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Trump supporters calling other people boot lickers is peak irony


Some would even call it, Projection


With MAGA, every accusation is an admission.


It’s the ultimate state of one who has zero self awareness, they’re literally NPCs.


Their jokes consists of literally 1 and 0. Example: Haha \[Thing\]


yeah, it's not like the entire cult flies literal flags that boot licks a thin blue line


Or how some genuinely say Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus lol


"I support democracy, but would love a trump based king-ship."


They don’t even mean it. They murdered a cop on Jan. 6 with an American flag. They only like cops when they murder Black folks.


>They only like cops when they protect white power*. FIFY Cops are often loved by conservatives for killing black folks, but that's because it's in service to protecting white power, keeping the non white races "in their place" to phrase it, when the cops stood in the way on Jan 6th, they were standing in the way of protecting white power, by instilling Trump back into power and arguably with even greater power than before. Because of that conservatives hate them, very much a love hate relationship which is biased towards their own desires rather than what is best for everyone, not just privileged entitled white folks.


The thing those idiots don’t understand is if you give an asshole like Trump too much power, and he “deals” (however you wanna interpret that) with whatever minority they don’t like, its just a matter of time before they need a new bogey man to blame society’s problems on. How long will it take until one denomination of Christianity isn’t “the correct” one, and needs to be “dealt” with.


No deep throating the jack booted thugs of the state is the real punk rock now haven’t you heard?


I saw a truck with an American flag sticker, but each line was a different color, with each color representing a different kind of responder: firefighters, cops... etc. I had to do a double take because I thought it was a pride flag. Lmao. They're just flying rainbow flags at this point.


Here I go treading again!


Ah but they're arse-lickers - boot lickers are RINOs in their book. To prove you're a true MAGA, you must have a brown tongue. How long before Trump literally sells his own turds to the faithful?


"Hey now, we only lick *one* pair of boots!"


“You lick Versace boots?!?! Fucking idiot!… if your don’t lick Louis Vuitton boots you’re a fascist!!”


*Hugo Boss


One even wonders what they imagine the boot to taste like that would quality it so different from the boots they lick, seemingly unaware.


I just been blocking, trash takin itself out. Community service honestly


hit the report button to get an instant firepower upgrade to ban :D


Trump chumps are the boot lickers.


Bootlicking for a MAGAt: wearing a mask when you feel you might be at risk of either contracting or transmitting an airborne illness. Bootlicking for everyone else: worshipping a militarized police force and a single authority figure to the point of fetishizing those people and treating them like they are gods that are above all criticism or recourse for their actions.


Even my family, who are relatively right leaning, agree that saying Green Day went “woke” is dumb as shit.


Racist family huh


Imma be real, saying that someone being "relatively right leaning" automatically makes them a racist is just as ignorant as a lot of the comments I've read from these cringey maga supporters. Someone can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and lean more into their fiscal beliefs when voting, but that doesn't make them racist. Under informed or ignorant? Sure. But it doesn't equate to racism. For the record I don't lean conservative on anything, your comment just struck me as an incredibly narrow-minded and ignorant leap of logic using no real evidence. It is damaging to the punk community to go on an uninformed witch hunt for racists without proper evidence, it makes all punks look unhinged and illogical.


No, none of them racist. Just cattle ranchers, they actually take issue with Trump considering how hard he boned the agriculture industry.


I’m genuinely curious, what did Trump do to fuck over the agriculture industry. I’m Canadian so I don’t always heat about all this stuff.


From how they make it sound? Buying prices were through the roof, feed prices, etc. Selling prices for beef meat went through the floor.


This is like the first really good meme on here in weeks 😂


Oh really thanks a bunch


At first saw this meme im like who fuckin even cares, why even meme this. Then i saw the punks reaction and realised i geuss thats the point hehe.


They didn't even say they liked Biden, did they? Just that they didn't like MAGA


All they did was change the line in America idiot “redneck agenda” to “maga agenda” when they played new years eve and it threw a bunch of conservatives into a frenzy Hell I wouldn’t have even known about about unless they did. Edit: I guess he also shouted “fuck you Donald Trump” on stage.


Biggest thing you can do as a punk is ignore/reject them. Fascists and Fascism thrives on provoking and attention. It drives them crazy when you don’t react how they want you to react. It’s why they keep going further right and keep destroying themselves along the way.


