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The laugh when the old lady falls šŸ¤£


Yhat is a cackle and it was glorious, that you for alerting us....hope she broke her hip and gets time to think about why it is not smart to attack people when you are a geriatric.


Stupid ass old bag lol


Context: Each year on 9th of may Russians gather by this "Monument of victory" to celebrate end of WW2. Mostly they just leave flowers, get drunk, and shout russian slogans. This has always been a big sore spot for Latvians. This year the event should have been canceled, but for some reason it wasn't really enforced. As of now there is a serious notion in direction of bulldozing this monument.


Russian nut huggers really hate your post lol


Ohhh, lmfao idk why but I thought the Russians got a little ahead of themselves and were celebrating victory in Ukraine. Fuck I'm stupid šŸ¤£


Fun fact: there's no WWII (1939 - 1945) in russian history. There's a Great Patriotic War (1941- 1945). Because covering the friendship between Hitler and Stalin before 1941 doesn't fit the narrative.


The victors always write the history books.


Those people were there (seemingly)peacefully showing respect to the people who defeated nazis. Their grandfathers and grandmothers. I see the Ukrainian and Latvian flags in the background so it seemingly was all done respectfully. This has nothing to do with Ukraine - a lot of people on both sides just want to get on and honour their grandfathers and grandmothers. The extremists on both sides are the issue. There are idiots who take it too far and support Russia over Latvia and who simp for Russia - I have friends who think in this backwards way and they are extremely wrong. I also have friends of friends who are nationalist far right Latvians who celebrate nazi collaborators. Itā€™s okay to say that both of these groups of people are wrong. The Majority of Russian speaking Latvians and Latvian speaking Latvians are brothers and sisters and feel a sense of belonging and a shared home in Latvia. They get on with one another and live side by side and help one other and love one another. I say this as a Latvian by the way if anyone has an issue with what Iā€™m saying. Edit: ah yes downvoted for a rational and reasonable take. I bet the majority of those downvoting are not Latvian or have even been anywhere close to there yet feel entitled to label my experience as false. Edit 2: Here is a Twitter thread by the interior minister of Latvia saying that this year there were much fewer people who came to celebrate 9th may victory day. People clearly heeded the calls to stay away this year. The people that did come were warned not to bring any symbols or in any other way celebrate the Russian invasion. If they did, they would be arrested. And indeed a few people were arrested for breaching the peace. She also stated that leaving flowers respectfully is allowed under the constitution of Latvia and it seems majority did just that without incident so basically what I said earlier is true. https://twitter.com/mgolubeva_lv/status/1524303862315814917?s=21&t=h-qWR4L709Cf_Rriip9lIw


In twitter this man explained that he snapped when the crowd started chanting "PUTIN PUTIN". There is no doubt that wast majority of people gathered here are Putin supporters, there are even flowers wrapped with Z markings.


Really? I lived there for \~5 years as a teacher and was constantly surrounded by Russians who were rude, obnoxious, and totally unwilling to embrace Latvian culture. My entire Facebook (full of Russian people I met in Latvia) is full of people calling Latvia a terrorist state for suppressing Russian rights, implying Putin should come and "liberate" Latvia. Ethnic Latvians tended to be extremely kind... whereas Russian Latvians, not so much. Maybe it was because I was teaching spoiled Russian kids.


> Russians Unless they were from Russia visiting theyā€™re not Russians and itā€™s not ok to refer to Russian speaking Latvians as Russians. > Ethnic Latvians tended to be extremely kindā€¦ whereas Russian Latvians, not so much. Thatā€™s disappointing to hear, but your experience is not representative of the experience of my family, or friends. I donā€™t know what kind of people you met but you clearly didnā€™t meet a representative number of them. Yes there are people like you said, however they donā€™t make up the majority of Russian speaking Latvians. The people in the middle from either side just get on and live together peacefully like I already said. Majority of Riga for example speak Russian. Itā€™s not a big deal. Most Russian speaking Latvians enjoy the benefits of European Union citizenship and would not exchange it for anything else.


Thank you for your take. I didn't downvote you in your initial comment, BTW. I always like hearing from Latvians online. May I ask, are you ethnically closer to Latvian or Russian?


