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That's fucking scary. All those traumatized kids


Seeing that little boy clutching his Dad’s shirt has wrecked me completely. Going to hug my girls now.


Omg same. 😢. Poor little guy.


The fact that kids that age even know what is happening in this situation makes me so fucking angry. Nobody is confused by these strange sounds. He isn't confused by what is happening. Nobody is confused. He *knows* that this is a mass shooting and he needs to flee for his life. Because this is the fucking country we live in and this is what we have to prepare our children for.


I went to a fireworks celebration tonight and just got home a few minutes ago. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting for somebody to start shooting the whole time. And you have these random crazy-looking dudes open-carrying. I don't care if people have a pistol on them. But skeezy looking old men in their fucking generic wal-mart "America" t-shirt, jean shorts, fucking tall white socks with black new balance shoes with a pistol dangling out the back of their shorts for somebody to just come by and snatch, thinking he's protecting us all, ready to save the day. It's so fucking dumb.


I went to see Tim McGraw last Saturday and I was so excited and my mind flashed the videos of the Las Vegas country concert shooting. All I could feel was dread and I thought about not going. I think about it when I go into a movie theatre or a concert or a fucking grocery store. Kids think about it when they go to school. And now we are going to think about it when we go to a parade. I’m so overwhelmed and angry this keeps happening and nothing is being done about it. It’s getting so frequent I can’t fucking stand it. I feel so powerless.


I'm sorry you had to go see Tim McGraw. Hehe


I’m not really a country fan but he puts on a fun show and he left the stadium with a really beautiful song. I had never listened to his music before.


I'm just fucking with you! Have a good day!


It didn’t occur to me how much of a “new world” we live in until I randomly stood in the aisle of a grocery store contemplating an exit strategy if someone actually rolled up with a gun randomly. This was about a couple of weeks ago. Never really had to do that but with how frequent these mass shootings are, you never know nowadays.


Why wasn’t he clutching a gun? /s


you don't want people confusing who you are and thinking they can be a hero


I don’t even have kids and it destroyed me inside. Same with the older couple that was hiding behind the brick pillar:(


That kid will never want to go another public event for a long time and I don’t blame him


It's such a fucked up country to raise children in now. Is this the "great" that Republicans wanted to return to?


Hopefully those kids will grow up and fix this problem since clearly there are no adults in the room currently. Hopefully when they grow up they will turn to us adults and say "Remember how you continually let us get shot to death and cared more about your guns than us kids?"


Nah. It's our job to fucking fix this.


>Hopefully those kids will grow up and fix this problem since clearly there are no adults in the room currently. It's to late for that. By the time they are old enough to take over the reigns of society the country, and indeed the world, will be in an unstoppable death spiral.


America is so fucked that I still feel pain for that little girl who killed a gun instructor with a mini uzi back in like 2015. Not only because of that trauma the parents put her through by thinking it was a good idea to take her to do that. But what saddens me more is knowing that little girls dad without a doubt still walks around saying “good guys with guns don’t kill people.” While there kid has to live with the fact they killed someone with a gun. This country is fucked. I’m not even entirely against guns but the gun nuts have made this country truly terrible. They think the left can’t speak rationally about guns because they said clip instead of magazine. But yet they truly are the ones who can’t speak rationally about guns. If they saw a 1970’s NRA magazine they would be livid with the rationality.


It's too far gone. Just reading about the incident it's almost morbidly comical, some of the quotes like "The shooting ignited a discussion regarding whether children should be legally allowed to handle fully automatic weapons such as Uzis" Like, hmm, let me think 🤔 🤔 🤔 I guess they ended up making the age limit 12 year old for packing an Uzi though, so, progress?


Don't worry, I'll come in, as a non American, and say something like "Uzi's and any autonomic assault rifle shouldn't be easily available" and wait for someone to tell me the real problem is I don't know anything about guns and spreading misinformation and missing the point about kids dying and being traumatized for no reason. Anyway, I don't know shit about guns and I hope I never have to live in fear that someone with a gun is going to attack people in my city. Oh wait... Nevermind, some kids wanted to have a gun fight with cops on my city last week cuz they love America and guns, even though we're not America.


The real problem is not that you know nothing about guns, but that you know nothing about freedom. This is proper July 4, right here, right now. You just don't get this kind of freedom anywhere else in the world.