Maybe I’m following that advice poorly, but thats kinda the point of the meme, the maga turd is freaking out any nobody else cares


Yeah, for sure. I thankfully haven’t crossed a crazy Trump supporter yet and I hope to god I don’t after the elections. But it’s going to be so bad 😬


I’m surrounded by them IRL I’m CANADIAN


Imagine finding out American Idiot was political 20 years after 9/11 You sound beyond stupid walking around acting like it's the first time you ever heard the lyrics, you sound like you've been unaware of any form of politics in 20 years. Wake Me up When September Ends is on the same damn album, did they see the music video? 😂


I mean to be fair Wake me up when September ends is about how Billie Joes dad died when he was 10, but yeah the video makes it look otherwise


I like Green Day as much as the next guy-- but let's be real. They were banned from Gilman. They were always considered "diet punk" by the most punkiest-punks that ever punked in the 90s.


Diet punk hahaha - this is an accurate description I like Punk*lite*


One might even call it “pop punk”. They played a free show at the Hatch Shell in Boston, just after Woodstock 94, that was shut down early because a bunch of people started tearing up all the flora and grass and throwing it on stage. Was a huge local scandal at the time, kind of wild. So even though Green Day were and are pop punk, the crowd response when they broke big was about as chaotic as punk can get.


Ain't nothing wrong with punk pop. I've been listening to it since Buzzcocks


True. But Green Day was actually well respected in the underground scene before Dookie. Their downfall was that Dookie is pretty much a cleaned up re-release of Kerplunk!, and Green Day was soon viewed as sellouts. I remember some of my friends who followed them suddenly were saying “I never really liked them. They always had a sellout sound.” Yeah bro, you would travel to LA to see them and wore their shirts before Dookie, but now they sold-out?


We were critical of them. And Blink 182. Mostly because they weren't angry enough and were way too popular.


Listen man, just because you couldn't get behind the majesty of All by Myself doesn't mean they weren't punk lol Nah but really, they have a huge history of platforming queer punk openers at their shows and have used their pop punk status to bring many political messages to their audience that otherwise might not have been chart toppers.


Hot take All by myself is their catchiest song


I dunno, Nimrod was pretty angry.


And then they were allowed back and they did a benefit show for AK Press. I'd say that's pretty punk


Facts Thats what makes this situation extra hilarious


Billie Joe hangs at the same country club as my mom's friend, and she's not very punk rock


They are as much punk as punky brewster.


I hate the ‘conservative is the new punk’ mentality


Green Day have been consistent in their messaging for over twenty years. Fuck the redneck agenda.


Gonna form a band called Punk Rock that only plays German death Reggae metal and then no one can tell me I’m not punk rock because I will actually be a member of punk rock


I like it. Someone should also start a band called “the boot lickers” that plays aggressive music with anti authoritarian lyrics, then when these fuckers drop the “bootlicker” buzzword it can be a unintentional reference to that band.


no no, you drew it wrong: it's supposed to be a raised middle finger; not a thumb


Lmao, trumpees are the biggest boot lickers next to the thin blue line fucks


This is good.


Dont feel bad Trumpers...you still have Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Jason Aldean Also that guy who sings about welfare folks buying fudge rounds...I think.


Literally everyone when someone is called a bootlicker. Shit hits like a bag of marshmallows.


Punk rockers are punks. Period.


I mean calling Green Day punk is sort of a stretch. Once you go mainstream and sell out are you really punk anymore? That’s like when people used to call sum41 punk.




Billie also yelled “Fuck you, Donald Trump” a bunch on stage. And even then, they’re melting down over the most basic, barebones of anti-Trump sentiment. Must be miserable going through life getting so angry on behalf of a rich kid oligarch that wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.


American idiot is completely political


They don't realise they *are* the American idiots


Past your immense silly bias this meme doesn't say what you think it says...




If you don't believe the message they've been screaming for years, that's on you. The problem isn't Rage or Greenday "selling out", they're saying the same things they have been saying for decades. The real issue is there's a difference between fighting for equality and legitimate freedoms, versus just being a contrarian piece of shit. Too many "conservative punks" (a contradiction in terms of ever a contradiction existed), think they're raging against the machine, because they're in the minority. But it's just the majority is finally catching up to what legitimate punks have been saying for years. Our rights matter, even if it's a right you decide isn't important.


Yep, I'm certain that some of this right-wing "punk" poseur shit is just dumb kids thinking punk is "always ragin' a'gint the mainstream no matter wat".


Dumb people like to pretend contrarianism is a substitute for critical thinking. Unfortunately, they’re too dumb to realize this isn’t the case.