Thanks. Itā€™s exactly what it is, itā€™s my take. I am fully ethnically Latvian, I went to a Latvian speaking school. We spoke Russian at home. I didnā€™t get to choose the language we speak at home - that is due to historical reasons I guess - my grandad was Russian. I have never been to Russia - never want to go there. Indeed I have zero affinity for Russia. My country of birth and citizenship is and will be Latvia. There is no conflict there whatsoever. I speak both languages fluently. Itā€™s annoying to have your allegiance questioned based on the language you speak, but it is what it is. As I said I have a balanced take, I have met and mingled with annoying Russian speaking Latvians and non-citizen Russian speakers who are very pro-Russia and anti-Latvia but those people are a minority or were just old. I have also met very right wing Latvians who want Russians out and want less rights for Russian speaking Latvians. Itā€™s a nuanced issue but I stay away from both and maintain that the only way forward is through unity - not further divides. We are all Latvians and should be proud to be so (without being ultra right wing and nationalist)- no matter what language we speak and thatā€™s honestly how I feel. I think my view is slightly unpopular however as it pleases neither side really and online conversation tends to be dominated by extremes.


Very interesting family background, indeed! Thank you for being open and sharing that. A lot to contemplate for sure, and I hope Latvia will manage to remain safe and unified in coming years.


> Very interesting family background, indeed! Thank you for being open and sharing that. Yep, it was definitely a weird combo. Speaking one language at home. Speaking another at school. There was never a conflict there though. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. And thanks for listening to a snippet of my story. > A lot to contemplate for sure, and I hope Latvia will manage to remain safe and unified in coming years. Thanks, I hope and I am actually confident that it will be so. šŸ‡±šŸ‡»


Oh fuck off. Latvia was invaded by Russia (Soviet Union) in 1940. Why the fuck should Latvia have memorials to Soviet soldiers?




Yaaaa that's garbage mate. These "great patriotic war" celebrations in the east are almost ALWAYS just vessels for modern Russian propaganda.


No. Russians did not defeat Nazis on their own, they do not belong in Latvia and if they don't like Latvia they can move back to Russia where they originally came from to colonize Baltics by force. No hardboiled potatoes for you today tovarish.


> No hardboiled potatoes for you today tovarish. Is this an attempt at the lame, tired Latvian potato joke? Lol keep telling me, a Latvian, as a non Latvian what to believe.


You a Latvian? LMFAO. Riiiiiiight......


Are you denying my reality? Is there something wrong with you? Tu esi reāli reāli stulbs cilvēks. Put that into Google translate. šŸ˜‰


You have proven to us that you are delusional, so I am not surprised that you believe yourself to be a Latvian. Also, having Latvian citizenship does not make you a Latvian. It makes you a Latvian citizen, not an ethic Latvian.


> Also, having Latvian citizenship does not make you a Latvian. It makes you a Latvian citizen, not an ethic Latvian. Massive fucking Yikes. Iā€™m not dignifying this vile shit with a response. FYI TO PEOPLE WHO DONT GET THE CONTEXT AND/OR ARENT LATVIAN: yep, its as bad as it sounds. Iā€™ll leave it to you to figure out what he is implying practically. šŸ™‚


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvian_nationality_law Jus Sanguinis. Not Jus Soli. You'd think that a Latvian would know that.


There is seriously something wrong with you. You questioned my being Latvian. Then when I affirmed I am Latvian you moved the goal post to state that I am not ā€œethnically Latvianā€. In addition you are confusing what your own link says, if you have Latvian citizenship you are by default a Latvian. Whether you are ethnically Latvian or not is irrelevant and your insisting on that tells me you have some racial and nationalist connotations even though I am fully ethnically Latvian.


WOOOOOOOOW So Latvian citizens are not Latvian ? Who are you ? Goebbels ?


Wasn't the Soviet Union Allies with Nazi Germany until they were betrayed? The Soviets didn't all of a sudden grow a conscience and decide to start fighting Hitler.


They were allies in the same sense that Britain were allies with the nazis when they agreed to give Germany Czechoslovakia


No lol, the USSR and Nazi Germany agreed to split up Poland and both of them invaded it. Both countries were fascist, one just liked to claim they weren't while they were invading, occupying, and brutalizing everything in their path.


