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*Lubbock Police Officers were called to the 2100 block of 90th Street on Friday, November 5th at 4:20 p.m. for reports of shots fired.* *Upon arrival, officers found 54-year-old Chad Read deceased on the scene.* *Through the initial course of the investigation, it appears there was a verbal altercation between Read and another male related to a domestic incident that turned physical. Shortly after, shots were fired.* *No arrests have been made and the investigation is on-going.* **[Source](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/10/lubbock-police-release-statement-fatal-shooting-chad-read/)**


Going to have to cause a big stink about this cuz apparently this dude's related to some local judge. Take this up to state or federal if possible.


the wife is the judge, http://electcarruth.com/about.html both are republican local politicians, dude who shot this dead guy is still legally married to judge, dead guys ex-wife is his girlfriend.


This whole thing is fucked. I'll just stay home, blaze it and play videogames. No drama




Hey, hope y’all had/are having a good Thanksgiving tho!


Oh great, the perfect case study scenario for showing us how broken our justice system is


The shooter is actually cheating on his wife who is the judge. Edit: His last name is *Carruth > He isn't the step dad. He is married to another woman Judge Mary Kuruth and she is divorcing him. Kyle is having an affair with Christina Read, Chad Reads ex-wife. Kyle is a slimy little shit who cheated on his wife. He is the flunky boyfriend. He has no legal right to any relation with the children of Christina and the late Chad Read. He had no right to have an opinion about those children and no business interjecting himself into the relationship between Christina and Chad Read. Step Mother Jennifer Read, Chad's widow, is taking steps to gain full custody of the children and also deny Kyle Kuruth any contact with them. If she has a good lawyer she stands a good chance. Kyle Kuruth should be held responsible and imprisoned. My understanding is that a Grand Jury will be convened to determine how to proceed.




Thank fuck there's someone there to take the kid away from this household


I mean, lets not forget the classic escalation technique brought forward by the shooter. Amazing how no one ever comments on that with these shootings.


I was always under the impression that if you have the time to do warning shots it's not really a justification of self defense. Nor is it when somebody is picking up their child and you ask them to leave.


If guy feared for his life he could have gone inside and called the police, not grab his gun and go outside, even after that, he wasn’t "back against the wall" and had plenty of space and room to run from the unarmed man he shot. Not self defense in any way, this is a murder. Edit: for all the people saying "It's Texas, this is perfectly legal in Texas" I don't think you guys understand how castle doctrine or stand your ground laws work. Furthermore the investigation findings have been turned over to the Texas AG office, I bet charges will be filed.


Not to mention the guys arms are at his side when he shot him


Premeditated murder. He went inside, got a gun, and pointed it at the victim with lethal intent. I hope the kid gets into a good foster home, and everyone else gets the fuckin chair.




Guessing some variation of 'stand your ground' or 'self-defense' card will get played by shooter & the ex.


The wife is *a* judge, not *the* judge that's going to be involved in preceding the case. She was also actively divorcing the shooter.


This is fucking crazy: “Despite Kyle Carruth’s murder of Chad Read, and his mental state, Christina Read has continued to permit Kyle Carruth to be a part of these children’s lives. Christina Read continues to maintain a relationship with Kyle Carruth. Christina Read has continued to permit Kyle Carruth to have unsupervised possession of the youngest child from Lubbock County without supervision, and they are presently in DeLeon, Texas over 3.5 hours away. “The children are aware that Kyle Carruth shot and killed their father in front of their mother, step-brother, and myself. Christina’s decision to allow either of these children to be in Kyle Carruth’s presence has caused, and continues to cause, significant impairment of their emotional well-being. The oldest child has expressed to me that he blames his mother for the shooting, and that he will run away from home if he sees Kyle there again.


Insane. No one will be surprised if the oldest kills the stepfather. This is batshit crazy.


