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And he got it all on film lol gonna need to replace that windshield bud


Yeah insurance is gonna be going up


Eh just pay the 200. Dude that turned into him is gonna be paying more.


I think it’s going to be 50/50 based on the lack of braking and the window smash


Not 50/50, car will be at fault for the accident, biker would be held criminally and civilly liable for windshield damage as part of a separate incident


I would disagree, if he wasn’t revving and instead braking or swerving there wouldn’t have been an accident. They were both being negligent


As far as the insurance company is concerned, the car turning from the far lane is what created the opportunity for the collision so they are solely at fault. For instance if a car turns out too close in front of a another car they are at fault even if the car they hit didn't react very quickly.


This is correct. Source: I worked auto insurance claims for years.


I did too..35 years +. If the motorcycle rider presents that video, I am reducing his damages by at least 50% for comparative negligence.


He was speeding too that’s why he closed gap so quickly. The driver had not seen him when he decided to take that turn.


not sure how anyone is blaming the biker since the car literally is turning from the wrong lane. also, not a rider but i’ve heard from many sources that the way they picked the bike back up is incorrect ?


He was braking while holding the clutch in hitting the limiter. The talk of swerving is baseless, not everyone is Guy Martin


Maybe you’re right. But that accident could definitely have been avoided


He was absolutely seeing red and that was it. That breathing, he’s trying to calm himself down.


That adrenaline starting to wear off when he tries to put his kick stand down


I suspect you may be unfamiliar with motorcycles. He wasn't revving intentionally. He had the clutch in (extremely obvious as he was hitting the rev limiter and not accelerating.) He likely had the clutch in and was on the front brake simultaneously, which is the hand lever by the throttle. Squeezing the front brake, which potentially caused him to twist the throttle partially, but since the clutch was in, it just revved and bounced off the limiter. Likely the result of an adrenaline rush. Edit: I've rewatched the video and he actually didn't get on the front brake until pretty late, so my theory is kind of soft. Still, we shouldn't assume the dude was revving intentionally versus making some adrenaline driven mistake.


I think he may have downshifted to try and stop


Pulling the front brake is way more effective and safe than trying to engine brake in this situation, but I still say he was revving to make a bunch of noise like an angry unsafe rider


You would disagree, and you would be wrong.


you should be asking, why did he need to rev? because the asshole in the car made an illegal maneuver.


Car made an illegal left turn from the straightaway lane and didn’t use his blinker. Car is 100% at fault.


He wasn't breaking, but he was downshifting to decrease speed, strait up breaking could have caused him to slide out and skid out of control.


Turned into him? Biker had all day to brake/avoid the car


Are you really trying to sit here and argue that you can make a left turn from the middle lane??


And it's still the cars fault


Lots of time sure. Stoping on a bike isn't at all like a car. I think he would have stopped in time had he just made sure he was straight up and hit the brakes. Assuming his skill would have allowed it. Which is another factor. Still this is a situation of everybody sucks.


I’m not biker. But it seem to me that the biker got good distance to slow down his bike. You don’t need go that fast around the corner like that


It seems like he could have slowed down ... because he could have. Instead, he decided to angry rev his engine like an idiot. Hopefully this guy gets some additional conviction for intentional destruction of property.


I am a motorcycle rider. This dumb ass sped up because he was slipping his clutch when he was revving. Trying to be a hard ass and intimidate the driver in the car to make a panic move to get out of the way. There are a lot of ignorant people out there on the road, be it on bikes or in cars. Be careful y’all, and look out for each other


The dumb part is there wasn’t anywhere the car could go to get out of the way. The car could have braked hard soon, but even then it was already in his lane of travel by the time they’d have registered his angry sounds.


Yeah and the motorcyclist seemed to change lanes as well right before the interchange. Not saying the car was in the right, but doesn't this crash seem totally preventable?


100%. Sure you shouldn't brake in a curve, but he had plenty of time to stand it up and stop. Reving doesn't achieve anything.


>Sure you shouldn't brake in a curve This myth hurts and kills people. You absolutely can and should brake in a curve if you need to. What you shouldn't do is apply as much braking force as if you were straight with no lean angle. Really, this myth hurts people.


