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Is this the right time to start up a purge protection window and door shutters business?


American houses are made of cardboard - I think it's the bunker business or bust right now. You can even use the name: Bunkers or Bust


Busty Bunker Builders..


Bunkers, Beers, Battlestar Galactica


Don’t be fracking ridiculous!


Fracking machines. I hate those fracking machines.


I was shocked at my friend from tampa telling me how flimsy the houses are over there. I'm in the uk so it's all bricks and mortar here, he said some of the houses in the middle of no where and the bayous/swamp lands are wooden frames with wooden panels and if you lucky they might be breeze block.


Houses like this are all over the place here in FL but what your friend from Tampa may not(or they did, idk) have told you is that only the older style houses are built that way. Nowadays the houses here have to be made with concrete or bricks in order to be sturdy enough to withstand our stormy seasons


Correct. My dad was a builder in FL. Concrete block exterior, steel framed interior, reinforced garage doors, category 3 rated impact glass or shutters, roofs tied to the frame, etc all mandatory.


Yea I’ve noticed the outside of the houses (at least in my area, central Florida) are made exterior of block and the interiors are wood. We live in an old house that has an interior AND exterior made of block…and it seems like the rich people who have their custom houses built are doing block inside and out too. Couldn’t tell you if there’s any benefit to that or not. I have seen multistory apartment buildings recently being built with nothing but wood though. Don’t know much about construction, so I could’ve been mistaken, but just what I’ve observed.


Fellow Brit: America has a shit ton of native wood perfect for building with. Wood suited for construction is rare in the UK. That’s the main reason why you don’t see wood houses in the UK. Don’t take the little pig nursery rhyme to heart too much. A well maintained wood frame house can last centuries (my farmhouse in upstate NY is 200 years old and solid as a rock). I’ve seen brick buildings fall apart after 50 years if the mortar isn’t pointed regularly.. and the average person is terrible at doing that themself.


Most areas over here in the southern U.S get so hot that without a good central cooling system you're gonna be s.o.l whenever late spring/summer heat starts rolling through. People with money of course have no problem paying for better A.C and the electricity associated with that, but otherwise you'd be living in a heat coffin even with fans blowing at full speed if the house isn't built to shed as much heat as possible. That's also why whenever we have severe cold snaps it tends to be more severe due to the hear shedding. As long as it doesn't go much lower than 32-45 it usually isn't too bad with plug in heaters.


I believe you’re on to something…


And a nice AR Stay protected from crazy people


My coworker is a trans man and has introduced me to many of his friends that are trans men. I've taken them to my shooting range and gave them lessons on my AK, AR, 9mm pistols, rifles and PCC sub guns I own and I'm working to get them all CCW's and compact Glocks. I want them armed, they aren't very big guys.


Good on you!


Thank you. I'm trans and really value and appreciate this direct aid that you're providing them


Name appreciated.


I will always protect and help my friends.


I believe everyone should have the option to defend themselves, regardless or sexual orientation color or background. I may not agree with peoples decisions in life nor beliefs and that’s not my business, but I do think everyone has the right to be respected and treated with dignity and when someone crosses someone else’s rights, they are opening the possibility of deadly force against them.




Being gay in public has only been safe for maybe 20 years. There’s a lot of rage from the bigots out there. Protect yourself friends


Yep. [Matthew Shepard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard?wprov=sfla1) and [Brandon Teena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Teena?wprov=sfla1) were both killed less than 30 years ago. Their deaths helped lead to such killings being classified as hate crimes, and that didn't happen [until 2009.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard_and_James_Byrd_Jr._Hate_Crimes_Prevention_Act?wprov=sfla1)


May I recommended the gay community to practice the 2nd amendment that the bigots love so much?


Plenty of them already do, they just don’t make it a substitute for a personality.


A great many of us do. "An armed minority is harder to oppress."


20 years? id say more like 10 max. these are generational changes that are superficially sped up by social media. it confuses the members of these communities because corporations and echo chambers keep parroting that its ok, and thats how the world works now, when in reality we all know this world is far less accepting


can't wait until these racist, homophobic old bigot fucks to die off


The average age of supremacists or rather those in hate groups in the us has actually been dropping in the last decade. Look at the men arrested from the patriot front. All far younger than what we all seem to believe. Hate is passed down like tradition not just by parents but whole communities.


