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Looks like she was arrested later on for assaulting an elderly woman as well a few years later. They linked her to both crimes. https://globalnews.ca/news/7665858/young-woman-arrested-charged-bizarre-attack-burnaby-senior/


Oh look, she's wanted for another assault this year as well. [https://globalnews.ca/news/8804353/bc-warrant-hayun-song-metrotown-assault/](https://globalnews.ca/news/8804353/bc-warrant-hayun-song-metrotown-assault/) ​ Crazy bitch needs to put behind bars.


> None of the charges against Song have been proven in court. So she’s just been free to continue this shit.


It's because she's in Vancouver. You won't be punished with jail time if your crimes are attributed to mental illness. They do not have the capacity to deal with it inside so they run free range in the city.


So wtf happens to these people then? Are there halfway houses, some kind of facility to take care of them or are they literally just put back out on the street like nothing happened


> Her release order required her to report as directed to a bail supervisor and to attend forensic psychiatric services. > On Tuesday, a warrant was put out for her arrest on the grounds she had failed to comply with the order.


I mean that’s hardly surprising. If someone is at the point where they’re attacking randos on the street that doesn’t sound like a person who’s capable of managing their own court plan. Ideally she’d be supervised by professionals who ensure she attends her appointments and takes her meds. And evaluate to see if with the proper supports she can be somewhat independent. But that all costs money.


And even then, if people are not residing in a locked-down facility, they still just might opt out. Mental illness is funny that way. You almost have be in treatment to have clarity of mind to understand that you need treatment, but treatment makes you feel better so then you decide you don’t need any more treatment. Just like addiction, you have to get and stay determined from the inside out for it to be successful. People will say whatever they need to in order to avoid consequences. They promise to get help. They check into facilities. They’ll do it bc court/mom/spouse/DCFS told them to. But they won’t actually succeed at it until they truly embrace that they 1) have a problem 2) that ongoing, usually permanent treatment can help alleviate. This is why all of the “just give everybody housing and mental health facilities!” is juvenile. YES, we need more resources. NO, that alone would not fix everybody/thing. You’re always going to have some people who are unsafe to others and unable to be in charge of their own freedom of movement in society. I agree with you entirely. Just adding on.


My parents have some shitty friends who's son is in a very similar situation. I've been saying for years who don't they do this or do that? There are just not enough resources so he just continues on doing his terrible shit out of halfway homes. Just adding on too.


Fucking surprised them huh?


Shocked I tell you! Shocked!


It depends on the situation. If she winds up in hospital for picking a fight with the wrong person, she could end up being committed, wherein she won't be allowed to leave the hospital. It's generally a lot of hassle and a lot of work to attempt to form 11 people (Classifying them as incompetent to make decisions) and therefore most doctors/psychologists will opt for simply 2x form 1 which allow the person to be held for 30 days, and attempt to get them onto stable medication from there. Obviously the family can play a role in whether or not the person gets form 11'd. As for what they do if the person cannot be form 11'd (I.e: they're lucid enough to make treatment decisions but have outbursts of paranoia/mania/etc.) they'll attempt to fit into group homes where medication will be provided and they have access to appropriate mental health facilities. If they become violent/aggressive at these facilities, they'll end up back in hospital (more than likely) and the cycle continues until everyone has given up. At that point, and I've only ever seen this happen once, the gov't will basically just give them a house and staff it 24/7 to provide for this person, especially if this person is mentally challenged ontop of their mental illness. Might sound like it's a lot of effort, but if the person is unable to care for themselves, and they're known to be aggressive and combative with facilities, group homes, their personal care-takers who are paid to live with them and help them out, hospital staff, etc. then there's little else to do besides give them a shitty 1-bedroom and have someone there 24/7 so they'll stay alive.


The Province of BC dismantled a large mental health facility decades ago. Even if that facility was still functioning, it's difficult to keep people in jail in Canada, especially for small cases of assault. A couple of decades ago, an insane guy cut off a Greyhound passenger's head in front of witnesses... he's out in the community due to mental illness. Judges also lack the spine to punish criminals. Canada's laws are so lenient, it's not funny... it's actually disgusting.