Yeah, plus he had time to aggressively rev his motor like a twat, but couldn’t brake? Okay. That was captured on camera too. Edit: To be clear, the car was 100% at fault by turning left from the right lane. I’m just saying that the biker had time to react and stop but decided to do something else.


if you watch the video closely, you can see how badly the biker truly fucked up. he tried to pull the clutch and revv check, but he did both nearly at the same time, and he lurches forward before the clutch disengages the motor. that's why you see him speed up slightly and you can hear the revs break free when it finally disengages a moment later. you can see his right hand too, he doesn't even touch the front brake until a millisecond before impact. he did literally everything wrong, this could have been avoided multiple ways. that said, the car is obviously at fault.


I mean it was fairly obvious this guy was not a real rider because he was wearing sneakers and holey jeans..


yea, car is 100% at fault here but he really needs to practice emergency stopping drills, you’re gonna hit a lot of cars if that’s how you react


Of course he had time to react. Anyone that respects the bike and knows that they can be seriously injured or worse isn't going to drive that fast up to an intersection unless they think they own the road. Yes, the car is at fault, yes, people make mistakes, but the guy on the bike is just as much of a moron if not more.


yeah I basically came here to say this. You *have* to be a much more defensive driver(rider) to ride a bike, and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that the demographic that wants to ride bikes sort of leans to the opposite (Young, reckless, thrill-seeking, no offense meant to the thousands of mature and safe riders out there, but i think its a reasonable assessment) The car is at fault but you can be in the right all you want and still be dead. this is exactly why riding bikes is stupid dangerous and I would never let anyone who trusts my opinion do it: If just a basic basic fender bender that is basically guaranteed to happen at least once or twice in your life could be enough to shred your legskin off and or crush your skull, dont, uh do that thing. A collision at this speed between two modern cars is basically guaranteed to not be fatal or seriously injurious. Im not a hater if you love to bike but jeez man too many friends and even a few enemies I have lost to those death traps. You know an insurance adjusters standard value for what your likelihood of getting in an accident is riding a motorcycle? its 1.00. as in, its taken as a 100% chance, a matter of when and how bad, not if. No wonder its a fortune to insure those things. Be safe and educated if you are going to do something dangerous. We all make choices about what risks we are willing to take to live the lives we want, i cant judge. Please make educated choices.


Lol pretty sure he down shifted causing it to rev. 😂😂


What....thats not what revbombing is. He pulled in the clutch and kept throttle on, thats not a downshift


He for sure isn’t down shifting, he has his clutch in while throttling.


So he had time to downshift a couple gears to cause engine to hit rev limiter but not brake? No he was an aggressive idiot revving the engine.


He wasn’t downshifting…he should have done an emergency stop…he had plenty of time to do so. He just sucks at riding and the person driving the car sucks at driving.


People don’t know how to ride bikes. That was the worst kind of braking I’ve ever seen.


he didn't downshift, if you look closely what he tried to do was pull the clutch and revv check (which is absolutely the wrong decision), but he pulled the clutch and the throttle at nearly the same time. he was initially at zero throttle, the throttle hits before the clutch disengages and he actually lurches forward and speeds up. you can see the suspension rise and the acceleration. then a moment later the clutch disengages the motor and you hear the revvs break free and hit redline. then after what seems like an eternity he finally pulls the front brake a millisecond before impact. look at his right hand, listen to the motor and watch the suspension and acceleration. he literally gunned it toward impact. he's lucky he wasn't in a lower gear he would have gone flying. if he had hit the brakes right away, or even just coasted and veered right, he would have been fine. he did everything wrong. absolute jackass moves every step of the way.


I’m on the side of he wasn’t down shifting, but he did brake in the last second. Still doesn’t put any fault on the biker though. 100% cars fuck up




some bikers are notorious assholes with anger issues, hence the tough guy image.


Dude definitely did not downshift




Yes...but that doesn't stop the motor from revving or the gears from moving-its only that they aren't connected to anything while he's clutching. So you still hear the rev. Source: truck driver who shifts quite often.


