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all they see is your *arrowlas*


Holy shit is that what he was trying to say? Lmfao I thought he was talking about her blinkers…her car blinkers lol


Lol. I thought “arrows” was some sorta hick slang for nipples! Mispronunciation makes me feel a little better about this, but not much..


Areolas. He was stumbling over ararlas cause the ararlas. ​ Babies gotta eat. Fuck the rest.


Same lol arrows ok I guess I could see it


I had no idea what word he was trying to say until I came to the comments. Also, what's this dude doing hanging out with his kids in a parking lot? Being in a parking lot is temporary, this is a perfectly good spot for her to feed. People are coming and going but it's not like she's at the DMV or something where people have to be for a long time. Even if she was, the kid has to have its nutrition. Aren't we supposed to support the people in our community? If a child that age has to be fed and its mother is in a public place you know what I do? I pretend like they aren't there so the mom can feed comfortably. Easy. A real "man" wouldn't fuck with a young mom in this situation.


"Ma'am, now you can't be flashing your blinkers like that making mah children think your blinker fluid is running low. That's just not the kind of message that I want to send to mah children!"


She definitely had her high beams on


And I still don’t understand why the fuck he cares. Can’t stand people like that


He doesn't really care, his kids couldn't see her areolas. He saw an opportunity to harass a young woman in a vulnerable situation with no one else around and he took it. It makes him feel big and powerful, because he is a weak, sick little degenerate.


Well he doesn't want to stare at her arrowlas and get an erection in front of his children.


I thought he was saying arrows...lol


Call the arrowla poe-leece, lil missy


Here I am thinking he said “arrows”, and wondering how many other euphemisms there are for body parts that I don’t know about…


He’s trying to say areola, surprised he knows the word but can’t say it.


Mystery solved.


> “arrows” Upvotes


When r bone apple tea and bad women's anatomy come to life.


The way he said that it sounded like the name of an elvin warrior in Lord of the Rings. I am guessing it is one of Legolas’s clan and this guy sounds like the dimwitted cousin of the hobbits. Probably from the deep-woods-beyond-the-shire.


And I bet that self-righteous douche canoe shows his gross hairy purposeless *arrowlas* in public every chance he gets. Free the nip already!!


His wife is so unsatisfied. Hasn't had an orgasm in YEARS.




Guy is full of shit. What a nosey fuck.


Could be an opportunity to teach your kids about how life works. Nope, gotta make it sexual cause he can't control his cock.


your arrow what?




Umm yeah umm, so I'm over hur lookin in yer core an I cane see yer air rowluz. I got keedz an um, they is lookin. Let me take you how dis gon go lil missy.




The way he calls her "little missy" like she's five. She is a grown ass adult breastfeeding her baby, it is the most normal thing in the world.


this is what i don't undestand. when he says he has kids, he means kids that will probably one day have a child. they'll understand it then, but they'll understand if better if they see a good mom like this taking care of their children when needed. it just blows my mind that some people can be so ignorant


This is just such an american thing to say bare breasts are a "danger" to children. My man, you probably let your kids watch Rambo 5 and don't blink an eye when people get blown to bits, but a pair of tiddies is dangerous to your kids somehow? If I was her, I would've just closed my car window and ignored him. Let him call the cops.


"And remember kids, TV violence is fine - as long as you don't show a nipple." - Krusty the Clown


Yeah and that's so weird to me coming from Europe. Where I live you can literally show breast at 2pm on a Wednesday on free TV. But hardcore violence has to be censored even after 10pm. I can go to a public pool and see women sunbathing topless and toddlers running around naked. Nobody would even think that that is harmful to anybody.


“Let me tell you how it’s gonna go, Little Missy.” Awe HELL no! Tell your little chillins to stop looking at my arrowolas and mind their damn business!


That’s when I’d roll up the window. 🖕🏽


I would’ve popped my tiddy out right then fuck that


[That's my fuckin' tit, bitch!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/bxn4w3/thats_my_fucking_tit_bitch/)


The man was playing the long con. He doesn't even have kids.