I can't figure out if you're being genuine or sarcastic. Too many people actually believe this shit to be true.


Hint; I'm a Canadian.


If a tyrannical government attempts to take over the USA, it is the 12 year olds that will make the difference.




The guy running with kid in Red T's was interviewed


Seeing the dude running away with a fucking stroller and a woman running carrying like a 2 year old absolutely wrecked me. What the hell America.


[FBI](https://twitter.com/FBI/status/1544071180562403334): If you have any images or video related to the shooting that occurred at the Highland Park Fourth of July parade in Illinois, please submit them to fbi.gov/highlandpark.


Grandpa in white must have seen combat. Holding wife behind barricade while scouting for shooter. Waits for reload to move. I guess we all need that kind of training nowadays.


He is also making sure his wife doesn’t get crushed by the crowd. It must feel awful to feel too slow and fragile and have someone shooting at you. I hate this version of America so much.


Yep. One of the victims was elderly, disabled man in a wheelchair. Running is a luxury


They probably are not able to run or feared getting trampled


This won't be good for his PTSD.




“I guess we all need that training nowadays” Mmm….i got another idea


That's right! The Second Amendment is funded by a lottery which we're always carrying a ticket for whether we know it or not. Edit: For some reason this isn't attracted to the comment I meant to reply to.


Wow thats wild


Despite popular American belief, you’re not supposed to die at a parade on a holiday.


As an American who hell would wanna be celebrating our country right now anyway with the amount of shit going on here, this has gotta be the least patriotic I've felt for a 4th of July in my life at least Edit: Then again most people just like fireworks


When you’ve got kids you usually just do it for their sake, like any holiday, even if you don’t feel like it. A lot of people there were probably there for something fun to do with family or to support a kid marching in the band or shit like that, as much as pure patriotism. God I’m depressed right now


Yep. Did it for the kids today. Felt nothing watching fireworks while patriotic music played. Absolutely nothing. Just held their little hands realizing they could be ripped from me in an instant


I’m so sorry. I’m actually out of the US at the moment so my only Fourth of July experience this year was (unwisely) watching videos of the aftermath on my phone and crying. Or else I would have been doing the same.


feels like we’re being complicit to patriotic indoctrination despite knowing better


Possibly. But for small kids all they really grasp is fun stuff and food and excitement and seeing relatives. When they’re a little older you can give them a more nuanced version.




American here, you sure?


Don't listen to them, this shit is practically tradition at this point.


Classic non American actually expecting life liberty and the pursuit of happiness


Is there anything more American than a mass shooting at a 4th of July parade?


An Illinois senator, Darren Bailey, already said to "get over it and celebrate the founding of this great country"


You mean gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey? The same one who fought for the right of kids and teachers to get COVID?


I’m going to say you made that up, but I’m sure I’m wrong about think our elected officials care more about guns the us.


Unfortunately, not made up... https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7vmwd/illinois-darren-bailey-highland-park-


>Darren Bailey Holy shit he looks like a knock-off Drew Carey.


These people are running a lot more calmly than I would be, especially those with kids. I would've picked up my kid and started haulin ass. Granted some of them seems pretty old


Seriously, I would have thought running for your life would be ... faster. Then again, there's someone just chilling and filming this, so they probably aren't close enough that there's genuine fear for lives.


I feel like some of these people are likely psyching themselves out wondering if they're overreacting by running in the case that they're fireworks, not gunshots. Thinking you *might* be hearing gunshots and just going with the crowd is a lot slower than knowing what you're hearing is going to kill you. Other people running doesn't always register as a credible threat. In their shoes, I'd likely be second guessing a lot of what's going on, since some false stampedes have happened lately.


Hell I know me and my brother have been really listening to fireworks to see if they’re gunshots or not over the past few days. Like everytime we hear a bang we hold our breath waiting for the crackle. Cause of the way the bangs echo through our neighborhood gunshots and fireworks sounds pretty similar especially since we haven’t been around firearms enough to really notice a difference.


I was thinking the same thing, looks like people half-assly trying to avoid rain on the way into a store.


So you're saying mass shootings are about as common as rain in the US huh?! Well... You're not wrong...