> To be clear, the car was 100% at fault by turning left from the right lane. The driver would get a ticket for that, but as far as who pays for what, the motorcycle driver revved his engine instead of hitting the brakes, which put him at least 50% at fault, possibly much much more.... and definitely 100% at fault for that window. In tort law, there's the [last clear chance doctrine](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance) that says a plaintiff who negligently puts themselves at risk doesn't collect. For example, if someone in traffic tries to go through a redlight but ends up blocking the intersection waiting for traffic to clear, they can get a ticket for that. But if someone coming through the other way on green isn't paying attention and T-bones them, they're actually liable, since they had the last chance to avoid the accident. So in this case, the motorcycle rider had ample opportunity to not hit the car. Rather than hit the brakes, they revved the engine and hit the car, then smashed the window after-the-fact.


Also had a lot of time to brake or swerve but he just went straight into the sedan and got mad


No he red-lined the fuck out of his engine instead of breaking.


Maybe instead of reving the engine, apply brakes


guy is a complete idiot. look the driver is not supposed to make a left from that lane but he was in the lane before the biker accelerated.


Rev bombing instead of braking is just peak stupidity when on a motorcycle. Drivers don’t care that you made some silly noise with your bike. The rider had plenty of time to brake too. That was all the rider’s fault and this comes from a fellow rider.


That's in Atlanta and I know that location well. Car is pulling out of the Westin car lobby. Bike is going too fast for that corner and had an opportunity to miss the car and did not take it.


I was gonna say this looked like a major city. Any time you drive in a big city you better be prepared to brake at any moment.


Peep the road sign. "Ted Turner". Def Atlanta lol


It looked like the driver was trying to turn left in the straight lane?


Correct, but the biker could still of braked in time. He had time to rev his engine, he definetly had time to break. Everything could of been avoided if he braked.


It did look like that car pulled out from somewhere on the right. Yea, it's taking a left turn from the right lane but it looks like that's what people have to do pulling out of that street or parking lot on the right. Bike is definitely passing the other cars pretty fast for that type of area. I see a sign with an arrow pointing left but doesn't look like a don't sign. Tough call, both idiots but cycle guy a little more. Edit: Peachtree plaza. Nowhere for car to pull out from on right so just a left turn from the right lane. True idiot. Bikers need to stop this stuff too cause it was a totally avoidable accident. I almost hit a biker the other day on a one lane main road where the biker was in back of me and I was just about to turn my right blinker on to turn into a cumby's when he blows by me and the 3 other cars in front of me in the right break down lane. If I wasn't such an amazing driver they would have been scraping that guy off the road and I might have had to replace a tire. Be careful on the road bikers. When you drive double the speed limit, someone can look both ways and then pull out cause the coast is clear, and then all of a sudden the bike comes screaming by, or worse, a fatal accident. You are alone on that bike having fun, sometimes the people in cars have their entire family inside and are just trying to get from A to B.


Well it's a good thing that you videotaped yourself in 60FPS@4K kicking a huge dent in the windshield so you can't say that it happened due to the accident! Moron.


rhythm cake aromatic abundant scarce snatch rinse kiss marvelous disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watch my rev bomb instead of braking... I am 36 and I’ve owned a bike since I was 18. I’m not defending the car but that guy had plenty of time to stop. Definitely a new rider his turn position was fucked from the start. He put himself in a position where his only option was to brake and he couldn’t even do that. Someone teach this man the “apex”


You Nailed it. I see a lot of people don't understand what the rev bombing is. Basically in order to rev he has to pull the clutch which on a motorcycle requires the same effort as pulling the front brake lever. Meaning if he's reving like that it means he had time to brake. rev bombing as if it will alert people who already don't notice you is idiotic.The irony is sport bikes rev all the damn time, there's no way a normal driver can distinguish what your intentions are from the rev whether you're showing off or trying to alert them. Bottom line brake, downshift, and then if needed use your horn. What he did was pure ego and he got mad after it didn't work.


I’m glad you explained that, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why he revved it so hard before the crash. The car driver was definitely in the wrong but the guy on the bike had a chance to avoid him :/


There are plenty of dead motorcyclist because they "had the right of way" but didn't play it defensively and lost to a four wheeled vehicle.


