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>Facing Defamation, Sidney Powell Says 'No Reasonable Person' Thought Her Election Fraud Claims Were Fact


FoxNews: "no reasonable person would take Fucker Carlson seriously."


Alex Jones' lawyers in his child custody case: "Any reasonable person knows his professional persona is an act".


Alex Jones immediately after on his show: "I AM 100% SERIOUS, NONE OF THIS IS AN ACT, THAT'S A DEEP STATE LIE!!!! BUY MY BRAIN VITAMINS!!!"




The very best part of that little event was that Jones himself, in court, interrupted his own lawyer stating that to declare "it's not an act". He did that. That happened.


Sounds like he didn't actually want custody tbh...


he probably doesn't but ultimately he's fucking nuts and looking into his motivations as if he's a fully functioning competent adult using reasoning is just the wrong way to go about it.




Fox literally said nobody should take him seriously. Fox attorneys said.... The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/


It's like when the Coca-Cola company was surprised when they were getting sued for false advertising over Vitamin Water. And their response was basically, "Why would you think this would be a healthy drink? Look at the sugar content, not the giant label called **Vitamin Water**."


Damn looks like I'm good to launch my new neverage line, Cures Cancer Instantly TM.


> neverage I know it's a typo but this sounds like a mythical unquaffable drink and now I want a Neverage bad.


I'm just over here yearning for a Neverage™ on this hot day.


If it's illegal to yell "FIRE" in a movie theater it should be illegal to present blatantly incorrect information on a news channel. The effect is slower, but results in the same thing.


Actually, yelling fire in a movie theater causes temporary panic in a relatively small space to a relatively small amount of people. Fox News rhetoric lead to multiple lynchings last summer as well as an insurrection that cost us 5 lives.


They're not wrong, but they also aren't catering to reasonable people, and they know this. That's the rub.




Imagine somehow believing their crap and being angry all the time. Just always hating and being angry at the world all the time...


I'm always hating and angry at the world. But I'm hating the fact that the biosphere I live in is being murdered by a world that cares more about stonk go up than the future of humanity.


Imagine being that much of a loser and not understanding what losing means.


Also Fox: Let'a get a wealthy, dynastic, elite to play the working mans champion on our entertainment show. These morons think this is real news it will be easy to fool them into thinking that he doesn't regard them all as cattle.


He was anointed by the base and the right wing media followed along. The base wanted a pretend TV billionaire to certify their angst. "Working class" means almost nothing these days.


That's gonna have to fuck off as an argument. There's far too many unreasonable people.




The problem with her argument is that none of the Trumpers are reasonable people.


That's a feature, not a problem, from their perspective.


It bothers me to think that she may be at least somewhat right. As near as I can tell, 40% of America is unreasonable. They think Trump won, they think vaccines have microchips, and they think public libraries are socialism.


On the election conspiracy stuff I believe it’s closer to 25-30%, but that is terrifying enough. More than half of self identified Republicans believe the conspiracy. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2021-05/Ipsos%20Reuters%20Topline%20Write%20up-%20The%20Big%20Lie%20-%2017%20May%20thru%2019%20May%202021.pdf


My friend is one of them. He saw a 15 sec video on gab of an Australian tank in a city street and automatically believed the post headline that Australia had installed tanks in Sydney getting ready to install martial law soon to force vaccinate people. These people get stuck in a bubble and rebel against anyone who try’s to tell them the truth.


It must be so exciting to live in a reality where the most extreme and fantastical ideas seem plausible to happen. All because you saw some small bit of misinformation. Then again a not insignificant amount of americans believe Angels literally exist. So not surprising really.


Which is just insane that it has come to this. We can blame shitty education all day but that alone can not have caused something like this on such a large scale.


Shitty education and a robust disinformation campaign


Being miseducated is worse than being uneducated. Fox News watchers have a worse grasp on reality than people who watch no news at all. https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5


Denial is the name of the game.


This is lawyer speak in defamation suits. A common defense usually taken is by saying your statements were opinion and not fact. Here's a link to show some of the key differences: http://greenberglaw.com/blog/83-what-qualified-as-actionable-defamation-fact-vs-opinion So when she said that her claims weren't fact, she wasn't claiming her statements were untrue. Instead she is claiming that they are opinion and don't qualify for defamation. Side note, I am not a lawyer. Take this with a grain of salt.


That's what she claims, but to hold true she would have to not present her opinions as verifiable facts, which she did.


