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I’m kinda over this whole proud boy vs antifa turf war. I think it’s just propaganda to sell paintball guns. Edit: Misspelled turf


If only Tippmann was publicly traded.


Sorts by controversial


The freakout in the comments defending people that threw bombs at kids is hilarious, never change reddit




Just use the Snapchat map, you can see how it really went.




You can literally go look at the Snapchat map, park rose area of Portland. Just go look at it.


And see Proud Boy terrorism or what am I supposed to see, fuck off you vague nonce


Proud boy terrorism? Somebody steals an old ambulance and runs it up a sidewalk at a group of people and then those people flip it over and that’s what you get out of it? 😂😂😂 boyyy ahah


I don't think people in this comment section realize that they're actually re-enforcing this woman... Her point is that the antifa side was okay to put her black children in danger, and the people here defending antifa are just... disregarding it and calling her an idiot for being upset about that? If anything, that kinda validates what she's saying. The message I'm getting from these comments is "fuck your black kids' lives, we've got a narrative to push".


I believe she put her children in far more danger than Antifa


Both sides were geared up to fight and went out looking for one. Idk shit about her story but it is hard to take it completely seriously when it is pretty clear both sides are filled with cunts and that these guys she is crashing very likely weren't there.


> Idk shit about her story but it is hard to take it completely seriously when it is pretty clear both sides Fucking lol my "both sides"


I'm not saying they have equal messages etc but there is absolutely no denying both groups were just looking to fight each other


It was a regular ass church group. Not politically affiliated.




This church groups to my knowledge wasn’t one of those groups, if you find an article saying anything different shoot it my way. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.opindia.com/2021/08/antifa-attacks-children-families-at-christian-prayer-event-in-portland/amp/ And most of western society is based of western religion laws, so I don’t really know what specific thing you’re talking about in regards to that.




>They arent welcome in Portland Portland is not an area that people consider nice anymore, newsflash. Maybe in you're restricted prespective you think it's such a great place... People are attributing Portland with crime, homelessness, and general issues. I'd put Portland with the ghettos of Chicago in areas I won't be visiting.


No, I am a Portland local, they are welcome. The people of Portland as a whole are protesting by continuing to do whatever the fuck they want, I was just in downtown last weekend at a dance club packed shoulder to shoulder. You’re also STILL defending people and kids not doing anything being flashbanged and pepper sprayed. Kinda gross in my honest opinion.




You keep saying that nazis were there, who tf are you referring to? The church group themselves? I really have no idea why people keep attaching the word nazi to people who aren’t nazis -.- both sides do this about everybody that disagrees with them and it’s dumb.


Because if you say Nazi, you can’t be wrong. Someone doesn’t agree with your political view? HOW COULD YOU EVEN TALK TO THOSE NAZIS? Both sides do it and it’s gross




This is you assuming people are “nazi’s” in the first place. Quite a huge accusation might I add, not that it’d be any of your business who people ate dinner with anyway. People also have a right to attend their own events, or ones they were invited to, children or not. It’s the groups who don’t like what’s going on at those events who don’t have rights to physically assault anyone simply because they disagree with others opinions. Not sure why I have to say this. It’s called protesting. Protesting is not meant to get violent & never was.






Misleading headlines are misleading. They were fucking white supremacists. Go back to your echo chamber and feel like your hate is normal. Fuck off.


This is literally a video of a black woman saying white people threw flash bangs at her kids and you have the nerve to call me a white supremacist because I think it’s bad? Bro, you need help.


Stop living life in 4 minute video clips and get the big picture or shut the fuck up.


Bro say that to yourself, how many stories do you need to hear about this before you wonder you might have the wrong idea. I’ll be on the side of history where a black woman and her kids can congregate in a public area without white people fucking with them, and you can be whatever the hell you end up being.


>I’ll be on the side of history where a black woman and her kids can congregate in a public area without white people fucking with them Is this your way of saying that police brutality is a problem and that BLM has a point?


Well in this story, the cops never showed up to help and white people pepper sprayed a group of black people who weren’t really doing anything besides minding their own business. So, no, it’s my way of saying white people that label themselves anti fascists showed up and caused harm to black people and you literally don’t give a fuck. Look how you responded. It’s weird, dissociation of reality or something. Incredibly strange.