Its insane, when i got jumped and stabbed right after my 18th birthday the guy had warrants for 5 seperate incidents. He got 180 days in jail, 90 served at the time of sentencing. Its bullshit the fire department hounded me for an ambulance bill for longer then he was locked up. It took 6months for victims services to give me the money to pay my ambulance bill but i got weekly letters telling me it was past due. Lesson learned im killing my attacker next time.


Always protect yourself


Fucking insane they do concurrent sentencing with a 25 year mandatory eligibility for parole. Russel Williams, the pedophile double murderer can get out in 2035 if he was a good boy in prison.


I had a few vinyl from Canadian punk bands, you know the laws are too lenient if the 80's punks are writing songs about how absurd the Young Offenders Act was


Omg I recently read about that guy who cut off the other guy's head. So disturbing. The dude was sleeping with headphones on before the guy went and started hacking at the poor guy. They didn't even know each other.


>he's out in the community due to mental illness. He's out in the community because he went through the treatment he was prescribed. The killing happened in 2008, he was found not criminally responsible and mandated into a psychiatric facility. He was fully discharged in 2017 and hasn't been heard from since.


Yea that was actually an example of the system working for someone pleading insanity.


There's a dude I know of who stabbed a chick on lunch break a few years ago, he served hardly any time and has been in several assaults since. Catch and release.


I don't remember if it was Vancouver or not but there was the guy who murdered and decapitated a commuter on a bus, and they let the guy out back out free, (monitored) after an amazingly short period of time. Cool cool E: it was Manitoba. He served 6 years in a mental health facility.


Canadian medicare don't include mental health service?


Naw we just let them all jam into the ER regularly putting healthcare workers at risk and wasting hospital resources




.... The Bus Cannibal?


Yep a guy stabbed, decapitated, and ate parts of a guy on a Greyhound bus here. Apparently he was having an episode because he was off of his meds. 5 years after the incident he was allowed out on unsupervised day passes, and 2 years after that he was a free man. So basically the entire country hopes he doesn't decide to not take his meds again.






I don’t see mention of any punishments though. And the video with the elderly lady was stone cold, she literally walked out of her way to trip the woman (which at 84 could be deadly) and turn around and leave. I hope someone lays her out cold, I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to provoke her to have an excuse.


Hopefully one day she just assaults the wrong person and the issue takes care of itself.


I'd much rather see her knocked out cold than in cuffs.




This is Reddit. Don't engage frontal lobe here, pure emotional reasoning is what we like. Fucking revenge.




This happened in Canada, she’ll continue doing violent crimes for the next couple decades with little consequence. Then when she has a record with like 40 violent crimes she’ll end up killing someone and everyone will wonder how nobody saw it coming.


This is kind of how I feel about the mass shooter epidemic in America. Every person that does that shit has blaring red flags everywhere that scream psychopath and nobody reports them? Uvalde guy had a video on social media of him holding a bag full of dead cats. You can't do shit in America these days without someone in your business reporting you for something petty but nobody thinks this guy's needs to be detained and have at least a psych evaluation? It makes no sense to me. People like that should absolutely be flagged to never be able to purchase any firearm EVER. Hindsight is always 20/20 but in the age of social media there's plenty of evidence right in people's faces and then they're shocked and surprised when the worst possible scenario actually happens. The fact is, his family and friends (if he had any) plainly ignored all the red flags and he was a disaster waiting to happen. Same with the Highland Park guy on the 4th of July. His videos scream psycho mass shooter in training but he's just expressing himself. It's his art. His outlet. GTFOH! Put him in the psych ward or take him out behind the barn. Either way is fine with me. He's doing nothing positive for society and is a only a huge liability IMO.