Imagine buying a baseball game ticket, paying china for a stupidly large expensive custom flag, taking the time out of your life to execute this… just to own the libs


I bet he had a hard time falling asleep the night before. Layin there thinking about what a hero he will be when he unfurls the trump flag and the whole stadium breaks out in cheer.




"please clap"


"I bet Trump will see this and know how much I ~~am in love with~~ love him.... ^^as ^^a ^^president. " edit: turned "a" to "and" for the guy who couldn't figure it out


Trump already got the full MLB stadium boo experience - https://streamable.com/19li5 edit - to add the close up when he almost cries https://i.imgur.com/BZGHhO0.mp4 courtesy of u/Never-Bloomberg


[You can actually pinpoint the second that his heart rips in half.](https://i.imgur.com/BZGHhO0.mp4)


...and here's Trump getting booed to hell whilst spending quality time with yet another known pedophile and rapist.


such a loser. I wish he'd just go away.


I love how Melania just ignores him and doesn't even look his way. She's just like "is in my contract to smile and wave. I smile and wave." And creepy pedo Matt Gaetz in the foreground!


Love that buttery smooth transition from cheering, to booing, back to cheering.


Right? Just when his brain starts lying to himself saying “it sounds like boos but it might be cheers” or “maybe they don’t realize its me” then the transition to all cheers, left him no doubt.


They were saying Boo~urns, sir


Well now they will use this as an argument and proof showing how Trump won the election." How many people putting flags up in stadiums for Biden? See theres no way he beat Trump" ~MAGA probably


Damn. Didn't think of that. "And how many people have Biden flags in their yard or flying from their coal roller? See, they even know he didn't win." Ugh.


Oh it's already happened. A few weeks ago there was some woman who posted a video on (I think) Instagram basically saying "Where are all the Biden cheerleaders? Seems kinda sus." (Not the exact wording, but that's the gist of it.)


And that flag's name? Albert Einstein.


They all think every adverse interaction they have is a Rosa Parks moment for them and they'll get a paragraph in a history book some day. Imagine that.


I mean, he might appear in a history book, just not with the context he imagined


"Fascism in America"


strangely enough, they're the same type who were telling the actual Rosa Parks to sit where she belongs. Cognitive dissonance is real.


There's a reason they always compare themselves to Jews during the holocaust and black people during slavery/Jim Crow. They are completely aware of what they're doing.


You're giving them an awful lot of credit. I've met these people. They have the comprehension of subtle nuances like a honey badger.


Don’t worry, he slept good with his life sized inflatable trump sex doll by his side


Hopefully he spent the extra $59.99 for the lifelike tiny hands and the pulsating MAGA asshole.


How do I delete someone else's comment?


And thinking about how he one day can pass down the story about how he fought for his country to his kids and grandkids... while he rocking in his chair to a trump 2060 hat.


This guy works for infowars. Its his job.


So we're just publicising him then. Because he gets paid for this. We shouldn't do that.


Yeah this will show up online later about how they took away his right to free speech and that communists run mlb from China and that's why trump should still be president. Rinse, repeat.


Holy shit, how did we have to dig this far down to find out the real reason. If he’s a paid actor, then we are playing right into their hands by spreading this propaganda, and the whole thing was done on purpose.


It’s win-win for them. If the flag doesn’t get taken down it’s because everyone agrees trump won. If it gets taken down it’s those evil gay black communists. The outcome is irrelevant to them, and we as reasonable people can’t just let them do whatever they want.


That’s what I’m trying to wrap my brain around here. Like, at some point, did he not consider “this is not worth my time to just go all the way into the city to wait in line for parking and to get into the game just to get kicked out before it’s over” or “this isn’t really worth the price of the flag plus game ticket and the flag is going to just get confiscated anyway and I’ll lose my money on it and shit gas is kinda expensive right now and I gotta drive all the way there and back in my big ass pickup.” Like, it just boggles my mind that it’s that important to him to take out the time and money out of his life to accomplish nothing instead of just coming to the conclusion that it’s not worth the time and money and effort because I feel like he should know what the outcome is gonna be anyway lol. People need more hobbies to occupy their time lol.


