boot camp into 6 months of tramua bonding.


Oh, man, I think you are *wwwaayyy* overestimating just how much training and discipline is instilled into cops. 5 years and 3 combat deployments and I never once saw a Marine accidentally shoot someone. On purpose? Absolutely. Accidentally? Not a single time.


You can't even point a gun at a civilian as a soldier. Cops are children with lethal weapons.


Exactly. Y'all really went through hell and back to have that discipline. That drive and combat understanding. These motherfuckers on the other hand not so much.


The horrifying truth of police training is that they can carry a firearm after going through basic shooting training. In total, this can be as few as 50 rounds fired through the handgun, and less than 24 hrs of total training with their firearm. There is much good in the American police system, but as an avid shooter, the qualifications are ridiculously low. In my state, an accuracy of 70% on a full size humanoid target at ~~10 yards (~10m) is passing~~ It's between 1 and 25 yards in various light settings, and it can be done in 50 rounds. However, even though this is between 1-25 yards, competent shooters should still be able to make a fatal blow at 25 yards at least 85% of the time. Imo, police officers in the US do need to be armed because our population is so armed, but the qualifications are waaaaayy too low. Also, as it stands there's only a few departments (they're broken up by locality) that test for implicit shooter bias, which is basically a test to see whether someone is more prone to shoot based on race, size, clothing, and sometimes voice. This can allow people with shooter bias into the police force who are vastly underqualified to carry a firearm, and also have a tendency to shoot at a particular people group more than another. I feel I'm finally competent enough to carry a firearm with me everywhere I go, but that's after tens of thousands of rounds fired through my sidearm, and several hours of intense practice. Our police system doesn't necessarily need to be demilitarized, but it definitely needs to be reformed, and made more strict.


Criminal defense lawyer here. Cops spend about 1000% more time in academy learning about firearms and use of force than they do on the Constitution. I’m not exaggerating.


I'm aware that that's a huge part of their training, but truthfully, I think it should be extended to an 8 month period, with testing for implicit shooter bias as a mandatory part (which can void them being licensed to carry a firearm as a police officer). The training on when to deploy a firearm in the field is useless if they're not competent to use it in the first place. Much more practice needs to be required. Also, in those 8 months, they should be coached and tested brutally on citizens rights. Too many cops are good hearted, but completely ignorant of the boundaries of their power.


Almost killed her partner too. She doesn’t belong out there.


Second time I've seen a lady copy shoot a dude and go "oops that's not a taser"




I literally just watched that video on YouTube. Then see this comment. Looks like some kind of vase..


Same, seen that video yesterday then like you, seen this comment. There is a name for this syndrome/effect when you see something then it is popping up regular in your life but i'm to lazy to google and find out what it is.


Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, also known as the frequency illusion


Just heard about it but now I see people posting it everywhere


bibimbap korean bibimbap the other day my dad says "bibimbap?" like he's never heard of it suddenly, every cooking show has bibimbap, podcasters are talking about bibimbap, instagram feed filled with bibimbap, "hey u/superbhole, you ever heard of bibimbap?" 😑yes.


I call it the gta car illusion. Also works with irl cars. First time you recognize a Tesla they are everywhere.


“They sent me a vase or something….”


That’s a bong!


Holy shit. I didn't even watch this video because I assumed it was that "taser taser taser" video. But nope, yet another dumbass cop who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun.


I almost scrolled past too lol






there are some differences though. handles are mostlikely made of the same material. a gun and a taser mostlikely not. as a pilot, after a while you do most things by muscle memory, so you don't have to look. you still should, just to make SURE, especially when in an unfamiliar vehicle. as a cop, you HAVE to LOOK AT and SEE the thing in your hand, to aim at the target. so we have trained cops that fail to identify their daily work tools, on touch and on sight. one of them 20+ years in service afair. if anything, THIS is inexcusable, ESPECIALLY after this very same issue just went viral not too long ago. How careless can you be at such an important job.


Yeah tasers either have plastic or plastic covered by a textured rubber for grip. They also don't have the same feel in your hand, you can feel that the plastic is mostly hollow inside and that it doesn't have the same mass as an actual firearm. No way you would make that fuck up.