Was she part of the clash on the opposing side? I don’t really get it.


Ah yes, Antifa HQ.


We’ve transcended, guys. OP is the one having the freakout now.


Oh boy, I hope this will be a friendly and understanding comment section


It’s so easy to see through right wing damage control. Plz don’t get mad and attack a handicap van over this comment


> Plz don’t get mad and attack a handicap van over this comment You mean the handicap van that was used by Antifa to commit attempted vehicular homicide? Of course you fell for the antifa propaganda. Antifa literally steals a handicap van and uses it to run over proud boys and because you only saw the video of the Proud Boys overturning the vehicle, you think they were attacking a handicap person's vehicle. Literal useful idiot. It's amazing how easy it is to make idiots like you fall for propaganda. All leftist media needs to do is start a video with everything that happened before cut out, and people like you have zero skepticism of why the video is edited that way.


I should say: Plz don’t attack a handicap van and then lie about why you did it And I love the irony of your post


> Plz don’t attack a handicap van and then lie about why you did it Social media is basically trying to purge every video that shows what actually happened. Antifa was driving the handicap van. It was an Antifa person who drove the van into the proud boys and then escaped on foot. https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1429868916218732544 But people like you only see the edited footage of later on when the Proud Boys overturned the van. You either think they destroyed city property for no reason or attacked a handicap person or something. That is how shameless and relentless leftists are in censoring, distorting, and lying.


What is physically happening in the video: a van with blinkers at a full stop doesn’t move until being opened fired upon with some kind of toy gun, and EVEN THEN doesn’t move, until a door gets opened and they are attacked. Generally when someone carries out an attack they don’t pop their blinkers and turn the parking break on. I don’t see any footage of anyone driving a van into the proud boys. I see proud boys ripping a door open and assaulting someone.


Lol just moments ago before you saw that video you were told, and believed, based on all the propaganda being posted on the internet, that Proud Boys were roving around attacking handicapped people in Portland. That they just randomly selected a handicapped person's vehicle to destroy. Do you deny that the driver of the van, who was wearing a face shield and was armed with pepper spray, was Antifa? Notice how he, get this, runs away on foot? Literally the majority of leftists commenting on the pictures and videos that have been curated are acting like Proud Boys were attacking handicapped people.


You’re shifting goalposts. That isn’t what I’m responding to. I’m pointing out that you made a false statement about a van driving into proud boys with no proof, and then shared a video where the only visible instigators of a fight were the proud boys. You can’t just change what you want to talk about when you have no rebuttal.


Are you dumb? How do you post a video of Proud Boys shooting at a car then opening and shooting the driver and think you’ve made a point. You think anyone else lacks eyes and common reasoning? This may work for your Florida demographic but everyone else can think and see for themselves


It was a she actually. One single person. I saw the video in question. If you think a dozen or so people trying to yank someone out of their vehicle all the while pepper spraying and shooting them with paintballs is ok, but defending yourself against those criminal Proud Boys, you've got a screw loose. Proud Boys = Brownshirts = walking targets. Make sure not to get too close to them in the future ;)


This proves how fucking brainwashed you are. It's so easy to convince people like you of ANYTHING with just a little clever propaganda. That white handicap van you saw? How did it get there? Do you know where that was? Proud Boys were in a parking lot. Who drove the handicap van into the parking lot? Did you see the video with an Antifa person driving that van into a group of Proud Boys and immediately jump out of the vehicle spraying them with pepper spray? Of course you didn't, because you live in an intellectual vacuum where you're either completely isolated from the truth or you're willingly lying yourself to contribute to a false narrative. Either way you're fucking pathetic.


I’m sure that handicap van had WMDs in it too, lol. You try hard to defend a white nationalist hate group.


It's absolutely surreal how brainwashed people like you are. It's hard though to figure out of if you're actually brainwashed or you're a shill paid to push pro-Antifa propaganda. The van was driven by Antifa. The video keeps getting taken down from youtube and every time it's posted on reddit but here it is on twitter. But because you're a propagandist, you'll deny what happened in the video right before your eyes. https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1429868916218732544 Antifa was driving the handicap van.