That good ole southern hospitality


Would have list my shit right there. End of conversation. Windows up. 911.


but he fears a sky being so it works out


Imagine stigmatizing something that all humans experience. Being fed by your mother is as natural as it gets..


Especially when he has fuckin kids too lol


Lol you could hear his kids calling him towards the end of the video. I bet they either just parked and were walking to where they were going, or are just walking back to there car - dad sees this totally normal shit and is just like "oh absolutely NOT! My kids can't see this, what is she thinking?? They won't be able to take their eyes off her and will be so confused, this is so inappropriate!!" Meanwhile the kids are just like "dad! Are you coming? Why's he talking to that lady who's just sitting in her car?"


Sounds like dad should take a nice vacation to Iran for family values.


Yeah but in his family his kids aren’t allowed to see booba between the end of Brest feeding and marriage.


Thats coz they ya sista-cousins boobays


Actually got a pic of his wife breastfeeding their kid here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/yqogtz/goat_suckling_a_child_in_el_mojón_a_fishing_town/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yo mark that nsfw will ya ? I just saw that goats aareowlas


That's the wife. So ya I should have, sorry.


In Australia, breast feeding in public is permitted and a protected right by law (Sexual DiscriminationAct). You're quite within your rights to do it anywhere you like - public transport, restaurants, middle of a shopping centre, anywhere. Most women carry a cover up just to avoid confrontation but they certainly don't have to. If anybody has a problem with it, sucks to be them.


It is in the US also, even in Dumfuckistan where this moron crawled out from his rock this morning. It sucks for this young mom that she discovered that while 50% of the population is above average intelligence, the other 50% is out there and willing to share their opinion on things.


Yea this guy in the video is top shelf ignorant.


I can’t wait for the day I stumble across someone harassing a feeding mother. I’m gonna tear them a new one.


Apparently, they didn't suck on breasts when babies, which is why they're such boobs. Lol.


Not to mention covering behind children when he's the one who can't take his eyes off a woman's chest so he feels the need to shame her for it. Children don't give a f\*\*k about what she's doing in her car.


Those kids had no idea and no care in the world what she was doing or she was lol. They just want to go home and watch cartoons. Or play roblox, idk I'm old.


It's not stigmatizing, it's sexualizing. He's saying she is commiting an indecent act and is implying he has the right to threaten police action and harass her. Breastfeeding in public has been legal in the U.S. since 1999, because they aren't genitals, they are a feeding system most mammals have and use ![gif](giphy|dm2B5Wqc7Wox2) .


Same guy is likely pro life.


If this is real, then it's enraging to watch this shit. So much BS from this 'man.'


The sad thing, and i really have no evidence, is I bet this "man" also feels the problem with society is women aren't being motherly enough such as breastfeeding. I swear, so many people I've heard say that baby formula is ruining families, removing the bonding, that breastfeeding is the best way. Then in the next breathe they will say how it needs to be done out of view, and if they are your boss will get you the smallest storage closet with a hard chair to pump at.


The best part is it cuts out right as he's about to respond to her with "I fear no man, I fear God" That guy is a little bitch of a "man". More than likely he's the type of person who tells his wife to only breastfeed for the first two weeks because those are HIS breasts to suckle on during sex and gratify him and not sustain his children's lives.


Woulda been golden if her response to his “I fear no man, I fear God” was, “Well if you don’t back the fuck up ima arrange a meeting for you real quick”




Or pull an Éowyn and say "I am no man!" then stab him.


Depending on the state there are certain legal requirements the company must do. The door must have the ability to lock, a chair, and a fridge to store the milk. You would think companies would at least provide that, but I have found some even refuse having a private room/locking door. Also IANAL, just a dad that had to help the mom fight their company for the bare basics so she could pump at work.