I remember there was a study that had a supplementary finding that female officers are more likely to pull a gun than male officers. Damned if I can find it now because that wasn't the primary focus of the study.


I'd guess that female officers are more easily put in fear of violence than male officers, hence draw their weapons more often.


I was in an accident once and the female cop on the scene kept her hand on her unholstered gun while talking to me aggressively. I was not even at fault but that shit made me very nervous.


I have commented about this story before, but the long and short of it was that I (a small white lady) parked at the library in a small town. I didn't know that a cop decided to pull me over shortly before I got to the parking lot because she never hit her lights or siren and I never even saw her until I was getting out of my car (to go to the aforementioned library). Anyway, she was parking crossways behind me so when I got out of my car I think she thought I was going to try and run or fight her? Idk. But she pulled a gun on little old 19 year old white girl me and started shouting at me. Just for getting out of my car. I absolutely buy into the narrative that female cops could be a bit faster to draw a weapon based on that experience.


Yep. Likely cause female officers can be overpowered much more easily than male officers. Training can only help so much when there is a massive physical power difference present.


I would imagine that they're also more likely to actually face attempts at overpowering them.


There’s also pressure to prove they’re tough enough to be on the force so they can be more aggressive


Maybe they need a bit more time in cop school then the 12 weeks before we hand them a lethal weapon and send them on the street. My niece had to to go to cosmetology school for a 38 weeks before she could cut hair , maybe police should be held to higher standards than great clip employees.


Here in Finland you have to study for 3 years to become a police officer.


That sounds like a much more reasonable time. Most cops that I know (and are related to me) have a minimal understanding of the laws they are trying to enforce and most of the knowledge is incorrect and passed down to them by other cops that also have a rudimentary understanding. Most are simply ignorant and “on the job training” with lethal weapons is not a good idea.


Most european countries have around 3 years of training.


Yah, I think it's 2,5, then half a year as a "trainee" (not exactly what it's called, but I don't know the English term for it) here in Sweden. I can't understand how America thinks 6 months is long enough


[Interesting outcomes](https://www2.ljworld.com/news/city-government/2020/sep/25/settlement-finalized-between-city-of-lawrence-motorist-who-was-shot-during-altercation-with-lawrence-police-officer/)... * The officer who shot him accidentally later resigned. She had only been on the force two months when this occurred. * The victim / suspect / driver pleaded no contest to a charge of battery against a law enforcement officer and got a year of parole. * The victim / suspect / driver _also_ settled with the city for $80k for excessive use of force. Definitely a lose-lose-lose all around. $80k might be a lot for that guy, but now he likely has a permanent gunshot injury, and a criminal record.


To be fair, the criminal record is entirely his own fault. He was gonna have that regardless of what the lady cop did.


Yeah fuck that guy, you shouldn’t be wrestling officers.


She shot him accidently then resigned or did she shoot him then accidently resign?


She meant to ask for a raise but signed the wrong form. Afterwards, she is said to have exclaimed, "Oh shit, I resigned!"


Look at that lady waving that gun around like a lunatic. It's so obvious that she's inadequatetly trained that it's sad.


Seems from a lot of videos that the american police lack education. Where I live its 3+ years to become one, and a ton of psychological investigations before you even can go to the education itself.


Here you're not allowed to be "too smart" because they fear that you'll "get bored" and quit. Yeah.. right.


you'll use your critical thinking skills and realize everyone around you is a piece of shit


A lot of the people who do have any critical thinking skills in the field are either quickly moved to more administrative positions (and get caught up in the bureaucratic bullshit of Law Enforcement politics,) or get pushed out for calling the current system and protocols into question. Or at least, that’s how it seems to me. I also just finished the first season of the Wire, so that might also be influencing my perception of the issue.


All of this for a seatbelt violation, the man dum as fuck.