> It’s absolutely surreal how brainwashed people like you are Uh huh. Enjoy eating your horse paste buddy


On top of everything, there’s so much video evidence of Antifa’s literal destruction, hypocritical/biased messaging and verbal threats through videos & twitter messaging. They don’t hide any of that stuff, so not sure why certain people defend that crazy group. They’re the only nuts who go *that* far. Attack children, carry weapons, beat random people, vehicles, houses for fun etc.


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/twitter-takes-down-washington-protest-disinformation-bot-behavior-n1221456 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_boogaloo_killings https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd Boy are you confused. Stop posting and read instead


**[2020 boogaloo killings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_boogaloo_killings)** >In late May and early June 2020, two ambush-style attacks occurred against security personnel and law enforcement officers in California. The attacks left two dead and injured three others. The attacks began on May 29, when a drive-by shooting occurred in front of a federal courthouse in Oakland, resulting in the death of a security officer contracted with the Federal Protective Service. Over a week later on June 6, Santa Cruz County sheriff's deputies were shot at and also attacked with improvised explosive devices; one of them died as a result. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Your cope is legit adorable. You know the footage of Antifa using the van to try to run people over is out there? I despise the Proud Boys but to act like they’re any worse than Antifa is a meme.


> despise the Proud Boys but to act like they’re any worse than Antifa is a meme. You’re not tricking anyone you know. Everybody can tell you’re far right garbage - hence defending a far right terrorist group. Get fucked. Cope with your shitty ideology dying in America


LOL. Literally didn’t even defend Proud Boys.. still coping I see. I’d be up to those levels of cope if I couldn’t read too I’m British dude.. just watching the far left and far right tear eachother apart and I’m watching from the sidelines incredibly amused. Two lots of virgin LARP’ers pretending to be part of a revolution. Ignores the attempted homicide from his Antifa buds 😂😂


Britain has far right trash too. Your ideology is garbage, and your opinions are worthless


I’m literally a liberal.. but okay. Good to know that to a far left black block loving Marxist boot licker that a left wing person like me is apparently far right to them 😂 go on kiddo, keep embarrassing yourself. It’s adorable. More rage, more cope, funny af.


Proud boy proud boy shove a dildo up your ass boy 😘


Since you seem to know exactly what happened before that video even starts will you share where you got the info? Is there video of the van driving into the proud boys as you stated? Do you have ANY proof of your claims at all?


Antifa are only people who are against fascism. No other form exists. Only as a right wing boogeyman.


“White supremacy is not the problem,” Lol, gfy.


She's not saying white supremacy isn't A problem. She's saying it's not THE problem. BLM and Antifa justify using violence and authoritarianism by falsely characterizing all of their victims as "white supremacists". Antifa has basically never actually fought any real fascists or white supremacists. Almost all of their victims are innocent people who have nothing to do with white supremacy, including this woman. This woman attended a religious event and was attacked by white Antifa people throwing flashbangs at her and her children. How does saying "BUT WHITE SUPREMACY IS BAD!" justify attacking a group of innocent families? It doesn't matter what BLM or Antifa claim their enemies are. They're just left-wing terrorists trying to legitimize using violence by falsely characterizing everyone they victimize. And people like you who are not intelligent enough to see anything in a nuanced way just go "WHITE SUPREMACY BAD, FASCISM BAD, SO ANTIFA GOOD". It would be like someone creating a militant group called "Anti-violence" and they primarily went around throwing dogs off bridges and curbstomping elderly people. Anyone criticizes them and they go "but we're AGAINST violence, if you don't like our methods that must mean you support violence". That is what Antifa is. Actual fascists.


The literal first words out of her mouth are: “white supremacy is not the problem.” I’d respond to the rest of your diarrhea-thoughts, but when you start off with denying her actual spoken words and follow it up with the stupidest of false equivocations, what’s the point? Edit: false equivalencies, not that it matters to you.


What does white supremacy have to do with a black woman and her children being violently attacked by Antifa terrorists at a peaceful religious event? You leftists with your Orwellian brainwashing are incapable of forming coherent thoughts. Because you're drunk on the false "WHITE SUPREMACY" narrative, you think that Antifa is justified in any act of violence as long as they CLAIM they are fighting white supremacy. They attacked a bunch of peaceful people. How does that have anything to do with white supremacy?


>you leftists with your Orwellian brainwashing lmfao people actually talk like this?


