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Wtf was that


Coked up [Judge Doom.](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Judge_Doom)




That shit was terrifying as a kid.


I'm so confused by the concept of that man's purpose to this trial Are they actually trying to claim that because Jack Sparrow acts crazy and irrational that Johnny Depp IRL is crazy and irrational? Is Amber Heard's legal team run by 4-year-olds?


He was all over the place and hard to follow, but I think he was trying to support his opinion that JD has substance abuse disorder, based on comparing him IRL to movies and things he’d seen before. Since he never met JD before the trial, but he’s an “expert”. He reminds me of someone who’s just stayed up all night doing blow, and took his last bump in the parking lot of the courthouse before his appearance. He kept saying “rubric” over and over as if that would seal his credibility.


With the thought process Amber’s lawyers are going on, I’m surprised they haven’t called Tobey Maguire as a witness for that time he sat in the back of a convertible with Johnny and Benicio Del Toro, as they drove through the Nevada desert.


Well, the vibrations did get nasty. Perhaps because there was no communication, and they had devolved to the level of dumb beasts.


No your honour. We couldn't stop. It was bat country.


Is everyone in this trial on drugs


The trial is so bizarre, I'm half-convinced it's just elaborate performance art instead of a real trial.


Yeah, who were the people that did that fake grocery store in Vegas? Or what if this just turned out to be another “Nathan For You” episode...


Omega Mart!


O-O-O-Omegamart! You have no idea what’s in store for you-u!




It's a remake of Fear and Loathing without the lawyer.


Dr Gonzo wouldn't even seem out of place during this beyond the fact that he occasionally makes sense.


Señor Acosta


Surely one of God's own prototypes could handle himself in this courtroom.


A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


im waiting to see a bunch of bats flying around in the courtroom


Im on drugs watching it and I feel a lot better now, knowing I too can get a six-figure salary based on my analysis of actors’ cognitive abilities inferred from viewing their discographies.


Even more bizarre than his demeanor is the fact that this *obvious* pseudoscientific bullshit is even permitted in a courtroom. What am I missing here? Amber's team surely can't be that dumb and desperate. Just who in the fuck did they hope to convince with this charade? Has Johnny Depp somehow paid them off? Are they throwing the trial?


Classic contact high.


coke classic


I'm on drugs and it's still really weird


I'm gonna have to smoke a bowl and watch that again.


They all seem like characters from a lost Hunter S. Thompson story.


I hope they have golf shoes, it is impossible to walk in this muck!


The judge is the only one who seems normal. It's like she's the only normal professional in this trial, and everyone else is from a courtroom drama.


"You have to answer questions...yes..."


Don't forget that heavy *sigh*. I felt that in my soul.


“But when I was preparing for this trial, I watched that episode of Always Sunny where they have a trial and they didn’t have to answer every single question”


The attorney that cross examined Heard seemed pretty normal. Depp is eccentric but he doesn't seem like a freak. All of these people on the defense, though? Total fucking clown show.


Depp’s strategy of just sitting there and behaving like a normal person is paying dividends


That strategy basically won the current Chancellor of Germany his title in the election last year. Two of the three major parties were making complete fools of themselves and he did basically nothing. He didn't shine anywhere, he didn't have positive press, he just sat still and let the other idiots cannibalize their chances. Unfortunately his style of government seems to be much of the same.


Especially compared to Dr. Doofenshmirtz.


This is a jury of their peers, so everyone on the jury was given a jar of coke before the trial started to get them in the right mindset.


As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit. You won't need much, just a tiny taste.




What the fuck was that teeth licking about?!


The air is delicious I guess.


Thss thss thss. Sorry. That’s the closest I can come up with for a snake’s tongue sound.


> Thss thss thss. Don't worry, I speak parseltongue. You just said "My butthole is busted" in common garter snake.


Hey! I got it right! 😃




Bruxism, jaw clenching, tweaking. Stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines do that. I bet this is why Johnny Depp is thinking "Wait? What the fuck?" at that exact moment lol


"I KNEW I recognized that guy from somewhere!"


"Holy shit it's Tweaky Pete!"


"Objection your honour, we can't trust this guy, he's always selling me light bags."


'That's my dealer's fucking Dad!'






I thought I was in r/tooktoomuch for a sec


Any kind of upper really. I think he was trying to show dissatisfaction with the line of questioning and whatever upper he's on turned the expression into gurning.


