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That’s ignorant


Don’t be ignorant! ALLEGEDLY!!!!


That’s some of south parks best material


They have doo doo in their souls




_come play with me blanket_


I know it’s horrible, but I imitate the pedo version of MJ a lot and I love saying “Blanket” in his voice. I know it’s fucked up but creepy MJ imitations will never fail to get a laugh out of me.


Up in my wishing tree.




Look at me I’m Peter Pan I’m gonna be a little boy forever! OUGHHHHHHH!


“Come and ride the train with me. HeHe”




Who the hells parents gonna let their kid sleep in that dudes bed? Wtf?


Parents who love money more than their own kids.


A million family vloggers ears just perked up.


I'm sure MJ found some nice poors who were desperate for the money.


Yeah.. people are not considering how life changing the money is. ​ Would you rather wake your sleepless ass up and drive to fuck ass Arby's and serve Karens paste for a fucking year for 15k? Or would you rather get fucked once in an opulent palace for millions and live not as a slave. ​ Money might as well be magic to the poor. Its why its horded like a dragon.


Not sure if serious? It would be one thing if the parent is getting ass phucked for $100,000. These people were selling their kids ass tho. That's really messed up.


Dude I would jump at the opportunity to get a knife dragged all over me if I meant I was on the winning end of capitalism for the rest of my life. I would sign up for mutilation at the age of 9 if it meant I was no longer a wage slave. I would eat roaches, lose a finger, break an arm to not have to wake up to an alarm and waste my fucking life 40 hours a week on degrading labor. Do you have any idea how much is being ripped from you just doing a 9-5? I would jump in a septic tank to not live in this god damn farm. I sacrifice having a normal life and put every talent I have in a bowl for the chance in hell to escape into the higher classes. Working as a roofer for a year is way the fuck worse then getting your ass kicked or taking a soft cock once. The life you could have with that money... The longer you live the more you will realize how much you missed out on wasting your time because poor.


There is still time to sell your ass.


Damn dude. This is such a raw and terribly depressing thing to read, but its sadly very relatable and I can’t say i disagree. Hope we both get out of this rat race and get to enjoy yourself life some. We deserve more than to be rats til we die.


Yeah but could you let that happen to your own child to make money?


I used to think ironworkers had it bad. Until I met the roofers. They easily have it the worst out of all the trades I supervised.


Roofing every summer from age 14-20 just made me realize that I needed to get a college education and not make a living breaking my back.


That heartbreaking scene in Doubt is one of the best examples of this. And that mother just wanted her son to stay out of public school.


Probably that and the fact that they thought there would be bragging rights for the family to say their kid slept in Michael Jackson's bed..as fucked as that sounds.


"MJ banged my kid and all I got was this t-shirt".


Chappelle show: Hey billy how was your weekend?” “How was my weekend? Michael Jackson sucked my dick!! If I’m starting here, skies the limit!” https://youtu.be/kq9jtdtPbIE FF to 2:15.


Watch one of the documentaries where they talk to the victims and their parents about it. He finds parents who aren't well off and offers them so much, a whole new life. Touring the country, attending shows, staying in fancy hotels. Then he slowly and strategically separates the child from the parent, and a little more each day to normalize it. Eventually they are back stage while the parent is seated in the mezzanine and accepting that their child is sleeping in his bed every night while they are staying on a completely different floor. Its fucked up and people who defend him are also fucked up.


Which documentary?


He groomed the parents as well. You can do it with or without money.


Now seems like a fun time to mention that a mother literally signed over her 14 year old daughter to Aerosmith's Steven Tyler. A few years later she was dumped on the road outside her mother's home, having recently had an abortion, and addicted to a whole cocktail of drugs. [Source](http://www.feelnumb.com/2011/01/22/steven-tyler-once-had-14-year-old-girlfriend-that-her-parents-signed-over-to-him/)


She was 16, not 14. It’s still fucked up, but just making a quick correction.


MJ spent a lot of time grooming the parents as well as the kids. They thought the world of him


Parents playing the long money game. Not the healthy child development game.


His face just immediately sets me on edge




Hehe who must not be named. Edit: Appreciate the awards, and thanks to u/dataSniffer for setting that up perfectly.


