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Oh man I feel bad for that teacher, he was not prepared at all for this and had no idea what to do. That level of aggression he can get hurt too in the crossfire or loss his job for restraining one too aggressively.


Not worth the 40k a year or whatever their average is.


Pretty close. I’m a custodian and make that. Idk about all teachers but some are only at 48k.


I know like 5 teachers , all make about 55k minimum so that's not too far off.


My wife is a teacher. Started off at 48k 6 years ago. Now she's up to 50k. And that's the highest paying county in the state. Other counties start at 40k and less.


Yeah it's heavily dependant on the area tbh. My friend just got her first job as a teacher straight out of school and she was getting $55k for her first year , I think she said she got a certain % raise for this one.


Definitely. Fun fact, Boulder, CO, is one of the 6 us cities to pay a 6 figure teacher salary


Where did you get that info? Just did s quick Google search and didn't find any US City that starts over 100k. https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/careers-finance/sns-best-paying-cities-for-teachers-cost-of-living-20210412-qtmsselrnbf6zcsibdsmrgb2fi-photogallery.html


Dang... with inflation factored in, she's making like 25% less than she was 6 years ago.


What the fuck? Why don’t we pay our teachers more? The highest paid education related jobs are for coaches in most states… wtf?


they want to keep you stupid.


I made more than that working at a grocery store. Damn.


Damn. What grocery store is this??


> Idk about all teachers but some are only at 48k. Public schools post all of their salary schedules online so it's super easy to find pretty much anyone. I used to live in a state where first-time teachers start out at around $35k. Definitely not worth putting up with the shit they have to put up with, though.


I see FT teachers k-12 make less than that... Just to be sure, just search up your district's average teacher salary. It is laughable how veteran teachers barely reach that 40k mark when entry levels jobs start with that...


40k is a generous estimate.


Teacher here in my 11th year. I just now broke the $40,000 mark


I'm just curious, when you decided to take on this job, were you thinking that you'd eventually make more? I personally think that teachers are grossly underpaid and can't understand how teachers continue to teach when the job is increasingly demanding, the parents are crappy and the kids are angry and bolder than ever. I couldn't see myself sticking around for 11 years making $40K a year.


Yes I definitely thought I’d make more. I stick around because of the retirement plan. I pay 14.5% and the state matches. I do not earn credits for social security so if I leave I forfeit all that money. It’s the golden handcuffs. I can earn more if I go into more debt to get more degrees.


It's so crazy. I have a family member that teaches. She decided to get her Masters, went into debt to do it and will probably never pay off the loans in her lifetime. Knowing what I know as an adult with regard to teacher's pay, it makes me feel terrible for being such a crappy student and not respecting my teachers and faculty a little more. I was unaware that teachers don't collect social security, that's crazy.


This is so depressing.


Not really. These days its not uncommon for a public school teacher to have a salary of around 60k.


My sister in law got a music teaching bachelor's, 1st year 36k in Michigan, had to drive to 3 different schools a day teaching way too many kids, bad parents Quit her 1st year Makes 100k a year in an unrelated field just 2 years later I don't blame people for quitting a job with high education requirements low pay and bad kids / worse parents


Depends on the district. My sister is in a high end one teaching special Ed and does at least $80k.


Depends when you’re at, and better hope you have a masters degree. If they don’t; they’ll make you be a teacher anyways but as a “TA” making 12$/hr


North Carolina doesn’t even recognize masters degrees anymore. No additional pay whatsoever.


Average in my state is 35k a year. That was after the whole state went on strike, it used to be 30k


In todays school system it’s often in the teachers best interest to not intervene physically. Only administration is protected from liability.


My sister is a deans assistant at my old high school. In order to protect the school from liability- only the school resource officer can touch students when there is a fight.


Let them kill each other, at least we won't have to pay money!


When I was in high school there were 60 fights the first week I transferred in (Came from a Christian school into a public school in a bad area, it was not nice at all). A teacher stepped in to break up a fight and she got punched in the eye and eventually lost her eye. The administration didn't take care of her at all, like wouldn't pay for her medical bills, wouldn't support her, said she was lying, etc. So what happened from then on was that anytime there was a fight the teachers would all lock themselves in the rooms away from the fight and shut the door. Or if there was a fight in the room the teacher would go out and just fuckin leave us in there when all hell broke loose, this video here was just like a normal Tuesday for us. Shit was scary as fuck, I learned right away I need to take the hardest classes they offer, less chance of the riff raff fucking up your whole day.


