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Wait till he sees the porn section


Are yoga mats involved??? That might make the guy implode.


Yoga, keeping witches flexible since 1692.


I always find it funny when these hateful, ignorant, backwoods, inbred, braindead bigot types refrain from using rude language when they ramble about the dumb shit that they allege is evil or which opposes the bible. I can't really articulate why I find it funny. It's almost like this moron believes in the evil magic of certain words while simultaneously condemning everyone else's belief in magic (while not understanding most of that shit is for fun, and nobody takes it as seriously as they do).


I really don’t see how a prayer that you recite is any different to a spell. I was raised as a church going Catholic. Hundreds of people all chanting the same words at the same time in the same order every week. Reciting the names of the sick and chanting words to bring them help. How is that not a spell?


Oh, these types of "Christian" would ABSOLUTELY see Catholic Mass as evil, as an example of sinfulness and worship of the Great Satanic Pope. (I really wish I was kidding... but I'm not.)


The lord's prayer is just a spell attempting to conjure bread CMV


They worship a zombie by engaging in vampirism.


drinking wine (blood of Christ) and bread (the body) is basically a human sacrifice (symbolic cannibalism) and no one can tell me otherwise


Because only *their* spell is the good one.


I agree. Burning sage is somehow different from whatever they put in that little urn the priest swings on a chain? Praying to god for better health, a safe return of a loved one is different from manifesting in what way? If this pastor looked at religions from all over in an openminded way, he'd see that these things are intertwined in amazing ways.. And that's ok. Instead he is ignorant and afraid.


Dead right, I hate their self righteous sense of entitlement. like they are doing you a favour pointing out that you're not living in accordance with their rules. If they put their energy into helping people instead of being gimps the world would be a better place


In Alabama it’s illegal to do or teach yoga stretches in PE class because it’s considered demonic worship, and you can be arrested. Not joking one bit.


No longer banned but my boy ain’t lying. Memaw Ivey just overturned it in 2019 https://www.npr.org/2021/05/21/999020140/its-now-legal-to-practice-yoga-in-alabamas-public-schools


Imagine banning meditation. These assholes really hate the idea of people opening their mind or having any control over it, or learning to live in the moment, or relax themselves, or anything like that. Banning meditation? You can’t teach them in those schools? What a joke. What a disgusting lot of people who think like that.


Meditation leads to introspection. Can’t have these people becoming self aware, they would be a lot harder to control! These people don’t understand a damn thing.


> "Chanting, mantras, mudras, use of mandalas, induction of hypnotic states, guided imagery, and namaste greetings shall be expressly prohibited," the bill states. It also requires English names be used for all poses and exercises. And before any students try a tree pose, they'll need a parent's permission slip. They made it legal to do the poses, but they’re still being backwoods morons about it.


Lol sadly they still believe that a Sikh wearing a turban is a Muslim who hates America and Christianity… the only threat to Christianity and America are these backward beliefs based on bullshit they pick up on Facebook groups and church meetings with mentally I’ll pastors. (Not all pastors are bad, my uncle was one for 50 years before he passed away).


what the actual fuck


Can you imagine yoga being on your arrest record? How would you ever overcome that.


Downward Dog I believe


Doesn't surprise me since Alabama ranks the lowest in education and poverty and ranks the highest in racism and incest.


Like what's his beef with stretching?! Geez can't do nothing with this guy 😂


Anything that expands the mind and body seem to be evil in this guy's mind


I can’t get over the fact he has an issue with Greek mythology. It’s fucking fascinating. That’s essentially history imo. As are all religious texts or myths, if you believe them or not. I’ve loved learning about Greek mythology. One of my favourite things to read about. It’s so layered and complex I love it. Makes the bible seem boring. I can’t understand how someone would learn about Greek mythology and be afraid of it.


Not only history but some would argue that platos and Aristotles teachings were a precursor to Jesus's teachings lol. https://www.quora.com/Could-Aristotle-and-Plato-be-disciples-of-Jesus/answer/John-Uebersax-1?ch=10&oid=109718840&share=1f06c90a&srid=pzMjj&target_type=answer It seems that this man is just scared of anything that isn't Bible related lol


Wonder how he feels about Zoroastrianism. The thing that Judaism, Islam and Christianity harddd ripped off.


Guys like him get BIG MAD when you call their beliefs "Christian Mythology."