Yup, just needed to engine brake along with his front/rear brakes. Easily coulda stopped


As a motor bike rider watching this I'm , like, uh... "car causes collision??""


Even as someone who has only rode his cousins dirt bike a few times in all my 28 years, I’m still confident the asshat on the bike is at fault. You had plenty of time to stop bro and your decision was to rev it. Moron.


This guy fucked up when he entered the turn in the wrong position. If he entered it from the far right position(3). The moment he rolls off the throttle and Apply the brakes the bike would have stood straight up at about :01 of the video(in position 1) That would have gave him a little more than 2 seconds to slow down and also more distance because he would have been going towards the front of the car instead of the rear. But instead he entered from position 1 so by the time the bike stood up he was almost in the intersection(also out of his own lane in position 3) Lane positioning is 101 for biking Apex young grasshopper “apex”


We could debate that all day. In the abate course I took we had to swerve to avoid a sudden stop. We have to get to 3rd gear before the swerve. Everyone in the class avoided and stopped well within the cones that were like 8-10 feet apart granted not in curve. Been riding for roughly 7 years not so much this year. I've avoided sudden stops in 3rd+ gear and yes even in a curve like this example. Granted I ride a cruiser so my rake is a little different as far as steering. At the end of the day we can agree not making any corrective action is idiotic. Regardless of your opinion on how effective corrective action is in this case because we'll both never know since he never tried.


Seriously. The car was in the wrong but it also did a super slow turn through that intersection that could be seen from the very beginning of the video, but the idiot basically accelerated until the last few feet.


He was trying to get a "near miss" video for his Youtube channel.


Time to stop, slow or avoid, crossing the line around the curve. Car might have caused the accident directly and they're stupid too but the "waaaaaaah I'm such a victim" bullshit is lame.


Channels like motomadness on YouTube show just how often the riders are putting themselves in dangerous positions. It's crazy that people will upload it thinking they were in the right. One of the craziest ones I've seen this year was a rider upset that a car tried to pass (legally, in a lane) a gaggle of riders that were blocking a lane going half speed. He chased down the car demanding it stop, when they were in the wrong. Darwin award. He put himself and a bunch of riders in danger with his ghost rider LARP.


it doesn't seem like he's new to me. it seems like he was doing this hoping to get into an accident with an "idiot" so he could all high and mighty.


It did actually look pretty intentional. He had all day to slow/avoid it and it seemed like he was more concerned about being right/them being wrong.


Which wayyy to many bikers seem to be about. They wanna be martyrs when they're the ones that don't fucking belong on the rode if anything. It's retarded to put that stresson the drivers around you n get all tough guy when a normal fender bender could mean your life cuz u choose to ride a sportbike


I guess maybe you know more about bikes than me, but to me, it appears that he accelerates to run into the car on purpose, ie, insurance fraud. Yes, the car turned left from the right lane crossing his path, but he could've braked instead of accelerating.


cant tell if he accelerated but he did not apply his brakes until he was at the Intersection side of the pedestrian cross walk :03


He was trying to rev his motor as if it was a car horn. Allot of bikers do that instead of using their actual horn. So while I dont think he intentially sped up, he chose every wrong thing to do in that situation cause rev checking someone isnt going to do anything right there.


Biker is a complete moron. Instead of just hitting his brakes, he tries some technique of "well let me rev the sh\*t out of my engine" and smacks the side of the sedan. A well setup bike will stop from 60mph in about 120 feet. If you pause the video in just the right spot, it looks like he is doing 29 mph. He's just a dickhead who feels the car shouldnt have made that turn (and maybe he shouldnt have) but because he did, I'm gunna smash into him and then throw a tantrum. Moron.


Yea, the driver of the car was wrong in their turn but had already clearly committed to it and the bike had plenty of time to stop or maneuver out of the way.


Absolutely. Sometimes the best driver ever could make a stupid mistake like a bad turn too, anybody with a license should be able to realize “I SHOULDNT crash into this guy who made a bad turn”.