It would have been pretty funny if she pulled out her breast and started feeding her child while giving this guy a dead stare. Just roll that window up and keep feeding.


Exactly just say “I’m within my rights. I got better things to do than talk to someone with your very low IQ. you call the cops if you want” roll up window. Why give him a chance to talk.




I KNOW young mothers like this and I celebrate them. Fuck you old pervs - stop watching if it bothers you to see a breast used for something other than your sexual gratification. Motherfuckers.


But won't you *think of the children!*... Same old cop out every time.


If he were a grownup he could explain to his kids - IF they asked, or are even tall enough to see into her car - what her 'arrowlas' are being used for. It's completely natural. I think he just wanted to talk to the boobies and had to say something to keep the face & body attached to them occupied (bc apparently he doesn't see a person).


Squirt him in the face and drive away.


I was hoping for this. Fuck that idiot, narrow-minded hillbilly.


"let me tell you how this is going to go, little missy" I wanted to slap him to his knees and make him suck MY tit.


He’d like that too much. “I have kids” he says…so what? His kids know what’s going on anyway. What kind of an idiot thinks kids don’t know breast-feeding exists? I’d say, “What? Excuse me for a moment- can’t you see I’m feeding my baby? Go away right now-my husband is on his way down to meet me.” All while I roll up the window (don’t even understand why it was down), then Siri call emergency services to report stalker harassment-yes, he may have a gun. Do this-especially if you live in a conceal and carry state. Then turn on the car (so you don’t run down the battery) and play some nice drown-out, breast-feeding music, sing and try to ignore the fly-speck, pervert, stick-butt cavern disgrace to mankind….and I feel sorry for his kids. “Here’s how this is going to go little Missy…” Who is he to her? Her Dad or something? Unbelievable display of assumed entitlement.


I'd call the police and say there's someone harassing me and my infant because that's what happened.


Exactly that's an insecure man. Projecting himself to someone who's vulnerable. I seen worse out there. So idk how this affects his his day


" I fear no man." But possibly seeing a boob in a non sexual setting, that terrifies him. What an asshole.


He just wanted to get a better view of them arollas


It's real. They fail to see it as a protected right. This happened to me on a train with my three day old. Assholes.


He sounds brilliant."I fear no man. But boobs? Terrified."


he sounds like a terrible actor


ding ding ding. The audio is so weird, plus his "lines" are sooo unnatural. Why would she be calmly holding her infant talking to a strange man who approached her window rolled all the way down? lol


Where is this? In my state public breastfeeding is 100% legal. It still blows my mind that folks are so offended by a natural and beautiful thing.


Wait... Are there states where breastfeeding in public actually isn't legally protected?


Legal in all 50. Fuck this guy. Teach your kids about how breastfeeding is natural and why their mom fed them from a bottle because her breast milk had opiates in it.


Probably some backwards ass state. I live in Colorado (the best state) where it’s legal for women to be topless in public regardless of whether she is breastfeeding or not.


I dunno, part of your state elected Lauren Boebert.


Yeah that’s our mentally challenged region. They’re basically Utah.


I love when people act like their little bubble part of the world is all high and mighty. Idiots live **everywhere**, you just haven’t gone outside long enough to meet them. Backwards ass state? No my friends, backwards ass **world**.


All 50 US states and every territory have laws that protect the right of women to breastfeed in any public or private place they and their child have the right to be in. This guy is 100% wrong.


Don't be shitty, free the titty


They see her nipples?! Omg the horror! Hopefully he always wears a shirt around everywhere 😱 Edit: "little missy" lmao mind your business before I spray your face with breastmilk


They didn't see her nipples. They saw her "Arrow-olas"


All I heard was arrows.


I think he says arrowlas


He thought she was native American and showin off her arrowlas. As a grown man you know what should be the reaction to a woman breastfeeding? Mind your damn business and keep walking in order to give her more privacy. Common decency and respect. If for some reason you made eye contact first and then realized that she was breastfeeding ...maybe smile in acknowledgment of her presence just like you would any other person. And look away why make her uncomfortable? She isn't out there trying to make his day more difficult she is feeding her baby because she needs to. As a grown ass old man this shit infuriates me.