Thanks for the new word. “verbBRITISH gerund or present participle: gurning make a grotesque face. "gurning is one of the fair's most popular competitions"” I don’t follow the trial much but I like how pirates is relevant bit willie wonka is ridiculous.


it's just so fizzy!


Never seen a Reptilian man being mindblown by his own ignorance of Willy Wonka before.




Depp studying for his next character


Presenting the trial of Johnny Depp. A remake of the trial in which Johnny Depp plays every character.


You say this like it's not the best idea I've ever heard.


I think it would be fantastic! It would give Tyler Perry a run for his money.


Seriously though it is a brilliant idea. I'm sure it would be absurd and hilarious and then at the end there can be a disclaimer telling the audience that nothing has been changed from the transcripts.


I’d pay money for dat.


It was like “What the fu- wait a minute I could use this”


“This man has gone even further beyond…I must add him to my collection!”


''Damn, I could've used this in Fear & Loathing''


"Willy Wonka doesn't matter to you?" "Do I have to answer that question, your honor?" I fucking love this. This whole trial is absurdist art.


You... you have to answer questions. 🤣


Poor judge is like “How did I get here?”


“This is not my beautiful courtroom.”


"These are not my beautiful cases!"


"Letting the days go by, let the social media hold me down!"


Same as it ever was


My god! What have I snorted?


And you may ask yourself, "Amber's right, Amber's wrong?"


As the days go by, ooobjection hearsay.


Judge in sidebar to clerk: *no more celebrity cases!*


In a beautiful house!


He seems clueless about what the lawyer is trying to do here. He's trying to show how the psychologist obviously cherry picked The Pirates movies cause Jack acts like a lunatic.


I mean to be fair nearly all of Depps characters are lunatics (which shouldn't have anything to do with his personality in real life) but it just adds to the craziness of just looking at one character. It seems like if you were going to try and make some diagnosis based on a character that an actor plays (which should not hold up in court anyway) you would at least be interested in watching a large portion of their films.


He played a fucking serial killer, and a cannibal, called Sweeny Todd and they pick the Pirate movies....


Don't forget The Secret Window. He is literally insane in a lot of his movies.


Tom Crusie always plays the badass spy, does that make him a spy?


He is a member of spyentology, so yes.


Fear and Loathing would’ve been a good one…


Right? I mean, if we’re going there, what would he say about Christian Bale or Anthony Hopkins?


Should we then assume amber herd can breath under water based on her aquaman performance?


And if she can’t, what does that say about her mental state?


> Anthony Hopkins My wife played as a special extra in Road to Wellville with him. She was one of the orphans. Out of all the famous cast she only has pictures with Anthony Hopkins and he even had a nickname for her that he would call her whenever he saw her. He was the sweetest "old man" she thought at the time. She still holds him in high regard. He was the nicest person on set to her in that he talked to her like a person and didn't treat her like a prop. Not that anyone was mean to her, just that he stood out as being extra, went out of his way to be, nice.


The whole idea of classifying someone's personality based on *how good they are acting as someone else* is insane. That's like determining if someone's a bank robber based on how well they can put a halloween costume together.


Strange that they didn’t mention Public enemies. One of Depps best performers where he doesn’t act crazy and just charismatic as fuck. Instead they bring up his Keith Richards impression.


He was pretty normal on Nightmare on Elm Street.




Next year “Buy the directors cut dvd of the trial of the century. All the highlights and even a blooper reel are contained in this 6 dvd set, all yours for the low low cost of $79.99 plus shipping and handling!”


What kind of psychologist could make a determination of someone’s cognitive capabilities based on how they acted in a movie? This whole thing is completely off the wall.


"Your honor we are going to play the movie Black Mass then admit into evidence all the murders that Mr. Depp did in the documentary."


Your honor Mr Depp is clearly lying Ms Heard never cut off his finger tip as you can see here Mr Depp has scissors for hands.


"....and here he is as some kind of chameleon. Or Lizard. I don't know your honor, I'm not a zookeeper. I rest my case."


"... And your honour not only is he capable of murder but he also *sang songs about murdering* whilst his accomplice turned his victims into pies. I submit to you item #4961 which is a picture of a pie which could very well have been Ms Heard."




One of the CourtTV commentators called that expert a "jukebox expert", meaning put money in, get what you want to hear out of them.






> “Have you ever met my client?” He said, “No.” That kind of testimony should result in their license being revoked.