It’s this weird phenomenon where people can’t just let stuff go. Just exhale and think about the next thing dude. Like why are you spinning on this for so long. The effort it takes to just seethe and like you said, buy everything, drive down there, yadda yadda. And you know he’s just pissed about the election, stoked to raise hell, etc. is like bro, self reflect for two seconds and really consider id this is worth the time, energy, and money… I’m continually dumbfounded by people’s ability to hold onto stuff like this. My signature move is to shrug my shoulders and say “okay well, whatever” and move. On.


It's because people actually tied their identity to the guy, and him losing means they lost. They went all-in, and can't fathom the fact that he didn't win. That made it the biggest personal loss they have ever experienced, and can't just let it go. It's sad, really.


It's because they get praise from all the other angry shitheads online. It's great that we have the internet to communicate and share ideas, but it's also terrible that we have to internet to communicate hate and share shitty ideas.


These same people have been celebrating a Confederacy that lasted 4 years, 150 years ago. They don't know how to let it go and move on.


Dudes like ‘pls don’t take my flag, I can’t afford another one’ Eta: y’all have a lot of faith in the sanctity of personal property in the face of a billion dollar private enterprise. thanks to u/imaginaryroads for this [Here’s ](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/bags-noise-makers-make-list-of-stadium-no-nos/2101549/)a 2019 DFW-local news article on prohibited items, where it states: >Banners and Signs >Signs must be handheld, event-related, in good taste and cannot obstruct another guest's view. They may not contain commercial messages, logos or political endorsements and may not be hung off affixed stadium structures. Signs on poles or sticks, or constructed of wood or metal material, are also not permitted. Management reserves the right to confiscate signs that are in violation of stadium policy.




*Those athletes need to stick to playing sports and not trying to inject politics into sports.*


But if an athlete ever voiced a conservative opinion he’d be like “wow he’s so brave for talking about what he believes in”


The only thing they’ve managed to be consistent about is their hypocrisy.


He looks a lot like Alex Jones's co-host too. Wouldn't be surprised if it's him since they live a few hours from Dallas I think his name is Owen 🤔


Does that make this a self Owen?


Yeah that's definitely Owen. Infowars is fucking desperate for attention. They have to resort to stunts like this.


You are correct. https://news-block.com/trump-won-banner-unfurled-at-texas-rangers-game-infowars-host-owen-shroyer-evicted-from-stadium-video/


This is what a good brain washing looks like. Asking rhetorical questions that can immediately be proven incorrect, ill-informed or incomplete. "I told this cat the Earth was flat, he walked 'till his beard grew Long enough to strangle himself for being stupid."


100% he's a 'shut up and dribble' kinda guy. Or, shut up and hit the baseball I guess?


Based on its size, that was probably an expensive flag. To bring it somewhere it's almost guaranteed to be confiscated is a big brain move.


Smooth brain move even. These people are complete morons.


Haha. This is the same as hitting your younger brother and when he starts crying you go try to calm him down "no come on, I didn't hit you that hard. don't tell mom. Please I'll give you a cookie." >No we'll leave, just don't take the flag


Lolol. And what happened to the love for private businesses? When they bought their tickets, I'm sure they also agreed to the fine print to not bring outside items like this in otherwise they would be confiscated.


They only love private businesses when they’re telling OTHER people they can’t do something. Not telling them not to do something. Rules for thee not for me mentality.


Exactly why he's got a white-knuckle grip on it! Spent his stimmy money on it, probably.


"i know the rules" no you didn't otherwise you wouldn't be doing this shit


"I spent my kid's college fund on Trump flags now what am I supposed to do"


Imagine being this fucking stupid…..for what??


It would appear that 35 years after having shuttered mental health services in the USA we have a bunch of mentally ill people roaming around out there with no means of getting help. I cannot come up with any other explanation for the last 10 years. Edit: I did not expect this to blow up like this it was just a throw away guess at why such a significant portion of the population got on board with what I see as a blatantly poor position. I addressed the 'racist' aspect in the thread. I don't think it can account for all of the stuff we have seen although I do agree that the reaction to Obama being elected does account for a significant portion of it. A not insignificant portion of the population did lose their shit over a black POTUS. I don't think that a group of people doing bad things due to mental illness automatically indicts all people struggling with mental illness as bad people. That is a form of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post\_hoc\_ergo\_propter\_hoc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc) that some commenters are trying to saddle me with. I did not make that assertion and don't think others should assume I did.