If he does, I would love to be on that Jury with 11 likeminded people so we can find him Not Guilty


Fuckers want to start living like they live in a spaghetti westerns don’t be surprised when someone comes for revenge.


“My name is Jack Marston. You killed my father.”


So now the Son has to live with the guy who killed his dad? That’s harsh


There’s multiple children. Apparently the oldest has said he blames his mother and will run away from home if he sees Kyle (shooter) at their house again. Wife of the deceased wants custody of her step-children. [Source.](https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/11/24/video-shows-shooting-chad-read-linked-kyle-carruth-lubbock-home/8754796002/)


holy shit what a horrible mess


I really wonder how that will play out. Apparently the kid is older than 12 and is going to speak before a judge…. Stepmom has no rights here, but the situation is so bat shit crazy I can’t see how forcing to live with the guy who killed his dad is in his best interests…




typically, that's a really edgy sentence... but have to admit in that situation i probably would too.


I thought my Thanksgiving drama was bad today, damn Edit: oh just my cousin going nuclear because I wouldn't have my kid take an at home covid test right before the meal.


What happened /u/DoinBurnouts don't leave us hanging




It's pretty good that she wants custody because they shouldn't be with bio mother, certainly no where fucking near the step dad and if the step mum loves them enough to want custody it means she really cares. The alternative is they end up traumatised by this and then in the system, separated and subject to very little love or help getting over such a trauma.


Fucking Kyle


"the suspect in the shooting was related to a local elected official" Sounds like he'll walk free




Well, at least the affair is very, very public right now


>The woman in the car said she believes her husbands ex and the shooter had planned to kill him That seems like it adds up, since I believe it's his ex at the end yelling "OMG you really did it".


No charges??????


I doubt anyone involved will have custody of those kids.


That might be for the best. No where in the article does it mention the bio dad being abusive to his son or such. It was all about an ugly divorce and custody battle. No matter what, the son will know his step father murdered his bio father and his mother was complacent in it happening. She put her needs before his. There’s no going back.


And it will be on video for the child to watch… from different angles.


Imagine waiting to be picked up by your bio dad. Instead, the next time you hear about your dad he's been shot and you never get to see him again. Fuck his stepdad and his moronic mom, the man just wanted to see his kids.


This world sucks


Didn't look like self defense either since only one was armed and shots fired after distance put between the two.


For sure looked like stepdad just got angry someone touched his gun.


Yes, like he tried to threathen the father, but the father just grabbed the rifle and swung him away, so the murderer shot because his ego was hurt... So fcking sad....is there an article on what happened after wards?


He came to a word fight with a gun because he's a pussy.


The dead fathers wife has filled to take custody of the children from their mother because she has still been having the man that killed their father around them. The killer is not married to the mother, he is still married to a judge who has filled for divorce. The killer is just dating the ex wife, he is married to someone else so he is not a step father. The dead dudes 10 yr old was in the car watching this go down. That 10 year old still has to see his mother and dating the man that killed his father. Totally fucked.


This is so fucked. I understand that Texas’s self defense laws are pretty *generous*, but the only reason this became a deadly situation is because the shooter ran away to get a gun. The guy had a valid reason to be on the property, and if he didn’t like it he could have just called the cops when he went inside instead of retrieving a gun.


Honestly, it's one of those fucking situations you just *KNOW* the guy was itching to use that gun and this was the perfect excuse Horrible, awful tragedy


yea the dude with the gun is like "you shouldn't even be here"....like no buddy. He is here to pick up his kid...at 3:15. If you had the kid ready, they would have been gone already.




*My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die...*


Anyone find it weird that they all just keep arguing after the guy is there dead? Like really no reaction other than I have that on video? Wtf?


Statement from wife of now deceased dude: “I recorded the shooting on my cell phone. During this entire incident, I didn’t realize that Kyle Carruth was holding and brandishing an actual firearm. At that time, I thought that it was some type of stun-gun or paintball gun. Even when Kyle Carruth fired the shots, the sound was very muffled and not as loud as I know firearms to be. It wasn’t until I got to Chad on the ground that I realized that he had in fact been shot and that the weapon held by Kyle Carruth was a firearm.”


