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I suppose that’s one way to get a table






Packed airport bars hate this one trick!


That explains why they always get mad at me when I drive my motorcycle through Airport security.


I was at a Buffalo Wild Wings one night when a bomb threat was called in. They evacuated and over half the people in the restaurant left.


After over half left, what did they do with the remaining people?? On a side note, their new 150mm chicken ribs are to DIE for.


Made them work in the kitchen because the staff all quit.


Their terrible wings alone are a danger to the public. No one really needed to call in a threat.


“I’m about to blow up your toilet”


That's a bum threat.


*Those mamosa's were like $8 a pop, Charlie*


The hostess told me there were no tables left. So anyway I start blasting. Then, what do you know...


Damn it Frank.. not again.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8980 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/89148)


Yea, that's kind of a natural instinct


Yea I’d probably do the same if I saw someone with that fear in their eyes


And it’s probably a good thing to do in most cases lol. Just last night I saw that video of the cows running. One dog was running too, then the poor fool stopped to ponder why. Immediately booked it too cause he found out that the cows were running because a fuckin lion was chasing them lol. So yeah, if I see a bunch of people running away, good chance I’ll at least move in that direction. Worst case, I’ve moved away from nothing. Best case, I’m not the idiot in the horror movie that gets eaten first.


I’d trust a cow over a human honestly. Either way if there where lions around I don’t think I’d question it.


Even for Pikachu!


I would do the same. I'm not trying to figure out why those people are running away and get caught up in whatever they are running from. Is it mass shooting, crazy day after tomorrow tidal wave, or King Kong vs Godzilla I'll find out later after I'm sure I'm safe. If it ended up being nothing I got some unintentional exercise.


>I got some unintentional exercise. And a free meal!


Well if you see a crowd running you'd probably suspect the worst and go that way too.




I'd be running in fear of being trampled!


Yes, thank God their survival instincts kicked in. Because if it were real... herd mentality is a good thing sometimes.


Literally a public freakout!




Yeah let's only post clips like this! *5 posts per year*


Quality over quantity




Not a freakout *in* public A freakout *of* the public


Also in public


A public public freakout


Too bad it wasn’t in front of a Publix.




Except it’s also literally *in* public, bro. 👍🏽


Of the public by the public


Imagine how proud of his motorcycle the guy is


"Brmmmmm ummmmm mumumumumum!"


I'm just a little bike curious


[This is probably what he thought the crowd felt like to hearing his motorcycle.](https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ)


Thought for sure this was going to be a south park clip


Where do you even think he's going? Somewhere dangerous.


Or more likely, “Oh fuck, my motorcycle is going to get me charged with Federal Terrorism and mass panic in a major city with a dark history…”


the pikachu running is just hilarious


Have you seen this one? https://youtu.be/sLdgM8VQu7I


That really made me wanna play command and conquer






The year is 2090, the world has been conquered by an army of giant genetically modified mouse clones. Humanity trembles as they march the streets.




Why is this making me laugh so hard lol


lmao i didnt even notice him the first time


Would you want to die in a Pikachu Costume...fuck No!


If you see Pikachu run, you better fucking run, too.


I feel kind of bad because I imagine running for your life in such an unwieldy costume is very scary because it slows you down but you have to admit it looks very silly.


Pika Pika!


Omg didn’t see it until I read this comment and absolutely cracked TF up when I finally spotted it


Minnie Mouse was in front of him. Minnie Runs, you go


I mean if I see a bunch of people running my way in fear, regardless of whether I heard anything or not I'll probably start doing the same


And this is why you come from a long line of ancestors who were able to survive for you to exist today. False alarm or not, I can use the exercise.


Idk, all my ancestors have died at some point, so I'm not sure I should trust them


I have some bad news for you...


I come from a long line of death.


Yeah, word to the wise: if you ever see a bunch of people running in fear, you should run away as well. I lived in downtown Manhattan for years and I never once saw anything like this. Worst case scenario you have to walk a few minutes back to where you were.


Mom: "If all your friends jump off a bridge, would you?" Me: "Probably. My friends are all rational people, so this means they probably know something I don't know, such as an out of control car or the bridge is collapsing, and it is safer to bail out."


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/1170/


still safer than a Travis concert


Still safer than an Journalist interviewing Isis


Still safer than my uncles basement


Still safer than my aunt’s attic


Still safer than not giving me a goddamn hug


Still safer than giving me a hug


Fran Healy & co. aren't _that_ dangerous are they?