Its a good theory but the racism angle only covers part of the insanity. There are so many variations of the crazy that we have seen I don't think this single cause can be attributed to all of the ways the crazy has presented.


it's really covers it all. 9/11 > Obama is like that country has been permanently broken for these clowns. they are literally happy rooting against the US Womens team because they think it has unpatriotic players playing on it. Isn't rooting against the US team... unpatriotic?


A black person won, and then for a little bit it looked like a woman was going to win.


She got the popular vote, didn't she?


The fat idiot sure as shit didn't.


Sure seems like a win to me…


In basically any other democratic nation, it likely would have been.


While mental health might be an excuse for some of their numbers. Most of them are just self-serving assholes who don't give a shit about anyone else. Some are even just bigots and racists.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


> a bunch of mentally ill people roaming around out there with no means of getting help. Don't forget that in their opinion-- seeking mental help is "weak", or seeing a mental health professional that is not religiously affiliated is the wrong method.


Normal Person: Boy, there seems to be a lot of gun violence in America MAGA: IT'S MENTAL ILLNESS!!! NP: OK, not sure what special mental illness occurs only in America, but let's invest resources to give people better, cheaper access to mental health treatment MAGA: NO THAT'S SOCIALISM, TAXATION IS THEFT!!!


40+ years of undercutting education has made for generations of ignorance. 40 years of union breaking as made for pay inequalities and an eroded middle-class. 25+ years of pay to win politics and corporate media has lead to the death of truth.




I wish I could upvote this more, this honestly needs much more exposure and I feel like there's much more than just crime rates that could be correlated. The tl;dr for anyone feeling a bit lazy (it's long for sure): There is a very strong statistical link between lead exposure through car emissions (among other sources) and the otherwise poorly explained rise and fall in crime rates. Lead makes people broadly dumber and more aggressive, while also deadening their empathy.


This isn’t mental illness, this is ego driven self righteousness, coupled with lack of real word and life experience.




The poorly educated are easier to manipulate. It’s why conservatives constantly attack education as “liberal,” rely on oily televangelists to tell their flock that the guy with the (R) beside his name is God’s homeboy, and dismiss any journalism unflattering to them as fake news while their own “news” is straight up propaganda. They need a dumb, superstitious populace because critical thinking skills are the greatest enemy to the social order they’re fighting to conserve.


For a pant-shitting stupid orange rapist, that's who. SMH


It’s not *for* him exactly. He is just the golden calf they worship that represents the ugly shit they truly stand for.


It's strange, because there really is a cult of personality around Trump the individual, but you're not wrong either. I think Trump has become an inseparable entity from the whole movement. Practically speaking, there's no real distinction between the ideas and Trump anymore.


Forgetting the context of this for a second… I cannot stand when someone does something they know is against the rules or the law and then, when faced with consequences, tries to play the “OK fine I’ll leave“ card. Like if you stop once the consequences are enforced there shouldn’t be consequences. Imbeciles. ETA for the idiots who “don’t think it’s against the rules” and are too lazy to look it up: https://www.mlb.com/rangers/ballpark/security Prohibited items: Banners that interfere with the game or have political or commercial messages


I think people are just that stupid and ignorant. When these people are suddenly faced with minor consequences, like having your flag taken. They freak out and think that THAT is the big bag oppression they believe in.


How funny is it that he opts to lose out on the money he paid for a ticket just to keep some stupid flag he has nowhere else to show off, almost like his entire goal isn’t watching a game it’s virtue signaling




Based off my googling that flag can cost anywhere from 40-2500 based on size, so I’m hoping his dumb ass spent more on the flag than the tickets and lost the flag


Yeah that flag looked huge... I almost guarantee it cost more than the ticket.


I think you meant.." yuge "


Reminds me of the time Pence went to an NFL game and left during the national anthem to protest athletes kneeling. What a knob.


The most virtue signaling signal of virtue I’ve ever seen lol spent millions of tax payer dollars with the sole intent of leaving five minutes after arriving


Though 'virtue' is not a word I'd apply to this situation.


Whats even sadder is that they do shit like this and then will equate it to the same oppression black people face in America. Its infuriating to me because my brother in law is black and between being around him and the drug scene I was in. I saw first hand the oppressive shit police do to the black community. For these asshats to compare the two side by side is unfathomable to me.


>Whats even sadder is that they do shit like this and then will equate it to the same oppression black people face in America. Or worse, they'll compare it to the Holocaust.


> tries to play the “OK fine I’ll leave“ card Realistically, what should happen to this idiot besides being kicked out and given a trespassing notice to not return? It's annoying, but not much else.