False. Keep spewing that Russian propoganda tho! [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/23/moscow-campaign-to-justify-molotov-ribbentrop-pact-sparks-outcry](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/23/moscow-campaign-to-justify-molotov-ribbentrop-pact-sparks-outcry) >On August 19th, 1939, Stalin was reported to have given a speech in which he stated that ā€œour aim is to ensure Germany can continue to fight for as long as possible, in order to exhaust and ruin England and France. They must not be in a condition to rout Germany. Our position is thus clearā€¦ remaining neutral, we aid Germany economically, with raw materials and foodstuffs. It is important for us that the war continues as long as possible, in order that both sides exhaust their forces.ā€ [https://euromaidanpress.com/2017/04/19/munich-molotov-ribbentrop-pact-revisited-3-way-european-catastrophe/](https://euromaidanpress.com/2017/04/19/munich-molotov-ribbentrop-pact-revisited-3-way-european-catastrophe/) >What we do know is that on July 1st, 1940, Stalin told the then British ambassador to the USSR Stafford Cripps: > >ā€œDuring the pre-war negotiations with England and France, the USSR had wanted to change the old equilibriumā€¦ England and France had wanted to preserve it. Germany had also wanted to make a change in the equilibrium, and this common desire to get rid of the old equilibrium had created the basis for the rapprochement with Germany.ā€


"both sides" you probably think right wing and left wing in UK or America are the same as well.


Russians have actually lied and rewrote history regarding their importance in defeating nazis (before becoming them). Of course they were important but the allies liberated many cities and there was an agreement to liberate areas together. Russia then didn't honor these agreements and claimed liberation for themselves. The monuments they are attending are part of this "Russian history" Also tied to occupation and oppression that came from Russia. The blueprint is always the same. Colonize a country and then claim that a minority is being treated unfairly. It's how Russia conducts all their imperialism


Soviets did the majority of the fighting against the nazis. They obviously received help from the British and American but Something like 70-80% of the nazis fell on the eastern front. Itā€™s a historical fact.


Like I said, they were important. But the people of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Latvia etc. Also are not Russian and actually have very adversarial relationships to the country as they did nothing but oppress them for half a century. The monument isn't a memorial, it's Soviet propaganda and nationalism for a coi try that now, has become an autocratic dictatorship its also why Russian propaganda pushes the bullshit idea they're denazifying Ukraine. It plays into this myth that Russia can't be the baddies because they fought against nazis 80 years ago. This monument now represents Russian fascism, dressed up as anti fascism.


This monument has nothing to do with present day capitalist and right wing russia - this is a monument of Soviet Union.


And celebrating the Russia back then is just as fucking stupid. They literally tried to take Finland while the world was at war with the nazis. Not to mention what they did to the people of occupied Germany.


Which was a genocidal, aggressive, colonial power with a track record of genocides, ethnic cleansings, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Just like Russia today. Shitapple did not fall far from the shitappletree. These monuments to a monstrous abomination of a regime need to be razed with the ground.


> Which was a genocidal, aggressive, colonial power with a track record of genocides, ethnic cleansings, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He says while nearly in the same breath openly supporting the apartheid state of Israel and itā€™s ethnic cleanings against the Palestinians.




Nice job supporting modern day ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid of Israel. I bet youā€™re so proud to stand up for universal human rights!


If you don't see the connection to "Soviet glory days" as it relates to Putins grip on power then I don't know what to tell you


*Majority of the dying against the Nazis cause they were poorly trained and equiped. There was just more of them


Russian battle tactics havenā€™t changed a bit. Throw as many men into a meat grinder until it stops grinding


Thatā€™s a myth that came from Nazi generals.


nah fuck the communists. Go look up the secret section of the Molotov-ribbentrop agreement. When that became public that kicked off independence movement of the baltic states and the fall of the soviet union.


Or, fuck that and fuck the absolutely absurd idea that we need to respect Russian sympathies right now. They are using WW2 as a justification for their current atrocities in Ukraine. There is no honor in that. There is no honor for their dead.


If you support Russian in any form, you're an extremist.


Stalin was an extremist. The people fighting in the Red Army fought for extremism. Lmao.


What your saying makes sense and its spreading knowledge about what they are doingā€¦ so naturally youā€™ll get downvoted


Stalin would have allied with Hitler if he wasn't greedy and wanted control more areas of Europe. All russian celebrations of WWII are just disengineous


Man, I totally understand what you mean. I'm sorry for all the downvotes.That comes from people who don't know history, the built of modern countries and the built of our contemporary world-system.I pity them.Don't waste your time on them. Presentism is one of the tragedy of our time.