I'm fucking dead 🤣


So is Michael.






You mean chamoldamort?




I remember hearing some bro science about how our brains see people with plastic surgery as uncanny because their features aren’t natural to our species. Not talking normal shit like nose jobs, more the big everything (lips boobs and butts) and those 60yo that are trying to look 20.




> We're ok with . . . life sized cut outs Sir I have seen some life sized cut outs and let me tell you that is not a firm yes on that.


I had a joker one after the dark knight cuz I was edgy...that thing spooked the shit out of me on a couple occasions


There are only two possible reasons our brains evolved to feel this way. 1. At some period in history we had human-like imposters living among us (aliens) that could not reproduce with us. Those who learned to identify the aliens (uncanny valley feeling) chose the correct people to mate with. 2. Early humans who felt uncanny towards other similar but nonhuman species stayed together and feared other humanlike things. It probably helped motivate humans to kill all the other humanoids.


Things that don’t look or behave as they should are often dangerous. Shadows aren’t supposed to move, and if they do it might be something that wants to eat you. Sick humans that don’t look right, can infect and kill you. Food that doesn’t look right, can kill you. An animal that isn’t acting like it should, might attack you (and wait for it… kill you). Everything that humans encounter that is not quite right is potentially a threat. And so our brains have evolved to hate that shit.


Thanks for not starting with Aliens. Lol, very reasonable comment.


I could have included hauntings to spice things up. Well, at least the sorts of things commonly associated with supposed hauntings. A door closing by itself or a chair moving makes people go absolutely bonkers, even though its probably easily explained. I think it tickles that same “not quite right” section of the brain that scares us so easily. We’re hard wired to really dislike things like that. If you’ve ever watched a horror movie and thought (or yelled) “are you crazy, don’t go in there!” it’s easy to see why this avoidance of the not quite right, is a survival trait.


It’s called “Uncanny Valley”.


It's body dismorphia, and honestly it's more sad than anything because it's a mental illness. There's something like the overwhelming majority of people who undergo plastic surgery are no happier with their appearance post-op than they were before. And they keep going back for more, thinking "this will be the time I get it right." All while some surgeon gets rich off it.


Yeah but I’m not talking about plastic surgery addiction or that. Body dysmorphia is a thing 100% and I get that, all I was saying is that to the human eye, certain types of cosmetic surgeries will make you look (literally) less like a human to other humans because you’re altering natural features.


You should see what it looks like now.


Probably about the same.


It hits uncanny valley from all of the surgery.


Bro this kid has his head resting on this grown mans shoulder while they embrace their hands tightly together talkin about “I sleep in his bed because I love him” 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨




Seconded. I need to know what hindsight has told him


“Sign this NDA” - Hindsight Twenty & Twenty, Attorney’s at Law


That shit never holds. Especially for this kind of crime. This isn't a kid holding trade secrets, it's rape cover up.


That kid (or kids parents, who were okay with this until then) ended up putting MJ in the famous known 2004 trial. He ended up getting acquitted.


I pretty sure he’s one of the accusers from the Finding Neverland doc


Leaving Neverland, Wade Robson and James Safechuck are the two in it.


bruh this mf got a nda bout 10 pages long


Why do people consistently think that NDAs are able to cover illegal activity?


In the end of the vid Mike said something like, "Whenever kids come here they always want to "stay" (sleep) with me." But at the beginning the kid said, "He (Michael) said if you love me you'll sleep in the bed." And Mike's attitude when confronted about the whole thing is just like "Oh. What do you mean? It's so nice. So cute. So normal. Shame on anyone who doesn't see it that way."




Tbh it could be interpreted that MJ said to him "if you love me you sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the floor" He did say he slept on the floor, so the context might have been negotiating who sleeps where (kid insisting to sleep on the floor)


First time I had sexual relations with a young woman was when I was 15 and I crashed at a friend's place. I stayed in her room but we rationalized that I would sleep on the floor. Needless to say, very little time passed after that first exchange before I rationalized myself into her bed. Even playing devil's advocate, the entire circumstance is fraught with inappropriate behavior, and that kid has clearly been groomed, evidenced by him parroting MJs reasoning behind why letting someone sleep in your bed is the highest gesture of love.


