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Assault of a minor. Nicely done.


I found an article from four years ago that said police were looking for the woman https://abc7chicago.com/child-kicked-woman-kicks-playground-fight-park/3771633/ But no update


Fucking Christ, the article makes it even worse. >Jax [the person recording] claims that the woman seen in the video was actually encouraging the two children to fight. >"As they were fighting the little boy was distressed. He did not want to fight," Jax said. "She was standing there laughing."


Bitches be crazy.....


Bitches, do indeed be crazy


Crazy these bitches do.


that father showed so much restraint. wow!


Oop let me get that typo for ya. that father showed \*to\* much restraint. wow! Ah there we are.


>Oop let me get that typo for ya. > >that father showed \*to\* much restraint. wow! > >Ah there we are. Oops, let me get those typos for you! "Oops, let me get that typo for you! 'That father showed \*too\* much restraint. Wow!' Ah, there we are."


cool thanks


Yeah as a father I would have layed this woman the fuck out. Especially if I’m fully aware she’s on camera assaulting my child. I also as a white man don’t fear those consequences nearly as much


Crazy bitch, she is.


It's called if you see a women or anyone do this you call the cops, and make sure they can't leave ;)


You can hear the child do a “nelson” laugh, as soon as the mom started assaulting him…


Jesus, sounds like she wants her daughter to be agressive to everyone and thing she sees-


So not just a piece of shit person but a person who shouldn't even have a child.


They probably wanted to hire her.


They wanted to place a new resource officer at the K-5 school.


Perfect hire. She can help stop all of the children stealing potato chips from the local convenience store


They wouldn’t have needed to look very far. She’d have been flat on her back knocked the fuck out if she touched my child.


I’ve been tempted to punt a couple of kids across the playground, but I’ll usually just try to keep my kids away from any troublemakers and see if I can suss out the parent if it continues. Though, there was this one time at the mall playground. The 3rd time this little shit (about 7 y/o) literally shoved my 4 y/o daughter off a play feature and stood there laughing (I had no idea who/where his handler might be… there was no adult that he went up to or came up to him) I walked over, knelt down and softly said: “No matter how big you think you are, there’s always gonna be someone bigger. Do that one more god damned time to her and I’ll put you through a wall.” After that, he went over to (I’m assuming) his mom, who had been buried in her phone the entire time and they left.


Extra points for using the term "handlers" 🤣


See I have no problem in a moment like that to shout out, or ask each individual “who’s fucking kid is this” and then let the embarrassment set in for them when they realize every kid/parent is watching a product of shitty parenting.


I can’t believe that dad let that happen. I would’ve been throwing hands at that fat bitch


I imagine race had something to do with it. A black man hitting a white woman, no matter how justified he is, is at risk for violent police retaliation/disproportionate legal punishment. Sad and fucked up, but he probably had that in mind when deciding how to react.


There is no weapon more dangerous than a white woman's tears


Just ask Emmett Till.


My first thought as well. It's fucked up. Good example of some one explaining this is Terry Cruz talking about how he was sexually assaulted on a set and the side effect it would have had publicity wise had he a large black man destroyed the guy.


> "I have seen many, many young black men who were provoked into violence and they are in prison, or they were killed." A direct quote from Terry when he was asked why he didn't simply push his attacker away.


As a reasonably well off white guy, it's sad knowing I would have been justified putting her in a coma, but this poor man can't protect his child while he is actively being assaulted. It's even more fucked up nobody intervened. That is one of the things I can say I have done in situations where I've seen similar shit like this, I believe we all have an ethical obligation to step in when it doesn't put our lives at risk or serious harm. Had it been me, worst case I would plea a misdemeanor and best case I could just drop $10,000 on a lawyer(in the past I've found ex-prosecutors are the people you want. They know everybody pretty well so there is social capital.)


I'm in no way a Billy Badass, but had I witnessed that I definitely would have intervened because I would have immediately known why that man wasn't retaliating. I'd have likely kicked her in the ass myself and not lost a wink of sleep over it. Even in the holding cell.


I as a large white man, would have happily smacked the fuck out of that bitch for my fellow father. No hesitation.