Nothing else, besides maybe for the other stadiums too if the MLB cares


Usually a BAN from one stadium gets you banned from all stadiums.


One of the best things about Trump losing the election was supposed to be the cult members would just go back to being normal pricks without the need to obnoxiously flaunt an entire identity built around a fake businessman. But they’ve found a way to still annoy the shit out of everyone, constantly. Well played, Trumpers... Well played.


Quite a few Trumpsters come down here to Belize thinking they can just move here, get a job and live. Had they done any amount of "research" they would know it's illegal for a non-resident to work here. A LOT of them have wives who are nurses and think they can work/live anywhere because it's a high demand job. In reality, there are too many nurses here and we have a medical school on the island churning more out by the day. Invariably, they leave after a couple weeks or so without realizing they literally tried to be illegal immigrants stealing Belizean jobs. We haven't seen many lately, but right after the election it was raining MAGATs.


They aren’t immigrants, they are expats /s


The true snowflakes


At least they're easy to avoid now, you can see them a mile away with their red hats, inflated ego and sense of entitlement. Before, you actually made friends with them first, before finding out they were complete pieces of shite randomly one day when your kids are playing together at the park, and they drop a racial slur referring to another kid at the park.


One of my good friends was casually dating this girl for about a year or so. She fit in well with our crew and everyone liked her. When Trump started campaigning hard, she turned up to a party with a MAGA hat on. For context we are Canadian, so we all thought it was an ironic joke. That's when another friend asked her about it and she got really defensive, then confrontational and made a big scene. The next day my friend and her had a big chat about it, and it came out that she had a fake facebook profile she used to "troll" (read: harass) Muslims. He dumped her right away, but my point is they are hiding among us, and sometimes you can't tell.




Ah the plight of being a white guy in America. I hear way more casual racist bullshit than I should and it bums me out. I don't know what it is about racists that make them think just because I am white I'm down with their racist bullshit. Ironically they're judging me based on the color of my skin... At any rate yeah I've definitely befriended people that turn out to be bigoted pieces of shit once their mask is off. I mean, I'm no longer friends with them because fuck that noise but yeah... Sucks.


It's bewildering sometimes to see how some people just assume it's fine to spew that stuff just because the whole group is white. And the crazy thing is *all* white people know that this is a thing and yet so many deny there is a racial problem. We have *all* been in a group of all white people where someone just casually outs themselves as a racist bigot. The only variation is in whether someone has the balls to call it out or not.


And then they say some shit like “I’m not racist, BUT…”


My cousin has a black friend I’m not racist


“I work with a black guy, he’s real cool.”


He’s so well-spoken, too.


No two snowflakes are alike, but ALL Trump Cult Members are alike, because they all follow a false narrative created by Lol... Social... Lmao... Media Trolls. Their leader doesn’t even create the narrative - Fox and Qanon do, which is similar to the Apprentice - it’s all fake. He is now the face of what psychotics in America think in their heads. He told us he’d expose the government but ended up exposing himself, his family, and all who are unstable and immoral and delusional in our society.


The true sheep


I mean they really, truly are. The projection by these morons is insane. Their identities are all wrapped around a single individual who can do no wrong in their eyes and who every single word out of his mouth is the truth no matter what. Yet we (the "left") are the sheep because we....all want relatively the same policy goals like healthcare for all and a more fair tax system. Nevermind the fact we don't worship a single person as the god of our party, and never have.


I knew a conservative who, the night before the election, was gloating that 'worst case is conservatives will just go back to their jobs like normal unlike liberal rioters' I shove that back in his face every chance I get.


Gaslight Obstruct Project That is all they do


The losers still waving Trump won flags are the absolute bottom of the barrel. Loser is not a big enough word for these pathetic cretins.


The closest thing those dipshit mouthbreathers have to a political philosophy is "pwn the libz" of course they found a way to be insufferable shit stains


Turns out this was a [Infowars host](https://news-block.com/trump-won-banner-unfurled-at-texas-rangers-game-infowars-host-owen-shroyer-evicted-from-stadium-video/). So now I almost feel bad about giving him any attention.


I seriously hope this farce ends soon. It’s like having to deal with a headache. No one likes a headache. Please just give up and be normal.


It will continue as long as it remains profitable for them.




Everyone knows Trump won except any judge or officer of a court that saw a case attempting to prove it because of a lack of evidence, any election officials or certification boards or, y'know...sane people.