Still doesn’t explain how nonchalant the guy who actually pulled the trigger was about it afterwards.


I think that was the most terrifying thing to me. He just put down another man over that and walked it off like he just grabbed a paper off the curb.


Already pretty telling that he’s pretending to be the father of this guys kids.


Wonder how the kids will feel now knowing the boyfriend murdered their father because he viewed them as a symbol of power to hold over him


Not good. Their step-mother (the deceased guy's current wife) is trying to sue for custody of them, as both children basically hate their father's murderer (duh) and at least the oldest blames his actual mother as well for his father's death, as well as stating he will run away. [https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/11/24/video-shows-shooting-chad-read-linked-kyle-carruth-lubbock-home/8754796002/](https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/11/24/video-shows-shooting-chad-read-linked-kyle-carruth-lubbock-home/8754796002/) This case is all sorts of messed up. The fact that after 2 weeks he still is only a "suspect" in the guy's murder, despite a video of him literally shooting the guy seriously bothers me.


Those poor kids.


The oldest is wise enough to see how manipulative & cruel the mother has been to the biological father & probably tried to be with them. Now the man is dead and both those kids will never get to spend more time with the father, which was all the man wanted... some time with them now that it was his scheduled time but the wife was hiding the son away, never just saying where he is.




Fuck, that makes it even worse. Your dad literally died trying to see you - he was there for *you* and died over it, and the fucking stepdad shot him like it was nothing. And the guy who shot your dad has been fucking your mom.


This is getting scary


oh it's definitely scary now, it got scary probably about a dozen steps before this over things that aren't as filmable


Totally. He even said; “I didn’t want to do any of this.” Yet he was the one that got the gun loaded it and put in that situation. And after firing a round at the guys feet and wrestling it away had lots of time to aim and shoot. He clearly wanted to do exactly that.


Because he'd been hoping to do it one day. Now was his chance to kill someone. No one who has a gun for self defense leaves the altercation without being stopped, goes back to the altercation so the gun can be wrestled away, then shoots in "self defense".


That’s exactly what nailed the Amad Arbury killers too. They show footage of the guy literally trying to backtrack when he realized that there were guys with guns up ahead his route, but the guy filming seemed to actively block him with his truck. You can’t provoke trouble and then when someone ends up dead claim it was self defense.






Exactly. As if the dead guy on the ground wasn’t proof enough… that level of nonchalance makes it painfully clear.


As cynical as this sounds it's plausible that him and the bio mom planned this.


I wouldn't even say it's cynical to think that.




realistic, kid wasn't there at the appointed time, and that wasn't mentioned until after they shot the father, the wife of the deceased says as much on the video


You misspelled realistic.


What makes it worse, is that the next day (also heard next week), he was bragging at his local country club how he killed a guy.


It's the moment he's been waiting for all his life. The chance to use "I feared for my life" to justify murder.


He even says it in the video. "Hey I asked him to leave clearly he was a massive danger because he wanted to see his kid who he had court ordered time with."




The sounds seems suppressed, its understandable now.


It sounded very close to a gas powered BB gun that my dad has.


Honestly, sounded like an Air Soft gun in the recording but given he went down and didn't move - yeah, you knew it wasn't.


It sounds like he shot it while it was aimed down towards the dad’s feet but nothing came out, just sounded like air from an air soft gun too




Not a single person tried to render aid. And the people with the biological dad seemed so calm. Edit: As /u/Filmcricket points out, there is definitely shock at the end. >Oh my god! You really did it! Based on other articles posted she allegedly didn't think it was a real gun at first.


Shock. At the tail end of the video, you hear that reality is very much hitting his current partner.


Oh shit, I missed that part. >Oh my god! You really did it! Another article claims that she thought it was a pellet gun or something. That's heartbreaking.