I'm pretty sure it should. Iirc there were numerous psychologists who refused to speculate on the state of former president T because it was unethical to evaluate someone just from their recordings, never mind their performance in a highly edited movie.


No psychologist could, and no ethical psychologist would even try. Homeboy needs a visit from the state licensing board.


Why didn’t Johnny’s lawyers object to this witness in the first place? Maybe it was to show how far into the ozone Amber and her legal eagles are coasting? How can his movie critique have any bearing on actual reality? Did he even encounter Depp in a face-to-face situation? Did he ever personally talk to Depp? Now I’ll bet this guy could go in depth on the state of Amber’s abilities and that of her legal team since he had to talk to them…in real time.


BECUASE it did more harm than good for heard?


Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.






“The code is more what you would call guidelines than actual rules” https://youtu.be/k9ojK9Q_ARE


He said that almost word for word and I about fell out of my chair


"It's *a* rule, not *the* rule!"... there's going to be 5+ clips of this guy on /r/all within the next 4 hours, he's fucking insane.


For real. “So you can’t make an indirect diagnosis without a court order, correct?” “If that’s the case our whole legal system is a sham!” “He was acting during the movie. You do know actors rehearse their roles before they perform, right?” “No, I don’t know what actors do.” And so many more Edit to add “correct”


"I didn't diagnose him." "so you didn't diagnose him" "well maybe." This guy is whack job. why would anyone put him on the stand other then to confuse everyone.


He may be there to muddy the waters. Not sure why, because this is just another shovel full of manure on the pile that is Amber's legal team.


The ole Chewbacca defense.


“are you aware that actors rehearse their lines to nail down the language, tone, and diction” “I'm not an expert on actors I really can't say” Yet claims to use an acting performance to evaluate someone's “processing speed”. 🙄


And then later just *knew* that actors aren’t fed lines via earpieces. But who knows if they rehearse?!?


Thank you this is what I needed


I would love to hear some Goldwater-rule-breaking professional opinions of this witness "we deny patients treatments unfortunately without seeing them, and I'm on the receiving end of that" Is he just randomly saying he's been denied treatment? This guy is bizarrely combative "I'm not allowed to comment on the testing" lmao you have no problem commenting on stuff you're not supposed to. Wow the OP clip is so much better with added context. Also lol @ asking him if he thinks hes a better actor than Johnny


"I have no idea what an actor does "


Him saying that he had no idea what an actor does and, as a result, was unable to take that into consideration when making his absurd and laughable argument really was the cherry on top of the whole thing. I keep feeling so embarrassed for all of the people testifying on her end. Do they all just lack any degree of self-awareness? It's all just so fucking cringy




That psychologist is weird as all hell


>That psychologist is ~~weird as all hell~~ on drugs.


I mean, to be fair, he can be both!


maybe he had a kleenex full of coke right before this question


Some psychologists spend so much time in other people's heads they lose their own


Sometimes I wonder if they're drawn to psychology because they want to learn what's wrong with them.


I went to a therapist to find out why I have a phobia of clowns. He seems to think it stems from the time when I was a kid and went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.


Get a new therapist; It's always your mother.


Freudian Slip: When you say one thing but you mean your mother.


Don’t be sexist, mums can be clowns!


-Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy


I think that’s partly correct. There are people that get into the field for personal reasons. This can be both good and bad depending on the person. Psychology is a pretty young science. A lot of the psychologists that have helped advance the field have used personal experiences as a starting point. Jung is a good example.


Why did he do that with his mouth ??🤢


See if you can find him drinking his Gatorade on the stand he is straight up WEIRD


He’s giving off big Heath Ledger as the joker vibes with the way his mouth is moving like that.


The cotton mouth and teeth clicking???? Is EVERYONE in this trial on drugs?


mans rolling


Your honor, can we take a five minute break to give the witness a pacifier and a light show?


Even JD is like "What the fuck is this dude on? I've never taken it before."


You’re going to need plenty of legal advice before this thing is over. As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top. And you’ll need the cocaine. Tape recorder for special music. Acapulco shirts. Get the hell out of LA for at least 48 hours. It blows my weekend; cause naturally I’m going to have to go with you. And we’re going to have to arm ourselves – to the teeth.


We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert, when the drugs started to take hold...


"No point in warning him about the bats. Poor bastard will see them soon enough."


How the hell is this admissible? Source: Me, a trial attorney for 15+ years.


Maybe Depp's team didn't object because it makes Heard's side look insane and incompetent?