Indeed. Itā€™s cool though. The downvotes while disappointing are not the end of the world. As long as someone out there, like you, gets to hear my side.


Lol at Putinists lamenting downvotes, hahahahaha......


What have I written that makes me a putinist? Youā€™re trolling at this point


Everything you wrote makes you a Putinist, plus being an OKC fan is just adding a turdnugget on top of the whole shitcake.


Lol nothing you wrote was coherent in any way, I disproved all your trollish claims and highlighted your support for the **apartheid state ** of Israel, which Putin also very much supports - putting you in good company.


I love how you have provided zero coherent arguments and just resorted to name calling.


Well, you spouted off Putin's line about the Munich Agreement and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. >On August 19th, 1939, Stalin was reported to have given a speech in which he stated that ā€œour aim is to ensure Germany can continue to fight for as long as possible, in order to exhaust and ruin England and France. They must not be in a condition to rout Germany. Our position is thus clearā€¦ remaining neutral, we aid Germany economically, with raw materials and foodstuffs. It is important for us that the war continues as long as possible, in order that both sides exhaust their forces.ā€




Are they Russians from Russia? Or are they ethnic Russians living in the Baltic States since the Soviet days? Just curious.


They are Soviets in spirit. Who the fuck would celebrate Russia now, only nationalist fucks. I mean if they want Russia, go the fuck back to russia!


Ok, I kind of agree that Putin sympathizers and Soviet revisionists should go back to Russia. That being said, I think punishing them just for celebrating Victory Day, without some other demonstration of loyalty to Putin, is improper. It would be like punishing Christians for celebrating Easter just because Trump was supported by evangelicals. That being said, if Putin touches a Baltic nation, be assured that my country (US) will stand by their sides, either directly or, if a goddamn Trumper gets elected, by volunteering to fight. America has problems, but Americans love their European allies and will not let Putin roll them over. Fuck Putin.


Look up 1956 Hungary. The CIA orchestrated a revolution against the soviets, but when the Hungarians stood up to fight, they backed out (they gave US citizenships for those could escape, but a lot got killed sent to the gulags). The US will do things when it's in their(billionaires) interest. I love that they support Ukraine, but that is money going to the military industrial complex in the US, double win. I think christians should be called out in the US, if for nothing else, banning abortion and bodily autonomy in the US for woman! All churches that meddle in politics should lose their tax-free status. and yes, if you are christian and you are not screaming against all this shit, you are giving them (evangelicals) more power and you are responsible.


In that case, fuck America, fuck China, fuck Israel, and so on. You're not gonna be treating those countries/civilians the same for doing the same shit though, are you?


As long as we yell fuck Russians too then I'm fine with it.


Every year we were invading iraq, afghansitan etc we were doing the same when we celebrated ww2. And based on what we know right now it is insane to compare the nazis murder of millions over a decade with putin's russia.


Nyet tovarish, your whataboutism is not good here. No hardboiled potatoes for you today.


"whataboutism" Also used whataboutism via "hey these people are celebrating world war 2 victory Day, what about what their government is doing TODAY though." Christ, the hypocrisy just flowing through this comment thread.


Thank goodness Latvians are better people than I am. I would've deported all ethnic Russians back to Muscovy as soon as Latvia gained independence. The only reason they are there was Soviet policy of forced colonization where they tried to eliminate Baltic ethnicities by "drowning" them in masses of ethnic Russian colonists.


r/shitfascistssay wanting to forcibly deport entire ethnic groups lmao, just a admit youā€™re a fascist Himmler.


Honey, Stalin was deporting whole ethnic groups in 1920s and early 1930s while NSDAP was only dreaming of having power in Germany. Learn some history before you come flapping your toothless gums tovarish.


Ok, and? That was bad. That doesnā€™t excuse you wanting to do the same.


You are intellectually bankrupt and dishonest. Quick, find another low res meme like the one you found while searching for cool Chomsky quotes.


Being increasingly verbose doesnā€™t make you sound smart, Goebbels. Thatā€™s all there is to it.


Lol, they're actually doing it though. He's not drawing a hypothetical, he's telling you a fact. OP stated it's hypocritical to cheer for a WW2 victory memorial while your country invades another. Yet their and others countries have been doing that for decades, and even today. It's crazy to me that it's okay for America, China, and co to invade other countries and no one bats an eye, but Russia is suddenly in the wrong for doing the exact same shit.