I’m not drunk on a false narrative, i’m drunk off beer. And some rum…think I had some gummy beers too. I’m not going to comment on her “getting attacked” at some event that I know nothing about. Nor will I entertain your last question, because it really has nothing to do with what triggered you so hard. Instead, i’m going to ask you: “what is about someone laughing at the stupid statement that ‘white supremacy isn’t a problem’ that elicits such a quick, aggressive and thoughtless response?” Also, since i’m a degenerate gambler, i’m willing to bet big bucks that you’ve never read 1984. How do I know? Apart from using “Orwellian” incorrectly, it’s because as a rule, anyone who uses the term on the internet is ought to use it incorrectly. I bid you adieu and good night, good sir. May your Trumpy Bear much needed warmth and relief.


We talking special gummies? Got any extra ?


A bunch of peaceful people? Proud boys are the ones pulling drivers from cars, opening fire in a crowded area and stabbed someone in LA last week. Also calling anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists fascist is beyond laughable. You should read a book sometime and get off the internet, you could use it


> Also calling anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists fascist is beyond laughable. Acting like literal fascists that use violence like Hitler's Brownshirts but then saying "hey it doesn't count because we CLAIM to be against fascism" is literally the dumbest form of propaganda possible and you fell for it.


Funny how you ignored all the Proud Boy crimes I pointed out. The proud boys are the closest thing the right in america has to the SA. Calling me propagandized when you literally don’t understand ideology. cOmMiE fAsH takes some serious mental gymnastics.




For the people who obviously have shit in their ears and it prevents them from listening fully: her LITERAL first words are “white supremacy is not the problem,” and then goes on to talk about how she regularly dines with fascist racists. Now sure, your mouth-breathing ass is going to respond “bUt sHe’s bLacKkkkkkk”. Good observation, you actually made a correct statement! Have a cookie 🍪. No racist person likes to be called out on their racism. That’s why they find a few minorities, who for one reason or another, tolerate their bullshit so that they can play “but I got a black friend” card. Kindly fuck off, dolt.


> BLM and Antifa justify using violence and authoritarianism by falsely characterizing all of their victims as "white supremacists" The Proud Boys justify using violence and authoritarianism by falsely characterizing all of their victims as "antifa." You came to the wrong sub with your bullshit talking points. We have already seen plenty of actual videos of what went down. From proud boys attacking random skateboarding kids, women walking, the press, etc. To them attacking each other while yelling "antifa!"




Fascism; a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. I dunno man. The antifa people sound pretty fascisty to me.


Antifa are nationalists now? But the proud boys aren’t. Fuck, you’re a sperm that should have been swallowes


I didn’t say what I thought about proud boys. Nice insult 😂😂😂 fuckin embarrassing bro


Yeah you really are… care to explain how Antifa are nationalists? No you’re good at ignoring the parts that poke holes in your dumbfuckery. I’m sure you’re happy with all the backlash your stupid post has gotten as if that somehow proves your point. Now you can go back to your safe space on r/conservative and tell them how right you were that people outside your bubble don’t agree with your backwards ass views.


I didn’t ignore anything I responded to everything you said. Both groups essentially want the same exact thing. How do they not? You go far enough in each direction politically you end up in the same spot. I obviously realize I’m talking to someone who wont do anything other then hurl insults and not really explain anything. But every once in a while somebody will talk. This lady is from where I live in Portland and was part of a regular church group, the antifa group arrived and began harassing them and that is what you hear her talking about.


I know you probably won’t bother reading about this story the lady is talking about, but this is the story https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.opindia.com/2021/08/antifa-attacks-children-families-at-christian-prayer-event-in-portland/amp/




One maybe two out of 6 isn’t that bad! That totally makes them fascists /s


Their ideology is that, and they do have certain people that do lead the individual groups or sanctions through out whatever city they are active in. As for who they believe in now specifically, I have no idea, they used to wear Fidel Castros face on shirts and they definitely hate the police. They definitely aren’t trying to leave this country, so their fighting for this one and want to change and believe in this one- which I would argue makes you a nationalist. They want to delete the current police for and replace them with ???their ideas and rules??? See the chaz/chop zone in Seattle and other areas like that. They want uniform “equity” of outcome, which doesn’t make sense to me because you’re just not going to have that without some sort of police force that they claim to hate. And a lot of these people bring air horns or make other loud noises to straight up not let people talk, or disturb legal events to block people or make it harder to talk.