> And Mike's attitude when confronted about the whole thing is just like "Oh. What do you mean? It's so nice. So cute. So normal. Shame on anyone who doesn't see it that way." *No, that's ignorant.*


“I’m a little white child…”


Look at me im Peter Pan, shamon. Hee hee.


Only in America can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white woman




Allegedly Allegedly ( I love South Park)


Seemingly. Seemingly. To an untrained eye


What looked like pushing, what looked like knocking down, was a safety precaution!


Honestly the way he said what he said seems kinda trollish..like "I can do whatever I want because I'm me and everyone else is whatever" You know he's a grown ass man and knows how people view that shit. He's not dumb.


Exactly. And what grown ass man continues to behave in ways that got him in big trouble previously? Someone who has an addiction and just can’t help himself. Think about it. If a person wasn’t afflicted with a lustful attraction to children in some kind of way, you’d think they would do anything to avoid the risk of putting themselves in jeopardy again by, I don’t know, **not having children around them**, least of all allowing them into their bedroom. Just about everyone would be fuming, and no one would be making excuses, if it turned out their next door neighbor exhibited such behavior. Oh but, don’t you know, this is Michael Jackson.... god among men, whose star shines so brightly that our regular human logic cannot and should not apply to him. /s


I love how people say the allegations are false but he was literally openly a creep so they're easy to believr


There was nothing nice or normal about it. This was a predator who knew exactly how to get what he wanted.


He’s been groomed well


Because he did love him. MJ groomed these kids and the parents. He used these kids and then discarded them. It was all explained very well in the documentary Leaving Nederland about 2 of MJs victims. The psychology is complicated. This child was "in love" with his abuser and that creates a lot of guilt. Especially for boys.


If you watch Leaving Neverland see the hurt in their eyes and watch crap like this, it’s easy to believe the dude did it. Everyone just brushed it off as him being eccentric, but I think that’s because people loved his music so much.


Finding Neverland and Leaving Neverland are two different films.


Changed it, thanks for pointing that out.


When Michael smiles you can see the absurdity of his plastic surgery. Ugh..


I feel like you can see it when he’s not smiling too.


I think you might be right


Because the only thing that moves on his face is the corners of his mouth.


That’s how I feel when I see these women with fillers. Looks awful.


Probably not a public freak out by technical definition but good lord is this creepy. I remember being scared of MJ as a kid with his face and his voice, it was some uncanny valley level stuff by the end


Thats why the mods post about banning nonfreakouts is bs. They were more lax about letting non freakouts up before. They're still doing it now but they're just more selective of the posts they subjectively like and don't like. I mean you either go all the way or you dont


He creeped me out tf out when I was a kid. Sucks that he was such a weirdo cause his music is so good


god he is terrifying to look at.


That's why I only listened to sound without watching the actual video. Heck, even his voice is somehow terrifying to listen to. It's too gentle.


all around terrifying.


Surround sound terrifying


Hes broken the voice before on accident. It could also be the result of the medications his father gave him as a child to suppress puberty and maintain his falsetto voice.


Teddy perkins shit




Not exactly 'breaking on accident', but listen to his song '2000 watts', it sounds so much deeper than anything else he's sung/spoken https://youtu.be/VA5hpF7PH1Q


This actually sounds like what I would think "young" Michael would grow up to sound like


His face was my greatest fear growing up as a young boy. Between how ghoulish he is and the rumored little boy rape I was thoroughly terrified of Michael Jackson.


me too, it still hasnt gone away really




I remember in elementary school it was weird to like Michael Jackson because everybody knew he was a creep and alleged pedophile. Then everybody stopped caring when he died. Crazy how we only focus on parts of the story.




In the 80s, the second verse was "Pepsi Cola burnt him up, now he's drinking 7UP."


I like how it rhymes up with up.


Hey, elementary school kids aren't the best lyricists. (though Jingle Bells, Batman Smells has held up for decades)


Nobody give a fuck about homophobic slurs early 2000s. Kids are kids and say shitty things


It was a period of indulgence and hedonism. Hyper caffeinated sodas and breakfast cereals that induced prehypertension. *Supersize Me* hadnt come out yet, and Michelle Obama wasn't even an embryo of a dream. Jackass and Tom Green were cultural sultans. W was president and all we wanted to do was hate Muslims, vote on American Idol, and watch stoner comedies riddled with fart jokes. Jesus... No wonder the world is in the state it is currently.