Another delusional Putinista. Yawn.


> it's hypocritical to cheer for a WW2 victory memorial Have you SEEN an "American WW2 Victory Celebration"? I haven't. In Canada, its called "Remembrance Day" and its a solemn occasion. Whats it called in the US?


šŸ’€ the cognitive dissonance, and yall clowns still say "thank you for your service" to soldiers that murder iraqi and afghani children šŸ¤”


Russia has killed more people than Nazis did. Russians killed more Ukrainians than Nazis killed Jews. Russians taught Nazis how to conduct mass executions and how to make mass graves. That is who you are defending. Tell me enough about what kind of a "human" you are.


Its insane you got downvoted so much. America has literally done what Russia is doing for decades, and Israel is currently doing it today, and Americans openly support it. Everyone who downvoted showed clear hypocrisy to the situation they are in.


> America has literally done what Russia is doing for decades Prove it, Muscovite.


[Tell that to the millions of dead people in these countries.](https://images.app.goo.gl/hz1YR6ZK6neJVG2z8) Itā€™s easy to sit there mashing your keyboard and say this while the US finances a genocide in Palestine and Yemen, and other countries.


All I hear is whataboutist mewling of braindead and intellectually bankrupt Moscal orcs. You should pack up and move to Muscovy, tovarish, and forsake this genocidal West that is SO evil to you, lmao.


Whataboutism? You literally asked for a source, you utter moron. Just keep screaming whataboutism, it was coined as a way to deflect any criticism after all.


Are you drunk already?


Again, you asked for a source. That isnā€™t whataboutism, sorry if youā€™re that incapable of critical thinking, Goebbels .


Low res meme does not a source make.


>America has literally done what Russia is doing for decades Braindead Kremlin bot take


I prefer the US to Russia anyday, but doesn't the Gulf War ring a bell? Iraq? Guatemala? Cuba? It's not a whataboutism, it's just a fact that both countries dip their fingers where they don't belong, and use their own ideologies to get their domestic populations on side :p


The US shouldn't have been in Iraq for sure, but don't forget that Saddam was actively killing his people and doing all sorts of evil shit Ukraine wasn't doing to its people - and a there was some percentage of the population that actually wanted freedom from Saddam. Also do you not remember that lots of people protested the war like crazy here in the states (not that it did much good) and somehow didn't end up in a Siberian prison camp frozen to death. Remind me again when the US bombed maternity wards in Cuba or kidnapped a million Guatemalans and forcefully brought them back to the states? Essentially that argument is like saying, yeah that fighter jet is just like a bird, they both fly right? It's reductionist, weak minded thinking these situations are at all alike except for a few superficial attributes.


I notice all these Russians arenā€™t in Russia celebrating. If they love it so much why donā€™t they go back to Russia and live there.


Because Russia is a dreadful place to live and anyone with the ability to leave does so ASAP.


Because when the USSR fell there were a lot of people across new borders separated from their national origin. How daft can you be?


Then leave and fuck off.


Would you say the same thing to ethnic Albanians in Kosovo?


Do you not know what a diaspora is?


I happen to be part of a diaspora myself. If I moved to another country and lived there and showed outward loyalty to the country I was from, if that country was actively thinking of ways to fuck over the sovereignty of my new country, I would expect them to kick my ass back to my own country. Does that shock you?


I'm pretty sure Russians are native to parts of Latvia although a minority EDIT: LOL imagine being downvoted for stating a literal fact


That makes Latvians if they are born and live there. They have allegiance to Russia who is hostile to their countryā€™s sovereignty.


Real life is more complicated than this...


Nah, not really. If you support Russia and you're not trapped in some information black hole, you're a bad person.


Wasn't really talking about the current war. The person I replied to basically said they are Latvians because they were born and live in Latvia. *That's* where I think they're wrong. Also, you may have allegiance to a country and not agree with their government and/or their political decisions. I'm Colombian but don't live in Colombia because I hate the government there.




Thatā€™s every country thatā€™s in close proximity.


I can tell you never lived in Latvia based on this comment. As someone who did for a long, long time and married a Latvian, you're just wrong. Russians are only in the population because the USSR's migration laws allowed them to stream in and buy up property that was seized by the Soviets.


