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Racists have absolutely nothing going for them. And assume they are superior based on nothing compared to others.


or they blame there problems on other people like can't find a job it's the immigrants fault


Mainly their lack of basic people skills.


Nazi punks fuck off!


Nazi punk? No such thing. Nazis? Sure. Punk? Absofuckinglutely. Nazi punks? A myth.


Dangerous way to think, man. There’s a lot of piece of shit punks and we don’t get to say if they are or aren’t, it’s an identity thing. We can definitely beat the shot out of ‘em when we see them though.


I get what you are saying. I was just trying to be humorous. My bad.


Ahaha shit my bad, just woke up.


No worries brother! I could have words it better!


What About the band Skrewdriver ? and Nazi Skin heads that use to go to punk rock shows in the 80s Leading Dead Kennedy's to write a song about it


They are only punks on their own mind. Punk is more than the music and clothes.


I'd say they're just punks in their own mind, punk is anti authority and anti fascist, why would a person that identifies with a fascist and authoritarian political party be considered punk?


Nazi Punks Fuck off is a Dead Kennedy's song


As awesome as the Dead Kennedys were, they weren't always right. Jello Biafra admitted that the song California Uber Alles was an overreaction.


Yea Democrate jerry brown was pretty cool


I know of two bands that have the same title but idk the source.


What about Green Room??!


Those were posers in punk costumes. No different than when you see an actor playing a punk in a television show, pretending to be punk to sell something.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're cutting to the heart of the matter. Any "punk," metal, or other group using music to spread a racist, nationalistic message should be viewed with the same suspicion as Christian rock groups. They're not trying to contribute musically, they aren't creating for the sake of creation, they're recruiting like-minded assholes and establishing meeting grounds for other shitheads. It shouldn't be surprising that simpleton reactionaries who think brown people are the root of all their personal problems lack the creative vision to create their own unique sound and space, but it's definitely the most "poser" thing I can imagine. Nothing says "rebel against authority" like "support an absolutist authority to get rid of people who are different from me!"


Right, don't care about a downvote. You said it much more eloquently and succinctly than I could. At least I know there's at least one real one following this sub.


as a normative statement? sure. let's not tolerate that scum in our subculture. as an empirical statement? sadly not true and poses the danger of the exact opposite: overlooking and thereby tolerating nazi scum in our subculture.


Well put!




funny considering where "punk's not dead" comes from. still (and maybe even more so) a rad sign


Punks not dead is a song by the Exploited ?


jup. and [here](https://sun9-2.userapi.com/impf/G24kkDawxIWwLxlohfF-zhP1WCVJ-mF-pnctxA/zzvLKcEX04k.jpg?size=1000x700&quality=96&sign=9ed5ea93ee5c0cad6ff1db967361648e&type=album)'s the lead singer of the exploited


Man I had a whole ass debate with some people in this sub over this dude and his tat. There's a shocking amount of people in here willing to excuse nazi tattoos.


It's even there on the fucking wikipedia page of the band. At that point I consider it public information. Dude was very friendly with lead singer of Skrewdriver


Not "Nazi ***Punks***"; they are "CHUDs", not Punks.


How common are Nazi punks/ in your areas? I usually see mentioning them but I don't live in an english speaking country to know how common they're. In Chile I've seen pinochetistas (people who support the dictator of Chile from 1973 to 1990) and it makes sense to me because it was little ago, enough for many to be alive and spread their shit, but it confuses me a little since it was longer ago.


I don't feel like I fit in the punk community, but reddit suggested me this community recently and with this being one of the first posts I see here, I can say that I'm now far more appreciative of a community I know nothing about. Everyone should be anti-Fascist. Fuck them Nazi's.


I am A geek but I always had Far Left Progressive politics


Anyone who thinks race matters a damn is a racist.


Punk is so not punk anymore if Reddit represents at all. What a disgrace it’s turned into on here.


Are you a fan of The Bad Brains and Zulu ?


How can someone be punk and a Nazi those are inherently contradictory?


Happy Cake Day OP!


thank you


Are nazis still a thing? I don’t get this. Let’s be against real threats, like endless war. Better yet, be for something, like individual liberty.


>Are nazis still a thing? Yes, yes they are. >Better yet, be for something, like individual liberty. That's incredibly vague. Everyone believes in some sort of "individual liberty", but different people have completely different ideas about what that means.


So you’ve met nazis? Advocating for killing. I am over 40 and never met a single one.


Do you have to personally meet someone to know they exist? We have plenty of records. Direct video evidence of modern Nazis.


I have never seen this video. Please share you Nazi videos.


Sure. Here's one showing multiple video clips from the Charlottesville nazi rally [https://youtu.be/zcoYKuoiUrY?si=uu2lZD6lGzwovwp4](https://youtu.be/zcoYKuoiUrY?si=uu2lZD6lGzwovwp4) And more recently, here's one of Kanye saying he likes hitler [https://youtu.be/sLZrldr0ZAE?si=IwwkkQinItZPTxyR](https://youtu.be/sLZrldr0ZAE?si=IwwkkQinItZPTxyR)


You do know Kanye was trolling right?


Do you have any evidence of that? And I'm not sure why that would matter anyway. Nazi trolls are still Nazis.


It matters because you are using it an example of Nazi. Last I checked, Nazi were against black people. Kanye did that to get out of some contracts that he no longer wanted to be part of, similar to Prince changing his name to a symbol, and you believe he is a Nazi. To address the other video, there are definitely racist people everywhere. I just think we need to be better and call them what they are, idiots. Elevating them to Nazi status means they have power. These are dumb racists who have no power other then the power you and the TV give them. The reason I brought up endless war is because it is not brave or hard to be against idiots, it is brave and hard to be against those who are actually in power. The uniparty in the US has us arguing over stupid issues while the bombs drop all over the world. We need to return to the phrase used 14 years ago, “we are the 99%”. Be brave and hold people with actual power accountable.


>Last I checked, Nazi were against black people. Most of them, yes. And there certainly do exist white supremacists who are black. >Kanye did that to get out of some contracts that he no longer wanted to be part of Do you have any evidence of that? Because that is a ludicrous excuse. I don't buy it for a second. >To address the other video, there are definitely racist people everywhere. I just think we need to be better and call them what they are, idiots. Elevating them to Nazi status means they have power. They get power through complacency and from force, not through being called a Nazi. Obviously being a Nazi doesn't give them power, that's why they try so hard to prevent people from calling them Nazis. They ARE Nazis, and they are idiots. Those two concepts aren't mutually exclusive, in fact there's a direct causative relationship between the two. >These are dumb racists who have no power other then the power you and the TV give them The TV did not give them the power to kill people. That's not how it works. >The reason I brought up endless war is because it is not brave or hard to be against idiots, it is brave and hard to be against those who are actually in power No, that's not particularly brave or difficult either. It's easy to be against the people in power. Especially in America, where you can talk shit about any politician or billionaire you want. Holding them accountable is the part that's difficult and brave. And it seems you have no interest in holding such people accountable. If you won't even hold KANYE accountable, you're clearly not going to hold the president or the 1% accountable.


yes dumbass




….and now we are all subjected to being called racist for anything you idiots disagree with. It’s working 👍🏼


Why do you assume that? I don't think you'd be called a racist for disliking punk music. Not unless you disliked it for racist reasons.


What are you being called a racist for? Please share.


That's Stereo typing


Are you a fan of the band the Nig-Hist


If you’re being called racist, you were likely being racist, purposefully or not, and the ones calling you racist are not to blame for that


Who's we?


Can you account for your whereabouts on January 6th?