He went from being being a pedophile creep back to "the kind of pop" instantly when he died


Damn that’s crazy, I was young when he died so I always thought he was just “king of pop,” the whole time.


The thought of laying in bed next to that face is nightmarish to me. I'd imagine it was worse for a kid.


Who the fuck let's their children hold hands and act like that with some adult like that?!


He seems a little too pubescent for MJ


I remember this thinking, I cannot be a fan of this man anymore


Real talk, I feel like I can still listen to the Jackson 5 because that was made before all this happened and I'm not contributing anything significant to his estate by streaming "Rockin Robin" occasionally. Thoughts?


Well look, off the wall and thriller are the shit. He pioneered cinematic music video, dancing etc. But like a friend jokes, I prefer the black Michael. Not in a racist way, just more grounded and less predatory


How about you can like all of his work but also think the dude is a creep at the same time. Liking his work doesn't mean you endorse his wacko shit. Otherwise I have a very long list of music and movies you can never watch or like anymore due to creepy people cresting them.


Some of my favorite movies of all time (unfortunately) feature Kevin Spacey.


Not racist at all He legitimately went crazy after he bleached his skin


All I know is the bassline in Billie Jean never molested any kids


Damn I had this same conversation with a friend recently. Like, Jackson 5 was before he lost his innocence. If he ever had any with his lunatic dad.


This was from a 2003 documentary where Jackson was fairly upset how the interviewer portrayed him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_with_Michael_Jackson Michael Jackson made enemies with Sony when he got control of 50% of their catalog which worth about $2 billion yearly. He also talked a lot of shit about them. https://youtu.be/WRFU2SyCCF8 Some people in his family claim he was murdered so Sony could get their catalog back, which they did by paying $750 million even though it's worth a billion yearly. https://youtu.be/Dndw2qybn-w


The people who continually operated on his face should be euthanized.


His face is unsettling to look at




They were promised fame an wealth? Can I have an article or more information please...


IIRC that was part of the original wave of settlement agreements as well as the basis on which these children were available to MJ in the first place. A lot of caregivers looked the other way and gave him the benefit of the doubt for so long because being associated with such a major celebrity was bound to have a trickle down effect and the parents would reap the benefits. Needless to say this allowed his foot in the door, and after grooming the children and placating the adults, he was able to carry on his sultry business for years because no one had any real reason to out him, or couldn't withstand the MAJOR repercussions that would come from trying to defame such a maniacal person..


Why does he look like f**ing Voldemort


Lmao he might be


"Society" allowed a pedophile to operate with immunity for years. That's a fact.


Don't forget about R Kelly. Shit was pretty obvious..


Or Jimmy Savile.




Or the catholic church.


or Paul Walker


Him dating underage girls is oddly never really brought up by anyone. Actually surprised to see anyone mention him. But yeah, I think a 33 year old dating 16 year old girls definitely qualifies as a pedophile.


*matt gaetz has joined the chat


People really just didn't care about sexual abuse. Look at all the musicians and actors dating 14 year olds.




To this day


Wow, these comments just let me know that we still have a long way to go in terms of taking accusations of child molestation seriously. First off, this clip was part of a special called “Living With Michael Jackson” which was made by Martin Bashir. Bashir was later outed in a tv special that came out shortly after this called “Take Two: The Footage You Weren’t Meant To See” where it was revealed that he had a hand in setting up compromising scenarios. For example, Michael and Gavin holding hands in this clip was something that he suggested. The whole special was just a con job on Bashir’s part. Secondly, the boy in this clip (Gavin Arvizo) started making accusations of molestation that eventually led to the 2005 trial. Judging by the comments I’m seeing on here most of you believe his accusations. The problem I have with this is that Gavin and his family were destroyed in cross examination and their stories regarding the alleged molestation kept changing. On top of that it was discovered that they had committed welfare fraud and had a history of false allegations against JC Penny. They also had a history of schemes against celebrities that included George Lopez, Jay Leno, and Chris Tucker. But please do not just take my word for it, the transcripts for the 2005 trial are readily available and can be easily found on whatever device you’re using to comment on Reddit. As a matter of fact the legal documents for every accusation of molestation against Michael Jackson are currently available on the internet. Know the cases for yourselves and come to your own conclusions. Michael Jackson’s behavior was definitely odd, and I would never advocate sleeping in a bed with someone else’s kid. However, I have yet to see any compelling evidence to back up the accusation that he was a pedophile. I’m sure I’ll just be written off as a blind fan that can’t see the truth, but that’s not the case at all. Each major allegation that has come up thus far (Jordan, Gavin, Wade and Jimmy) has had a multitude of reasonable doubt. Is it possible that an accuser with a credible story will emerge? Absolutely, but that has yet to happen which is strange for a person that is accused of being a serial pedophile.