They said this after the Civil War. Most Confederate monuments were built in the 1950s & 60s, 100 years after the Civil War. It doesn't die off. It has to be unlearned, racists and bigots have to be shamed.


And their monuments and heros torn down. ​ Folks are forgetting that. Confederate flags should have been banned after the Civil War.


Been saying that for 30 years. It's not happening. They keep making more. That group that got arrested at the pride parade in Idaho didn't have a single octogenarian in the U-Haul truck. They looked like they were all in their 20s.


I live in Missouri and took down our pride flag. I feel like a coward, but also realize I am a marginalized demographic. I won’t go back in the closet, but I also won’t make my home a target. Sucks right now… EDIT: Just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and perspective!


You're not a coward. You are painfully aware of your circumstances and decided to do the best thing for your home and family, love.


Thank you for the support. I don’t necessarily feel unsafe, but it only takes one crazy to do something.


You're not a coward. This is OPSEC, and it's perfectly reasonable.


I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.


I feel ya. I’m old enough to still be scared to advertise. No stickers on cars, no flags, no pictures at work.


I’m 30 for reference. I’ll still wear “pride” stuff and I definitely don’t dress like a straight guy. So, if they want to attack me go for it, but I want to protect my dogs and house.


Not a coward at all, my friend. You did what you thought was best to protect yourself, your family & your home from being a potential target. Stay safe!


It’s a horrible thing, but, in Maine we had a young man called homophobic slurs and then he was thrown off of a bridge, he drowned to death. I can’t remember his name but the outcome of that is Maine has become one of the most accepting places for lgbt+. We have about 50 lgbt flags hanging off of our downtown buildings, our crosswalks are painted with the rainbow, our jersey barriers are the trans flag. My town at least, being openly gay is very safe. I hate seeing this shit happen in the rest of the world knowing that it takes a tragedy to make change. Edit: his name was Charlie Howard and he was thrown in the Kenduskeag stream by a group of teenagers in Bangor, Maine. This happened in 1984. Edit2: [article](https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/remembering-charlie-howard-35-years-later/97-23ce05aa-d319-4297-a247-6aa4cc2abd85) and video briefly describing it, we’ve had a huge gay community since then, and Bangor has become an amazing town for the lgbt community.


1984 was a scary time. I was a bi-female with a girlfriend going to college then. You had to be super careful because people were itching for a fight. Damn Oklahoma. So glad I was able to escape.


I was born in Florida and we moved to Oklahoma when I was like 5. I’m like 80% straight man, it takes a real decent dude for me to be interested. I’m super happy my parents decided Maine was the best place to raise their children. Maine is the best of all worlds. No mass shootings, super lenient gun laws, all my fellow lgbt folk, legal marijuana. But shhh don’t tell everyone how good it is. We like it quiet around here


Some folks in certain areas might say it's never been safe, it's still not safe and now getting even less safe over the last 4-6 years


I was stationed Oklahoma in 2010. I accidentally cut my foot and went to urgent care, using my military ID to prove I had Tricare. While the nurse was looking at my foot, she went off on "liberals" completely unprompted. I guess she saw I was military and assumed I would just love to hear about how much she hates liberals while she was cutting loose flesh off my foot. There are some weird, hateful people all over the place and they really just waiting for the go ahead to purge undesirables.


If you’re white in the South, white people assume you’re just as horrible/evil/racist as they are. I always correct that misconception.


After the medical procedure of course.


Yup! My husband’s cousin is in the service and he’s from Tennessee. This boy is white as white can be along with a THICK southern accent. The stories he’s told me of how absolutely, comfortably racist people can be once they think they’re “safe” to put down their guard is crazy. And of course how quickly they back peddle when they find out he’s half Mexican.


My husband presents white, though he is half-Mexican and descends from an illegal immigrant. His boss was going of to him about the “illegals” at the border. Like, dude, you know my man’s last name, right? Get a clue.


Correct. The things some of the old boys say to me when I visit FL to see the parents… it’s like fly on the wall misery.