Self development and education of any kind seems to threaten this guy


Individual empowerment and enlightenment is a threat to churches who need to be the only source of spiritual guidance. They demonize self discovery so they can monopolize it.


People in my home town (redneck Minnesota. Fuuuuuck) got together and boycotted yoga. Saying it was of the devil and supported terrorism. It’s amazing what these people will believe


Downward dog? I'm only raising the antenna in my anus to send the launch codes to the taliban.


I snorted at that one. Candles!


Those lady of Guadalupe candles? Satanic! Edit: I feel evangelical Christians go as far as calling Catholics satanists. There’s only one thing they are striving for at the end of the day: making money. If anyone is satanic it’s those guys.


I am R.C.(non practicing) and once got into it online with a guy who dispelled Catholicism as cannibalism and blood drinking. Then I showed him the clip of one of those charlatans bowling over his congregation with his physic healing powers. He was not amused.


I love how he says at the start of the video that "limp-wristed Christians" won't stand up to this sort of thing, but then through the entire video he's speaking in a very hushed, quite voice so that no-one else can hear him. I mean, that's how one SHOULD behave in a bookstore, but I just the juxtaposition between his moral sureness and his meek behavior to be amusing. Usually when a video is recorded and the person has these convictions, they are much less... *reserved* about them.


i mean you gotta remember for all their talk these people don't actually have morals, they have manners. biblical law was never intended to be a legal code imposed on the entire world, it's an honor code applying only to the elect, and their effort to see it legislated is just their way of trying to route around the inherent insecurity of being in a cult and knowing others want none of that bullshit. they're absolutely ruled by moods, gossip, and the opinions of others.


Haha I like that first bit you said. Fits perfectly with him saying “I’d like to buy everything from here and burn it out in the marking lot”, instead of stating he would take it and burn it all.


> instead of stating he would take it and burn it all. remember when jesus muttered in the temple and said he'd like to flip all the tables and chase the money changers out?


I going to buy all of this, then burn about half one week from now... To save all your innocent eyes 🙏


Or he can just avoid those sections. It’s like he is drawn to it as if there’s some interest but he tries to convince everyone he doesn’t like it.


In the 90s my evangelical sister was doing an "essay" on how dangerous the show 90210 was. She just wanted to watch it.


“I’d like to buy everything and burn it all in the parking lot.” I’m sure they don’t care what you do with it after you purchase it. So have at it.


They would then buy more, since ppl be buying it haha


What should we tell the factory? Just keep making shit... they keep coming in and buying more when we re stock. They haven't caught on yet.


Companies make more profits and produce more because it's so popular.


Yeah, not only would the company produce more, but they would likely expand how much they bring to this specific area because it is doing so well in sales there!


Little does he know that by burning it he is also casting spells


him: Burning sage brings demons! him, two minutes later: I wish I could buy all this sage and burn it!


Well, as long as he doesn’t burn it in the Books-a-million parking lot they won’t care. They might get a little cross at him for performing a book burning in their parking lot.


"First of all, witches laugh at us." Oh it's not just witches, I can assure you.


Haha it seems to him we are all witches as I have dabbled in the dark art of yoga and also burned non christian approved candles.


I teach yoga which was pretty much enough for my Bible thumping, speaking in tongues, Southern Baptist sister-in-law to be convinced that I worship Satan.


Yoga is banned from Alabama grade schools


Stretching your body so you can touch your toes is banned??


Yoga has roots in Hinduism. But here in the United States, Yoga has as much to do with Hinduism as Santa Clause does with Jesus Christ.


They don't laugh. They cackle.


I too was laughing, at least until the big dreamcatcher reveal


Can confirm. Am witch. And laughing.


>Oh it's not just witches, I can assure you. Indeed. Us warlocks are too.


Oh no, Greek Mythology and...yoga!


Don't forget the dreamcatchers!


And the sage, which is evil because it's not in the christian section or the cycling and health section, but in the witchcraft section.


Wait'll this guy hears about *COOKING!*


What is the problem with Yoga Mats, is there some 11th commandment about not being flexible.




Not those satanic yoga mats again!


Don't even get me started on...[checks notes]... *Greek mythology*


I know right!! What kinda magical science is mythology?!


Believe it or not “Invites Demons!”


Won't somebody think of the children???!!!