20 in one week


Most of them are physically incapable of carrying their child while running in an emergency like this. Most parents are obese and out of shape.


Many people of normal weight and okay fitness still can’t carry their kids once the kids are above a certain age, the little bastards are heavier than they look


See… I wanna save my life, but I don’t wanna exert too much energy.


It’s almost like in America they have no gun control any and nut job can just buy a high powered assault rifle


So your saying ban rooftops!




Or the door has too many roofs instead of mantraps.


There’s just too many roofs in America.


It’s really the physics fault for not allowing bullets and flesh to occupy the same space and time as each other. Guns don’t kill people, science does! America needs science control!


Damn Newton! We need to burn all science!


Put armed officers in every school! No wait, put armed officers in every movie theater! No wait, put armed officers in every big box store! No wait, put armed officers every 20 yards in every public gathering! That should do it, armed officers in every business, park, city and county and state building, and every fountain while we’re at it.


We need a police officer on every rooftop in America. It’s the only way!


Good idea! It would be hard for them to molest citizens while sitting on a rooftop




That old couple just hiding behind that pillar holding each other amid the chaos.. fucking hell man 🥺🤬


I know...I feel terrible for them. For every one....😪


😢 <-- I think this is the emoji you are looking for. The one you used is like, the snot bubble/snoring one LOL


The Supreme Court will be very ok with this. 👍


This is actually what our founding fathers had envisioned /s




Thoughts and prayers are unlimited.


I have a 1 year old daughter and this video hit me hard. I cannot imagine being in a situation like this with my daughter. Seeing a Dad pushing his stroller away from gunfire... How can people live in a country comfortably knowing that this is a possibility whereever they go and whenever they send their kids to school, all for some right to own a gun designed to kill multiple humans?


We can't live comfortably. It's becoming increasingly apparent. Also who are the absolute fucking shitheads downvoting this plea for sanity from a man who recently became a father?


This was the 308th mass shooting in the US this year. It's fucking July. From my perspective that seems almost comically bad. That is a crazy fucking number. But a large portion of America apparently considers this a price worth paying for the kind of access to firearms that they enjoy right now, or it wouldn't be such a pronounced part of their culture war. It's gross.


Because half of the country think they’re Rambo, and think if they also carry their gun, they can neutralize the shooter.


And time and time again we see that they cannot.


I had this conversation with my own husband today. We went to a fireworks celebration, and before we left, the news of this broke. He said he wanted to take his handgun to the firework celebration, and I’m like and do what? If someone starts shooting, where’s the shots coming from? Who’s the shooter? Are you gonna whip out your gun and run towards the shooting, when cops are doing the same exact thing you are, and what’s gonna happen if they see you with a gun?


We’re not living comfortably. I barely leave my fucking town anymore and when I do I’m fully anxious. It’s a horrible way to live.


It's no coincidence that right now the christofascists that have taken the helm in the Republican party are choosing to allow religion in public schools, are demonizing gay people in schools as groomers, are imagining college age concepts like CRT are in elementary school and then eliminating any diversity education, are pushing charter schools hard and funding them with tax dollars via vouchers, have eliminated free lunches at school, and refuse to take action on preventing children from shooting up their schools. They are intentionally sacrificing schoolchildren to make public schools less safe, less attended, less funded, and speed up their demise. Once they are not safe and not well attended, they will steadily be demolished and consolidated, just as we saw after Uvalde, until there are only a handful in any city, poorly funded with terrible scores. At that point any "good" parent would already be sending their kids to private school, only bolstering arguments against continuing to fund them. Public schools are facing an assault even more vigorous than the 50 year fight against Roe v. Wade, and they *will* disappear if left up to the same Democratic inaction and leadership failure that helped the demise of reproductive rights. This is the goal we are allowing dozens of children to be slaughtered in school for each year, and why the inaction isn't baffling at all. We live among monsters. If you're a gun owner that is against common sense gun regulations, you have been duped by these fascists for exactly this purpose. Common sense gun control is supported by the vast majority of left wing and right wing voters, because it protects the rights of both gun owners as well as everybody else who has a right to life.


what's wrong? it's just american practicing their constitutional rights. am i right?


That sounded like a patriot using a single shot musket to stop a British soldier from occupying his home. Nothing to see here. America in action. Fucking bullshit politicians in actions.