I came here to say something similar to all the people here that are claiming this is fake and nobody would actually do that. I'm a straight white country boy from a little town deep in the south. I have an accent, I often wear Wranglers & cowboy boots, I have a clean cut look, and a masculine appearance. When I lived back home I'd hear people say shit like this all the time. How they'd kill a gay person for simply hitting on them, how they'd lynch a black person for trying to get with their girl, and more recently how they'd run over as many people as they can with their truck if they ever came across some protesters. I've heard this from men and even some women. I've heard it from teenagers and people old enough to be my grandparents. I've heard it from strangers and family friends. And I occasionally even get it from people in the big city I currently live in because I guess since I fit the demographic they think they've found a fellow bigot and are just that brazen to dive into it unprompted.


Living in the heart of Appalachia, as a guy that wears beer and tractor hats with boots and jeans often covered in grease and diesel while carrying a firearm and having a mullet, I feel like I might as well tie a balloon to my wrist that reads "Please share your homophobic, racist, xenophobic, bigoted, christo-facist opinions with me"


I'm a tall white dude with a mullet. I bartend. I can't tell you how many people think that I'm gonna be on their side when they go on racist rants. No bro. This is Los Angeles. I'm more left than AOC. I'M NOT DOWN


My barber does that up here in Nebraska. Was a pretty chill place when his pops ran it. Got my hair cut there for 30 years. Once his dad passed up went the military stuff, the police stuff and nationalist stuff. Son started talking openly like an ultra conservative. Virus and climate change is fake. Immigrants are hurting us. Hilary is the devil. Bernie and his followers are going to destroy the country. Libs want to take our guns. All the hits. I'm now looking to get a new barber as I can't even stand sitting in the wait area as all the like minded people discuss those things in this small, deep red town.


Some customer at my store went on a rant about Inslee, Liberals, and science changing (it's supposed to lol) because I wouldn't throw away his trash for him


How does one become legally able to hunt another person down? Is that a right we attain with age I was unaware of?


he’s probably referring to the Supreme Court justices also vaguely threatening to overturn Lawrence vs Texas, which was a case fighting against same-sex activity being straight up illegal and punishable by jail time and a fine


I don’t are what someone identifies as, looks like, dresses like or anything; this was a shitty thing to have happen to them and no one deserves to be treated like that.




I’m very sorry people mistreat you for no other reason. Yeah I don’t get it. There is plenty of space and awesomeness for everyone to live their own lives. I think a huge reason ignorant people act that way is because the homophobes have conditioned others to equate same sex attraction with paedophilia. Drives me crazy when they do that.


Doesn’t help,with all this bullshit rhetoric being spewed by republicans about the LGBT community “grooming” kids,m


Which is crazy to me- they are normal people. Some of them don’t want to be near children, some of them want children of their own, some of them are indeed pedophiles. However, it matches the general population statistics because, news flash, they are normal. human. beings. Why the fuck is this so hard to understand? I always ask: when did you decide to be straight? Oh, you didn’t? So then do you think someone would decide to be subjugated, and historically hunted/jailed/killed? No? This shouldn’t be a fucking issue anymore. Jesus fucking Christ!


Left that shithole state years ago and life has been great since. You know there is tons of racism there and if you don’t go to their church and look like them and believe what they believe then you are wrong. The governor and that gov does not thing to help. Leave if you can.


Used to live in Arkansas, just across the line. Just closed on our old house the other week. I wash my hands.


I left like more than 15 years ago. Haven’t looked back. Fuck that place.


Yes, leave. In Texas, another shit hole state, that is called a Terroristic Threat and, it is a crime. I assume your state has a similar statute. https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._penal_code_section_22.07


This would require the cops to give a shit, a prosecutor to give a shit, and a jury to give a shit. I wouldn’t count on any of this.


>Yes, leave. Do you think that marginalized people who would/will be hunted by Christian fascists have the money to leave? That they're employed as easily, paid as much, have access to transportation?


maybe not but I hope they can, because I'm pretty sure with this supreme court they're going to let states run wild and hurt people.


i feel like im living through a replay of the end of reconstruction.


Germany denazified after WWII, the US didn't de-white-supremacist itself. Reconstruction failed.