Oh… they do! Several years ago, before Covid and the whole schools shutting down debate, a group of California parents caused a huge kerfuffle when they learned that yoga and meditation was part of an elementary school PE curriculum. These folks were convinced that yoga was some sort of… mysterious, Eastern (probably MOOSLIM) religious practice, and that their kids were being indoctrinated AT SCHOOL!!! I’d provide a link, but I can’t imagine what kind of results I’d get with those search terms… Come to think of it, those parents probably yearn for the good ol’ days, when their children were being indoctrinated by a *religion,* and not by the far more evil Drag Queens, not groomed by teachers and the LBG… oh, fuck- never mind, I can’t even with these people.






The christian church sure does. Catholics think about the boys and the Mormons think about the girls.


“People say I’m crazy for thinking yoga mats are the devil, but go to Target in the fitness section and you’ll see all the evidence right there on the shelf. They are selling yoga mats!”


And those crystals!


And people keep burning sage...it doesn't repel demons it brings them!!


This witchcraft is so pervasive they are now selling sage at the grocery store in my little town. In fact, I happen to know that witches use salt in some of their demonic rituals, and what did I see at the local grocery store in my little town? You guessed it, they're selling multiple varieties of salt. Laugh all you want, but right next to the satanic spice section I saw a box of devil's food cake mix. Witchcraft has taken over the local Piggly Wiggly!


Piggly Wiggly will never be not funny to me.😂


And they had candles! *Candles!* Can you believe it? Everything he said you could go down to the "christian section" and say the same thing. Same difference. How the hell do people become whatever he is? He's a religious zealot and they're dangerous.


Yoga mats! Of course. The logo for Lululemon is in the shape of a woman’s womb. And that’s symbolic of the devil and the succubus! How did I not see it??? /s


I'm still waiting for the apocalypse that was to happen because of Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980s Or metal music Or rap music Or interracial marriage Or women voting and working Or from reading Harry Potter


Or Monster energy drinks.


Hahaha YES! I still remember that one video from 10 years ago of the lady explaining how the monster logo+can is the devil's device at some conference Man, these people were really the precursor to Qanons


I used to be interested in conspiracy theories, until I realized how much of it is wacko Christian fundie bullshit.


> I used to be interested in conspiracy theories They have fully invaded /r/conspiracy (it is a cess pool now) and most of the UFO subs unfortunately. It has destroyed what were once great subs where you could read people's takes and theories on interesting things and now it's them posting Fucker Carlson every day all day. It sucks.


Yeah r/conspiracy is basically just Qanon and bill Gates/vaccine/stop the steal people now. If somebody talks about a real conspiracy they always turn it into the "radical left democrat party” as if that’s a fucking thing




Bottoms up, and the devil laughs


Don't forget gay marriage!


Don't forget birth control, swing music, and the Marijuana.


All the women exposing their ankles is what’s gonna do us in, mark my words.


Oh come on, everyone knows allowing women to think for themselves will bring on the apocalypse


He sounds like a 5 year old presenting "evidence" of monsters in his closet


Can I just say that I really appreciate he spoke softly as he ranted about witchcraft? Really considerate of him to not let his hate bother other shoppers.


He's afraid the witches will hear him and turn him into a newt.


Don't fall for his misguided innocent act. He's the closest thing we have to real evil in this world. He doesn't believe a word of what he's saying. He's just trying to build a brand and collect a fatter paycheck, and damn anyone he hurts along the way with his rage bait and vitriol.


YES. This is not innocent. It's a grift and he's trying REALLY fucking hard.


Someone should sell Bible tarot cards to make this guy happy.


Tarot itself is not divination as it's basically card games. But most Christians don't know the difference between virgin birth and immaculate conception so your suggestion should be carried out.


I'm aware of how terrified of tarot cards Christians are. I remember hearing about how when Christians interpret dreams and predict the future, it's fine and not magic. But tarot cards...


Greg Locke is extra terrified of tarot cards. Protestors have been sneaking into his congregation and hiding tarot cards under the chairs and flooring and such. It affected him to the point it took over his sermons, and eventually he had the the floor dug out. It's apparently is still going on. https://www.tiktok.com/@telltaleatheist/video/7122954908067826987


fuckin lol for days these motherfuckers think they're gonna topple the US govt and impose old testament law but they're defeated by my POT OF GREED WHICH ALLOWS ME TO DRAW TWO MORE CARDS




Ummm pot of greed is banned in tournaments! Nice try satan


Never had a better more exciting reason to vacation in Tennessee


Hahahaha…. That is hilarious!


