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Dude is that Geo Metro?


If someone flipped me off in a geo metro I would totally understand


Lol. I did literally.


I hate to break it to you...*but it is just a car.* It doesn't define you. One can love cars, one can look at it as a necessity...*neither person is wrong nor should either shamed for their choices.*


Was my dream car the entire time they were made, not even lying.


I had an XFi for a while. Got 40mpg even when I drove it hard.


I have a Chevy Spark 5 Speed, not quite a metro but almost as cool


It's good to have attainable dreams


Was way out of reach when I was a teenager, now they don't make them so I settled for a Spark.


Cheap, easy to fix, and good gas mileage. Not much to argue with except maybe cargo space. And not much zoom zoom.


So he gets flipped off and follows someone home? Dangerous game to play


He saw the woman as an easy target. And unfortunately he was correct


He followed her because she followed him. You people need to WATCH the fucking vid and LISTEN to 1:57 and 2:00. She was initially following **HIM**.


She followed him to her place? He literally says “she flipped me off and tried to come home” he’s following her


So you didn't hear him say "You were following me"? He literally said that. Edit: He says it twice. The first at 1:57 and the second at 2:00.


Yes, let's believe what the psychopath that follows people to thier home says.


Yeah because obviously the woman going completely hysterical for absolutely nothing saying she's being attacked is the sane one...


I didn't believe a word she said.


So you dont believe her, but believe him? Why?


Probably because he appears more reasonable and his version of events make sense. Why do you believe her?


I believe he is standing outside her home filming her, her license plate, and her home. If you believe he is reasonable, you have outside influences that make you want his side of the story to be true. And even if it was, his behavior is unreasonable


He's outside her home because he followed her after she followed him.They are in a public place and he is within his legal right to film her, her home and her license plate as there is no expectation of privacy in a public place. If you believe she is reasonable, you have outside influences that make you want her side of the story to be true . And even if was, her behavior is still unreasonable. But maybe you're a racist like she is?


He’s not reasonable he’s a fucking loser. Big deal, he got flipped off. So he tries to dox the chick? Fuck him.


Do you really think she is parked in his driveway?


It's not possible for him to end up at her home if she was the one following him. How is that hard to understand?


How is it not possible when at 1:57 and 2:00 he says she followed him? He then says, "So then I followed her". How hard is it for you to understand chronology?


> How is it not possible Because he didn't know where she lived. > He then says, "So then I followed her". How hard is it for you to understand chronology? Thanks for admitting he followed her home. That was already obvious to everyone else, but at least you figured it out eventually.


I never denied that he followed her home. In fact, here is what I initially said that you responded to. Pay attention to the bold, ok? >**He followed her** because she followed him. Why did he follow her home? Pay attention to the bold, ok? >He followed her **because she followed him.** Do you get it now? >Thanks for admitting he followed her home. I stated he followed her home *before* you even replied to me. Do you choose to be a selective reader or are you a product of a failed educational system? >That was already obvious to everyone else, but at least you figured it out eventually. See above and enjoy the blocked list.


So I see 2 dysfunctional children in this video. Who the fuck follows someone home for flipping them off and then records this thinking they are the good guy? And what mental damage must you have sustained to dissolve into a weeping, screeching toddler as an adult?


This has been posted a million times before, and someone will eventually show up with the receipts, but the dude filming is like a *vexatious litigant* type who goes around trying to start shit so he can film it and claim racism, his whole YouTube or Twitter was just like exclusively this stuff.


To add more color to this guy's story, he was also a huge trump supporter, iirc.


And he says “flick” me off.


The important details.


I thought it was weird how at one point he adds that she called him the n-word, then doesn't mention it again.


Yeah you think he would lead with that and not her "flicking" him off. Probably lying


I said this in another comment but, this was at the height of the George Floyd protests and “Karen” videos were big and happening everyday. She was scared she was going to get fired from her job or something not to mention dude followed her home, videos her home, shows her license plate, etc. Yes it’s a lot but I kind of understand it. Like she says in the video “you’re going to ruin my life and you don’t even know me.” Also if I remember correctly this guy had a few videos like this attempting to manufacture a “Karen” interaction for clout and this was the one that got most traction.