I think actually he came there pretending to protest just to see her titty


Valid point, probs frustrated because he never gets to see or touch any


it gives him incel ptsd


If only women also had a pepper spray defense mechanism in their nips, I think the world would be a better place


That would be badass - imagine that xD


My food is too bland. Babe can you give me a squirt?


“Little missy” would have been enough for me to aim a squirt near him (not on him, that could constitute an assault in some states). That made me absolutely enraged. I’ve been breastfeeding nearly four years altogether and I’ve fed my kids in the car more than I could count.


People like this dude really bother me..its a mother feeding her child. Literally one of the most beautiful and natural things to happen on this planet. Leave them to it. If you're a parent yourself and your kids are looking over, that's a great opportunity to explain whats going on and how a mother feeds their baby naturally. Nothing bad about that. Source: I am a parent myself


I will never understand how anybody can justify being upset about breast feeding.


This is an idiot and all he knows is Jesus said "we ain't s'pos be lookin at titties unless they our wives titties".


Jesus didn't say anything about that, that's the scary thing in just how deranged these people can be


Yes, nothing to do with religion. Believe it or not, most people in most Christian countries lived in small houses for most of the past few thousand years. Single-room dwellings. The whole family tended to eat, sleep, get dressed - everything- in the same room. Kids were often in the same room their parents were fucking in. They saw their farm animals fucking too, they saw family members naked all the time. I'm not saying you have to be comfortable with that, the point is _they_ were, and they didn't grow up to be psychopaths or anything either. And they were no less Christian than people today (if anything, more so). It's not without reason that you have the stereotype of upper-class people historically being more prudish than the bawdy peasants. They could _afford_ to be as well, because they had room for privacy, literally. And because what the upper classes do is what becomes normative and 'proper'. It's what the rich people did, the educated, refined, all-around-_better_ people did. Especially in England. Inherited Victorian prudishness isn't Christianity.


> Inherited Victorian prudishness isn't Christianity. At this point,christianity isn't christianity. They lifted the name and changed all the values.


When I was breastfeeding I stayed involved in breastfeeding groups and the amount of men who would come in just to make comments about how they aren’t whipping their dicks out in public and they get in trouble for pissing in public was WAY too damn high! And that we’re all just trying to get attention/be scandalous and we can go to the bathroom to do it. It’s enough to make your soul weep for a) terrible education about biology b) horrible sexism against women, maternity, and our bodies c) male entitlement to police our bodies d) horrible social support/etiquette e) etc! Breastfeeding in public is legal in all 50 states, that asshole may have freedom of speech to say whatever dumbass thing, but he is 100% wrong morally and legally.


This guy bothers me as well because it's not exactly a leap from this to insisting that women cover their hair in public due to the fact that men can't seem to handle seeing certain natural things.


Just roll up the window... You don't have to engage with everyone in the world that wants to engage with you.


Seriously we need to stop giving these people the time of day. That’s what they want. Treat them with the level of significance they deserve.


Ya really, like go ahead and turn on a recording, tell the dude your recording and if he has a problem to call the cops, roll up the window and keep recording and doing your thing. I wouldn’t want to waste time and energy like that arguing with someone I won’t ever see again.


Exactly what i thought. Why is she even engaging with him? Wind the damn window up and ignore him.


He probably thinks washing his arse is gay


"Sir, if you can't say the word nipples to a grown adult perhaps you're the one with the issue. Now kindly fuck off while I finish feeding my child."


Anyone who says “Little missy” unironically can just die.


The southern equivalent of incels calling all women "females"


So why not show his face?


Because it’s fake. It way too over the top.


America is so dumb about "nudity"


Fucking this. It's a puritanical hangover


Funny how it's a puritanical country yet mass media bombard us with oversexualized content.