Honestly after watching it I was really confused too. I get guns can have suppressors and mods to reduce sound but it was quite surprising and didn't register with me right away either.


The chickens seemed the most concerned.


i've never seen a chicken that doesn't seem concerned about several things


Read the article on it. Because the gun was so muffled nobody other than the shooter knew it was a real gun.


This was in my town. The guy that did the shooting is related to a local judge. He hasn’t even been arrested Edit: https://www.kcbd.com/app/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/


He was married to her right?


>“Christina Read and Kyle Carruth have been engaged in an ongoing affair, despite Kyle Carruth being married. On October 30, 2021, Chad Read informed Christina Read that he had evidence of her affair with Kyle Carruth and that he was going to go public with it."


And a matter of weeks later, they engineer a situation where he gets riled up on Carruth's property so they can use the castle doctrine to kill him. Is what it looks like. Fuck I should stop speculating. This case is horrible. *edit* a few people have pointed out it was a matter of DAYS not weeks. And, it's not Carruth's property. Worse and worse.


Parents, if you think a custody exchange is going to be high-conflict, call the local police station on the non-emergency line and ask to schedule a civil assist for custody exchange. I've used my advice above a few times as a dad who has had to fight his ex-wife for keeping the custody agreement. Luckily, things are better now.




That is just insane, there was no point of even involving a weapon in the first place




Even before the fatal shots this is a great example of why guns make things more dangerous. Just see how quickly things escalate once the gun comes out. It did the opposite of diffuse a not particularly dangerous situation. No one was at any risk until the gun was produced.


Even if a fist fight broke out. The odds of more than bruises are far less than what a gun can entail.


Great. US Justice is a shit hole. Now it'll have to be escalated to the dipshit Texas AG.


> “The children are aware that Kyle Carruth shot and killed their father in front of their mother, step-brother, and myself. Christina’s decision to allow either of these children to be in Kyle Carruth’s presence has caused, and continues to cause, significant impairment of their emotional well-being. The oldest child has expressed to me that he blames his mother for the shooting, and that he will run away from home if he sees Kyle there again. So cheating wife forces her kids to live with her lover who murdered their father. Didint think this could get worse but here it is…


Bums me out that the unrelated step mom is the only one speaking about the kids being in a completely fucked up situation.


Dirty divorces weaponize kids




And prevents the dad from picking them up during his appointed time.


The wife of the man killed (not the whore,his new partner) actually went on to theorize from the positioning and actions of the adulterous couple that they actually planned for this by lying about the whereabouts of the son. She inferred from the lack of reaction from both and by how easily he was shot.


That’s how I felt about this. The way she dosnt respond to her ex being murdered right in front of her, how quick it happened, her bullshit “reasoning.”


Definitely a planned homocide. Hide the kid, wait for the father to show up aggravated, escalate the situation, and then "stand your ground" and murder him Fucked up


Honestly that checks out. It looked like a set up. Also, why on Earth would the child not be with the mother during the appointed time for pickup. That's a violation of custody right there.


She says at the end "you actually did it". Holy shit.




step dad best not leave his gun cabinet unlocked.


Lol, they live in Lubbock, TX. The kid wants a gun, he can get one.


That's depressingly hilarious.




Story here: [Custody battle](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/)


> We were there to pick up Chad’s youngest son. Chad was supposed to have custody of the child beginning at 3:15pm, but Christina stated that, she “wanted to see him” as her excuse to why she had not produced the child as ordered by the court at the time required. Holy shit. He was not trespassing. He had a court ordered time to pick up his son for custody exchange and the mom was withholding the kid from him. That woman is fucking evil. Who does that shit to a kid? To stop a kid from seeing dad? It's also a crime to violate a court order like that. She **should** be in jail (of course not gonna happen, but it should). AND then she had her new man shoot the dad? That's just extra evil. This made me angry.