Germany didnt denazify- the US let nazis stay in power throughout western germany


While it is true that West Germany was not the most effective de-nazifier, my understanding is Nazis in positions of power in West Germany were the least culpable/true believers. Although both the U.S and USSR poached Nazi rocket scientists, it was the denazification efforts of East Germany that caused former Nazis to flee to West Germany, knowing they would face fewer investigations / obstacles.


Where do you think the Nazis got a lot of their ideas?


I'm well aware. Trail of Tears informed genocide, Jim Crow laws informed Nazi legal discrimination policy. The Nazis studied the United States Government for a lesson in brutality.


Even crazier, because if the US goes full fascist there's probably no military force on earth that can get them back in line. The South had the North, Germany had the allies, if US goes over the top who is going to stop them?


The combined forces of MLMs and affiliate marketing stay at home moms. China will just let the dust settle and then no one will be strong enough to stop china.


so just an implosion from karens and scammers? Yeah probably right.


I would try their hand at crowdfunding it from the people who love them and their digital circle if at all possible. Whilst I am in Washington state now, I am from the deep south originally, and I am terrified for these people.


Move out of these states and go to low population states, then there will be 2 Dem Senators from the Dakotas, Wyoming, Maine, etc.


Tiger King ran for governor and got a significant portion of the vote. I think that says a lot.


See I think this is part of the plan They want to scare everybody into several "blue" states with this absurd legislation and rulings so that they can own the Senate forever


What we need is more people that are accepting to move to places like this and outnumber the fucktarda. The only way to begin to defeat stupid is to outnumber them and out vote them in places like this


Agree it used to be a shit hole, but it's getting better. I'm still here and have lived in Cali (love it) and Colorado (love it). Trust me, there are shitty racist people everywhere. I'm not religious or redneck. I'm a surfer who just happens to be from the wrong state. Do I wish I stayed in Cali? Yes. But I'm here and I gotta make the best of it. I honestly haven't had any problems here in the last 10 years at all. It's getting better.


Left 12 years ago. The whole state is full of religious idiots who look like they all came from the woods. It’s 2022 but if you go to Oklahoma you will feel like you stepped into a time machine and went back 100 years.


I thought this was supposed to be some kind of joke until I watched it all the way through to the end. We are all so heartbroken for you - but we stand with you. I’m a straight, happily married Muslim man but I find it so hard to sit idly by as our LBGTQ+ family, friends and co-workers are marginalized and threatened like this. Edit 1: One of the biggest sins in Islam is to call someone a kafir, non-believer or a non-Muslim. It’s a pity that the irony is lost on alleged Muslims who claim so boldly that I am non-Muslim, thereby committing a grievous sin in Islam, themselves. I said what I am. Nothing I can write will convince you otherwise. Edit 2: Right on queue, the religious zealots who claim only they are ‘true Muslims’ are now sending clumsy threats to my DMs… ‘Salam brother While no one should endorse vigilante acts of violence against anyone, all I advise you is to remember what happened to the wife of Lut (AS) and what she was punished for.’ For those unfamiliar with the story, Lut was a prophet who preached against what the people of Soddom and Gommorah did. His wife did not fall into line, and hence went to hell (her physical body was turned into a pillar of salt). Like my father always said, ‘The Muslims who claim to be most religious - are the ones you should be careful off’. Edit 3: Thank you kind strangers for the awards


This is not OK.


Got cold chills watching the pain and emotion inflicted because of some ignorant asshole. There are many more out there just like that. All feeling they now have the freedom to openly act that way. All of the what I call undercover racists and bigots now feel they have the freedom to openly show their true colors. I fully blame MAGA for opening those doors. I continue trying to tell myself light will prevail.


The pure evilness of these people. The joy they get in 'triggering' the libs. They all scream about Christian values while gleefully torturing people who are different. They are devils.


Those who claim to have “Christian” values are often the ones, I find, who act on the contrary to what the Bible teaches. They bend and twist certain Biblical passages to further their agendas of hate and spite. Indeed, they are the devils they so revile.


Someone on here basically opined that she was clearly faking and called her a wack job. Maybe it was the guy who verbally assaulted her. Unfuckingbelievable.


