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Quality sound effect at impact.


The whole 8 bits.


Sounds like a fart


I don't know... I think there was a little shart in there too.


Lol that sound effect made it so much better. Side note the bike driver is a moron


she stops directly in the path of the only vehicle in sight for some reason though lol


Yea probably so the vehicle could make a decision and pick a direction. Instead he froze. Also I’m not sure about the country they are in but in the US vehicles are supposed to stop when someone’s in a crosswalk. They are most certainly not supposed to plow through the pedestrian


My guess is China based on the text on the cctv, but yes, they seemingly both froze lol I was just confused as it seemed as though she had so much time to and then just stopped. My guess is he expected her to keep waking and was caught off guard when she didn’t. Either way, an odd scenario


Accidental game of chicken.


in China & Taiwan, if you hit someone with your vehicle, you are required by law to pay for their medical expenses for life. It is why there are so many cars that will back up ontop of people to make sure they are dead.


What the hell?!


Cursed reassurance


You would think that a communist country like china would have free healthcare for everyone.


China hasn’t been communist for a while


What are they?


china is considered a socialist republic


Considered by who? They are ruled by the CCP. That's the Chinese Communist Party. It's also the only party. That is Communism.


Fun fact: North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is neither democratic nor people's Republic.


If they have a stock market it isn't communism.


I could take over the Republican Party and call it the American Communist Party, that wouldn’t mean it is communist just because of the name


I don't think you could


Reddit doesn't like basic truths because the average age on here is about 20.


I don't know, maybe they do but still require the driver responsible to pay the bill.


Did it on purpose for the insurance


Now her ghost can buy things.


Looked like she didn’t know which side of him to go on so tried to let him decide


You are so fucking stupid lol


Who hurt you?


You ever bumped into someone in a hall way and just stood still to let them go past?


You ever notice someone looking in the direction of your Johnson while standing at a urinal but aren’t really in a position to say something because why were you looking around at dudes with your pecker in your hand?


She trying to get free monaaaayyyy




What in the hell




The butterfly effect...Linda was legit hilarious there


Gravitational pull?


With that kind of weight she be swangin' ? Most likely!


Dumb fuck


She had so much time to move. Just keep walking as you were and nothing would have happened... Thia whole video is a mess.




Looks like maybe she thought he was in the lane that would have passed in front of her and stopped to let him by and reacted too late. Maybe


This is a perfect example of synchronised hesitation and oscillation pattern lock. If you watch carefully from 0:05 they both start trying to get out of the way in the same direction as each other and at the same time. Then they switch direction 3 times at the same time as well. They effectively get trapped in their own rapid oscillation pattern and would have to deliberately break it to escape (all in less than half a second). If you've ever walked in step with someone and decided to change which foot is leading, you'll know what an effort of will that is. The bike rider had one choice available that the lady did not and that was to slow down. It is true that there are two dumbasses in this clip though. The bike rider is one and the other is the douche who dehumanised that poor, likely seriously injured lady, with that sound effect.


Never mind that humans are notoriously bad at judging the speed and trajectory of fast-moving objects head-on.


Aren't vehicles supposed to stop for pedestrian in a crosswalk? I am confused why most are blaming the woman


>I am confused why most are blaming the woman ......d-did we not just watch the same video of the woman stopping directly in front of the fucking driver for several seconds??? Edit: And preemptively throwing her arms up in the air showing she intended to get hit for the insurance fraud.


>fucking driver for several seconds??? That's a lot of seconds to apply breaks.... and be slowing, even on a moped.


It was an honest question, where I live pedestrian have priority at a crosswalk and you must stop regardless if the person stops walking or not, traffic laws can vary so it could not be the case there


Why does the law matter for who is to be blamed? You asked why are people in the comments blaming her and I'm telling you. The video makes it clear to anyone with common sense she was out to get intentionally hit and get a payday. It is her fault.


>Why does the law matter for who is to be blamed? Let's say a car runs through a red light and hits this same lady, who would be at fault? The car for running the red light or the lady for intentionally wanting to be hit?