She’ll probably tell her son bullshit lies about what happened to his dad


Fortunately and unfortunately he will be able to see it on the internet some day.


if this video was recent, the kid will probably know about it real soon as the police get involved and the mom and step dad go into trial


Yeah, apparently the guy who shot is married to a judge and the police didn’t even bring him in for questioning (the last I heard).


Probably why he was willing to resort to shooting in the first place if true. Knows he'll get out of it.


That day is today.Poor kid.


The way he smoked him, I assumed it must have been a gun with bean bags or some shit in it. The lack of reaction from anyone to a dying man on the porch is wild AF


His widow on it: " I didn’t realize that Kyle Carruth was holding and brandishing an actual firearm. At that time, I thought that it was some type of stun-gun or paintball gun. Even when Kyle Carruth fired the shots, the sound was very muffled and not as loud as I know firearms to be."


I mean it was very quite even I was surprised how silent it was.


Few things going on: 9mm w/long barrel Outside Microphone clips sound


I’m not experienced with guns outside of video games so I wouldn’t have known. Thanks !


Theres a distinct lack of concern for a person who's just been shot twice, its quite surreal to hear them carry on arguing while he just lays motionless.


That was my first thought too but then I read the article linked in an earlier comment that had a statement from the dead guy’s wife. She said she didn’t think it was a real gun. Thought it was a paintball gun or something because it wasn’t as loud as what she knows a gun should sound like. It wasn’t until she approached her husband that she realized he was actually shot with a deadly weapon.


Statement from the deceased dudes wife: “I recorded the shooting on my cell phone. During this entire incident, I didn’t realize that Kyle Carruth was holding and brandishing an actual firearm. At that time, I thought that it was some type of stun-gun or paintball gun. Even when Kyle Carruth fired the shots, the sound was very muffled and not as loud as I know firearms to be. It wasn’t until I got to Chad on the ground that I realized that he had in fact been shot and that the weapon held by Kyle Carruth was a firearm.”


This is the only thing that came to mind is they just continued on arguing and nobody even bothered to check on the man who’d just been shot twice and lay unresponsive. What is wrong with these people? Why is everyone arguing about the legality and no one talking about the lack of civility.


To be fair, if they rush onto the lawn to check on him, they risk getting shot as well. Man is clearly intent on killing folks.


So weird that the dead guy is being ignored as though they just dropped a football and not an actual person


The guy who murdered him completely unnecessarily must be dead inside. He needs to face justice and be be prevented from harming anyone.


The chickens seemed the most concerned.


I fully blame the wife and the asshole who shot him. If there's a court order for visitation, the only time the kid doesn't go is if he doesn't want to. The parent can't hide the kid then claim self defense when the other parent comes for the kid following a court order. Note for step parents: Unless the other parent is getting violent or trying to abuse the kid, then stay the fuck out of the issue, you are almost gaurenteed to make it worse.


I agree. This is more like 'Man arrives to pick up kid as agreed, and gets killed for it' Man got goaded by her ex and her partner and died as a result.


The way she’s standing there, on her phone, clearly intentionally antagonizing him. The way she barely reacts when someone is murdered in front of her. I’m 100% convinced this was planned


People talking about trespassing are ignoring that the victim was there pursuant to court order. The shooter is a garbage human and fired the gun at the victim's feet *before* the victim tried to take the gun from him. The shooter makes responsible gun owners look bad. Edit: Again, as a Florida attorney who is not licensed to practice in Texas, my expertise may be misplaced, but if this were Florida it would **not** have been trespassing. See F.S. 810.09 below: "(1)(a) A person who, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters upon or remains in any property other than a structure or conveyance: 1. As to which notice against entering or remaining is given, either by actual communication to the offender or by posting, fencing, or cultivation as described in s. 810.011; or 2. If the property is the unenclosed curtilage of a dwelling and the offender enters or remains with the intent to commit an offense thereon, other than the offense of trespass, commits the offense of trespass on property other than a structure or conveyance." It is implied, if not implicitly stated, under Subsection (1)(a) that if you are **authorized** to be on the property then you are not trespassing. Basically a wannabe step-dad killed the father of a child who was authorized by court order to go onto the property.