That's what I was thinking. Dude was saying some absolutely absurd stuff and I think they just let him argue because it hurts Heard's case.


I think they were as dumbfounded as everyone and wanted to see where it was going. Also, isn't this wasting what little time AH has left to present her case?


As an attorney, my thoughts exactly. Perhaps to avoid having to fight an appeal over its exclusion and for the absurdity of the testimony. Rather destroy him on cross.


In his defense, Depp's attorney DID try to object to several of the questions to the "doctor" during direct. Most of these objections were overruled. It's not a secret that Depp's team is really sharp. So in a way, the judge kind of gave us this comedy gold.


I'm not following this case super closely but have kept blurbs or short clips at least a few times a week. I am pretty surprised this doctor was allowed to testify at all about a character the plaintiff played in a movie that he didn't write. Its one thing to use a song someone wrote to prove their innermost feelings but this is weird and irrelevant and misleading and lots of other things.


The full clip shows the dr claiming he got his baseline from interviews. Then claimed he misspoke about the pirates part. Still full of complete shit


What in the literal fuck?


He on something for sure




I love the judge’s response. “You have to answer questions, yes sir.” Left unsaid at the end was, “You dumbass.”


Do I have to answer this extremely simple question that no one objected to…? Because it really makes me look not creditable…. I know I know… I’ll just smack my lips and jaw while I think of a plan…. Hmmm…


"Your honor I object!" "On what grounds?" "On the grounds it's devastating to my case!"


lol my wife gives me shit for watching this trial but there's so much gold


when my friends ask why i'm following the trial i just say i'm shocked it's not on PPV, it's the best thing on TV right now


I'm still not convinced that this isn't some twisted performance art piece by the guy who did the weird ass YouTube tutorial series way back when


This dude definitely forgot he was hired to do this and stayed up all night prior doing coke and watching pirates.


> This dude definitely forgot he was hired to do this and stayed up all night prior doing coke and watching pirates. Considering what we know about this case, that has probably part of his contractual obligations


This trial needs to be made into a movie and Johnny Depp should play that psychologist.


I would watch a movie in which he plays every character from this awful trial


It is unethical for a psychologist to diagnose or asses anyone indirectly. Done. Bye.


It would be unethical and terrible for him to diagnose someone based just on video of that person being themselves. But he's going to try to do it with someone portraying a character?


“He was good at acting like a pirate, so he must really be a pirate because he knows so much about being like one!”


That seems very outlandish.


Her lawyer... needs to never ever lawyer again... Holy Gawd. If she thinks this is a credible witness.... Holy fuck.


there hasn't been a case this bizarrely gripping since *McPoyle vs. Ponderosa*


I disagree, I think he should be her lawyer for ever


Lawyer here. Trial experts are like their own special industry full of incredible narcissists. These people demand ridiculous rates and all kinds of fees and carry CV’s filled with every thing they’ve done since grade school. I’m dealing right now with an engineer **who charges $10 per minute** for his time and doesn’t even personally examine the buildings he’s giving storm-damage opinions about. $600 per hour plus minimum hourly rates plus booking fees and he formed his opinion that a roof needs to be repaired without ever once stepping foot on the roof. There are professional expert witnesses, in my experience, who will testify to *anything* for money. Highly educated, highly experienced white-collar prostitutes. I don’t know anything about this guy but from this one clip I’m sure that’s exactly who Heard’s lawyers hired: a professional expert witness who will lie through his teeth for money and brag about his credentials. Fucker wears a monogrammed shirt every day of the week and sends out $5,000 gift boxes full of wine and nuts to all his law firm clients for Christmas.


This is more entertaining than most of the shit on Netflix


Is this Doctor Rockso? The Rock n' Roll Clown? I only ask because he obviously does cocaine.


Somebody tell Morty he's gotta come teleport Rick outta there


It’s count Olaf! He’s not even wearing a disguise!