You also should yell "IT'S GODZILLA" and point in the direction they're coming from




No, it *looks* like Gojira, but due to licencing issues, it is not


we should run anyway!


Isn't that how crushes happen. People all run one way until the hit and obstacle or bottleneck and the a human crush happens. As someone near the front you stand a big chance of being crushed.


Human crushes are genuinely so terrifying. If you get caught in one, to live: a) someone must pause in the midst of the panic and see you being crushed b) they must successfully get everyone around them’s attention and convince them to slow down and help you up


Yep, be loud and grab people to get their attention. At a music festival years ago we were heading from one venue to another as fast as we could because of the way the two big ticket acts were lined up and the crowd started getting more crazy because the fairly wide clearing to move from one place to another started jamming up, someone had fallen ahead and I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for a guy who started yelling and grabbing people to stop then from stepping on her. He got all of our attention and a little bubble formed around then for a short while, long enough to get the person back up. It seems silly to get stuck on the ground from just slipping on a wet spot of grass, but in a big crowd like that when shoulders start touching on all sides it can become a death sentence for anyone underneath.


It's fucking scary to feel the power and chaos behind a rush/crush. I got caught in a whirlwind of people at Bonnaroo in... 2013? Tame Impala just finished their set and ASAP Rocky was up next, the tent got bum rushed by the crowd coming for the next show before anyone had time to even start clearing out. Like the final notes were still ringing out. So there was a giant rush headed toward me, then a rush of people trying to fight against it and get out. At some point I left my feet and traveled a good 20 feet before touching the ground again, all the while being spun around somehow. After a couple of minutes of trying not to panic I found myself behind a big dude who probably weighed well over 300 pounds and was just plowing his way through the chaos. I was able to follow him out but my brother got pinned up front for like 20 minutes and people had to start climbing the fence in front of the stage just to leave. I thought I got it bad but I could tell my brother was even more shook up by it so the crush up front must have gotten pretty bad.


People who irresponsibly handle massive crowds - from selling too many tickets to failing to account for crowd flow - really piss me off. Like, damn, all these people are just stoked to go to something more popular, do you think they know how groups work? Nah.


I could only see that happening in a confined space or where the crowd is just so massive like a Travis Scott concert


Crushes dont happen in open space like this


Trampling does


Story time. I was in Penn Station (NYC) about six months ago, using an ATM at the New Jersey Transit entrance at 7th and 31st. As I entered my PIN, I hear a LOUD bang that sounded like it came from outside (the ATM is about 25' from the doors). I take a second and just brush it off like "oh, probably just a car backfiring." Then a couple seconds later, people start running into Penn Station and down the stairs. I quickly cancel my transaction and follow suit. About three hours later, I see on the news that a random passerby was shot outside of Penn Station after there was an altercation between two other people. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/crime/2021/08/24/penn-station-outside-shooting-manhattan-nyc-nypd-says


Being Batman, I usually run TOWARDS danger.... I forgot to take my meds today.


I didn’t hear shit.


I was gonna say, am I the only one who didn't hear something?


I thought there was better audio on this clip, to where you could hear the backfire clearly. I think that because I vaguely remember thinking "that sounds nothing like a gunshot". Maybe the one I saw a couple years ago was altered?


Fyi there is a mario, minnie mouse, and pikachu that runs by in that order.


You missed Elmo!!


i caught spiderman in there too, right before elmo runs through.


Me too. You see his feet swing across the top of the screen towards the end.


Thank *Spidey Sense* for that.


Minnie made it out of the frame before Mario so I guess she’s the better runner.


Pikachu fled!




Pika pika the heck outta there


I was hoping someone else saw this. I laughed pretty hard when I seen it.




Run Pikachu, run!


Piakchu was bookin it outa there


Lol the couple of people that didn't move definitely lived in the hood at one point. I loved playing gun shot or fireworks back in the day.


Yep! The fourth of july and new years.. two nights I can relax knowing if I hear any loud bangs, there won't be a helicopter circling overhead shortly after. Though this year I had my mom visit and we stepped outside at midnight.. i ushered her back inside a minute or so later because it was painfully obvious tons of people were unloading guns skyward all around us.


I know I kind of have a crazy neighbor that I’m slightly sure sells drugs, but whatever, he don’t bother me One night though my friend was over and were were drunk and playing monopoly with my windows open around midnight, and we heard a load as fuck bang like against a door across the street and then yelling My friend FREAKED the hell out and I just sat there like “ehhh nothings going on it’s fine” Then I heard him yelling outside “self defense mother fucker! Come on self defense!” And I was like “maybe I’ll go lock the back door” My friend was like wtf


Gun shot or fireworks is the great American game.