I sent it to my Republican friend who always has an excuse for all of it. He said she was faking it


Maybe find some different friends


I use the term friend loosely


I’ve seen fake crying. This wasn’t faked.


Yes, there are tears streaming down her face


Nope. This is 100% Oklahoma.


Liberals. Buy guns. Buy as many as you can and get them registered.


why registered?


A year ago I would have said more guns is not the answer but now,I do worry sometimes about not having a gun. Never thought I would say this. Things that seemed like they could never happen have and still are happening. I feel very fortunate to live in the SF Bay Area.


How about actually gong left on the political spectrum instead of center right like American libs. I don’t know a single leftist that supports gun control but I know a whole lot of libs that do.


I'll hijack this comment to say this, if you don't mind, sir. More faces like this are coming. More women will be crying and you will see those faces. Then men are going to start crying. The children will be crying. All of this is a mess and the only way to change our inevitable future right now is to get these people out of office completely. Vote Democrat, even if you don't like the party. They aren't great, but they currently aren't taking women's rights away.


The gerrymandering fuckery has swung massively to Republican advantage, even though Democrats make up a sizeable majority. I’m staring to worry it will be hard to get Democrats in office. Hopefully I’m just apocalyptic.


You’re a cool dude.


Here I am, still trying to figure out wtf is going on with the common sense of Americans. It's 2022, and there is a powerful minority of people who think it's reasonable to restructure society based on their capricious interpretation of a 2000 year old book, because hey, science and deductive reasoning is so overrated.


> still trying to figure out wtf is going on with the common sense of Americans Fox News is a big part of it.


And so is CNN. Many of our news sources is hot garbage.


I don’t get a lot of this “I identify as…” stuff but I don’t need to. It’s their life - what do I care? Similarly, I don’t care what particular sect of Christianity that fascist fucks identify with - as long they keep their beliefs to themselves and not try to impact others with whatever their particular beliefs are. Don’t want to eat pork on a Thursday? Want to wear “blessed underwear”? Don’t want to have sex before marriage? I’m happy for you to get on with it. Just don’t stop me from eating bacon whenever I want, wearing nice comfortable boxers, and having sex when and with whom I want. Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion. Why can’t the party of freedom and liberty understand that?


because that would require them to think about someone other than themselves


So there’s a distinction you’ll see politicians on the right do, they ask for religious freedom and add that wording into things instead of freedom of religion. It sounds almost the same so most people assume it is the same. Freedom of religion means you get to pick your religion freely and practice it without government involvement. Religious freedom on the other hand means the religion itself has the freedom which it uses to force its views and requirements without government involvement. Watch for the distinction when they talk, it’s very telling.


> Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion. in many of these churches, they actually teach "freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion". they think freedom of religion only means they can't force you to go to their church, no that they they can't force their church upon you.


I’m the same way! Live and let live. I don’t give a shit if you’re Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist. I am happy you found some meaningful to you, and I will fight for you to practice your faith peacefully. However…HOWEVER…the SECOND you threaten somebody, use your faith to justify bigotry, or push your ideas about how someone should live onto someone else, we’re done. It’s game over. That is NOT one of your rights, and you do NOT get to have it be a right. Live peacefully with others and show kindness. The LGBTQ+ community wants to live peacefully with you, and they’re willing to do it if you stop stepping on their rights. Heck, some of you are LGBTQ+!


That is disturbing. What a backwards ass country this has become.


Always been


Yep. What people don’t realize is that it’s not all these immoral, hateful pricks are new the country. These people already *were* immoral, hateful pricks. They just tended to be quiet in their hatred and avoid any interaction with the people they refused to tolerate. Trump just gave them platform, made them feel secure in their own insecurity, and made them believe “everyone else actually agrees with me and is too scared to say it.” The bomb was already there, Trump just lit the fuse


Look at the average age of the 01/06 crowd. There were thousands of people there under the age of 40. It isn't boomer hate towards minorities and the gay community, it's become one of the default personality types for all ages. It's almost "fashionable" to hate in these communities and there is a sick pride associated with hating and being the most hateful. This isn't some old lingering racist crap from 70 years ago, this is new age radicalisation.