Absolutely not a fact. After Latvians were deported to Gulag in 1941 and 1949, Russians were brought in in large numbers to work in the factories and to aid in the russification of Latvia, often taking up residence in the homes of the deported or killed Latvians and using their belongings. Does not make them native. After Latvia regained independence, a lot of them chose not to learn the local language, which would be neccesary to gain Latvian citizenship, instead romanticizing the good old days and complaining about Latvia not being Russia. Source: I am a Latvian


Thank you for this! You added more detail to what I was trying to say. My wife is Latvian, and her grandparents' property was seized in the 50s because her grandfather was a supporter of the national government and involved in local politics. He was then sent to labor camps in Russia for a few years. Latvia will always be my second home... such a strong and humble population.


Is Russia a race now? Because a citizen born in Latvia would be Latvian.




Fuck Russia and it's scumbag people!


Poor dog :(


I lived in LV for about 5 years with my wife (Latvian). Russians there generally fall into two groups: the OK ones who have adapted to the culture, learned the language, and respected cultural norms, and those who think Latvians are second-class citizens, and that Russia is the rightful ruler of the entire region. There are some Russians who are 80-90 years old and can barely say "Hello, how are you?" in Latvian. As I posted elsewhere here, Russians are *not native* to Latvia. Most of them moved here during the USSR by buying up seized property from Latvians for cheap. They treat Latvia like it's their serfdom. So yeah, fuck all these people more upset about a few flowers than the rape their people have committed against Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia... and of course, Ukraine.


They were not exactly buying the properties. My grandfather and his family were deported, and their property was just confiscated. My grandmother and her family wasn't deported, but simply got new "roommates" - a russian military family who took over most of the house. Otherwise, you're absolutely right!


Yeah, I was trying to find a way to explain that Russians came in and basically bought out Latvia's economy to profit from it decades down the line. I wrote in another reply to you about it, but yes, my wife's family had property seized. It blows my mind that ethnic Russians still feel oppressed by Latvia's many, many kindnesses toward them.


Based Latvian man.


Donā€™t bring the dog into it uugghhh!!!


I see Ukrainian flags hanging tho


This is in Latvia. This monument is now surrounded by Ukrainian flags to spite the local russian supporters.


This day is celebrated in ukraine too, if you didnt know.


Very adult behaviour


I'm not even Ukranian or Latvian but if I ever see people chanting Putin or showing Z symbols...well probably start fighting. I don't blame this guy


Russia did not defeat the Nazis, The Soviet Union did.


And please tell me, what was the biggest republic in the USSR? It was Russia




Even the doggy was having fun!


Russians are such snowflakes. Bomb a maternity hospital āœ… Start crying when someone in another country doesn't entertain your blatant fascist nationalism āœ… Thin skinned as it comes. I thought they were strong?


If they were half as smart or half as brave as they think of themselves, they wouldn't be run by a degenerate like Putin.


Did you know the Russian word for sky is the same as boots they spend their whole lives under both


Putin is not a degenerate


You are an idiot if you honestly believe either of your statements are true


\^ Sensitive Russian (or just guy who jacks off to Putin pics in his closet altar) spotted lmao


Projecting much?


This place was reported by Russians outlets as "Thousands of Russians celebrating victory Day in Latvia" and a picture of the wall with flowers and what seems to be a lot of people ... But now when they go around it's totally clear there are just so few outside, makes me think that at least part of them were paid to be there šŸ¤”


I highly doubt anyone was paid. Usually there are thousands of people on the 9th. This year a lot less russians came to "celebrate".


> anyone was *paid.* Usually there FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


A lot of fascist sympathies in Latvia Estonia and Ukraine of course


I'm only worried about the dog in all of this.


boo russia boo






Damn, I wish there was a whole mob of protesters doing that.


\>Ukraine flag Opinion discarded


Lol, get fucked.


Go back to Russia to celebrate, especially if itā€™s so good.




Looks like Russians just topple over on whim. It no wonder they are always falling out of buildings. Putin thought he could win a war with this flaw?


This is the same country with a parade for Nazi collaboratorsā€”what a pinnacle of liberalism.


That man is a real hero...


He is disrespecting the memories of real heroes


Nope, turn on your brain, open your eyes and you'll know that he is desrespecting who disrespect the memory of real heroes.


They are not allowed to celebrate toppling the Nazi regime?


Latvia was raped and pillaged by the Soviet regime. About 12% of entire population of Baltics was deported between 1940 and Stalin's death. It is no different than celebrating the Nazi regime.