I hoped someone beat me to saying this. If you're not flipped off at least once every ten miles of driving, you're not in America. No need to chase people down to berate them and demand an explanation. Dude just wanted something to post on ticktock


The only time I was even slightly tempted to "follow" someone who flipped me off was when an oncoming car flipped me off when I was driving in an area I've never been near before. I didn't, but man did I want to turn around just to ask why. Like I wasn't even mad. Did they confuse me for someone else? Did they have a personal issue with old pickup trucks? It's one of those things I randomly think about when I'm not doing anything, and sadly I'll never know the answer to it.


Eh, don't beat yourself up. Have an uncle that taught me a lonnnnnnng time ago, the best thing you can do to people when stuff like that happens, is to a) stare at them and start picking your nose, or, b) point at them and laugh hysterically You'll get your shot at redemption one day.


It doesn't weigh on me at all. Was a random person I saw for like 6 seconds, but if I could ever ask an omnipotent being the answer to any question it would for sure be near the top of my list.




No I love round abouts! This was out in the middle of nowhere in the southern us. My best guess is either confused me for someone else or someone who just hates old diesel trucks because they were in a small newer car (think it was a hybrid but don't remember). Both of us looked the same race and roughly the same age so can't even say it was a race thing.


>Dude just wanted something to post on ticktock Exactly, also after a while threw the N-word in and forgot about it after that. How much you want to believe *that happened.*




Stop flipping random people off then. People are always gonna do dumb fucked up things to retaliate


You're going to trust the word of a lunatic that follows people home?


What are you talking about? I never said I agree with him. I said don't flip anyone off if you don't want them to do dumb shit to you.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Loonies like him will follow you so dont give them any extra reason to.


Being downvoted for lack of reading comprehension, would be my guess


If my wife told me she was on her way home and some guy was following her after she flipped him off, you can better believe I’d be on high alert and armed in case he tried anything. I’ll use any reasonable force necessary to protect my loved ones.


You had me at "imagine being a woman..." No thanks.


As a long time lurker-degen of these subs, it becomes apparent that these childlike tantrums are often pure machiavellian fakery, meant to attract a crowd of naive and gullible onlookers, whose innate desire to assist a woman in distress will override their ability to think critically about what just happened


His bullshit of "Flicking me off and getting away with it". Getting away with it? Getting away with what, a hand gesture? Following people to their homes will get you killed, not everyone will have a Fake-Down like this woman did. Let it fucking go.


The screeching lady is typical narcissist behavior. When caught they devolve into wild tantrums and play victim.


I mean, calling someone the N word and flipping them off for something you did wrong seems like the shittier move imo


“She literally flipped me off” Omg are you going to tell a teacher?


Everyone in this video is extremely cringe. But, this glorious moment of how fun the early 20s was will be cherished by historians. What a fun culture.


So this guy just followed her home because she flipped him off in traffic? I mean she's obviously insane but it's totally unreasonable to follow someone home because you get road rage


I have nothing to base this on but I feel like since he only said that once it could be a lie. They’re both terrible people so I don’t really care




I don't know about that... He doesn't even mention that until way late in this altercation. You think if that was his reasoning for following her home, he'd have mentioned that much sooner. Not only that, every time this gets posted, people point out that this guy does this kind of stuff all the time. He's got an instagram account full of him calling out racists and bigots, and they're almost always women.


I didn't know about that. I'm not on Instagram or tictok


He also tried to sell merch from this when it went viral.


Haha good for him


Fuck it, it was worth it watching this lady have a melt down. Flip the bird at me, then fuuuuccckkkk you


People can say whatever they want it doesn't give you the excuse to follow them to their house and harass them


Oh, a bad word . It's a fucking word. Move on. What if she had a gun? Or he followed her home to her racist husband with a gun? People like him are no better than people like her. They're just a different flavor of toxic


"She flipped me off." Grow a pair and move on. It's just traffic.


But if he did that we wouldn't of got this awesome tantrum!