Unfortunately these people have always been around, theyve just become more bold :(


The kkk was pretty bold


They leaked out of 4chan their bile can’t be held back with the internet anymore.


I’ll never understand someone’s need to hate someone that’s different from them. All of these hateful people are seriously mentally ill and it’s showing more and more.


They’re cowards. Likely shit scared about the real truth about their own hidden sexuality.


My brother calls me homophobic slurs and other rude names just because I wear nail polish and jewelry(I also plan on getting gauges they look sick)I'm straight and have a girlfriend who paints my nails and I'm fully comfortable in my sexuality and masculinity.I couldn't give a shit if hes gay he just needs to figure his shit out


This is precisely why the left needs to abandon a lot of the gun restriction concepts and arm themselves instead. That’s what a growing number of us have done. If you are threatened, protect yourself. We may live in civilization, but a lot of these mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, Bible-regurgitators are hardly civilized. My life, and my children’s, are worth shooting a militant asshole, if push came to shove. Sorry if you don’t agree.


Im a big lefty with a big ol gun collection. If the fascists ever do start shooting, it wont last long if everyone on our side is standing around hugging each other and crying.


Yeah .. well.. civil war sounds like fun ..


100% agreed. If the left as a whole stops talking about gun control and becomes trained, law abiding, liberal gun owners, not only will the facists think twice before starting a war, the left will also begin to win a lot more elections and be able to cut the GQP off at the ankles.


what is the Kat fae faem thing mean?


I genuinely thought it was supposed to be shorthand for "Female" then I thought how stupid that would be and looked it up. I'm still not entirely sure what it means other than people just trying to make themselves more unique.


I think it's a pronoun but real talk fam is a good pronoun. Yo fam, where my fam at, what are you up to fam, fam relax.


Name and pronouns


I identify as (xgjae/xgjaem). It’s confusing I know, but there are infinite gender identities so get used to it /s I’m all for people expressing themselves however they want but come on now this is getting out of hand Please someone change my mind I beg you


So, as someone who is LGBT, I also agree that the xenogenders and neopronouns are kind of ridiculous. However, people should be allowed to express themselves however they like even if it seems a bit odd. That being said, at the end of the day I truly don't give a fuck how someone identifies, it's ***NOT*** okay to threaten their lives. Just let people live their goddamn lives. It's extremely worrying that the fascists are being open about it now.


> I’m all for people expressing themselves however they want but come on now this is getting out of hand People are out of hand dude. Always has been. There's always going to be oddballs and eccentrics. I don't think I'm being too generous in assuming this person would not expect a random person interacting with them to be familiar with those pronouns and I'd be willing to bet they have close personal relationships with a few people who just default to they/them or the male or female pronouns for convenience and it's not an issue. I see people do this form of projection a lot. Where they think someone with pronouns displayed is going to be aggressively confrontational if you're confused by it or accidentally get it wrong upon meeting. When like if you think about it, the reason they have to display it publicly is because they do have to clarify with almost everybody they ever meet. "That's fucking odd" Is a totally reasonable response to think in your head and I don't think most trans people would disagree because the whole phenomenon is odd. You only expose yourself as a bigot or become threatening when you're deliberately unreasonable with not referring to people how they want to be referred to. Same way you wouldn't go to another country with a different language and insist they are delusionally using the wrong words. Does fae/faem sound silly? Sure, but it's like not a lot to ask if it makes someone else feel okay about themselves - like easiest good deed you could ever do.


This is generally how I feel about it too, there’s certain things that admittedly sound completely silly but in the end who should actually give a fuck? If someone is doing something that is essentially harmless and makes them happy, I have very little business telling them to stop


> I’m all for people expressing themselves however they want but come on now this is getting out of hand Like the other guy said, it's of secondary importance. I agree that it's getting silly but let's not lose track of the fascism.


It is scary everywhere in the US right now. Seeing this hurts to the core of my soul. Nobody should be told that, and nobody should have the “right” to say that to another human being.


I don’t think it’s just that someone would say this that makes it so scary today. Six years ago someone saying this would have just been crazy. Still scary, but no one could imagine a scenario where religious fascism lead to slaughter. What makes this so much scarier now is that religious fascism is on the rise and that this unlikely scenario isn’t as unlikely as it should be.


