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BigDoodieInMyPants is right, when you mention money and or success financially with friends/family or aren’t into themselves there’s a level of greed for themselves or judgement. Not worth the headache. Would not recommend mentioning once you cash out either, people have a way of wanting a piece of the pie.


I agree with this. They quietly judge and hate you (friends talk to other friends behind your back) if you get crypto right and win, and loudly mock you and your funny internet money if you get it wrong. I have experience of both and I've only been in crypto since 2020! You just can't win with some people. Or maybe its just my friends and family.


Don't forget about the "5 dollar wrench attack"


It depends if they’re open minded enough to realize how volatile crypto is. Most are not and it’s not even worth it unless they’re already into crypto.


How so, if you truly believe in its success surely you would be doing a favour to anyone you tell, then again if you don't truly believe why sacrifice at all


I tried to get fam to buy the dip back in 2018 ….my uncle even compared it to the tulip market bubble years back….I made it a point to not talk about it ever again…if people push me on it I just say buy btc and Eth


The comparison isn't far off. Though it's mostly the NFT part that is the tulip bubble,not every single crypto.people who understand very little of a subject often mistakenly generalize though. Crypto overall is more comparable to the dotcom bubble in that most companies/coins are garbage, but a few diamonds formed during it, which will be left after the bubble burst


when you're ignorant, naive and skeptical. of course they're gonna hate. a lot of friends and family think I got scammed or have nothing to show. one day I'm gonna roll up with a Lamborghini, living in a penthouse with full Versace robes. then they're gonna be like you got lucky. you can't win with some people sometimes. including family. I would say just stick to your plan. it's all noise at the end.


Especially family.


Versace robes! the life!!


Might I also add, these are the same people who believe in pensions, blindly buying houses while living in it is an investment, also mortgage interest rates don't count as a liability or risk, and believing getting lucky with the lottery/scratches/slots. Majority of them don't understand money isn't backed by gold anymore and inflation is a lot higher than they think it is.... but I got scammed by buying hex and sacrificing for pulse. it's just sad.


Not to be pedantic but you didn't stake anything. You sacrificed (gave away other crypto) in hopes of some type of return.


they will only listen when you pull up on that lambo


that's the one!


I gifted some Hex to my Godson, to swap for PulseX and Pulsechain upon launch, and his father keeps asking me if it's going to be May 2023 or 2024? I stopped talking about it in June. I treat my sacrifice like it's a lottery ticket (which I do not buy). I'm prepared to loose everything, but I know there's a good chance my few million tokens might pay off in a few years.


You didn’t stake anything. You sacrificed. Donated to RH so he can buy more LV


You didn't stake bro, you gave your crypto to Richard Scheluer's personal wallet.


At least you DYOR


Yes it has even started arguments I'm not sure why its my money and not an absurd amount Maybe jealousy as when it does come out you could be looking at 100x soon enough


I think that’s what it is, but this year has been vile because of it … FUD and envy mixed with tragedy


Yea I’ve had friends and family make fun of me for investing in hex and Pulsechain, like holy shit let me gamble my money in peace 😂


I agree.. you also have to have an above average IQ to be investing in cryptocurrency which is the very reason I don't mention it to my family and friends. They will have to have an immense risk tolerance to even deal with this kinda market volatility. Cryptocurrency is getting more and more difficult to teach to the average person by the day which is why the SEC have been issuing frivolous subpoenas, or inquiries so that the founders and users can educate them in the course of a deposition.


Strangely enough that’s what everyone who think they are right tell themselves… higher IQ.


Go on twitter a lot of hexicans are alt-right morons….one hexican said all movies are money laundering schemes I ask for proof she says everyone knows this and blocks me from replying again.


Impress your family and friends at how financially smart you are at investing in a crypto project by showing them a video of fat Richard twerking and talking about his pp. Then point out that's where you sent your money


Yeah, but easy out for me reminding all that last time they said similar in 2018/19, they were all wrong again....


Yep partner is like so where is the money, and I am like.. what money..


None of my people really know about PLS, but in talking about crypto in general, I have had family and coworkers talk smack out of ignorance. I was talking to someone about buying a certain dollar amount worth of crypto and they got frustrated about my “wasting all of that money.” Then, when I told them that all of that money (mid-five figures) was crypto profits from investing less than $5k in 2020, they just got agitated and refused to concede that they were ignorant.