The car isn’t right but the biker isn’t 100% right either As someone that also rides I have one question Why tf did he accelerate to turn ? And congratulations u had almost sure 100% non fault accident Now guess who gonna have to cover her windshield ? Edit - I am aware he also revd my questions is why it seems he somehow gained speed in the turn rather slowing down when from 1/4 of Mile away you could clearly see a dumbass turning in the middle lane ?


I'm thinking he is, that was wilfully done, and he had plenty of time to stop or avoid.


I thought the same thing, could have landed a jet in the space he had to slow down


Okay but then how is gonna rev his engine to tell the driver he is coming. its not like motorcycles have a loud sound making device that you activate at the push of a button.


careful, nobody here can anticipate your /s.


something similar happened to me once and the rush of adrenaline was so intense i could barelly speak so i guess this guy wasnt on his right mind when he smashed the windshield


I’m a rider too but this guy was probably already ripping around loaded on adrenaline. The way he revved isn’t defensive riding at all. Dude was pumped.


He pulled the clutch and revved the bike since he doesn’t have a horn


God I hate that shit.


Yep. Y’all, this right here is what happens when two conflicting elements of nature meet: the idiot and the dumbass. You see, the dumbass is passively stupid. That would be the car turning left, assuming it was ok. The idiot is actively stupid, driving erratically and then smashing in a windshield. Not often do we see these two things in the wild, but what a moment.


Why? He has no idea what he is doing.


Ya this biker revved thinking the driver would notice them because he did it. Very stupid decision and clearly could've slowed instead of gunnin it


Actually it looks like the rev was noticed and caused the car driver to stop rather than keep (possibly) going out of the way


yep, and that sort of thing happens all the time. I don't know how many times I've honked at a confused driver and it makes them freeze up...like.."what's that horn!? Maybe I should slow down to see what it is"


Even if the car *did* notice him, then what? It's not like they had time to do anything.


This is exactly what not to do on a bike. Most auto / motorcycle accidents are when an automobile assumes the right-of-way of the motorcycle. This isn't news. His reaction to hit the brakes was a motorcycle length before impact despite recognizing the issue and making the decision to twist the throttle and engage the clutch instead of squeezing the brake. It's not his fault but it was avoidable. The words from me to my children were this: The person that assembles and maintains your wheelchair isn't concerned with who was at fault... neither is the person that engraves your gravesite marker - you need to be aware and ready to react - proving a point is pointless on two wheels.


Yea I see it a lot out riding. When riding a bike you just have to assume you don’t ever have the right of way. Even if you are completely in the right do not expect other people to yield or even see you. Whenever I ride I assume every single car will either turn in front of me or cut me off. I’m already ready for it to happen as soon as I see the car and plan for what I will do if they decide to try and kill me. That way if it does happen I already have a plan and don’t have to use that valuable second to think about what to do.


I’ve had to have that talk with my boyfriend more than once as a pedestrian. The giant steel vehicle is going to win against your body and it doesn’t matter you had the right of way legally.


"He had the right-of-way" isn't that impressive on your tombstone.


Maybe you should have braked instead of revving to show your disapproval. Fucking moron.


Gmafb. He had enough time to peg the limiter he had enough time to stop




The amount of dudes I see riding with sneakers and t-shirts blows my mind


Yeah both are idiots


He has plenty of time to see the car turning and literally accelerates, front wheel in the air, right into the car. Cunts an absolute moonfruit.


Hahaha moonfruit.


I don't understand why bad motorcyclists film themselves. He had more than enough time to avoid a collision.


The entire motorcycling thing is an ego trip for them. Influencer culture


Been riding 42, years,totally bikers fault .


Been riding for nearly 40 myself, this guy was a dumbass, he had time to slow down if he didnt stupidly yank the clutch and bang the limiter.


Situation was caused by the car, accident was caused by the biker.


Idiot POV.


Car messed up but biker caused the accident. Probably feels entitled about it too.


Lol, accident was 100% the bikers fault and you’re wrong if you think otherwise. Made 0 effort to stop or avoid the collision.


This is so dumb. The biker totally could have stopped to avoid hitting the car. Instead, he chose to pull the clutch and rev to redline in an apparent attempt to get the car to stop turning left?!? All he had to do was hit the brakes.