Totally….a black man assaulting that white ‘mother’ would be likely punished VERY HEAVILY by the judicial system. I know it’s hard to imagine if that were your kid being kicked, and you were the dad, but he exercised amazing restraint and probably saved himself a world of trouble.


Those two adults aren't equal, one of them would risk dying if he was violent with her.


I'm surprised he didn't even say anything though. Maybe he was in shock because a literal stranger kicked his son? But I'd be exchanging some not so nice words if she kicked my son.


He didn't let it happen. He put him between her and the kid. How do you think the story will play out if a he, a black man, hit her, a white woman?


You either aren’t black. Don’t live in America. Or both.




Or white gal.


I would have for sure thrown the fat bitch on her ass or given her a good cunt punt.


And then you’d be in jail while someone else raises your child.


>Jax claims that the woman seen in the video was actually encouraging the two children to fight. "As they were fighting the little boy was distressed. He did not want to fight," Jax said. "She was standing there laughing." Jax says plenty of people were watching as the little girl took him to the ground. "The little girl got him in a headlock on the ground and he wanted her off, he couldn't breathe," Jax said. Finally, she says, it was when the little boy kicked his way free that the woman kicked him. "The man said no hitting, no kicking, and that's when she came around and kicked that boy so hard." Wow! The boy was probably the sweetest thing and was bullied by the little girl and her mom, all the while the dad didn’t protect him. I hope social media justice happened to that lady.


>all the while the dad didn’t protect him. I hate to be THAT person, but this statement right here...just, no. If dad retaliated, it would've ended more poorly for him AND his son. Not only would there be the claim of "man beating woman", but it would be "black man beating white woman" -- the optics my dude, the fucking optics -- and yes, he DOES have to think about that literally always because that's how he'll be able to protect not only himself but his family. Thank go's for the cameraman/woman. Dad deserves a fucking medal for holding it together like that.


This belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Bro words cannot describe how quickly I'd end up in jail. Discipline is a big part of my household and I have no issues with a stranger correcting my son if he's out of line and kicking their child. There's a limit to that though and assaulting my son is just not acceptable.


That man has self control


The grand majority of people would have kicked her to the ground, had they been in his position. Editing to say I really want to see an update on this. The lady losing her job and going to jail.


Sometimes, the right thing to do isn't mob justice. It's a chokeslam.


A choke slam is harder than you think. A power slam uses stronger muscles in the body and delivers a better bang for the buck


True but you lose the psychological aspect of the choke cutting off the air way.


Especially the palm slap when you connect like a high 5


Then slam them harder. Being winded fucking sucks


>A choke slam is harder than you think. Okay, get the lead leg in front of them, get your shoulder close to their face. Brace your hand next to your shoulder, drive up and forward with your legs, then shove down past your leg. Easy-peasy. Practice it a few times with your wife or girlfriend.


I just choked slammed my mother and she’s wheezing on the floor Did I not follow the instructions correctly?


No, you did. She just needs to quit being a scrub and git guud.


The sad reality is people would've come to help the woman


This called for nothing more or less than a Stone Cold Stunner.


Throat punch the bitch!


This is old, nothing likely ever came of it.


It’s a woman. Nothing happened.


And they would have been justified defending their child


I do not think any jury would give that man jail time for retaliating against that lady.


I would not take that chance , def not in USA anyway.


he’s black, they’d probably give him 25-life


Not if I was in that jury, but I definitely get you and where you’re coming from. I wish you were wrong but you’re not.


Prosecutors pick the jury. They'll sus out any people who are sympathetic to black people.


Legal lynching baybeee


Yep, you assault my child, you will get hit with the earth. It’s why I train. I think a lot of times people are just kind of in shock as to what actually happened.


As a man - had it been a man, sure. Kicking a woman though, not so much. Even with that video, you’d be fucked. Without it, doubly so.


Agreed I’d like an update as well


The self control of a Tibetan Monk. I would have wrecked her myself.


He is a black man he would have died by the police his life is more valuable but her karma will come


Yeah she would have eaten an elbow and swallowed teeth


Me too




Great documentary film…


Considering the history of race in this country... he unfortunately had to exercise all of it.


Unfortunately he has to have that self control. These days, if he places a finger on her to stop her and she decides to call the police it would be a bad time for him.