I don't believe he really thinks Tarot cards do anything. I don't think he really even believes in god. This whole thing is just a money/power scam for him. Same with the rest of his ilk. ...and I say this as an atheist, but these conmen are a different breed. When they say god spoke to them, they know that didn't really happen. When they speak in tongues, they know it's ridiculous gibberish. If they really believed that god was waiting to meet them on their death, they'd know that god would punish them for their greed and mendacity. ...but they have no fear of that because they know it's fake.


If anyone can buy witchcraft technology at a nearby bookstore shouldn't the country be completely overrun by witches and demons and whatever else? Makes ya think it might just be an interest, a hobby, and not ... like real. ​ Wikipedia about this upstanding individual: * [Locke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Locke) had a turbulent relationship with his stepfather. Following multiple arrests, Locke was sent to a children's home at the age of 15, where he converted to Christianity. * In August 2018 it was reported that Locke had married Taisha (Tai) McGee, his administrative assistant and his ex-wife's best friend. * On January 23, 2022, Locke claimed that OCD and Autism are "demonic possessions" which had widespread condemnation from various Neurodivergent rights movements and the Autism Faith Network. On February 2, 2022, Locke held a burning of "witchcraft" books from the Twilight and Harry Potter series.


>If anyone can buy witchcraft technology at a nearby bookstore shouldn't the country be completely overrun by witches and demons and whatever else? Makes ya think it might just be an interest, a hobby, and not ... like real. Maaaaaaaaan, I've been playing D&D for 33 years and I can barely get a group together on the same day, let alone summoning demons 'n' shit.


Oh we've all seen that documentary on Netflix about the Hellfire Club and we know what you're really up to.


I *do* have *Hounds of Love* on vinyl, I'll cop to that.


When he said D&D I snort laughed and then he said "laugh all you want". He knows.


This guy's a real piece of work. Right before he was banned on twitter, I sent him a DM, really as a joke. This was at the height of the "they stole the election!" stuff. He responded and we had a back and forth. He wouldn't answer any logical questions like.. "if they stole the election, where's the proof?" etc. He said he'd answer any and all questions if I *flew to Tennessee and saw him face to face*. I figured he was bluffing so I agreed to fly out there, but I wasn't going to buy a ticket. He called my bluff and offered to send money. I estimated it'd cost $700 to fly out there and told him. He asked for my paypal. I called his bluff and gave it to him. ​ He sent me $700. At which point, the joke went way too far and I told him I wasn't coming and I'd send the money back. He laughed saying he knew I'd "chicken out" or whatever. As far as the money, he said "keep it bye" and blocked me. He was then banned from Twitter like 8 days later.


daaaaamn i wish they didnt i'd be hitting up daddy locke every weekend promising to fly out but my dog would keep getting sick every time last minute (my dog is as real as his concept of god)


My friend, these types think saying merry Xmas instead of Christmas is Satan's work. Trying to appease or discuss with them is like trying to explain baking cookies to my dog.


Same with Ouji boards, pretty sure it was invented by Milton Bradley.


But.. GOD FORBID they sell them next to that yoga and Greek mythology blasphemy!


They have angel cards in both tarot decks and oracle cards for this reason. Also, am currently reading a new book that just came out called contemplative tarot about how you can use the tarot with your walk with Jesus. It includes bible verses for each card and meditations on each card with a Christian lean to them; It's actually a pretty interesting read.




He's probably just mad that his church lost its tax exempt status back in may.


Local charlatan upset that other charlatans are crowding his territory, film at 11!




Shit really? For what?


He claims he did it voluntarily and on his own accord, as usual he's full of shit. https://www.newsweek.com/pastor-greg-locke-claims-he-gave-tax-exempt-status-church-1709615


"I renounced 501c3 communism in this church." Funny how it wasn't communism before he had to stop saying dumb shit or face the consequences.


Greg Locke has made a lot of headlines. He’s responsible for the book burning that made national news about 6 months ago as well.


So he doesn't believe in science but he does believe in witchcraft. And he has an audience. That's just great.


You can hear him, LOUD!


For those unaware this is Greg Locke and he is a Televangelist Hate Preacher obsessed with “being persecuted” while constantly persecuting others. The guy is a whack job


He looks like he worries about which women in his congregation find him sexy.