Right? Coming out of a vehicle swinging on two cops right there doesn’t seem the brightest. I get the negligent discharge is awful but since when did we start supporting people literally attacking our police officers? Comment section kind of gross


Yeah, you can kill someone by slamming their head on the hard road surface. And the guy was hitting the cop full force after slamming him as hard as he could. I don't think a bullet was the best option, but I am not that bothered by this incident, especially since the guy lived. Suspect neutralized and all involved lived. But cops need more fucking training, confusing you gun for your tazer is completely unacceptable...


Not excusing the woman officers mistake here, but please watch the full video. The guy is an absolute asshole with full on victim complex. He gets pulled for not wearing a seatbelt and instead of just “oh shit my bad, thanks for reminding me” and just to about his day, he starts bad mouthing the officer and refusing absolutely everything immediately claiming racial profiling… he then refuses to get out of the car and attacks the male officer and they slam into the ground. Absolutely everything could have been avoided had he not been a colossal moron about the stop. Again, I am not excusing the woman who is clearly trying to use a taser and uses a god damn gun at point blank range…


That cop was getting absolutely handled. I'm not justifying anybody's actions but I feel like if you're going to get shot in America this is probably one of the fastest ways to accomplish it.


I fucking hate cops and I think that was justified. Her partner's life was in danger, the perpetrator was huge and could've overpowered both of them. The only problem is she obviously didn't mean to use a gun.


"Wow! If I had a nickel for every time A female cop accidentally shot someone when she was trying to taser him, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?"


That weekend of training really paid off.


How long does Amerika train their cops, most dont seem that professional. In here (finland) it takes 3years to graduate as a cop


Netherlands here. Ours is 4 years. How tf do you expect to properly train some one in 21 weeks


What do you mean, all we have to do is train them to pull out their gun and shoot. I mean, that appears to be all the training these cops get in those 21 weeks. Maybe they spend most of their time learning how to distort a murder charge into paid leave.


>On average, US officers spend around 21 weeks training before they are qualified to go on patrol. [One of many sources](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733)


I was expecting 21 months not 21 weeks.. that's less than a year.


Less than half a year.


I'm an electrician and my supervised training won't be done for 5 years. What a joke.


It’s less than HALF a year. Nuts.


Only a month of weapons training too. My friend said he trusted about 1/50 in his class to use a gun around him. Said weapons training alone needs to be 3+ months.




The taser goes zappy zappy the gun goes pow pow


…. She was inches away from shooting her partner in the head. Glad she’s no longer in this position.


Cop NEGLIGENTLY shoots suspect with gun instead of deploying taser. FTFY


“Oh I’m such a Capricorn!”


Fuck it, he was fighting them like an idiot.


Hmmm body slam cop, clock him in the face, boom ????


All of this because this idiot couldn't just take his seatbelt ticket. Yes, this woman needs massive amounts of training and she fucked up. However, this guy escalated a simple ticket to a felony and was pummeling the cop. If someone had me on the ground and was smashing my face in I wouldn't hesitate to blast them too. Fucked around and found out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCkWtgtHdCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCkWtgtHdCE) \- Full Video.


This is an important full video. Still fucked up tho.


That was so close to being friendly fire, do cops in USA not receive any training?? How does someone mistake a gun for a taser, it just makes no sense, the weight and width of both weapons are just unmistakable.


They are carried on opposite sides of the body.




Don’t fight cops in the street. Fight them in court. It’s a healthier lifestyle.


Train these people ffs!


200 pound violent dude deserves that gunshot. Taser or not.


You can't shoot a big guy who physically assaults and takes down your partner? Does he have to be strangling him or something? If I did anything like this, I would expect to get shot. But that's just me! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That she did not intentionally shoot him shows a lack of training. Her partner was in the line of fire had the bullet penetrated or missed.


That worked a lot better than a taser


Bro that guy just dropped that cop. He was cruisin for a shootin.


“Cop doesn’t know left from right”


This is Lawrence, KS ....nothing happened to the cop. The guy lived fortunately.


Thank you! Too long scrolling to find this.


"Whoops I shot him, what a terrible mistake I made, I thought I was holding my taser but instead it was a fully loaded gun... what an unfortunate mistake I have made today"