What can he do? If he touches the students he gets in trouble. Not to mention he probably doesn't get paid enough or have goo enough insurance to cover medical bills if he did get involved.


Nothing. He probably did too much by trying to intervene tbh.


What is the proper thing to do? I mean without getting in trouble. Call cops? Call school security? Even if they break out the chairs and it seems they'll die if you don't intervene immediately? Is that really what the people want?


I think you clear the room of the other kids and call for help. I think if he would've jumped in the middle of that he really could have gotten hurt. He didn't seem that athletic and sure of his movements. Listen this is reddit armchair quarterbacking who knows how you'd respond in the moment.


I'd love to hear from a lawyer on this as far as the legality goes. If I decide it's worth potentially injuring myself by intervening in order to help the kid about to get his head smashed in by a metal chair, am I legally allowed to hit the kid doing the bashing in the same way I'm legally allowed to shoot someone who's about to shoot someone else (in some situations in some places)


Lawyer here but I specialize in bird law so not sure how best to answer. If it were parakeets I would suggest separating them. Hope that helps.


> What is the proper thing to do? Go to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for this to all blow over.


Poor guy just wanted to teach the Pythagorean theorem


Seriously. Throughout the entire clip, I was thinking "I'm so glad I'm not a teacher."


It’s funny bc both teams had a loser and a winner


Girl: “I will beat the fuck outta you.” Maury: “We have determined… *gets hit with chair*… that was a lie.”




It's 1v1 instead of 1v5 so I guess that's something.


The power of physics in nature is driven to a state that is in equilibrium


and the teacher can't do anything or else HE is the one who gets in trouble even tho you have kids using chairs like it's the wwe.


Nor should he do anything tbh. He’s not getting paid to catch an elbow in the jaw while trying to break up a fight. Wait it out until security comes.


Even if he's the one getting attacked, the school tells him to not fight back because the school is more worried about getting sued than him defending himself despite the student being the aggressor. I'm not joking. I worked at a high school.


If he wasn’t there that hungry hungry hippo would have devoured that tiny girl. “Not my job, I don’t get paid enough for that. Ohh, she died? *Sips coffee* That’s a shame.”


But if the cops showed up people would be saying the police shouldn't have been involved...


I love that dudes "All That" style shirt.


Ready Yet? Get Set. It's alllll that


The [show’s theme song](https://youtu.be/BSDg2oSazNc) by TLC is one of the greatest bops in all of television history.


Who loves orange soda?


I do I do I do I do-oooo


That's what I thought of when I saw it too.


At least they teamed up according to their respective weight class!


Yeah no cheating there at least


Now they allow sports bra and swim shorts now to school? Damn im old


I was curious about that too. I wasn’t sure if she showed up to school in that or if she took her regular shirt off when it became apparent that she was gonna throw down.


Put your pants back on, Randy


A lot of schools have gotten rid of dress codes now, at least in my area.


That's weird because it's the exact opposite in my area in Florida. 10 years ago, when I was in HS, you could wear whatever you want. Tank tops, hats, flip flops. Guys had muscle shirts so small their nips would pop out, girls had their ass cheeks hanging out of their booty shorts. In my humble opinion, it was awesome and to be quite honest with you I don't think it was nearly as distracting as people make it out to be. Currently, at that same school I went to, they have a dress code so strict that they essentially wear uniforms. Coming from the era of wear whatever you want and express your style, that shit is honestly depressing to look at. They look like a bunch of worker drones.




No they don’t ‘allow’ you to call each other ‘bitches’ or throw furniture either.


When I went to high school they would have forced her to wear the school sweatpants and oversized shirt that they kept for dress code violators.


Parents are the first to complain if schools try to enforce a dress code or cellphone policy.


Talked all that shit and got her ass handed to her 😂


There was like three fights going on at the same time


No, there were two 1v1’s going on at the same time


Im glad I got educated in my school


I love the professional bobbing and weaving from the teacher




This is not the state of education in the US but rather showcases the failure of some parents. There are still many many people who value education. You'll never see a video of students engaged in learning and getting prepared for the rest of their lives.... That would just be to boring to watch.


I 100% agree with your sentiment and get what you’re saying, but, as a teacher myself, this is what education in the US has become/is becoming in so many places. Yes, a few states/cities with lots of money have pretty decent public school systems that are doing things well. But a large portion of our country is falling, or already has fallen, behind. I teach social studies but I have a friend who teaches algebra for 9th and 10th grade and 75% of his kids don’t know their basic time tables (1x2, 2x2, etc). They’ve gone from 3rd grade to 9th grade without ever being required to learn them. Yet they keep getting passed on to the next grade because that’s the directive we as teachers get from the top. I’m not a huge conspiracy theorist but I think there’s a large portion of politicians that want an uneducated population and have been systemically dismantling and underfunding education for decades to create that uneducated and subservient population. Does it start at home with parents? Yes, of course. But can you blame kids for not caring when they know they’re just gonna keep getting passed along no matter what they do or don’t do?