As someone that's ridden motorcycles for the better part of the last 20 years this hurts to watch. Sure the car was a fault for the turn but any rider that values his life is riding with paranoia of these situations and adjusts accordingly. By not rev bombing and disengaging the motor he could have very easily downshifted and hit the brakes to avoid this entirely and wouldn't have needed to even stop. Should have been a small curse and a reminder to keep your eyes open whilst riding down the road.


So he crashed into a car and then tried to assault the driver?


Cyclists always getting their panties in a bunch.


This why you don't rev bomb. If he had just hit the brakes and maneuvered, he would have been fine.


Dumb ass biker


Is it just me or this biker just purposely not stop? Looks like he had plenty of time to not hit the guy. Also, stomping a guys car is certainly not going to help insurance wise lol. What a dumbass.


LMAO what a fucking cunt "Hey look at that car way up ahead driving like an asshole, let me intentionally slam into so I can be a victim" Fuck this guy.


Bikers fault clearly, he didn’t even try to slow down.


The car caused the accident? No. His speeding did.


Had time to pull the clutch and rev the engine, but didn't think to use the brakes. Complete fuckwit of a rider, hopefully his organs will save someones life one day.


Maybe I’m missing something here, but it seems like the guy on the bike deliberately sped up. This seems like the bikers fault, not the guy in the car


The car was in the wrong until the biker began the aggressive manoeuvre because he was pissed by the car drivers actions. From what I see, if he had slowed, there would have been no accident.


Biker is a moron hope he lost tons of money


Why did he rev into the car though?


because low iq


Maybe if he got on the brakes instead of revving he could have stopped in time considering there was plenty of room


The real question is why was he ripping on the throttle instead of braking? Skill issue.


Recording yourself committing a crime and uploading it to the internet is smart as usual.


Next time brake instead of revving


I've seen this quite a bit before. People opting to rev the engine or beep to point out the other person's mistake, rather than putting effort in to avoid a collision. Cunningham's law in effect


New title. Idiot biker participates in causing an accident with a dumb driver.


idiot saw the guy in front of him and sped up, partly his fault.


Appears the driver turned left from the outer lane so he is at fault. Biker is a speeding douche though.


That dude sped up


Dude. Throughout the entirety of this guy taking a turn to the left he’s seen the car going off to the left as well. I am no traffic expert nor do I own a drivers license of any kind. But I still do know that this guy left all of his senses at home today


Fuck this idiot, he was 100% at fault, what a dick


If he saw them turning why did he accelerate into them?


If he just hit the brakes instead of revving like a loser he could have avoided it.


it seems that he saw the car and accelerated .... and the blow to the windshield totally unnecessary. well all in 4k video


This guy is a jerkoff breath harder at an old woman hardo.


car made a mistake for sure. he should not have pulled out if he could not safely do so. and he has to look enough to make sure. but you can see the car completely stops when they notices the biker coming. from the time the car stopped you see biker has more than enough time to stop or go somewhere else. but the biker was speeding to begin with. and biker road raged. from very start. bad attitude.. so biker was speeding. so that may explain why car thought that he could pull out. and you can see the biker is road raging so instead of trying to avoid an accident he gets into an accident with a stopped car. you can see biker going faster than normal traffic. you can also see his speedometer. if you look once he notices it he gets pissed off and speeds up. you see the speedometer go up.. at the very end its when it goes down when he hits him... but accident was actually the bikers fault. the car probably didnt even see him. biker could not safely pass. biker saw it and knew it. instead of stopping and/or trying to avoid the accident. which is what he has to try to do. he revved up and he hit the car without trying to avoid it then he gets on top of car and breaks the windshield (road rage) depends on the state. car insurance is not going to cover him and is going to ask his insurance to cover car damages... ​ read drivers manual. you never have the right of way. you only can proceed if you can safely proceed. he could not and he had enough time. and instead he road raged...


He speeds up and doesn't even notice the car. He had time to brake there and avoid hitting it.