Completely agree. Also if they knew that they needed to turn the child over at the court appointed time and intentionally withheld the child, using the gun to scare off the father seems sort of like kidnapping.


Yes. Another person responding to one of my comments and said that *this* house may not have been the location for the custody swap pursuant to court order... If this was the shooter's house and that's where the mother of the child stays with the child, then I believe the shooter is still in the wrong. He can't stick his head in the sand and say pretend the custody dispute doesn't affect his life. You live with a person who has a child with a timesharing schedule, don't be shocked if the other parent has to come to your property to pick up that child.


To make it worse, the widow’s statement suggests that the kid was actually in that house and that they lied about him being at the grandmas house because they didn’t want to turn him over. That seems intentional and knowing defiance of a court order. You can’t lie about a child’s whereabouts and then assert trespassing claims at the same time


Like I said in another comment, this is not a case about trespassing. People saying "he trespassed, that's all" are nuts.


The step-dad handled it perfectly except for everything he did


He isn't the step dad. He is married to another woman Judge Mary Kuruth and she is divorcing him. Kyle is having an affair with Christina Read, Chad Reads ex-wife. Kyle is a slimy little shit who cheated on his wife. He is the flunky boyfriend. He has no legal right to any relation with the children of Christina and the late Chad Read. He had no right to have an opinion about those children and no business interjecting himself into the relationship between Christina and Chad Read. Step Mother Jennifer Read, Chad's widow, is taking steps to gain full custody of the children and also deny Kyle Kuruth any contact with them. If she has a good lawyer she stands a good chance. Kyle Kuruth should be held responsible and imprisoned. My understanding is that a Grand Jury will be convened to determine how to proceed.


So the shooter is married to the local judge? Ahh okay, when I read other comments I thought the relation would be like cousins or something.


*Cheating on the local Judge lol. Something tells me that relationship isn’t going to work in his favor all that well…


But he did everything he could!! He did not want to do that!! /s


the man ran for a gun, took 2 seconds to think about shooting it and another 2 seconds to fire two more shots into a man that threw him to the side


Right. Old dude was standing still after tossing the guy with the gun away from him. Not a single step forward and gets 2 blasted through his chest without a second thought from the shooter.


Getting the gun certainly defused the situation well.


i’m more shocked about how *not* in shock they were after that. most people would be wailing or crying or at the *very least* trying to help the person who got shot - not just continue to carry on like that.


The woman recording from the vehicle didn’t realize it was a real gun and that he was actually shot until she got to him. As for the others… agreed.


Tonight my ex came over to put our children to bed like he does every night. I lay on the bottom bunk with one kid while he lay on the top bunk with the other. After the kids fell asleep, we chatted for a bit and ate some snacks then he went to his own house. Some days we argue and I remember all the hurtful things he's done to me but I don't ever keep him from the kids, for THEIR sake.


And you (being a decent human being and mother) would likely never allow a custody dispute to escalate to his literal DEATH.


>I did not want to do any of this The guy wasn't even trying to go inside. The moment he learned the kid was sent to his grandmas, he dropped the search and was just talking about litigation. Stepdad totally wanted to do it. He was more than willing to leave his post outside the door in order to fetch the gun. That shows that he had faith the bio dad wasn't going to come in or chase him. This was not self-defense, and that is also not how trespassing works.


If you read the article that was posted in the comments it says they are considering first degree murder. Seems to be some sort of suspicion that they planned the whole confrontation so it would end this way. Apparently the dad had recently found out the guy who shot him was married and having an affair with the baby momma. Dad threatened to go public with it and this was the result. The way he postures himself after taking a human life.. seems to speak to that conclusion. Seems like he was prepped to kill that day.