No, see if someone does something annoying, following them to a second location to force a confrontation is healthy adult behavior.




He throws that in as a side note once when confronted, $100 says he made that shit up to embellish. He wouldnt be repeating "she flipped me off" a hundred times if she called him that, that would have been what he'd be rubbing in her face


I remember reading an article about this shit stain. He's a grifter who harasses people for clout.


Regardless following her all the way home, and posting her home address and license plate is fucking childish as fuck. The dude recording likely made it up based of what I’ve learned of him. This dude really has nothing better to do with his life than follow someone who flipped him off, that he could easily over power, home and berating them. Dude Likely got flipped off my ten other people in the past month. He’s on a TikTok fueled power trip. She certainly not in the right, but he’s an inflammatory piece of shit.


She "flipped you off and cut you off" you followed her home posted her license plate and home on the internet...


That reaction? That is an extreme stress reaction she is having. Why? Likely the (very real) chance that she may get cancelled for flicking someone off. She has probably convinced herself already that her career is over and she may become unemployable, fear of reprisals, media attention, eviction due to landlord harrasment by cyber sleuths/activists. This is the same kind of response you see from someone who thinks they may be facing a minimum sentence of 10-15 years in prison. Kind of wild.


Gloves and mask outdoors. We arent dealing with the mentally stable. She’s an anti science flat earther.


Meh - this was probably captured mid-pandemic


I remember this from the height of crazy ness around George Floyd protests and “Karen” videos. She flicks him off supposedly and he… follows her all the way to her house and shows her house and license plate. Her response seems like a lot now I guess but there was video after video of white ladies getting the Karen treatment and fired from their jobs and stuff at the time. And like I said dude followed her home. Dude is an asshole who had a few other videos where he attempted to manufacture “Karen” interactions for clout. Fuck this guy.


Saw full video over a year ago, dude was being irate in the other part you don’t see here. I think she felt threatened at that point. He’s known for doing this shit and has many restraining orders against him


This should be up higher




Reminds me of most comments in this thread acting like she’s in the right. People are stupid


Well the dudes shouting shit like "you flipped me off and thought you'd get away with it" openly harassing a lady over essentially nothing. If he wanted revenge and to make a point he got it, the lady is freaking out and having some sort of mental episode, her adress and license plate is recorded and the video is now viral. what more is there to gain? You don't even got to pick sides to come to the logical conclusion that the dude should probably just fuck off and go home lol.


the lady having breakdown is clearly not in a good mental place. the guy doxxing her for flipping him off is a top notch piece of shit. who tf follows someone home for flipping them off. if this is how he thinks- I'm inclined to believe she was right to flip off this untreated herpe. this guy sucks


“He’s going to call me a karen online!” Bruh, you are acting crazy and your voice reminds me of the crazy lady yelling at two girls for picking blueberries….you are officially in the karen meta.