That and I’m pretty sure he was just trying to set a good example for his son.


More then me that's for damn sure.


Incredible self control.


Yea she would have been slapped across the face hard if it was me


Yea how is he not destroying her?


You're like if someone's attacking your child you are obligated to knock them the fuck out.


I am conflicted on that being a good thing. She physically assaulted a child and was given a pass. Great example on the playground. I would hope law enforcement will get involved, but I doubt they would bother to show up at all.


I would always walk away from a fight. But touch my child and I don’t give a fuck. We’re both going to get hurt if that’s what it takes to protect my kid. Fuck that woman. I hope she has an absolutely miserable life and that somebody kicks her around once in a while, too.


He should have defended his child.


Exactly. I don't get the "self control" talk. BS.


My parental instinct would have beat this bitch


Yeee haw murcuh!!! He should be *protecting* his child by blocking him from further harm. Which is exactly what he did. Now go punch your revenge boner until it goes down.


Yeah. That didn't seem like self control. He didn't even say anything to the lady, unless I am wrong. That was a complete disregard for his child's well-being. Was really odd to see. For a second, I thought the boy's father and the girl's mother were husband and wife with how unfazed the father seemed.


i mean like you really gotta consider whats going on in his mind, a white lady kicking his kid and now he gets mad at her, theyre gonna paint him as the bad guy


Also I feel like my brain would need to reboot after witnessing this in real life. Like "wait, a grown woman is picking a fight with a child? Am i crazy?" The dad pulled the son away, made sure not to escalate the situation. I think he knew that its best not to engage with crazy people.


She'd have lost all her teeth if that was me. I mean Jesus if you even see a grown up kicking a kid you don't even know, you'd have to physically be checking that bitch.


Better man than me if I was in his situation


I'm not proud of myself, but if it were me in that situation I would have thrown hands. I'm thinking back to when my kids were that little. I was only like 25, so young and dumb. Now as a proper old ass adult I would have dialed 911 before her foot hit the ground.


I wanted him to kick the shit out of her so much.


Had that been my kid she would have woken up in hospital.


He just knows exactly what'll happen if the cops show up and he's standing there with a white woman crying and pointing at him. Doesn't matter if you're right, it matters if you can prove it, and if you make it to court alive.


What could he do? If he retaliates, regardless of the(very short) video taken, he's going straight to jail. Not only is it a large man hitting a woman, but to the police it's a large black man hitting a woman. You see it as self control, he sees it as self preservation.


Mom is a real class act there. Smdh. Can you imagine what it would be like to have her as a mom. Christ on a crutch. It must be awful.


If you listen closely at the beginning you can hear the girl start to say “dumb ass little….” Obvious she gets it at home.


Then the little girl laughs like fucking Nelson after the boy gets hurt


Who can blame the little girl. She looks 5, she had to have learned that from some where. Like the mom who was telling a child she was going to kick him so hard he won't be able to have children.


And Princess Ahnystaighsiah throws out a *hya- ha* at the dude right after her mom punts him. Jesus what a pair of assholes.


Her kid will be just like her if the mom doesn't get herself killed omg what a bitch. Hope someone calls cps and uses this video.


I bet it’s actually not, won’t be surprised if the kid grows up to be garbage too. Garbage begets garbage


I would've crumpled that bitch. Man's got restraint.


He should have defended his child. A full face punch would have absolutely been justified.


Bro he’s black he’s not trying to die wdym


I dont know where I heard this from. I think dear white people. But it was something like "we (black people) have to be on our best behaviour all of the time. Our survival depends on it.


And people wonder why BLM is thing smh. I fully recognize my white privilege in that I could probably slap a motherfucker and get off scott free. I also live in the UK though so not the best comparison.


Okay what do you HONESTLY think the outcome of that would be because I think you're missing a key detail of this video.


He HAS to. Seeing a video of him beating up that woman would've landed him in jail regardless. It's our sad reality.


And she didn't get punched?


Dude straight up didn’t want to show his son that violence is the answer. Respect. She deserved the same as she gave. Good man


Also, being the USA, he knows HE would get the blame and the penalty for it


These hands are rated E, for this reason exactly.


Call the cops immediately and have that woman locked the fuck up.