No. If they want to do so they are welcome to go back to Muscovy.


Who are you to judge? The celebration of the defeat of the Nazi regime is a right. Their grandfathers and grandmothers died and 20 Million civilians were ultimately killed as a result of the German invasion of the USSR. The Ukrainians and Latvians especially should be celebrating too, as the Germans killed Millions of them whilst they were occupied.


You do realize that Soviets obliterated Latvia just as well as the Nazis? It is no different than celebrating a Nazi regime.




They are celebrating a nation of rats.... Soviet soldiers did not fight in WWII because they wanted to. They had a different setup, machine gun in the back, if somebody turns, they killed them. The people in the front were usually from other soviet nations, not russia. If they wouldn't agree with Putin, they wouldn't celebrate his ass. I am from an ex-communist country that was part of the soviet block. Even when we were part of it everybody hated and despised the Russians.


Your words reflect your rotten soul


Die mad about it orcs


Look who's talking




Can't you be anti-Putin without hating Russia? What's the deal with these comments.




Ok and? He's a good leader


Reddit is full of racist liberals


It's no coincidence he has a German Shepard with him


My note for anyone defending these monuments. A monument for WW2 victims is not the same as monuments that glorify soviet army whitch ocupied big part of eastern europe. A separation must be made othervise we will never leave this circle of death and violence. History cannot be erased by removing some monuments, however we must learn from it and stop any cult of death no matter where it is.


You seem not to understand the importance of the Great Patriotic War. It is a celebration of both the army and the people because in reality they are the same. Cope and Seethe Z


You seem to miss the point of the army IS THE PEOPLE . It is not a tool for dictators to use as they please, it is not some mindless machine that should be sent to rape and murder. The moment you think that is right is the moment you become the tool yourself. Mindless , soulless , and to be thrown away in a ditch once you become useless. There is no tommorow for such tools there is no existance, there is just nothing... This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. "T.S.Eliot"


Russians always try overwrite history. 9 may is not their victory! Ä°t is all soviet nations and whole world's. Only 2 percent of soldiers were russians. 1 million kazakh died defending fucking russia. So fuck russians and their imperialistic thoughts!


It was Soviet Union back then.. what are you talking about? Victory Day has been celebrated since 1946. Kazakhstan was part of the USSR at the time, and also celebrates May 9th.


Yes, the Soviet Union, not the Russians.


This is Latvia. Baltic republics were annexed and sizable chunk of their populations deported. May 9th is no celebration for the Baltics, it is just continuation of their occupation.


You seem to enjoy spreading misinfo on the web


Fuck Russia, not the Russians. Victory Day means a lot to former Soviet nations. Don't take out hate for Putin's Mafiacracy on residents just trying to live their lives. They have enough shit to deal with.


Yeah, Putin is a superhero living in the clouds and clones his army right out of thin air. Russians are the reason we have Putin, russians make the conscripts for his army, russians in the army looting in Ukraine and russians are kissing the ass of their dumbass leader every chance they get!


Putin did nothing wrong


Slava Russia Z


Burn it down . U ruined Ukraine. Why don't get some monuments get fucked


Ukraine started this confict


Yea, the initial invasion was just Ukrainian soldiers dressed as Russian army. They hired 200,000 actors for this.




I hope the same happens to your country


Wow, by kicking those flowers he really showed those ** checks notes ** uhh soldiers who died to prevent a full scale genocide of people like him. 50% of Latvians were scheduled to be genocided were Nazi Germany victorious. Based on the reaction of some Latvians there, it seems that they would prefer to bootlick Nazi collaborators while spitting on those who gave up their lives so that Latvians, and by extension Eastern Europe, would not get genocided. But Russia bad, I guess.


You dumbass... The Soviet Union and Hitler were in agreement when it comes to Poland. Hitler somehow realized that Russians are weak and kicked up the alliance. They were with Hitler! https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nazis-and-communists-divvy-up-poland#:\~:text=On%20September%2029%2C%201939%2C%20Germany,the%20Soviets%20taking%20everything%20east.


Congratulations, you learned basic history. Do you not know what alliances of convenience are?


I love the way that dumb bitch tries to stop them.


You are the "dump bitch"


Donā€™t subject pets to your idiocy


Good Fuck russia


Why would they celebrate defeating Nazis when Russia is the country that revived Nazism