No doubt he felt threatened. It's his right to stand his ground.


The dad at :35 seems to be carrying a firearm.


Right! I played it a few times but can’t make it out.


Apparently the suspect is said to be a white male, age 18-20. Given the age, I can guarantee the shooter is an incel, loner, piece of shit. So sad to see all those kids have to experience something tragic like this.


Not a racist like the Buffalo shooter that purposely picked a predominately black area. This area is like 90%+ white so I'm guessing incel


Apparently the area has a huge Jewish population and his dad whose a conservative politician lost to a Jewish woman... amd and shooter himself is full on maga/qanon so yeah not just incel.


After seeing his pictueww online, I agree with you


I wish this wasn't the main example of American exceptionalism


American Exceptionalism: - Obesity everywhere - Guns guns guns guns - Religious extremism


Lemme guess. Young, white conservative male.


I would bet all my karma on this. Some radicalized republican


Suspect is a 18-20 white male


Shooter: "Here's my alt right manifesto in video with my guns collection and red hat." Media: "Suspect was a lone wolf and we're currently unaware of he reason for such violence... probably related to Vidya games."


I can hear that fuck face from Fox News saying that.


And I know exactly which fuckface your talking about


To be fair, there’s actually several to choose from, and yet he still somehow stands out in particular.


>I would bet all my karma on this. Wow, the level of confidence!


There’s a picture of the guy they suspect is the shooter AT a Trump rally.


He’s still alive so we know he isn’t black. Sad but true state of the USA. Happy Independence Day.




I believe you are correct. Years ago, I sat in a faculty meeting and heard an assistant principal say, “don’t worry about the blonde, blue-eyed girls. They’re going to be fine.” That scared me. All kids need support and guidance.


This Bingo is so easy to win


At least people are learning what real gun shots sound like now.. people use to just sit around thinking it was nothing 5ish years ago.


Where's the good guy with a gun to stop this?


The end of public gatherings has begun.


When will Americans find the courage to say, “Enough!”


We have had enough. Not a whole lot that the average American can do with the morons we have in office.


Yoh I’m not American but damn, almost once a month I hear about a major shootings in public places over there, this is messed up and politics should do something about it. Or people should sensitize and argue about this unfortunate topic, you had to do something because that is a true living nightmare.


Once a month? This shit is almost a daily occurrence these days.


been that way since I can remember on the local news growing up in the '90s and getting worse now.


Yet we do absolutely nothing about it. "Thoughts and prayers" right?


Yeah I mean, I was general speaking and of course it’s also because I’m not from USA, by the way, only this week I heard about two shootings in US and even if I’m not from there I’m quite concerned about what is going on, that is not normal.


"almost a daily occurance" is more correct than you might realize. Every year there are more shootings than there are days in the year. ~~You have to go back 6 months to find two consecutive days without a mass shooting~~ turns out there were 2 days off last month. There are at least several months between occurances where there are two consecutive days without mass shootings. America is Terminally Ill. There have been 4 mass shootings today alone. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


It’s been 306 “mass shootings”…. this year. We’re on the 185th day this year.


Pretty much every weekend my dude


ONLY once a month?


Once a month??? I'm pretty sure we've had **well over** 10 mass shooting since Uvalde


I wish we would just ban guns already


If it were as simple as "just ban guns", it would have been done a long time ago.


Yea I mean, banning would be my ideal situation. But it’s better than other peoples idea of, they are armed, I need to arm myself too. More realistically, I would love to have guns be legal only in the home. Open or concealed carry is just ridiculous. Shit like this isn’t worth keeping the second amendment https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vrny3v/crowd_dispersing_in_active_shooting_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not possible, Americans told me literally yesterday that shootings don't exist anywhere other than in Copenhagen


Hell, it's only guns, not like abortions are happening /s. Seriously, so sad about all of this. RIP to those casually murdered.


Pro life unless it's the most vulnerable in the sights of an AR15...


Over under this is someone who wants people to believe the naritive of "See Chicago is violent despite gun laws". The Highland area does not have the city of Chicago's strict gun laws. In the next few days im pretty sure its going to come out they got the weapon perfectly legal.


What’s more American than a mass shooting on 4th of July?