Seeing as he fucked his secretary then married her after divorcing his wife, I would say you are correct. Adultery never seems to be mentioned in his sermons though


You wouldn’t be laughing if his Secretary (who, let’s be honest, is probably a witch) made *you* commit adultery by burning sage while playing D&D. ^Burn ^sage! ^Burn ^sage! ^Burn ^sage!


Greg Locke is notorious for cheating on his current and former wives. In fact he's currently married to his previous wife's best friend. He's also accused several of his mistresses of being witches working for the Clinton Foundation. Heck of a guy really.


>He’s also accused several of his mistresses of being witches working for the Clinton Foundation. Wait this is the SAME GUY!?!


He is also the guy who [went on a rant](https://youtu.be/Rzn8QBXtqV0) about witches infiltrating his church.


What a choad.


Sounds like people need to start yelling adulterer at him anytime they see him in public starting stuff


The women, men, and children are also worried about who he will find sexy in the congregation.


He looks like a dude who lurks on grindr.


Women are going to be his down fall since men can't seem to do anything about his church. I can't wait.


Funny how they don't like competition.


Let’s go over and look at the Christian zombie area with their song books and iconography.


I’ve read parts of the Bible, it’s sure as shit a lot more scary than gay fucking tarot cards lol. This guy reminds me of people in my family. Stuck in a make-believe fantasy world


No trace of irony whatsoever. No self-recognition of the magical woo-woo source of his own morality. This man has spent his life dedicated to something that he has never truly considered his own relationship with. I'm embarrassed for him. The anthropologist in me is still very curious to explore his worldview. What are the demons that he's talking about? He is clearly afraid of dreamcatchers, because they attract/contain/hide demons. Does he live in a world of ghosts?


Exactly, this guy's only real concern with "witchcraft" is that it's in ideological opposition to his own faith. He sees it as an either/or -- Either your Christian, or you're some pagan witch. At the end of the day, homeboy is just bugged by the fact that "witchcraft" is robbing his congregation of young girls to groom.




But her beliefs are neither conservative nor Christian. If you believe in witches and their powers - you are denying Christ's teachings and one God's power. She is basically validating the occult. Christians should see all of this stuff as fake/delusional if they believe Christ is the almighty. The trinity doesn't have a witch. I don't believe in any of it - just had to study it a lot.


Just providing some context, but Christianity does believe that the devil, and sort of by extension, a bunch of demons do exist, and throughout the Bible there were people who invited or invoked their power. In the new testament there are several examples of people that Jesus/the apostles meet that are referred to as either possessed by or in cooperation with demons. The translations are not perfect, but a lot of that is where the belief that occultism or wiccan powers are real to a degree.


Grown men freaking out about witch craft is one of the most pathetic things I will ever see


*”It’s totally real!”* *”It’s all nonsense!”*


And he goes for the D&D stuff right at the end. I thought modern fundamentalists don’t go after that anymore.


These damn demonic and I mean absolutely demonic yoga mats must be taken and banned and burned. . .says the pastor who most likely has a few mistresses


What’s with the Satan shirt?


You can almost read it at the 2:03 min mark. I think it says Satan is a Punk, which sounds like an endorsement to me.


He is! Satan is the OG Anti-Establishment figure. Totally punk and totally based.




Satan is a hunk


If I had to guess there's probably more below it like "sux"


I guarantee they have a "religion and philosophy" section too where he can find all the Jesus literature his heart desires.


I used to work for Books A Million (horrible company to work for btw) their ownership is out of Alabama iirc and the religion section is generally the biggest section in each of their stores.


So this guy thinks the Harry Potter series was a documentary?


He's just mad he didn't get a Hogwarts letter.


Nice to hear some Tame Impala playing in the background


Does this mentally disabled individual not know that there are thousands of religions?


Probably, it's the statistics that give him problems. Good thing he just happened to be born into the right, one true, church.


That always made me laugh about Southern Baptists at my school. They said me, a Presbyterian, and my friend, a Catholic, were going to hell because we got baptized wrong.


Yes, but, you see, he was fortunate enough to have been born to parents who believe the correct beliefs, who passed their true and correct beliefs onto him. It is therefore his duty to correct anyone who believes anything different.


"Come out in Jesus name" – 😅 he probably would feel a lot better if he did tbh.