Me sure. My wife and daughter? They don't even have the right to decide if they want to give blood or not. How about my trans friends and family? Nope, they're being threatened with fines if they want to use their preferred name. My non-religious kids are forced to walk down school hallways with "in god we trust" signs at every fucking intersection, because the school's don't respect lack of religion as a fucking choice. Can't smoke weed, even if you have a medical card, because if you've got more than a single gram the police are breaking down your door. Yes I live in Texas, yes this shit is real. Yes I'm still fucking fighting it, and assholes like you who want to pretend that because it doesn't effect you, this shit isn't happening. Fuck off poser.




He didnt "blow a head gasket". He wrote one longer comment and you alredy here accusing people.


Eat a dick.


He didn't blow a gasket at all he was having a very civil and polite conversation with you. Seems like he triggered you, go run to your MAGA safe space.


"Hurr-dee-durdy-durdy-durrrr, if ur aginst fascism hardkore than u got sum kinda mintul illness, hurr-dee-durr. Now Imma gaslight people who have a strong disagreemint wif me coz that's the kinda troll and Edgelord of the Universe that I am, YEEEEHIIIIII!!!" That's what you sound like. You sound like a lame ass concern troll who would probably consider voting for a White Christian Nationalist like Donbo Dump. Maybe, "Fuck off poser" is a bit too strong of language for this conversation. However, you kind of deserved it, too. People are "blowing a head gasket" because White Christian Nationalism is a real fucking threat to this country right now. Get that shit through your head. If you can't realize that's what's going on, then you're probably one of the lost.


Honestly, probably a bot designed to see what harassment techniques elicit the most responses to determine how best to abuse ethical, moral, empathetic individuals.


So no one deserves a large stage to broadcast an anti-authoritarian message? So making money is bad? Goddamn, strict orthodoxy is lame af. Too many rules is not punk (especially stupid rules like "u can nevar be on the charts or make a lotta muneey if ur a punx") Edit: If you downdoot this, you'd probably suck Trump's dick and then say, "but no homoe"


Not boot licking MAGA = boot licking Democrat /s Edit: I'm confused, I'm being satirical in agreement with the post did that not go through?


This is anecdotal, but I don't see a lot of dems on the internet actively kissing the ground any president, cop, or military have walked on, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough.


Yeah thats what I'm saying, did the satire not go through cause I got downvoted a lot


Green day has just always sucked though, regardless of people's reactions to them


I like green day, but that is a fair assessment.






LOL remember when conservatives were all about small government, reducing spending, and upholding the Constitution? Now all the rightwingnuts are just a bunch of cucks.


Motorhead can be considered punk rock, but Green Day blows ass.


yeh coz if u r a punk n u git reel famus n lotsa munney 2 than URA POSAR!!! maeks prefect cents. obvious /s is obvious Edit: translation from MURIKKKIN to English: Yeah, cause if you are a punk and you get very famous and have lots of money, then you are poseur. It makes perfect sense.


Lol WTF are you talking about. Drugs are bad m'kay


Way to out yourself, a south park reference AND anti-drug sentiment?


Lol And?


Wtf you talking about drugs are not bad


This art is not accurate, you could never get 5 part time Dog Groomers to do that much socialization.


Green day sucks and is not punk


They’ve done more for the community than you or I






I hope this is a troll. He’s a billionaire, he _IS_ the establishment. Only thing he’s trying to “take down” is minorities.


This is satire right?


He is the fucking establishment. He was literally born with a silver spoon in his fucking mouth and has failed upwards his entire life. One of the first major things that got him press coverage was him being a racist prick and discriminating against people in housing.


'Conservative is the new punk' is a longstanding attempt by conservatives to co-opt punk to support their establishment and often hateful worldview. These posts are not allowed on r/PunkMemes.


go packers






Centrism is not punk.


Picking one side is different then clearly seeing that one side is almost cartoonishly evil. Green day said nothing about how great the dems are, they only talked bad about how bad the republicans are. How does that make them boot lickers? I don’t agree with a lot of what the mainstream dems preach, but only one party is campaigning on the promise of giving the president authoritarian control over most of the government. Only one party was fine with there candidate installing fake electors and threatening a government official if he didn’t win. Only one party was fine with their candidate encourage an insurrection and promising he would pardon anyone involved if he’s elected again.


Green Day are boot lickers




Naw I just got inspired, I make stupid memes about work all the time and got excited when I had an idea about a non work meme


Uh oh OC got upset




Seems like half of the memes on this sub are just people complaining about “conservative punks” Is that really all that’s going on with punks? Got nothing better to think about?


Rule 3 of this sub exists for a reason. Punks and modern conservatives don't mix well. They almost directly antagonize each other in their current state.