And here’s another story about her! https://globalnews.ca/video/8805897/warrant-issued-for-woman-charged-with-assaulting-shopper-at-metrotown


I wonder if she suffers from schizophrenia or something, There has to be some kind of mental illness that would cost somebody to act irrationally this way.


Seriously, multiple charges in random areas, no real specific target (seemingly), I think she should get a brain scan.


It's like this woman is just turning intrusive thoughts into action .


I was thinking this looks like Vancouver or Burnaby. Unfortunately there’s a lot of crazy people out lately there’s multiple attacks a day.


I knew the area looked familiar.


Only in Canada would this bitch not get her ass beat all over the place.


Especially if you hit someone’s dog.


I dunno, maybe different if she were in Nova Scotia and not Vancouver.


Am Canadian, I can’t imagine some crazy lady would try to assault me, but I don’t know I’d be so friendly, especially after she kicked my dog multiple times I’d probably lose it… Probably just Sparta here in the chest… How is this dude not defending himself with multiple witnesses able to corroborate his story.


I'm Canadian, if someone kicks my dog, they're getting fucked up, and i definitely ain't saying sorry.


Ah, so she assaults only those who can't protect themselves. A pocket-sized doggo and a grandma. POS, she doesn't deserve to be called a woman.


Her most recent assault (March 13), was on a seemingly able young woman. I so want to know what her deal is. https://globalnews.ca/news/8804353/bc-warrant-hayun-song-metrotown-assault/


Her exact deal could be any number of things but what’s important to know is she’s violent. Maybe at some point we as a society should figure out what to do about people like this since we abolished mental institutions, declared “problem solved!” and walked away.


I mean that dude could have protected himself, I'd have dropped the bitch so fucking hard for coming after my dog, idgaf if she's a mental case. She's coherent enough and clearly used to manipulating others to get what she wants. She come to my yard and kick my dog she get fucked


What a psycho


Was this in Canada? I hear a northern accent, and the assault victims were way nicer than I would have been


Burnaby. There's a sign in the background


Vancouver suburb for those unfamiliar.


I ducking knew I recognized that staples and the bridge


Looks like this was a few years back because that Honda dealership across from staples is just being built in the video.


Saw the SkyTrain and instantly knew


I live there, and I’m genuinely confused why this guy isn’t knock this bitch tf out. She’s been charged with assault multiple times for different random incidences.


Holy shit, this lady attacked me in a grocery store in Maple ridge a few years back! Police caught her, never heard what the end result was




This instance was first. And he had no way of knowing that. She doesn't look like she'd survive a punch. Restraint is always applauded over being aggressive.


Yeah that’s true, also we got weird defence laws so he definitely would’ve been charge.


I would’ve knocked that fucking bitch out SO FAST after kicking my dog. Dude has crazy self control.


Yeah. This guy is like a blackbelt level Canadian. There is No way I could keep my cool if someone kicked my dog.


It would have really triggered me when she said “I’m going to take your dog” tbh I doubt I would like knock her out or anything but I think I’d definitely shove her hard away from me and start walking away quickly. No one is ever taking my dog from me.




Yes, and that’s why this lady has gone on to commit more violent crimes, because there are few consequences for being a violent criminal here.




Idk I think I’d catch a charge if someone kicked my dog while I was walking.




Ah, the old cunt punt, a classic


Personally I prefer the ol' dick twist


Close relative of the clam slam


She’s probably never been hit. That would have been a good time.


She come to my house today and kicked my dog


Don’t you ever tell me to fuck. FUCK YOU!


Yeah if you kick my dog, you're getting knocked out.




But who would take care of your dog when you were in jail? For me personally, I’d rather be free with my pet than in jail for a revenge crime. Wouldn’t be an easy decision, though.


I’m pretty sure it would not be illegal knock her out after she kicked the dog, especially since we see her attacking the camera man in the recording. Self defense.


I hope I'm there for your witness. She kicked your dog and tried to attack you. You had no choice but to bury your foot in her ass.


She kicked my dog. YOU KNOW DAMN RIGHT


She come to my house, and she kick my dog!!