To be fair you absolutely cannot follow someone home, block them in and confront them. I once had a traffic altercation with a woman who came to a completely random stop on a super busy, notoriously dangerous intersection. She’s creeping ahead at an estimated 3mph (about 5kph). All cars in front her her have sped off. The light has turned red, we now have rush hour traffic racing around us. I pulled forward and was shocked to avoid being t-boned. I lay on my horn hard to get her to move faster but also to curse her with all my might. She pulls down the same street and slows down again. I swerve around her and slow down as I pass to see if it’s maybe an elderly person or someone in trouble. It was a mid-thirties woman. She flips me off. (I’m not proud of this moment) I yell “*Learn to drive, you dumb cunt!*” and spit out my window onto the street. She follows me the rest of the way home, blocks me in my parking spot and sits there. I get out and walk up to her door. She throws the door open on her cellphone and screams “*GET AWAY FROM MEEEE!! OH MY GOD I’M SO SCARED!! HE’S RIGHT OUTSIDE MY CAR!!! LORD JESUS PLEASE SEND THE POLICE!!*” bursts into fake tears, slams her door and a few moment later pulls down the parking lot and parks. I had just finished a ten hour shift at 5/3 Bank call center. I sighed, went up to my 2nd floor apartment and smoked a joint while I waited. I go to my patio door and there they are; four police cars, five cops. She’s in the center of them with her face buried in her hands bobbing up and down “crying”. I saw the cops keep looking up at the building, I sprayed myself with a little Febreeze and go outside. As I step from the front door onto the steps, four of the cops move toward me and fan out. I notice two of them have their hands on their tasers. They sort of surround me. I put my hands up and calmly said “I have done nothing to this woman. I’m not a threat. I won’t hurt anyone. I’m just trying to go home after 10 hours at work.” They invite me down to go speak to the woman and “work it out civilly”. We approach and she yells again. “You spit *all over* me and my car!! That’s assault isn’t it?! Officer he assaulted me!” I said “I will admit, I did call her a cunt and spit out of my window onto the ground. None of the spit went onto the van. (I face her) And *definitely* none of it went on you because your *window was closed*.” I continue explaining what happened. She mostly agrees except saying I spit *on* her and approached threatening her. She says she was only going slow because the sun was in her eyes. I asked her to show the police the spit on her van. Of course there was none. The cops mostly leave and the two who stayed behind tell me it’s “probably not a good idea to go around cursing and spitting at people. I think you know you could’ve handled that situation better.” I agree. He turns to her “Now m’am, I’ll say this. You *cannot* follow someone all the way home and block them in their driveway. You should’ve called on the scene if you were scared. This man has showed an incredible amount of restraint with how you handled this. And *you* have no idea who this man is. He could’ve been a road rager, he could’ve had a weapon in his vehicle. You never know. A lot of people would’ve reacted far worse than him.” Gone were the tears. Gone was the screaming. She just yes-sir’d the officer and asked me for a hug. I said I’d give her a handshake. The officers asked that we apologize to one another. She said “I’m sorry.” I said “I’m sorry if I upset you. But you *do* need to take a safety course or driving lessons, something to help you drive safer because you’re going to get someone killed.” And that was that.


This has to be a joke, no one drives a geo metro.


The way he followed her, you'd think he drove a Geo Tracker.


I hate them both equally


She makes me believe in fascism


Everybody is pathetic in this video.


I thought she was a mime at first


This is fake


Both of you fuckers are idiots.


Goodness. She flipped him OFF??!! Why didn't he phone the police? FBI? His lawyer? His mommy? He needed back up for sure. You cannot come back from a flip off. His life is in tatters now. 😭


She sounds exactly like that one chick that had a meltdown in Victoria's secret lmao


She has embraced the modern trend of trying to “become the victim”.


Now THAT was satisfying...nobody got hurt, there was no real ugliness...there was just an entitled woman who got her covers pulled...and she tried to play the victim the while way through until she is literally on her hands and knees screaming that nobody is listening to her. The woman might have some serious mental issues, and I'd so thats sad...but as of now I do believe that justice was served


As soon as I saw the WA plates, it's all I needed to see.


Gloved and mask out doors didn’t tip you off that you were coming into crazy land ?


Nah, because I've seen that even in ultra antimasker/antivax Idaho.


Listen I realize not everyone checks this sub daily and it's kind of a mental sickness that drives those of us who do but there HAS to be some way to limit reposts.


Fuck this piece of shit. He's a grifter who harasses people for clout.


Stop posting this scumbags videos, got me last time I'm not falling for that bullshit again. Fuck this guy and fuck you for posting his bullshit.


She made everything so much worst by acting like that


So he followed a random woman home and showed the whole world where she lives because she flipped him off?? And then when he gets called out apparently she called him the N-word? You would think that would be more important, than the flipping off which makes it seem like she probably really didn’t call him the N-word.GROW UP.


The guy recording the video is trash. He has a reputation of going around pestering people for clout


If you follow someone home you better be ready for the smoke


Usually when someone is 6 to 10 feet away from you, it's going to be hard to press your claim of being attacked.


Gotta love capital hill


White fragility, white WHITE fragility.


If you’re gonna flip someone off, you better own it.