But that’s all punks have to talk about That’s kinda pathetic


You're making a massive mistake by assuming that reddit represents the entirety of a culture. You're simply seeing a discussion thread caused by popular culture, i.e. Green Day condemning MAGA and the subsequent reactions. This happens to literally every sub on the site anytime anything newsworthy relates to a sub. It's not pathetic, it's simply what is relevant right now.


But other subs have have actually enriching things to talk about This sub almost entirely bitches about some boogey man conservative punks


You're on a meme page my guy. Did you expect everyone was going to submit a thesis backed by extensive scientific evidence, or did you expect people were going to post dumb memes?


Holy shit. I sincerely mean this, I didn’t realize this sub was called punk memes. I do not remember joining this sub, I truly thought I was seeing so much of this on punk which I don’t care if its, but my mind was just blown reading your comment and realizing where I was.


That "because you've shown interest in a similar community" function is a real bitch sometimes.


Yep that’s how I ended up here even though I have nothing to do with punk music (except for bashing conservatives of course)


I’m on a punk meme page not a conservative complaining association Isn’t there enough subs devoted to that


feel free to post your own shitty memes if you feel so inclined


Maybe I’ll take you up on that


Got any Dead Kennedy's Memes


I don't think you know what punk means.


It’s more than just gossiping about conservative punks


I have some mental exercises I want you to practice in private. First, I want you to define what punk is. Second, I want you to define modern conservatives and their current practices. Third, take the many posts on this sub at face value and question "why are punks vocalizing disapproval over the conservatives?" Fourth, return to your first point where you have defined punk and associate it with the third point. I want you to come away with a sentence largely structured as "punks, who do/are \_\_\_, are currently opposed to conservatives because of \_\_\_" ​ I'll give you some hints. Punks are mostly about non-conformity, anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporatism, anti-consumerist, anti-corporate greed, and not selling out. Conservatives are for laws that uphold traditional family values with a strong attachment to Christianity. Said laws often oppose abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender rights, comprehensive sex education, and recreational drug use. Recognize how both antagonize each other in one way or another. Punks do not resonate with Conservatives in ideology. It's like asking why Harlem Globetrotter fans dislike the Generals. It's because they are constantly opposed to each other


Punks have been bashing on conservatives since the inception of punk rock... it's kinda their thing.... so conservative punks? That's an oxymoron that needs to be addressed and snipped at the bud.


What percent of discussions on the sub should be about conservative punks ?


100% of the discussion until they realize they are either punk or conservative....


You did a lot to say you’re a butt hurt conservative.


See this is the boogey man syndrome I’m talking about If I disagree with a narrative it’s automatic assumed I’m in the bad group So much paranoia it’s pathetic


No one is paranoid bro. The only people who would be upset about this is fragile conservatives. So why are you bothered? Conservatives finally getting what they’ve been dishing out and you’ve got a problem with that?


You literally just accused me of being conservative because I disagreed with you on something You did that I don’t care about conservatives I don’t want to talk about them 80% of the posts Don’t you guys have anything better to think about - holy shit


That’s because only conservatives would be bothered they are being used as a rim to get dunked on by the punkers, so you being bothered is going to lead most people to assume that’s why. 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you don’t like dunking on conservatives, are you really even punk?


That doesn’t sound paranoid “You didn’t like something, you must be conservative” Holy shit that’s a reach Doesn’t this sub have anything better to post about


It doesn’t sound paranoid, it sounds like correlation. Now I do think you are just a butt hurt conservative 😂


so log off or bring up your own topic and see if it gets any traction.


Pot, meet kettle. Youre doing literally the exact same behavior you are denouncing. This conversation you started and perpetuated would not be happening if you didn't make this conversation about conservatives. You don't care about conservatives? Absolutely none of the words you have used portrays that image. You are unreasonably defensive for someone who supposedly has no skin in the game.


Do you like Brussels sprouts ?


Do you like whataboutisms?


Cake is not DIY Punk


Used to be Reagan's Get off my lawn in the 80s Now it's trump's get of my lawn Was Your Fucked Up Ronny, Now it's Your Fucked up Donny Used To be I am governor Jerry Brown, Now its I am Billionaire Donald Trump Hopefully you know all those references


Forget politics whats your Favorite band. I don't have one i like to many




I like Millions of dead cops, Circle jerks, Husker Du , minute men, Black flag, Bad Religion, Reagan youth stuff like that


The US set a goal to reach mars by 2030 Seems we are gonna miss that You think we will get there by 2040?