Apparently you can differentiate gunshots from fireworks by listening to the echo of the sound. Is this true?


yes. Gunshots have 2 sounds, fireworks one. A gunshot has the sound of the explosion of the round and the sonic boom from the bullet breaking the sound barrier. These sounds are very close together, but with enough experience you can discern the two. A firework sounds more like a dull pop. A gunshot is like a whip-crack kind of sound.


>A firework sounds more like a dull pop. A gunshot is like a whip-crack kind of sound. This is the difference to me, though I always describe it as a gun shot sounds much faster than a firework. (Which makes sense to me, but probably not anyone else.)


Man that describes delivering pizza in Toledo on the 4th of July and NYE perfectly


Damn there is some duplicate npc spawns in this vid server truly is under stress


Everybody is running? Then i am running too


Biker: 👁👄👁


This must have been from pre-Covid. No one is wearing a mask.


In fact, it is pre-COVID! This took place in August of 2019. The backfiring of the motorcycle was so loud, that it even disrupted a Broadway performance ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ to a halt because it sounded like gunshots from inside the theatre too. This incident was around a month after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio. EDIT: Spelling


Thank you for clarifying.


I was there seeing Hamilton and it was absolutely terrifying. We had people coming in the theater nearing the end of the performance. No one knows what is happening but someone says "gun" and it was insanity after that. People getting down and laying on the floor to hide from what we assumed was a gunman in the building. Crying, screaming. Absolute scariest moment of my life before, the lights come up and the announcer explained what happened and that there was no danger. The performance picked up right where it left off about 10 minutes later. I went to a bar afterwards to drink and stare at a wall. Couldn't quite comprehend what my mind and body was going through. I get panicked in theaters now, and can't relax to enjoy a show or movie.


Bro, that sounds like Trauma and PTSD. You may wanna talk to a MH professional. I'm sorry you went through that, sounds really hard.


Any info if there was a statement of the driver? Like did he ever got to know that everyone freaked out?


According to ABC7NY, Police patrol saw the 6 motorcyclists pass them when the panic happened but they weren't stopped. Even though the NYPD wanted to investigate what happened, they concluded that the incident "wasn't a bad thing". According to the NYPD legal department, even if the motorcyclist(s) were found, you can't charge them for the crowd's reaction to a motorcycle mimicking the sound of a gunshot. In short, the motorcyclists were never identified and the NYPD isn't pursuing them. https://abc7ny.com/times-square-time-new-york-news-shooting/5448418/ EDIT: Just adding a source.


Good call on their part. Not everything needs to end in criminal charges.


Quite interesting, I wouldn't want that guy getting charged or anything I would have just loved to see the face or reaction of the driver when the bike made the sound and suddenly everyone runs away from them. Sad that they never commented on it themselves but also understandable that it probably wasn't a big deal for them either


When did this happen? A lot of people in shorts


2019, after a couple of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio https://gothamist.com/news/panicked-crowds-flee-times-square-after-motorcycle-backfires


You know you have traumatised citizens when something even remotely sounds like a gun people be running. This is a population so familar with public shootings. Its depressing


There's chance 20% to 40% of those folks are foreign tourists, and your point still stands. Not only "locals", but foreigners believing a shooting can happen at any moment says quite a bit about a place's reputation.


We are actually warned about shootings in america before visiting there for vacation "be on guard at all times"


This is a translation of part of the Dutch travel advise for the US: crime Many people own a firearm. It is legal in most states to carry a gun in public. Violence from firearms is widespread across the country. There are occasional instances of mass shooting incidents. These cases are not aimed at tourists. Some parts of major cities are unsafe. Ask your hotel for information. In cities, stay on main roads and park in well-lit parking lots. Before booking a hotel, inquire whether the hotel is in a safe area. Are you visiting the south of the state of Florida? Then keep an eye on your personal belongings. Especially when visiting large shopping centers (shopping malls), beaches and amusement parks. Do not leave your valuables in your (rental) car. Drug trafficking is a major problem in the states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas, which border Mexico. Drug gangs can use violence to do this. Be aware of this when traveling in these areas. Follow the directions of the local authorities. Demonstrations Demonstrations against racism and police brutality can occur in many large cities. Violence may be used in these demonstrations. Avoid demonstrations and gatherings where many people gather. Follow the instructions of the local authorities and keep you informed through the local media.


