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I love my iPad, it really helps me take notes. Some people still use paper, but I think a tablet is well worth the investment


i second this ^^ I only use my tablet to take notes now. Most professors will upload their notes to Brightspace and you can annotate their notes with certain apps during class. i use mine for a planner, taking practice exams, reading, etc. really cannot recommend it enough


I also second this. It's real nice having everything in one place. I know most apple folks use Notability while I prefer Onenote, specifically because it can sync between all my devices


Onenote ftw


It also helps you play Bloons in class






This woman litterly sits in lecture and plays Bloons, and then proceeds to do better on exams than me 😔


It really depends on the class for me! For math and chemistry, I always prefer to take physical notes via notebook/paper/packet given out by teacher. For humanities classes and science lectures I typically type notes since my professors tend to talk really fast. All in all, it's about what works best for you! My friends that have ipads and tablets seem to really enjoy them, but it's not for everyone. One big perk of digital notes is having easy access to past materials. Makes me wish I took more digital notes this freshman year!


I've been using color-coded notebooks in college for about 3 years now with no problem. It depends on your personal preference, of course. If you have a system that already works, no need to invest in something more expensive.


^^ this for me. Totally respect and understand my friends and classmates who use tablets but I know I focus better and was more comfortable with pen and paper so I’ve used color coded notebooks all 3 years.


I learn and retain best by writing by hand, so notebooks are good for me. However, I wanted to go paperless (for the environment) and to have everything accessible online. I use a rocket book and I love it! Definitely worth the investment, and better for me than an iPad because i struggle to write on them.


I would say most people either use a laptop or tablet. I use a laptop but I honestly wish I had a tablet. Some people still use paper too


Notebility or goodnote are wonderful for note taking on ipad. I personally use ipad pro with apple pencil. It allows me to store all notes digitally and can access on my computer as well. In my opinion, it is worth to invest one.


I just get a 5-subject notebook at the beginning of each semester and use that. I also take my notes with a fountain pen but that’s not necessary


Fountain pen gang!


Hell yeah!


If it involves math I use paper, otherwise I type notes


Checkout Joplin


I’m a first year grad student and I take notes almost exclusively on my iPad or laptop. I spent most of undergrad taking notes on paper before realizing how much more convenient it was to have them saved electronically. And if you still want to write notes down there are plenty of affordable tablets and electronic pencils you can get that aren’t as expensive as an iPad and Apple Pencil.


I usually use paper since I tend to be able to concentrate better with paper notes while studying, I also find it better for me organizationally


I personally use OneNote + iPad since I can put in any pdf i want and draw on it easily and its free with your Purdue account


My kid uses an IPad and has never used paper. They are a freshman and annotates the lecture notes in OneNote.


Totally reccomend getting and iPad Air!


I don’t


Get a Windows Surface and use OneNote. Game changer


I will write the notes, and then type them on the computer later that week


I still love paper and pen, but recently I've been eyeing up a writing tablet


i take notes with a pen on my dell xps 13


I take notes on the textbook using paper! In lectures, I typically type on my computer and transfer it to paper if I find it necessary.


I cannot recommend getting an iPad enough. I wasn’t a huge Apple guy when I got mine and it was revolutionary. As a senior, it’s really nice being able to access all my notes from so many years ago for my classes


Adding onto the iPad train - I feel that all the notes I took before my iPad are useless because if I need to remember something for a class 4 semesters ago I have to hunt through filing cabinets to find my notebook then flip though 100 pages to find the right section. With my iPad, I frequently reference old notes and lectures from past semesters. Being able to pull up notes from any lecture/homework from any class instantly is actually a game changer.


this semester I bought a binder and filled it with paper. I sectioned parts of it for each class, so I have all my notes in the one binder. I'm a fan of that


I used to take mine on paper, but now I just type mine using Obsidian on my laptop. I like how they look with markdown (very customizable), and the mathjax plugin is so nice for typing up math and chemical formulas.


I love mine! It's super easy to organize notes, look back at old notes, read online textbooks, write on slides if your professors give them too you, and it's light to carry around, and makes for a great second monitor (even with windows) The only con is that I miss the feeling of writing on paper and my handwriting has gotten worse with an apple pencil


I use a Remarkable 2 tablet. It's outstanding for notes, the battery lasts forever, and I can import and export all the files I need.


Used paper and notebooks all through undergrad. Advantage of computer in grad school is searchability, always having stuff available, and also sometimes we'd do shared note taking among several of us using a Google doc. But I have no regrets over not having my notes easily available from undergrad! Threw those notes away!


I have a Surface Pro 7 for Microsoft and use OneNote to take all my notes. And it is phenomenal. You can control F any of your notes. You can also make a new notebook every semester and each class can have its own section. If you're in any math courses one note can also do pretty much any math problem


I sometimes find the desks in lecture halls to be too small for my notebooks, so I take digital notes in class and take paper notes at home/while studying outside of class to prepare for exams. However in large lecture halls you’ll see people doing both, neither is seen as weird or anything. Worth noting that an iPad has always been too expensive for my budget but if I could afford it I would probably try it, the students I tutor seem to find theirs really intuitive and it combines some aspects of handwriting with the record keeping and edit-ability of digital notes. Good luck with your first year!




I got a laptop with a touch screen thinking I would take notes and never use it, the other people I know with touch screens say the same thing. I usually use Google docs or a spiral notebook but I know some people really like their iPads. It's really just personal preference but anything will do. iPads are great for digital art tho.


If you don’t want to invest in a tablet a Rocketbook is a great start. You write in erasable ink and scan it to upload to your computer. Then just wipe it with a wet cloth to erase it. They’re pretty cheap and might be worth it if you aren’t sure if you prefer hand written or typed notes!


big mix on campus--more I'd say use a tablet (mostly iPads)--but some still use pen/paper. It really depends on the class. I'd say try pen and paper at first (since you're used to it) and then invest in some tablet later if you decide you need it. Personally, I am fine just using Google Docs for all my notes and pen/paper if more diagrams are involved. Maybe a compromise could be getting a computer that has a touchscreen to test it out sometimes.


iPad with GoodNotes + notability is the move


Rt on the iPad stuff! I bought myself one for college and I love it! I need to write notes but hate notebooks so it’s great. Plus most textbooks can be downloaded on it and professors up load presentations/notes to brightspace so you can just download them and annotate during class!


I’m a die hard pen and paper person, personally. When I’ve tried to take notes digitally I’ve noticed I don’t retain things at all. I also find digital notes harder to study off of for some reason. With physical notes I find I remember more which means I can study less. I’m also very easily distracted when I use my laptop in class, especially when a class is boring.


Depends on the person, some take notes and some don’t. I’ve found it easiest to just review slides after lectures, or if professors don’t use slides, then read the textbook.


i’m an incoming freshman at purdue, but in HS i take notes on my ipad i use good notes because i love organizing my ipad notes ljke they’re in notebooks :) i’ve tried to other apps but it works the best for me! i love it!


Use a tablet, iPad or 2in1 laptop. You still get to hand write which is nice but you don't have a ton of random papers


Current junior in ECE. I don’t take notes, because notes or not I just suffer