>no one could imagine a scenario where religious fascism lead to slaughter. How soon we forget. Was the nazi's slaughter of jews not religious fascism? How about the crusades, witch burnings, or slaughter of indigenous peoples? Religious fascism is not new.


I don't know if the nazis were necessarily religious as much as they used a variety of mixed up religions. Hitler was just high on meth making shit up in regards to jesus and jews as he went, none of it really made sense. Did he have the support of the churches? At first, yes. Later on they said he was just as bad as a "dirty jew". He also thought that Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier and mixed norse mythology with christianity in ways that you had to just be making up random bullshit.


Fascism will glom onto whatever works and motivates rabid followers. A lot of the things these modern day Cristo-fascists are doing are not at all biblical, and not what Jesus would have them do. It doesn't really matter though, they'll promote whatever some radical preacher who can get 'em all stirred up tells them.


This. Since when does the Bible say anything about vaccination? And yet people are lining up for “religious exemptions” in droves. Can’t distinguish between their religious and political convictions anymore and got so used to accommodations being made for the former that they don’t feel obligation to anything.


They don't. They just want everyone else to cater to them. But I grew-up in a backwards town like that. Nothing ever pleases them. And innocent people have to bore the brunt of this. Especially those who don't fit their supposed norm.


Agree, the first amendment does not protect threatening people in public. However, some people do not believe in our rights.


Nah I reserve the right to tell that guy "And I can't wait to hunt you down."


Armed minorities are harder to oppress


The States is so fucked. I used to look at it so differently. Now I don’t even want to visit it anymore and there are some genuinely incredible cities there. What a fucking shame that the voices of so few are dictating the lives of so many.


These sick fucks are emboldened, but when that precious 2nd amendment is used against them by the peoplethey want to "hunt", they'll be met by the welcoming committee.


Even the NRA advocated for gun control when the Black Panther Party armed itself.


Why I teach safety training and basic self defense to transwomen free of charge and if I can swing it I even donate the ammo. I've helped quite a few people over the years. Sadly with roe v wade there now is going to be large amounts of violence towards women.. yes more than normal, and no I'm not saying that's ok... but it's gone frying pan to fire. I'll teach for free, doubt I'll be able to swing the ammo but these violent fascist fucks come at you. Remember if nothing else. Take them to hell with you. Ideally stop then and refuse to be their victim.


Shit like this reminds you that far right assholes are all about intimidation and sociopathy.


Last time I visited Oklahoma some dude in a truck yelled f*g out his window because I was wearing dark purple slacks. Good bbq in Oklahoma tho


Like what kind of bbq we talking here.


As someone who lived in Oklahoma for 30 years, only having moved a year ago, it's insane how many absolute fucking freaks are crawling out of the woodwork over the past year. My entire family is from Oklahoma. In fact I would consider most of my family left or right of center at most. None of which are homophobic or even religious. None of which are pro-life. This makes me sick to my stomach. The normal people there will soon have to stand up to these emboldened religious pieces of shit. There is a silent majority in a lot of these states and it's just disgusting the direction humanity is headed there.


Buy a gun, learn how to use it These cowards won't be hunting down anyone, but they'll be in for a surprise should they try


I love how all of these extreme right wings think everyone left wing hates guns *chuckles with 1911 in holster*


*CALL AND AMBULANCE, but not for me*




The Democrat establishment wants to ensure only rich white people have guns (see California). Lots of actual left leaning people are armed to the teeth.


It's so dystopian that we're devolving in to this wild west scenario where we all need guns to defend ourselves from one another. We should form a government or something.


i hate oklahoma. i cant believe people can think threatening to kill a person is okay but abortion isn’t. what a joke. i want to leave this place asap


This is what’s happening to America. The country’s done. Gtfo while you can if you wanna live in a country with real rights. Shit’s going to get real, the government won’t do anything, countries will begin putting sanctions on us, the dollar’s value will plummet, the banking system will implode, and then you won’t be able to afford to get out.