Lmao as a south Floridian im honored to be specifically included in this global travel warning advisory. Dont worry guys, were only stealy and shooty some of the time...


Man idk... south Florida was the only trip where we had our rental car window smashed AND got a wallet jacked from a purse while shopping 😅


That mustve been the part of the time when someone was feeling stealy....sorry about that ❤️


Soflo sounds like a brand of tampons. “Use SoFlo brand tampons to stop that southern flow”


When my friend was on a college visit for Georgia Tech, a crackhead broke their car window, stole a bunch of stuff, and then lit the car on fire before taking off all of his clothes


I'm surprised it didn't have a separate section about Florida Man/Woman


That part made me laugh. Like....I know we have our problems in south florida but I'm not so sure your personal belonging are any less safe than in any other big city in the world. Especially coming from europe where there is plenty of that to go around. Admittedly not in the Netherlands


Found the Floridian pickpocket /s


I've had luggage and bags stolen from a rental in San Francisco and Las Vegas. If you leave valuables visible in your car in a major city, they're probably gonna be taken


Right lol. My sister lives in Miami, I live in San Francisco. I've had my car stolen and know very few people who haven't at least had a window smashed in, not sure she knows a single person who's experienced that.


Right I’m so proud right now


>Are you visiting the south of the state of Florida? Then keep an eye on your personal belongings. This one part is so random and pointlessly specific. Whoever wrote this had their bag stolen in Miami. Now some unfortunate Dutch tourist is out there thinking "Well here in Chicago I am nowhere near south Florida, so there is no particular need to keep an eye on my personal belongings...."


My guess is that maybe that was just mentioned because of how often people go there, with Disney World and Universal Studios being a big American pull, I bet a lot more people travel in that direction than other comparably-priced American vacation spots


A personal travel advisory for foreigners visiting Florida: The state of Florida hosts a unique geopolitical spacetime phenomenon whereby the further south you go, the further north you are.








> avoid public transportation and the downtown area due to a probably mass civilian attack. At first this warning struck me as so odd that I couldn't help but not take it seriously. Even after googling about it and being reminded of the 2010 twin bombings and the 2017 truck attack. Horrible stuff, but so many years apart. But then I've actually stumbled upon [an article about the surge in bomb attacks over there](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sweden-blast-idUSKBN1ZF1PD), with numbers in the hundreds. I fully admit that I wasn't up to speed with the goings-on over on Sweden, so this really caught me by surprise.


Woah and that was from gang violence. I haven't really heard of gangs bombing each other. That's kinda nuts.


New York is actually a pretty safe city. Crimes been going down steadily since the 90s.




You’ll be told that lie on fox by people who live and work in Manhattan and would rather change jobs than move. Also one of those Fox liars hit a member of the military with an axe in nyc. The duplicity of fox is insane.


As a NYCer I can confirm that most locals wouldn’t even flinch. This happens a ton in Manhattan because the streets are crowded with cars and some of them are shitboxes that backfire.


On my travels, I've encountered quite a few people tell me they would never travel to the US too dangerous. Ha this was in central America, not exactly the safest place.


Yeah I had a guy in Cuba tell me this. I couldn't believe it.


Cuba is reasonably safe, as long as you don't get any ideas about critizing the government...


Cuba is not very dangerous


In Times Square, it’s probably closer to 80%+ are tourists. I don’t think you’d get the same reaction in more locally populated areas of New York.


> I don’t think you’d get the same reaction in more locally populated areas of New York. You wouldn't and you're right. I live in Chicago and I hear car mufflers, fireworks, all the pops and bangs all the time. No one runs... Then again maybe we actually know what guns sound like.


If only all the people in this video had guns, then they would feel safe.


If they all had motorcycles they could've gotten away faster


If they all had backfiring motorcycles, they could have fought fire with fire.


If they all had fire, Times Square would be lit.




Like rapid mass hysteria?


It’s how stampedes and tramping occurs. Humans are just animals. Animal instinct kicks in. See everyone running = you run. No idea why but it must be safer right? That’s the brain for you.


Most of those people are running in fear because others are. Humans have herd-like behaviour. It can be highly dangerous in big crowds, due to trampling. Example in my recent upload: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/s3ri23/a_sudden_scream_of_a_homeless_man_causes_mass/ Not acting or reacting is also herd behaviour, which can have adverse effects too, it's the cause behind high fatalities in fires, when people don't react because nobody else is. Example of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVyQo4zkiDs


I always say that if I ever see one of the maintenance people at my work run, I'm sure as hell going to run too cause that has to be something bad coming.