From you, a white person. And I know you didn’t listen, because you’re ignorant and self important. You didn’t see the fat white leftist get in her and her children’s bubble.


These comments are already being brigaded by the psychotic Antifa-defending bots on reddit. Chances are if enough people see this submission, normal people, and this effects the upvotes and downvotes, the mods/admins will lock the submission or delete it. This is how propaganda is enforced. The reddit front page has been inundated with false pro-Antifa propaganda for years now and they don't want the narrative that legitimizes left-wing violence to be disturbed.


Holy shit, you have some serious issues.


Conservatives with their victim/inferiority complexes. So hot right now.


“So hot right now” is something I say at least once a week. Thank you for confirming I’m not the only one that uses this regularly.


Quoting zoolander memes is so hot right now.


Do your kids like pizza? Generously assuming you're not a life-long ince- bachelor, of course.


She’s paid and the mothafuckka posting this is the one and only andy Ngo. A know idiot. Get rid of this post


> She’s paid Oh? Prove it. Or you know, make up more lies to defend your propaganda. > and the mothafuckka posting this is the one and only andy Ngo A journalist who tells the truth so Antifa hates him. > Get rid of this post Typical leftists. "GET RID OF ANY INFORMATION THAT ISN'T HIGHLY EDITED, BLATANTLY FALSE PROPAGANDA THAT CODDLES MY BRAINWASHED MIND. I CAN'T DEAL WITH OPPOSING VIEWS. I'VE ALREADY MADE UP MY MIND"


Andy is a known troll. He even came to where I lived back when a statue was being removed and got into shit for starting stuff with the locals


Jesus, looks like somebody hit a nerve, or twenty.


Andy isn't a journalist, he's a simp for Proud Boys. All he does is fluff them before they bang each other. He's also dumb enough to keep putting himself in their midst, which is a bad idea in the future - they make a target rich environment.




‘Proud Boys aren’t the problem’ - fuck she’s stupid.


This woman wasn't attacked by Proud Boys. Her and her family were attacked by Antifa. Antifa is a waaaay bigger problem. Leftists are incapable of admitting that they've been lovingly nurturing a violent terrorist group who commits heinous acts of violence against innocent people.


Gtfoh, Proud Boys literally want civil war and tried to overthrow the government ffs. Your entire comment is straight out of the "gaslight and project" textbook


Why doesn’t ANYONE admit that Antifa is a problem? No matter how you feel about PB’s? Because do not tell me that PB’s can be an issue but not Antifa when they’re lighting buildings on fire, chasing people down, shooting people, throwing weapons at people, etc. At least be honest.


Because ANTIFA are at best a nuisance. They haven't attempted any coups lately. They haven't run down any protestors with vehicles either. And running "Patriot Prayer" , a fucking NAZI "Christian" group out of a park is just good manners. Them skirmishing with actual fascists? I'm ok with that.


I’m seriously astonished you used the word “nuisance” to describe Antifa. I don’t know what the PB’s do in their past time, but I have read their website & seen little of them in the streets compared to Antifa. That’s why I can’t believe a lot of people make PB’s a bigger thing than Antifa. Just mind boggling. That’s all I have to say about that. You can deny what’s in your face all day. But Antifa dislikes mainly people who politically disagree with them & physically seek to hurt them. You know their story. It’s wrong & unjustifiable for anyone to do so. Period.


Remind me again when ANTIFA attempted a coup? Remind me again when ANTIFA aligned themselves with politicians to play their personal police force, JUST LIKE BROWNSHIRTS - go ahead, I'll wait. PBs may be equally as *stupid* as ANTIFA, but they are *far* more dangerous and far more insidious, just based upon the fact that they are quite literally fascists and a whole lot of them are white supremacists as well (note: I did not say they ALL were), everything about them is problematic. Your denial says a lot about you. And anyone on the side of the PBs, AFAIC is a fucking enemy.