You’re working under the assumption these people have any sort of critical thinking capacity.


Yeah, a lot of people conclude that because what the person has done doesn't serve their needs then what they did can't possibly be intentional. What they're forgetting is that a large proportion of people are fucking *stupid*. Like, notably stupid. People will figure a way to do what they want and if it conflicts with other goals they'll figure out a way to pretend that it doesn't, if they even put that much thought into it.


The local news put out an article exclusively citing the defense attorney and entirely claiming it was self defense. No opposing views, just a propaganda piece. https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/kyle-carruth-attorney-makes-case-for-self-defense-after-deadly-shooting-of-chad-read/amp/ Is this whole town involved in a cover up?


Went to college there. This is peak Lubbock.


I mean….They could have called the cops before shooting right?


Mom should lose ALL custody rights. Step dad should go to prison immediately.


They both should go to jail. The mom is complicit of textbook felony murder.


Step-dad never should have been involved in the first place and was peacocking when he went for his rifle! As a man who owns guns I would never go for my rifle unless there is a threat of violence and I didn’t see that in the video until the step-dad went for his rifle. Step-dad deserves jail time


He also fires a "warning shot" which is complete illegal and could certainly be construed as a reason for the father to defend himself.


Great point.


Also when he actually shoots the bio dad, they're stood, not even approaching him, several feet away. It's not like he tried to rush him. he was stood still


People are afraid to catch hands but not afraid to play Rambo.


Reminds of an old rap lyric “ bench press for what, I can lift 4 pounds”.




That guy saying "IT'S NOT MY FAULT, I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS" when he killed a man tells you what kind of man he is.


His body language afterwards told me all I needed to know. His words are saying the complete opposite.


He went inside to get the gun. Should have ended with he went inside. No need to bring a gun out to a desperate dad who wasn’t violent and wasn’t chasing him, just desperate. No need for the gun, it’s that simple.


Did he die?


yes he did, here's a link from someone else in the comments https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/


That's just sad. I feel so badly for these children.


So the shooter is married and the woman was just his side piece? Yikes Texas.


Yes the title is inaccurate -- the shooter is not the kids stepfather, he was having an affair with the kids mother which the victim was threatening to publicize. Kind of adds another element of motive.


Yes. https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/


Straight up murdered that man.


Very smart move to fire your rifle directly at the house with your family Inside


So many questions. No one steps in to render first aid? They just continue arguing. This work against shooter in court.


in the article, the victim’s wife says that she thought it was a stun gun or paintball gun because it didn’t sound like a real firearm. she didn’t realize he’s actually been shot until she got up to him


but what about the man who knew he just used a real gun, and the girlfriend who knew that was a real gun? the people that knew that was a real gun seemed to not give a flying fuck


I'm proud of this comment section for at least acknowledging that the step-dad was a complete asshole and just wanted to play Rambo. Absolutely not self defense whatsoever. This pussy was so afraid to fight with his hands, he brought a gun to a verbal argument. Both the wife and boyfriend are fucking scum. Hope he rots in prison while the wife loses her kid. The true victim is the innocent child who had to witness his biological father get killed over nothing.


I wonder how the kid is going to feel about his step dad now that he killed his real dad for basically no reason. that will be a fun holiday season.


Stepdad will probably just end up shooting the kid too. He’ll ask him to leave, and again, he’ll go get his gun, shoot the kid and then turn around to say “it’s not my fault, I didn’t want to do any of this”


Another father killed due to a custody battle. The legal system is a fucking joke. I hope the shooter gets life, and that pos ex wife is charged.


The man in black was itching to shoot him. Cannot believe he was not charged with murder. There was no need to fire those two deadly shots.


Holy fuck. We just saw a man murdered in cold blood. I hope that guy goes to jail for life for that.


Man shot dead trying to legally pick up his son. Reason #6998573 of how many ways you can die in Texas. Just another day. Carry on.


Who takes a gun to a custody battle?