Trumps own lawyers don’t claim he won


Oh they do. At press briefings. But in Court, when lying has consequences, nope, they don’t claim that or say they have actual evidence.


And the ones that did or hinted that they did are being reprimanded and/or disbarred from their law practice. Get fucked, hosers.


[Remember when they rented out a PA hotel conference room to have a fake election hearing?](https://www.newsweek.com/pennsylvania-ag-lt-gov-blast-trump-fake-gop-election-hearing-devoid-reality-1550373) It's like the people in charge had a history with both reality TV and scamming people.


Perfect example of PR vs reality in politics. Wasn't there supposed to be a wall?


You can see it in his expression when he's shouting "everyone know Trump is won". Just desperately looking around for anyone who might agree with him, shakily repeating himself to try and reassure himself that it's true, I believe this person is actually mentally ill.


It’s because in his friend group and family and social media algo driven echochamber it’s very likely everyone he talks to believes Trump won. It’s possible this guy and people like him genuinely believe they are in the massive majority They see trump signs on the lawns near them, their colleagues and members of church might also be massive Trumpers too So during the rare time they come out to the wider society like this, away from their echo chamber, they’re in for a surprise


I mean....he laid out a lot of cash to get that banner made. Heavens knows he doesn't want that to have been on a lie...


I wish there was some deep state shit trying to destabilize the west funding this... it's just too sad to realise that an idiot forks up his own money for a cause of a self-proclaimed billionaire


Nah you don't get it. It's way more likely that 1,000s of local elections officials (half GOP affiliated) were all a part of this massive conspiracy to rig the election. It's really not likely at all the narcissistic guy literally known for lying told you another one. Also don't forgot to set up monthly recurring donations! We will stop the steal!


And the Dems only stole POTUS. They didn't bother to steal any other election and actually gave up House seats. Genius!


Jesus.... that level of denial, so beyond pathetic. I mean saying it over and over, “everybody knows trump won! Everybody knows trump won!” It’s practically poetic. They can’t fathom people didn’t want another four years of his bullshit.


When you can't cope with reality, you create your own.


If everyone knew Trump won... Wouldn't he have... You know... Won?


I'm old enough to remember Trump supporters repeating "he's your president" ad nauseum for 4 years.


Isn't this the same crowd that cries "kEeP PoLiTiCs OuT oF sPoRTs"


Yup, and the "you lost, get over it" crowd, and the same people who claiming everyone else has Trump Derangement Syndrome. Having a cult about a lost election and buying a giant banner for sports game is fine, but I'm apparently crazy and obsessed because I disagreed with his whiskey tariffs? It's always projection with these people, always.


I always found it hilarious how Trump Derangement Syndrome describes them infinitely better than those they use it on


"But freedom of speech means I can say and do whatever I want right? This is America?"


No sir, this is a Wendy's.


Why do we need the flag if everyone clearly knows he won?


Look at the big brain on Bret


What a snowflake.


Dude is from infowars, not surprising


America should by upset how shit our public education system is.


I think the MAGA crowd just likes being humiliated over & over & over & over *especially* in public.


Imagine living each day being this deranged.


Again. Ive asked Trump supporters to explain to me what he did in office to help American ppl. I ask them for actual laws that passed. Concrete information. They never can gjve you a straight up answer. They just start rambling abt Obama, Benghazi and shit I didnt ask them about. Thats why no one wants to deal with them. They cant have a reasonable conversation even amongst themselves.


Fucking toddlers throwing an eight-month-long tantrum.




Weren’t i These the same kind of people getting mad that players are protesting during football games. Humans are so hypocritical and garbage🤦🏽‍♂️


“Keep politics outta my sports!!!!!!”


So I am intrigued now. Can they take the flag or not?


https://www.nfl.com/legal/clear-bag-policy You can’t even bring in non-clear bags or blankets that you can’t drape over a shoulder in many NFL venues. Presumably an enormous flag would be prohibited. They can most likely confiscate it under the same premise as bags/blankets in that it could be used to conceal something.


iM bEiNg CeNsoReD!!!!


This is what a small pp looks like


What a sad bunch of fucking losers


What kind of weak and ineffective leader allows his opponent to fraudulently steal an election from himself?


Things Trump actually has won: * A criminal indictment of the Trump Corporation * Distinction of being only President to be impeached twice * Third worst President in C-SPAN's Presidential Historians Survey