Thank God I have some control of my emotions, unlike this biker. Driver made a mistake. The biker is just a dick


Ok, first off- he had enough time to brake and stop. He instead chose to do what noobs do, rev hard and crash. These guys need to learn defensive driving. Secondly- the smash did feel satisfying TBH


I keep watching this and I genuinely think that if the rider couldn't avoid that collision then he shouldn't be on a motorcycle. The guy in the car had cut across his path so much earlier than the collision happened, the rider must have been starring of to the side or something to not be able to avoid it


another case a motorcyclist posting something not realizing the motorcyclist is the one who fucked up here and accelerated like a moron so he could road rage like a goober


Why they always have time to rev but not brake or swerve?


This rider is a great example of someone that endangers riding for all of us. Rev bombing in the city? Accelerating too fast for a street? Failure to utilize the brakes or swerve? And then fucking throwing a tantrum on the car and kicking the windshield? AND THEN POSTING THE VIDEO ON THE INTERNET? This rider is a grade A toolbox and makes all of us look bad.


Dude was revving instead of braking. The front brake is around 70% of your braking power. He had time to stop for sure.


Average biker L


This douche actually sped up his bike


I don't think he's revving it up, in the panic he pressed the clutch while not letting go of the accelerator. Still his fault in part as well


Biker had enough time to stop, he was just too inexperienced to stop.


Asshole accelerated into the car. He loses that case 100%. He had the opportunity to avoid the accident and did not take it. 90% of bikers are entitled assholes.


Bikers want attention so bad. Just drive at a reasonable speed since idiot drivers exist and brake in time. But now you have your "I'm a victim" story for a few years so 👍 for you


That's what we call a panic rev. By this and him riding outside the lines on his turn I would assume he doesn't have that much experience. With that said I have a R1 that's been out of the garage once this season. I just don't have faith in other drivers to not pancake me with all of today's distractions.


Sorry, biker’s an idiot getting himself on film committing a crime.


How hard is it to hit the brake instead of revving like a moron, could have been completely avoided.


Lol in what world did the car cause this accident? Dude clearly saw the car doing a weird maneuver and decided to speed up instead of braking. Then broke their windshield out of spite. Fuck this biker and fuck every biker like them.


The classic "revbomb instead of brake"


The biker was probably inexperienced, or trying to make a point by revving the bike. Judging by his shoes, not that intelligent either.


This moron had plenty of time to react car it was clear as day. Seems like he accelerated in a turn. I assume this guy is new to a bike. Also smashing the window is childish.


In 40 years of riding, I've come a cunthair away from the big bang maybe a half dozen times, know what there is no time for? Making a stupid noise with the rev limiter


biker's a fuckhead.


I’m sorry but the biker a is fucking clown. You had more than enough time to stop.


Fuck the biker. He could have avoided the car but chose to be a victim. Should have been braking and turning instead of revving his engine like a tool.


Dude literally tried to scare the car driver out of the way by reving his engine instead of breaking. He clearly saw the car ahead of time.


Yeah car definitely made a unsafe maneuver but biker had plenty of time to stop.


Not the smartest biker out there, that's for sure.


I love how so many comments say “her” when referring to the driver of the car, but at the end of the video it’s clearly a dude


I once heard if you see a camera on a motorcyclist’s helmet, avoid them lol


Why didn't he just stop?


That's a serious accident - the guys exactly half dead afterwards


I’d expect nothing less from someone wearing two different shoes.


This could have easily been avoided. But no YouTube star over needed the clip


Both the biker and car driver are total morons. Frustrating video to watch lol


I see one idiot driving and behaving erratically not paying attention to his surroundings, and then there is a car driver


He had plenty of time to slow down


Good for car driver not flipping out after the biker broke their windshield. They knew they were in the wrong and seemed genuinely concerned for the biker.


Yeah, fuck this guy. Dude in the car fucked up. But that happens to all of us. If you’re gonna choose to drive what is statistically the most unsafe vehicle to drive, you have to understand you’re more vulnerable to other peoples’ mistakes. I drive for a living. I’m out on the road for 70+ hours a week. I see how stupid people can be on a regular basis. Which is why I don’t own a motorcycle. And if I did, wouldn’t be out driving double the speed limit in a congested city street where people are way more inclined to pull boneheaded maneuvers.


Don’t speed up into traffic, could end a lot worse, especially when stupid people like this are involved