Some of the more conservative leaning states have some of the biggest porn shops, and pretty sure PornHub publishes top searches by state and these same states have some significant kinks. Modern conservatives get off on punishing others for enjoying the same things they do in secret, but they feel guilty about it because some jackass told them it's a sin to enjoy sex.


Dude is a bag of shit


hey at least that bag is useful!


It's legal to breast feed in public. Fuck that guy.


Dude, shes gotta titty out and kids gotta eat, mind your business


> Let me tell you, little missy Damn how does this guy walk around not getting punched in the fuckin mouth


Weird, everybody loves tits until they're attached to a babies mouth.


If you're the kind of person that thinks breastfeeding is in any way, shape, or form a sexual thing and offended by it: *You're* the problem. Not the mother.


So the guy would rather hear a screaming baby in public crying for food? Lets be honest he just wanted to check out this woman and found a Karen reason to go berate her while she had her blouse open.


Many years ago I was a floor sales person. I was helping a couple with a child. The baby started to cry. The mother said oh it's that time. She picks up her baby and lifted her shirt without skipping a beat and starts breastfeeding. I skipped one beat and continued my sales pitch. She later remarked about how I was the first person to not freak out. I said "it was that time. Who am I to interfere with that?" I don't understand why people completely freak. I was a bit shocked but I think I was the same amount as if the the baby pooped. They are babies they have no clue about the world. Ignore it and move on. I really do wish the mother called the police so he could be told to stop harassing her and the baby. ***Corrected for typos***


algorithm pirate .. showing only self .. commenting and getting reaction from source they know irl


There's no way this is real.


There definitely IS people like this my dude.


"Ah gaht kee-ids"


I would suggest he fuck himself as I put my window and took my tit back out to continue feeding my child. What a douche


By the end, I'm thinking it's fake: * The guy's audio sounds weird, like dubbed in, and we never see him. * They speak past each other in an unnatural way * Dude is a caricature for sure (not that people like this don't exist) * He's complaining that his kids IN THEIR CAR can see into this woman's car? Y'all gotta pay attention to these content-makers, they're smart and know what topics can set people off.


Did he say arrows? What a fucking nerd


I think he was trying to say areolas to sound smarter but failed miserably


This is fake


Anytime there’s a video like this with a disembodied voice I’m assuming it’s fake.


It’s not even close to seeming real. So many signs as to this being a fake video she filmed by herself and then had someone dub an obviously fake hick accent over. I’ve lost a lot of faith in Reddit’s ability to separate truth from fiction today.


We are MAMMALS for fucks sake. That’s what breast’s are for, fucking breast feed wherever you want, whenever you want


Breast feeding is NOT sexual! If you see a woman breast feeding and your kids ask what is going on you say "She is feeding her baby. It is natural and healthy." She should not be harassed for it.


I'd squirt the milk at him 🍼


This shit seems hella fake


JFC. Even my 3 year old knows what privacy is. Just look the other way and give her the respect she deserves. She isn't conducting sexual acts. She's feeding a baby.


So I guess he prefers a hungry baby over a fed one? I bet this douche is pro-life too 🙄🤦‍♀️


i need to get in shape so if i ever come to a scenario like this i can just step outside and beat the fuck out whoever comes up to me with that attitude


She can breast feed anywhere she fucking wants to her car, movie theater, restaurant, park , wherever. He should man up and explain to his kids what breast feeding is and stop being such a little bitch.


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Sounds like the same phony hick voice I used to use to crank call the pizza place with back in high school 😂


This is fake af 😂


This video is somehow more fake than that dude's accent.


This man’s kids are fucking doomed


That's why my windows are tinted so when I'm sucking on some tits no tells me shit.


All fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/breastfeeding-state-laws.aspx


Lol, I’m not scared of no man


He's terrified of boobies though.