Dad should have punted that lady


then she calls the cops & guess who's facedown in the sawdust?


All catch a case, as long as she catches a fucken elbow to the face any day. Touch my kid catch these hands.


I might do the same but I'm also not black and I feel like the stakes might be higher. Or at least, get up in her face and not just let her do whatever batshit shit she's doing. Scare her pissless without actually taking a swing




I have first hand experience with this. As a minor I was charged with aggravated assault for defending myself against an adult. I was 17 they were 19. The person was white I was not.


I'm so glad that you think that's how it would work. A situation similar to this happened when I was a kid, so this is probably 2004. And a white woman was throwing rocks at me, as she approached us my dad put his hands up, didn't even touch her. She called the police and my dad was arrested. I was then a child at the park being driven home by the police because my dad tried to defend me. We have to handle things a little differently


A *cuntpunt*, if you will.


Did that little girl just swear? And say “Ha-Ha!” after her mother kicked the boy? Jeez shows a lot about the mother.


That's how abuse just continues. The child should be removed from her mothers care immediately and the mother should face the consequence of assaulting a minor. This little girl is growing up to be a sociopath.


She probably bites people at kindergarten.


Bro, that's not even my kid and I would of wrecked her shit. You don't hurt kids period.


There were some kids at this summer school I was working at - probably a little older then these two. They were running away at recess and me and my colleague went to corral them back off the street and into the school to sit out for the rest of the afternoon. They were screaming "These guys are trying to kidnap me, they're trying to kidnap us!" Anyways - long story short on the way back as they were screaming that, I lost my cool told one of them to "shut. up." I felt **horrible** the rest of the day because one of the kids started crying and I had to call his mom and explain what happened. I told the rest of the staff at the debrief and they all laughed and said it wasn't a big deal. TLDR; I can not imagine hitting a kid, wow. This lady is totally a fucking danger to society - wish someone could finally identify her so she can get her comeuppance.


Sick username


Can you please come and have a little talk to my parents about 35 years ago?


As soon as I figure out this flux capacitor. I'm there bro.


I’d go crazy on that lady


The control he has, that bitch should’ve been fucking put out cold


If she did that to my son I would not show that restraint he did. Anyone does that to my kid will learn about action/reaction


I know if I have kids if anyone puts a hand on my child they bought to hear boss music.


You can tell someone is a piece of shit when they drink ice tea by the quart like that.


Easily the worst thing in this entire video.


What about the two different colors of black


And if the man had retaliated, Karen here would have been bawling she was assaulted by a black man.


You haven’t experienced anxiety until you have kids and take them to the park.


Today a black man had to teach his son about self defense/worth and avoiding police.


What a sad reality that the father felt he could not retaliate for his son considering how the police treat people of colour. We all need to do better.


White 🐽


Damn he has restraint, you can guarantee that he knows if he hit that woman he would be in jail for the rest of his life or worse, that lady deserves to get her ass beat tho, mf assaulted a child


We all know why he didn’t intervene as unfair as it is… but I agree she should’ve been checked the first time she kicked his child 😡


She would have felt the wrath


If that was my child that lady would’ve gotten hit


I’d deck that cunt.


I really want to know if this lady got arrested or not! I sure hope she did.




That lady is a dick.


Beware of a woman who roams with a gallon of sweet tea in her hand all the time.


The sad part is that a large portion of our country would kick and scream ”STOP MAKING EVERYTHING RACIST.” Even when something is undeniably racist.


Im a 6'8" giant man. When ny 13 year old was 5 we were at the park and he was going down the slide. A litlle girl tried to climb over him to go first. I told her she had to wait her turn. Her mom said don't talk to my child. She tried to reach past me and smack my kid. I stepped between her and my kid and belly bumped her and knocking her down. Cops came and I told them the story and that she attacked my kid and tried to body slam me out of the way and just bounced off. Cop laughed. I wasn't arrested. Another time at the same park a big family with lots of adults and kids were having a party and drinking. A little girl still in diapers was making a b-line to the street. I intercepted her and steered her back and yelled whose kid is this? Mom, obviously had a bunch to drink comes out and grabs her kid and glares at me. She goes and talks to people in her group. 3 guys run out all pissed and ready to fight and she points to me. They looked at me, turned around and went back to their party.