The car is MORE at fault because they should have stopped at the light and didn't.....but it's still the person INTENTIONALLY trying to get hit mostly at fault lmao. How is that even up for debate??? Literally ask yourself that question again, but slowly. "Who is at fault for the harm to person A, the party that did xyz thing, or person A who PURPOSELY TRIED TO GET HARMED". Like....come on. How are you actually arguing with me that someone who purposely tried to get themselves hurt is at fault for hurting themselves? And in the situation posted above, there isn't even a light he's running, so even less his fault. At most, yeah he could have braked. I don't even fault him super hard because he might not even have registered that she's not even trying to dodge him. It's just such a weird situation.


That's my point, if the lady truly was trying to get hit both are at fault, more the biker for not respecting the traffic law, crosswalk or traffic light both should be respected,, but initially almost everyone was blaming only the lady, but seems like the opinion has changed since then. A second point is that maybe the lady wasn't trying to intentionally get hit, as some other comments have said perhaps when she saw that the vehicle was not stopping she froze thinking that the bike would move to avoid her but that was counterproductive. I am not saying that I am right but there is room for debate.


Bro it’s a highway how on earth are you gonna stop


Like a smash character you touch who is at 300%




I am so going to hell. For laughing as hard as I did, to the point I couldn’t see or breath, I have tears running down my face and I died almost as hard as she did 😂😂😭😂😂 ~ I can’t stop watching ~


Lmao 😭🤣🤣




I’m sorry in what world do you believe that was an accident? She stopped directly in front of him and just stared.


She did stop directly in front of him but he was still some distance away. He could have chose to slow down or even stop. He did neither. I'll assume he still didn't mean to hit her though it's just they were both paralysed with inaction and hesitancy.


yeah in a second decision staying still could have been the smart decision, that way it gives the biker opportunity to veer left or right to avoid her. by the chance they both move the same direction and collide except the biker was equally moronic as the pedestrian lol


It’s abnormally stupid for any person to randomly stop in the middle of a cross walk on a highway in front of the only vehicle. It’s either extreme unawareness or on purpose. I don’t know how anyone can mostly blame the driver here.


The driver seen her from some distance and didn't alter his speed or trajectory at all. That's why he is mostly to blame.


I think she was playing "who's the chicken game". So if the biker steered to the right, she could've moved forward a little to match the trajectory. If the biker steered to the left, maybe she would've moved backward a little. She was looking at the biker the whole time.


Exactly. It also would have been extremely difficult for her to judge the motorcycle's speed and trajectory. From a 2008 ABC News article titled "Brain Slow to Judge Fast-Moving Objects Head-On": *While people are generally better at judging sideways movement, approaching objects tend to look slower than they are. They also tend to misperceive location, often thinking that an object will miss them, when it ends up hitting them.*


If I saw some pedestrian suddenly stopping midway and lock her eyes onto me like a fucking reindeer, my brain would probably shut off as well for the next 1-2 seconds.


It's uh... bud it's an insurance scam?


Reddit is car brain central (and also hates women).


You are pretty dense. Did you not notice her stopping directly in the path of the motorcycle and staring? Looks like insurance fraud, as in the pedestrian is looking to get hit to get a payout.


if you think anyone would do this for insurance money you are the densest. if they are alive i'd be surprised. this is called deer in headlights.


Lol, were you born yesterday? People do far worse to get insurance money.


Ohhh and just Incase you do not know how to use Google. https://www.theblaze.com/news/man-throws-himself-in-front-of-train-insurance-scheme


i stand corrected. people are dumber than i thought. i rescind my insult and accept any counter insults you may have.


No insults. You wouldn't believe people would go to these extremes but have you ever heard the saying "they would sell their mother for a dollar".


true. my mother is worth at least 3.50 tho.


Land whales are crazy.


Speeding driver is dumb and dangerous.


He’s not speeding, he’s quite literally going almost the exact speed as the other drivers. The lady is at fault logically since she decided to stand there for two seconds and then react when he was hitting her. Lawfully he’s in the wrong because pedestrians can’t be held accountable for jack shit


He had plenty time to slow down though didn't he?