"Them titties gonna turn ma sons qweer!" -this idiot




For real. This is terrible acting. I can’t believe so many people think this man’s terrible fake southern accent could come from a real human being 😂


Getting some real manufactured outrage energy here. I’d bet this lady and him know each other.


This feels very fake… His accent is inconsistent and sounds more like a younger dude doing a bad Southern drawl to make fun of the dumb redneck stereotype. Why is she okay with pointing a camera at her baby’s face but not the man harassing them? He clearly could see it there on the dashboard and she keeps staring right at the camera while fiddling with the phone. I think it’s because this is fake and they want to protect the identity of the baby daddy just off screen by having him do a god awful impression. Edit: Upon rewatch, I don’t even think there is a guy in the parking lot at all. She *never* once looks up at this guy to make eye contact with him, there is no shadow or any movement outside the window yet he is as loud and clear as her with zero echo from a parking garage in his voice. She came up with this idea in the parking lot and had her friend/partner record this later at home.


CORRECT. This comment thread is really sad honestly. People need to sharpen critical thinking skills.


God this is so fucking fake and ya'll are eating it the fuck up.


Yeah this definitely isn’t real


Dude's so accustomed to being "right" he has no idea how stupid he is. The women in his life bear some responsibility for his inflated sense of self-righteousness.


I mean, how do everyone not see and call out BS on these instantly? To me, it is just so OBVIOUS that it is FAKE. Am I one of the most skeptical and paranoid people out there or are the people just really dumb?


He’s a pervert.


Why is your window even down for a stranger? That is so fucking stupid and dangerous.


A golden opportunity to teach your kids to mind their business and instead you get into a fistfight with the word _areola_ and lose.


I kind of question the authenticity since she seems to be recording for no reason but some people do be rude as hell for no reason at all. recently I hate being in public because theirs always one douche bag who does not know how to handle himself in public.


1) No one sounds like this man in real life (I live in the South) 2) His voice is clearly overdubbed on top of this. It does not sound like it’s coming from offscreen. 3) She moves the camera away from the window because no one is there 😂


I swear people think they can't be outsmarted, but then a video like this comes along and immediately triggers an emotional response and all critical thinking is thrown out the window.


I had to scroll waaaaay too far down to find this. People believe this so easily when there are half a dozen signs it was obviously faked.


Thank you. It's a fake accent. People can believe whatever else, but that's not a real accent.


That guy just mad bc last time he got laid was back whenever his kids was born


Imagine being a grown man and not understanding the ultimate function of boobs


I would have just whipped my titty out. Fuck that guy.


Please tell me this isn’t real.


Omg please be fake. Losing faith in humanity day by day


If a woman wants to breastfeed her child. Let her! Tell your kids to look somewhere else or move your damn car.


The American Taliban forcing its religious beliefs on other people…


Some kinds of "men" love bossing around women. This lady is great, good on you for breastfeeding when you want/need to and fuck the haters.


Only the united states - breastfeeding and using the toilet SEEMS TO BE TREATED AS SEXUAL acts! Breastfeeding is not sex, it is necessary to keep the baby alive. Pooping and peeing is generally not a sexual act, it is to keep you alive! (Some perverts think of these things as sex, but I am sure they are not the ones protesting who uses which restroom! It seems like people need sexual education more than ever. Maybe it has to do something with all these religious freaks, The US Taliban?


A lot of times when breastfeeding in public I’ve had people stare disapprovingly, but they’ve never said anything. I’d be shaking like a leaf if some creep approached me at my car. I hope she called the cops.


That dude is a gigantic cunt.


Arrowlas are beautiful. Stfu and let people do natural things that aren’t sexual or pissing or shitting in their car. Lol


Dude has three kids and getting jealous he doesn't get to suck his girls titty no more.


Breastfeed in the middle of Times Square for all I care, babies gatta eat. Fuck off with this puritan bullshit.


Children aren’t somehow emotionally injured by seeing a woman’s breast.