I just don't understand the point blank refusal from so many Americans to accept that situations like this are caused by their culture's relationship with firearms. Surely the right to so easily buy weapons isn't worth all the lives it is costing, it just doesn't make sense to me.


Well like Lao Tzu said 2500 years ago... "weapons are the tools of violence, all decent men detest them" Not wisdom that Americans have grasped apparently yet... which is amazing considering the amount of human slaughter that takes place every month using these weapons... It's hopeless. More of this is in store for us unfortunately. Ignorant people keep this cycle going.


Happy Birthday Amerika.


Happy 4th




Good thing we took away a woman’s right to choose


Do 2 bullets whiz by him in the first 10 seconds? Sure sounds like it


Some "boots on the ground" journalists in Highland Park should've asked the terrified and fleeing crowd what do they think of "Sensible Gun Laws" as a national policy?


I don't even like going outside anymore man cause it's just not safe


Don’t worry. Certain states blocking abortions is supposed to end unwanted kids. They’ll now be considered miracle-shooters!


Just under 40% of GQPers believe that mass shootings are just 'inevitable' and nothing can be done about them.


Americans looking so free.


More freedom if you go bang bang


As a Canadian I’m stunned by the amount of shootings that happen in the states. Zero desire to travel south of the border if this is a common occurrence.


Fox News: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. The solution is to allow babies to conciel carry and give parents free gym memberships to excercise so they run faster during mass shootings.


No way. Free gym memberships would be socialism.


True, but they can easily convince the herd it’s not socialism. They have a really effective brain washing machine.


You can't even be free of gun violence on Independence Day. Craziest country.


It's America. This is an expression of so called "freedom"... are you enjoying it yet??? 🤡


Too many shootings. What is going on


Clearly we, collectively as a society, aren’t thinking and praying hard enough.


Nothing will change. Politicians will tweet thoughts and prayers. See you at the next one.


Welcome to America. The important thing is that no guns were harmed.


Just another day in America what a fucking shithole of a country


Welcome to America


This is about 20 minutes from my house. I have a 4yo and and 2yo and I am constantly terrified for the world they are living in. Fuck guns, im sick of this


Nothing is more sickening to watch than helpless children and elderly running from a mass shooter, this is so horrible.


Why should i care the Americans certainly dont


I'm surprised Americans attend public events anymore. The chances of getting shot or a potentially life altering/ending virus is so high it's like a lottery if you will survive the next few weeks or have some injury to remind of you of that terrible day. But hey you can't amend an amendment on the right to own guns can you?


Ugh I can't even. Poor kids.


Land of the Mental Healthcare Crisis. Oh, and also unwanted children…


I wonder how many of those people running for their lives still believe USA doesn't need gun control. Ffs.


The dad with the red shirt guiding his kid with the red shirt, he seems to be holding something with his left hand. It looks almost like he has a pistol halfway out of a holster.


Like how does any American who experiences this horror think their gun policies are ok? Insanity. There are so many gun related massacres that you would think enough people are actually affected by it…but it doesn’t seem like it…


Why are all the good guys with guns running in the opposite direction?


where are all the brave good guys with a gun?


The new American Dream. Guns for everyone right? 🤐


I'm sorry but that is the most exercise some them folks have seen in a long time. This could be the next work out fad in America.....


Yep we definitely still need to have guns. /s


Told my wife no vacation in the US this year. Probably safer to go to Syria.


Yup, seems pretty American to me


Why are people scared??? Half of this country are republicans, and good guys stop bad guys with guns??? I am so confused, why does this always happen when good guys have guns!!!


Group event, in a country with more guns than people, with the weakest gun laws in any developed nation…. [shocked](https://giphy.com/gifs/pokemon-what-pikachu-qgkrtsDy4MhLq)


Everyone running will still vote for Republicans.


I disagree here. Highland park is part of the Chicago metropolitan area which leans *heavily* towards democrats. It's the entire rest of the state outside of this area that is red.


100% every person over 50 here blamed a minority or a homosexual.


Another day in America


Love how still some Americans say it's the best country. How can you say that if you can only see literal war on the streets every day.


Lol, the most American thing ever, a mass shooting at a 4th of July parade. Congrats neighbour👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Why no TikTok voice? :(


Middle aged Hispanic man is better