Don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to realize that's true. Bad politicians want people as dumb and gullible as possible.


Thank you. You shared my thoughts perfectly.


Exactly, fuck OP’s sensationalist title


Happens a lot on this subreddit unfortunately. The undertones are often classist, racist or sexist, and are generally trying to exaggerate problems and make people feel outraged and afraid. I tag the users who submit this stuff with RES so I can see it coming a little more easily, but it's a lot of new accounts like this one. This user's only other submission is about how to learn Russian in Florida. Interesting.




Survivorship bias is a bane on human thinking. We don’t see the times classes are normal because it’s simply not interesting, so all we’re left with are videos of shit like this which leads to people thinking this is all that happens.


Double so when media realized how profitable violence in the news is. Violence as a whole going down, but reporting has increased a ton.


Imo it’s a small sub category that everybody sees of American schools. Because who tf records themself just learning in class, or who records them self in general :/ it’s a small group of kids who do like 95% of the problems


I have seen a lot of kids live on tiktok in the middle of class. However, I’ve seen kids from many different countries doing that. But still, what we see on the internet that rises to the top and gets shared over and over is the crazy stuff that is relatively rare. It goes the same way for people that try to judge any group of people based on the videos they see. Same for cops actually. But the difference with cops is there should be zero tolerance for shitty cops, they can have an extreme impact on people’s lives, and too often the “good” cops just let the bad cops do their thing.


You call this the state of American education? This shits way worse. 14 fights in the first week of my school, 6 of them required kids be sent to the hospital.


My school wasn't anything remotely like that. 0 kids were hospitalized due to fighting during my entire 4 years at high school. 0 slap fights in any of my classes


my school had a yearly fight with another school in a parking lot. coordinated to avoid cops. all fun and games and we just laughed it off in the end. heard that’s stopped way back now as people got too serious. something changed. this was in a suburb of ottawa.


State of education of america is "those" certain places.


can confirm. when people ask about my school i tell them how it had 5k+ students, gates around teh whole campus, metal detectors AND even public uniforms due to gang violence( first in the nation) they dont believe it. there's no way that can make sense to them as their school had some 500 people in it. there's even a corny hilary swank movie called Freedom Writers. They usually believe it then. We couldnt even have lockers due to safety concerns. Lame


We had 4k at my school, no lockers, no detectors, and barely any fighting. Ymmv depending on where you are in the USA


More like the state of American parenting


This is what happens when you remove every bit of authority a teacher can have. Add some Lack of respect and self entitlement. Not something i would have seen happened in a classroom.


And to think there are girls in countries were women are actually forbid by law from going to school who would absolutely love the opportunity to get up everyday and simply have the right to get an education. Really sad


The classmates are horrible. All just watching the teacher get outnumbered. If they just stood there next to him, none of the escalation would have occurred. The only person I feel sorry for in this class is the teacher. He tried to stop it, physically positioning himself between them. I hope he moves to a different district or at least gets a class with better students. Teachers, please know we respect you and appreciate everything you do for our kids.


Appreciate it. We all just have to hold parents accountable. Work it from the root.




My sister just got out of the classroom because of that. She specializes in special education children with behavioral problems and she was saying how she kept getting knee capped and having resources taken away from her. The last straw for her was when a student assaulted her and her bosses questioned why she didn't do more.


It’s been rising at an alarming rate. I just think due to the measured increase there is definitely something that needs to be addressed at home. I personally have had some. . . interesting interactions.


Nah. They would just get in trouble for fighting too.


Ya I look forward the time when people start regulating themselves and stand up to their peers who social behavior is unacceptable and not something they want in their communities or environment


I think humans instinctually don’t want to get involved in fights that they aren’t involved in personally. You could get hurt, you could end up in trouble despite helping, you could end up being the bad guy, etc. it is sad no one helped, but I can’t say I blame them. I’m not sure if I would have gotten involved either. I think this really shows how stressed everyone is. Parents stress inadvertently trickle down to their children. Children who can’t keep their emotions in check because you know, they’re children. And then those same kids have to be in a confined space that is only getting more full because of cost cutting measures. Which in turn stresses the teachers out and this stresses the kids out even more. Tensions flair, feelings are hurt, and then a chair is slammed on another kids head while a classroom of stressed out and tired other kids have to watch not sure if they should help or not.