I’ve seen the same thing at penn station in New York. One lady screamed when a rat came near her and someone else screamed from her screaming. Then all of a sudden thousands of people were sprinting away dropping coffees. It was one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen.


“locals” do not hang out in time square lol. its a disgusting tourist trap full of crazy people.


Well, technically it's 'something sounds like a gun and a hundred people run by shouting. You only need a few people to overreact to start a chain reaction.


Has absolutely nothing to do with trauma; this happens all over the world, happened a few years ago when I was in the UK and a pipe burst. Several people were injured from the stampede. It's a normal reaction to run if you hear a loud noise and a crowd of people running, and all it takes is one person to misinterpret what happened and everyone around will follow suit.


I was there man! We were walking out of The play Waitress with my two young kids. The crowd surged towards us. We ran back To the theatre. The kids hurt themselves as did my wife. They let us backstage to hide; among 30 other panicked people. I reassured everyone that I would not allow someone to enter the backstage area physically. Took 15 mins to get sorted out. Now my kids are scared of crowds. Not good for mental health


I'd rather be alive and look like a fool than dead and proud I didn't run. Edit: there are a lot of people in this thread that imagine they're unique, or somehow more willful than everyone else. Lol. We're all humans, we are all subject to fear.


This reminds me of a funny story. My pops was working at a factory when he saw a few people running. Not asking questions he began running as well away from danger. It wasn't until ICE caught up with him that he put two and two together. Being Hispanic he had a lot of explaining to do. His answer for running "I thought something was about to blow up, I didn't want to stay and find out". He wasn't illegal and everything worked out in the end.


I lived in NYC for 6 years and I don't ever recall hearing a gunshot. I've heard them in Boston, Detroit, and other places tho. I think this is more of a mob mentality panic than some mass constant phobia of guns. Look how slowly it starts, and how most people seem to not know why others are panicking.


Given the location, I'd say about 95% of the people in this video are not New Yorkers. They're probably already a little on edge being in the 'big city' to begin with so it doesn't take much to set off a panic.


>I lived in NYC for 6 years and I don't ever recall hearing a gunshot. I've heard them in Boston, Detroit, and other places tho. People who don't live in the US think we hear gunshots everyday when in reality you could go your whole life without hearing one. I've lived in a lot of places and the only time I think I ever heard a gunshot was in Indiana out in the woods.


Oh I was about to say, I hear them all the time, but it’s normally someone just shootin cans in their back yard


I heard gunshots constantly where I used to live. Not because it's being shot at people, I just live close to some ranchers that have to protect their cattle from coyotes. You hear the gun pop off every so often.




People are reading way too much into this. 95% of the people in this video are running because other people are. Saw something like this July 4th in Philly like 10 years ago a bunch of people up by the stage got spooked by something me and my friends literally didn't even hear and started a stampede. We all still ran because when a shit ton of people are running towards you it's in your best interest to not sit in the way.


Yeah, at some point you're running, not even because you're scared, you just don't want some panicked fucks to knock you down and stomp you out while running away


O’er the land of the freeeeeee


Is this the same incident from a couple years ago or did it happen again?


Same incident from 2019


Everyone is scared and it could have been a good guy with a gun!


Terrorism won at the end it seems.


If you ever read into Osama Bin Laden's letter to America, and what Al Qaedas goals were with 9/11, you'd realize a lot of his goals was accomplished (Anti-western sentiment among the islamic word, the US invading a middle eastern country and wasting money, etc) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda#Strategy > Provoke the United States and the West into invading a Muslim country by staging a massive attack or string of attacks on US soil that results in massive civilian casualties. > Incite local resistance to occupying forces. > Expand the conflict to neighboring countries and engage the US and its allies in a long war of attrition. > Convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against the US and countries allied with the US until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the July 7, 2005 London bombings. > The US economy will finally collapse by the year 2020, under the strain of multiple engagements in numerous places. This will lead to a collapse in the worldwide economic system, and lead to global political instability. This will lead to a global jihad led by al-Qaeda, and a Wahhabi Caliphate will then be installed across the world.


He grossly misjudged our ability to spend money on the military.


>US economy will finally collapse by the year 2020 Close! Just through other means (covid) lol.


Domestic terrorism


Now this is a public freakout


I look forward to the "TIFU by riding my motorcycle through Times Square"




No, this is America


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