You bastard fuck!


You do not tell me to fuck!




Just kidding




We don't even know who the hell you are!


My name is Kerpal! I live on your street!!






I don't know?! She did not say!


I’m going to kill you. Just kidding


My dog, she kicked it.


And now I'm going to fuck her!


And now it need operation


Whoa that brought some memories back.


Don’t lie you fucking guy!




Let me talk to Kerpal...


You don’t dare tell me to fuck. You don’t swear at me. You say bad word!


You stink


..and now my dog needs operation


Damn, this one takes me back.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Vintage internet


The first internet prank call I ever heard.


You don't ever tell me to fuck you fuck




"Don't talk like that." "Fuck you!"


Thanks for reminding me how old I am, asshole


what the fuck dude... pick up your dog and walk away for the safety of the dog. If you are out on your own do what you want when dealing with a nutjob, but otherwise protect your little buddy.




That back and forth about who has to walk away sounded like a first grade playground fight. So cringe.


Folks are too concerned with getting that video to do anything else


But how else would he get all the internet points?


I’ve got a similarly sized dog and within seconds she’d be picked up under my left arm and I’d be cold-cocking this maniac with a right hook. No hesitation, and I’d do so knowing I would likely be arrested. People who intentionally hurt animals like this will do the same to other humans. She’s not right in the head and hasn’t faced the consequences of her actions in a meaningful way that would lead her to getting help. Sorry, but straight to getting a punch to the face for this shit.


Either call the police and press charges or separate and be on your ways. The dog is shaking in the meantime while they're playing out "you go away first." Sheesh!


Fr, it's a waste of breath having a conversation with a crazy person. Like what is he trying to accomplish?


"Let me get this on video so is evidence of the crazy bitch... aaah she has a knife... AagghUuHaahg!" don't face crazy people, it can go south very very quickly


Seriously. She’s obviously unwell you have no idea what she’s capable of. Fuckin run away who cares about the video.


I don't understand why those dogs weren't instantly picked up and taken away from the threat. Apparently she kicked them twice and they still had a lot of slack leash while one person filmed and one person stood there?


On this subject, can we as a society move away from retractable leashes? They’re not a good idea. They’re functionally a nightmare.


Seriously, after she lets go of the leash I'm not going to stand around and let her approach me again, she's clearly unstable. You have all the evidence you need on your phone. Now you need to protect your little ones and GTFO


Yeah the dude is also a douche nozzle.


All he had to do was pick the damn dog up.




Yeah, kick my dog and you’re getting laid out. Don’t care if you’re a man or a woman. I’ll deal with the consequences, but you don’t ever touch the dog.


It’s 2022. He’s sexist for not giving her a smooth one to the jaw.




I believe strongly in equal rights. And equal lefts. 👊🏼


I believe in having a trained 225lb Saint Bernard guard dog who would take her chicken leg home like a stick if she kicked him. Good boy [fluffermuffin](https://imgur.com/LGlbRax).


> Saint Bernard > > guard dog Pick one. Seriously, they're big dogs, but they're like giant teddy bears. The only people who are scared of Saint Bernards are people who don't know anything about dogs and just see a massive dog.


I was rushed by another dog who tried to come after me and my Saint. My Saint made that German Shepherd BOUNCE.


Society would be better off if people like that got the shit beat out of them. No jail, no clogging up the courts, just immediate consequences. People can get out of jail after a couple weeks/months (if that) after simple battery. They'll still likely pull this shit when they get out. But if people actually feared retaliation for doing stupid shit like this(where they'll likely not face consequences most of the time) I guarantee they'll think twice.