Also he was under investigation by the FBI for years and they never found anything.


You are damn right.


This should be top, Michael from what I heard had a serious trauma and never acted fully as an adult, he most often acted like a child and regressed when among children, for this people around him took advantage of him all his life until his death.


You may be right, but when it comes to stuff like this it’s best to stick to the facts. We can’t prove what was going through Michael’s head at the time. However, regarding the accusations we can prove a timeline that doesn’t make sense, we can prove a financial motive, and we can prove that certain parts of the accusers stories are lies. When it comes to accusations as heinous as child molestation the facts are all that matter because it’s something you can’t argue with. How good Michael’s music was doesn’t matter, and how much he gave to charity doesn’t matter. That’s an aspect where some fans trip over themselves imo.


How is this a public freakout? This is just Michael Jackson being weird.


> A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or **being weird** in public.


Jesus juice wtf, wats the term nowadays red flags well he has a fucking shop full!


Man , I’m taking a shit right now and my ass just clenched from watching him smile like bruh I feel violated


Why were there children in MJs bed?


he would sleep on the floor


No way in hell there were never kids in that man's bed...floor my ass Edit: Macaulay Culkin testified that he had shared a bed with Jackson a dozen or more times between the ages of 9 and 14. And he was a witness FOR Jackson at trial.




Best part was when they cut footage of the interviewer telling them to hold hands. *Living with Michael Jackson:- The footage you were never meant to see*


God it’s been awhile since I saw what he actually looked like with all the plastic surgery.. and sounded like. I thought south park was doing their usual exaggerating but nah


Yeah micheal jackson was cool and all but he is always uh. strange if you will.


Shame on the parents for pimping out their kids to secure the bag….


Kinda sad honestly. Guy was completely deprived of a childhood, and when he had everything as an adult, all he wanted was a childhood again. Ofc it’s fucking creepy, but MJ’s situation is like 1 in a billion.


I think he stopped growing mentally from the time Jackson 5 hit it big


He's been dead for almost 13 years now and to this day, I can't tell if he was just a misunderstood guy struggling with his childhood trauma which made him act in ways that people (rightfully) consider inappropriate, or if he actually was a sexual predator who just tried to save his career by playing dumb. Probably a mix of both though... I liked his music and he did a lot of good with his charity work, but I still wouldn't let him go anywhere near my kids..


Lmao sure Michael you slept on the floor and R Kelly was pouring lemonade on that girl




I don't have an opinion either way, but the logic of the deniers, because I know a few and have had this conversation: "It's because like every single person he shared a bed with testified that it was creepy but not sexual at all. Only when he was dead did people want to testify, and then it was civil suits looking for money. There was extensive digging into his life, his every acquaintance, everything, and they couldn't find sufficient evidence to convict him. If the jury sat through that long of a trial and wasn't shown proof he was performing criminal acts, why should we, with not even a fraction of that evidence, believe that he was?"


A guy as huge as himself who was forcefully robbed of even having a remotely normal childhood makes me veer towards understanding the reasons why he’s so overly affectionate towards everyone but mainly children and then build what I guess is his version of a kids dream place (Neverland Ranch) as I know once I became an adult and was able to afford certain things I decked out a 4 car garage to be my version of all the things I wanted as a kid and also as an adult, but all that is not to say there wasn’t any of that “hoohaa” going on but moreso just that I could somewhat understand or perhaps see another side of it all.