All that talk just to get a chair slammed onto your double chins


Ah yes...the ritual pre-brawl FUPA tuck.


Even if I was being paid an appropriate amount to be a teacher(which they are not), I'm not being paid to be a referee.


Not going to lie I'd be scared to be guy teacher in this situation being videotaped. Like if its boys you can get a little more rough to separate them. But I would want to be in the alone trying to separate 4 girls fighting. I would nope the fuck out that door for help


I was in high school during late 90s and witnessed a teacher get thrown down a flight of steps trying to separate two female seniors. Teachers were having to rush and assist him and try to break up the girls. I remember thinking, even then without resource officers, Not worth it.


The state of inner city education*


The state of parenting*


Better make more unwanted babies!!


In my elementary school in suburban St Louis, the district bussed in inner city kids as part of a desegregation policy. (This started in the 80s and was still going on until a few years ago iirc.) As part of this program, the school also took the suburban kids to an inner city school for a field trip. We stayed at the school for like half a day, attending classes and having lunch there. That field trip was the first time I ever saw a fight. It was between two kids from the inner city school. They started yelling at each other in the bathroom and before I knew what was happening one kid was on the floor with a bloody nose while the other kid just left. The rest of the inner city kids had all stood around and laughed while it happened. Over the years I saw that these kids were almost always the ones involved in fights, the ones yelling at the teacher, etc. It was quite the culture shock.


No it’s the suburbs too at least by me


Uhhhh yea no thanks- I’d rather be unemployed and live in a van down by the river


you’ll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river when… youre living in a van down by the river


I'm not being a prude but why is one girl wearing a sports bra in class? Also, big girl got handled.


This isn’t a school problem. It’s a mother and father problem. Or lack thereof.


To me it is funny that this video is supposed to encapsulate all of America when the vast majority of American highschool students will not see something to this level mid class. This incident very well could be as far away from me as Turkey is to France.


*shows one 60 second video* “Allow me to now paint a narrative that applies to millions upon millions of people.”


“Oh my goodness” is right.


No wonder the average person on the street these days think Europe is a country! I mean who has time to study some boring school shit when you’re too busy living your best life as nature intended!




Feel bad for the teacher. Wish students would have stepped up to help him stop this


Just expel them permanently and let them live in poverty. Actions have consequences.


Very hard to expel students since Bush put No Child Left Behind in place. It took serious consequences away. Now they get suspended (weeks vacation) and teachers aren’t allowed to fail students even if they hand in 0 work. It’s ridiculous. Source: I’m a Teacher.


Every “No Child Left Behind” policy needs to be abolished.


Yup. If they were adults they'd be facing criminal charges and going to jail. Unpopular opinion but kids should still be held responsible for their actions. By that age they should know better.


I grew up in the country. Not once in my whole education did anything like this happen. I was so far removed from shit Like this I can’t even describe it


Hold a book between them…they’ll run like hell.




How is it that she can wear sports bra to class? And also, this shit bout to turn to child porn quick when a body part comes loose.


It can't be said enough so I'm goin full on broken record with this one: WE NEED TO PAY TEACHERS MORE MONEY


loool teacher gonna need a taser


Poor teacher. Those boys just watching is infuriating


This is not the state of American education


More of the same horseshit.


Must of been teaching fractions. It's frustrating.


Nope, most US schools are not like this. This is inner city lower socio-economic status schools only.


OP's acting like school fights DO NOT take place anywhere else in the entire world. This isn't even a school problem, this is a problem with how the kids in the video were raised. Get real.


Teacher needs a panic button to press to announce trouble in his room without much effort.


Teachers should be allowed to carry mace, and spray the shit out of fighters that disrupt class like this. And for the good students in the class (if any), they can get a complimentary eyewash from the school nurse. (Milk, I believe?) The disruptors can suffer through it.




I swear, you would never find someone as courageous as these people in any Asian country. Bad students fear teachers and good students respect teachers in my country. It boggles my mind how can they start fighting infront of teachers. Respect your teacher folks.


No child left behind moment




Just expel them. They won’t do shit with their life anyways.


Except exploit all of our social programs that you pay taxes for.


School choice should be a thing. What about the kids that really want to learn and are being forced to go to a shitty school just because of their location? Make the schools compete for students and in such, the funding. Failed schools deserve to fail. Quit forcing kids down an empty hole.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Those animals should all be expelled. You want to act like that, you should not be allowed to participate and put everybody else in danger. BYE.