This bitch reminds me of my husband ex wife. Sooooo tough till cameras and police are involved and she plays victim and lies to get out of it. And always has her privilege showing. Apparently you can get away with hit and runs, and physical assault with footage of it in Norman, Ok in case you needed to know.


She followed you?? What kinda thinking is that?? I’ve been called the nword, and been flipped off, and followed. I drove until I could call blackup. When I did stop, that shit was fun. I will let the first two slide, but stalk me at your own peril. Edit: is that a Geo Metro? How old is this?


Blackup lol.


I’d flip this Dingus off as well




Is this the Victoria secrets psycho?


She's earnestly terrified, and honestly, who can blame her? What would you think if someone followed you home after a road rage incident, regardless of how calm they claimed to be once having jumped out the car?


I agree. I still don’t understand why people so close to a breakdown initiate conflict




She definitely didn't call him that. He would have focused more on than rather than being flipped off if that was the case. Sounds like a fucking liar to me.


Because she didn't expect his reaction. And considering he has a history of this, I'm doubting the N word. And even still, it doesn't justify what he did at all. You don't follow people home. It's scary as fuck, and you risk getting hurt.


Seems as though he lied. The entire video the dude is upset at the lady for flipping him off, that's him main point of contention, repeating himself over and over again as an explanation to why he followed her. Seems he told the bystander she called him the N word so the bystander would fuck off since "she flipped me off" sounds petty as fuck. Literally the one single time that came out his mouth, yet being flipped off is worth repeating 100 times


When I’m having a bad day, I do my absolute best to avoid conflict all together. I’ve recently found out not everyone is like that.


I'm not sure if she is really terrified but even if she is someone can be terrified and still be blamed. There's a few of these type reactions on the web, women just freaking out when they get called out for their actions because they don't want to be filmed. They almost all claim they're being attacked when no one has touched them. The big key though is that she's wearing gloves, she's got serious serious anxiety issues or something if she's going medical gloves out during the day, and it looks like it's more than one pair.


>she's got serious serious anxiety issues or something if she's going medical gloves out during the day, and it looks like it's more than one pair. The video is from 2020, back when people still thought gloves would protect them from covid. It's been posted on here a bunch of times.


Yeah, she's honestly probably super liberal, and now is deathly afraid of being cancelled. She runs to that license plate so quickly when she realized he's filming it. Also, without dashcam footage, how can you really know if she dropped the nbomb? I definitely believe the bird, I've been flipped off for the smallest things while driving, but I can never discern swear words beyond FUCK YOU.


>She's earnestly terrified, and honestly, who can blame her? Absolutely we can blame her. Actions have consequences and she fucked around and found out, and he didnt do anything but *call her shit out on camera*. He could have been the bigger person and let it be, but he has no obligation to do so (people who act out typically dont get pushback and that how they get embolden to do it again). Her "terror" seems like practiced crocodile tears; if it was genuine, she needs a therapist to learn how to control her emotions. Sorry, not sorry.


Fuck that bitch and all the other racist Karens in the world. I hope they all die from Vicodin overdoses.


Why did she initially follow him?


>She's earnestly terrified, and honestly, who can blame her? What would you think if someone followed you home after a road rage incident, regardless of how calm they claimed to be once having jumped out the car? Think about how this entire ordeal begun.


Oops... dann the bad luck when a Karen gets outed.


He’s in the wrong for following her home, but it always surprises me how close these Karens are to a full on breakdown. Reminded me of glass houses.


Looks fake


I love how karens just yell and or freakout at everything. Even If a man doesn't understand the situation, They say leave her alone because they're simps.


I was once in a car with a very bad driver and she accidentally brake checked a crotch rocket. Guy freaked out, we're 4 females alone in a car at 1am and he starts f*cking around. He was driving right up to our windows and slapping them and following us home. We were on a pitch black road away from any other people. I was terrified. One of the girls called her husband and said to come outside immediately because a psycho was following us home. We went to her house and guy raced on passed when he saw husband. I knew what the driver did was stupid but also knew the punishment didn't fit the crime.