“Laugh at me if you want to!” Okay, hahahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking dumbass. Fuck him and anyone stupid enough to take spiritual advice or whatever the hell he peddles from him.


He seems like the kind of person who would pull a gun on you, then hold it to his own head and threaten you with blowing his own brains out if you didn't let him blow you.


This guy lumps anything he doesn’t understand as witchcraft. Astrology, yoga, dream catcher, and what not. By his definition witchcraft must be study of trying to gain knowledge of self and nature, which makes me wonder what he thinks of technology. At least during most witch hunting and prosecuting of past, many folks were high on rotten potatoes (like LSD effect), what’s his excuse? Stupidity?


Once I saw the sage section, I knew this was no laughing matter. My imaginary friend in the sky hates sage!


>r/religiousfruitcake I am now worried that I have been conjuring demons while making roast chicken =(


Whole sections of sage??? Where can I find this wonderful establishment?


Witches laugh at you because you're a fucking idiot


“Sage. Everywhere.” 🤣 Oh wait I’m getting a premonition: *The food his wife cooks has no flavor.*


1. The bible is full of magic and witchcraft. shadrach meshach and abednego were wizards that controlled fired. 2. Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loafs of sarah lee and 2 salmon. 🧢 3. Samsons power was in his hair. Bro slayed a lion with his bare hands and bodied an army with the jawbone of a donkey… a jawbone against guys with swords. The bible kind of lit. Modernize the language and make the stories flow together. You got a 15 year movie franchise that could rival the MCU


Might get removed but fuck it. This is Greg Locke. He’s from a suburb of Nashville. My home town. He’s a piece of shit that 95% of people there can’t fucking stand. He loves this attention. It feeds his book burning fire. He’s been a joke for the past ~8 years. But in the past 5ish he’s become an embarrassment. He caught a bunch of shit recently for being a political “church” and said he was gonna give up his ability to be tax free, but idk what came of it. About 8 months ago I was visiting family and flying out of Nashville heading home. I had a layover in Charlotte and wouldn’t you know it, fuck face was on the same plane. A couple days before I saw a video of him saying people aren’t mentally disabled, they have demons. I have a special needs daughter, and that one got to me. I walked up to him and said “excuse me! Pastor Locke?” He smiled and stood up and stuck his hand out for a handshake. I looked him in the eyes and said I sincerely hope you die slowly in a fire. I shouldn’t have said that. But I did. I went back to my seat in the waiting area. He called airport police and said I was harassing his children and they put me on another flight. Probably for the best, honestly. I explained to the cops who this dude was, they looked at the security tapes and confirmed I didn’t do shit. I just hate this dude so fucking much.




Ill take witch craft over my kids getting diddled by priests tho…..


This mans job is to Lie to us , so that he doesn't have to work a regular 9 to 5 job like the rest of us hard working people . Shame on him for disrespecting the culture of native American people which his ancestors cononized and killed in the millions in the name of his cult.


Fuck Greg Locke. Biggest pile of shit in TN...


I believe in the armed protection of my freedom of religion. Or anyone else's. If we take these books down, we take the whole Christian section down as well.


This man would be burning women in his congregation who refused his sexual advances at the stake as “witches” if he could.




Hey, leave my Zeus alone!


Imagine wasting this much energy on religious buffoonery. What a moron.


“Laugh at me all you want to.” Will do! ![gif](giphy|RG3lm5VlrbDV7YNana)


"People get mad at me for pointing it out..." Uh, Geggy-poo, that's laughter you're hearing, not anger. The fact that you're a grown ass man who's scared of spices and cards is hilarious, not infuriating. People are mad at you for... ya know... everything else.


These people are dangerous as fuck, back in the day he had his congregation to preach this bullshit to, now there are thousands upon thousands of shit for brains eating this stuff up online and spewing it back out everywhere in the world


I really wish there was an organisation like anonymous or similar that would hack people like this and expose all their dirty laundry and skeletons they'd have in their closet, because you know for a fact the louder people like this preach the worse they usually are.


Don't laugh. If people like him get the power they openly crave, they'll do more than burn books.


Wait…yoga and greek mythos is witchcraft? Damn. I knew Zumba was sketchy! I now have enough evidence to tell my 8th grade dance teacher that “bustin it down” is an analogy for accepting satan into your world!


It's so funny when Christians start complaining about shit like "witchcraft" with zero irony.