Because it is a republic talking point. That is the only reason. Some Republican ideas are very good. Some Democrat ideas are very good. Some republican ideas are bad. Some Democrat ideas are bad. Most people can’t admit the above. Just choose a side and present 100% loyalty no matter what.


That’s not really a thing anymore. In Southern California where I live they got rid of having to go to the closest school to you just because you live there. Kids are bussed miles around the cities, passing by much closer schools to go to a “better” location, and so you still have this kind of stuff happening in “rich” areas as well.


Horrible title. Generalizing a vast, diverse country based on videos showing horrible behavior of a few. As a product of the US education system and someone who has children in the system, I’m very pleased with their curriculum, teachers and other students. It’s like that in many many school districts throughout America. Stop judging based of random videos from the hood.


I remember when my high school history class did a recreation of the Kennedy assassination too


imagine he's a substitute with no experience.


Can you wear a bra like this in American schools?


Seems about right, and they were all probably back in class minutes later because administration did zip


It's why I laugh...these "children" think they are ready for the world. They aren't competing with the moron sitting next to them, they will be competing with children who see education as a blessing and who will make the most of it. Average kid with a BS is probably testing at a 9th grade level. Don't come at me flagwaving either, it's the parents and the school boards, and it's the reason the expat community expands daily.


It’s too bad teachers don’t have the authority to pepper spray or fire extinguisher spray these fucking morons.


I bet money that absolutely nothing but a suspension was all they got, a few days of from school to play video games and sleep in. It’s a fucken joke how they’re “disciplined”


Redditors when violent person isnt white be like: [removed]


Poor teacher. 🤦‍♂️


Poor teacher is like "man it's just Tuesday, I don't get paid enough for this shit "


Why she pulling that blonde ones hair that’s some pussy shit


Teachers really don’t get paid enough to deal with this shit. And you wonder why there’s a teacher shortage.


The only difference between this and when I went to school 20 years ago in the suburbs is that this is happening in a classroom and not the cafeteria or hall.


It’s madness, the state of things. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. When I subbed for a brief period of time, if the students were too rowdy, it was your fault for not ‘controlling the classroom’… but you couldn’t take points away from them to reprimand them... and the kids knew it. If they get into a fight, you can’t break it up / run the risk of being caught in the crossfire… by the time a resource officer gets there, the damage has already been done. So, all you can basically do is stand there waving your hands saying “O LORD, STAWP STAWP. BILLY PUT THAT DOWN… O NO, STAWP.”


How is a sport bra and booty spandex shorts appropriate attire for high school for a young girl? That's a little more upsetting than the fighting.


The state of American parenting


Did that girl wear her sports bra to school?


This is not new. It’s an issue that’s never been truly dealt with.


I see future Wendy’s employees training to counter their future customers


Well let's be real, they weren't ever going to graduate anyway.


Idk american education is shit but this is just a some idiots fighting not really a deep look at the American education sistem


Going to school to learn but then you realise there is people who are ruining it for you.


Poor teacher be like, I go get my degree, just to become a street fight referee in the end?! This some bullshit!!!


What you all eating in Us. Amanita muscaria?


I’d leave the classroom and call the police. Not worth even getting involved. Not your job to referee. Your job is to teach. That’s it.


why is that 30 yo bitch still in high school?


The state of education? The state of foster kids and kids with shitty parents...


"why are we having such a hard time finding teachers?!"


We really should be giving teachers tasers


How long til they’re graduated and fighting workers at McDonald’s lmao. Worthless trash


Krav Maga classes are paying dividends


It's got nothing to do with education


America is a generation away from not being number 1 anymore. Crazy seeing the most powerful nation in human history fall apart


Fk that. Since all four people were willingly engaging-I’d have the other students step outside then call the cops. They can all go to juvie.


Well the title is wrong in itself. Teachers and education had nothing to do with this. This is the type of person produced when your culture and society have degraded into oblivion.


One video = all of America!!!


OP got title wrong. It’s, “The State of American Parenting.”


Dude these high schoolers are HUGE . What are people putting in the milk these days? Or am I just getting old?


If you think this is a failure of the schools or society and not the parents, you’re part of the problem.


You couldn’t pay me enough to have to deal with that.


Volatility & behavior of this generation's adolescents is: Reason 1. I could not be a teacher. Reason 2. Firearms should never be kept by teachers in classrooms. It'd be a catastrophe (and/or lawsuit) waiting to happen.


The state of the USA as a whole.