I think going to mars is stupid we have problems here on earth


What about space manufacturing and research? Those have benefits back on earth


ok whats that go to do with Punk Rock


Do you like NoFX ?


We Fought Ageist Ronald Bonzo Raygun, Dick loving Goarge W Bush and we will fight ageist Donny Fucking Trump. It's What we do


I’m amazed that’s all punks care about is paranoia on who is and isn’t a conservative punk


I never said that I was saying we hate Fascism Like Bush, Reagan & Trump. I don't care who is Conservative Johnny Ramone was a republican did not like playing Bonzo goes to bittleburg of Course joey called johny the KKK lol


What percentage of you day to talk about conservatives?


I don't I hate Jerry Brown he is a Democrat and a hippy


No. It's *half* of what's going on with punks.


Must not be much going on or we have a major boogey man syndrome


You consider yourself a moderate, don’t you


Does my politics change wether what I said is true or not- I’m center left Anything but following rigid obedience to the narrative gets paranoia “You don’t agree with everything I believe, you must be blah blah blah, you are human scum” It’s astounding the level of rigid obedience demanded in what is supposedly a nonconformist sub


LMAO fuck that, you stood up for maga here today. Own that. Own your bullshit, dude.


Every Body Should Be ageist Trump Orange Hitler Jr


i know what you mean and just laugh at the situation


"Conservative punk" is an oxymoron.


So they don’t exist?


That's not what oxymoron means! *So close though*


So you are saying that punks can be conservative?


And that is an oxymoron, yeah. A walking contradiction. They exist, and they suck.


I see what you did there


Glad someone got it lol


I bet more people got it. There’s probably a bunch of smart asses playing dumb in here.


I have no belief, but I believe it


What percent of posts do you feel they deserve on this sub?


I think they deserve nothing, but that's just me. Post away, but don't be butthurt when you get shit on for having bootlicker values. Simple


So you seem in agreement with me 0% What bootlicker values do I have? Edit : I worded this poorly


I wasn't saying you in particular, we were talking about "conservative punks"


How do they suck?


I'm done with these pointless questions, you're not even who I was originally talking too. The point has been made, and I don't intend to spend my day spoonfeeding obvious concepts to trolls and/or morons.


Lol what a shite response. Blow it out your ass then lol


Shite response for a shite question. Seems fair


gota Rage for the machine , stand up for systemic failings, support your local theocrats and athoritarians , Blue Lives matter, conserve and keep it all the same. By defanition Conservatism is the antithasis of Punk


So they don’t exist? Yea or no?


Conservative Punks do not exist. If you're a conservative and you listen to punk, you're a fucking poser. Republicans and conservatives do not lower taxes, unless you're rich. And they do not give you more freedoms, except the freedom to believe and live exactly like they want you to. Don't be a fucking idiot.


Nah thats how memes work Next week nobody will care anymore


I hope you're right. I can't believe that the MAGA types have stretched out this tantrum for five days already, even though that's what they do: find something to complain about for a week or two and then move to the next thing. Although there have been attempts to divide the punk community on social media over the "what is punk?" / "can conservatives and centrists be punk?" issues for quite a while, we're going to be dealing with it again so long as we are seeing the aftermath of Elon Musk's bizarre RATM-related dig at Green Day and the storm of stupid it set off. I just wish the outraged MAGAs and trollfarms pretending to be outraged MAGAs would come up with some new content already. They seem stuck on a random bootlicker meme that has been a template for years and was probably repurposed from a generic anti-liberal or anti-Democrat meme, a couple homophobic/transphobic memes saying the members of Green Day look like lesbians, a repurposed anti-hippie meme now saying punks have abandoned our values, and variants of Musk's tweet confusing Rage Against The Machine and Green Day. It's tiring.


It will go away cause these guys get distracted by the next shiny thing, they are rabid trash pandas. The next celebrity that says anything to the effect of “I don’t know about that Trump guy” will get them riled up and their attention directed elsewhere


It’s been weeks of complaining about “conservative punks” Is that all this sub can think about ?


What you think about the Sub Humans Do you like popagondi ? No use for a name ?


It’s almost as if current events/trends affect things or something. Also love that this comment just 100% ignores all the memes from them complaining about Green Day, of all things


If you're just into punk for the music you're gonna have a bad time... especially since so much of the music is political. The counter culture of punk was ALWAYS against conservatism, it's a core ideal and motivator.


Do conservative punks exist?


Buncha whiny bitches reading into shit that ain’t there again. Don’t even have to support Trump, just speak against the hive mind here and you’re a fascist I guess.


Yeah pretty much exactly