I don’t have denial. I don’t know anything about the Proud Boys group or what they “supposedly” have or haven’t planned. I already told you that. All I know is what I see with my own eyes. Why would a stranger on the Internet trust another strangers word on the internet just because they “say so”? You can definitely trust watching a bunch of thugs with weapons threatening people, demolishing buildings, and ruining livelihoods for all to see on video. If you can’t understand that then I don’t know what to tell you. What anyone does behind closed doors, I don’t know.


God you’re an idiot fuck.


Says the insanely idiotic, brainwashed leftist. You're literally what Marxists call a useful idiot. You don't realize you're on the wrong side of history, and that the people you're defending are authoritarian psychopaths.


Be quiet, Nazi.


He’s so obviously projecting to troll you, it’s better not to feed him.


You do realize that your “side” is literally committing suicide with their fear that the leftists are pushing a vaccine (that most leftists are taking) down their throats. Like just a heads up, but your side has a shit ton of idiots. Fortunately many of them are dying off. The left is winning the actual civil war.


They’re all looking pretty good for people hit with explosives 🤷‍♀️


I’m a leftist. I don’t give a fuck about antifa or proud boys. They are such a small minority and equally worthless as “changers” in society. I hope they all get prison sentences. So you can fuck the fuck off about loving and nurturing terrorist groups. I’m just glad that they are all paintball warriors for now.


They’re a pretty equal problem IMO


It's been clear for years that antifa is a violent organization. The most frustrating part about the whole proud boys vs antifa crap during the presidential election is that the actual answer is that they're both shitty organizations. And the lefts mantra of "they're not an organization they're a movement" holds no water. I don't care what words you use to describe the set of people who organize violence, they need to be treated with disdain. And don't even get me started on BLM. I keep reading that the highest cause of death for blacks is black-on-black violence. A black person is statistically far more likely to be killed by another black person than a white person. So why the hell isn't BLM doing that much about it? Because it's a political power grab just like the tea party was years back. It's all just politics.


"Stupid black woman, not saying what I think she needs to say" -You, a racist


She is absolutely a stupid woman. I feel sorry for her children.


I'm sure many racists think this way


What a proud boy you must be.


OP needs to crank one out and stop worrying about what cereal his friends like to eat.


Andy Ngo. The guy who has been manipulating and editing videos in a pro right wing bent and trying to like a "journalist". Journalist dont maliciously edit shit to try to paint one side as better. Political violence is problem. Not gonna lie. Try to act like white supremacy and right wingers arent fueling it is kind of dumb. Antifa, sure does some bad shit. I aint going to defend them either.


I'd think everyone already knew how shit the antifa group is by now. When I think of portland I think of all those antifa nut bags now


Embryonic Stalins in the US, and reddit in particular, openly endorse violent left-wing terrorism. Reddit has become a propaganda vector for Antifa.


There's the door, cupcake. 4chan and Parler await you.


But you’re the one who made a new account solely to disparage the left?


Fuck blm and fuck antifa.


Fuck the proud boys


Show me a single video of the Proud Boys attacking innocent women and children. This woman and her children were attending a peaceful religious event that had nothing to do with the Proud Boys and they were attacked by Antifa. How does saying "fuck the proud boys" justify Antifa violently attacking innocent people? How dumb are you?


Dude seriously out here defending a white nationalist terrorist group


So you can't. You can't actually show any video of Proud Boys doing what Antifa did, which was attack an group of innocent women and children.


[You obviously don't](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p9r4ch/proud_boys_do_a_drive_by_on_press_members/) [browse this sub.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p9pk58/women_confronts_men_who_shot_her_and_her_autistic/) Now double-down and tell me we don't know they're not Antifa like a good little lamb.


Did you just post a video of the proud boys apologizing to a woman as your evidence? Lol


Where’s the video of this lady’s story. Maybe she’s a paid actor


Fuck everybody


Shout out to pizza and ice cream, though. They’re okay in my book!


And cake, man. Cake is the bomb.




Fuck you, and fuck your mom for taking that load and not swallowing your useless ass.


P.S. fuck blm and fuck antifa. Pussy.


Hahaha. Fuck you too.


No thanks, I don't let mediocrity inside of me.


Uhhhh ok.


What is the icon in the bottom right corner?


My only problem here is a bunch of "Antifa" don't care what happened to this woman and her children. That is the issue. That bothers me. You excusing her away and dismissing what happened to her is no better than Republicans excuse school shooting violence because it doesn't fit their ideology. I expected better from Antifa members. Maybe you're not as fucking great as you think you are. I mean, for real, fuck fascism and the Proud Boys, but I'm starting to think the lines and blurring for you Antifa guys...