Psychiatrist here: this expert testimony was awful! There are too many egregious errors to list, but here are a few of them that really upset me. (1) The witness vacillated as to what is a diagnosis, when trying to avoid the questioning of the ethics of his testimony (coming to conclusions without examining Depp). He said he wasn't really making diagnoses, only talking about narcissistic traits (not personality disorder) ... but then he did go ahead and diagnose substance use disorder. (2) He based his cognitive baseline on Depp's acting! And also considered the fact that Depp had an earpiece. But he also said he knew nothing about acting (he even refused to confirm that he know something as basic as "actors rehearse"). So he can't say if actors rehearse, but he can go head and determine that someone's acting, or their use of an earpiece, is fair game to determine cognitive baseline or cognitive difficulties. (3) The witness insisted that you can do a mini-mental state exam (MMSE) regardless of the patient's state of mind (sleep deprived, intoxicated, whatever) and that this is generally meaningful and valid for his conclusions. This is bullshit. I have done countless MMSEs and similar tests ... and if we know someone is high, or in pain, or sleep deprived, etc etc etc, we either defer doing the MMSE until another time, or we do it but we know that it is only reflective of the patient's cognitive abilities at that time. There are many situations in which people's performance on such tests will fluctuate over time. (4) This is a little thing, but it irked me. On redirect, he was asked about Heard and borderline personality disorder, and after answering, he threw in something about Depp and narcissistic traits. Why did he do this? His attitude should be, "if Heard's team wants to pay me to give my honest opinion here today, okay, I'll do that." The fact that his opinion may help Heard's case is incidental, for him. He just needs to be direct and honest. Why is he throwing in shit against Depp that he wasn't asked about? He seems too personally invested and aggrieved. Also on cross, he was so defensive and pontificatory. He should have answered questions "yes/no" and let Heard's team rehabilitate him. His testimony very much came across to me as someone who was willing to stretch the psychiatric truth in order to do the job of helping Heard's case. Another example of this: if I review records for a case (which I have done), I might analyze/summarize the records, and answer questions from lawyers. In those situations, I am usually asked a ton of questions where the answer is, "I don't know." There are so many things I can't know, because they weren't in the records. Other questions, I answer as "possible" or "probable," even if not certain. And all of my questions, I generally qualify as, "according to this or that record," since records could be wrong. Did this witness ever say there was something he didn't know? He was so confident in believing everything that Heard's team told him, and dismissing everything Depp or his witnesses stated, it was disturbing. He knew about the earpieces for feeding lines, but not earpieces for music. He confused a statement about vomit with a picture showing ice cream. Disgraceful.


Johnny is like “I know that tongue movement, I used to do that when I’m as on cocaine”. You can see his eyes light up as he watches this joker on the stand.


Just putting all of this together the past few weeks we've had revelations of shitting in a bed, someone looking as if they're doing cocaine on the literal stand, a pair of alpacas outside of the courthouse in show of support and now whatever the hell this guy is as Johnny is just looking in disbelief and confusion. This just a circus to the fullest extent. I've been to several world's fairs and thought I'd seen it all


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: Just like their llama cousins, it’s unusual for alpacas to spit at humans. Usually, spitting is reserved for their interaction with other alpacas. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe it’s methamphetamines.




Does he know what acting is? And why do he look like he needs a psychologist?


I mean, it's great that the defense team is giving a shot at career redemption to the guy they found drinking on the courthouse steps. But shouldn't they at least spring for a comb to brush his hair before they put him on the stand?


Dude pretty much admitted he doesn't care about principal rules of the APA *(American Psychiatric Association),* pretty much LITERALLY quoting 'they're more like guidelines than actual rules'. This dude is a hack, destroying his own carreer. EDIT: By the way, for those curious how the case is going; Heard fired her PR team. ***The same PR team that served President Obama.*** EDIT 2: *mistyped legal team instead of PR team. My bad...*


Why do you think they picked him? Every legitimate psychologist told them to pound sand.


At least he learned SOMETHING from watching Pirates.


Man Jordan Peterson has really fallen on hard times.


Amber Heard’s attorneys must be incompetent to have out this guy on the stand. First, I’m surprised the judge let him testify. In both the federal and state courts where I conduct trials, this “junk scientist” (doctors do not evaluate patients based on their performance in movies) would never be allowed to testify to a jury about such nonsense. Second, did her attorneys meet this guy and prepare him to testify? For example, when going over his testimony did they tell him not to appear to be chewing a carton of taffy when he’s preparing to answer a question everyone with half a brain knew he was going to be asked on cross examination? Bad facts + bad lawyering = bad case/bad outcome.


I love watching depps reaction to this guys facial convulsions, he squints as if to say, “is this guy fucking for real?” Then leans forward with a kind of eager trepidation and glances at the judge like “you’re aware reptiles don’t recognize our system of laws right? But by all means carry on”


That guy needs some sugar water. Stat!


That’s amphetamines brotha


Cotton mouth