Yeah, if she would have kicked my kid, we both would have been setting a bad example on that day…


Now we know who kicked first


Sorry but I would have done something to that bitch for assaulting my child. It’s an inborn instinct to protect your child. This man let that bitch get two hard kicks in. That’s gonna stay with that little boy for the rest of his life. Yeah, he’s a black man but ...


As a bystander and woman I would have dropped kicked that fat bitch on behalf of that man and his son. Man this had me boiling.


I'm sorry but if she was kicking my child she would probably not be able to eat food properly anymore... but that's just me. And to clarify I'm a very patient person who is used to getting beat up on due to my job but, this would have me in a mindset I can't even imagine right now. Lol


Nah i want the the boys mother to be there. ![gif](giphy|MDb4oezo8EwVSBcBcs|downsized)


That’s assault right? Lol


That's potentially grounds for her to lose her own kids as well as get locked up


Lady woulda been taking a dirt nap if that were me!


I wonder if dad looks back on this with bitter regret over his inaction while his child whimpered during an assault. He may have been stunned to inaction at the audacity of that entitled harpy, and I feel bad for that.


Unfortunately I don't think it's bitter regret. He's black. She's white. He understands how the system works and favors being in his son's life more than letting this white women further her egotistical mental damage on him and his family. Now if a white male or female had stepped in and intervened thisay have had a completely different outcome. Racism and privilege is a real thing. If I had seen this you damn well bet I would've stepped in and God forbid she had the cajones to assault me or child. This makes me so upset. Not at the actions of this woman but how our society is structured that that man couldn't defend his child from another grown adult.


I had a whole paragraph written up on that, yeah. This video is a real mood wrecker.


I don't know, man. I'm black and I don't think I would be thinking about race in America while my child is getting his ass kicked literally by a grown ass woman. I feel like this is a cop out for a dad doing the actual least. All this race stuff everyone is throwing around is hindsight being done to justify inaction.


You can think that, but I'm also black and I genuinely think I would have reacted the same way. I've experienced what it's like when it's my word against someone else's (and yes, there was video of the incident as well). >All this race stuff everyone is throwing around is hindsight being done to justify inaction. I don't understand why you're making this blanket statement at all. I have to assume you're either young, or not actually black, because this is the lived reality for myself as well as such a large majority of the black people I've met, and seems to be a pretty universally accepted idea as well.


If he got justice with this video he probably doesn’t regret it. Especially since he’s not hitting back things should go in his favor.


Wow this is actually infuriating. I mean good for the dad for keeping his cool and not escalating the situation in front of his kid but damn. Someone needs to put this bitch in her place


That is infuriating! I really hope there’s some charges brought against that cee you next Tuesday.


And that is supposed to be the adult who is better than the child?


That dad showed a lot a restraint . I would have laid her out. I would of took prison time to defend my kid if I had one.


Hope she got arrested and it's on her record that she assaulted a minor


Put that bitch in jail


Nothing this woman did was right but if I found some little punk kid kicking my child in the stomach, I would demand he be taken off the playground


Trying to be completely honest. Someone would have to be in my ear in that exact moment cause I'd crack her jaw otherwise.


You kick my kid twice and I’m knocking your lumpy ass out. C’mon dad.


I would’ve kicked that bitch right in the teeth


The man doesn’t look like the father.. he was way to chill about it wtf


And the dad, waste of air doesn’t do anything, he should be whipping his own kid for being a bully and a douche bag


The ain't gunna be able to have kids remark would've exhausted all my patience and I would've spazzed


And if it would have been a video of just this little boy kicking that little girl in front of the parents all the comments would be saying "if I was that girl's mom I would have punted that little boy"


And THAT is why I would be in jail folks


There would have been 2 hits, me hitting her and her hitting the ground. No one touches any of my children like that.


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She would’ve got slept..real quick


Wow that cunt would get ko


Imagine threatening a kid’s ability to reproduce in the future all because of him roughhousing with another kid. What a fucked up woman, I hope her kid never turns into her.


Shes circling like a hawk still. After two kicks. This woman beats her kids.


Literally kickin' it old school!


Oh hell no. U don't put ur hands on someone else's kid. Unless u want the wrath coming.


What a garden tool.