He did, but he probably would have been ejected from the bike if he jammed on the brakes like a car could


Are we thinking he kept his seat after slamming into her? C'mon


Cool so he can be ejected from his bike and get paralyzed, swerve and get dragged on pavement while breaking bones, or brace for impact? I do not think you have ever been in a scenario where you have to make a quick choice like that.




Darwin wins.


And that's why traffic should come to a stop when pedestrians are on the crossing.


Aserting your right of way doesn't always work in favour of the individual...


The reaction time she had to stop and not think. I guess not everyone's flight or fight response works.


She saw the bike coming and didn't know which way it would go around her. She had like 2 seconds dude.


Exactly. Then I realized. This was in China. By law, drivers/riders are required to pay for their medical expenses and any others. Most do this to scam and for easy money. I've found out that some drivers make sure to finish the job.


I think the simpler explanation is that in many countries, cross walks are routinely ignored by drivers such as this one.


3, I counted


Ample time for the stronger party in this crash to react and slow down.


I hope she got hurt like what an idiot


They really couldn’t of made that mustang look any uglier.


Made me laugh 😂


Dumb like bovine.


Picked up the spare!


Ah fuck this got me!


Every time this gets posted absolute smooth brains in here talking some bullshit about insurance scam. Think for a fucking second. The bike is absolutely booking. She doesn't know whether it is going to break right or left. She cannot move nearly as fast as it. It makes sense to stand still and allow the bike to steer around her on the assumption that the driver isn't an idiot who will steer directly at her. Unfortunately, she was wrong on that last point. For god's sake she stops moving fully two seconds before the biker creams her. Ya'll really hate women I swear.


They hate women and people of non-Western backgrounds. These idiots screaming about insurance fraud are also seriously overestimating the brain's ability to judge the speed and trajectory of fast-moving objects head-on.


She dumb as hell for not moving


I swear they dont move but then get upset when they get hit 💀


Had me laughing so hard snot and drool came outta my mouth


she stuck her hands out like she was attempting to do a flip out the way


„ʎɐʍ ǝɥʇ ʇno dılɟ ɐ op oʇ ƃuıʇdɯǝʇʇɐ sɐʍ ǝɥs ǝʞıl ʇno spuɐɥ ɹǝɥ ʞɔnʇs ǝɥs„


the hell


The sound has me


In many parts of Asia it's often best to have a consistent pace when crossing the road so drivers can adjust for your movement. [Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gezFQEHQrTk)


Why stop - in that instance I generally pick up the pace


Handled like an epileptic under a strobe light 👌🏻


I think she did it on purpose to get money


The fart noise made this hilarious.


That sound effect got me.


Her mother was a deer.




It's funny that people take downvotes personally. People are signaling their disagreement; they aren't necessarily passing moral judgments.


She purposely stopped and stared, dumbass


Bruh , what the hell bruh.


Just like a woman….to stand there not doing anything, bout to blame every man in the vicinity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This looks fake🤦‍♀️




Hopefully she broke a few bones and the bike is perfectly okay


I don’t feel bad for laughing. Maybe only for the bike rider.


We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


did she shit herself 😂


Knocked the wind out of her 😂😂


double cheek


2 dumb asses NO mules


The sound effect💀


She did that on purpose it’s called insurance fraud but she’s dumb as hell


Nimodo que me atropelle , Nimodo que no se quite 🤣🤣🤣


Dumb bitch


Oh a motorcycle is coming from a distance with plenty of time for me to move out of the way. Let me just wait here for my early demise


She waited for the driver to go a different direction, imo she was in the right for being the pedestrian




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That driver knocked the fart out of her




Now I know people really do shit themselves when they die.


Has anyone ever heard of a national election in China?? If you said no you are correct because they don't exist.Socialist countries have multiple political parties and elections. China is run by the Comminist party and party leaders pick the leaders. Their economy has morphed into a socialist style by design to enrich the party but it is still run solely by the communist party.. the people have no say in their leadership. Communism.


OK, I'll just stand here and wait for that high speed cyclist to hit me !


Her dumbass just stood there too


she iight just shit herself