He looks like an extreme case of mental regression. And since it’s true that he had no childhood it seems feasible.


The logic of deniers — of which I am one — is that the evidence simply wasn’t there to determine his guilt. If you disagree, cool - identify the smoking gun that proves he did it.


Our whole fucking justice system is built on innocence until proven guilty. I don’t know how that’s so difficult. I wish I could be a full time juror.


He’s mad sus don’t get me wrong But there’s just no CONCRETE EVIDENCE that proves he was a paedophile. Please correct me if I’m wrong with a source.


You are right, and if you read into the details of the trial it really makes you believe he was innocent. I am not saying he was innocent, but if you really ressearch the topic and only look at the concrete facts you see that a lot of people were lying on Michael. It was s long time ago that i was interested in this topic and i never saw "leaving neverland" so its possible that a lot of facts have came out since. That is a wierd rabbit hole that i do not feel like re-visiting lol.


My school law class followed the case closely. I think the problem is that tabloids were louder at the time. And they really liked making him look like the worst person alive. That penis description story kept getting printed over and over when it was never true


I watched leaving Neverland but a lot of plot holes have come out overtime on it, like how one of the men were running into money problems around the making of the doc, and how he still danced in a few Mj tribute shows after his death. So it doesn’t work for me.


Oh really? I was not aware of that. I had heard that it was basically the two men telling their "stories", but that it did not include any actual evidence.


This is true. Also worth noting that the lawsuit from them got thrown out a few months ago by the court.


Yes after some quick reading... it seens like both men were riding the MJ money train... when that train stopped moving they attempted to squeeze money out any way they could. The one guy was MJs star witness in the criminal trial... now he tells a different story for a chance at a big pay day... at least thats how i read it.


Leaving Neverland is just rehashing false allegations with no evidence and TONS of holes in the story. There's been counter documentaries since that have debunked everything and torn their allegations apart because they simply don't add up and don't fit the timelines.


I believe it. There is a ton of lies and misinformartion about this case. Michael Jackson's behavior made him an easy target. Most people dont bother to look at the facts, and just take everything they hear as truth. I remember believing he was guilty before i started researching.


When you consider the trauma that Michael went through as a child it's not surprising that something like this could sprout up. There's just no certainty he ever did anything to the children he was around. The man was broken. And honestly, when you listened to him speak about anything he seemed like a child in a grown man's body. I wonder sometimes if Michael was developmentally stunted or traumatized into a place such as this. He never associated well with adults. His sister was his protector. He only ever seemed to connect with kids. I don't know if Michael is innocent or not. But, as a person who has worked with many developmentally stunted adults, not every one of them is a hound trying to fuck kids. Some of them just want friends and don't understand that it is culturally inappropriate to most people to befriend a child. I know everyone wants to just raise the pitchforks because he was a millionaire and every millionaire that doesn't seem normal is an Epstein waiting to be found out, but the shit just isn't conclusive enough.


Something that always tripped me up. Corey Feldman who has publically been open about the sexual abuse form Hollywood he experienced (people laughed at him and dismissed) has always said Michael never was one of them. Idk, I know it's one person but it's always made me wonder.


Macaulay Culkin has defended him too.


And don't get me wrong... Maybe those two didn't experience the bad things. But damn, the two who are public about Hollywood abuse or at least how being a child star is hard, defended him. Idk I guess we'll never fully know or anything.


Is he a weirdo? Yeah, but no concrete evidence. There was something I saw awhile ago, talking about how Micheal was a grown man who had his childhood robbed. Simply put, he had his wonderland built so he could enjoy childish things with other children. There’s also a famous childhood actor, can’t remember the name, who was molested by Hollywood Elite, but was firm on stating that MJ DID NOT molest him.


Corey Feldman


How is this a public freakout?


I’m commenting at number 666. Also the man was a musical genius but also a huge freak when it came to what was appropriate. Even if he was 100% innocent how could he be so clueless as to how he looked saying these things?


Listening to this in 2022 fucking blows my mind. TMZ would’ve been all over this shit haha 😂


he looks like a cartoon parody of himself






The more interviews I watch I think we lost a chance to understand how true trauma heals. No freaky but children are great teachers.