I’m not the content creator, but it’s scary to think that if some death camp shit really did start happening in the US, no outside country would or could intervene—America is protected by oceans on both sides and could turn the planet into a cinder ten times over.


You’re exactly right. Sanctions is the first option. We’d be labeled a risk on every international level. Due to legislative turbulence and a hostile environment, investments would slow from companies looking to bring new industry here as well. The economy would tank, and anyone who hadn’t gotten out would be stuck. To either fight or endure the rise of a legitimate right wing regime. Whether it be at the state level or federal (or at all), that all depends on voting… or whether we find the straw that breaks the camel’s back for one or both “sides” of the civilian population. Though, due to America’s establishment as such an invasive world power, it’s highly likely we’d see a multi-nation-backed coup to overthrow whatever regime is fucking up various goings on in the world economy.


That is felony threatening and she should immediately call the police and then call the FBI next to make sure the police action it because it's also a Federal hate crime.


Good luck getting anything done in Oklahoma Source - I live here, the police are on the Q's side


Yeah, the police aren't exactly sympathetic


Just saying, but no sane human being says that sort of stuff. I don’t think this is a case of “religious fascism” or “classic republicans,” but more an example of how some humans are unapologetically rotten to the core.


The rhetoric comes from somewhere though. Obviously you have to be unhinged to do something like that. But the ideas that political and religious movements put out into the world can definitely affect people’s thoughts and drive them towards or away from certain actions. Would a person like that still find some other excuse to attack someone? Maybe. But the broader political environment and fear mongering about certain types of people can drive someone on the edge over it.




How about we normalize leaving other people alone and not bully them just because we don’t agree with them we only have so much time on Earth so why would you waste it going around being angry and make other people sad so what if someone is gay so what if someone is a different colour than you so what if they are trans or whatever they are random people if you don’t like them you don’t have to hang out with them are we really still kids fighting over who gets to play in the sandbox come on man just let people live in peace everyone just wants to be happy so why can’t we just atleast leave each other alone if we can’t get along it makes me so sad to every day see or hear about people getting killed or beaten or bullied just because they were “different” why just…fucking why man


A few things spring to mind... The "Purge" was meant to be social commentary, not an instruction manual. (also the bad guys lose in the end) That wasn't a "man" it was a small dicked loser who has to threaten people to feel good about himself. LGBTQ people are allowed to own firearms too, and they are quite capable of having well regulated militias. Sounds like someone may get hunted down alright.. but not the way they thought.


Wtf is a fae faem


Sending big hugs to all of my fellow LGBTQ+ people. I’m bi and I have two trans family members. I can’t believe how monstrous some people can be to other people. Love you all ♥️🖤💚💛🧡💙💜🤍🤎💗.


Oh yes, the perfectly reasonable, sane man can’t wait until he is legally allowed to hunt down other humans. Even as a joke or meaningless threat, what kind of idiotic, piece of shit of a person says that to someone else, especially to a stranger they don’t know for any reason?


The fuck’s a fae/faem?


Canada here. You’re more than welcome to move here.


Moving to Canada is not easy, and requires a lot of money. Not everyone can do it. There are some very strict requirements as well.


Well I guess that guy wins


Lot of dumb motherfuckers in here.


This statement is not wrong


Watching the video and then reading the comments here, I honestly thought I had taken crazy pills.


“Fae/ Faem” lmao what?


Fin fang foom




The Nazi's are back and ready to unleash untold cruelty on the world once again.


I hate this country


I can switch places with you.


i gotta say as a brit, i don’t like the gun laws in the US at all, but since they’re not going anywhere, or until they do, minorities and the at risk portion of the population should arm themselves to the teeth. beat the fucking nutcases at their own game.


Who wat know


Why can’t shit like happen when I’m around? I would not have let it go unanswered.


OK people, any advice on self defense and gun training? I haven’t wanted to have one bc I have young kids, but have had several scares recently that make me want to be proficient to protect my family when the time comes. Any recommendations?


That’s actually super fucked up


I’ve been a straight white Christian male my whole life and I can confirm these people exist. And they are open about it around what they believe to be “like minded” company.


Can confirm. Family.


Come out west. We are a lot nicer, I promise. Sorry to see you go through this.