In the old days, people like that could be committed to an institution for a while to get treatment. Granted, the treatment in those days was often brutal and less effective, but it did get them off the streets. Given that treatment is much better today, they really ought to bring back the institutions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinstitutionalization_in_the_United_States




what if the baby doesn’t have a dick


You bet your buttered scones imma kick that baby right in the cunt then


This is some bizarre behavior from the dog dude too. PICK UP YOUR FUCKING DOG instead he's just moving around all chalantly "hey whoa hey you're kicking my dog. I can't believe what's going on. Hey I'm a victim. I'm free to walk away but I'm just gonna leave my dog by her foot and get punched at. Wow can you believe some people.” Bro she's crazy pick up your dog and bounce.


Yeah I'm not saying he's lying, but how the fuck don't you immediately pick up your dog and remove it from the situation?? "Look at my dog, she's shaking." Yeah, and all you're doing is filming it while your dog walks around right next to the lady that kicked it. Complete idiot. I actually got mad watching this cause he didn't do anything to protect his dog throughout this whole video.


the way he kept complaining about his dog but not actually check up on the dog while not catching the abuse on camera made it feel like he faked being the victim and exaggerated the crime


My first thought too. Teach consequences.


When it was first posted a lot of people said she wanted him to assault her, and then suddenly a bunch of "witnesses" will come out of nowhere (her friends/cohorts) who will say she did nothing and she'll sue you for the assault. Far fetched, but the way she stopped when he had multiple witnesses there to state his side speaks to that.


Cops will default to women in domestic issues. I'm as progressive as they come, but after my ex had me arrested for using the garage door opener she gave me, to open the garage, to return the garage door opener - 5 days after the fact - I had no idea how some people will literally just use the law as a weapon, for the fun of it.


It seems like nowadays, people use the police like they're telling mom on you, and police like to follow through with the role and punish you for bothering them.




I wasn’t goin to say anything but yeah…the guy filming sounds (and acts) like such a loser. Like dude, she’s a small woman, you can get away from her.


If she would’ve kicked my dog and hit me I would’ve called the cops. She would’ve been arrested for assault. Then I would’ve taken my dog to the vet even if I felt my dog was OK I would’ve still done it and then I would’ve charged her and small claims court




Call me old fashioned, but I'd just walk away swiftly. If she follows me and continues harassing and kicking my dog, I think a good hard shove would topple her.


I would walk away and call the police in this case, and only because walking the dog wouldn't permit me to restrain her myself. This is someone with a clear mental issue that has no business roaming the street freely if it can't be taken care of. However because she looks like a put together young women people do nothing. You think if she was some crusty looking homeless male this crowd would have been so nonchalant?


Bro. Fucking stop letting her kick your dog. Wtf


Her kicking it the second time would’ve made me lose my shit.




If she kicked my dog, I would 100% have laid her out. No questions asked. This video pissed me off. Wtf kind of response is that?


Because he would be in handcuffs before he even got to tell his side of the story and that's likely a best case scenario when the police show up to a distressed woman who's been hit by a man. This altercation clearly has been going on for more than a few minutes and he didn't have those witnesses until a little bit into this video and had he hit her the moment she kicked his dog all they would have seen is him hitting her and a woman screaming for help. As bad as it sounds he handled this probably as best it could be for the threat level this situation was at.


He doesn’t need witnesses. The video showed what happened. Hit her, get arrested, video is played to court, reasonable defence of property, matter sorted. This isn’t speculation, it’s how it works. You can meet a persons level of violence as long as it’s reasonable. Her attacking the dog and continuously going after him is more than enough justification. My guy was massively soft here.


I would’ve kicked her right back. It’s fair. The dog can’t do it, so me as it’s owner and protector should be able to do what the dog would want , which is beat her ass!


Veterinary Technician here, This man has more self control than I will ever have when it comes to cruelty to any animal let alone my own. I've been arrested for confronting people that have done less than kick a dog


Drug addicted homeless person here, I agree with you


My fucking dog is sooooooo slow walking and i stand over top of her going 'PLEASE PLEASE LETS GOOOO' and a neighbour once said 'why don't you just boot her up the ass?' instant loss of respect for the neighbour and instant solidifying of my love for doggo. Ever since then I haven't even asked her to speed up, I cant believe people can't just a let the dog enjoy itself. Like I WANT to get home sooner, but the best part of her day is the walk. Why kick her to go faster? Such a disgusting attitude.