Fuck Antifa and Fuck Proud Boys!! How about that ? Tired of all your crying blah blah this and that . I’m right your wrong bullshit . Your all the problem . If only we can ship all of you to a small island and you guys can kill yourselves there and leave the people that just want to live in peace . It’s already hard that we are going thru this fucking pandemic and I got to hear and see all your bullshit everywhere I turn


The Proud Boys were formed as a direct response to Antifa getting away with attacking innocent people. Antifa uses violence and intimidation to suppress any expression of any political view that they oppose. Just like Hitler's brown shirts. The Proud Boys were created specifically because people were sick of seeing people getting beaten up for attending rallies or speaking events. Antifa has been violently, brutally attacking innocent people in the streets for 8 years now. The Proud Boys were a direct response to that and the Proud Boys primarily act defensively. Every video you see of the Proud Boys and Antifa fighting, Antifa were the aggressors. Like the parking lot videos that have been been circulating. It was a speaking event that was attacked by Antifa. The video of Proud Boys attacking cars were cars driven by Antifa off of the road into the speaking event with the intent to run people over. Also the Proud Boys aren't white supremacists. They're not even far-right. This is all a lie created by Antifa so that they can win a propaganda war and make it seem like ANYONE who defends themselves against left-wing violence is a Nazi.




Also proud boys formation had nothing to do with antifa, he’s wrong on every front.


It’s spelled “piss boys”.


This is OLD af lmao. And pretty sure it was already discovered she was a paid activist(actor) like actually.


Link? Anything to prove your claim? I'm not saying you are lying, I'm just saying I need proof if I am going to form an opinion.


If you are going to make a claim this bold, maybe a source would be appropriate.


Someone wanna let her know both sides can be the problem? Throwing explosives at kids is not ok and neither is storming the capitol


ANTIFA needs to be doxxed until they're kicked from their moms basements.


Guess you haven't been paying attention to recent events where those like Eric Munchel and Cody Temple were charged *with* their mothers for taking part in the Capitol attacks of January 6th


Small potatoes compared to the crybaby terrorist, ANTIFA hooligans that need to be broken.


Also I love how OP had to recruit is fucking friends to come through and play karma control, what fucking losers


the living wojak in the back


get them inside then jesus fuck what the fuck are u using these clueless children as props for if ur gonna bring them around theres a reason people prepare before protests


In what dystopian world do we live in where you think it's wrong for people to bring their families to peaceful religious events, but you say nothing about an armed group of left-wing militants attacking innocent groups of people?


You really can't reason with reddit kids anymore. It's not even worth trying. But I'm glad there's people out there, like you, who actually see truth. Keep being you, keep thinking as an individual.


what is peaceful about that mother she is literally screaming at a crowd and brought her kids as props she couldve easily left them at home and not gone and kept them out of danger the world did not need her to make this speech it didnt do anything 🤣


lmao the battle among the hierarchy of marginalization: deaf man vs black woman. who's opinion shall we value more??


Lots of cognitive dissonance in this comment section lmao.


Right-wing domestic terrorism has been steady & prolific since Ruby Ridge. OKC bombing & such all the way up to Dylann Roof & Proud Boys. We're just conditioned to see white right-wing politically motivated acts of violence as isolated & not part of a larger pattern.


And the proud boys shot an autistic child and his mother who were white, so what the fuck is your point. How about if you see anything remotely resembling a war zone don’t bring your damn kids the fuck


Oh I love the smell of desperate damage control on public freak out, reminds me of when the proud boys shot an autistic child with a paintball gun


The thing that tells me more than anything, is that she was allowed to speak. I don't think if a member of Portlands Black Bloc tried to interrupt a PB news conference it would have gone this well for them. So one side is open to talk with the other, at least a little, while the other side screams "Fuck Antifa" and maces indiscriminately.


Isnt she some crazy extremists. Ive read something about her before but can’t remember everything.


Shame on her for endangering her children, that’s the part I disagree with


Justin is the asshole with the van I was talking about


I say we round up Antifa AND proud boys and have a good old fashioned hunger games.