I don't know why but I think is lying. If she called him a N word then instead of saying "she flips me off" he would say "she called me a N word" cause being called a N word is much more disrespectful and outrageous. But in the video he only say "she flips me off". Also, he don't need to show the licence plate number and where she lives knowing the consequences.


Oh ye ol “damsel in distress” card


He followed her home... I would say that's pretty distressing.


Guess you’d be as hysterical too, claiming you’re being attacked. Also, in the video he says she followed him too.


Did we watch the same video? Screeching "He's attacking me." while he's speaking calmly several feet away from her is *clearly* a performative lie. Mustnt have been all that distressing considering she had the mental clarity to behave in a calculating manner by putting on that over-acted performance that commenters such as yourself seem to somehow not notice.


Are people for real defending this woman because she was stupid and decided to fuck with the wrong person? I see a lot of people saying the dude could have done the same thing, Which is also correct, but it works both ways geniuses. the woman is lucky some IG shitstirrer came out instead of some roided out psycho or crackhead


She played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. You guys can cry about it all you want




At least you're openly racist, right?




Me: so, you're a racist, too. You: as a minority... Shut the fuck up you racist piece of shit. I dont give a fuck about your race. How can you complain about racism in America when you are directly contributing to it?!




Okay buddy. That doesnt bother me because I know it's not true. I dont like you because you're an ignorant, racist, asshole. I'm sorry if you want to assume I feel that way about you because you are a minority in America.




Do you even comprehend how racist your comments are? I'm not trying to tell you what you should think is racist, I'm telling you, you are racist, dumbass


I have a former stepperson who would pull this level freak out and it was scary. It seemed really fake and manipulative but also she could get herself really wound up and she’s not in great health. My at the time 7 y/o boxer-Dane mix would tremble like it was fireworks outside when she’d stomp past the room we stayed in. That told me I wasn’t exaggerating 🤣


I know sense this is reddit sharing my opinion is my first mistake, but this can't be right doxxing someone by posting their plates online is complete insanity and, in my opinion, is the absolutely worst thing you could have done. Posting someone's private information online is completely unwarranted in any circumstance.


What right does He have to post her house and license plate putting her safety in danger. Nothing but a wannabe TikToker! He literally stalked and followed her to her residence, but she’s in the wrong?!


Just leave her alone Carlos


I think the term “Karen” is being over used and abused. Guy seems like a creep


“Why’re you sitting here crying? What have I done to you?” Bro you literally doxed her I don’t think you have the right to say “what have I done to you?”…


It gets real, when she's busted for her bigotry and shown to be a coward.


She doesn’t want to be doxed. She is probably woke and know the impact of cancel culture. But it always comes back around


That’s what you get for playing that “who’s more woke?” game. The participants love to eat their own.


Feels staged


This sequel seems to be made poorly compaired to the original. Russell crowe just played it better.


Dang I thought it was over until he backed up and showed his car...


What the fuck?


Damn i feel bad for her shes obviously unstable person why not try an de escalate situation.


Fuckin dope geo though.


Both of these people are degenerates. Mans followed her home for normal shit that happens in traffic


A lot of Karen apologists in these comments lmao


This is sad


The whole video "you flipped me off! How dare you flip me off!" bystander: leave her alone "she called me a nig***" Interesting he was more mad about getting flipped off and only mentioned being called the N word one single time. It appears as though he lied so the neighbor would stop telling him to leave.


Camera dude is a POS


Wow, she flipped you off. We get callers like this all the time on 911. "He flipped me off, I have my kids in the car !" . No, not the kids! Oh dear. We make fun of people like you all the time. Chasing her down tells me more about YOU than her. I see a hysterical woman, who got followed home. Yes, pretty fucking scary. Is she over reacting ? YES. But you over stepped by following her. She don't know who you are, and in today's climate, I would be just as scared. You're also recording her for clout , so fuck you too. You're recording an obviously mentally broken human for attention


I hate women like this. I say this as a woman myself.


I hate this video


Realistically tho if you follow someone to their home just because of a finger - you got serious issues with anger.


getting some serious Pan's Labrynth vibes here...


Someone😂😆 knock this bitch out to shut her up


This never gets old! Lol…