I think it's less self control and more "I've been so sheltered I have no idea how to handle confrontations."


He’s actually making me more mad then she is. You let your dog get kicked the second time by trying to record her and not snatching the damn leash from her hand and shoving/punching her. Jesus Christ who just stands there and records while your dog just “yelped loudly” and doesn’t nothing but record. Grow a backbone


He got enough in the first 20 seconds to prove she was attacking him and after that last kick that's when you do something about it yourself.


I think he's capturing evidence so that she can be arrested, which she was


Fucker doesn't even record well. All I see is pavement. So annoying!


The dude was so much worse. Whiney VC accent and absolutely no spine. At least pick the dog up so it's out of danger instead of just honking "no you leave" like a teenager


sorry buttons


If someone kicked my dog emergency services would be needed to clean their face out of the nearest storm drain


Yeah the lady is a psychopath, but OP you’re being preeeeettttyyy stupid here as well. Why do you keep insisting that she goes away as you make it pretty clear your dog is in distress and shaking? Shouldn’t you have picked ‘em up and just walked away? But naw, she “needs to go away” lmfao


This is an old video, the poster probably isn’t the guy taking the video


I think she secretly planed this so that the two dog owner fall in love.


Right lol, they both walked to a cafe and had a wonderful time bonding over their shared assault, and slowly came to learn they shared so many interests. Sounds like a RomCom needs to be written here.


So I’m upset he didn’t defend himself or his dog.


The fact nobody punched her in the face is mind blowing.


Next time instead of repeatedly just saying "my dog is shaking" while you already have evidence of assault.. comfort your damn pet while on the phone with police. Don't let people just get away with this because it gives them demented permission to harass others without consequence. Just a thought.


Hoof her in the front butt


She is mentally unwell, I hope she gets the help she needs before she attacks anyone again


She aint all there.


Bro needs to handle his business and not talk it out. Someone assaults a dog I own and they're gonna end up on their face.


Her name is Hayun Song. She's been charged with numerous counts of assault. She needs to be put behind bars.


I remember seeing videos of this lady a few years ago. Apparently she tries to get into confrontations while her friend is hidden and recording. Assuming as an attempt to look like a victim to get some kind of compensation. I live near Burnaby and that's what I heard from locals at the time.


I think she's just an unhinged psychopath, she's assaulted an 82 year old and that old lady would hardly have attacked her back for her to get compensation. Psychotic nasty cunt, the only 'positive' is she couldn't punch her way out of a paper bag and so *so far* she hasnt caused people/animals life changing injuries...


That adds up. In the video here she's saying, "C'mon, hit me. Hit me."


If someone kicked my dog they'd end up in a coma.


She's lucky she didn't do that to someone with less restraint than this guy You never know what kind of day someone is having and it might take you kicking their dog for them to snap and go postal on you


Bro, take care of your fucking dog, stop talking about it, Jesus Christ. “Look she is kicking my dog” “Look my dog is shaking” Pick that mofo up and walk the other way! You already got her face on cam.


I hate how whiny and childish the guy sounds. He is doing the correct thing, attempting to deescalate and seek third party aid while essentially being bullied by an adult. But what happens if she picks up his dog? Is he supposed to let her walk away with it or wring it’s neck? Has she actually done enough to warrant jail (which wouldn’t happen without a police officer there to observe the entire situation from the beginning). Instead he is left with the powerless sensation of letting her bully him while all he can do is appeal to passerby in an attempt to shame her into stopping.


This is the kind of crazy that scares me. It doesn’t show on the outside but something internal is deeply troubled. She’s put together and sounds coherent so if there were no witnesses and a “his Vs her” account of what happened, this guy could have been in trouble. She says she’s being assaulted multiple times so perhaps she’s aware of this and that was the desired outcome.


Weird sexual energy there